Fairy tale literary parade script. Parade of fairy tale heroes


"Literary Ball"

Target: show the history of the Bala using the best works Russian classical literature and music.


show the beauty and variety of dances performed at balls and the durability of the waltz described in Russian classical literature;

to involve high school students in reading works of Russian classical literature;

to introduce students to the beautiful through acquaintance with the best classical works Russian musical culture;

increase motivation for self-improvement, both aesthetically and intellectually.

Arriving guests had to testify their respect, in the form of a greeting, first of all in front of the hosts.

(In the dark on the stage with candles in their hands.)

I need a illuminator.

Leading: I light candles and keep silent.

And the wizard-evening looks into my eyes,

The hand of darkness touched his shoulder.

For the first time I light candles.

presenter: From dance to dance along an invisible road,

From crinolines and corsets to silks,

Sliding through time, through great era,

Where dancing appeared again and again.

Leading: What can our guests expect from the ball here?

Now we'll tell you not melting,

So that our honor does not suffer,

We are glad to introduce you, friends,

presenter : Ball in style golden age,

To soar again in everyone,

To the Fatherland, to the Motherland love!

(lights up in the hall bright light)

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, sirs and madams!

Leading. According to the secular conditions of the ball, I present you the guests of honor.

Leading. Present at the ball: the Countess(list of official guests).

Presenter: Ball participants: (participants walk around the stage)

Couple Grinevykh, Petr Andreevich and Marya Ivanovna

Prince Pechorin and Bela

Eugene Onegin and Tatyana Larina

A.S. Pushkin and Natalya Nikolaevna Goncharova

Countess Natasha Rostova, Countess Rostova and Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, Count Pierre Bezukhov

Marya Gavrilovna and Colonel Burmin

The participants of the ball are located on the stage and are talking:

Pechorin: (turning to Grinev): How long have you been in the capital, Pyotr Andreevich?

Grinev: no, sir, they just came, imperial court invited to the ball.

Pechorin: -Oh, these balls! (Pechorin, grimacing)

Bela:- What is a ball?

Pechorin: And these, my soul, are dance festivities introduced by Tsar Peter the Great in 1717, after a year and a half spent abroad. (yawns)

Presenter: The tradition of gathering all the nobles, officials, servants with their wives and children for conversations, gallant dances, exercises and music was introduced by Emperor Peter Alekseevich.
Leading: And they were ordered to give the name to the assembly. And later they began to be called balls. The word "ball" is old French, used to mean "dance, jump."

presenter : at the balls it was customary not only to dance and communicate, but also to arrange charity bazaars, lotteries, perform romances, and play music.
Eugene Onegin: it is also known that the owner of the house where the ball was held must have something to sit the guests on, what to treat them with and how to light the rooms. Actually, as the poet said,

Ball is a real find

For young dandies and for ladies;

A beauty awaits him with delight,

It is a holiday for cloudy fathers.

So that the daughter dressed like a doll,

An experienced mother is busy,

And so that she does not sit up,

Take her to dance.

So let's dance! - happily clapped her handsBela.

(polonaise sounds, all guests dance., you can invite guests from the hall)

Leading: Not a single dance requires such strict posture, pride and composure as the polonaise. During the procession, to the solemn fanfare music, the guests show themselves, their attire, secular manners and nobility.

Presenter: Thank you, gentlemen, for this majestic and graceful dance.
How beautiful you looked in the solemn procession!Why is this dance called Polish?
Leading : Because "polonaise" was born in Poland. In Rus' it was called "Polish dance" or "walking conversation".
presenter: "Walking conversation" ... So, during the dance it was customary to talk?
Leading: Yes, main topic polonaise - admiration beautiful lady. And this dance continued for about half an hour.

Presenter: Lovely dance how many compliments and in general good words the lady heard in her address during these half an hour. It's a pity that those days are gone.

Leading:I remember the waltz sound lovely
Late spring night
It was sung by an unknown voice,
And the song was wonderful.

presenter. Yes, it was a charming, languid waltz,
Yes, that was a marvelous waltz.

presenter . Now it's winter, and the same ate
They are covered in darkness,
And outside the window blizzards are noisy,
And the sounds of the waltz sound again! (A light waltz melody in the background, it is dark in the hall, only Natasha Rostova is illuminated by a spot.)

(on stage projection of the palace, front stairs)

Before entering the stage: Natasha Rostova(excitedly, to the music): Just a little bit left ... I can feel our crew slowing down move, and the valet opens the door. Oh my God, what a long staircase ahead! Do I really have the strength to climb it and enter inside this solid house? God, I'm so excited... After all, this is my first public appearance... And then I'm waiting for exciting dances. I'm so looking forward to it!

Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky come forward.

Bezukhov : Prince! Bolkonsky! (Bolkonsky turns to him)

Bolkonsky : Count Bezukhov! My regards!

Bezukhov: Prince, you always dance. There is my protégé - young Rostova. Invite her!

Bolkonsky: Where ? (shakes head)

Pierre nods his head towards Natasha.

Bolkonsky bows to Bezukhov and approaches a group of ladies.

Bolkonsky: My respects, Countess Rostov (kisses her hand)

Countess : Prince, let me introduce you to my daughter - Natasha

Bolkonsky: I have the pleasure of being acquainted, if the Countess remembers

me (bows, takes her hand)I ask you for a waltz tour.

(waltzers dance)

Leading : mon ami, I'm very glad to see you all today at the social ball of the 19th century.

-Pechorin: Do you know, my soul (addressing Bela), that starting from the Petrine era in all state higher and secondary educational institutions, higher schools, foreign hostelsdance became a compulsory subject. It was studied at the royal lyceum and at modest vocational and commercial schools.

Bolkonsky: Yes, and a mistake in dancing at a ball could cost a career. It was very shameful to lose tact at the ball!

Marya Ivanovna: - I was at the balls quite recently, but I heard that the polka is not a Polish dance at all, as it seems from its name, but a Czech one, and its name comes from the word "half", because the main step in polka is half!

Presenter: The popularity of the polka was extraordinary: even weddings were postponed in order to learn how to dance the polka!

Leading: So, Polka, gentlemen! Cavaliers invite ladies!
(They dance the polka.)

Bela: - Oh, swirled! How embarrassing you were - after all, I was at your ball for the first time, we don’t have such entertainment in the Caucasus, I almost lost my rhythm! -Bela, turning to Pechorin.

Pechorin : - Well, I will please you, my peri, I will perform your favorite romance.-Pechorin.

Bela fixes her eyes on Him.

He performs a romance from Lermontov’s poems “I go out alone on the road” (accompanied by a guitar)

presenter : later balls began to be held various games, tricks. Ladies and gentlemen, now each of you will receive a note with wishes. It will definitely come true, you just have to believe in it.
Trays with notes are brought in. Each guest in the hall takes a note.

The presenter and presenter, also the ladies (Maria Ivanovna, Natasha Rostova, Countess Rostova) spread the wishes ..
Wish texts:
. "Find happiness in today!"
. “Know that the clouds will dissipate, the peak will appear!”
. “Remember, no matter how slowly you move, the main thing is not to stop!”
. “Knowing the measure, you will have plenty of everything!”
. Today is the best day for you! As the others!
. "What awaits you will be wonderful!"
. "Happiness is just around the corner, move in the same direction!"
. "Your future is great, all in pink color
. “Happiness will come to you, appreciate the joys of life!”

“When choosing a path, do not turn off!”

"Look into your soul, ask your heart!"

“Believe in yourself, because for someone who believes, nothing is impossible!”

"Don't forget about yourself!"

"Remember, an arrow fired does not return!"

"Find happiness in today!"

“Know that the clouds will dissipate, the peak will appear!”

“Knowing the measure, you will have plenty of everything!”

“Remember, no matter how slowly you move, the main thing is not to stop!”

“Remember - everything good comes from a person!”

“Blame on a person is needed, but praise is even more necessary for him and, most likely, more useful than blasphemy”

"Rejoice in life, she is alone!" “Remember: good begets good

Leading : Yes, the ball is glorious for the possibilities of meeting.

And who wouldn't call it a big event

At first glance, such an ordinary evening,

Which will probably bring everyone

Dating, joy, relaxation to our senses.

And, most importantly, it will give a reason to show

All the charm of dance art.

Leading : It turns out that relationships were also clarified at the balls.
Presenter: and I thought only declarations of love! Although no. Now look here; those two over there seem to be embarrassed by each other, although it seems that the young officer is about to fall at her feet and open his heart.
A scene from the story "The Snowstorm" is performed.
Burmin: I have been married for the fourth year and I do not know who my wife is and where she is, And should I ever see her!
Maria Gavrilovna: What are you saying? How strange! Go on; but go on, do me a favor.

Burmin: At the beginning of 1812, I hurried to Vilna, where our regiment was stationed. Arriving at the station one evening late in the evening, I ordered to get the horses in as soon as possible, when suddenly a terrible snowstorm arose, and the superintendent and the drivers advised me to wait. I obeyed them, but an incomprehensible uneasiness seized me; It felt like someone was pushing me. Meanwhile, the blizzard did not let up; I could not bear it, ordered to lay it again and went into the very storm. The coachman took it into his head to go by the river. The shores were covered; The coachman drove past the place where they entered the road, and thus we found ourselves in an unfamiliar direction. The storm did not subside; I saw a light and ordered to go there. We arrived at the village; there was a fire in the wooden church. The church was open, a few sledges stood behind the fence; people were walking along the porch. "Here! here!" shouted several voices. I told the driver to drive up. “Have mercy, where did you hesitate? - someone told me, - the bride is in a swoon; pop doesn't know what to do; we were ready to go back. Come out soon." I silently jumped out of the sleigh and entered the church. “Thank God,” said the maid, “you came by force. You almost killed the young lady. An old priest came up to me with a question: “Would you like me to start?” “Begin, begin, father,” I replied absently. The girl was raised. She seemed to me not bad... An incomprehensible, unforgivable frivolity... I stood beside her; the priest was in a hurry; three men and a maid supported the bride and were busy only with her. We got married. "Kiss," they told us. My wife turned her pale face towards me. I wanted to kiss her ... She cried out: “Ay, not him! not him!” — and fell unconscious. The witnesses fixed their frightened eyes on me. I turned around, walked out of the church without any obstacle, threw myself into the wagon and shouted: "Let's go!"
The music of G. Sviridov "Snowstorm" begins to sound.
The scene continues.
Marya Gavrilovna: My God! And you don't know what happened to your poor wife?
Burmin: I don't know, I don't know the name of the village where I got married; I don’t remember from which station I left ... The servant who was with me then died on the campaign, so I have no hope of finding the one on whom I played a joke so cruelly.

Marya Gavrilovna: My God, my God! So it was you! And you don't recognize me?

Burmin turned pale... and threw himself at her feet...

Loud music.
I'm glad it all ended so well.
Tatyana Larina: Oh, mon senor, (referring to Eugene Onegin), it's time to relax. Give me, please, a fan. I wish them refreshment.

Enter Eugene Onegin: : in the hands of a small lorgnette, constantly points at T. Larina and says:


Is she? But definitely... no...

How! From the wilderness of the steppe villages ...

Is it the same Tatyana

which I am alone

Giving lessons in silence?

That girl... is it a dream?...

The girl that I

Neglected in humble share,

She is with me now

So indifferent, so brave?

(sits on her knee next to her, takes her hand, kisses her hand. Tatyana says:)

I got married,

you must, I beg you

leave me;

I know there is in your heart

And pride, and direct honor.

I love you (why lie)

But I'm given to someone else

I will be faithful to him forever.

(Tatiana leaves)

Leading: Previously, at balls it was not customary to talk directly about feelings for each other. The emotions of the ladies were expressed by a certain object - a fan. And besides, the Coquette of the 19th century cannot be imagined without a fan. Each beauty knew the rules for handling a fan.
presenter: Although the fan was in the hands of a woman, to know all the subtleties

the secret language must have been men.

Leading spend salon game "The secret language of the fan"

Presenter: COMPETITION "LANGUAGE OF THE FAN" try to guess what they mean
in the language of the fan the following phrases:
- “Yes” - put the fan with your left hand on your right cheek.
- "I love you" - right hand point with a closed fan at the heart.
- “My thoughts are always with you” - open the fan halfway and lightly stroke it over the forehead several times.
- “I want to dance with you” - wave an open fan several times towards yourself, i.e. beckon.

— “Be careful, we are being watched” - touch the left ear with an open fan.

Maria Ivanovna: -Mon ami, is there any uniform order in dancing? Or at the discretion of the hosts of the ball?

Peter Grinev:- Yes, my dear, In the 18th century it was customary to open a ball with a Polish dance or a polonaise, this dance replaced the minuet, the second dance at the ball was the waltz. The culmination of the ball was the mazurka, and the cotillion completed the balls. Cavaliers at balls were pre-registered, inviting ladies to different dances. In the second half of the 18th-19th centuries, the nobles went to balls with pleasure.

Leading: Ah, what a beautiful time of youth!

And the first love and the first loss ...

He runs up to those who are sitting and says:

Lady1:: Lord! Heard the news! Pushkin is getting married!

lady2: Here is the passage! After so many hobbies and cupids!

lady3: But who is she?

lady1: Mademoiselle Natalie, the youngest of the 3 Goncharov sisters.

lady2: Marriage for a poet is such prose!

lady3: No, no, don't talk. This is a very interesting alliance. Natalie is the first beauty. The king himself noted her with his attention. And Pushkin is the first poet of Russia. Ah, Pushkin, you are here, forgive our curiosity. Tell us where you met Natalia Nikolaevna*

PUSHKIN . My meeting with Natalya Goncharova, my sweet, lovely, gentle Natalie, took place winter evening at the ball at dance master Yogel. I was not even going to go anywhere that day, but Vyazemsky persuaded ...

Moonlight flooded the street, poured fluffy snow.

And from the mansion came the sounds of a mazurka. And in the large windows flashed the silhouettes of elegant ladies and gentlemen.

Never before have I come to a ball with such a sad feeling. A secret presentiment tormented me and agitated my soul. Peter was saying something to me and pointing at the young ladies who first appeared in secular society. And suddenly some force made me turn around. I saw her - in a transparent cloud of flounces and lace, in a crowd of young admirers, surrounded by numerous relatives and friends ... I stepped towards my fate

PUSHKIN. Have you looked in the mirror and convinced yourself that nothing in the world can be compared with your face - and I love your soul even more than your face ...

NATALIE. I love you, my angel, so much that I can’t express it, since I’ve been here, I’ve only been thinking how to escape to Petersburg to you ... Apart from you, I have no consolation in my life ...


My wishes have been fulfilled. Creator

He sent you down to me, my Madonna,

The purest beauty, the purest pattern.(kisses hand)

(dance of the mazurka)

Leading: it's time for the mazurka, gentlemen! in the mazurka, ladies could flirt to their heart's content, gentlemen could show their dashing. The gentleman tapped his spurs, knelt down, circled the lady around him and kissed her hand. Mazurka has always been at the center of every holiday, they were waiting for it, preparing for it!...

Everyone dances the mazurka.

presenter : What a pity that such a cheerfulAnd incendiary dance will soon be forgotten.

Leading: : few people know that this dance also came to us from Poland.
presenter : There is a region of Mazovia there, and the people living in it were called Masurians. And the dance got its name from the name local residents: mazur - mazurka.

Leading:. After the ball, when the guests disperse, it often happens that the servants find a lot of lost things, for example, one of the kings spent a long time looking for a girl who lost a shoe at the ball. We would like to know who owns the lost things. (A game with the audience)

lady1: This pen belongs to a nobleman who studied both in Russia and in Germany, and most lived in Paris, danced at the ball with Pushkin's daughter, although he was very fond of Russian nature and hunting. (Turgenev)

lady2: E that literary heroine lived in the countryside tragic death the groom got married quickly enough, and this is her doll. (Olga Larina)

Lady3. A bouquet of violets ... he became an occasion for a meeting of two young people, but their love was unhappy. (" Poor Lisa»)

lady1: This is a book by Voltaire, a young nobleman brought it from abroad, he traveled abroad for three years, and then returned to Moscow to arrange his personal affairs. (Chatsky)

lady2: Mademoiselle dropped this object into the river and suffered for a long time, trying to get it out of there (Tanya's ball. A. Barto).

Lady3:. And this is a chest, he was carried by a very famous nobleman, he worked both in the construction of government buildings and at customs, however, later it turned out that he was a well-known swindler, but he almost married the governor's daughter, but one pretty tipsy landowner, Arriving at the ball and seeing the swindler, he exposed him. (Chichikov)

lady1: . This pistol ... probably, the owner was not very pleased to remember him, because he killed a friend from him in a duel ... (Onegin)

lady2: This is a thick notebook .. there are some notes in it .. In my opinion, these are the notes of an officer ... What was his name? (Pechorin)

presenter And our ball continues. By the way, at the entrance, each of you received your number. I think you guessed that this is for the game of “mail”. You can invite the person you like to dance, because at the balls they met, fell in love and wrote letters to each other.

Leading : Poets, ladies, tailcoats. Ball
He brought us here today.
Bright lights are burning here
And you and I are not alone.

presenter : Oh, this ball can not be forgotten!
All around me are my friends
With the dawn - bright fireworks,
The card has been submitted. There was a century...

Leading: : Ladies and Gentlemen! We sincerely thank all the participants

and guests of today's ball. We hope that you, having plunged

in the past, felt the spirit of that time. We were glad

to see you! Before new meeting at a literary ball!

Background music sounds, participants are invited to a fruit buffet.

Target: To form in students a steady interest and love for reading and books.


    Encourage students to speak folk art.

    To develop the creative and intellectual abilities of students through active participation in the game process.

    Develop imagination, ingenuity, thinking, speech of students.

    Develop intuition, erudition, ingenuity and resourcefulness.

    Foster mutual respect among students.

    Develop the ability to communicate and work in a team.

Suggested Scenario literary game is educational and educational in nature. At the core of development cognitive interest- a quiz in its most diverse forms.

Participation in the game allows students to remember their favorite fairy tale characters, authors of fairy tales and the works themselves. The game expands the horizons of students, contributes to the development of thinking, oral coherent speech skills, enrichment of vocabulary, attention, imagination of children, their communication skills. For the game, not only fairy tales well-known to students were selected, but also those that are not yet known to them, which makes it possible for each participant to show their individual Creative skills, ingenuity, erudition.

Competitiveness, participation in the team make the game exciting. Throughout the game, children work in groups and teams of variable composition, which helps to form their communication and teamwork skills, as well as a friendly attitude towards each other.

The room in which the game will take place should preferably be decorated with illustrations for fairy tales made by children.

The exhibition of books of Russian folk tales and fairy tales of Russian writers will also arouse the interest of children.

Game progress

The phonogram of the song “There are many fairy tales in the world” sounds (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by Y. Entin).

A fairy tale goes through the forest -
Leads the tale by the hand
A fairy tale comes out of the river!
From the tram! From the gate!
What is this round dance?
This is a fairy tale round dance!
Fairy tale - clever and charming
Lives next to us!
And for me and for you
Fairy tales run wild.
We love fairy tales
Sweeter than a berry any.
In a fairy tale the sun burns
Justice reigns in her.
The story is clever and charming!
We can't live without a fairy tale!
(Yu. Moritz.)


Friends! Visit a fairy tale today
It won't be easy for you to get:
Riddles prepared for everyone
They will need to be guessed.
These puzzles are not easy.
And to find the answer to them,
You have to work hard:
Think together, don't be lazy
And share advice.
Ingenuity, dexterity, intelligence and friendship
They will help you overcome everything.
Riddles the right solution
Will encourage you. Chur, do not be shy!
You have an envelope with a task in your hands.
Open it quickly
Yes, get ready for the road
And leave quickly.
Get you through the trials
It's long past time.
Sit together on the road
And go! Break a leg!
(N. Denisova.)

The children open the envelope and read the task: “Meet in five minutes in the Small Hall!”

Fairy tales give us miracles
And without miracles it is impossible.
They live everywhere
And they are our friends.
Y. Polukhin "Wonder Tales".

Held didactic game"Tangle of fairy tales".

Once I was flipping through a book
I read the story to my son.
Only in that fairy tale, friends,
I do not understand.
The stories are tangled up.
I won't take it for granted:
Who, where and where?..
The head is spinning!
Help unravel the tangle
Fairy tales, children, name!

"The Tale of Ivanushka the Fool".

IN distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state there lived and there was Ivanushka the Fool. He lived with his old mother in a dugout near the blue sea for exactly thirty years and three years. Ivanushka once heard that whoever makes the crying princess laugh, the tsar-sovereign will give half the kingdom. Without hesitation for a long time, he collected a knapsack, and set off on his way. How long did it go, how short ... Copper, silver, golden kingdom passed. On the way, he helped three old men to share three curiosities from his father's inheritance: one - an invisibility cap, the second - a flying carpet, the third - walking boots. He rescued the crane from the net, for which he himself received magical gifts: a self-assembled tablecloth, a ram and a bag.

He came to the city to the royal court, opened the bag and said: “Come on, two of the bag, make the princess laugh!” Two jumped out of the bag, making the princess laugh. The king-father rejoiced! Ivanushka was married to the princess. The table was covered with a large self-made tablecloth, a rich feast was celebrated. They put the ram in a spacious warm paddock, gave fragrant hay. Our Ivanushka was a fool - he became Ivan Tsarevich. And until now, they live with the young princess, live and make good.

The whole story, no more can be said.

("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", A.S. Pushkin;
"Princess-Nesmeyana", Russian folk tale;
“Three kingdoms - copper, silver and gold”, Russian folk tale;
"Prophetic dream", Russian folk tale;
"Tablecloth, ram and scrip", Russian folk tale.)

Presenter: Amazing tales! And how many miracles happen in them! And the main miracle poetic language fairy tales. Slow, melodious, proverbs and sayings decorate it. Yes, and about the fairy-tale proverbs and sayings themselves, there are a lot of them.

Let's remember them!

Held didactic game "Fold the proverb!"

Children are divided into groups of 3-5 people. Each group is invited to read proverbs and sayings about fairy tales in which the endings are mixed up.

The guys must correctly “fold” the beginnings and endings of all proverbs and sayings.

    Listen to a fairy tale, / do not throw pointers.
    Listen to the story, and listen to the prompt.

    Not having finished reading the tale, / in the middle is not interrupted.
    Do not finish reading the fairy tale, do not throw pointers.

    It is easy to listen to a fairy tale, / use your mind and mind to shake it off.
    It is easy to listen to a fairy tale, but it is difficult to tell a fairy tale.

    The fairy tale begins from the beginning, is read to the end, / and listen to the saying.
    A fairy tale begins from the beginning, reads to the end, does not interrupt in the middle.

    Eat porridge, and listen to a fairy tale: / Yes, it’s hard to tell a fairy tale.
    Eat porridge, and listen to a fairy tale: with your mind, mind, and shake your mustache.

Presenter: Isn't it time, friends, for us to refresh ourselves?!

Held quiz "Apple tree of fairy tales".

A picture of an apple tree with apples hanging on it (cut out of cardboard) is attached to the stand.

Children are divided into two teams. Each team gets an empty basket.

Then the team members take turns picking apples from the apple tree and reading passages from fairy tales.

For each correct answer, the team receives a dummy apple.

The team with the most apples in their basket wins.

    “A hare walked through the forest with a bag, looking for mushrooms and berries for his rabbits, but, as luck would have it,
    He did not come across anything: no mushrooms, no berries.
    And suddenly in the middle of a green meadow he saw a wild apple tree ... "
    (“A bag of apples”, V.G. Suteev.)

    “She went on. He sees - there is an apple tree, and it is full of apples.
    The girl shook the apple tree, and the apples fell like hail. She shook off all the apples to the last, put them in a pile and went on.
    (“Lady Blizzard”, Brothers Grimm.)
    “The girl did everything that the cow bequeathed to her: she was starving, she didn’t take her meat in her mouth, she watered her bones every morning in the garden, and an apple tree of extraordinary beauty grew out of them: apples hang on it in bulk, golden leaves rustle, silver twigs bend ...” (“Little Khavroshechka”, Russian folk tale.)

    “... There is an apple tree.
    - Apple tree, mother, hide me!
    - Eat my forest apple.
    The girl quickly ate and said thank you. The apple tree covered it with branches, covered it with sheets. (“Geese-swans”, Russian folk tale.)

    “... she retired to a secret closet, into which no one except her entered, and
    there she made a poisonous, poisonous apple. In appearance, the apple was wonderful, pouring, with ruddy barrels, so that everyone, looking at it, wanted to taste it, but just bite off a piece - and you will die.
    When the apple was made, the queen painted her face, disguised herself as a peasant woman and went beyond the seven mountains...” (“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, Brothers Grimm.)

    “The sisters laughed, grabbed their sides:
    - Oh, yes, Masha, oh, yes, you fool!
    Yes we have apples full garden, take any, but why do you need a saucer? Feed the ducklings?
    (“Silver saucer and cash apple”, Russian folk tale.)

    The old woman caught the bread;
    “Thank you,” she said. -
    God bless you;
    Here's something for you, catch it!
    And pouring to the princess,
    young, golden
    The apple flies straight...
    (“The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes”, A.S. Pushkin.)

    “Ivan Tsarevich got down from his horse, entered the garden and saw that there was an apple tree with silver
    leaves, golden apples, and a well under the apple tree. Ivan Tsarevich picked three apples, but did not take any more, but scooped up a jug of twelve stigmas from the well of living water. (“The Tale of rejuvenating apples and living water”, Russian folk tale.)

Held didactic game "Fairy tale test".

Children are divided into groups of 3-5 people. Each group gets a test.

Presenter: Guys, you have to solve one fabulous riddle.

You will remember the fairy tales of Russian writers, which will be discussed in the Fairy Tale Test.

Carefully read all the questions and the options for the proposed answers, from which you need to choose only one. Each answer corresponds to a certain letter. By guessing all the letters, you can make a word that will help you find out what is in our fabulous malachite box.

Is the assignment clear? Then get to work!

    A passer-by was walking through the forest and dropped a box. I dropped it and missed it, and the box remained on the road.
    A fly flew, saw it, thinks: “Let me look, if there is anything to eat.” There is just such a hole in the lid that a big fly can crawl through. (“Forest Mansions”, M.L. Mikhailov.)
    And this fly was called ...
    A - Fly-sokotuha,
    K - thunder fly,
    I am a bugbear.

    The man found an expensive stone and carried it to the king. He came to the palace and began to ask the royal servants how to see the king.
    One tsar's servant promised to report to the tsar about the find of the peasant with the agreement that the muzhik would give him half of what the tsar would give. (“Reward”, L.N. Tolstoy.)
    The king took the stone, listened to the peasant's story, laughed and drove the servant away, and gave the peasant ...
    Oh - a thousand rubles,
    B - fifty lashes,
    Z - a bag of wheat.

    Once in the forest in the morning, just dawn began to break, the rooster cried: “Ku-ku-re-ku!” The fox heard the rooster; she wanted to eat rooster meat. So she went up to the tree and began to praise the rooster and invite her to a housewarming party.
    “Good,” says the rooster, “only I can’t go alone: ​​a comrade is with me.
    - Where is your friend? she asks. - I'll invite him over.
    (“Rooster and dog”, K.D. Ushinsky.)
    Who was the rooster's companion?
    U - cat
    J - ram,
    L is a dog.

    - Come on, little mouse, let's build a nest for ourselves - I'm under the eaves, you're underground - and we'll live and be and eat the master's sop and we will all be together, all in half.
    The mouse agreed. So they lived together; they live for a year, they live for another, and on the third the barn began to deteriorate, the grain in it remained small. The little mouse realized this matter, spread it with her mind and decided that if she took all the grain alone, she would get more than in half with ... (“About a toothy mouse and a rich sparrow”, V.I. Dal.)
    With whom did the mouse-hole not want to share?
    And with the owner
    b - with a sparrow,
    Sh - with a bat.

    Pudik did not believe his mother; he did not yet know that if he did not believe his mother, it would end badly.
    He sat on the very edge of the nest and sang verses of his own composition at the top of his voice:
    Eh, wingless man,
    You have two legs
    Even though you are very big
    The mosquitoes eat you!
    And I'm quite small
    But I eat midges myself. (“Sparrow”, M. Gorky.)
    Who was Pudik?
    C - yellow-mouthed sparrow,
    Yu - crow,
    N - a small swift.

    So Kokovanya took the orphan to live with him. He himself is big and bearded, and she is tiny, and has a small nose with a button. They are walking down the street, and a skinned cat jumps after them.
    So the grandfather Kokovanya, the orphan Darenka and the cat Murenka began to live together.
    The old man was a master of fairy tales. Darenka loved to listen to those tales, and the cat Murenka lies and purrs: “He speaks correctly. Correct.”
    Only after every fairy tale will Darenka remind you:
    - Grandfather, tell me about the goat. What is he? (“ silver hoof”, P.P. Bazhov.)
    What goat did Darenka ask to tell about?
    R - about the kid from the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids",
    And - about the goat from the fairy tale "You have your own mind",
    Oh - about the goat Silver Hoof.

Children make up the word RING.

Held game "Malachite box".

Presenter: “Nastasya, Stepanova’s widow, has a malachite box left. With every feminine device. Rings there, earrings and protcha according to the women's rite. The Mistress of the Copper Mountain herself gave Stepan this box, as he was going to get married.

“Malachite box” P.P. Bazhov

The host invites the children to guess from the description which heroes of which fairy tales belong to the jewelry from the box.

    golden ring

- belonged to the Beast of the Forest, the miracle of the sea from the fairy tale “ The Scarlet Flower” S.T. Aksakov.
“... You have my golden ring, put it on your right little finger and you will find yourself in the house of your dear father ...”

cherished ring

- belonged to Vasilisa the Wise, the royal daughter from the Russian folk tale "Sivka-burka".
“No one even had time to gasp, as Ivan flew to Vasilisa on horseback, kissed her on the scarlet lips, took off the cherished ring and galloped off. They just saw him."

miraculous ring

- belonged to the king of the underworld from the Russian folk tale “ magic ring”.
“... For my salvation, he will reward you; you ask him for a little ring from his little finger. That ring is not simple, but miraculous: if you throw it from hand to hand, twelve fellows will immediately appear, and whatever they are ordered to do, they will do everything.

Ring of the Tsar Maiden

- belonged to a young princess from the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse" by P.P. Ershov.
The princess tells him:
"If you want to take me,
Then you deliver to me in three days
My ring is from an okian.”

cherished ring

- belonged to the prophetic Finn from the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by A.S. Pushkin.
... Take the treasured ring,
Touch them on the forehead of Lyudmila,
And the secret spells will disappear forces
Enemies will be confused by your face,
Peace will come, anger will perish.

Ring for memory

- belonged to the month of April from the dramatic fairy tale "Twelve Months" by S.Ya.Marshak.
“... And so that you really don’t forget, here’s a ring for you as a keepsake.
look at him and remember me. If trouble happens, throw it on
land, water or snowdrift and say:
You roll, roll, ringlet,
On the spring porch
In the summer canopy
In the autumn teremok
Yes on the winter carpet
To the New Year's fire!
We will come to your rescue - all twelve will come as one -
with a thunderstorm, with a blizzard, with a spring drop!..”

Presenter: Well done! You solved all the fabulous riddles, answered the questions of all the quizzes. And you did it all together, together, helping each other, like the Brothers of the Months.

We complete our game with wonderful poems by Y. Entin.


There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny
And live in the world
We cannot do without them.
Aladdin's lamp,
Take us to the fairy tale
Crystal slipper,
Help on the way!
Cipollino boy,
Bear Winnie the Pooh -
Everyone is on our way
A true friend.
Let the heroes of fairy tales
They give us warmth
May goodness forever
Evil wins!

Calm music sounds.


    “Russian folk tales” “Tales of Russian writers” Moscow:, “Pravda”, 1987.


Holiday script for grades 1 - 4 on the topic "Fairy tales went to the parade"

Author: Kondratieva Alla Alekseevna
Place of work: teacher primary school MBOU "Zolotukhinskaya secondary school" settlement Zolotukhino Kursk region

Holiday script for grades 1-4 "Fairy tales went to the parade"

Target: activating children's knowledge about Russian folk tales
Educational: to teach children to concentrate attention, to mobilize mental activity to find the answer to the question posed.
Developing: to develop ingenuity, the ability to understand allegorical language.
Educational: to cultivate interest in oral folk art, in reading fairy tales.
preliminary work: During extracurricular time, children were reading Russian folk tales, discussing the content, finding out what this or that fairy tale teaches, looking at illustrations for fairy tales, watching cartoons, staging, as well as learning poems, songs, roles of musical characters. This event is held at the beginning school year in order to test the children's knowledge of Russian folk tales. Guests on open event can be preschoolers and students elementary school. This material can be useful to parents, educators, teachers additional education children.
Decor: book exhibition"Russian folk tales," a house-palace, the royal throne, a tower with the inscription "Mishkin's hut", a bench near the tower, a tree in spring decoration, costumes and attributes fairytale heroes.

Children in different fairy-tale costumes stand in a semicircle on the stage.

A fairy tale goes through the forest, a fairy tale leads by the hand.
A fairy tale comes out of the river, out of the tram, out of the gate.
What is this round dance? This is a fairy tale round dance!
A fairy tale - clever and charming, walks side by side with us.
So that, so that the good will win over the evil again!
To good, to evil, to become good persuaded.
In a fairy tale the sun burns, justice reigns in it!
A fairy tale is clever and charming, the way is open to it everywhere!

Hello kids, girls and boys!
Guys, today I suggest you go to the "Land of Fairy Tales" for the parade, and for this we need transport, it's good if it is magical. Please remember fabulous means movement. (Flying carpet, mortar and broom, walking boots, flying ship, air balloons, Russian stove, own propeller). I suggest we choose a flying carpet.

Leading Our flying carpet will take us to a fairyland.
Let's go friends
In a miracle fairy tale - you and me,
In the theater of puppets and animals,
For girls and boys!
There is a magic screen here,
There are no fairy tales here!

So, we arrived at the place. Look, guys, and the gates of the fairyland are closed (curtain on the stage). Let's find out what's going on here.
(Quiz on the computer "Russian folk tales")
I invite you on a journey through Russian folk tales.
What fairy tales have you read? Remember!
Oh, you, Petya-simplicity,
Got a little fussed
Didn't listen to the cat
Looked out the window. ("Golden Scallop Cockerel")

Red girl sad
She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun
Tears are shed, poor thing. ("Snow Maiden")

In a fairy tale the sky is blue
In the fairy tale, the birds are scary.
Rechenka, save me
You save me and my brother! (Swan geese)

The mouse has found a home
The mouse was kind
In the house that after all
There were many residents. (Teremok)

- What did the animals ask in the fairy tale “Teremok” before entering there?
pounded yes pounded
On a plate with a nose,
Didn't swallow anything
And left with a nose. (Fox and crane)

There is no river, no pond,
Where to drink water?
Very tasty water -
In the hole from the hoof.
("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

The goats opened the door
And they all disappeared! ("The wolf and the seven Young goats")

What did the goat sing to her kids?
I left my grandmother
I left my grandfather
Guess without a clue
From which fairy tale did I leave? ("Kolobok")

What song did Kolobok sing?
And the road is far
And the basket is not easy,
Sit on a stump
I would eat a pie. ("Mashenka and the Bear")

- What did Mashenka say to the bear, sitting in the box?
Leading Well done boys! I see that you know fairy tales well.
Now, friends, you will see this fairy tale performed by artists of class 4 A. Let's give them a round of applause!

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"

Leading The land of fairy tales is the most amazing and wonderful of all countries in the world. Where else, if not here, you can see in the sky a flying carpet quickly rushing under the clouds, walking through the forest, meet the speaker human language Gray Wolf or even accidentally come across the dilapidated hut of Baba Yaga ?! In folk tales from time immemorial there has been a fierce struggle between good and evil: the young Ivan Tsarevich bravely fights the Serpent Gorynych and defeats him, a simple peasant deftly fools the greedy priest and devils, and Vasilisa the Beautiful takes over the cruel Baba Yaga.
What helps the heroes of fairy tales to win: cunning, deceit, or maybe deceit? Neither one, nor the other, nor the third ... Ivan Tsarevich wins thanks to his humanity and kindness, because he always fights for the weak and oppressed, he helps the peasant worldly wisdom and ingenuity, and the peasant daughter Vasilisa the Beautiful - her soft disposition, hard work, ability to do everything quickly and quickly. There are many fairy tales about Vasilisa the Beautiful among the people. Today we will visit another one of them - an interesting and deeply instructive...
Now we are visiting a fairy tale

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"


(Watching the performance, performers - children of 4 A class)

Now I suggest you play: we will hold several competitions to consolidate knowledge of Russian folk tales.
Competition 1 "Continue the line of the tale"
Competition 2 "Singing hat (songs from cartoons")". Guess the voices.
Competition 3 "Guessing objects from fairy tales"
Competition 4 “Name fairy tales where the heroes are: Baba Yaga, Gray wolf etc."
Competition 5 "Set the order" (collect a fairy tale from puzzles)
(fairy tales "Gingerbread Man", "Turnip", "Fox, Hare and Rooster")
Summing up the results of competitions. Presentation of prizes to the winners

Dramatization of the fairy tale "KOLOBOK"

(performers - 4 A class)

And now we are leaving the "Land of Fairy Tales", but we do not say goodbye to it. You will visit this amazing country more than once visiting your favorite heroes and get acquainted with new fairy tales. Come visit us, sign up for our amateur theater"Harlequin".
For skillful hands
For intelligence and ingenuity
I want to say thank you!
To those who worked
To those who tried
I'll show everyone my gift now
Older children give all first-graders coloring books with fairy-tale characters as a keepsake. .
Believing in a fairy tale is happiness.
And the one who believes
Fairy tale is a must
Will open all doors
(Children say goodbye and leave)


Presenter 1:

Hello, Dear friends. We are glad to see you in our literary drawing room. Today we will remember writers and poets and, of course, the heroes of their works. We will hold contests and quizzes. It will be a journey into the world of literature.

Host 2:

In general, a literary salon is a sophisticated way of communicating educated people of its time, one of the forms of intellectual life of the high circle of society.

Presenter 1:

Let's start the event with a ball. After all, this is a very special event in the life of a person of the last century. This ball is dedicated eternal theme- the love that accompanies humanity, starting from Adam and Eve. We will remember these amazing stories love.

Host 2:

(music by Chopin "Polonaise" plays)

So, today is a ball! Ah, those wonderful moments!

(heroes march decorously through the hall to the stage)

Balls, balls ... The atmosphere of celebration and love, the movement of a fan, a casual glance ...

(on the stage, the characters are talking and the “Viennese Waltz” by I. Strauss sounds)

Presenter 1:

To the sounds of this waltz, stories are recalled that have become the property of Russian literature.

(Natasha Rostova and Andrey Bolkonsky come out to the waltz)

“Natasha’s desperate, fading face caught Prince Andrei’s eyes ... Approaching Natasha with a courteous and low bow, he offered her a waltz tour and ... Natasha’s expression suddenly lit up with a childish smile ... Prince Andrei was one of the best dancers of his time. Natasha danced wonderfully! Her legs easily and independently of her details their work, and her face shone with the delight of happiness.

Host 2:

Thanks for the great moments. New dances appear and disappear, but the waltz is still young and continues to sound. Even the poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko wrote:

Let the years pass

Still never

Waltz will not grow old.

What is the most famous literary message? Well, of course, Tatiana's letter. And it was written then in French.

(a letter from Tatyana Larina sounds and the Answer from Eugene Onegin)

I am writing to you - what more?

What else can I say?

Now I know in your will

Punish me with contempt

But you, to my unfortunate share

Though a drop of pity keeping,

You won't leave me...

Another!... No, no one in the world

I wouldn't give my heart!

That in the supreme council is destined ...

That is the will of heaven, I am yours;

My whole life has been a pledge

Faithful goodbye to you

I know you were sent to me by God

Until the grave you are my keeper ...

Date of Tatyana and Onegin


You wrote to me...

Don't back off. I've read

Souls of trusting confession,

Love of an innocent outpouring;

Your sincerity is dear to me;

She got excited

Long silent feelings;

But I don't want to praise you;

I will repay you for it

Recognition also without art;

Accept my confession:

I submit myself to you for judgment.

(lovers sit down or move around the stage, talk ...)

Literary quiz

Presenter 1:

Now let's do a Literature Quiz.

Who owns this declaration of love and who is the author of the work? (A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter")

(Pyotr Grinev and Masha Mironova come out)

“This will not happen ... You love me; I'm ready for anything, let's go, we'll throw ourselves at the feet of your parents. They are simple people, not cruel-hearted, proud... They will bless us, we will get married... and there, over time. I am sure that my father will forgive me, and my mother will be for us ... "

The happy ones got married and safely left for Simbirsk.

Which magic items were literary characters?

  1. (Pinocchio (golden key)
  2. Cinderella (Crystal Shoes
  3. Ellie (Silver Slippers)
  4. Aladdin (Magic lamp)
  5. Nils (Magic pipe)

Get to know fairy tale characters

(Fly comes out - Tsokotukha and Mosquito from A. Chukovsky's fairy tale)

(mosquito monologue sounds)

“I killed the villain and freed you,

And now, the soul is a girl,

I want to marry you"

(music plays softly)

(heroes come out of the novel by M. Sholokhov " Quiet Don"- Natalia and Grigory Melikhov)

"Grigory Panteleevich!"

Prescribe me how I should live, and is my life lost for good or not? You left home and didn't say a single word to me. I didn’t offend you in any way, and I was waiting for you to untie my hands and say that you had left for good, and you were silent, like a dead man ..

Have a pity in the end and write it down ... I will think alone, otherwise I am standing in the middle of the road. You, Grisha, do not be angry with me, for Christ's sake.


“... You asked me to prescribe whether or not I would live with Natalya, but I’ll tell you, dad, that you can’t stick a cut edge. But I can’t promise anything, and it’s dreary for me to talk about it. Nada was caught on the border of one with smuggling, he explains that soon there will be a war with the Austrians ... Maybe I won’t be alive, there’s nothing to decide ahead of time.

What story are these characters from?


Host 1-2:

  • Don't part with your loved ones!

Don't part with your loved ones!

  • And every time forever say goodbye
  • When you leave for a moment!

(music plays, and lovers move around the stage, talk ...)

Host 2:

Literary salons, friends, gathered readers, writers, critics in one circle of mutually enriching conversation. But not only conversation. At balls in literary salons games were popular. One of them is badminton!

Host 1 (surprised):

Do you want to invite our guests to warm up and compete in beating plastic balls?

Host 2:

Exactly so, because our badminton will be literary and it will consist of 4 rounds. Questions will be asked in turn to each pair. If he does not answer, he is out of the game. And the winner is the one that successfully hit the ball in 4 rounds. So, let's begin!

Presenter 1:

I round - "What's in a name?"

(name the names and patronymics of writers and poets)

  1. Mayakovsky _ (Vladimir Vladimirovich)
  2. Dostoevsky (Fyodor Mikhailovich)
  3. Griboedov _ (Alexander Sergeevich)
  4. Turgenev _ (Ivan Sergeevich)
  5. Kuprin _ (Alexander Ivanovich)
  6. Bulgakov _ (Mikhail Afanasyevich)
  7. Derzhavin _ (Gavriil Romanovich)
  8. Akhmatova _ (Anna Andreevna)

(complete the titles of literary works)

War and Peace

Heroes - of our time

Notes - hunter

Quiet - Don

The tale of the priest - and his worker Balda

Poor - Lisa

Word - about Igor's regiment

Master and Margarita

III round - "Let's get familiar"

(name the names of literary heroes)

Grigory Alexandrovich _ (Pechorin)

Evgeny Vasilievich _ (Bazarov)

Pyotr Kirillovich _ (Bezukhov)

Rodion Romanovich _ (Raskolnikov)

Alexander Andreevich _ (Chatsky)

Ivan Alexandrovich _ (Khlestakov)

Pavel Petrovich _ (Kirsanov)

Petr Andreevich _ (Goryunov)

IV round - "Innuendo"

  • Nature is not a temple, but (a workshop, and a person is a worker in it)
  • Oh, my God, what will he say - (Princess Marya Alekseevna)
  • And you, friends, no matter how you sit down - (everything is not good for musicians)
  • Born to crawl - (can't fly)
  • Yes, there were people in our time - (not like the current tribe ...)
  • He forced himself to respect - (and could not invent better)
  • Coming to us - (auditor)

(Chatsky runs out of the hall, his monologue sounds,

act 4 phenomenon14 Griboyedov "Woe from Wit")

Get out of Moscow! I don't go here anymore. I’m running, I won’t look back, I’ll go to look around the world, where there is a corner for an offended feeling! Carriage to me, carriage!!!

Host 2:

Who is this hero??? (of course, Chatsky)

I will report interesting historical fact: Griboedov's comedy was completely printed in 1831 in Reven on German. And only in 1833 in Moscow - in Russian.

(Mitrofanushka comes out and a monologue sounds)

Well, get the plank, garrison rat. Decide what to write...

Which door? This one. An adjective because it is attached to its place...

The hour of my will has come: I don’t want to study, I want to get married…

Guess who it is???

Of course, who does not know today catchphrase, which ends the work of Denis Ivanovich Fanvizin "Undergrowth": "Here are worthy fruits of malevolence."

(the hero from the story of A.P. Chekhov enters the stage

“Man in a case” and his phrase sounds after the words of the presenter)

Greek teacher. For him, only newspaper articles were clear, in which something was forbidden to go out after 9 pm, this was clear to him; forbidden and that's it. And when the city allowed drama club, or a reading room, or a tea room, he would shake his head and say quietly:

It is, of course, so-and-so, all this is wonderful, but no matter how something happens.

Who is this?

(Ranevskaya L.A. comes out, a monologue sounds)

I want to jump, wave my arms (covers my face with my hands)

And suddenly I'm sleeping! God knows, I love the Motherland, I love dearly ... (sits on a chair)

I can’t sit, I’m not able ... I won’t survive this joy ... (gets up from the chair)

Laugh at me, I'm stupid ... My own closet ... My table ...

What story is this character from? Who is she?

(a romance based on Bunin's poem "Calm" is performed)

Presenter 1:

Music always played in literary drawing rooms, romances, songs accompanied by romance. At the balls, they not only danced, but also played various games. And the Empress herself was not averse to playing. Empress Catherine was for the purity of the Russian language, foreign words ordered to change to Russian, some he himself introduced into speech: good manners, good nature, philanthropy, citizens, society, humanity.

Young poets and writers demonstrated their talents.

Perhaps there are undiscovered abilities among you. Let's try to write poetry. So, our literary heroes are participants in an intellectual game.


Burime translated from French - this is the composition of poems to given rhymes.

Your task is to write down the lines so that they turn out to be quite logical: for example


  1. Mankind is the fatherland
  2. Kindness - sent
  3. Illness - leisure
  4. Tolstoy is like
  5. Helen - captive
  6. Natasha is more beautiful

Host 2:

While the participants are preparing for literary debut, we invite viewers to take part in an exciting poetic game.

(wishing participants go on stage)

Poetic game

Exercise: try to remember the first line, and we will name the second. For each correct answer you get tokens. According to the results - a prize awaits you.

  • Everything will pass like white apple smoke - (I don’t regret it, I don’t call, I don’t cry)
  • In the blue mist of the sea (a lonely sail turns white)
  • In my soul, it has not completely died out (I loved you, love still, perhaps)
  • Alive and I, hello to you, hello (you are still alive, my old woman)
  • What else can I say? (I am writing to you, what more?)
  • Covered with snow, like silver (white birch under my window)
  • Good fellows lesson (a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it)
  • In a moment of spiritual adversity (both boring and sad, and there is no one to give a hand to)
  • Spinning late in the evening (three girls under the window)
  • You appeared before me (I remember a wonderful moment...)
  • On the chest of a cliff - a giant (a golden cloud spent the night)
  • Whirlwinds of snow twisting (a storm covers the sky with mist)
  • Birch cheerful language (dissuaded by a golden grove)

Applause the best connoisseurs poetry

Host 2:

I would like to share this historical background:

In the Penza region there is a place where the estate of the princes Golitsyn is located

It was once a real palace in the style of classicism, where magnificent balls were held. The interior contained objects made of porcelain, marble and bronze, portrait gallery, almost 150 representatives of the Golitsyn family.

This palace was visited more than once by Gavriil Derzhavin, Mikhail Lermontov, Ivan Krylov. It was Krylov who wrote the series outstanding works: banned for publication "Triumph", the popular fable "The Pig under the Oak", Oak is no longer there, but a young tree is growing.

And the artist Viktor Borisov - Musatov was inspired by the beauty of the palace and the nature of the estate to create picturesque paintings who made the property famous.

Presenter 1:

In our Zadonsk region there is one beautiful place "Calm", which was inspired by Bunin's poems.

Listen to the song based on Ivan Bunin's poem "Calm", music by Dmitry Rymar.

(sounds again romance)

Final word of the teacher

Purpose of the event: in a playful way, test children on knowledge of the content of the books they read, the genre is a children's fairy tale.

Members: a librarian leading the event and two teams of preschoolers.

Presenter introduction.

- Spring is here. Very soon, the guys, former preschoolers will become first graders and sit down at their desks, and the first reading lessons, as a rule, will be devoted to those books that children read together with their parents and educators in kindergarten. library event will show how future students are ready for these lessons.

The competition that you guys have to participate in today is called " literary ring”, because it consists of three rounds, like a real boxing match. Only you will have to compete not in strength and dexterity, but in knowledge of books and erudition.

The game will be played by two teams. Let's name the teams. Let the first team be called "Well done", and the second "Clever". I ask each team to choose a captain.

So the teams are ready? Our competition begins!

Round 1 "Fairy tale poetry".

Do you love fairy tales? And fairy tales in verse? Now I will check if you can read them well as a team.

- There lived a scattered man

On Basseinaya Street

He sat down on the bed in the morning ....

Put his hands in the sleeves

It turned out to be pants.

(“That's what a scattered” S. Marshak)

- Bears rode on a bicycle ...

(Guys) And behind them is a cat backwards.

("Cockroach" K. Chukovsky)

- Once upon a time there was a priest, a oatmeal forehead ...

(Guys) Went pop through the bazaar

View some product.

(“The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda” by A.S. Pushkin)

The second task of the poetry round.

– Guess famous fairy tales By last words their lines.

(I said goodbye, got ready, at the window, alone)

1. The king said goodbye to the queen

Equipped for the road.

And the queen at the window

She sat down to wait for him alone.

("The Tale of the Dead Princess")

2. Three girls under window

Spinning late in the evening.

(" The Tale of Tsar Saltan")

3. Famously measured Steps

Two huge legs:

forty fifth size

He bought boots.

("Uncle Styopa").


- The first round is over. You have shown yourself to be true connoisseurs of poetic literature.

Round 2 "Fairy tale detectives".

Now I invite each of you to play the role of a detective. You have to find out literary hero according to my description.

The first task is called "Photofit".

  1. Bear loves honey. Head full of sawdust. Has literary ability. (Winnie the Pooh)
  2. Boy. Parents are poor. Gives off a strong odor. On the head is a green tuft. Dangerous! Causes abundant streams of tears. (Cipollino).
  3. Old man. Profession - carpenter. Special features: blue nose. (Giuseppe).
  4. Animal. Habitat - Africa. Distinctive feature character is curiosity. Special signs: after meeting with a crocodile on the river bank, his nose became very long. (Elephant)
  5. Doll. Place of work - puppet show. A distinctive feature of character is good breeding. Pronounced pedagogical abilities. Special feature - hair blue color. (Malvina)
  6. Human. Made of iron. Profession - lumberjack. Afraid of water. The most cherished desire is to get a heart. (Tin Woodman).
  7. Dog. Place of residence - the village. Origin - simple dog, not from thoroughbreds. Profession - hunter. (Ball).
  8. Second task.

    - Now I will ask you to find out the name of the hero and name the fairy tale in which he lived, after listening to the words of his song.

    1. Your mother came.

    Milk brought.

    (Goat. "Wolf and seven kids")

    2. Do not sit on a stump

    Don't eat pie

    Take it to grandma

    Take it to grandpa.

    (Masha. "Masha and the Bear")

    3. The bird danced the polka.

    On the lawn at an early hour.

    Nose left, tail right

    This is the polka Karabas.

    (Dolls. "Golden Key").

    Third task

    - Recognize the hero by an event that happened in his life.

    1. This hero worked as a doctor on the ship. One day his ship was wrecked and he was captured by little people. (Gulliver).

    2. As this hero himself said, he managed to pull himself out of the swamp by a pigtail from a wig, flew on a cannonball, turned an evil wolf inside out and shot a mad fur coat. (Baron Munghausen).

    3. This boy, as a punishment for impoliteness, was turned into a gnome little man and traveled with a flock of geese. (Niels)

    4. This heroine ran after a white rabbit, but then fell into a deep well and ended up in an unusual country. (Alice)

    5 . The only boy in the world who never grew up. ( Peter Pan)

    Round 3 "Fabulous Journeys".

    You will need to imagine yourself as heroes famous fairy tales. Well, captains, imagine that you are in fairyland? Then you, assignments.

    What words do you need to say to:

    1.Summon Sivka Burka ? Answer(Sivka - Burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me, like a leaf in front of grass!)

    2. Together with Ali Baba, open the door to the treasure cave? Answer(Sim - sim, open the door!)

    3. Cook porridge in a magic pot? Answer(One, two, three, pot, boil!)

    4. Make a wish come true with a magic pike? Answer(By pike command, at my request!)

    - And now, together with the boy Mowgli, we will be transported to the jungle and remember the names of those who lived next to him. I will name the beast, and your task is to say its name. We started.

    Bear ( Baloo)

    Panther ( Bagheera)

    Jackal ( tobacco)

    Python (Kaa)

    Wolf (Akela).



    I see you know the old fairy tales quite well. In the meantime, the points of the winning team are being calculated, I will introduce you guys to completely new books, where fairy-tale characters unfamiliar to you live.

    (Introduces the books "How the Thorn Fairy Outwitted the Rain"O. Kolpakova, "Liselotte. Night Trouble", "Liselotte is looking for treasure" - A. Steffensmeier)

    - These are Thorn and her girlfriends Flower Fairies, invented by a young writer Olga Kolpakova and a funny, very curious cow Liselotte - a guest from Germany, which was painted by Alexander Steffensmeier. He composed fascinating stories about Lieselotte and her friends.

    And now, in more detail.

    - How nice it is in a summer meadow. Flower Fairies will always find something to do on a fine day, they are always at the same time and only Fairy Thorn does the opposite, but when she makes an attempt to improve, her friends understand that they simply cannot find a kinder, more resourceful and wonderful fairy .

    The same can be said about Lieselotte. She always gets into trouble. Either he wants to find a treasure, or he gets lost in snowy forest, it will wake up everyone in the district at night. But the most important thing is that when you get to know Liselotte better, you understand that there is simply no better mail cow in the world.

    Guys, in our library you can take the books presented by me and read them with pleasure.

    And now it's time to name the winning team in today's Literary ring.

    The event ends with the awarding ceremony for the winning team.

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