Description of the characteristics of Rodion Raskolnikov quotes. Characteristics and image of Raskolnikov in the novel Crime and Punishment of Dostoevsky's essay


Before the kill


  • Nasedkin, N. N. Raskolnikov // Dostoevsky. Encyclopedia. - Moscow: Algorithm, 2003. - S. 408-412. - 800 s. - (Russian writers). - 5000 copies. - ISBN 5-9265-0100

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    A scene from the play "Crime and Punishment" at the Saratov Drama Theatre. Porfiry Petrovich and Rodion Raskolnikov Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov chief acting character novel by F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Contents 1 ... ... Wikipedia

    Raskolnikov, Fedor Fedorovich (1892 1939) Soviet military and statesman, Soviet writer and journalist, diplomat. Raskolnikov, Rodion Romanovich literary character Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky ... Wikipedia

    Raskolnikov, Fedor Fedorovich (1892-1939) Soviet military and statesman, Soviet writer and journalist, diplomat. Raskolnikov, Rodion Romanovich literary character of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky ... Wikipedia

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    Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov- This article is about the fictional protagonist of Crime and Punishment. For the Russian sailor, Bolshevik agitator and diplomat, see Fedor Raskolnikov. Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov (Russian: Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov) is the fictional… … Wikipedia

A deep philosophical message underlies Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. (the main character) is very complex and contradictory. Its whole essence unfolds gradually, from the first chapter to the last. Therefore, it would be more expedient to consider the formation and transformation of the image in parts of the novel.

Part one

In this part, which consists of seven chapters, we get acquainted with the main character. At the very beginning of the work, the author describes external characteristics Rodion Romanovich. He is good-looking, thin and slender, dark blond, his height is above average, he has beautiful dark eyes. And here the emphasis is on the excessively distressed situation. Dostoevsky writes that Rodion is dressed in absolute rags, in which another person would be very ashamed to walk down the street.

Further, the initial image of Raskolnikov begins to take shape. He is obsessed with a crazy idea that completely swallowed him up. A man thinks about whether he can decide on a crime "for the good of mankind." And when Rodion began to doubt his decision, he went to the tavern, where anxious thoughts left him.

He meets Marmeladov, his wife and children. Rodion learns about his daughter Sonya, who went to the panel so that the family would not starve to death. A letter received from his mother, in which she writes about the situation with Dunya, infuriates him. These facts reinforce the idea of ​​​​committing the plan.

The image of Raskolnikov contrasts sharply with the image of his comrade Razumikhin. He, too, is in poverty, but perceives the hardships of fate in a completely different way.

This part describes Rodion's dream, which is based on memories from childhood. Here we see little boy, who sympathizes and empathizes with the horse killed by the owner. But the cute image of Raskolnikov the child, greatly upset by the death of the animal, dissipates like a dream. Before us appears a cold-blooded and carefully considering the murder of a man. At the moment of committing the villainy, he experiences dizziness, his hands become momentarily weak. However, he swings and kills the old woman, and then Lizaveta, who accidentally enters. After that, fear took over. With every minute, disgust grew in Rodion because of the crime committed.

Part two

In this part, the image of Raskolnikov continues to take shape. He is insanely afraid of being suspected, and carefully hides the evidence. He is not interested in the stolen money. Rodion hates everything around and is annoyed that he deliberately went to such a vile and vile deed.

Once at home, he begins to rave. This continues for four days. When Razumikhin and Zosimov talk about the murder, Rodion gets even worse. The arrival of Luzhin further exacerbates his well-being. He remembers his sister and mother. Despite the general weakness, Rodion Raskolnikov (whose image is already emerging somewhat) boldly expresses everything that he thinks about this vile person.

The meeting and conversation with Zametov emphasize how Raskolnikov is tormented in his soul. As if in a fit, he makes the interlocutor think that he himself committed the murder. And then he asks very quietly: “But what if it was I who killed the old woman and Lizaveta?” Zametov does not take these words seriously, comparing Raskolnikov with a madman.

The main character contemplates suicide. He returns to the scene of the crime.

Rodion Raskolnikov sees Marmeladov crushed by horses. His image is revealed from another side. This is a kind and not greedy person. He is ready to give his last to help the family of the deceased, whom he barely knew. Rodion is not a believer, but now he asks Sonya to pray for him.

Part Three

Raskolnikov meets his mother and sister. At first glance, it may seem that he is cold and overly cruel to them. However, the thought of the crime committed does not leave him for a second. He is so tormented and begins to hate himself that it is unbearable for him to be with his “pure” and “bright” relatives. Therefore, the image of Raskolnikov (the essay is presented through the prism of all chapters) is very complex and internally contradictory.

He invites Sonya, introduces her to his mother and Dunya. Her humiliation amazes him, Rodion becomes very sorry for the poor girl.

In this part, there is a conversation with the investigator Porfiry Petrovich, in which he is revealed to be trying to prove that for the sake of something great, any sacrifices can be made. According to him, people are divided into ordinary and extraordinary. He is the first to give such a definition: “louse”, or “trembling creature”. The second he compares with Napoleon.

Upon returning home, Rodion weakens again. He understands that his conscience does not allow him to forget about the murder. Raskolnikov decides that he himself is a "louse". All these thoughts and feelings complement the image of Rodion Raskolnikov.


Another opposite of the main character is Svidrigailov. This is an overly mercenary, cunning, nasty person who is not here by chance. Raskolnikov immediately feels that this is an unpleasant person. But Svidrigailov seems strange to Rodion, since he does not know his main goal.

In this part, the image of Rodion Raskolnikov takes on new facets. He fights with all his might for his sisters. Despite protests, he gets his way, and takes Luzhin to clean water. He is glad that his mother and Dunya are opening their eyes to this vile person, whom he immediately recognized.

A visit to Sonya was necessary to him, like air. He does not understand how this unfortunate girl won his trust. But Rodion decided that it was she who should listen to him.

The interrogation of Porfiry Petrovich shows that at the right moment Rodion can be dodgy. He does not confess to the crime he committed, and the investigator only has speculation, there are not enough facts.

Part five

We continue to consider the great work. The image of Raskolnikov is complemented by new colors. Rodion Romanovich comes to the wake to Katerina Ivanovna, where, through the fault of Luzhin, an absurd situation happens with Sonechka. Lebezyatnikov and Raskolnikov save an innocent girl who was slandered by this ignoble person.

Rodion Raskolnikov admits to Sonya that he committed the crime. The man again talks about his theory, which the girl is trying with all her might to understand. He asks himself a question: “Am I a trembling creature or have the right to…”. Sonya does not understand how he decided on this. The girl says that Rodion must atone for his guilt and accept suffering. However, Raskolnikov believes that he has nothing to repent of.

Complete opposites

And again, the figure of Raskolnikov is opposed by Svidrigailov. Disgusting deeds, the desire to possess Dunya at any cost is disgusting. Raskolnikov, despite the crime committed, seems much nobler and more honest. You can characterize him as a true man who has gone astray or a very confused, doomed person.

Raskolnikov comes to his mother and says goodbye to her. The man finally tells her how much he loves her.

Sonya appeared in the life of Rodion for a reason. It was she who convinced him to come with a confession. Raskolnikov comes to the station and surprises everyone with his


The final is striking in its suddenness. It would seem that everything is so clear: a crime is a punishment. However... Here is the transformation of the image, which was announced at the beginning.

Raskolnikov received eight years of hard labor. Sonya followed him to Siberia, where she saw her lover at the gates of the prison on holidays.

He behaves very rudely with the girl, but gradually gets used to her visits. Rodion falls ill from wounded pride. The offender blames himself for confessing. Raskolnikov repeatedly asks himself the question of why he did not commit suicide, like Svidrigailov. Rodion almost died at the hands of convicts. But it was not destiny for him to leave this world. The resurrection awaited him.

On the next date with Sonya, he realizes that he loves her. This is exactly the girl who was able to turn it over inner world. Rodion is ready to wait another seven years of hard labor. Now he has someone to live for. Thanks to Sonya, he felt as if resurrected. And the convicts began to treat him differently. For a long time, under his pillow, he had a book from Sony - the Gospel. And now the thought flashed by: “How can her convictions not be mine now? Her feelings, her aspirations, at least…”.


Each, of course, will write an essay on the topic “The Image of Raskolnikov” in his own way. But main idea The attentive reader will not be able to miss. The external emphasis is on crime and subsequent punishment. And the whole novel is full life situations And philosophical reflections. The main characters of the book, like the people in real life are in sharp contrast to each other. Everyone has their own thoughts and experiences, their own destiny. A somewhat veiled idea is faith in God. Perhaps Raskolnikov would not have committed a crime if he had not thought only about his theory, but was guided by something higher.

And another idea that comes to the surface at the end of the novel is that love can resurrect a person's soul.

In this article, we will consider and discuss the characteristics of Raskolnikov, the main character in Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. IN general novel can teach the importance of being reasonable, being open to forgiveness, and true love. It took Dostoevsky about six years to think about the plot and the main ideas of the novel, so the book is certainly deep and worth reading if you haven't already.

We note right away that on our website you can get acquainted not only with the characteristics of Raskolnikov, but also read a summary of Crime and Punishment, as well as an analysis of the novel.

So, the events basically revolve around a few characters in total, that is, there are not so many of them for such a serious work. The main character is Raskolnikov Rodion Romanovich, who killed the old pawnbroker Alena Ivanovna. In addition, he kills her sister Lizaveta.

Description and appearance of Raskolnikov

Already in the first chapter, the reader gets acquainted with the main character. This is a young man, general state can be called painful and mixed. He is gloomy, all the time thinking about something and closed in himself. Rodion Raskolnikov abandoned his studies at the university, where he studied law, and now lives in a meager environment, in a small, miserable-looking room. His clothes are already worn out, and he has no money to buy new things, however, as well as to pay debts for an apartment and study.

We see how Raskolnikov's characterization is more clearly revealed in the novel Crime and Punishment when we study his portrait. The hero has a very good appearance, beautiful dark eyes, dark blond hair, he has a slender physique, and his height is average, or slightly higher.

The character and personality of Raskolnikov are as follows: the young man is quite smart, educated, but at the same time proud and tries to be independent. That he ended up in such a humiliating financial situation, affects his mood, he walks gloomy and looks at everyone frowningly. Raskolnikov does not want to communicate with others, and he considers it a shame and humiliation to accept help even from close people, such as Dmitry Razumikhin (his friend) or an elderly mother.

What is Raskolnikov's idea

Proud of himself, with a sick pride, and at the same time a beggar, main character Raskolnikov, whose characteristics we are studying, is hatching an idea. It lies in the fact that people are all divided into two groups: ordinary and those with the right. Raskolnikov thinks about what his purpose is and prepares a crime. After killing the old woman, the hero will understand whether his idea is correct and whether new life, and in some way he will make society happy.

Life shows that everything is wrong. Raskolnikov failed to rob the apartment - he did not force himself to take the stolen goods for his own needs, but at the same time, Raskolnikov's characterization is overshadowed by two murders - an old pawnbroker and a wretched Lizaveta. He becomes disgusted with himself, and now he begins to understand that he did not have to imagine himself as Napoleon and perform a feat. Now the moral line has been crossed, he has become a murderer. Raskolnikov cannot communicate with people, and practically goes crazy.

Punishment and the idea of ​​Dostoevsky

Close people of Raskolnikov are trying to help the young man get rid of the oppressive state and provide support, but pride young man does not accept help. In the end, he ends up alone.

He begins to take part in the fate of other, unfamiliar people. This can be seen in the example of the Marmeladovs. However, nobility leads to irritation, annoyance and longing.

Although we briefly examined the characterization of Raskolnikov in the novel "Crime and Punishment", the question arises, what kind main idea wanted to convey the author of the novel to readers? The hero receives punishment instantly, immediately after he commits a kill. He is painfully tormented by doubts, conscience and other depressing feelings. After breaking up with family and friends, he is on the verge of insanity, and this is a hundred times worse than long years spent in hard labor. Fyodor Dostoevsky tries to give a warning to readers so that they do not err and do not act recklessly. The main thing that should be in a person's life is high morality, genuine faith in God and a manifestation of love for others.

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With the proud romantic Rodion Raskolnikov, who imagines himself to be the "arbiter of fate", schoolchildren get acquainted in the 10th grade. The story of the murder of an old woman-interest-bearer, which happened in St. Petersburg in the mid-60s of the XIX century, leaves no one indifferent. gave world literature the most bright representative personality in which "the devil fights with God."

History of creation

Your own famous work, which is respected in every corner of the world, Fyodor Mikhailovich conceived in hard labor, where he landed for participating in the Petrashevsky circle. In 1859, the author of the imperishable novel wrote to his brother from exile in Tver:

“In December I will start a novel. (...) I told you about one confession-novel that I wanted to write after all, saying that you still have to go through it yourself. All my heart with blood will rely on this novel. I conceived it while lying on the bunk, in a difficult moment of sadness and self-decomposition.

The hard labor experience radically changed the writer's convictions. Here he met with personalities who conquered Dostoevsky with the power of the spirit - this spiritual experience was to form the basis of the new novel. However, his birth was delayed for six years, and only faced with complete lack of money, the "parent" took up the pen.

The image of the key character was suggested by life itself. At the beginning of 1865, the newspapers were full of the horrifying news that a young Muscovite named Gerasim Chistov had killed a laundress and a cook who were employed by a bourgeois woman with an axe. Gold and silver items, as well as all the money, disappeared from the women's chests.

The list of prototypes was supplemented by the French killer. From Pierre-Francois Lacener, Dostoevsky borrowed the "high ideals" underlying crimes. The man did not see anything reprehensible in his murders, moreover, he justified them, calling himself a "victim of society."

And the main core of the novel appeared after the publication of the book "The Life of Julius Caesar", in which the emperor expresses the idea that powers of the world this, in contrast to the "gray mass of ordinary people", are entitled to trample on moral values and even kill if they see fit. This is where Raskolnikov's theory of the "superman" came from.

At first, "Crime and Punishment" was conceived in the form of a confession of the protagonist, which did not exceed five or six printed sheets. The author mercilessly burned the finished initial version and began to work on an expanded version, the first chapter of which appeared in January 1866 in the Russky Vestnik magazine. After 12 months, Dostoevsky put an end to the next work, consisting of six parts and an epilogue.

Biography and plot

Raskolnikov's life is unenviable, like that of all young people from poor families of the 19th century. Rodion Romanovich studied law at St. Petersburg University, but due to extreme need, he had to quit his studies. The young man lived in a cramped attic closet near Sennaya Square. One day he pawned Alena Ivanovna, an old pawnbroker, the last valuable thing- his father's silver watch, and on the same evening in a tavern he met an unemployed drunk, a former titular adviser Marmeladov. He spoke about terrible tragedy family: out of lack of money, the wife sent her daughter Sonya to the panel.

The next day, Raskolnikov received a letter from his mother, which outlined the troubles of his family. To make ends meet, sister Dunya is going to be married off to the prudent and already middle-aged court adviser Luzhin. In other words, the girl will be sold, and with the proceeds, Rodion will have the opportunity to continue his studies at the university.

The goal to kill and rob the pawnbroker, born even before meeting Marmeladov and the news from home, became stronger. In his soul, Rodion is experiencing a struggle between disgust for a bloody deed and lofty idea about saving innocent girls who, by the will of fate, play the role of victims.

Raskolnikov nevertheless killed the old woman, and at the same time her meek younger sister Lizaveta, who came to the apartment at the wrong time. The young man hid the stolen goods in a hole under the wallpaper, without even finding out how rich he was now. Later, he prudently hid the money and things in one of the St. Petersburg courtyards.

After the murder of Raskolnikov, deep spiritual experiences overtake. The young man was going to drown himself, but changed his mind. He feels an insurmountable abyss between himself and people, falls into a fever and even almost confesses to the murder to the clerk of the police station.

Exhausted from fear and at the same time from a thirst for exposure, Rodion Raskolnikov confessed to the murder. The compassionate girl failed to persuade the young man to come to the police with a confession, because he intended to "still fight." But soon he could not stand it, paying for the double murder with hard labor in Siberia. Sonya went after Raskolnikov, settling near the place of his imprisonment.

Image and main idea

Dostoevsky gives an accurate description of Raskolnikov's appearance: he is a handsome young man with delicate features and dark eyes, taller than average, slender. The impression is spoiled by poor clothes and vicious contempt, which now and then flickers on the face of the hero.

Psychological picture Rodion Romanovich changes throughout the story. At first, a proud person appears, but with the collapse of the theory of the "superman", pride is pacified. At heart, he is a kind and sensitive person, he devotedly loves his mother and sister, once saved the children from a fire, and gave the last money to Marmeladov's funeral. The thought of violence is alien to him and even disgusting.

The hero painfully thinks about the Napoleonic idea that humanity is divided into two parts - ordinary people and arbiters of fate. Raskolnikov is concerned about two questions - “Am I a trembling creature or do I have a right?” and “is it possible to commit a small evil for the sake of a great good?”, which became the motives for his crime.

However, the "ideological killer" soon realizes that it is impossible to break the moral laws without consequences, one will have to go through the path of spiritual suffering and come to repentance. Raskolnikov can be safely called a marginal who failed to defend his own convictions. His doctrine and rebellion failed, the theory drawn did not stand the test of reality. By the end of the novel, the characterization of the main character changes: Rodion admits that he turned out to be a “trembling creature”, ordinary person with weaknesses and vices, and the truth is revealed to him - only humility of the heart leads to the fullness of life, to love, to God.

Screen adaptations

The main characters of the novel "Crime and Punishment" appeared in many films of Russian and foreign cinema. The work debuted at home in 1910, but modern lovers of Dostoevsky's work have lost the opportunity to watch the work of director Vasily Goncharov - the picture has been lost. Three years later, Raskolnikov again "called" the audience to the cinemas, appearing in the person of the artist Pavel Orlenev.

But these were minor tapes. He opened the chronicle of glorious film works based on the imperishable novel, a film by Pierre Chenal with Pierre Blanchard in leading role. The French managed to convincingly convey the image of Raskolnikov and the tragedy of the Russian work, the actor was even awarded the Volpi Cup. In two more foreign paintings"Crime and Punishment" was filmed by the Slovak Peter Lorre and the Frenchman.

Soviet cinema became famous for the two-part film by Lev Kulidzhanov: went to the crime, which film set worked together with (Porfiry Petrovich), Tatyana Bedova (Sonechka Marmeladova), (Luzhin), (Marmeladov) and others famous actors. This role gave Taratorkin popularity - before her, the young actor worked modestly in the Leningrad Youth Theater and managed to act in films only once. The painting from the entire scattering of productions on the theme of the work of Fyodor Mikhailovich was recognized as the most successful.

The early 2000s saw a boom in films based on classical works. The directors did not pass by Dostoevsky either. Crime and Punishment was filmed in eight episodes by Dmitry Svetozarov. In the 2007 film, the role of Rodion Raskolnikov went to, Sonya Marmeladova played, and Porfiry Petrovich -. The film work was coldly received by critics, calling it ambiguous. In particular, the song accompanying the credits was embarrassing:

"Who dares a lot, he is right, he is the ruler over them."
  • The magazine "Russian Messenger" owes Dostoevsky's novel a rise in popularity. After the publication of Crime and Punishment, the publication gained 500 new subscribers - an impressive number for those times.
  • According to the author's original idea, the novel had a different ending. Raskolnikov was supposed to commit suicide, but Fyodor Mikhailovich decided that such an outcome was too simple.

  • In St. Petersburg at st. Grazhdanskaya, 19 - Stolyarny per., 5 there is a house that is called Raskolnikov's house. It is believed that the protagonist of the novel lived in it. Exactly 13 steps lead to the attic, as it is written in the book. Dostoevsky also describes in detail the yard where his character hid the loot. According to the writer's memoirs, the courtyard is also real - Fyodor Mikhailovich drew attention to this place when he relieved himself there on a walk.

  • Georgy Taratorkin was approved for the role from a photograph. The actor was in the hospital with a serious illness, the diagnosis was disappointing - according to the doctors' forecasts, his legs would have to be amputated. In the photo, Taratorkin impressed the director with a painfully haggard face, which is how Raskolnikov seemed to him. When the young actor received the good news about the approval of his candidacy, he immediately got to his feet. So the role saved the man's limbs.
  • In Kulidzhanov's film, the episode of the destruction of evidence by Raskolnikov after the murder is accompanied by a muffled rhythmic knock. This sound is the heartbeat of Georgy Taratorkin recorded on a tape recorder.


“I only believe in my main idea. It consists precisely in the fact that people, according to the law of nature, are generally divided into two categories: into the lowest (ordinary), that is, so to speak, into the material that serves only for the generation of their own kind, and actually into people, that is, those who have the gift or the talent to say a new word in one's environment... The first rank is always the master of the present, the second rank is the master of the future. The former preserve the world and multiply it numerically; the second move the world and lead it to the goal.
“A scoundrel-man gets used to everything!”
“Science says: love, first of all, only yourself, for everything in the world is based on personal interest.”
"Become the sun, everyone will see you."
"There is nothing in the world more difficult than straightforwardness and nothing easier than flattery."
“When you fail, everything seems stupid!”
“Who in Rus' doesn’t consider himself Napoleon now?”
“Everything is in the hands of a person, and everything he carries past his nose, solely from cowardice. Curious what people are most afraid of? new step, new own word they are most afraid of everything.”


(Novel, 1866)

Raskolnikov Rodion Romanovich - main character. We correlate with Pushkin's Hermann (" Queen of Spades”), Balzac| Rastignac ("Father Goriot"), Julien Sorel from Stendhal's novel "Red and Black". Dostoevsky himself, in draft materials for the novel, compares Raskolnikov with Jean Sbaugard, the hero novel of the same name French writer C. Nodier (1818). "... Remarkably good-looking, with beautiful dark eyes, dark blond, taller than average, thin and slender." Dreamer, romantic, proud, strong and noble personality, completely absorbed in the idea. Studied at the university law faculty, who left due to lack of funds, and also because of the idea that captured him. However, he still considers himself a student. At the university he had almost no comrades and kept aloof from everyone. He studied hard, not sparing himself, he was respected, but not loved because of his pride and arrogance. He is the author of an article in which he considers " psychological condition offender throughout the entire course of the crime. The thought of killing an old woman evokes not only moral, but also aesthetic disgust in R. (“The main thing: dirty, dirty, disgusting, disgusting! ..”). One of the main tearing heroes internal contradictions- attraction to people and repulsion from them.

By original intention Dostoevsky, the hero succumbs to "some strange "unfinished" ideas that are in the air." It's about about utilitarian morality, deriving everything from the principle of reasonable utility. Over time, the motivations for R.'s crime are refined and deepened. They are connected with two main ideas: is it allowed to commit a small evil for the sake of a great good, does a noble end justify a criminal means? According to this plan, the hero is portrayed as a generous dreamer, a humanist, eager to make all mankind happy. He has a kind and compassionate heart, wounded by the sight of human suffering. Trying to help the disadvantaged, he comes to the realization of his own impotence in the face of world evil.

In desperation, he decides to "break" the moral law - to kill out of love for humanity, to commit evil for the sake of good.

R. is looking for power not out of vanity, but in order to effectively help people who are dying in poverty and lack of rights. However, next to this idea there is another - "Napoleonic", which gradually comes to the fore, pushing the first one. R. divides her humanity into “...two categories: into the lowest (ordinary), that is, so to speak, into the material that serves only for the birth of their own kind, and actually into people, i.e., those who have a gift or talent say a new word in your midst. The first category, the minority, was born to dominate and command, the second - "to live in obedience and be obedient." The main thing for him is freedom and power, which he can use as he pleases - for good or for evil. He confesses to Sonya that he killed because he wanted to know: “Do I have the right to have power?” He wants to understand: “Am I a louse, like everyone else, or a person? Will I be able to cross or not! Am I a trembling creature, or do I have a right. It's a self test strong personality testing its strength. Both ideas own the soul of the hero, tearing his consciousness.

R. - spiritual and composition center novel. External action only reveals his internal struggle. He must go through a painful bifurcation, "drag on himself all the pros and cons" in order to understand himself and the moral law, inextricably linked with human essence. The hero solves the riddle of his own personality and at the same time the riddle of human nature.

At the beginning of the novel, the hero is surrounded by mystery, constantly mentioning a certain “case” that he wants to encroach on. He lives in a room that looks like a coffin. Separated from everyone and shutting himself in his corner, he hatches the thought of murder. The world and people cease to be a true reality for him. However, the "ugly dream" he's harbored for a month disgusts him. He does not believe that he can commit murder, and despises himself for being abstract and incapable of practical action. He goes to the old pawnbroker for a test - a place to inspect and try on. He thinks about violence, and his soul writhes under the burden of world suffering, protesting against cruelty. In a dream-memory of a horse (one of the most impressive episodes), which is flogged in the eyes, the truth of his personality is revealed, the truth of earthly moral law, which he nevertheless intends to transgress, turning away from this truth.

The hopelessness of the situation pushes him to implement the idea. From his mother's letter, he learns that his beloved sister Dunya, in order to save him and herself from poverty and hunger, is going to sacrifice herself by marrying the businessman Luzhin. Accepting the idea with his mind, but resisting it with his soul, he at first renounces his plan. He prays, as in childhood, and seems to be freed from obsession. However, his triumph is premature: the idea has already penetrated into the subconscious and gradually again takes possession of his entire being. R. no longer manages his life: the idea of ​​rock steadily leads him to crime. By chance, on Sennaya Square, he hears that tomorrow at seven o'clock the old pawnbroker will be left alone.
After the murder of the old woman and her sister Lizaveta, R. experiences the deepest emotional shock. The crime puts him "beyond good and evil", separates him from humanity, surrounds him with an icy desert. "A gloomy feeling of painful, endless solitude and alienation suddenly consciously affected his soul." He has a fever, he is close to insanity and even wants to commit suicide. He tries to pray and laughs at himself. Laughter turns to desperation. Dostoevsky emphasizes the motive of the hero's alienation from people: they seem to him disgusting and cause "... an endless, almost physical disgust." Even with the closest he cannot speak, feeling an insurmountable boundary between them. Nevertheless, he goes to a former university acquaintance, Razumikhin, helps the family of Marmeladov crushed by horses, giving back the last money received from his mother.

At some point, R. it seems that he is able to live with this black spot on his conscience, what with former life it’s over, that finally “the kingdom of reason and light now ... and will, and strength ...” will triumph. Pride and self-confidence awaken in him again. From last strength he tries to fight investigator Porfiry Petrovich, feeling that he seriously suspects him. At the first meeting with Porfiry Petrovich, he, explaining his article, sets out the idea of ​​“extraordinary people” who themselves have the right to “... allow their conscience to step over ... over other obstacles, and only if the execution of the idea ( sometimes saving, perhaps for all mankind) will require it. In a conversation with the investigator, R. firmly answers his question that he believes in God and in the resurrection of Lazarus. However, when meeting with Sonya, he maliciously objected to her: “Yes, maybe there is no God at all?” He, like many heroes-ideologists of Dostoevsky, rather rushes between faith and unbelief, than really believes or does not believe.

Tired of "theory" and "dialectic", R. begins to realize the value ordinary life: “No matter how you live, just live! What a truth! Lord, what a truth! Scoundrel man! And the scoundrel is a Goth, who calls him a scoundrel for this. He, who wanted to be an “extraordinary person”, worthy of a true life, is ready to put up with a simple and primitive existence. His pride is crushed: no, he is not Napoleon, with whom he constantly relates himself, he is just an “aesthetic louse”. Instead of Toulon and Egypt, he has a “skinny ugly registrar”, but even that is enough for him to fall into despair. R. laments that he should have known in advance about himself, about his weakness, before going to "bleed". He is unable to bear the burden of the crime alone and confesses it to Sonechka. On her advice, he wants to repent publicly - he kneels in the middle of Sennaya Square, but he still cannot say "I killed." He goes to the office and confesses. In hard labor, R. is ill for a long time, which is caused by wounded pride, but, not wanting to accept, continues to remain alienated from everyone. He has an apocalyptic dream: some trichinas that inhabit the souls of people make them consider themselves the main bearers of truth, as a result of which general enmity and mutual extermination begin. What resurrects him to a new life is Sonechka's love, which has finally reached his heart, and his own love for her.

In the ongoing controversy around "Crime and Punishment" and, in particular, the image of R., one can single out D. I. Pisarev's article "The Struggle for Life" (1867), where the critic analyzes the socio-psychological reasons that pushed the hero to the crime and explains it inhumanity and unnaturalness of the existing system. In the article of the critic N. N. Strakhov "Our belles-lettres" (1867), the idea is brought to the fore that Dostoevsky brought out in the person of R. new look"nihilist", depicting "... nihilism is not as pathetic and wild phenomenon, but in a tragic form, as a distortion of the soul, accompanied by severe suffering. Strakhov saw in R. the trait of a "true Russian person" - a kind of religiosity with which he indulges in his idea, the desire to reach "to the end, to the edge of the road on which his misguided mind led him."

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