What about a group of masha and bears. Was it the same with girls? With a shuttle bag of books to the village for knowledge


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Masha Makarova - vocals, music, poetry
Vyacheslav Motylev - guitar
Maxim Khomich - guitar
Denis Petukhov - bass
Vyacheslav Kozyrev - drums

Group site

Masha and the Bears- Russian rock band formed in 1997.



The group "Masha and the Bears" was formed in 1997. The starting point of the history of the group can be considered 1996, when Maria Makarova handed over a demo recording of her songs to Oleg Nesterov, the soloist of the Megapolis group, who was touring in the city of Krasnodar. In 1997, M. Makarova signed a contract with Oleg Nesterov, who became her producer. In the same year, Masha gathers musicians.

The producers of the new education are the firm Snegiri-Music. In 1997, M. Makarova moved to Moscow and started recording her first album. This year, the group "Masha and the Bears" are filming two video clips in India - "Lyubochka" and "B. T." ("Without you"). The director was Mikhail Khleborodov. All lyrics and music were written by the soloist of the group Masha Makarova. The text of "Lyubochka" is a slightly modified text of the poem of the same name by the Soviet children's poet Agnia Barto. In 1998, a contract was signed to release an album with the Extraphone record label.


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See what "Masha and the Bears" is in other dictionaries:

    Genre Indie rock, folk rock, psychedelic rock Years 1997 2000 since 2004 ... Wikipedia

    The Masha and the Bears group originated in Moscow in 1996 under the leadership of Oleg Nesterov, the leader of the Megapolis group. The line-up included: Masha Makarova (vocals), Vyacheslav Motylev (guitar), Denis Petukhov (bass, ex-Naive). Maxim Khomich (guitar), Vyacheslav ... ... Russian rock music. Small encyclopedia

    Masha and the Bear ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Masha (meanings). Coordinates: 57°37′15.16″ s. sh. 39°53′15.28″ E  / 57.62088° N sh. 39.88758° E etc. ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Makarova. Masha Makarova Birth name Maria Vladimirovna Makarova Date of birth September 6, 1977 (1977 09 06) (35 years old) Place of birth ... Wikipedia

HAPPY PARENTSWhat is going on in your creative life? MARIA MAKAROVA Everything is very good in our creative life. Ready for release new album which will appear this winter. We already sing some songs from it at concerts. I also teach my own course of energy charging - this synthesis is the most effective exercises from various gymnastics - in the cafe "Shop No. 8", which is on Chistye Prudy.

S.R.What's in your family life happening? Who is your family?MM. It's me and the kids. Damir's father, Alexander. But in general, of course, my, our family is much wider. Ours is very strong. I have a mother and father, whom I love and respect very much. They, unfortunately, do not live together, but nevertheless. I had a stepfather who, God rest his soul, was also a second dad for me and brought up my brothers and me. There are also two aunts, my mother's sisters, whom I also love very much and one of whom I can call my second mother, and her daughter and her children ... Finally, my two twin brothers. And our family is expanding and expanding, there are more and more children, and it’s impossible to count everyone. There are families where such relatives as aunts and uncles do not communicate very much, they call each other like you, but with us it’s the other way around. We always call each other, find out how things are, what happened, support each other, meet. In general, we love each other! So my family is big and strong.

S.R.So, the appearance of twins did not happen for the first time in your family?MM. Yes, my mother, like me, also had twins, or rather twins. Only she first gave birth to me, and then brothers, and I first had two girls, and then a boy.

S.R.Is it more difficult with two children at once than with one?MM. It seems to me that it is easier to give birth to two first, then one, than first one, and then two. Just the experience with twins is such a workout! One child, even a few years after the first birth, seems like a no-brainer. After all, when I first gave birth to two girls, I didn’t know what a child was at all. Two means that's it. You immediately enter into a frantic rhythm, and for you it becomes the norm. My mother is another matter. First she gave birth to me, and then, exactly a year later, twins. And besides boys! I don't represent it. One year old girl and two newborn boys 3200 and 3300 g each!

S.R.How big! That's the weight of a normal baby!MM. Yes! It was my girls who were about two kilograms each, and the poor mother, pregnant, walked with a stick, could not climb the stairs with such a load. Therefore, in this regard, she is the captain for me. And, despite the difficulties, my mother says that this time, when all the children were small, was the happiest for her.

S.R.Masha, did you really give birth to all children at home?MM. Yes. I am not quite a traditional person in some way. common understanding. Although it depends what you call a tradition… So, my pregnancy went very well, and I have never been to the doctor and felt great. I generally do not like to get stuck in all these social bureaucratic structures, unless it is absolutely necessary. However, about a month before the birth, I still went and registered at the clinic so that they would not take me to any kind of maternity hospital. Very soon after that, like all pregnant twins, I went into labor, about a month before my due date. And it was right on Christmas Eve, which we were going to celebrate with friends. I called my friend and asked what to do, because I don’t have any certificates, they didn’t manage to do anything. And they sent me two absolutely wonderful midwives. Frankly, I didn’t expect childbirth to be so tough (although I knew that my mother gave birth for two days), but nevertheless I survived everything, and Mira and Rosa were born safely.

S.R.Was there anesthesia?MM. When you give birth with home midwives, you can forget about it. Childbirth takes place without any medication, absolutely natural, the old fashioned way. If I had given birth in a hospital, I have no doubt that on my knees I would have begged the doctors to inject me with painkillers, but here - don’t ask, they just don’t have it.

S.R.Well, what if something went wrong?MM. Midwives are required to have a short connection with the ambulance, and it was. But nothing urgent was needed.

S.R.Is it the same story with Damir?MM. Yes. By the way, it so happened that the son has two names. When he was born, Alexander and I named him Damir, and christened him Nikolai. So, I also gave birth to him at home. But only this time I met the midwife in advance. We followed the three main rules of childbirth: warm, dark and quiet, turned on candles, quiet music ... And I gave birth to Damir-Kolya. Moreover, I did not do an ultrasound and did not know exactly who would be, but I had inner confidence that a son will appear. He appeared, I took him in my arms: “Son!” So beautiful! And during his birth, I tried not to scream, but to sing.

S.R.Did it work?MM. Yes! Moreover, I discovered some previously unknown depths in my voice, and in general it seems to me that after each birth the quality of the vocal improves. Is it true. It's like your voice is coming from somewhere.

S.R.Has childbirth changed you?MM. Yes, of course, the whole life changes. You no longer belong to yourself, you are responsible for small creatures until they grow up. You count your life from them.

S.R.What is the most important thing in your life right now?MM. For a woman, there are several main things in life: children, personal life, self-realization. If there is harmony in all this, then we can say that the table stands firmly, firmly. Then you feel good.

S.R. Is there harmony? MM. Harmony is in the process of being achieved, let's put it this way… My girls are already going to school, Kolya is doing well too. I am still breastfeeding him.

S.R.And how much do you feed?MM. Well, it's been almost two years now.

S.R.Was it the same with girls?MM. Unfortunately no. I fed them for up to 4 months, because I had to tour, and there was no way to take two. At first, of course, I pumped, and then we switched them to formula, and they began to stay with my mother. And since he is alone, I take my son with me everywhere. For all the tours, for all the concerts, and this gives me the opportunity to breastfeed him for such a long time. To feed, more precisely, because he already eats everything the same as other children at his age.

S.R.Your twins have unusual names. Why are they?MM. When I was pregnant, in front of my bed was bookshelf on which stood the book of Daniil Andreev "The Rose of the World". And I lie, stroke my stomach and think: how good it would be for two girls to be born, I would call them like that beautiful names− Rose and Mira. In addition, I wanted to name the children in a way that no one of my acquaintances is called, so that they would not be associated with anyone.

S.R.You said they are different...MM. Yes. Rosa was born first, and she is really a fighting girl, you can say the leader. By nature, such a small "shaolin". The rose is always on the move, constantly younger brother arranges all sorts of games, turns him on, makes him laugh, somersaults, runs, jumps. And Mira is feminine, very tender, vulnerable, so sensitive, a little capricious.

They are different, like yin and yang. Rose - yang, solar energy, combat, giving; Peace - yin, lunar energy, feminine. Well, the boy, of course, is wonderful, our common favorite. Everyone plays with it, everyone loves it!

S.R.That is, the sisters did not have any jealousy?MM . No, on the contrary, the girls were very happy that they had a brother. And how he loves and waits for them! He calls them both "Mia" - such a combination of Mira and Rose - or simply "children". Wakes up and says, “Stake kids?” What does it mean, “Are the kids in school?” He runs, looking for them in all the rooms, does not find them and understands that yes, the children of the stake. And waiting for them. Only girls come, so much joy! They shout to him: “Malyusik, dear, hello!” I can leave him with them, calmly cook in the kitchen, they will play together. So cool!

S.R.Do you have any dreams about their future?MM. I would like them to be engaged in some kind of creativity, any, because creativity is what moves, it is self-expression. So I give them the opportunity to choose a direction, they are engaged different types arts. Recently went to karate - this is martial arts. They also go to ballroom dancing, drawing, music. Rosa began to compose her own songs. Here's from the last one:

- Go home quickly!
Frost repeats, frost repeats:
"Or I'll make you leave!"

Winter, winter
Coming closer to you and me
Winter, winter!
Don't forget about the Christmas tree!

And he asks me: “Mom, do you think it’s enough for a song or write another couplet?”

S.R.Do you have any main principle upbringing?MM. I think that all of mine, and any education should be based on love. Sometimes I want to slap, sometimes I want to scream. But then you realize that children immediately remove your pattern of behavior, and if you spank once, the beginning of rudeness appears in the child, if you shout - the beginning of anger. And then the kid starts not to trust you, maybe even lie somewhere. That is, even when I really want to do this, I restrain myself and simply say that this cannot be done. Or, on the contrary, I’ll stroke my head and say: “Well done to me, my dear sun, the kindest girl, so beautiful, so smart.” Then she will consider herself so. And if you call it a wretch or an evil one, it will become like that. Of course, all sorts of situations happen, we also get tired during the day, aggression accumulates in us ... And who else to pour it on? Here they are, the closest people, and the reason is almost always found. A very big temptation to break. But it is not necessary to do this, it is better to preserve peace, harmony, mutual understanding with all your might. And children absorb it, learn from it. So I noticed: I just have to shout at Rosa or Mira - they immediately begin to apply the same methods to the baby. Therefore, only respond with love to everything.

advice from a star

So that the children do not interfere with my cooking, I ask them ... to help me. We mix ingredients together, compare different flavors, find out what smells like. And when the dish is ready, we remember what it was made of.

Masha and the Bears, song "Lyubochka", video

Popular Russian singer Masha Makarova ( full name Makarova Maria Vladimirovna) was born in the southern city of Krasnodar. Masha Makarova's date of birth is September 6, 1977 (09/06/1977). Masha Makarova is also the leader and soloist of the rock group Masha and the Bears.

Masha Makarova started her creative activity in the city of Krasnodar, where she worked as the host of one of the music radio stations. She performed in local groups "Drynk" and "Makar Dubai". In those years, any resident of Krasnodar could see the performance of Masha Makarova on the streets of the city, where she constantly performed during various holidays.

Masha Makarova studied at KubSU as a journalist.

In 1996, Masha met famous musician Oleg Nesterov from the Megapolis group. The singer gave him a recording of her songs and a year later she signed a contract with him. Nesterov acted as a producer for the aspiring singer. Masha moves to live and work in the capital and creates new group"Masha and the Bears". The group has existed for three years and broke up in the year 2000. However, in 2004, the musicians reunited, and the team again took up creativity. Now Eric Chanturia has become the producer of "Masha and the Bears", as they say, on the advice of herself.

In 2008, Masha Makarova tried herself in electronic music as part of the Ya Maha project, but quickly realized that she did not want to work without her musicians.

In 2010, Masha Makarova participated in the work on the Megapolis group's album Supertango.
Masha Makarova's father's name is Vladimir Valerievich, mother's name is Vera Mikhailovna. She also has brothers Michael and Daniel, they are twins. Masha's first husband's name is Andrei Repeshko, he is an artist from Krasnodar. Masha has two twin daughters. Their names are Roza and Mira (born in 2005) and their son Damir, born in 2010.

Masha Makarova professes Orthodox Christianity.




The group "Masha and the Bears" was formed in 1997. The starting point of the group's history can be considered 1996, when Maria Makarova handed over a demo recording of her songs to Oleg Nesterov, the soloist of the Megapolis group, who was touring in the city of Krasnodar. In 1997, M. Makarova signed a contract with Oleg Nesterov, who became her producer. In the same year, Masha gathers musicians.

The producers of the new education are the firm Snegiri-Music. In 1997, M. Makarova moved to Moscow and started recording her first album. This year, the group "Masha and the Bears" are filming two video clips in India - "Lyubochka" and "B. T." ("Without you"). The director was Mikhail Khleborodov. All lyrics and music were written by the soloist of the group Masha Makarova. However, the text of "Lyubochka" is a slightly modified text of the poem of the same name by the Soviet children's poet Agnia Barto, and the music is a cover by Radiohead Creep. In 1998, a contract was signed to release an album with the Extraphone record label.

The album and the group become the "Discovery of 1998" at the Maxidrom festival, organized by the Maximum radio station at the Olimpiysky sports complex. In 1998, the group began to actively tour. Facilities mass media recognize the achievements of the team: "Matador" - the best group 1998, "OM" - the best debut of 1998, "Moskovsky Komsomolets" - singer of 1998, radio "Maximum" - best song 1998 "Lyubochka", MTV-Russia - "Lyubochka" - 12th place in the final Chart and 3rd place in the final Russian hit parade, "CooL" magazine - 35 weeks in the hit parade, album "Sunshine" - 28 weeks in the Top 10 Cool. The song "Lyubochka" from the album "Solntseklyosh" lasted 16 weeks in the hit parade of "Moskovsky Komsomolets", having managed to reach the first place 4 times. After such a successful start, the group "Masha and the Bears" shoots a video clip for the song "Reykjavik" in Iceland in 1998. The second hit was successfully received by critics and the Masha and the Bears group takes part in large-scale festivals: Sochi Riviera - June 1998, MegaHouse - June 1998, City Holiday - September 1998, the city of Kiev.


The group broke up in 2000, due to a conflict between Masha Makarova and the rest of the group, which occurred immediately before the group's performance at Maksidrom 2000, which never took place. The breakup of the group was announced in live radio Maximum, on which there were live broadcasts from the festival. Radio Maximum's host during the ongoing Maxidrome 2000, Mila O'Kada, was told that the group's performance was canceled due to the breakup of the group.

In th the musicians got together again and recorded the album "Without language", which was released in 2006. The group resumed an active concert life, performing in many clubs in Russia.

On December 21, 2012, the band released the first part of the album "The End of the Caterpillar - the Beginning of the Butterfly". The album comes in four releases of four tracks each. The first part was called "The End" in honor of the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar, on the day of which the release took place. At the end of 2013, the second part called "Caterpillars" was officially published. The tracklists for the rest of the album are a closely guarded secret. It is only known that by the time the final part is released, all parts of the puzzle will come together in a single picture. At the same time, the group's first new video clip for the song "Happy New Year!" was released, one of the main characters of which was Radio Maximum DJ Konstantin Mikhailov.


  • Masha Makarova - vocals acoustic guitar, flute, songwriter.
  • Vyacheslav Motylev (Hottabych) - guitar.
  • Maxim Khomich - guitar
  • Georgy Avanesyan (Geo) - bass.
  • Vyacheslav Kozyrev (Green) - drums.


Studio albums

  • - Sunflare (Extraphone)
  • - Where? (extraphone)
  • - No tongue (Style Records)
  • - The End (EP)
  • - Caterpillars (EP)
  • 2016 - TBA


  • 1997
  • 1997
  • 1998
  • 1998
  • 1999
  • 2000 (game)
  • 2000 (animation)
  • 2004 (Masha Makarova)
  • 2005 (Masha Makarova)
  • 2013

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  • A. S. Alekseev. Who's Who in Russian Rock Music. - M. : AST: Astrel: Harvest, 2009. - S. 286, 257. - ISBN 978-5-17-048654-0 (AST). - ISBN 978-5-271-24160-4 (Astrel). - ISBN 978-985-16-7343-4 (Harvest).


  • on last.fm
  • on the Zvezda.ru portal
  • on the British Wave portal
  • . Interview with Masha Makarova on Peremeny.Ru, 08.11.2006
This article was written using material from the Last.fm wiki, () licensed under Creative Commons and .

An excerpt characterizing Masha and the Bears

Just as it is difficult to explain why, where the ants rush from a scattered tussock, some away from the tussock, dragging specks, eggs and dead bodies, others back into the tussock - for which they collide, overtake each other, fight - it would also be difficult to explain the reasons that forced the Russian people after the French left to crowd in the place that was formerly called Moscow. But just as, looking at the ants scattered around a devastated tussock, despite the complete annihilation of the hummock, one can see from the tenacity, energy, and innumerable scurrying insects that everything has been destroyed, except for something indestructible, immaterial, constituting the entire strength of the tussock, so too and Moscow, in the month of October, despite the fact that there were no authorities, no churches, no shrines, no riches, no houses, was the same Moscow as it was in August. Everything was destroyed, except for something immaterial, but powerful and indestructible.
The motives of people striving from all sides to Moscow after its cleansing from the enemy were the most diverse, personal, and at first for the most part- wild animals. Only one impulse was common to all - it was the desire to go there, to that place that was formerly called Moscow, in order to apply their activities there.
A week later, there were already fifteen thousand inhabitants in Moscow, after two there were twenty-five thousand, etc. Rising and rising, this number by the autumn of 1813 had reached a figure exceeding the population of the 12th year.
The first Russian people who entered Moscow were the Cossacks of the Winzingerode detachment, peasants from neighboring villages and residents who fled from Moscow and hid in its environs. The Russians who entered devastated Moscow, finding it plundered, began to rob too. They continued what the French were doing. Convoys of peasants came to Moscow in order to take away from the villages everything that had been thrown along the devastated Moscow houses and streets. The Cossacks took away what they could to their headquarters; the owners of the houses took away everything that they found in other houses and transferred it to themselves under the pretext that it was their property.
But after the first robbers came others, third ones, and robbery every day, as the number of robbers increased, became more and more difficult and took on more definite forms.
The French found Moscow, although empty, but with all the forms of an organically correct city, with its various branches of trade, crafts, luxury, government controlled, religion. These forms were lifeless, but they still existed. There were rows, shops, shops, storehouses, bazaars - most with goods; there were factories, craft establishments; there were palaces, rich houses filled with luxury items; there were hospitals, prisons, offices, churches, cathedrals. The longer the French remained, the more these forms of urban life were destroyed, and in the end everything merged into one indivisible, lifeless field of robbery.
The robbery of the French, the more it continued, the more it destroyed the wealth of Moscow and the strength of the robbers. The robbery of the Russians, from which the occupation of the capital by the Russians began, the longer it lasted, the more participants it had, the faster it restored the wealth of Moscow and right life cities.
In addition to robbers, the people are the most diverse, attracted - some by curiosity, some by duty, some by calculation - householders, clergy, high and low officials, merchants, artisans, peasants - with different sides like blood to the heart - rushed to Moscow.
A week later, the peasants, who came with empty carts in order to take away things, were stopped by the authorities and forced to take the dead bodies out of the city. Other peasants, having heard about the failure of their comrades, came to the city with bread, oats, hay, knocking down the price of each other to a price lower than the previous one. Artels of carpenters, hoping for expensive earnings, entered Moscow every day, and new ones were cut down from all sides, burnt houses were repaired. Merchants in booths opened trade. Taverns and inns were set up in burnt houses. The clergy resumed service in many unburned churches. Donors brought looted church items. Officials arranged their cloth tables and filing cabinets in small rooms. The higher authorities and the police ordered the distribution of the good left after the French. The owners of those houses in which a lot of things brought from other houses were left complained about the injustice of bringing all things to the Faceted Chamber; others insisted that the French from different houses brought things to one place, and therefore it is unfair to give the owner of the house those things that were found from him. They scolded the police; bribed her; they wrote ten times the estimates for burnt state things; required assistance. Count Rostopchin wrote his proclamations.

At the end of January, Pierre arrived in Moscow and settled in the surviving wing. He went to Count Rostopchin, to some of his acquaintances who had returned to Moscow, and was going to go to Petersburg on the third day. Everyone celebrated the victory; everything was seething with life in the devastated and reviving capital. Everyone was glad to Pierre; everyone wanted to see him, and everyone asked him about what he had seen. Pierre felt especially friendly towards all the people he met; but involuntarily now he kept himself on guard with all people, so as not to bind himself in any way. He answered all the questions that were put to him, whether important or the most insignificant, with the same vagueness; Did they ask him where he would live? will it be built? when he is going to Petersburg and will he undertake to bring a box? - he answered: yes, maybe, I think, etc.
He heard about the Rostovs that they were in Kostroma, and the thought of Natasha rarely came to him. If she came, it was only as a pleasant memory of the past. He felt himself not only free from the conditions of life, but also from this feeling, which, as it seemed to him, he had deliberately put on himself.
On the third day of his arrival in Moscow, he learned from the Drubetskys that Princess Marya was in Moscow. death, suffering, last days Prince Andrei often occupied Pierre and now came to his mind with new vivacity. Having learned at dinner that Princess Marya was in Moscow and living in her unburned house on Vzdvizhenka, he went to her that same evening.
On his way to Princess Marya, Pierre kept thinking about Prince Andrei, about his friendship with him, about various meetings with him, and especially about the last one in Borodino.
“Did he really die in that evil mood in which he was then? Was not the explanation of life revealed to him before death? thought Pierre. He remembered Karataev, his death, and involuntarily began to compare these two people, so different and at the same time so similar in love, which he had for both, and because both lived and both died.
In the most serious mood, Pierre drove up to the house of the old prince. This house survived. Traces of destruction were visible in it, but the character of the house was the same. The old waiter who met Pierre with a stern face, as if wanting to make the guest feel that the absence of the prince did not violate the order of the house, said that the princess was deigned to go to her rooms and was received on Sundays.

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