What is the ill-nature of the undergrown. Here are evil-minded fruits worthy (D


The comedy "Undergrowth" (1782) reveals sharp social problems of his time. Although the work is based on the idea of ​​education, the satire is directed against serfdom and landlord arbitrariness. The author shows that on the basis of serfdom evil fruits grew - meanness, mental dullness. The bearers of this are the Prostakovs and Skotinins.

Prostakova, nee Skotinina, a worthy daughter of her father, who used to say: "And don't be that Skotinin, who wants to learn something." She is proud that she cannot read, she is indignant that girls are taught to read and write (Sofya), because. I am sure that much can be achieved without education. “From our own family of Prostakovs ..., lying on their side, they fly to their ranks.” Prostakova understands that other times have come, and teaches her son, rejoicing that Mitrofan's teachers are not captive. She “prepares Mitrofan for people”, hiring to teach reading and writing - the sexton Kuteikin, arithmetic - the retired sergeant Tsyfirkin, French and all sciences - the German Vralman, a former coachman. According to her notions, “Yeorgafia” is not needed by a nobleman: “But what about the cabbies?” She is sure that even without science one can “make enough”. Prostakova considers learning flour and indulges her son in his laziness. She calls her husband a "freak" and "a bastard" and beats him. She also beats the serfs, considering them "cattle" and "boobs." Prostakova is an ignorant, stingy, evil landowner. “From morning to evening, as if hanging by the tongue, I don’t rest my hands: either I scold, or I fight.” He advises Verna Eremeevna to "grab her brother's mug", calling her "you're a dog's daughter", giving her "five slaps a day." When it was not possible to marry Mitrofan to Sofya, she shouts: “I order everyone to be beaten to death!” Pravdin calls her to order, to which she indignantly declares: “Isn’t a nobleman free to beat a servant whenever he wants?” Mitrofan Prostakov loves with blind love, making him a real undergrowth.

Prostakova's brother, Skotinin, is a lover of pigs, whom he considers "a whole head higher than each of us." “Skotinins are all kind of strong-willed,” and a brother who “has entered into the mind, it settled down here.” He, like his sister, believes that "learning is nonsense." He treats pigs better than people, declaring: "People are clever in front of me, and among pigs I myself am the smartest of all." Rude, like his sister, promises to make Sophia Mitrofan a freak: “By the legs, and around the corner!”

Prostakov - weak-willed downtrodden man and says about himself: "I am the wife's husband."

Mitrofan is the true son of his parents. He is a glutton, rude and lazy. Mitrofan used to, in childhood, "seeing a pig, tremble with joy." For four years, three teachers have been teaching Mitrofan to read and write, but the 16-year-old underage does not like to study. She threatens her mother: “I’ll dive - so remember what your name was!” Declares: “I don’t want to study, but I want to get married!” He calls teachers names (“garrison rat”), threatens to complain about them to his mother. Faithful Eremeevna calls "old khrychevka". "I'll finish you off!" he threatens her. The failed marriage to Sophia tells Mitrofan that the time has come to "take on people." Angry at his uncle, he shouts: “Get out, uncle! Get out!” And in the finale, when Prostakova rushes to her son for consolation, he tells her: "Yes, get rid of it, mother, as it was imposed."

A worthy son was brought up by the Prostakov family. Starodum correctly says in the finale: "Here are worthy fruits of evil-mindedness."

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"Undergrowth" - a comedy that reflected the conditions public life Russia XVIII V. Fonvizin in his work ridiculed not specific people, such as Mrs. Prostakova or Skotinin, but the prevailing customs and customs everywhere. The author went even further - he touched upon the causes that gave rise to such mores. These reasons can be briefly defined in one word, so precisely chosen by Fonvizin. That word is "malice".

Mrs. Prostakova, to whom the phrase in the title of the essay is related, bore the surname Skotinina as a girl, which already speaks for itself. She grew up in the Skotinin family and received her first life lessons, where the main features of her character were formed: hatred of education (the desire to learn in her eyes did not befit a nobleman), despotism, love of children, which acquired truly brutal forms. Her horizons are extremely narrow, her consciousness is undeveloped. And what could be expected from the nee Skotinina? People like Prostakova in development, that is, simply stupid, are very often unjustifiably self-confident and stubborn.

The character of Prostakova is fully manifested already in the very first scene, when she scolds the tailor Trishka for a poorly tailored caftan. It is impossible to dissuade her of anything, she stands her ground. She is a lady, a sovereign mistress in the house and is absolutely sure of her power over people. What to say about the servants, when even her husband agrees with her in everything, knowing full well that it is useless and even dangerous to argue. God forbid to fall under the arm of an angry fury, so no one tries not to anger her.

The longer, the more disgusting Prostakov seems to the reader. Very unpleasant, for example, is the scene where Prostakova last words scolds the maid Palashka because she, having fallen ill, lies in bed, "like a noblewoman." In the eyes of Prostakova, the servant is not a person, he cannot have feelings, desires, he cannot be sick or feel bad. Such was not only Prostakova, this was how all the landlords treated their serfs, considering them not people, but "souls" that can be sold, bought, donated, like any other product.

It is even more unpleasant to look at Prostakova in those moments when she fawns over Starodum or hovering around her son. Special mention should be made of Mitrofan. He is the product of poor maternal upbringing. Feeling his mother's weakness for him, he takes advantage of this in every possible way and turns everyone in the house as he wants. Any of his desires is a law for the mother. It is not surprising that Mitrofan grows into such a disgusting and two-faced creature. And it is quite natural that he turns away from his mother: this is her merit and no more.

The closer to the denouement, the more furious Prostakova becomes, more unbearable for others. Finally, she decides on a completely lawless act - to steal Sophio in order to marry her to her son. This is the logical conclusion of the image of Prostakova. The reader is no longer only aware of the urgent need for her denunciation and punishment, but also desires this.

Fonvizin really punishes the despotic landowner, and the punishment turns out to be too severe further for such a creature unworthy of pity. The loss of her son makes her unhappy. From a comic heroine, she suddenly becomes tragic. Even those around her pity her. When she faints, everyone rushes to help her, forgetting about the insults she caused. But sympathy or pity will no longer help her, because she has lost her two main treasures - power and her son.

It is no coincidence that the image of Mrs. Prostakova seems so alive to us. Many contemporaries, and even more so descendants, who have the advantage that they looked at the "Undergrowth" as part of historical picture, saw in the village fury a portrait of Empress Catherine II herself. There are many features that bring Prostakova and Ekaterina together: complete autocracy in their patrimony, a soft-bodied spouse removed from management, a favorite who has received all rights (Prostakova has a son, Ekaterina has numerous lovers who succeeded each other). Prostakova built her small empire, like Catherine, although, of course, she did it not consciously, but like a child who imitates her parents. The picture of life in the Prostakovs' house is an indirect accusation state power. Fonvizin openly denounced the court in the speeches of Starodum. A lifestyle Prostakov's house became a kind of parody of the life of Catherine's court.

Thus, Mrs. Prostakova is nothing but a product of time, just like Mitrofanushka is a product of her own upbringing. The author in the comedy presents Prostakova with three main accusations. The first is ignorance and stupidity, which give rise to ignorance and stupidity the same, if not even greater, as we see in the example of Mitrofanushka. Second: excessive love for her son, which brought Prostakova to such an animal-like state. And, finally, the third is the accusation of tyranny and "malice". These vices harm not only people (the husband is a weak-willed slave, the son is a fool and lazy), but also the whole state, because if all its citizens are like that, then the state will perish.

Here are the worthy fruits of wickedness
From the comedy "Undergrowth" (1782) by Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin (1744-1792), words by Starodum (act. 5, fig. 8).
Used: playfully-ironically in relation to the natural consequences of someone's bad character, upbringing, etc.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

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    here is the worthy fruit of wickedness- Fonvizin. Undergrowth. 5, 8. Cf. Das eben ist der Fluch der Bösen that, Dass sie, fortzeugend, immer böses muss gebären. Evil always comes from another evil: That is why it is so disastrous. Schiller. Die Piccolomini. 5, 1. Transl. Lyalina. Wed So far in… …

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    Mitrofanushka- Undergrowth comedy by Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin. This play is his most famous work and the most repertory play of the 18th century on the Russian stage of subsequent centuries. Fonvizin worked on a comedy for about three years. The premiere took place in 1782 ... Wikipedia

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The comedy "Undergrowth" (1782) reveals the acute social problems of his time. Although the work is based on the idea of ​​education, the satire is directed against serfdom and landlord arbitrariness. The author shows that on the basis of serfdom evil fruits grew - meanness, mental dullness. The bearers of this are the Prostakovs and the Skotinins. Prostakova, nee Skotinina, is a worthy daughter of her father, who used to say: “And if it wasn’t for that Skotinin, who wants to learn something.” She is proud that she cannot read, she is outraged that girls are taught to read and write (Sofya), because she is sure that much can be achieved without education. “From our own family of Prostakovs ..., lying on their side, they fly to their ranks.”

Prostakova understands that other times have come, and teaches her son, rejoicing that Mitrofan's teachers are not captive. She “prepares Mitrofan for people”, hiring to teach reading and writing - the sexton Kuteikin, arithmetic - the retired sergeant Tsyfirkin, French and all sciences - the German Vralman, a former coachman. According to her notions, “Eorgafia” is not needed by a nobleman: “But what about the cabbies?” She is sure that even without science one can “make enough”. Prostakova considers learning flour and indulges her son in his laziness. She calls her husband a "freak" and "a bastard" and beats him. She also beats the serfs, considering them "cattle" and "boobs." Prostakova is an ignorant, stingy, evil landowner. “From morning to evening, as if hanging by the tongue, I don’t rest my hands: either I scold, or I fight.”

He advises Verna Eremeevna to "grab her brother's mug", calling her "you're a dog's daughter", giving her "five slaps a day." When it was not possible to marry Mitrofan to Sofya, she shouts: “I order everyone to be beaten to death!” Pravdin calls her to order, to which she indignantly declares: “Isn’t a nobleman free to beat a servant whenever he wants?” Mitrofan Prostakov loves with blind love, making him a real undergrowth.

Prostakova's brother, Skotinin, is a lover of pigs, whom he considers "a whole head higher than each of us." “Skotinins are all kind of strong-willed,” and a brother who “has entered into the mind, it settled down here.” He, like his sister, believes that "learning is nonsense." He treats pigs better than people, declaring: "People are clever in front of me, and among pigs I myself am the smartest of all." Rude, like his sister, promises to make Mitrofan a freak for Sofya: “By the legs, but around the corner!” Prostakov is a weak-willed downtrodden person and says about himself: “I am my wife’s husband.” Mitrofan is the true son of his parents. He is a glutton, rude and lazy.

Mitrofan used to, in childhood, "seeing a pig, tremble with joy." For four years, three teachers have been teaching Mitrofan to read and write, but the 16-year-old underage does not like to study. She threatens her mother: “I’ll dive - so remember what your name was!” Declares: “I don’t want to study, but I want to get married!” He calls teachers names (“garrison rat”), threatens to complain about them to his mother.

Faithful Eremeevna calls "old khrychevka". "I'll finish you off!" he threatens her. The failed marriage to Sophia tells Mitrofan that the time has come to "take on people." Angry at his uncle, he shouts: “Get out, uncle! Get out!

"And in the finale, when Prostakova rushes to her son for consolation, he tells her: "Yes, get rid of it, mother, as it was imposed." The Prostakov family raised a worthy son. Starodub correctly says in the finale: "Here are worthy fruits of evil-mindedness."

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  2. Comedy D. N. Fonvizin "Undergrowth" is the pinnacle of Russian drama of the XVIII century. The work was created according to the strict rules of classicism: the unity of time (day), place (the house of the Prostakovs) and action (rivalry between suitors...

  3. Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin - one of the most prominent figures literature XVIII century. His love for the theater was born in his youth, and the talent of the future playwright was noticed even...

  4. “One respect should be flattering to a person - sincere, and only one who is in ranks beyond money, and in nobility beyond ranks is worthy of spiritual respect.” D. I.FonvizinV early XVIII...

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The comedy "Undergrowth" (1782) reveals the acute social problems of his time. Although the work is based on the idea of ​​education, the satire is directed against serfdom and landlord arbitrariness. The author shows that on the basis of serfdom evil fruits grew - meanness, mental dullness. The bearers of this are the Prostakovs and Skotinins.

Prostakova, nee Skotinina, a worthy daughter of her father, who used to say: "And don't be that Skotinin, who wants to learn something." She is proud that she cannot read, she is indignant that girls are taught to read and write (Sofya), because. I am sure that much can be achieved without education. “From our own family of Prostakovs ..., lying on their side, they fly to their ranks.” Prostakova understands that other times have come, and teaches her son, rejoicing that Mitrofan's teachers are not captive. She “prepares Mitrofan for people”, hiring to teach reading and writing - the sexton Kuteikin, arithmetic - the retired sergeant Tsyfirkin, French and all sciences - the German Vralman, a former coachman. According to her notions, “Yeorgafia” is not needed by a nobleman: “But what about the cabbies?” She is sure that even without science one can “make enough”. Prostakova considers learning flour and indulges her son in his laziness. She calls her husband a "freak" and "a bastard" and beats him. She also beats the serfs, considering them "cattle" and "boobs." Prostakova is an ignorant, stingy, evil landowner. “From morning to evening, as if hanging by the tongue, I don’t rest my hands: either I scold, or I fight.” He advises Verna Eremeevna to "grab her brother's mug", calling her "you're a dog's daughter", giving her "five slaps a day." When it was not possible to marry Mitrofan to Sofya, she shouts: “I order everyone to be beaten to death!” Pravdin calls her to order, to which she indignantly declares: “Isn’t a nobleman free to beat a servant whenever he wants?” Mitrofan Prostakov loves with blind love, making him a real undergrowth.

Prostakova's brother, Skotinin, is a lover of pigs, whom he considers "a whole head higher than each of us." “Skotinins are all kind of strong-willed,” and a brother who “has entered into the mind, it settled down here.” He, like his sister, believes that "learning is nonsense." He treats pigs better than people, declaring: "People are clever in front of me, and among pigs I myself am the smartest of all." Rude, like his sister, promises to make Sophia Mitrofan a freak: “By the legs, and around the corner!”

Prostakov is a weak-willed downtrodden person and says about himself: "I am my wife's husband."

Mitrofan is the true son of his parents. He is a glutton, rude and lazy. Mitrofan used to, in childhood, "seeing a pig, tremble with joy." For four years, three teachers have been teaching Mitrofan to read and write, but the 16-year-old underage does not like to study. She threatens her mother: “I’ll dive - so remember what your name was!” Declares: “I don’t want to study, but I want to get married!” He calls teachers names (“garrison rat”), threatens to complain about them to his mother. Faithful Eremeevna calls "old khrychevka". "I'll finish you off!" he threatens her. The failed marriage to Sophia tells Mitrofan that the time has come to "take on people." Angry at his uncle, he shouts: “Get out, uncle! Get out!” And in the finale, when Prostakova rushes to her son for consolation, he tells her: "Yes, get rid of it, mother, as it was imposed."

A worthy son was brought up by the Prostakov family. Starodub correctly says in the finale: "Here are worthy fruits of evil-mindedness."

    One of the main characters of the comedy "Undergrowth" by Fonvizin is Prostakov Mitrofan Terentyevich, the noble son of the Prostakovs. The name Mitrofan means “similar”, similar to the mother. Maybe with this name Mrs. Prostakova wanted to show that her son is a reflection ...

    Mitrofanushka's teachers, half-educated seminarian Kuteikin and retired soldier Tsyfirkin, know little, but they try to fulfill their duties honestly and conscientiously. However, the main educator of the undergrowth remains Prostakova herself with her "solid logic" ...

    The rich ideological and thematic content of the comedy "Undergrowth" is embodied in a masterfully designed art form. Fonvizin managed to create a harmonious comedy plan, skillfully intertwining the pictures of everyday life with the disclosure of the views of the characters. With great care...

    The name Mitrofan is translated as like a mother, like a mother. He was sixteen years old, he should have already gone to the service at the age of fifteen, but Mrs. Prostokova did not want to be separated from her son. He did not have a goal in life, he did not think about the future and about studying, ...

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