Miracles created by man. Michael Crow's heart failure


There is a place for a miracle in the life of each of us, and sometimes these miracles happen in reality. Sometimes we find information that in such and such a year, in such and such a place and with such and such a person, an unheard-of miracle happened, and often many of us do not believe in this, since we, as adults, believe that miracles does not happen, but very in vain. It is logical that we do not believe in what is not visible with our own eyes, but you should believe in at least 10 truly amazing stories that are waiting for you next.

Saint Clelia Barbieri

Clelia Barbieri was born in Italy in 1874. She helped found the Minor Sisters of the Virgin Mary of Sorrows, a women's monastic congregation, and at 23 she was a very influential person. Unfortunately, she soon died of leukemia. However, before her death, Clelia told her followers: "Be brave, I am going to heaven, but I will always be with you, I will never leave you." A year after her death, while the sisters were singing high voice filled the church, merging with their voices. Since then, her voice has always echoed them in prayers. They say that Clelia's voice can still be heard within the walls of her church.

Martin de Porres

Martin de Porres was common man who worked like all the other poor and sick people of Peru. During his lifetime, many miracles were attributed to him: levitation, magical healings and the ability to stay in two places at the same time. For example, in 1956, a stone fell on a man's leg and crushed the bone. He developed gangrene and was diagnosed with hepatitis. Doctors were going to amputate her leg, but one woman prayed over her all night. The next day, when the bandages were removed, the leg was unrecognizable. The amputation was no longer necessary.

Michael Crow's heart failure

At 23, Michael Crow suffered from a condition called acute myocarditis. His heart was only 10 percent functional, and it harmed the whole body. A transplant was needed, otherwise he would not have survived. However, doctors categorically ruled out the possibility of a transplant, considering it too risky. An hour after the decision of the doctors, his blood pressure rose, and a little later the left chamber of his heart began to work on its own. An MRI scan showed that there was not a single scar on the heart. Now the young man has already been discharged from the hospital and is completely healthy.

19 year old coma

In 2007, Jan Grzebski woke up from a 19-year-old coma to find that Poland was no longer under communist rule and that everyone now had mobile phone. But the most amazing thing is that he was able to survive such a long coma, because the doctors said that he would live no more than a few years. Yang credits his wife for taking care of him all these years and moving his body for several hours a day, thanks to which he avoided bedsores.

Miracle in Lanciano

In the 7th century AD, a monk in the Italian town of Lanciano questioned the doctrine of transubstantiation (the Catholic teaching that the wine and bread of believers are the blood and body of the Lord). Once, when he read the words of transubstantiation, wine and bread really turned into blood and meat. He told other monks about this, then this blood and meat were placed in a special container and are still a relic among Catholics.

mysterious voice

In 2005, Lynn Jennifer Grosbeck lost control and her car fell into the river, flying off the road. In the back seat was the one and a half year old daughter of a young woman. Lynn died instantly, and the girl hung upside down over ice water but was still alive. She spent 12 hours like this. Four policemen who arrived at the scene of the accident claim that they heard distant voice asking for help. Finding a little girl, they rescued her. No one understands how she could survive such an accident.

Church cures cancer

At 57, Greg Thomas found out he had terminal cancer. He lost his job and was already ready to say goodbye to his family, not hoping to get out. One day he was walking his dog and came across an abandoned church. Not knowing what to do with himself, he decided to restore this church and asked the city for financial assistance in exchange for him rebuilding the temple on his own. After the church was restored, it turned out that the disease receded.

Virgin Mary of Guadalupe

Apparitions of the Virgin Mary have occurred throughout world history, in 1531 she appeared to the Mexican peasant Juan Diego. The Mother of God told him to ask the bishop to build a temple. Diego went to the bishop, but he did not believe him and demanded proof. Then the Virgin Mary ordered Diego to pick roses on a barren hill and put them in his cloak. Having done so, he took these roses to the bishop, and, unfolding the cloak, saw there the image of the Virgin. This portrait has survived to this day in excellent condition.

Saint Joseph of Copertino

Saint Joseph of Copertino liked to levitate. It is said that he defied gravity more than seventy times, he had to restrain himself in order to stay on earth. Today he is considered the patron saint of aviators.

imperishable bodies

Catholics and Orthodox Greeks believe that the bodies of some saints do not decompose, or their decomposition is slowed down due to divine intervention. Embalmed or mummified bodies cannot be considered incorruptible, those who achieve this status are often put on display.

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People have been watching the wonders of nature for centuries and drawing ideas for their own inventions. So even a separate science appeared - bionics, and its subsection - biomimetics, which is based on the principle of borrowing from animals ideas and basic elements for new technologies.

website prepared for you a selection of interesting inventions of mankind, the prototypes of which were animals.

Reflective markings, retractable blades and crampons

The cat has become a real muse for the Englishman Percy Shaw. Once he drew attention to how car headlights are reflected in the eyes of a cat, then he came up with the first road reflectors, which can now be found everywhere.

It consists of a plastic tube that plays the role of the spine, and 4 "fingers", which made the hand more dexterous.

Miracle Shark Skin

To begin with, on the example of a shark, sheathing for ships was created so that any dirty tricks would not stick to them. Then, according to its type, they began to make clothes for swimmers and an adhesive film, which is supposed to cover surfaces in hospitals.

GPS and migration

The great mystery for scientists is still the migration of birds. How do birds know where they are flying? There are many assumptions on this topic - from the star map and the position of the Sun to magnetic field Earth and marks from previous travels.

Be that as it may, the birds always successfully get to the desired point rather thanks to the built-in GPS in the brain, which surpasses human capabilities. Such is the built-in compass that inspired people to their own invention.

Infrared rays and snakes

Why are snakes so dangerous day and night? Because cunning creepers are equipped with an amazing organ - a kind of device that sees thermal infrared rays. Two pits on her head give her amazing vigilance.

By increasing the accuracy of the "serpentine method", scientists have created a unique thermal imaging diagnostics that allows you to look into the bowels of the earth. They also used it to create night vision devices and medical devices.

Agriculture and ants

Maybe, Agriculture It may not seem like the most advanced technology, but for years and in decent quantities, it provided food for our ancestors. And the ants in this business are real aces and have been doing it much longer than ours.


24.08.17 11:07

We all believe in miracles. Some are praying fervently. Some are childishly naive. And someone pretends not to believe, but still believes in the depths of his soul, hiding this “strangeness” behind pragmatism and skepticism. Heroes best books about faith in a miracle, they strove for it, hoped for it, some hoped for fate, others made incredible efforts, but most importantly, none of them gave up. Although everyone understands the miracle in their own way! For others, this is a cure for a serious illness, for others it is an unprecedented career and profit. But for some, a rainbow after the rain is enough. Here is our top 10 best books about believing in miracles.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Only True Stories

Amy Newmark collected in her book " Chicken bouillon for the Soul: 101 Stories of Miracles" only real stories. It is very hard to believe in some, but the heroes of all these essays struggled with fate, illness, adversity, troubles, losses, but they came out of the “fights” with honor. Many who have read this collection claim that it inspires and is an excellent "cure" for the desperate, who think that the black stripe will never change to white. Do you want to be optimistic? Do you want to believe in a miracle? Find Amy Newmar's 2017 bestseller!

Or maybe this whole world was invented for their love?

Jamaican-born Nicola Youn has only published a handful of novels, and she already has such a solid “reserve” literary awards and nominations! The writer considers herself a complete romantic and unconditionally believes in love. This is what she tries to convey to her readers. Yun's book "All This World" tells about the girl Maddy, who suffers from a rare mental illness that does not allow her to communicate with the outside world and forever locked her recluse in the apartment. Maddie has a minimal social circle: a mother and a nurse who looks after the patient. One day the heroine will see a handsome guy through the window and fall in love. What if love can work a miracle and cure Maddie? The novel was filmed and released in 2017, the role of Maddie was played by Amanda Stenberg (Ruta from The Hunger Games), and Ollie's boyfriend was Nick Robinson.

Providence: fate plays a man ...

The Frenchwoman Valerie Tong Cuong, a writer and musician who gave us a meeting with the characters of the book "Providence", speaks with readers about faith in a miracle and a new chance for happiness. In 2008, in the author's homeland, he was recognized best novel of the year. The characters of Tong are very different: a terminally ill architect, an aging producer, a woman who is afraid of losing her job (she needs to feed her children), and a dark-skinned lawyer - but their destinies will be intertwined. Someone in heaven clearly favors these people and will help them understand themselves and their problems. The main thing is to believe!

It just doesn't work together

Other French writer, Anna Gavalda, has long won authority both in her country (where she was instantly dubbed the “new Francoise Sagan”) and in the world. Her novels are recognized as bestsellers, but many consider the book "Just Together" to be the best. The restless girl Camilla, who has an artistic gift, ruins herself in hard work: she cleans the endless offices of a large company. Chef Frank is angry at the whole world because he has to stand for days at a red-hot stove, and then rush to his grandmother in a nursing home (the old woman cannot serve herself). Philibert, an almost impoverished aristocrat with the soul of a poet, but unsightly and stuttering, vegetates in a too spacious apartment - family value, expensive real estate that can be sold at any time. It is this apartment that will unite the heroes and, having gone through misunderstanding and conflicts, believing in themselves (and a little in a miracle), they will become happy. There is a good film adaptation of the novel with Audrey Tautou and Guillaume Canet.

Return of Samuel Lake to his native land

If you are a priest who has been left without a job, but you have a duty, a family and children, you should not lose faith. Sam Lake did not allow himself to despair, although moving to a new place (or rather, to his wife's homeland) was difficult for the family. But the offspring are happy: they can frolic on the old farm of their grandfather and grandmother, without thinking about what the neighbors will say (it turns out, being the children of a clergyman is not so easy). Most of the attention in Jenny Wingfield's novel "The Return of Samuel Lake" is given to the daughter of the hero Swann. It is through her eyes that we will look at a serene summer afternoon, experience losses together with the girl that cannot be replenished. However, light cannot forever yield to darkness. So Swan will not lose faith in a miracle (and in a good start in people). Wingfield's prose has been compared to Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, and for good reason: it is also a wonderful work about southern life.

Solomon Northup's 12 Years as a Slave

In 2017, EKSMO republished Solomon Northup's novel 12 Years a Slave. This is very Old book, which first saw the light in 1853 and forced Americans to reconsider their attitude towards the slave trade and slavery in general. It is said that "12 Years a Slave" along with "Uncle Tom's Cabin", having influenced the mood in society, forced the northern states to start civil war. When the free dark-skinned northerner Solomon, kidnapped by villains, had no strength left, and the hope of salvation was almost exhausted, faith in a miracle helped him survive with a cruel slave owner. The miracle came in the form of a simple hard worker who saved Northup. You are well aware that the book was filmed and became best movie year, winning an Oscar.

Mountains between us, and under us - the abyss

But we have yet to evaluate the movie “The Mountains Between Us” - its premiere in the fall of 2017. The synopsis and the main stars of the picture - the British Idris Elba and Kate Winslet - promise us an extraordinary spectacle. Cinema is based on novel of the same name Martin Charles, however, the heroine Ashley was renamed Alex, but is this the main thing? The plot remains the same: two strangers, hurrying - one on business (he is a doctor), the other - to his wedding, use the services of a private jet (regular flights are delayed). They still do not know that they will not reach their destination: the plane will crash in the mountains, and the passengers will wander along the snow-covered mountain paths in the hope of salvation and with faith in a miracle.

The amazing Wizard of Oz will fulfill your wishes...

Miracles happen in almost all fairy tales, but how else? That's why kids love it fabulous adventures, and believe in them: magic wands decide a lot! Heroine worldwide famous fairy tale Lyman Frank Baum "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" Dorothy simply must believe in a miracle and in the existence of a mysterious sorcerer - otherwise she will never return home! Moreover, the girl does not want to let anyone down. own dog Toto, nor the new acquaintances she met on the yellow brick road (the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, and the Cowardly Lion). Each traveler has their own cherished dream. And although they believe in miracles and in Oz (in fact, he is a fraud hiding behind different ways), the main miracle is the heroes themselves, their courage and strong friendship. Based on Baum's book, many films, TV shows and cartoons were shot, the most famous of which (with Judy Garland) became an Oscar winner.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: First Journey to Hogwarts

Many were delighted with the new blockbuster Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, but do not forget: the adventures of the wizard-zoologist Scamander were born as a spin-off of the Potter films. It all started with the novel by J. K. Rowling (in other words, JK Rowling) "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", which a single mother tried to attach to various publishers for a long time. The fact that the book was published is a miracle that it was published in millions of copies - a miracle that six sequels were born - a miracle. Yes, and the novel itself is literally stuffed with miracles, although the orphan Harry did not believe in any miracles, vegetating with evil aunts and uncles until he got to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft. Young students not only believe in miracles, they are masters of miraculous deeds!

Scarlet Sails: You can do wonders too!

most famous book about belief in a miracle remains modest, not able to boast of hundreds of pages and sequels, the story of the Russian classic Alexander Grin "Scarlet Sails". The story of the ingenuous provincial girl Assol, over whom many townspeople make fun, touches to tears even at the second, third and tenth reading. While still a baby, Assol, who was left without a mother, met a wandering storyteller - he promised that someday a miracle would happen in the city: a beautiful young man would come for the heroine on a ship with scarlet sails. Well, isn't it naivety: to stand idle for hours on the shore, looking out for a non-existent brig? However, it happened ordinary miracle”: Captain Arthur Gray found out about the girl, who wanted to make the poor thing happy. All it took was to find silk for sails desired shade. Green showed how you can create miracles with your own hands, so his "fairy story" is still not forgotten.

There are many in the world unusual places and breathtaking creations of nature. But sometimes, when a person undertakes to “improve” mother nature, this leads to very unexpected results and very strange, incredible miracles of nature appear. See for yourself!


1. Darzava or "Gates of Hell" is a gas crater in Turkmenistan that has not stopped burning for 40 years. This "great" creation is the work of Soviet engineers who were looking for oil in the 70s of the last century. (Photo: Tormod Sandtorv/Flickr.com).

During the drilling of wells, part of the soil, under which a large gas field turned out, failed. Fearing toxic fumes, Soviet engineers did nothing smarter than setting the gas on fire to get rid of it. So it has been burning for four decades, never ceasing to horrify and remind how destructive people can be.

2. Fly Geyser or Fly Geyser. In fact, this is a permanent thermal spring, which again appeared due to human intervention. In 1916, drilling work was carried out in that place, and in the 60s The groundwater with mineral inclusions from wells erupted to the surface, creating this amazing creation. (Photo: Ken Lund/Flickr.com).
3. The waters of Rio Tinto in Spanish Andalusia are the color of blood. This water has a pH of 2, which makes it almost impossible for most of the organisms that exist on Earth to live in it. In fact, this river is poisonous. But why, you ask? The thing is that for centuries copper, silver, gold and other minerals were mined in this region, as a result of which the river was polluted. The red color of its waters is due to copper, which is contained in it in large quantities. (Photo: RioTinto2006/WikimediaCommons).
4. The Blue Lagoon in Iceland is a large pool filled with salty geothermal water. The warm lagoon appeared thanks to human activity, namely, the nearby Svartsengi geothermal power plant, which needed somewhere to store excess pumped water. The Blue Lagoon is close to Iceland's international airport and is one of the island's biggest tourist attractions. It is believed that its highly mineralized water has a beneficial effect on the skin. (Photo: Michelle Lee / Flickr.com).
5. Emerald Lake in Szczecin (Poland) gets its name from the color. The emerald shade of the water is due to the high content of calcium carbonate, which is formed as a result of the breakdown of calcite. The lake is located right on the site of an ancient mine of chalk and marl. During mining, on July 16, 1925, the miners reached a layer of sand, from which water began to ooze. The mine was partially flooded, and the remains of mining equipment can still be found at the bottom of the lake. Fortunately, all the workers managed to escape during the flood. (Photo: Tomasz Przywecki/Flickr.com).
6. This huge yellow mountain is not the beginning of the construction of the pyramid, but a dump formed as a result of the extraction of oil sands. The by-product of this process is sulfur, which miners don't quite know what to do with. Syncrude employees came up with a brilliant idea: to make an unusual, but very attractive pyramid out of sulfur. (Photo: Gord McKenna/Flickr.com).
7. Desert in the middle of Europe? The Błędowska Desert is a huge area of ​​floating sands, covering an area of ​​33 square kilometers (and worst of times 150 square kilometers), which lies on the border of the Silesian Upland and the Father's Plateau in Poland. It was formed as a result of human activities, including due to deforestation and the development of the mining industry and metallurgy. Level ground water there fell so low that the plants stopped growing. (Photo: Dominique Cappronnier/Flickr.com).
8. These unusual, colorful lakes are right in the middle of the mountains in US state Utah is the so-called evaporation tanks. They are used to gradually evaporate water during the production of potash (potassium carbonate), which is used today mainly in the production of fertilizers. (Photo: Doc Searls/Flickr.com).

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