Essay on the exam. The problem of the role of the teacher in the formation of personality - Essay on literature


Love is a very beautiful and wonderful feeling that everyone in life managed to experience. But how many emotions evoke memories of first love. First love... For some, it is associated with tears, pain, worries, with unfulfilled dreams, disappointments and sleepless nights. For some, first love is wonderful memories of first confessions, walks, romance, sweet poems. But for absolutely everyone, first love is a feeling that cannot be forgotten, which a person will remember throughout his subsequent life. But what exactly is causing this? Why can we forget a lot of things that happened in our lives, many beloved ones, but not the person for whom we experienced the first feeling of love?

Feelings are very pure

For the first time we begin to love a person, and we do it with all our hearts, since we have not previously had to face the pain and disappointments that this feeling can bring. We see in almost all guys very good people. But even if we understand that they are bad, we firmly believe that when they fall in love, they will become very good and beautiful princes. When we love for the first time, then most often it happens in enough early age. And then we think only with the heart, emotions, feelings. We cannot think skeptically, rationally assess a possible future with a soul mate. First love is like a beautiful fairy tale. Two halves and sincerely believe that they will be together until the end of their days. They just do not imagine that someday they can be separated. This first feeling is so naive, real, sincere and pure that even after the end of the relationship, a person can experience many positive emotions and impressions.

Even if a person's first love brought disappointment and turned out to be unhappy or non-reciprocal, then there is still a sea of ​​pleasant sensations from experiencing such a pleasant feeling as love. After all, a person had not experienced it before and did not know how it was. Even if all these experiences are not very good, they will still be impossible to forget, as they are very vivid and memorable. In every fate, the first love plays important role, she is a certain turning point. At that time, we become more mature. And this feeling enters our lives as something very pure, holy and unstained by betrayal and pain.

We all tend to idealize our chosen one, for whom we experienced a feeling of love for the first time. And, as you know, people eventually forget all the bad things and only positive moments remain in their memory.

And what we feel when we love is wonderful and incomparable to anything. Even if the feelings are not mutual, love is still pleasant to feel. A man in love from the emotions that overwhelm him, as if soaring, he strives to achieve some peaks, tries to discover something new in himself. Indeed, love can fry a person's wings, especially when it comes to first love. Being in a state of love, we believe that in this world there is no point in living without love, that with a loved one there will be paradise in a hut, that with our chosen one we will be happy until the end of our days. And we believe in all this very sincerely. For this reason, even after many years, we remember our first relationship with special trepidation and warmth.

If a person loves for the first time in his life, then he opens his soul as much as possible, tries to give his soulmate care, love, attention as much as possible, he tries to give his best to give everything to his loved one. When we grow up, and the first disappointments associated with love arise in our lives, we already try not to open our souls so much, we begin to be afraid that we will not be offended. We try to suppress our emotions a little, and do not allow them to fully come out. The first feeling is a kind of adrenaline, because for a person it is a special, new and unknown feeling. Namely, a bright surge of adrenaline can leave a mark in a person’s memory for a long time.

Fairy tale adventure for the first time

First love is so strongly deposited in our soul and memory also for the reason that it resembles a fairy tale. This tale is very unusual, it is full of unexpected adventures, interesting stories, adventure. It is only after many years that we are able to understand that most of the deeds performed were really trifling. But then, when we were very naive and pure, we looked at the world and at everything that happened in a different way, in a completely different light. When a boy fights with someone for the first time because of his girl, he feels like a protector, a robber and a prince who stands up for his princess and tries to protect her from various villains.

A girl who ran away from home to meet her beloved boy begins to feel like a princess who had to run away from the tower to meet her prince. All this seems so romantic and beautiful to us. It is only after a while that we begin to realize that fighting and running away from home may not have very good consequences. But when we begin to realize all this, look at the world with a real look, then such sincere actions and little things begin to seem to us simply stupid. When we first experience a feeling of love, our youthful maximalism has a very strong effect on us. We see all things through its prism, so we can see everything much brighter, perceive everything more painfully, sharper and stronger. But in parallel with all this, girls and boys still have not lost their children's hobbies. They have a very rapidly developed children's fantasy, which, mixed with wonderful feelings, remains forever in their memory.

For these reasons, we perceive the feeling of first love in a special way, as real fairy tale how very interesting adventure that will never happen again. Just as we remember our games and children's fairy tales, we also remember such a wonderful feeling as first love.

First time

Absolutely everything that we experience for the first time - we hear something for the first time, we see, while experiencing very strong feelings, will not go anywhere from our memory. Each person had a lot of everything the first time. Remember your feelings when you saw the sea for the first time, when you went to school for the first time. It is truly an unforgettable experience, something yet unknown. But then, when we go to the same sea every year, we can no longer experience the same strong feelings that were lived for the first time. It's the same with first love. When we love for the first time, we experience special feelings, unusual and pure.

We do not yet know what pain the feeling of love can bring, we have not yet encountered the feeling of disappointment. We only see the positives love relationship. For this reason, the feeling experienced for the first time, we remember best. Experiencing love for the first time, a person looks at his soul mate in a special way, as if fabulous. The feelings that he experiences for the first time will be different from those of the first. Time passes, a person falls in love again and begins to notice that feelings are very different from the first.

He begins to doubt his feelings, analyzes everything that happens, thinks more realistically, as a result of which emotions are a little overshadowed and relationships are not remembered so much. And in his first relationship, a person does not think with his head, he is one hundred percent amenable to feelings, he thinks only with his heart, with his feelings. The sensations that the heart evokes are simply impossible not to remember because of their brightness. A person's memory can never forget the emotions that first love gives us. It is very important that a person does not have a lot of disappointments and pain after the first love, because this may affect his subsequent relationships.

In the future, he may become very closed and it will be difficult for him to open his heart to new love. If the first feelings were tender, bright and pure, then a person believes that love can be happy and that you can find a person to build a strong couple, and later a family.

Love doesn't last forever. After a year, three, eight years, we find that the feelings have subsided, the passion is gone, and life together has grown into everyday life and has ceased to please with fresh emotions. How to return feelings to a loved one with whom we once decided to link our fate? And is it possible in principle? "Maybe!" psychologists are convinced. Moreover, each new round feelings is deeper and more beautiful than the previous one.

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Photo gallery: How to return feelings to a loved one

Moments of alienation do not pass any couple. We think: maybe the one who is next to us is just a random person? We feel frustrated and meaningless in the relationship, the husband's actions are annoying, and his habits seem ridiculous. Such sensations sooner or later appear in every couple, and they occur more than once or even twice per day. life together. And, unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, parting in this situation will not help. You just need to understand and accept the fact that a depressed mood will definitely pass. It is a natural and normal stage of development.

Sympathy and indifference, love and irritation fill any relationship - family, friendship, work. Psychologists suggest that this is a law of nature. Love is a living organism, which from day to day is filled with new forces, then droops. But each subsequent falling in love with a permanent partner brings us much stronger feelings. Believe me, one day you will suddenly find that you feel good and comfortable with your spouse. And he is the whole universe for you, the best, closest and beloved person. But understanding the patterns of relationships does not mean laying down your hands. Why wait for your marriage to rebuild on its own when you can take matters into your own hands? Work hard, because by returning feelings for your loved one, you can strengthen the family. Believe in yourself and your partner - take the first step.

The first step is to analyze what does not suit you in the family routine. Think about what is bothering you? Maybe you are tired of having dinner at the same time every day with the same potato as a side dish, having sex on the same bed, or hearing your husband’s signature greeting “Make coffee, baby” in the morning? Over time, we accumulate a whole list of small rituals that we perform automatically. Often they prevent you from looking at your life and your partner in a new way. If the problem really rests on these small parts, tell your spouse about them and change them together. Make a change, go out to dinner at a cafe, replace the TV with board games. In a word, shake off the habits that prevent you from seeing your feelings.

Often we complain that we are “missing something”, but we are too lazy to sit down and understand what exactly. Feel free to honestly tell your husband that you miss romantic dates under the moon, long kisses before going to bed and small but dear gifts. After all, from what little things surround us in Everyday life, our feelings for a loved one also largely depend.

By the way, habits are not always to blame for the fading of emotions. Maybe you lack novelty? For example, I was very worried about sex, which became frankly insipid. I thought this was the end and the passion could not be returned. I decided that I would make one attempt to return the former heat, and if I did not succeed, then it was time to leave. And I invited my husband to “blow” in a hotel room ... We had never done this before. I will not dissemble, one trip to the hotel did not turn our marriage into a fairy tale. But it served as an impetus for correcting the accumulated errors, which we needed so much. No matter how many years you live together, be sure to continue to learn new things - new dishes, poses, sports and entertainment. In the end, change your hairstyle and buy new furniture. A regular portion of novelty helps a lot to keep the sharpness of emotions and not to become discouraged. And you never need to stop there. After all, your life goes on, and there are so many more interesting things around!

It happens that we move away from each other, because nothing connects us except at home. With my husbands different professions, hobbies and friends. If found common interests If it doesn't work, then you need to create it. At least that's what psychologists say. Both of you can sign up for dance studio or swimming pool, buy a camera and learn together to take professional pictures, read the same books and discuss the development of the plot and the position of the author. It doesn't matter which activity you choose, as long as it interests both of you. After all, you've already done it once.

If you are gambling, try to create yourself common problem or set an unattainable goal. No wonder they say that joint difficulties bring people together. It could be, for example, a trip to Thailand. Write down the steps you need to take to achieve this goal. For example, manage to earn a lot of money, apply for international passports, get a visa at the embassy, ​​buy bathing suits and a video camera, pack a suitcase and make a list of desired excursions. Together agree on a sequence of steps and define the responsibilities of the parties. You will see: having reached the end and overcoming all obstacles, you will not only get closer to your loved one again, but will also experience pride in your couple! By returning feelings for your loved one, you will regain wings and be able to enjoy life to the fullest.

In fact, the easiest thing to accept and accept is the fact that your husband no longer evokes the same feelings and emotions in you that he did during the honeymoon. Still would! Now you have such a weighty reason for suffering. Gone love can be remembered at every opportunity, cultivating self-pity. However, this is not constructive and destructive. First of all, you need to realize the fact that fiery passion cannot be eternal. And this is good! It is impossible not to sleep and not eat because of love all your life. No matter how trite it may seem, but the intensity of passions is replaced by much calmer and more even feelings. Also, try to answer one single question for yourself: can you imagine your life without your husband? Really! After all, complaining to your girlfriends is one thing, but actually being lonely is a completely different matter. And therefore, if your answer is “NO”, then the feelings are still alive. Try to remember what exactly you liked about your spouse initially. Has he really changed that much? Was there nothing left of that person? Try to remember your feelings. Literally imagine them emotionally and try to look at your husband with those - in love - eyes.

Text essay:

Why do some people like to read and others don't? Why do some remember their teachers all their lives, while others forget almost immediately, leaving the threshold of the school? These questions can be answered in the text of F. Iskander. Talking about his school past, the author notes that the students loved and understood the literature teacher Alexandra Ivanovna, but the teacher who came to replace them was not perceived in any way. All this happened because Alexandra Ivanovna was devoted to her work, she herself loved literature and knew how to reveal the beauty and wisdom of the Russian word. This sincere love was passed on to the children.

Problem good teacher, informally related to its subject, is more relevant today than ever. But also in old days a lot of attention was paid to it, and Russian literature is evidence of this. Take, for example, A.S. Pushkin. In "The Captain's Daughter" he depicted the Frenchman Beaupré, who “was a hairdresser in his own country, then a soldier in Prussia, then came to Russia pour ktre outchitel, not really understanding the meaning of this word.” It is clear that Beaupre became a teacher by accident, by the will of fate, Petya Grinev did not apply much zeal and effort to the education, therefore, there could be no talk of any love for the subject, and even more so for the teacher. And the illiterate uncle Savelyich evoked respect and gratitude from Grinev, because he taught the master of life, taught how to preserve honor from a young age. Yes, and in the fate of Pushkin himself, the nanny Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva played big role than tutors and teachers: it was she who instilled in the poet "love for the father's coffins", "for the legends of deep antiquity" and Russian folk tales. Throughout his life, Pushkin spoke of her tenderly and affectionately, emphasizing his love not only for the Russian
woman, but also to the entire Russian people with its wisdom, poetry, sincerity.

Love breeds only love. She forms the best in childhood human qualities and right attitude towards the world. This is exactly what is said in the first book "Childhood" of the trilogy by L.N. Tolstoy. Creating the image of the teacher Karl Ivanovich, the author constantly emphasizes the professionalism and skill of the teacher. And if in the classroom Karl Ivanovich was strict and demanding, then outside of classes he was always a kind and sympathetic person. Nikolenka Irteniev understood this very well, therefore, in each of his petty insults to the teacher, he tried to sincerely repent. Calling Karl Ivanovich "dear old man", Nikolenka responds with precisely the love that grew out of love
teacher to the child.

A hundred years later, V. Rasputin in the story "French Lessons" in the image of Lidia Mikhailovna portrayed not only a professional, but also a sensitive, understanding, not indifferent teacher to the fate of each child. What Lidia Mikhailovna didn’t come up with to feed the ever-hungry village boy, brought to the district center to study! And when she was caught by the director for an unacceptable occupation - she played "in the wall" so that the boy "won" some money, she was fired. She left forever for the Kuban, but main character will never forget her. And not because Lidia Mikhailovna sent him pasta and apples, no, but because she took an active part in his fate.

Being a teacher is no easy task. Being a good teacher is a blessing for both the teacher and the students. Because out of love for a subject (not necessarily for literature), love for those who master this subject sprouts. And the students, as a token of gratitude for the work, for the interest, for the dedication, pay the same - love. Happy are those who have had such teachers in their lives.

Text by F. Iskander:

(1) Alexandra Ivanovna ... (2) Maybe love for the first teacher, if you are lucky for her, is just as necessary and natural as first love in general?

(3) Recalling my feelings for Alexandra Ivanovna, I think that in my love for her two feelings somehow inseparably merged - love for her precisely, for such a person as she was, and love for Russian literature, which she so skillfully revealed to us.

(4) Almost every day she read to us something from the Russian classics, or somewhat less often something from modern, most often anti-fascist literature.

(5) Reading remains in memory. " captain's daughter» Pushkin, as moments of the sweetest experiences. (6) If there is a feeling of family comfort in the realm of the spirit, then I first experienced it while reading this book, when there was silence purring with pleasure in the class.

(7) I remember that Alexandra Ivanovna fell ill, and another teacher replaced her for three days. (8) At the last lesson, she tried to continue reading The Captain's Daughter, but as soon as we heard her voice, we were seized with horror and disgust.

(9) It was completely, not at all! (10) Apparently, she herself felt it, and the guys in the class made a noise with some kind of artificial evil insolence. (11) She closed the book and no longer tried to read it to us.

(12) Now it is difficult to say why we felt the foreignness of her reading with such force. (13) Of course, here both the love for our teacher and the habit of hearing exactly her voice affected. (14) But there was something else. (15) This obstacle was the very temporality of this teacher's stay with us. (16) The book told us about the eternal, and Alexandra Ivanovna herself was perceived as our eternal teacher, although, of course, we understood that in a year or two we would not have her. (17) But we didn’t think about it, it was too far.

(18) Recently, while reading Marina Tsvetaeva’s notes “My Pushkin”, I remembered our readings of The Captain’s Daughter and was surprised at the dissimilarity of impressions. (19) The rebellious soul of the future poet was struck in this book by Pugachev, he seemed to her mysterious, alluring, beautiful. (20) But, as I remember now, Savelich amazed and delighted me most of all in this book. (21) Not only me, I'm sure, but the whole class.

(22)B in the image of Savelich Pushkin gave himself a feast, which he could not always afford in his life. (23) Here devotion appears in all guises. (24) The greatest feeling, the beauty of which Pushkin sang so many times in verse. (25) And this idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdevotion with unexpected force immersed us in its comfort of calm and trust. (26) The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdevotion to the idea itself, which, apparently, due to the lack of other incarnations of high human passions, developed in us with tragic (which we did not know about), and sometimes ugly (which we did not even know about) force .

(27) Perhaps that is why the reading of The Captain's Daughter then made such a sweet, such an indelible impression. (28) That is why we pushed away (a little ugliness) another teacher's attempt to continue reading Alexandra Ivanovna.

According to F. Iskander

(1) Alexandra Ivanovna ... (2) Maybe love for the first teacher, if you are lucky for her, is just as necessary and natural as first love in general?

(Z) Recalling my feelings for Alexandra Ivanovna, I think that in my love for her two feelings somehow inseparably merged - love for her precisely, for such a person as she was, and love for Russian literature, which she so skillfully revealed to us.

(4) Almost every day she read to us something from the Russian classics, or somewhat less often something from modern, most often anti-fascist literature.

(5) The reading of Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" remains in my memory, as minutes of the sweetest experiences. (6) If there is a feeling of family comfort in the realm of the spirit, then I first experienced it while reading this book, when there was silence purring with pleasure in the class.

(7) I remember that Alexandra Ivanovna fell ill, and another teacher replaced her for three days. (8) At the last lesson, she tried to continue reading The Captain's Daughter, but as soon as we heard her voice, we were seized with horror and disgust.

(9) It was completely, not at all! (Y) Apparently, she herself felt it, and the guys in the class made a noise with some kind of artificial evil insolence. (11) She closed the book and no longer tried to read it to us.

(12) Now it is difficult to say why we felt the foreignness of her reading with such force. (13) Of course, here both the love for our teacher and the habit of hearing exactly her voice affected. (14) But there was something else. (15) This obstacle was the very temporality of this teacher's stay with us. (16) The book told us about the eternal, and Alexandra Ivanovna herself was perceived as our eternal teacher, although, of course, we understood that in a year or two we would not have her. (17) But we didn’t think about it, it was too far.

(18) Recently, while reading Marina Tsvetaeva’s notes “My Pushkin”, I remembered our readings of The Captain’s Daughter and was surprised at the dissimilarity of impressions. (19) Pugachev struck the rebellious soul of the future poet in this book, he seemed to her mysterious, alluring, beautiful. (20) But, as I remember now, Savelich amazed and delighted me most of all in this book. (21) Not only me, I'm sure, but the whole class.

(22) In the image of Savelich, Pushkin arranged a feast for himself, which he could not always afford in life. (23) Here devotion appears in all guises. (24) The greatest feeling, the beauty of which Pushkin sang so many times in verse. (25) And this idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdevotion with unexpected force immersed us in its comfort of calm and trust. (26) The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdevotion to the idea itself, which, apparently, due to the lack of other incarnations of high human passions, developed in us with tragic (which we did not know about), and sometimes ugly (which we did not even know about) force .

(27) Perhaps that is why the reading of The Captain's Daughter then made such a sweet, such an indelible impression. (28) And that is why we pushed away (a little ugliness) another teacher's attempt to continue reading Alexandra Ivanovna.

(According to F. Iskander)

A28. Which phrase(s) can explain why the children did not want to listen to the other teacher's reading?

1) 8 2) 10-12 3) 13,15,26 4) 20,21,28

A29. Which piece of text is structured like a narrative?

1) sentences 3-6 3) 13-17

2) 7-11 4) 24-28

AZO. In which sentence is the phraseological combination used?

1) 25 2) 26 3) 27 4) 28

When completing the tasks of this part, write down your answer in the answer sheet No. 1 to the right of the task number (B1-B8), starting from the first cell. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form. Words or numbers when transferring separate with commas. Put each comma in a separate box. Spaces are not used when writing answers.

Answers to tasks B1-B3 write down in words.

IN 1. From sentences 3-4, write out the word formed by the prefix-suffix method.

AT 2. From sentences 3-4 write out the adverb of the degree of pronominal origin.

AT 3. From sentence 12, write out the phrase with the link AGREED.

Write down the answers to tasks B4-B8 in numbers.

AT 4. Among the proposals 9 -17 find complex sentences that include one-part impersonal. Write the numbers of these proposals.

AT 5. Among sentences 18-25, find sentences with an introductory sentence. Write the numbers of these proposals.

AT 6. Among sentences 12-21, find a complex sentence with consecutive clauses. Write the number of this offer.

AT 7. Which of sentences 18-24 is connected with the previous one with the help of a conjunction? Write the number of this offer.

AT 8. Read the review fragment, which analyzes language features given text.

Fill in the gaps with the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write the sequence of numbers in the answer in the answer sheet No. 1 to the right of the number of task B8, starting from the first cell.

Comprehending the past, Iskander seems to think aloud, therefore, such syntactic means as __ (sentences 5, 13), _ (sentences 21, 24) are used.

List of terms:

1) words with diminutive suffixes

2) colloquial words and word forms

3) epithets

4) metaphor

5) comparative turnovers

6) rows homogeneous members

7) inversion

8) expressive repetition

9) parceling and connecting structures

Please use the answer sheet to answer this part.№ 2. First write down the task number C 1. and then write an essay.

C1. Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid excessive quoting).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the original text

without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Option 6

When completing the tasks of this part in the answer sheet No. 1, under the number of the task you are performing (A1-A30), put the sign "x" in the box, the number of which corresponds to the number of the answer you have chosen.

A1. Which word has the stress on the third syllable?

1) contract 3) language (phenomena)

2) beautiful 4) Christian

A2. Indicate a synonymic pair (a pair of words that are close in meaning).

1) greedy, hungry 3) burden, burden

2) abhor, forbid 4) earnest, frantic

A3. In which series are all forms of the numeral formed correctly?

1) up to a hundred, up to seven hundred, to seven hundred

2) to a hundred, to seven hundred, seven hundred

3) in seven hundred, up to seven hundred, in a hundred

4) in seven hundred, up to seven hundred, in hundred

A4. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence: Arriving at the end station

1) There was a car waiting for us.

2) you need to take a bus.

A5. Indicate the sentence without grammatical and speech errors.

1) The school is often blamed for the lack of knowledge of graduates.

2) The school is often blamed for the lack of knowledge of graduates.

3) The newspaper "Kolokol" enjoyed great influence on Russian society.

4) The Kolokol newspaper had a great influence on Russian society.

Read the sentences and do the tasks A6-A11.

A. "Innocent oddities", quirks that, according to A.S. Pushkin, were a sign of independence, were characteristic of Moscow writers.

B. She kept "the habits of the sweet old days" and cultivated a private lifestyle.

B. Moscow, which was in constant opposition to bureaucratic Petersburg, has always been famous for originals.

G. K.N. Batyushkov wrote in 1811: "Here everyone can fool around as he wants, live and die as an eccentric."

A6. In what sequence should the sentences be arranged in order to get a text that does not depend on the previous context?

1) A, C, D, B 3) C, A, D, B

2) A, D, C, B 4) C, B, D, A

A7. What words or combinations are opposed here in meaning?

1) private - bureaucratic

2) opposition - independence

3) cultivate - "keep habits"

4) quirks - "habits of sweet antiquity"

A8. Indicate a sentence with an introductory construction (word, combination or sentence).

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

A9. Which one(s) of listed species complex sentences are presented in the microtext?

1) compound

2) complex

3) complex and complex

4) complex with writing and subordination

Al0. Determine the part of speech to which the word FEATURES belongs from sentence A?

1) participle 3) pronoun

2) adjective 4) gerund

All. What is the meaning of the word ORIGINAL in sentence B?

1) the original (not a copy) of something

2) independent, not inclined to imitate

3) Human, trying to stand out external view or ma nerami among those around

4) a peculiar, unlike other person A12. In place of which numbers in words is NN written?

The public crowded around the attractions (1) s, while the distant, unlit (2) corners of the park were completely (3) deserted.

A13. In which row is missing in all words unaccented root vowel i?

1) d..letant, opt..small, source..on

2) ambitious..cyose, prefer..tat, or..ol

3) or..entry,, s..ntetic

4) l..neika, priv..legiya, half..gon

A14. In which row is the letter O missing in all the words?

1) pre .. put, pr .. language, involuntary .. arbitrarily

2) with .. participation, without .. holding, .. political

3) pr..totype, pr..image, pr..government press

4) without ..laberny, under ..heat, away from ..move

A15. In which row is the letter U missing in all the words?

1) se..shchy wheat, (they) fight..tsya

2) probing .. schy (look), (they) are building .. tsya

3) expensive .. Schy, (they) propol.-t

4) blowing (wind), (they) find themselves ... (in an unfamiliar place)

A16. In which offer(s) on place gaps in the word pi is going on b?

A. As they sayT..Xia , no bad without good .

B. Are we northerners afraid of cold weather!

b. Namet .. those action plan and pick up assistants.

G. When will you turn .. eighteen years old?

1) A, B, C 3) C

A17. In which sentence(s) is NOT written at the place of the pass?

A. There were dangerous reefs here, on which, even on a clear day and in excellent weather, one big ship would break its bottom.

B. two be, but one .. to pass.

IN. The age-old adage of speaking out loud in a difficult situation, like this... paradoxically, helps me relieve tension.

G... a single sound from outside did not penetrate the room.

1) A, B 2) B 3) IN 4) B,G

A18. IN in which row are all the words spelled together?

1) (not) reach, (at) cheaper, (half) minutes

2) (not) why go, so that (would) not make a mistake, (one by one)

3) (none) where, (c) four, (first)

4) (never) when, (in) seriously, (in) a joke

A19. Indicate the correct explanation of punctuation in the sentence:

The speaker uttered the first words meekly and simply, but suddenly raised his voice () and the next word thundered under the arches.

1) A comma in place of brackets is not needed, because AND connects homogeneous members of a sentence.

2) A comma in place of brackets is needed because AND joins repeating homogeneous members of a sentence.

3) A comma in place of brackets is needed, because the union And connects the parts complex sentence.

4) A comma in place of the brackets is not needed, because the parts of the complex sentence connected by the union AND have a common main clause.


Both the fish and the hunter swam (1) between the stones (2) algae bristling in all directions (3) towards a depression in the porous rock.

1) 1,3 2) 2,3 3) 3 4) 1,2

A21. Which answer option shows correct placement commas in a sentence?

In his article, Fazil Iskander "almost sang the anthem of understatement in art." However, (1) he notes that the greatest works of art, such as (2) say (3) Tolstoy's "War and Peace" or "The Return of prodigal son» Rembrandt, are strong (4) primarily (5) by clarity, although they also have elements of innuendo.

1) 1,2,3,4 2) 2,3 3) 3 4) 2,3,4,5

A22. Indicate the sentence in which an extra comma is placed.

1) Rust on iron sheets spread into the most bizarre patterns, reminiscent of that geographical map, then battles of some mythological creatures, then something else.

2) The beauty of the drawing lies in the fact that it is not only brought to life by some effort of the imagination, but is also held by the imagination and, most importantly, is completed by the same imagination.

3) Some boys had a watch, they wore it on their hand or in their pocket.

4) Steamship whistles elicited sometimes good-natured, sometimes grouchy, sometimes mocking, sometimes irritated, but always condemning remarks from the neighbor.

A23. Indicate the correct explanation of the dash in the sentence:

In the local team, two players stood out in particular - one of the attackers and a defender.

1) subject and predicate are separated

2) after the generalizing word, homogeneous members follow

3) stand out standalone applications

4) the parts of the non-union complex sentence are separated

A24. Which answer option shows the correct placement of commas in the sentence:

It is widely known (1) that (2) as soon as (3) something out of the ordinary happens (4) rumors immediately appear.

1) 1,4 2) 2,4 3) 1,3 4) 1,2,4

A25. Which answer option shows the correct placement of commas in the sentence?

While everyone was waiting (1) for the light to come on (2) or preparing a kerosene lamp (3) I lay down on the floor of my aunt's kitchen (4) and began to read by the light pouring from the screen of the kerosene stove.

1) 1,2,3 2) 2,4 3) 1,2,3,4 4) 1,3,4

A26. IN in which sentence(s) can the subordinate part of a complex sentence be replaced by a synonymous participial phrase?

A. characteristic sign artistic style- a lot of words that are used in a figurative sense.

B. Determining the style of speech usually does not make it difficult for students, for whom given language is native.

C. In journalistic style texts, rows of homogeneous members are often used, which make speech more expressive.

A 2) B 3) C 4) B, C

A27. Read the text.

The current earth's atmosphere is final result evolution, which lasted more than 4 billion years. There are several very reasonable hypotheses regarding the composition and properties of the Earth's primary atmosphere. One of the first hypotheses was put forward by Louis Pasteur in the second half of the 19th century. Pasteur suggested that the Earth's early atmosphere contained no oxygen.

Which of the following sentences correctly conveys main information contained in the text?

1) One of the first reasonable hypotheses regarding the composition of the earth's atmosphere was expressed in the second half of the 19th century by Louis Pasteur.

2) The primary terrestrial atmosphere, formed more than 4 billion years ago, according to the hypothesis of Louis Pasteur, did not contain oxygen.

3) In the second half of the 19th century, Louis Pasteur was the first to put forward a hypothesis regarding the composition of the earth's atmosphere, according to his hypothesis, more than 4 billion years ago there was no oxygen in the earth's atmosphere.

4) Louis Pasteur suggested that the Earth's atmosphere was formed more than 4 billion years ago and initially did not contain oxygen.

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Paper and Inkwell question / answer 1 / answer 2 ;
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Ivy question / answer

(about reading in the class of the captain's daughter)


Who is Fazil Iskander?


Note: for some, this question is simple, but in practice, the children, it turns out, did not know who Iskander was. They didn't know at all. But the first phrase should be something like this: in the story of the writer F. Iskander and so on. Do not rush to write, after reading, find out the content. An article is a journalistic article, or a story, or something else.

Does every teacher leave a trace in the soul of a child? Why is this one remembered?

Remembering my feelings for Alexandra Ivanovna, I think that my love for her somehow inseparably merged two feelingsLOVE for her, such a person as she was, and LOVE for Russian literature, which she so skillfully revealed to us.

How did she read? What remained in the memory of the children?

(5) Reading remains in memory. The Captain's Daughter by Pushkin like moments of the sweetest experiences. (6) If there is a feeling of family comfort, then I first experienced it while reading this book, when there was silence purring with pleasure in the class.

Why is Iskander commemorating yet another teacher?

For comparison.
(7) I remember that Alexandra Ivanovna fell ill, and another teacher replaced her for three days. (8) At the last lesson, she tried to continue reading The Captain's Daughter, but as soon as we heard her voice, we were seized with horror and disgust.

(9)It was not at all! (10) Apparently, she herself felt it, and the guys in the class made a noise with some kind of artificial evil insolence. (11) She closed the book and no longer tried to read it to us.

What didn't you like about the other teacher?

(12) Now it is difficult to say why we felt the foreignness of her reading with such force. (13) Of course, here both the love for our teacher and the habit of hearing exactly her voice affected. (14) But there was something else. (15)This obstacle was the very temporality of this teacher's stay with us..

(16) The book told us about the eternal, and Alexandra Ivanovna herself was perceived as our eternal teacher, although, of course, we understood that in a year or two we would not have her.

As an adult, the writer rereads the notes of Marina Tsvetaeva "My Pushkin". Who captured his imagination?

(18) Recently, while reading Marina Tsvetaeva’s notes “My Pushkin”, I remembered our readings of “The Captain’s Daughter” and I was surprised by the dissimilarity of impressions.(19)The rebellious soul of the future poet struck in this book Pugachev, he seemed to her mysterious, alluring, beautiful. (20) But, as I remember now, it was Savelich who struck and delighted me most of all in this book.(21) Not only me, I'm sure, but the whole class.

Why did Fazil like the image of Savelich?

(22) In the image of Savelich, Pushkin arranged a feast for himself, which he could not always afford in life. (23) Here DEVOTION appears in all guises. (24) The greatest feeling, the beauty of which Pushkin sang so many times in verse. (25) And now this idea of ​​devotion with unexpected strength plunged us into YOUR COMFORT OF PEACE AND TRUST. (26)The idea of ​​devotion to the idea itself, which, apparently, due to the lack of other incarnations of high human passions, developed in us with tragic (which we did not know about), and sometimes ugly (which we did not even know about) force.

How literary character(Savelyich) can be correlated with the image of a teacher?

teacher ITSELF LOVED Pushkin, ITSELF WAS DEVOTED his work and therefore managed to convey her love to her students.

F. Iskander (on reading in the class of The Captain's Daughter)


Does every teacher leave a trace in the soul of a child?
Why did he remember her and not another teacher?
Which teacher do you remember?

* * *
Love as "necessary
and natural feeling

Two feelings:



In his story, the writer Fazil Iskander recalls the first teacher Alexandra Ivanovna, who was able to convey to children a love for Russian classics, for the work of A. Pushkin in particular.


The problem of this text can be formulated as follows: is love for the first teacher necessary? What underlies this feeling? Can any teacher be loved? What is the future of such relationships?


Feeling love for the first Iskander calls the teacher "necessary" and "natural". Why does a person need this feeling? It is possible that the writer is talking about the feeling of first love for a person. which forms his human qualities, his attitude to the world.

  1. She knew how to reveal the beauty and wisdom of Russian literature. Probably because she loved her.
  2. She worked as a teacher in her difficult field: almost every day she read different texts to students.
  3. I remember "minutes of the sweetest experiences" while reading "The Captain's Daughter".
  4. The teacher's love for the classics manifested itself through her voice.

What should a teacher be like?
What are his instruments of influence

And why did one seem "his own" and dear,
and the other “temporary” and alien”?

(The answer is in sentences 22-26.)

Why did the image of a serf uncle arise in the perception of little Fazil? In it, according to Iskander, Pushkin expressed the idea of ​​devotion Arina Rodionovna to him, the future poet. "Loyalty comes in all forms here." Contemporary Writer calls this the idea of ​​a feast.

And what does the teacher and Savelyich have to do with it? They are both infected with the idea of ​​devotion.


Firstly for love to come to someone subject, the case in general, it is necessary, apparently, to love the teacher.

Secondly, not every teacher is given to form the love of a student. It is given only to those who SAM loves his job. Such people are like the sun, the energy of their feelings, activities is not only transmitted to people. The latter, in turn, will also want to become “suns” for someone.

Third, the love of the teacher Alexandra Ivanovna for the classics gave birth to the writer Fazil Iskander. He himself has long been writing books that educate the souls of readers.


  • Love to folk art passed on to Pushkin from a nanny, a serf.
  • Pushkin loved history, Russia. Many books were written with his love, in particular, The Captain's Daughter.
  • M. Bulgakov loved his novel The Master and Margarita. People read the pages of the book.
  • Good Science fiction encourages scientists to discover.
  • A. Einstein said that the violin gave him more inspiration than scientific formulas.


With a good teacher, students turn into carpenters, plumbers, builders, doctors, lawyers, drivers, they become husbands and wives. The seeds of a teacher's great and deep love for her work can germinate in them with love for her profession and the world as a whole.

Long time no teacher. But the spiritual “feast” arranged by her for her students is remembered all her life.

Development by L. Suvorova

You will be very obligated if you use this block of buttons and "+1":

TEXT F. Iskander

(about reading in the class of "The Captain's Daughter")

(1) Alexandra Ivanovna ... (2) Maybe love for the first teacher, if you are lucky for her, is just as necessary and natural as first love in general?

(3) Recalling my feelings for Alexandra Ivanovna, I think that in my love for her two feelings somehow inseparably merged - love for her precisely, for such a person as she was, and love for Russian literature, which she so skillfully revealed to us.

(4) Almost every day she read to us something from the Russian classics, or somewhat less often something from modern, most often anti-fascist literature.

(5) Reading remains in memory. "The Captain's Daughter" by Pushkin, like moments of the sweetest experiences. (6) If there is a feeling of family comfort in the realm of the spirit, then I first experienced it while reading this book, when there was silence purring with pleasure in the class.

(7) I remember that Alexandra Ivanovna fell ill, and another teacher replaced her for three days. (8) At the last lesson, she tried to continue reading The Captain's Daughter, but as soon as we heard her voice, we were seized with horror and disgust.

(9) It was completely, not at all! (10) Apparently, she herself felt it, and the guys in the class made a noise with some kind of artificial evil insolence. (11) She closed the book and no longer tried to read it to us.

(12) Now it is difficult to say why we felt the foreignness of her reading with such force. (13) Of course, here both the love for our teacher and the habit of hearing exactly her voice affected. (14) But there was something else. (15) This obstacle was the very temporality of this teacher's stay with us. (16) The book told us about the eternal, and Alexandra Ivanovna herself was perceived as our eternal teacher, although, of course, we understood that in a year or two we would not have her. (17) But we didn’t think about it, it was too far.

(18) Recently, while reading Marina Tsvetaeva’s notes “My Pushkin”, I remembered our readings of The Captain’s Daughter and was surprised at the dissimilarity of impressions. (19) The rebellious soul of the future poet was struck in this book by Pugachev, he seemed to her mysterious, alluring, beautiful. (20) But, as I remember now, Savelich amazed and delighted me most of all in this book. (21) Not only me, I'm sure, but the whole class.

(22) In the image of Savelich, Pushkin arranged a feast for himself, which he could not always afford in life. (23) Here devotion appears in all guises. (24) The greatest feeling, the beauty of which Pushkin sang so many times in verse. (25) And this idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdevotion with unexpected force immersed us in its comfort of calm and trust. (26) The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdevotion to the idea itself, which, apparently, due to the lack of other incarnations of high human passions, developed in us with tragic (which we did not know about), and sometimes ugly (which we did not even know about) force .

(27) Perhaps that is why the reading of The Captain's Daughter then made such a sweet, such an indelible impression. (28) That is why we pushed away (a little ugliness) another teacher's attempt to continue reading Alexandra Ivanovna.

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