Quotes from Russian rap. Quotes from famous rappers. West Coast


We have already read many interesting and useless quotes famous women, men, people associated with fashion, with literature. But I think few people are familiar with the statements of no less famous people today - with quotes from rappers.

I hope you enjoy my selection. Maybe it will even change your established opinion in some way.

One of the most significant people in the world of music. Talented and charming, who left us so early (at 25 years old). Tupac Shakur was shot in Las Vegas on September 7, 1996 and died from a fatal chest wound on September 13 in the hospital. His quotes, What was said almost 20 years ago is still relevant today.

The things you are about to see are unlikely to make you smile, but despite everything you see, despite the rain and the pain, keep a sense of humor. You must be able to smile no matter what.

It seems to me that role models today are not worthy of being on a pedestal.

My mom used to tell me that if you can't find something worth living for, it's better to find something worth dying for.

They have money for wars, but they cannot feed the poor.

It would seem that this is a message from heaven, but we are not ready for a black president.

We talk a lot about Malcolm X and Martin Luthar King Jr., but it's time to be like them, just as strong. They were mortal people, like us, and each of us can become the same. I don't want to be a role model. I just want to be the one who says who I am and what I do. I express my opinion.

People think if you're from the ghetto, hang out a little and you'll fit in anywhere.

Probably one of the most famous rappers. Eminem is engaged various activities: He has his own record label, which he runs with his manager Paul Rosenberg, and also has his own radio station, Shade 45 on Sirius XM Radio. He received an Oscar for best song(Lose Yourself 2002) for 8 Mile, becoming the first rap artist to win this award.

First of all, I am a father. First I'm a father, and then Eminem. Of course, I'm not the perfect father. Maybe there is something I'm doing wrong, but I'll figure it out in 10-15 years, and now I'm trying to do my best and that's all I can.

Marshall often says that a second nature lives in him. This nature is called Slim Shady (Skinny Bastard). And this is by no means the most peaceful creature:

If you've gone too far and realize you need to turn back, don't rush to turn back, go ahead and go around that damn blue ball.

I'm so bad, and how good it is that I'm so bad.

Here you. I'm calling you. Yes Yes. Go. Do you feel my music? No? Well, get out of here!

Kids, don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drugs, don't kill, don't rape. Leave it to me!

Something about Britney Spears:

I don't-see Britney Spears! Although she's nothing ... sexy.

Well, there is ... I have a Britney Spears album. Just don't hit! Well, you need to listen to what crap she sings ?!

(frame from the clip "Real Slim Shady")

But in general, Eminem is a pretty peaceful person. And if he shows aggression, then only in relation to a deserving person.

Slim Shady is the guy who says the most ridiculous things you could ever hear.

50 cent aka Curtis James Jackson Niga Olzhas III
Born in New York, 50 Cent began dealing drugs at the age of twelve during the crack epidemic of the 1980s. After he quits drug dealing to pursue a career as a rapper, he is shot 9 times in 2000.

I think Tupac was really cool, you know what I mean? And I am sure that he very sincerely wanted to change a lot. 50cent is slightly different. I don't help Save the Children. I wouldn't lift a finger for any black kid but my own.

Like it or not, the loser became the winner.
Friend, know that I will be the best as long as my heart beats.

Without pirates, I would not have taken place as an artist. If you are so popular that pirates secretly take over for you, this is The best way promotion

Eminem and Dre are always negotiable. I know that all their comments are constructive criticism, so I don't make a problem out of it.

All these bazaars about "changing the world" are nonsense, it's time to grow out of this

I don't make friends with people I do business with. If you are my friend, I put up with all your shortcomings, and you can come to me and say: “Yo, brother, I messed up here, okay?” But I don't let that go, and I'd have to say, "I'm glad you dared to admit it, but you're fired

If you suddenly decide to start your own business, do not pay people what they deserve ... Pay what they agree to ... This is a profitable business ...

In business, there are people who have talent, and there are people who have the talent to make money off the talented. The guys standing behind the stage are richer than those standing on the stage

Everything you go through makes you who you are.

Snoop Doggy Dog aka Snoop Dogg, and in Lately also Snoop Lion. But this time, quotes exclusively from Snoop Dogg.

Mom gave me my pseudonym. I really loved this cartoon with Snoopy. I started imitating him and my mom started calling me Snoopy. Very often, children have nicknames, and nicknames outweigh their real names. I am one of those scenarios

When the state begins to fight against juvenile delinquency and drug addiction, it forgets the most important thing: it is impossible to fight this, but you can make football schools and higher education more accessible than crack and street gangs.

Envy is a form of adoration. A person who is jealous of me cannot but love what I do.

The first time I had marijuana pearls was in the seventies with one of my uncles. I was about eight or nine years old...

Fatherhood is more than a job, it's more than a responsibility. It's a way of life. You must be prepared for it.

I want to do the right thing, but the world itself is wrong.

We have already read many interesting and useless quotes of famous women, men, people associated with fashion, with literature. But I think few people are familiar with the statements of no less famous people today - with quotes from rappers.

I hope you enjoy my selection. Maybe it will even change your established opinion in some way.

One of the most significant people in the world of music. Talented and charming, who left us so early (at 25 years old). Tupac Shakur was shot in Las Vegas on September 7, 1996 and died from a fatal chest wound on September 13 in the hospital. His quotes, said almost 20 years ago are still relevant today.

The things you are about to see are unlikely to make you smile, but despite everything you see, despite the rain and the pain, keep a sense of humor. You must be able to smile no matter what.
It seems to me that role models today are not worthy of being on a pedestal.
My mom used to tell me that if you can't find something worth living for, it's better to find something worth dying for.

They have money for wars, but they cannot feed the poor.
It would seem that this is a message from heaven, but we are not ready for a black president.
We talk a lot about Malcolm X and Martin Luthar King Jr., but it's time to be like them, just as strong. They were mortal people, just like us, and each of us can become the same. I don't want to be a role model. I just want to be the one who says who I am and what I do. I express my opinion.
People think if you're from the ghetto, hang out a little and you'll fit in anywhere.

Probably one of the most famous rappers. Eminem is involved in various activities: he has his own record label, which he runs with his manager Paul Rosenberg, he also has his own radio station, Shade 45 on Sirius XM Radio. He won the Academy Award for Best Original Song (2002's Lose Yourself) for 8 Mile, becoming the first rap artist to win the award.

First of all, I am a father. First I'm a father, and then Eminem. Of course, I'm not the perfect father. Maybe there is something I'm doing wrong, but I'll figure it out in 10-15 years, and now I'm trying to do my best and that's all I can.

Marshall often says that a second nature lives in him. This nature is called Slim Shady (Skinny Bastard). And this is by no means the most peaceful creature:

If you've gone too far and realize you need to turn back, don't rush to turn back, go ahead and go around that damn blue ball.
I'm so bad, and how good it is that I'm so bad.
Here you. I'm calling you. Yes Yes. Go. Do you feel my music? No? Well, get out of here!
Kids, don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drugs, don't kill, don't rape. Leave it to me!

Something about Britney Spears:

I don't-see Britney Spears! Although she's nothing ... sexy.
Well, there is ... I have a Britney Spears album. Just don't hit! Well, you need to listen to what crap she sings ?!

(frame from the clip "Real Slim Shady")

But in general, Eminem is a pretty peaceful person. And if he shows aggression, then only in relation to a deserving person.

Slim Shady is the guy who says the most ridiculous things you could ever hear.

50 cent, aka Curtis James Jackson Niga Olzhas III
Born in New York, 50 Cent began dealing drugs at the age of twelve during the crack epidemic of the 1980s. After he quits drug dealing to pursue a career as a rapper, he is shot 9 times in 2000.

I think Tupac was really cool, you know what I mean? And I am sure that he very sincerely wanted to change a lot. 50cent is slightly different. I don't help Save the Children. I wouldn't lift a finger for any black kid but my own.
Like it or not, the loser became the winner.
Friend, know that I will be the best as long as my heart beats.

Without pirates, I would not have taken place as an artist. If you are so popular that pirates are secretly mistaken for you, this is the best way to promote
Eminem and Dre are always negotiable. I know that all their comments are constructive criticism, so I don't make a problem out of it.
All these bazaars about "changing the world" are nonsense, it's time to grow out of this

I don't make friends with people I do business with. If you're my friend, I put up with all your flaws, and you can come to me and say: "Yo, brother, I messed up here, nothing?" But I don't let that down, and I would have to say: "I'm glad you dared to admit it, but you're fired
If you suddenly decide to start your own business, do not pay people what they deserve ... Pay what they agree to ... This is a profitable business ...
In business, there are people who have talent, and there are people who have the talent to make money off the talented. The guys standing behind the stage are richer than those standing on the stage
Everything you go through makes you who you are.

Snoop Doggy Dog aka Snoop Dogg, and more recently Snoop Lion. But this time, quotes exclusively from Snoop Dogg.

Mom gave me my pseudonym. I really loved this cartoon with Snoopy. I started imitating him and my mom started calling me Snoopy. Very often, children have nicknames, and nicknames outweigh their real names. I am one of those scenarios
When the state begins to fight juvenile delinquency and drug addiction, it forgets the most important thing: it is impossible to fight this, but it is possible to make football schools and higher education more accessible than crack and street gangs.
Envy is a form of adoration. A person who is jealous of me cannot but love what I do.

The first time I had marijuana pearls was in the seventies with one of my uncles. I was about eight or nine years old...
Fatherhood is more than a job, it's more than a responsibility. It's a way of life. You must be prepared for it.
I want to do the right thing, but the world itself is wrong.

Everything is decided by the sky - remember whoever you are

I've learned my lesson forever given by the world evil,

Again, I repent of all the sins in the world, baby, I'm to blame.

You can not melt all the snow, but you can warm the ice in the palm of your hand. — Olga Markes

Do not listen to anyone, only your heart - it knows everything - Max Korzh

You need me more than I don't need you. I don't need you less than you once needed me. – Kravets

You're not evil, no, of course not, holy and it's all about me

But no one taught me to say the word stop! - Guf - Only today.

You're not like everyone else, well, just a mystery. – Basta

Fragments of serious adult words no longer prevent me from dreaming ...

Continuation famous aphorisms and quotes from songs read on the pages:

Life in anticipation of something is flowing and cotton wool is rolled out for a long time to come. And he will go to hell whoever does not contribute anything to the development of the swamp. – Triagrutrika

Where is your love, bitch. - Max cake

In pauses, between breaths, the rogue changes the air to the one who is rude.

And it doesn’t matter that there is no foundation, it doesn’t matter, if we believe the memory, it never bothered us.

I'm jealous of you - I would score on another

Women want love, stability, honesty. Basically like everyone else. – Basta

But when everyone leaves, stay, sit next to me. — Olga Markes

And it is so cool to share warmth even with those whom we will never meet again in this wide world. — Olga Markes

And even if the whole world turns to dust, I will carry your heart in my hands. — Olga Markes

If time freezes for a moment. – caste

But only the one who is rich in his love alone is rich - Olga Marquez

And which of them is right, everything is fine for me, I need both of you.

I'd slow myself down if I could

Never say goodbye to a urologist. - Max cake

Where there is money there is evil, where there is success there is envy. - Max cake

It feels like time is wasted, it feels like the charge is running out, it's such a bad feeling, deal with it or decide on big changes in life. – caste

You are blind if you live dirty paper happiness, not a drop of tenderness, not a drop of passion. – Basta

Love is blind is a fact for most onlookers. – caste

There must be something more than just smoke behind the words. - Gunya - Attack.

Even soot can draw happiness. – Basta

Mars is great! – Noize MC

I'm here, I live, I wander, I write about what I see,
I wear sneakers and hear something, little things,
I torture and for some reason having two higher ones,
I hang on the roof with a hashish drip - Guf - My sketches.

Rapchik on an empty stomach is juicier,
It is not easy to cook it, but after it is more satisfying. - ST - In a different way.

I am woven with strings, like a canvas with fibers
Densely sat down on the city opium
For days on end I was killed by a rapper
Hooked something, it became easier
I tried not to get stale but became sharper. - ST - Retro.

Friendship! Is this notion even necessary?
To once again understand that a friend can be a traitor
Probably necessary, because in addition to how to substitute
Friendship also teaches forgiveness! - Guf.

I watch the news, Putin just came to power
And here on you, please: Sit down, hello! - Guf - My Game.

And here we are simply moving until we are exhausted
In close with loved ones, look out of the chair did not fall out.

I remember every day from these streets!
these pictures...
I remember every sound from these streets!
how to wake up from the noise of cars!

It doesn't matter the bible or the karan,
At dawn, the caravan departs.
Be careful bro, look around.
And the finish will show us who is number one.

I live according to the concept not of my mother, but by myself,
Behind the wall Chinese Wall, silicon under the finger.

This smoke troubles your head, you muddy it dearly.
The road from the huckster is cold and scary ...
I went into the entrance - do not cough smoke.
But one day they will accept you bro.

People need sound, ears of servants are waiting,
So we are servants, no offense my friend.

If you're still under the mask
That means it's not time to take it off.

My price if not someone is waiting,
And if someone finally has already waited.

When someone feels bad, most don't give a fuck
Fuck until then, until it's also bad.

Friends are lost, it makes no sense to look for them,
Enemies will remain the same - faces change.

Today I will completely erase you from my memory.
I didn't even want to think about you.

Homemade rap - The most efficient, Panama on the head, on the chest - Pectoral cross - Jamal

Everyone knows if there are no books within the area
It's a bummer, it's not business at all,
Then we dream of green grass near the house,
So that everything is even, a hundred pounds, without pale and always. - from the song of Basta and Guf

That's right, if you think you're cool here, Call your mom and tell her you're not coming home. - Chemodan - Country of assholes.

One of my favorite songs from five years ago, in which Swift, Noggano and 5 Pluh took part. - Swift - Rainy song.

Democracy is complete bullshit. This is speculation. An incomprehensible format for adequate people, and a convenient format for political speculation, games, intrigues. – Basta

Pokhuists become icons for atheists.

Someone else's weakness does not make you stronger, someone else's stupidity does not make you smarter.

On the club then on the flat, and how old are they. - Max cake

Well, in fact, apparently, this is how everything should go,
Probably neurology - it hurts on the left in the chest.
Stop, go somewhere, wait in traffic
The passenger said, but I was driving all alone. - Guf (Guf)

They always love in spite of, the greater the humility, the stronger the source of evil, their contact is the most important thing. - Rem Digga

Television becomes primitive. Today, you don’t need to think about it, you already chew everything. This is the law of Babylon: simplify everything and turn us into a stupid herd. – Basta

My city is rotten, I notice the whole
No time for jokes, I answer tin
Give snow to the skins, they will reach heaven with tea
Need desperately weight, desperately weight

Snowy city roads, I'm at home playing sega
And I'm warmer in the heat,
Topless my pussy on a blanket swarms in hemp
There have been no cases for a week now and there will be no flow of lope, I just wanted to,
So that I don't have things to do. – Jahmal (Jamal)

Remember, always and everywhere there are those
Who likes to dig in someone else's trash can. - Guf - 100 Lines.

It seems like people are serious, adults, but here, damn it, it brings.
You call for them, you fuss, you ask someone.
They are still not happy with something when you bring something to them. - Guf - Muddy Zamuty.

How much have I read about this, how much more will I read
I don't know but I know it's not harmful
They call me a fucked up concrete
I am constantly dying, how I feel sorry for you poor people. - Guf - Ballad.

I break down on loved ones, yes low
I'm cooling down, it's disgusting to remember antics
I don't turn without you
But you will never know about it. - Swift:

I like to listen to silence, but I will not drown out the noise of cars
I am captivated by the big city.
And I can see from the top of the house and garages,
People trapped in the clutches of lies. – Plastic

We smoke cheap dope, with dear relatives - OU74

Our planet is spinning so fast
That gray hair on the head will appear imperceptibly - Fast

Life is a game, the main thing is not to overplay. Shut up and shut up. - OU74

We all die, but not all live - Fint

Here, the words help and guardianship are not spoken aloud,
It is better to close both eyelids before death. - Chemodan - Country of assholes.

Now we are together in a minefield without mines,
But don't rejoice - two assholes are worse than one! - Chemodan - Country of assholes.

Everything is going as it should.
After 25 years, the Minister of Culture
Will warm me up with a reward,
For his contribution to Russian literature.
After shaking hands, climb to kiss.
And at the banquet
Will fraternize with me
Putin himself is the third ... - Oleg Gruz

Don't rush to grow up, but learn to be an adult
Although in life everything is sometimes somehow childishly simple.
Just get used to not whimpering over nonsense
Fate itself gave us tickets to the front rows. - Steam - Sister.

Sing, calm words and not swill
Stop! Don't let yourself be stalled
Stop! Still worth staying alone
Be yourself, no matter how much it costs!

Friends, there is no need to look for a background against which you will appear better. Don't act like girls who take pictures with ugly girlfriends to look attractive.

If you decide to change yourself, change. Demonstrating hatred for those who do not want to change themselves will not make you better. Hatred destroys. Create. Only love can make this world a better place.

No matter who you are, no matter where you are
The main thing is to prioritize correctly.
It doesn't matter what you drink or what you wear
Remember the main thing - these are priorities ... - Ptah - Priorities.

And someone has a lot of money - but life is shit
And I'm happy - if it's not a day, it's a holiday. – Jamal

This is our trembling imitation,
In order to increase the price -
Irrefutable Reflection
Rejection of imagination.. – Oleg Gruz

How long have I not slept? Three days, maybe even four
Locked inside and sitting in my apartment
I don’t eat anything at all, I drink tea and read books,
Rest would be in the subject, otherwise it's too much!
The curtains are drawn, the city is curtained. - Guf

Kazyan: You perfectly meet the sunrise alone
It's cold, and at this time I am for you to the bottom. - Kazyan - Lady.

It's strange, yes, well, you have to tie it up with the plan sometime.
I agree, but it's too early
I'll quit when I'm old, while everything is fine. - Guf - Knitting.

Clouds above your head, puddles under your feet,
Even better, it could have been worse.
You got gucci shoes and skinny pants
And the dry land torments me, and I need to sleep - Guf - Wires.

How little is needed for happiness, without further ado, pure hello. – Basta

Never and about anyone, do not shed your tears - Basta

And I dream that no one would notice the salt from my eyes. — Olga Markes

In addition to the fact that you can often hear the exclamation “Yo!” from rappers, which would mean some approval, there are a few more you need to know that you can hear from them and use yourself.

Yeap!- Yes

Pis- world

Base- house

respect- respect

Strap- million

see u- see you

Ma way- my destiny.

Underground (underground - underground) - a series artistic directions V contemporary art(in music, literature, cinema, fine arts etc.), which oppose themselves popular culture, mainstream.
In other words, it stands out from the crowd.

Live sound without the use of hardware amplifiers. Not so long ago, this style of performance was quite popular, thanks to music channels and the unusual sound of old songs.

Beef (beef - meat, in figurative meaning complaint, dissatisfaction) - enmity between representatives of hip-hop culture. Beefs, their features and unspoken rules of conduct are an important part of hip-hop culture. The most famous beefs are between rappers, but such conflicts are also possible between other representatives of hip-hop culture: DJs, b-boys or graffiti artists.
In practice, a beef can be seen when one rapper, in order to deliberately humiliate another, writes a song about him in which he expresses his opinion.

Beatboxing is the art of creating beats, rhythms and melodies with the human mouth.

Beat - measure in music, used in the expression English. beat per minute, bpm - beats per minute. The larger the value, the faster the tempo of the music.

Breakdance (bboying, breakdance) - street dance, one of the five elements of hip-hop.

Battle (battle, battle, battle) - a competition between MC and rap performers, usually accompanied by humiliation of the enemy. A battle track is often nothing more than a diss on an opponent.

Bootleg - a pirated compilation of tracks, which the artist may never even know about.

Graffiti - in its original meaning - cave drawings, which ancient people painted on the walls of their dwellings; V modern sense- inscriptions or drawings applied with paint, ink or scratched on walls, as well as fences and other vertical surfaces. In our time it is art style hip hop culture.

Diss (disrespect - disrespect) is a direction in hip-hop (more specifically - in rap). The essence of diss is disrespect in the text of one rapper (or group) to another rapper (s). In such tracks, obscene speech is practiced, swearing towards the enemy, sometimes threats. Often disses come in pairs, that is, "diss - reciprocal diss", or in chains of disses. Often disses are ignored. Disses are used in beefs.

Rap (rap, rapping) is a rhythmic recitative, usually read to music with a heavy beat. A rap artist is called a rapper, or by the more general term MC.
The word rap comes from the English rap - knock, blow (a hint at the rhythm of rap). To rap also means "to speak", "to speak".

Rapcore is a subgenre of rock music characterized by the use of rap as vocals. Rapcore combines the instrumental and vocal properties of styles such as punk, alternative rock, and hip-hop.

Mix (mix) - several musical works(tracks) arranged in a continuous sequence. As a rule, mixes are made by DJs. Usually mixes consist of tracks that are similar in genre, mood and other features.

Newschool (Newschol, New school) - “new Russian rap” - all Russian Rap from 1998 to this day.

Old school
Oldschool (Oldschool, Old School) - old rap, classic Russian Rap. Old school is considered to be the entire Russian Rap until 1998.

Promo (promo)
Promo (promo) - trial release. May contain incomplete tracks, low quality, text inserts that say this is a promo.

Russian rap
Russian Rap - rap performed in Russian.

Stuff (stuff - things, rubbish) - these are the works of a rap artist
Example: “appreciate my thing” - “appreciate my staff”.

Technique is a way of controlling rhythm. There is also a small branch: “technicality” - the degree of skill to control the rhythm.

True (true, true, true) - the opposite of fake. “True rapper” is a rapper who reads the truth, whose words do not differ from deeds.

Freestyle (free style) - improvisation in rap; recitation of a rhyming rhythmic recitative composed by the performer on the go. It's not a pre-written, rehearsed, "raw" form of hip hop. It is performed to beatbox, or to instrumental versions of previously recorded hip-hop songs.
Freestyle is held a large number of competitions (the so-called "battles"), in which participants compete with each other in the skill of a word rhymed on the go.

Fakes, fakers (fake- lie) - liars, performers with many lies on whose tracks, and reality diverges from the lyrics (To fake MC's).

Hip-hop ( hip hop) - This youth subculture, which appeared in the mid-1970s among African Americans and Hispanics. It is characterized by its own music (also called hip-hop, rap), its own slang, its own hip-hop fashion, dance styles(breakdance, etc.), graphic art (graffiti) and his own cinema. By the early 1990s, hip hop had become part of youth culture in many countries of the world.

Haters (hate - hatred) - people who hate something, or everything and everything. In Russian Rap, they denote people whose work is permeated with hatred for any performer.

Album (album) - the term came to us from the time vinyl records, when one track was placed on one disc, and they were put together as if in albums (record albums - record albums). Accordingly, an album is a collection of songs by one artist into one collection.

Crunk is a style of southern rap music, with repetitive phrases and fast dance rhythms.

DJ (disc jockey - disc jockey, DJ) - a person who plays musical works recorded on sound media for an audience.

Delivery (delivery) - voice setting, general mood track.

Double Time
Doubble Time (double time) - This is a reading, about twice as fast as the rhythm of the beats.

EP - literally Extended Play - a term from the days of vinyl records. EP - means an inferior album, with a duration of 10 to 25 minutes.

Flow (feed) - the ability to decorate your text with a competent emotional tone.

LP - literally Long Play - a term from the days of vinyl records. LP - means an album, with a duration of 25 to 80 minutes.

Live (Live)
Live (Live) - recording from a "live" concert. The roar of the crowd and the amplifier is usually present, but it has its own charm, isn't it?

MC, MC (Master of Ceremonies) - in reggae culture and hip-hop - artist, accompanied by electronic dance music uttering words from the stage - pre-composed or improvised, usually in the form of rap - to provoke the audience, as well as introduce the DJ. In Russian Rap, under MC, it is customary to consider participants in battles who read their text to someone else's music.

Mixtape (Mixtape)
Mixtape (mixtape) - special kind music release. The name comes from the English words mix and tape (literally translated as a mixed record).

Maxi-single - less than an EP, but more than a single. It can contain several tracks, and like a single, several remixes, etc.

Punch line
PunchLine (strike line) - a line written in the style of comparison, which combines the meaning of the previous lines, as it were, puts a point.

R&B (rhythm and blues, rhythm and blues, rhythm and blues, R'n "B) is a genre popular music, originally performed by African-American musicians, integrating combinations of blues, jazz and gospel. The term was introduced into circulation in 1949 by the compilers of the charts of the American magazine "Billboard" instead of the disparaging expression "racial music" (race music), common before.

Respect (respect) - good location to a person, respect for his creativity.

Skillz (skills, abilities) is a generally applicable term, it can be applied to absolutely everything that paints the mastery of the MC.

Spelling (writing) - a way by which text rhymes, conveying its content. The expression "fashion spell" implies the use in the text modern game words and consonances that can really be found from all genres only in rap.

Style (style) - a set of techniques used by the MC, in a unique combination. Having his own style, the rapper begins to be recognizable, no matter how he reads, and no matter how he puts his voice. All MCs have the right to call their style whatever they want.

Single (single)
Single (single) - from English word"one". Single track with remixes, radio versions, instrumental, a cappella, etc.

TungTwist is a direct example of cheating. That is, it is the repetition of certain syllables in a word at a speed of two or more times.

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