A literary example of a careful attitude towards people of art. The problem of the relationship between man and nature arguments from life


The problem of love and careful attitude to nature. These arguments will come in handy at the exam if you write an essay about a reverent attitude to the world around you.

Possible theses:

  1. Nature is in dire need of human protection.
  2. Respect for nature inspires respect
  3. Only highly moral people are able to treat nature with care
  4. Some people are ready to protect nature no matter what.
  5. Love for nature helps to find peace of mind

Chingiz Aitmanov novel "The Scaffold"

The love for nature of the hero of Aitmanov's novel "The Scaffold" was manifested in his careful attitude towards it. When Boston found out that Bazarbai had stolen the cubs while his parents were hunting to sell them, he decided to buy the cubs and return them back. Unfortunately, the hero's attempts to help the wolves were unsuccessful. Bazarbai, who does not like Boston, out of spite refused his offer.

B. L. Vasiliev novel “Do not shoot white swans”

Vasiliev's novel "Don't Shoot White Swans" describes many examples of respect for nature. Yegor Polushkin is a good-natured simpleton who took care of all living things. Digging a trench, the hero came across an anthill and decided to go around it so as not to harm the insects. But Egor did not think that there were no crooked pipes and became the object of ridicule of others.

The protagonist of Vasiliev's novel "Don't Shoot the White Swans" serves a prime example human, nature loving. When Egor was in dire need of money, he learned that people were accepting soaked bast for a reward. Polushkin hesitated for a long time, his hand did not rise to tear the bark from the trees. But his cousin behaved differently and destroyed a whole linden grove.

Selflessness and endless love for nature was shown by the son of the protagonist of Vasiliev's novel "Don't Shoot White Swans". Once Kolka was presented with a real spinning rod, which even adult men did not dream of. But when the boy saw that Vovka was going to torture the puppy to death, without hesitation, he gave him the most precious gift in order to save the little animal.

The protagonist of Vasiliev's novel "Don't Shoot the White Swans" was very kind to nature. For this, he was appointed a forester instead of a cousin. Once Yegor heard explosions - tourists were drowning fish - and rushed off in the middle of the night to save his territory, and there the envious Buryanov was waiting for him. The last thing Polushkin saw was swans killed by ill-wishers, and then they began to beat him. For attempts to protect nature, Polushkin paid with his life.

N. A. Nekrasov poem "Grandfather Mazai and hares"

The character of Nekrasov's poem "Grandfather Mazai and Hares" demonstrates a careful attitude towards all living things. During the flood, the old man rescued hares on a boat. He took the wounded to himself and, having cured them, released them. Grandfather Mazai never killed animals unnecessarily or for pleasure. What cannot be said about other people who made fun of drowning hares and beat them with hooks.

I. S. Turgenev novel "Father and Children"

He was very fond of nature and Kirsanov - the hero of Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons". The young man knew how to see and feel the beauty of the world around him. He had an incredibly harmonious relationship with nature, the hero felt like a part of it. Arkady was pleased with the unity with the outside world, it helped him heal spiritual wounds.

Nature in the poem is in close connection with people. So, solar eclipse as if warning the army of Prince Igor about the impending danger. After the defeat of the Russians, "the grass will droop with pity, and the tree bowed to the ground with grief." At the moment of Igor's escape from captivity, the woodpeckers with their knock suggest to him the way to the river. The Donets River also helps him, "cherishing the prince on the waves, spreading green grass on his silver banks, dressing him with warm mists under the shade of a green tree." And Igor thanks Donets, his savior, talking poetically with the river.

K.G. Paustovsky - the tale "The disheveled sparrow".

The little girl Masha made friends with the sparrow Pashka. And he helped her return the glass bouquet stolen by the crow, which her father, who was at the front, once gave to her mother.

How does nature affect human soul? Nature helps us discover ourselves and the world around us

L.N. Tolstoy - epic novel "War and Peace". Nature gives a person hope, helps a person to realize his true feelings, to understand his own soul. Let us recall the meeting of Prince Andrei with the oak. If on the way to Otradnoye this old, dying oak filled his soul only with bitterness, then on way back an oak with young, green, juicy leaves helps him suddenly realize that life is not over yet, ahead, perhaps, happiness, the fulfillment of his destiny.

Yu. Yakovlev - the story "Awakened by nightingales." Nature awakens in the human soul the best human qualities, creative potential helps to open up. The hero of the story is a kind of crazy, difficult child whom adults did not like and did not take seriously. His nickname is Selyuzhenok. But then one night he heard the singing of a nightingale, and he wanted to portray this nightingale. He sculpts it from plasticine, and then writes himself into art studio. Interest appears in his life, adults change their attitude towards him.

Yu. Nagibin - the story "Winter Oak". Nature helps man to make many discoveries. Against the backdrop of nature, we are better aware of our own feelings, and in a new way look at the people around us. This happened with the heroine of Nagibin's story, the teacher Anna Vasilievna. Once with Savushkin in winter forest, she took a fresh look at this boy, discovered in him qualities that she had not noticed before: closeness to nature, spontaneity, nobility.

What feelings does the beauty of Russian nature awaken in our soul? Love for Russian nature - love for the Motherland

S.A. Yesenin - poems “About arable land, arable land, arable land ...”, “Feeding is sleeping, dear plain ...”, “Rus”. The theme of nature in Yesenin's work merges inextricably with the theme small homeland, Russian Village. So, the early poems of the poet, filled with Christian images and details of peasant life, recreate a picture of life Orthodox Rus'. Here the wretched kaliki pass through the villages, here the wanderer Mikola appears on the roads, here the deacon commemorates the dead. Each of these plots is framed by a modest, unpretentious landscape. And to the very last days Yesenin remains faithful to his ideal, remaining the poet of the "golden log hut." Admiration for the beauty of Russian nature merges in his verses with love for Russia.

N.M. Rubtsov - poems "I will ride on the hills of the dormant Fatherland ...", "My Quiet Motherland", "Star of the Fields", "Birches". In the poem "Visions on the Hill" N. Rubtsov refers to the historical past of the Motherland and traces the connection of times, finding echoes of this past in the present. The times of Batu are long gone, but for Rus' of all times there are "Tatars and Mongols". The image of the Motherland, feelings lyrical hero, the beauty of Russian nature, the inviolability of the people's foundations and the strength of the spirit of the Russian people is that good beginning that is opposed in the poem to the image of evil in the past and present. In the poem "My Quiet Motherland" the poet creates an image native village: huts, willows, river, nightingales, old church, churchyard. For Rubtsov, the star of the fields becomes a symbol of all of Russia, a symbol of happiness. It is this image, and even, perhaps, Russian birches, that the poet associates with the Motherland.

K.G. Paustovsky - the story "Ilyinsky pool". The author talks about his attachment to one of the small places in Russia - Ilyinsky pool. Such places, according to the author, carry something sacred, they fill the soul with spiritual ease, reverence for beauty. native land. This is how a feeling of the Motherland is born in a person - from a little love

In this text, Anatoly Sobolev touches upon the problem of the unity of man with nature. One cannot but agree that this question is always relevant.

To attract the attention of readers, the author writes about his journey to his native village, during which he reflects on the beauty and sincerity of nature. The writer realizes how much he loves "this steppe, this unspeakably high sky, these mountains on the edge." Anatoly Sobolev writes that only a villager can observe the true beauty of the surrounding world, since “he is closer to nature sincerely and, in the full sense of the word, understands it better.”

The author of the text claims that it is precisely those people who lose a lot who did not see animals in the wild and did not enjoy the voices of birds and the rustle of leaves. IN modern world man began to show his indifference to nature.

I agree with the writer that the native warm earth, verdant grasses and clear skies evoke many vivid emotions. Can not imagine happy life without observing the wonders of nature.

To prove my point of view, I want to cite an argument from Ernest Hemingway's story "The Old Man and the Sea".

The protagonist Santiago earns his living by fishing, but he does it with respect and gratitude. He asks for forgiveness from every creature caught. The old man treats nature correctly, as he knows how to appreciate her generosity. Santiago understands that a person is obliged to protect the world around him, because only then can he live in harmony.

The problem raised by the author was repeatedly discussed in his works various writers. As a convincing argument, one can cite the fate of the hero of Boris Vasiliev's story "Do not shoot at white swans." Yegor Polushkin cannot imagine his life without caring for the environment. He looks after the protected forest and the lake as if he were his own children. The hero of the work dies defending his native land from poachers. Egor Polushkin is an example of a person living in unity with the environment.

I would like to believe that readers will think about this problem, will protect nature, because it is she who gives people life.

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Theme "Nature and Man": arguments. The problem of attitude to nature

Passing the Unified State Exam is just a small test that every student will have to go through on the way to adult life. Already today, many graduates are familiar with the delivery of essays in December, and then with the delivery of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. Topics that can come across for writing an essay are completely different. And today we will give several examples of what works can be taken as an argument "Nature and Man".

About the topic

Many authors wrote about the relationship between man and nature (arguments can be found in many works of world classical literature).

To properly reveal this topic, you need to correctly understand the meaning of what you are being asked. Most often, students are asked to choose a topic (if we are talking about an essay on literature). Then there are several statements to choose from. famous people. The main thing here is to subtract the meaning that the author introduced into his quote. Only then can the role of nature in human life be explained. You can see the arguments from the literature on this topic below.

If we are talking about the second part examination work in Russian, then here the student is already given the text. This text usually contains several problems - the student independently chooses the one that seems to him the easiest to solve.

It must be said that few students choose this topic, because they see difficulties in it. Well, everything is very simple, just look at the works from the other side. The main thing is to understand what arguments from the literature about man and nature can be used.

Problem one

Arguments (“The problem of man and nature”) can be completely different. Let us take such a problem as man's perception of nature as something alive. Problems of nature and man, arguments from literature - all this can be put together if you think about it.

Take Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace. What can be used here? Let us remember Natasha, who, leaving the house one night, was so struck by the beauty of peaceful nature that she was ready to spread her arms like wings and fly away into the night.

Let's remember the same Andrew. Experiencing heavy emotional unrest, the hero sees an old oak tree. What does he feel about it? He perceives the old tree as a powerful, wise being, which makes Andrei think about the right decision in his life.

At the same time, if the beliefs of the heroes of War and Peace support the possibility of the existence of a natural soul, then main character Ivan Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" thinks quite differently. Since Bazarov is a man of science, he denies any manifestation of the spiritual in the world. Nature is no exception. He studies nature from the point of view of biology, physics, chemistry and other natural sciences. However, natural wealth does not inspire any faith in Bazarov - it is only an interest in the world around him, which will not change.

These two works are perfect for revealing the theme "Man and Nature", the arguments are easy to give.

Second problem

The problem of human awareness of the beauty of nature is also often found in classical literature. Let's look at the available examples.

For example, the same work by Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace". Recall the first battle in which Andrei Bolkonsky participated. Tired and wounded, he carries the banner and sees clouds in the sky. What emotional excitement Andrey experiences when he sees the gray sky! The beauty that makes him hold his breath, that inspires him with strength!

But in addition to Russian literature, we can consider works and foreign classics. Let's take famous work Margaret Mitchell Gone with the Wind. The episode of the book when Scarlett, having passed long haul home, he sees his native fields, albeit overgrown, but so close, such fertile lands! What does the girl feel? She suddenly ceases to be restless, she ceases to feel tired. A new surge of strength, the emergence of hope for the best, the confidence that tomorrow everything will be better. It is nature, the landscape of the native land that saves the girl from despair.

Third problem

Arguments (“The role of nature in human life” is a topic) are also quite easy to find in the literature. It is enough to recall only a few works that tell us about the impact nature has on us.

For example, Ernest Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea" is great as an argument for writing. Let us recall the main features of the plot: the old man goes to sea for big fish. A few days later, he finally has a catch: he comes across a beautiful shark in his net. Waging a long battle with the animal, the old man pacifies the predator. While the main character is moving towards the house, the shark is slowly dying. All alone, the old man begins to talk to the animal. The way home is very long, and the old man feels how the animal becomes his own. But he understands that if the predator is released into the wild, he will not survive, and the old man himself will be left without food. Other marine animals appear, hungry and smelling the metallic smell of the blood of a wounded shark. By the time the old man arrives home, there is nothing left of the fish he has caught.

This work clearly shows how easy it is for a person to get used to the world around him, how hard it is often to lose some seemingly insignificant connection with nature. In addition, we see that a person is able to resist the elements of nature, which acts solely according to its own laws.

Or let's take Astafiev's work "Tsar-fish". Here we observe how nature is able to revive all the best qualities of man. Inspired by the beauty of the surrounding world, the heroes of the story understand that they are capable of love, kindness, and generosity. Nature causes them to manifest best qualities character.

Fourth problem

The problem of the beauty of the environment is directly related to the problem of the relationship between man and nature. Arguments can also be cited from Russian classical poetry.

Let's take a poet as an example. Silver Age Sergei Yesenin. We are all already high school we know that in his lyrics Sergei Alexandrovich sang not only feminine beauty but also natural. Being a native of the village, Yesenin became an absolutely peasant poet. In his poems, Sergei sang of Russian nature, paying attention to those details that go unnoticed by us.

For example, the poem “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry” perfectly draws an image for us blossoming apple tree, whose flowers are so light that they actually resemble a sweet haze among the greenery. Or the poem “I remember, darling, I remember”, which tells us about unhappy love, with its lines allows you to plunge into the beautiful midsummer night when lindens bloom, the sky is starry, and somewhere in the distance the moon shines. It creates a feeling of warmth and romance.

Two more poets of the "golden age" of literature, who sang of nature in their poems, can be used as arguments. “Man and nature meet at Tyutchev and Fet. Their love lyrics constantly intersects with descriptions of natural landscapes. They endlessly compared the objects of their love with nature. Afanasy Fet's poem "I came to you with greetings" was just one of these works. Reading the lines, you don’t immediately understand what exactly the author is talking about - about love for nature or love for a woman, because he sees infinitely much in common in the features of a loved one with nature.

Fifth problem

Speaking of arguments ("Man and Nature"), one can meet another problem. It consists of human intervention in environment.

As an argument that will reveal the understanding of this problem, one can name " dog's heart» Mikhail Bulgakov. The main character is a doctor who decided to create a new man with a dog's soul with his own hands. The experiment did not bring positive results, only created problems and ended in failure. As a result, we can conclude that what we create from a ready-made natural product can never become better than that what was originally, no matter how much we try to improve it.

Despite the fact that the work itself has a slightly different meaning, this work can be considered from this angle of view.

The problem of the relationship between man and nature arguments from life

Arguments on the topic "Nature" to writing the exam. Part 1. Problems of nature, attitudes towards nature, animals, struggle with the natural world, interference in the natural world, the beauty of nature, the influence of nature on a person's character.

Is man the king of nature or a part? What is dangerous consumer attitude to nature? What can lead to the struggle of man with the natural world?
V.P. Astafiev "Tsar-fish"
Astafiev tells us cautionary tale about a talented fisherman who has a natural instinct that is useful for fishing. However, this hero also trades in poaching, exterminating fish without counting. By his actions, the hero causes irreparable damage to nature. The reason for these actions is not hunger. Utrobin acts like this out of greed.
In one of these sorties, a poacher comes across huge fish. Greed and ambition prevent the fisherman from calling his brother for help, he decides to pull out a huge sturgeon at all costs. Over time, Ignatich begins to go under water along with the fish. happens in his soul crucial moment, where he asks for forgiveness for all his sins before his brother, before the bride whom he offended. Having overcome greed, the fisherman calls his brother for help.
Ignatich changes his attitude to nature when he feels how the fish "tightly and carefully pressed against him with a thick and tender belly." He understands that the fish is clinging to him, because he is afraid of death just like he is. He ceases to see in this living creature only an instrument for profit. When the hero realizes his mistakes, he will be liberated and cleansed of his soul from sins.
At the end of the story, we see that nature forgave the fisherman, gave him a new chance to atone for all sins.
The fight between Ignatich and the king fish is a metaphor for the battle between man and nature that takes place every day. Destroying nature, man dooms himself to extinction. Causing harm to nature, a person deprives himself of the environment of existence. Cutting down forests, destroying animals, a person dooms himself to extinction.
This work also raises the question: can a person consider himself the king of nature. And Astafiev gives the answer: no, man is a part of nature, and not always the best. Only concern for nature can maintain the balance of life, the countless destruction of what the world around us gives us can only lead to death. The pride of a person who imagines himself to be the "king of nature" leads only to destruction.
We need to love the world around us, exist in peace and harmony with it, respecting every living being.

How should nature be treated?
Antoine de Saint-Exupery " A little prince».
One of the problems raised by the author of this wonderful tale is the relationship of man to nature.
The protagonist can serve as an example of respect for nature. The little prince lives on small planet. His basic rule: "Get up in the morning, wash, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order." The little prince cleans volcanoes every morning and uproots baobab trees, which, if left unattended, can resolve the planet.
The main character teaches us to appreciate the beauty in the natural world, to protect it with all our might, because the planet is our home, and a person cannot live without a home. That is why the Little Prince asked the snake to bite him in order to return home to his planet and rose, which he must look after. Because watch the house you live in - main duty and human responsibility.

What is the danger of active human intervention in the natural world? What is the struggle between man and nature?
Chingiz Aitmatov "Plaha"
The author focuses on the problem of human intervention in the natural world.
In order to fulfill the meat-delivery plan, people decide to kill the saigas, which at that moment were being hunted by the wolves of Akbar and Tashchainar. Helicopters begin to drive the saigas towards the hunters in the UAZ, in the process, the children of the wolves die. When the tired wolves return to their native den, they find that there are people near it, collecting the remains of saigas.
Avdey calls on the participants in this disgusting act to immediately stop the slaughter, for which the hunters kill him.
Akbara and Tashchainar started new life and gave birth to new wolf cubs, but they also died in a fire that people set up.
The last time they tried to continue the family in another area, but a man named Nazarbay stole and sold four wolf cubs. There was no limit to the mother-wolf's grief. It is no coincidence that Aitmatov describes the family of wolves, giving them human features. They also create families, love their children, rejoice and grieve. The man in the novel is presented less alive. Most of the people in the novel are shown as insensitive creatures, devoid of moral principles.
Unceremoniously, completely without thinking about the world around, a person paves meters of new roads, he comes to someone else's house, where he robs and destroys natural inhabitants. This novel shows that such interference can end tragically for both people and animals. At the end of the work, the she-wolf dies, and with it a little boy who suffered in the insane struggle of two full-fledged inhabitants of this planet: a man and a wolf.
A person is closely connected with the natural world, it is important not to fight, but to be in peace and harmony.

Why is it important to appreciate the beauty of nature?

R. Bradbury "All Summer in One Day"
This story teaches us to appreciate the beauty of nature here and now. To give a sense of what it means to "never see the sun," Bradbury shows the life of the colonists on Venus. On this planet most time it rains, and residents can see the sun only once every 7 years. Everyone is looking forward to this day. But among the children of the colonists there is one girl who was brought to Venus already at a conscious age, because she has the worst of all. For other children, the sun is a dream, for Margot it is something lost. With this example, Bradbury tries to convey the idea to the reader: a person begins to especially appreciate the surrounding beauty of nature at the moment when he loses it. We live in wonderful world but we don't appreciate what we have.

ON THE. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and Hares".
The main character Mazai is a hunter by profession. However, this person has moral code and conscience. He laments that there would be a much larger number of animals in the area if other hunters did not use dishonest methods: they would not catch animals with nets, would not crush with snares and would not destroy hares during the spring flood. He tells a story about how, during a flood, he saw an island surrounded by water. Hares huddled together on this island. Kind heart the hunter could not stand it, he collected them on his boat, swam to the shore, and then released them. He took the frozen and weak rabbits home so that they could warm up, and in the morning he released them into the wild.
The moral principle of this man is that it is not fair to attack the weak. Of course, a person lives by hunting. A man is a predator, but he also has a morality that should not allow him to “beat a lying person”. When an animal is unable to defend itself, then it is impossible to attack it. Such a hunt turns a person into a killer. Man is endowed with great potential, he is stronger and more cunning than many animals, but at the same time he has a heart and morality. You need to treat nature with care, you can’t just take it, you need to help it.

How should nature be treated?

J. Giono "The Man Who Planted Trees"
"The Man Who Planted Trees" is an allegorical story. In the center of the story is the shepherd Elzéard Bouffier, who single-handedly decided to restore the ecosystem of the desert area.
For four decades, Bouffier planted trees, which led to incredible results: the valley became like Garden of Eden. The authorities took this as a natural phenomenon, and the forest received official state protection. After some time, about 10,000 people moved to this area. All these people owe their happiness to Buffier.
Elzéard Bouffier is an example of how a person should relate to nature. This work awakens in readers a love for the world around them. Man can not only destroy, he is also able to create. Human resources are inexhaustible, purposefulness is able to create life where it does not exist. This story was translated into 13 languages, it had such a strong impact on society and authorities that hundreds of thousands of hectares of forest were restored after reading it.

B.L. Vasiliev "Don't shoot the white swans"
One of the main characters, Yegor Polushkin, is a man who does not stay at one job for a long time. The reason for this is the inability to work “without a heart”. He loves the forest very much, takes care of it. That is why he is appointed a forester, while firing the dishonest Buryanov. It was then that Yegor manifests himself as a real fighter for the protection of nature. He boldly enters into a fight with poachers who set fire to the forest and killed the swans. This man is an example of how to treat nature. Thanks to people like Yegor Polushkin, humanity has not yet destroyed everything that exists on this earth. Against Buryanov's cruelty, goodness must always come out in the person of the caring "polushkins".

The relationship of man to nature, the relationship of man and nature, the responsibility of man for his actions to the natural world.
Ray Bradbury "The Thunder Came"
One of the problems raised in R. Bradbury's story "And Thunder Came" is the attitude to the natural world. The protagonist Eckels plunges into the past with the help of a time machine. The purpose of his journey is to hunt for a dinosaur. The organizers warn him that only those animals that are in danger of natural death can be killed. The instructor explains why such caution is needed: if you accidentally kill some of the most insignificant animals, then this can greatly affect the whole future. For example, if you kill a mouse, then there will be no fox and its descendants. If a particular fox disappears, then all its descendants and some lion will die, and so on. Thus, the death of one mouse can destroy entire dynasties, change the whole world. This shows how much a person is connected with the whole world of nature. People sometimes think that they are the kings of nature, but when a person kills a small mosquito just like that, he changes the lives of his future descendants. Man occupies a certain place in nature, no more, no less. That is why the unreasonable extermination of animals is so dangerous. It is not known how the whims of a person can affect the future. A person must understand that the entire ecosystem and the future of a person himself depend on his behavior, therefore, nature must be treated with care, appreciating each of its creations.

The problem of relation to nature.

A.P. Platonov " unknown flower»
In the story "Unknown Flower" the problem of attitude to nature is touched upon. A positive example is the behavior of children. So, the girl Dasha discovers a flower that grows in terrible conditions and needs help. The next day, she brings a whole detachment of pioneers, they all fertilize the ground around the flower. A year later, we see the consequences of such indifference. The wasteland is impossible to recognize: it was “overgrown with herbs and flowers”, and “birds and butterflies flew over it”. Caring for nature does not always require titanic efforts from a person, but always brings such important results. Having spent an hour of his time, each person can save or "give life" to a new flower. And every flower in this world counts.

How should you treat the environment?
I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"
Bazarov declares that nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and immediately a magnificent landscape follows in the work. The pictures of nature, with which the novel is saturated, implicitly convince the reader of the exact opposite, namely, that nature is a temple, not a workshop, that only life in harmony with the outside world, and not violence against it, can bring happiness to a person.

How does nature influence a person's character?
M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"
The place where a person lives affects the formation of his character. Lermontov describes the Caucasus as a place surrounded by high dangerous mountains, seething, fast rivers, and therefore the people who live there have a bold, furious character. Mountains are associated with adventure and risk, and people's lives are about overcoming dangers. The harsh conditions of nature make a person's character harsh, he becomes prone to impulsiveness, he develops a spirit of adventurism. For people living in such an area, nature is not just a background. They feel nature better than any person who describes the beauties of the landscape, they love nature and feel it with their hearts: “... in the hearts of simple people, the feeling of the beauty and grandeur of nature is stronger, more alive a hundred times than in us, enthusiastic storytellers in words and on paper” .

Final essay

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Publication date: 12/11/2016

Arguments that will be very useful to you at the exam when writing an essay.

  1. Mankind is forced to sacrifice nature for its own good
  2. Sometimes greed induces people to harm nature
  3. People deliberately cause damage to nature for their own benefit.
  4. Only a morally decaying person is capable of causing damage to nature unnecessarily.

V. P. Astafiev short story "Tsar-fish"

The protagonist of Astafiev's short story "Tsar-fish" was known in his village as the most successful fisherman. But Ignatich abused his skill: he always caught more fish than necessary. The hero was aware of the illegality of his actions and was afraid of being exposed, but greed always got the better of him. Being engaged in poaching, Ignatich caused irreparable damage to the rivers and their inhabitants.

V. Rasputin story "Farewell to the mother"

In V. Rasputin's story "Farewell to Matera", the authorities decided to flood the island, on which the whole village was located. This was necessary to build a new hydroelectric power station. Of course, the residents of Matera were taken care of and provided with new housing. But no one thought about the defenseless inhabitants of the island, disappeared under the water together with the earth. the whole world not visible to humans.

B. L. Vasiliev novel “Do not shoot white swans”

In Vasiliev's novel "Don't Shoot the White Swans" Buryanov caused great damage to nature. Being a forester of the reserve, he abused his official position: he cut down the forest to build his house, stripped lindens to earn money selling bast, and drunken tourists calmly hunted on his territory in a forbidden place.

Chingiz Aitmanov novel "The Scaffold"

The terrible consequences of human influence on nature are reflected in Aitmanov's novel "The Scaffold". To fulfill the meat delivery plan, people encroached on the "meat resources" of the reserve. Without thinking about the consequences, poachers exterminated saigas in huge numbers, which were food for wolves. The irresponsible behavior of people directly affected the lives of predators; during the famine, they lost their offspring.

V. Rasputin story "Fire"

In V. Rasputin's heartbreaking story "Fire" the protagonist lived and worked in a timber industry settlement and watched huge areas of forest being cut down. There was no other work for the people, because the fields and meadows were flooded for the construction of the hydroelectric power station. Ivan Petrovich could not come to terms with morning society moral values and was sure it had to do with cutting down. The hero was sure that by destroying the forest, a person destroys himself.

The problem of immoral attitude to nature

Don't shoot white swans

Boris Lvovich Vasiliev

In his novel "Don't shoot white swans" B. Vasiliev calls the reader to be responsible for the conservation of nature. Egor Polushkin, the protagonist of the work, is concerned about the consequences of the recreation of visiting "tourists", as well as the fact that the lake has become lifeless due to poachers. Now more than ever, the problem of saving the planet is urgent, since the destructive impact man goes at an unprecedented pace.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

The theme of interaction between nature and man is generated by moral and ethical motives. Therefore, it was the main one in many works of Russian prose writers and poets. The heroes of M. Prishvin's story "Ginseng" know how to enjoy silence and communication with nature, which for the author is the embodiment of life. He describes it as a living organism: the rock cries, and the stone has a heart. The author makes the reader understand that a person must make every effort so that nature does not suffer.

Hunter's Notes

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

With subtle observation and deep love, I. S. Turgenev describes the nature in his work “Notes of a Hunter”. Kasyan, the protagonist of the story, was relentlessly drawn to exploring new places, so he went around half the country. He clearly felt his connection with nature, and dreams of a just world where everyone lives in contentment were born in his soul. His example remains instructive to this day.

Human tears...

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev

The complex problem of interaction between man and the environment is touched upon in the poems of F. Tyutchev. Often he used allegory, thinking about human destiny. So, in the poem “Tears of Humans ...” raindrops are human tears. His poems reflect inseparable bond people and nature.

The king is a fish

Viktor Petrovich Astafiev

Vanity and pride make a person move further and further away from nature, mistakenly believing that he rises above it. In his work "King-fish" V. Astafiev emphasizes how patient nature is towards people. Unscrupulously unbelted tourists who thoughtlessly hunt the beast and bird, the author mercilessly punishes. "Tsar-fish" recalls that the destruction of nature threatens with death for man.

Sergei Trofimovich Alekseev

In the novel "Roy" S. Alekseev raises the theme of man's attack on nature. worldview modern man change is very difficult, but it is a necessity. After all, he is accustomed to active consumption, without offering anything in return. Poaching and deforestation are what people are interested in. However, despite the fact that nature manages to survive, it cannot last so long.

People with different views on life perceive nature in completely different ways. For some, nature is a workshop, an object of practice. This point of view is shared by the nihilist Yevgeny Bazarov. Another hero, Arkady Kirsanov, sees first of all the beauty of nature. He loves to walk in the forest. The world helps the hero to come to inner balance. In relation to nature, one can determine his worldview. The ability to see the beauty and richness of the surrounding world is the inner quality of a real person.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Andrei Bolkonsky is wounded. He lies on the battlefield and sees the beautiful sky of Austerlitz. The beauty of the sky makes the hero think about the correctness of his own life path. He understands that "everything is empty, everything is a lie", that he lived wrong. Prince Andrei realizes that the goals he pursued are, in fact, insignificant. The hero ceased to consider Napoleon his idol. The beauty of nature made me reconsider my views on the world, realize true values, contrasting them with the embittered faces of warring people and the sounds of explosions.

A.S. Pushkin "Winter Morning"

The great Russian writer admires beauty winter morning. The lines of the poem open before the reader a magnificent landscape, contrasted with the landscape of yesterday. The room is illuminated with an "amber gleam", the stove crackles with a "cheerful crackle", the snow lies in "magnificent carpets" - everything points to the beauty of this morning. There is no doubt that nature, about which so much is said in the poem, is a source of inspiration for A.S. Pushkin. Last night, when the "blizzard was angry", "darkness was rushing" makes the lyrical heroine sad. Nature is reflected in the feelings and mood of a person.

ON THE. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and Hares"

Being a hunter, grandfather Mazai does not shoot at hares when they are defenseless. In the spring flood, this person, on the contrary, helps animals. He hunts when the hares are not in danger. The act of grandfather Mazai is an example of a respectful attitude towards living beings.

Jack London "Martin Eden"

Martin Eden aspires to be a writer. His work is based on life experience. Martin Eden describes what he saw on his voyages. Nature occupies a special place in his works. The hero is trying to transfer to paper the magnificence of the natural world he saw. At first it comes out badly, but in the future it starts to work out. Nature is a source of inspiration for Martin Eden.

Writing in the exam is one of the most difficult stages for a future student. As a rule, testing part "A" does not present any problems, however, many people have difficulties with writing an essay. So, one of the most common problems that are covered in the Unified State Examination is the problem of caring for nature. Arguments, their clear selection and explanation - the main task student taking an exam in Russian.

Turgenev I. S.

Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" is still very popular among both the younger generation and their parents. This is where the problem of caring for nature comes into play. Arguments in favor of the topics covered are as follows.

The main idea of ​​the work in the field of environmental protection sounds like this: “People forget where they were born. They forget that it is nature that is their original home. It was nature that allowed the birth of man. Despite such deep arguments, each person does not pay due attention to the environment. But all efforts should be directed to its preservation in the first place!”

Bazarov's attitude to nature

The main figure here is Evgeny Bazarov, who does not care about respect for nature. The arguments of this man are as follows: "Nature is a workshop, and man is a worker here." It is difficult to argue with such a categorical statement. Here the author shows the renewed mind of modern man, and, as you can see, he succeeded perfectly! Now respect for nature, arguments in favor of protecting the environment are more relevant in society than ever!

Turgenev, in the person of Bazarov, presents to the reader a new man and his mind. He feels complete indifference to generations and all the values ​​that nature can give humanity. He lives in the present moment, does not think about the consequences, he does not care about the careful attitude of man to nature. Bazarov's arguments boil down only to the need to realize his own ambitious desires.

Turgenev. The relationship between nature and man

The above-mentioned work also touches upon the problem of the relationship between man and respect for nature. The arguments given by the author convince the reader of the need to take care of mother nature.

Bazarov completely rejects all judgments about aesthetic beauty nature, about its indescribable landscapes and gifts. The hero of the work perceives the environment as a tool for work. The complete opposite is presented in the novel by Bazarov's friend Arkady. He treats with devotion and admiration what nature gives to man.

IN this work the problem of caring for nature is brightly highlighted, arguments in favor of a positive or negative attitude to the environment are determined by the behavior of the hero. Arkady, with the help of unity with her, heals spiritual wounds. Eugene, on the contrary, seeks to avoid any contact with the world. Nature does not give positive emotions to a person who does not feel peace of mind, does not consider itself a part of nature. Here the author emphasizes a fruitful spiritual dialogue both with oneself and in relation to nature.

Lermontov M. Yu.

The work "A Hero of Our Time" touches upon the problem of caring for nature. The arguments that the author gives relate to life young man by the name of Pechorin. Lermontov shows a close relationship between the mood of the protagonist and natural phenomena, the weather. One of the paintings is described as follows. Before the duel began, the sky seemed blue, transparent and clear. When Pechorin looked at dead body Grushnitsky, then "the rays did not warm," and "the sky became dull." Here the connection between the internal psychological states with natural phenomena.

In a completely different way, the problem of caring for nature is touched upon here. The arguments in the work show that natural phenomena depend not only on emotional state, but also become unwitting participants in events. So, a thunderstorm is the reason for the meeting and a long meeting between Pechorin and Vera. Further, Grigory notes that "the local air promotes love," referring to Kislovodsk. Such techniques show respect for nature. Literary evidence once again proves that this area essential not only for physical level but also on a spiritual and emotional level.

Evgeny Zamyatin

A vivid dystopian novel by Yevgeny Zamyatin also shows a careful attitude to nature. The essay (arguments, quotes from the work, and so on) must be supported by reliable facts. So, describing literary work called "We", it is important to pay attention to the absence of a natural and natural beginning. All people renounce diverse and isolated lives. The beauty of nature is replaced by artificial, decorative elements.

Numerous allegories of the work, as well as the suffering of the "O" number, speak of the importance of nature in human life. After all, it is such a beginning that can make a person happy, give feelings, emotions, help to experience love. It shows the impossibility of the existence of verified happiness and love according to “pink cards”. One of the problems of the work is the inextricable relationship between nature and man, without which the latter will be unhappy for the rest of his life.

Sergey Yesenin

In the work “Goy you, my dear Rus'!” Sergei Yesenin touches on the problem of the nature of his native places. In this poem, the poet refuses the opportunity to visit paradise, just to stay and devote his life native land. Eternal bliss, as Yesenin says in the work, can only be found in his native Russian land.

The feeling of patriotism and love for nature is clearly expressed here. Motherland and nature are inextricably linked concepts that exist only in interconnection. The very realization that the power of nature can weaken leads to the collapse natural world and human nature.

Using Arguments in an Essay

If you use arguments from works of art, it is necessary to observe several criteria for submitting information and presenting the material:

  • Providing reliable data. If you do not know the author or do not remember exact name works, it is better not to indicate such information in the essay at all.
  • Present information correctly, without errors.
  • The most important requirement is the conciseness of the material presented. This means that sentences should be as concise and short as possible, providing complete picture the described situation.

Only if all of the above conditions are met, as well as sufficient and reliable data, will you be able to write an essay that will give you maximum amount exam scores.

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