Created by Salvador Dali in collaboration with Walt Disney. Destino

Under character accentuation understood as overly expressed ( accentuated) character traits.
At the same time, depending on the degree of severity, two variants of character accentuation are distinguished - explicit and hidden. Explicit accentuation is characterized by the constancy of accentuated character traits, while with hidden accentuation traits do not appear constantly, but under the influence of specific situations and factors.

It should be noted that, despite the severe degree of social maladjustment, character accentuation is a variant of its norm. Due to the fact that individual character traits are excessively enhanced, a person's vulnerability to certain psychogenic interactions is revealed. However, in clinical terms, this is not considered a pathology.

To understand what a character is, and in what cases it is said about accentuation, it is important to know what components it is composed of, what is the difference between character and temperament.

What is a character?

Translated from Greek, character means chasing, imprint. Modern psychology defines character as a set of peculiar mental properties that manifest themselves in a person in typical and standard conditions. In other words, character is an individual combination of certain personality traits that are manifested in his behavior, actions and attitude to reality.

Unlike temperament, character is not inherited and is not an inborn property of a person. Also, it is not characterized by constancy and immutability. Personality is formed and developed under the influence of the environment, upbringing, life experience and many other external factors. Thus, the character of each person is determined both by his social being and by his individual experience. The consequence of this is an infinite number of characters.

However, despite the fact that each person is unique ( like his experience) in the life of people there is much in common. This underlies the division a large number people for certain types of personality ( according to Leonhard and so on).

What is the difference between character and temperament?

Very often such terms as temperament and character are used as synonyms, which is not true. Temperament is understood as a set of spiritual and mental qualities of a person that characterize his attitude to the surrounding reality. These are the individual characteristics of the individual that determine the dynamics of his mental processes and behavior. In turn, dynamics is understood as the pace, rhythm, duration, intensity of emotional processes, as well as the characteristics of human behavior - its mobility, activity, speed.

Thus, temperament characterizes the dynamism of the individual, and the nature of her beliefs, views and interests. Also, a person's temperament is a genetically determined process, while character is a constantly changing structure.
The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates described four variants of temperament, which received the following names - sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic temperament. However, further studies of higher nervous activity animals and human including those conducted by Pavlov), proved that the basis of temperament is a combination of certain nervous processes.

WITH scientific point Temperament refers to the natural features of behavior that are typical for a given person.

The components that determine temperament are:

  • General activity. It manifests itself at the level of mental activity and human behavior and is expressed in varying degrees of motivation and the desire to manifest oneself in a variety of activities. Expression of the total activity in various people different.
  • Motor or motor activity. Reflects the state of the motor and speech motor apparatus. It manifests itself in the speed and intensity of movements, the pace of speech, as well as in its external mobility ( or, conversely, restraint).
  • emotional activity. Expressed in the degree of perception ( sensitivity) to emotional influences, impulsiveness, emotional mobility.
Temperament also manifests itself in the behavior and actions of a person. It also has an external expression - gestures, posture, facial expressions, and so on. According to these signs, we can talk about some properties of temperament.

What is a personality?

Personality is a more complex concept than character or temperament. As a concept, it began to take shape in antiquity, and the ancient Greeks initially defined it as a “mask” worn by an actor in the ancient theater. Subsequently, the term began to be used to determine the real role of a person in public life.

Today, a person is understood as a specific individual who is a representative of his society, nationality, class or team. Modern psychologists and sociologists in the definition of personality, first of all, distinguish its social essence. A man is born a man, but he becomes a person in the process of his social and labor activity. Some may remain infantile ( immature and unfulfilled) individuals throughout life. The formation and development of personality is influenced by biological factors, factors public environment, upbringing and many other aspects.

Accentuation of character according to Lichko

Lichko's taxonomy is designed specifically for adolescence, and all types of accentuations are described as they appear at this age. It is intended for clinicians and covers psychopathy, that is, pathological deviations of character.
In addition to the basic types, it contains a description of mixed and intermediate types, which are due to endogenous factors and developmental characteristics in early childhood.
Particular attention in systematics is paid to psychopathy - anomalies of character that determine the entire mental appearance of the individual. Throughout life, psychopathy does not undergo any drastic changes, thus making it difficult for a person to adapt to the environment.

The following types of accentuations according to Lichko are distinguished:
  • hyperthymic type;
  • cycloid type;
  • labile type;
  • astheno-neurotic type;
  • sensitive type;
  • psychasthenic type;
  • schizoid type;
  • epileptoid type;
  • hysteroid type;
  • unstable type;
  • conformal type.

Hyperthymic type

This type is also present in the Leonhard classification, as well as in other psychiatrists ( for example, Schneider or Gannushkin). From childhood, hyperthymic adolescents are characterized by mobility, increased sociability and even talkativeness. At the same time, they are distinguished by excessive independence and a lack of a sense of distance in relation to adults. From the first years of life, kindergarten teachers complain about their restlessness and mischief.

The first significant difficulties appear during adaptation at school. Good academic abilities, a lively mind and the ability to grasp everything on the fly are combined with restlessness, increased distractibility and indiscipline. This behavior affects their uneven learning - a hyperthymic child has both high and low grades in his diary. A distinctive feature of such children is always a good mood, which is harmoniously combined with good health and often blooming appearance.

The most painful and distinct in such adolescents is the reaction of emancipation. The constant struggle for independence gives rise to constant conflicts with parents, teachers, educators. Trying to escape from the care of the family, hyperthymic teenagers sometimes run away from home, although not for long. True escapes from home are rare for this personality type.

A serious danger for these teenagers is alcoholism. This is largely due to their irrepressible interest in everything and promiscuity in the choice of acquaintances. Contact with random passers-by and the use of alcoholic beverages is not a problem for them. They always rush to where life is in full swing, very quickly adopt manners, behavior, fashionable hobbies.

The family usually plays a decisive role in the accentuation of a hyperthymic personality. The factors that determine accentuation are hyperprotection, petty control, cruel dictatorship, as well as dysfunctional intra-family relationships.

Cycloid type

This personality type is widely used in psychiatric research. At the same time, in adolescence, two variants of cycloid accentuation are distinguished - typical and labile cycloid.

Typical cycloids in childhood are not much different from their peers. However, already with the onset of puberty, they experience the first subdepressive phase. Teenagers become lethargic and irritable. They may complain of lethargy, lack of energy, and that learning is becoming increasingly difficult. Society begins to weigh them down, which is why teenagers begin to avoid the company of their peers. Very quickly they become lethargic homebodies - they sleep a lot, walk a little.

Teenagers react to any remarks or calls for socialization by their parents with irritation, sometimes rudeness and anger. However, serious failures in school or personal life can deepen the depression and cause violent reactions, often with suicidal attempts. Often at this moment they fall under the supervision of a psychiatrist. Similar phases in typical cycloids last two to three weeks.

In labile cycloids, unlike typical ones, the phases are much shorter - several good days are quickly replaced by several bad ones. Within one period ( single phase) short mood swings are fixed - from a bad disposition to causeless euphoria. Often these mood swings are triggered by minor news or events. But, unlike other personality types, there is no excessive emotional reaction.

Behavioral reactions in adolescents are moderate and delinquent ( runaways from home, acquaintance with drugs) is not characteristic of them. The risk of alcoholism and suicidal behavior is present only in the depressive phase.

labile type

This type is also called emotionally labile, reactively labile, and emotively labile. The main feature of this type is its extreme variability of mood.
Early development of labile children occurs without any special changes, and they do not particularly stand out among their peers. However, children are more susceptible to infections and constitute a category of so-called "frequently ill children". They are characterized by frequent tonsillitis, chronic pneumonia and bronchitis, rheumatism, pyelonephritis.

Over time, mood swings begin to be noted. At the same time, the mood changes frequently and excessively abruptly, while the reasons for such changes are insignificant. It can be either the unfriendly look of a random interlocutor, or inopportunely gone rain. Almost any event can plunge a labile teenager into despondency. At the same time, interesting news or a new costume can cheer you up and distract you from the existing reality.

The labile type is characterized not only by frequent and abrupt changes, but also by their significant depth. A good mood affects all aspects of a teenager's life. It affects well-being, appetite, sleep and ability to work. Accordingly, the same environment can evoke different emotions - people seem either cute and interesting, or boring and boring.

Labile teenagers are extremely vulnerable to censure, reprimands and condemnations, deeply worrying inside themselves. Often, troubles or minor losses can lead to the development of reactive depressions. At the same time, any praise or sign of attention brings them sincere joy. Emancipation in the labile type occurs very moderately and manifests itself in the form of short flashes. As a rule, in families where they feel love and care, they feel good.

Astheno-neurotic type

For the personality of the astheno-neurotic type, signs of neuropathy are characteristic from early childhood. They are characterized by tearfulness, shyness, poor appetite and restless sleep with enuresis ( nighttime urinary incontinence).

The main features of adolescents of this type of accentuation are increased irritability, fatigue and a tendency to hypochondria. Irritation is noted for an insignificant reason and sometimes pours out on people who accidentally fall under the hot hand. However, it is quickly replaced by remorse. Unlike other types, there is neither a pronounced force of affect, nor duration, nor violent fury. Fatigue, as a rule, manifests itself in mental activities, while physical exercise are better tolerated. The tendency to hypochondria is manifested by careful care of one's health, the heart becomes a frequent source of hypochondriacal experiences.

Runaways from home, drug addicts and alcoholism are not characteristic of adolescents with this type. However, this does not exclude other adolescent behavioral responses. They are drawn to their peers, but quickly get tired of them and look for rest or loneliness. Relationships with the opposite sex are usually limited to short bursts.

sensitive type

Children from early childhood are characterized by increased fearfulness and timidity. They are afraid of everything - darkness, heights, animals, noisy peers. They also do not like overly mobile and mischievous games, avoiding children's companies. This behavior gives the impression of being isolated from the outside world and makes the child suspect that the child has some kind of disorder ( often autistic). However, it is worth noting that with those to whom these children are accustomed, they are quite sociable. The sensitive type feels especially good among babies.

They are extremely attached to close people, even if they treat them coldly and harshly. They stand out among other children by obedience, they are often known as a domestic and obedient child. However, there are difficulties at school, because it frightens them with a crowd of peers, fuss and fights. Despite this, they study diligently, although they are embarrassed to answer in front of the class and answer much less than what they know.

The pubertal period usually passes without any special bursts and complications. The first significant difficulties in adaptation arise at the age of 18-19. In this period, the main characteristics of the type are maximally manifested - extreme impressionability and a sense of one's own insufficiency.

Sensitive adolescents retain their childhood attachment to the family, and therefore the reaction of emancipation is rather weakly expressed. Excessive reproaches and lectures from the outside cause tears and despair, and not the protest characteristic of adolescents.

Sensitive individuals grow up early, and they also develop a sense of duty and high moral requirements early. At the same time, these requirements are addressed both to oneself and to others. Adolescents most painfully express a sense of their own inferiority, which with age turns into a hypercompensation reaction. This is manifested by the fact that they are looking for self-affirmation not on the side of their abilities ( where they can open up the most), but where they feel their inferiority. Timid and shy teenagers apply a mask of swagger, trying to show their arrogance, energy and will. But very often, as soon as the situation requires them to act, they pass.

Another weak link of the sensitive type is the attitude of others around them. They are extremely sensitive to situations where they become the object of ridicule or suspicion, or when the slightest shadow falls on their reputation.

Psychasthenic type

Manifestations of the psychasthenic type can begin both in early childhood and are characterized by timidity and fearfulness, and in a later period, manifested by obsessive fears ( phobias), and later by obsessive actions ( compulsions). Phobias, they are fears, most often relate to strangers, new objects, darkness, insects.
The critical period in the life of any psychasthenic is the primary school. It is during this period that the first requirements for a sense of responsibility appear. Such requirements contribute to the formation of psychasthenia.

The main features of the psychasthenic type are:

  • indecision;
  • propensity to reason;
  • anxious suspiciousness;
  • love for introspection;
  • formation of obsessions - obsessive fears and concerns;
  • the formation of compulsions - obsessive actions and rituals.
However, it is important here to clearly distinguish the anxious suspiciousness of the psychasthenic adolescent from that of the astheno-neurotic and sensitive types. So, the neurotic is inherent in anxiety for his health ( hypochondria), and a teenager of a sensitive type is characterized by anxiety about the attitude of others around him. However, all the fear and fears of the psychasthenic are directed towards a possible, even unlikely future ( futuristic focus). Fear of the future is manifested by such thoughts as “No matter how terrible and irreparable something happens” or “No matter how any misfortune happens” and so on. At the same time, real adversities that have already happened are much less frightening. Children have the most pronounced anxiety for their mother - no matter how she gets sick and dies, even when her health does not inspire any concern. The maximum fear is intensified when the parent ( mother or father) is late from work. At such moments, the child does not find a place for himself, sometimes anxiety can reach the level of panic attacks.

Specially invented signs and rituals become protection from this anxiety for the future. For example, when going to school, it is necessary to bypass all the hatches, in no case stepping on their covers. Do not touch the door handles before entering the school. With the next alarm for the mother, it is necessary to pronounce a spell invented by yourself. In parallel with obsession, a psychasthenic teenager has indecision. Any, even a minor choice ( going to the cinema or choosing a juice), can be the subject of long and painful hesitation. However, after the decision has been made, it must be immediately executed, since psychasthenics cannot wait, showing extreme impatience.

As with other types, overcompensation reactions can be noted here, in this case in relation to their indecision. Such a reaction is manifested in them by exaggerated decisiveness in those moments when prudence and caution are required. This, in turn, results in a tendency to introspection about the motives of their actions and actions.

Schizoid type

The most significant and painful feature of this type is isolation and isolation from the outside world. Schizoid manifestations of character are detected much earlier than with other types. From the very first years, the child prefers to play alone, does not reach out to peers, and avoids noisy fun. He is distinguished by coldness and unchildish restraint.

Other characteristics of the schizoid type are:

  • isolation;
  • inability to establish contacts;
  • reduced need for communication.
Often, such children prefer the company of adults to their peers, sometimes listening to their conversations for a long time. The most difficult for schizoid psychopathy is the period of puberty ( puberty). During this period, all character traits come out with particular fury. Closeness and isolation are as striking as possible, because loneliness does not in the least burden a schizoid teenager. He prefers to live in his own world, while treating others with disdain.

Some teenagers, after all, sometimes try to make acquaintances and make any contacts. However, most often this ends in failure and disappointment. As a result of failures, they often withdraw even more into themselves.

The coldness of schizoids is explained by their lack of intuition ( inability to penetrate other people's experiences) and lack of empathy ( inability to share the joy or sorrow of another). Based on this, the actions of a schizoid teenager can be cruel, and this is not due to the desire to hurt someone, but to the inability to feel the suffering of others. The reaction of emancipation also proceeds in a very peculiar way. In the family, schizoid children can endure guardianship, obey a certain routine and regimen. But, at the same time, they react violently to the intrusion into their world of interests and hobbies. Also in society, they are furiously indignant at the existing rules and regulations, expressing their protest with ridicule. Such judgments can be nurtured and implemented in public speeches for a long time.

Despite isolation and isolation, schizoid adolescents have hobbies that are usually brighter than others. In the first place there are intellectual and aesthetic hobbies ( hobby). Most often this is strictly selective reading. Adolescents may be interested in a certain era in history, it can be a strictly defined genre of literature or a certain trend in philosophy. Moreover, enthusiasm may not correlate in any way ( not be related) to their needs. For example, it may be a passion for Sanskrit or Hebrew. Moreover, it is never exposed otherwise it will be regarded as an invasion of privacy) and is often hidden.
In addition to intellectual hobbies, hobbies of the manual-bodily type are also noted. It can be gymnastics, swimming or yoga exercises. At the same time, training is combined with a complete lack of interest in collective sports games.

epileptoid type

Characteristics of the epileptoid personality type is a tendency to dysphoria - low mood with outbursts of anger.

Other characteristics of the epileptoid type are:

  • emotional explosiveness;
  • constant tension;
  • cognitive ( mental) viscosity;
  • stiffness;
  • inertia.
At the same time, it should be noted that stiffness and inertia are noted in all areas of the psyche - from motor skills and emotionality to thinking. Painfully low mood dysphoria) can last for days. Distinguishing dysphoria from a mere low mood is an angry coloring of the mood, boiling irritation and the search for an object on which evil can be vented. As a rule, all this ends with affective ( emotional) by ranks. Some psychiatrists compare such explosions to the rupture of a steam boiler, which first boils for a long time. The reason for the explosion can be accidental and play the role of the last drop. Unlike other types, in an epileptoid adolescent, emotional discharges are not only very strong, but also very long-lasting.

The first signs of psychopathy are found in early childhood. From an early age, such children are distinguished by gloomy anger. Their dysphoria is manifested by whims, the desire to deliberately harass others. Unfortunately, sadistic tendencies are already noted at an early age - such children love to torture animals, beat and tease the younger and weaker. And, they do it all on the sly. Also, such children are notable for the childish frugality of their clothes and toys, as well as petty accuracy in things. To any attempts to touch their things, they react with an extremely vicious reaction.

The full picture of epileptoid psychopathy unfolds during puberty, starting at 12-13 years of age. It is characterized mainly by pronounced affective ( emotional) discharges that are the result of prolonged and painful dysphoria. In such categories there is abuse, severe beatings, rage and cynicism. Often the reason for anger may be small and insignificant, but it always concerns the personal interests of a teenager. In a fit of rage, such a teenager is able to throw his fists at a stranger, hit a parent in the face, or push a toddler down the stairs.

Attraction to the opposite sex awakens with force, but is always colored by gloomy tones of jealousy. They never forgive betrayals, both real and imaginary, and flirting is interpreted as a serious betrayal.

The reaction of emancipation proceeds very painfully in epileptoid adolescents. The struggle for independence causes them extreme anger and vindictiveness. They do not so much demand freedom and deliverance from power, but rights - their share of property and material wealth. It is also extremely painful for this type of personality to have reactions of passion. Almost everyone tends to gambling, collecting. Very often they are driven by an instinctive desire for enrichment. Hobbies include sports, music and singing.

Self-esteem is one-sided. Most adolescents of this type note their tendency to a gloomy mood and commitment to the rules, accuracy. However, they do not recognize their peculiarities in relationships with others.

hysteroid type

Characteristics of the hysteroid character are egocentrism, a thirst for constant attention to one's person and admiration. To people who show indifference, such individuals show hatred.

Other characteristics of the hysterical personality type are:

  • increased suggestibility;
  • deceit;
  • fantasizing;
  • theatricality;
  • propensity for drawing and posturing;
  • lack of deep sincere feelings with a great expression of emotions.
The features of this psychotype are outlined from an early age. Such children do not tolerate when others are praised or when others are given attention. They quickly get fed up with everything, throw toys, and the desire to attract attention comes first. Listening to praise and seeing admiration becomes their only need. To get this, children show their artistic needs to the maximum - read poetry, dance, sing. Academic success is determined by whether they are held up as an example to others or not.

To attract attention, children begin to manipulate, show various demonstrative reactions. Over time, suicidality becomes the main behavioral response. In this case we are talking about demonstration and suicidal blackmail, not about serious attempts. Suicidal blackmail is characterized by safe methods - vein cuts are made on the forearm or shoulder, medicines are selected from a home medicine cabinet ( citramon, activated charcoal). Also, they are always designed for the viewer - attempts to jump out of the window or throw themselves under the wheels of the transport are made in front of those present. Such suicidality is always signaled - various farewell notes are written, secret confessions are made.

Teenagers may blame failed love for their attempts. However, upon careful examination of the circumstances, it turns out that this is only a romantic veil. The only reason for this behavior in the hysteroid type is wounded pride and lack of attention. A suicidal demonstration followed by fuss and an ambulance gives considerable satisfaction to the egocentrism of a hysterical teenager.

Another distinguishing characteristic is the "flight into the disease" of hysterical adolescents. Very often they portray mysterious illnesses, and sometimes even seek to get into a psychiatric hospital. Once in it, they thus gain a reputation for being unusual.

Hobbies, including alcoholism or drug use, are also demonstrative. Already in adult life hysteroid personalities retain the features of childish opposition, imitation, and infantilism. As a rule, the reaction of the opposition ( negativism) manifests itself in the loss of habitual attention and the loss of the role of an idol. A similar reaction manifests itself in the same way as in childhood - going into illness, suicidal behavior, attempts to get rid of the one to whom attention has switched. For example, if another family member appeared ( new baby, mother's new husband), then all attempts will be addressed in his direction.

At this point, teenagers begin to signal themselves with addiction to drinking or drugs, leaving and absenteeism, and sometimes even stealing. In this way, they seem to be saying to return their former attention to them, otherwise they will go astray.
The hobbies of this psychotype are always concentrated around their own egocentrism. They prefer ensembles, stage, theaters. Self-esteem in adolescents with this type of character is far from objectivity.

Unstable type

The main characteristic of this type is emotional lability and unstable behavior. In early childhood, such children are distinguished by disobedience and restlessness, but at the same time, unlike hyperthymics, they are very cowardly and easily obey other children. Starting from kindergarten, they hardly learn the elementary rules of behavior, and from the first grades of school, there is a lack of any desire to learn.

They can complete tasks and not shirk only with very strict supervision. They have an increased craving for entertainment, idleness and total idleness. They run away from lessons just to walk down the street. In their choice, they are extremely unstable and try literally everything - they steal and start smoking, while still children. Growing up quickly, they lose interest in their former hobbies and are constantly looking for thrills and new sensations. Related to this is the painful reaction of emancipation - adolescents seek to free themselves from guardianship in order to indulge in entertainment. true love they never feed on relatives, including parents, and treat their troubles and worries with indifference. Basically, they use their family ties as a source of material wealth. Alone, they feel bad, as they are unable to occupy themselves. As a result, they are constantly drawn to teenage groups of all kinds. However, cowardice and lack of initiative do not allow a labile teenager to take the place of a leader in them.

Teenage hobbies are mainly concentrated around gambling. Those disciplines that require hard work disgust them. They can only work when absolutely necessary, but soon everything is quickly abandoned. Any difficulty or threat of punishment for not doing the job elicits one behavioral response - to run away. Unstable teenagers do not make plans, do not dream of anything or any profession. They amaze with their complete indifference to the future.

One of the main features of unstable types is weak will. It is this feature that can keep them in a regulated regime for some time. They can only reconcile themselves if idleness threatens severe punishment, and there is nowhere to run. The weak point of the unstable is the lack of supervision. Self-assessment of adolescents is far from objectivity, often adolescents ascribe to themselves the desired traits.

Conformal type

The characteristics of this type of personality are the constant readiness to obey the voice of the majority, stereotyping and stereotyping, a tendency to conservatism. However, the main constant feature is their excessive conformity ( compliance) to their familiar environment. At the same time, pressure from the group can be both real and imaginary.

Representatives of this accentuated type are people of their environment. Their main rule is to think like everyone else and act like everyone else. The desire to join the majority makes them imitators in everything - from clothing and home furnishings to worldview points. Even in childhood, this is especially noticeable in the choice of clothes, school supplies, hobbies. If something new appears in society ( e.g. style), then initially representatives of the conformal type vehemently reject everything. But as soon as a new trend flows into society, for example, they themselves dress in the same clothes or listen to the same music as everyone else.

Because of the desire to be in tune with their surroundings, conforming teenagers can't resist anything. Therefore, they are a copy of their microenvironment. In a good environment, they absorb all the good, in a bad environment, all the bad customs and habits. Quite often, such teenagers can drink too much for the company or can be involved in group offenses.

Their professional success is largely due to two qualities - the lack of initiative and criticism. They can work hard, as long as the work does not require constant personal initiative. Even highly stressful work is to their liking, if it is clearly regulated. They are also remarkably uncritical. Everything that their environment says becomes the truth for them. Adolescents are not inclined to change their group and choose what educational institution, where is going most comrades. Deprived of initiative, conformists often find themselves drawn into group offenses. Therefore, the most severe mental trauma for them is expulsion from the group. Emancipation is weakly expressed, and hobbies are determined by the environment of the teenager and the fashion of that time.

Intermediate types of accentuation

In addition to the types described above, Lichko's classification also distinguishes intermediate and amalgam types, which account for more than half of all cases of accentuations. They are combinations of different types of accentuations among themselves. At the same time, the features of some types are combined with each other quite often, while others - almost never.

Intermediate types include the labile-cycloid and conformally hyperthymic types, as well as combinations of the labile type with the astheno-neurotic and sensitive types. The formation of intermediate types is due to the peculiarities of development in the early period, upbringing factors and, above all, genetic factors.

Intermediate accentuated types are:

  • schizoid-sensitive;
  • schizoid-psychasthenic;
  • schizoid-epileptoid;
  • hysteroid-epileptoid;
  • labile-cycloid;
  • conformally hyperthymic.
The amalgam type is also a variant of the mixed type, which is formed as a result of the stratification of traits of one type on the core of another due to improper upbringing or other factors.

Options for amalgam types are:

  • schizoid unstable;
  • epileptoid-unstable;
  • hysteroid-unstable;
  • conformally unstable.

Classification of an accentuated character according to Leonhard

Leonhard distinguished twelve types of personality accentuations. Four types are directly related to character accentuation, six more relate to temperament accentuation, and two more to personality accentuation.

The following variants of character accentuation according to Leonhard are distinguished:
  • demonstrative;
  • pedantic;
  • stuck;
  • excitable.

stuck type

This is a persistent and stubborn type of character that resists change and is characterized by increased conceit and selfishness, one-sided interests. People with the stuck type are characterized by a keen sense of injustice, as a result of which they are very distrustful and experience the same emotions for a long time. The basis of the stuck type of personality accentuation is the pathological persistence of affect ( emotions).

Any injustice can cause a strong and violent reaction. However, emotions subside after the person "gave vent to feelings." Anger also subsides very quickly, especially when the offender can be punished. If the emotional explosion did not take place, the affect continues much more slowly. In cases where a stuck person could not respond either in word or deed, internal tension can drag on. At the same time, one has only to return the thought to what happened, as all emotions come to life, and a new explosion is brewing. Thus, the affect in such a person will last until the inner experiences completely disappear.

Such jams are most pronounced when the personal interests of the accentuated personality are affected. And the explosion becomes a response to wounded pride and hurt pride. In this case, the objective moral damage can be negligible. Since the insult to personal interests is never forgotten, stuck individuals are reputed to be vindictive and vengeful people. In addition, they are extremely sensitive, painfully touchy and easily vulnerable.

Equally, such psychotypes react to social injustice. Therefore, among them there are often fighters for civil justice and freedom.
Traits of stuckness also appear in case of failure of the individual, since ambition is very bright in such people. As a result, they show arrogance and arrogance.

Pedantic type

In persons of the pedantic type, the repression mechanisms operate very weakly. They are distinguished by adherence to a certain order, formed habits and resist any changes. They also attach great importance to the external side of the case and the little things, and also demand the same from others.

Pedantic people are extremely slow to make decisions, they take all issues seriously, both work and household. In their discussions, pedants can bring others to white heat. Surrounding people perceive scrupulousness and pedantry as banal tediousness.

The main feature of this character is total rigidity, which determines the unwillingness to any changes. Also, due to weak displacement mechanisms ( or their complete absence.) traumatic events are experienced by pedants for a very long time. The inability to oust trauma from memory leads to the fact that pedants return to it again and again. All this leads to even greater indecision and inability to respond quickly. The pedantic type is non-conflict by nature, but reacts very strongly to violations of the established order.

Other qualities of a pedantic personality are:

  • punctuality;
  • conscientiousness;
  • accuracy;
  • focus on high quality;
  • indecision.

excitable type

The excitable type of accentuated personality is characterized by increased impulsivity, poor control of drives and impulses, irascibility and stubbornness. In a state of emotional arousal, such people do not control themselves.

The main characteristic is instinctiveness - the desire to satisfy their needs and desires at this very moment. Such excitability is very difficult to extinguish, which is why people of this psychotype are often quite irritable and intolerant of others. At the moment of excitement, they do not think about the consequences, give a weak assessment of what is happening, and deny any criticism.

Impulsivity of a pathological nature is noted in all spheres of life, including in inclinations. Such individuals eat and drink everything in a row, are impulsive and promiscuous in the sexual sphere. Most of them become chronic alcoholics. They do not think about the danger or the consequences for themselves and for family life. Among chronic alcoholics one can find many excitable personalities. Promiscuity in sexual relations leads to the fact that such people have many illegitimate children at an early age, both in women and men. Many of them may enter the path of prostitution.

The excitable type is in many ways similar to epileptic psychopathy. This is manifested in the heaviness of thinking, slowness of thought processes and the difficult perception of other people's thoughts. The state of constant emotional arousal provokes multiple conflicts. As a result, such people often do not take root in any team. This is also aggravated by the fact that some of them support their opinion not only with shouts and all kinds of demonstrations, but also with fists. Also, such people are characterized by destructive behavior - the destruction of objects, breaking glass, and the like.

Demonstrative type

This type of accentuated character is distinguished by a pronounced demonstrative behavior, deliberate artistry, as well as emotionality and mobility. Children of this type are distinguished by fantasy and a certain degree of deceit. Moreover, they lie not from evil, but in this way they only try to embellish themselves in the eyes of others.

As they grow older, they continue to fantasize, using deception to get attention. This is explained by the fact that the spoken words seem to them at the moment the truth. Another character trait is connected with this - the ability to forget what a person does not want to remember.
The demonstrative type is characterized by a constant desire to be in the spotlight. To get attention, such people tend to adapt very quickly to a new environment. Thus, the demonstrative type is distinguished by mobility and, at the same time, inconstancy.

In view of their originality of thinking and actions, demonstrative people can carry others around with them. At the same time, they often focus on themselves, which can turn people off.

Other types of Leonhard accentuations are:

  • Hyperthymic accentuation. This is very active people who are characterized by sociability and restlessness. In communication with them, gestures, active facial expressions and other non-verbal means of communication prevail.
  • Disty accentuation. Unlike the previous type, these are serious people who are often depressed. They are characterized by silence, pessimism and low self-esteem. As a rule, these are homebodies.
  • Anxious accentuation. This type is characterized by shyness, fearfulness and self-doubt. They are worried about various fears, they are painfully hard going through troubles. Also with early age they are distinguished by responsibility, tact, endowed with high moral qualities.
  • exalted accentuation. Differs in sociability, exaltation and altruism. However, this does not prevent such individuals from quickly falling into depressive states.
  • Emotive accentuation. This type is characterized by increased empathy - a heightened sense of interconnection and sympathy for other people.
  • Cyclotypic accentuation. This type is distinguished by a combination of hyperthymic and dysthymic features, which appear alternately.

Psychopathies and character accentuations in adolescents

According to the Soviet psychiatrist Gannushkin ( one of the main researchers of psychopathy), psychopathy is called persistent anomalies of character that determine the entire mental appearance of the individual. These anomalies do not undergo changes during life and, at the same time, prevent the individual from adapting to the environment.

The diagnostic criteria for psychopathy are:
  • totality;
  • resistance;
  • violation of social adaptation.

The above criteria also serve as diagnostic criteria for psychopathic syndrome in adolescents. Totality means that pathological character traits are manifested everywhere - in the family, at school, with peers, in study and leisure, in work and in entertainment. Stability reflects the immutability of these traits. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the stability of the pathological features of a teenager is relative. This is explained by the fact that each type of psychopathy has its own age of formation. For example, schizoid traits appear even in childhood, while an unstable type blooms during puberty ( puberty). There are also some patterns in the transformation of character types. With the onset of puberty, previously observed hyperthymic features may be replaced by cycloidism.

Despite the fact that the degree of character anomalies is difficult to quantify, psychologists and psychiatrists still distinguish degrees of accentuation. These degrees are based on certain indicators.

Indicators that affect the severity of psychopathy are:

  • severity, duration and frequency of decompensations ( breakdowns), phases;
  • the severity of social behavioral disorders;
  • degree of social ( work, family) maladaptation;
  • degree of self-esteem ( criticality of a psychopath to his own person).
Based on this, three degrees of severity of psychopathy and two degrees of character accentuation are conditionally distinguished. During each type, periods of compensation are distinguished ( when the personality is more or less adapted) and decompensation ( periods of exacerbation or breakdowns).

Severe psychopathy

Characterized by the fact that compensatory ( protective) mechanisms are not developed, and if they are present, they are extremely weakly expressed. During the period of exacerbation, very severe psychoses, dysphoria, and depression are observed. Conduct violations tend to reach the level of criminal offenses and suicide. There is also a constant and significant social maladjustment, and even in children. Adolescents drop out of school early primary school, almost never work, except in forced labor conditions. In adults, a complete inability to maintain family and friendly relations is revealed.

Pronounced degree of psychopathy

It is characterized by the fact that there are compensatory mechanisms, but they are unstable and short-lived. Reason for decompensation ( exacerbation) can serve as the most insignificant moments. Work or study is intermittent - sometimes it rushes, then it resumes again. Existing abilities always remain unrealized. Conflicts are constantly present in a family or work team, and relationships with people are characterized by pathological dependence. Criticality to own state ( self-esteem) is unstable.

Moderate degree of psychopathy

It is characterized by pronounced compensatory mechanisms, as a result of which exacerbations are rarely recorded. Breakdowns are usually short-lived, and their intensity is proportional to the severity of the trauma. The period of decompensation is manifested by sharpening of pathological features or behavioral disorders, but does not reach the level of psychosis. Social adaptation is present, but reduced or limited. Despite the presence of pathological features, productive activity can be maintained. Moreover, sometimes outstanding results can be achieved in a wide variety of areas.
Relations with close people are distinguished by disharmony, frequent conflicts and pathological attachment.

Psychopathic development and marginal psychopathy

It happens that in the formation of psychopathy, the decisive factor is the adverse effects of the environment. Such psychopathy is also called sociopathy or marginal psychopathy. Numerous studies in this area have shown that difficult adolescents account for no more than 55 percent of all nuclear ( true) psychopathy. The share of the rest accounts for psychopathic development.

In diagnosing this anomaly of character, it is important not only to identify the main accentuated features, but also to state the harmful influence of the environment. Often this is wrong defective) upbringing.

The most common types of defective parenting that influence the formation of psychopathy are:

  • Hypoprotection. This type of defective upbringing is characterized by a lack of care and control over behavior. At the same time, hypoprotection is not limited to meeting essential needs, that is, children do not go naked and hungry. Basically, this concerns the lack of attention, care and true interest of parents in the affairs of a teenager. Hypoprotection can also be hidden, when control over the behavior of a teenager seems to be carried out, but in fact it is only a formalism. This type of upbringing is especially dangerous when accentuated by unstable and conformal types. As a result, teenagers find themselves in asocial companies and quickly adopt a bad lifestyle. Also, the lack of care is very detrimental in hyperthymic, epileptoid and schizoid accentuation.
  • Dominant overprotection. This type of defective parenting is characterized by overprotectiveness, petty control, and even surveillance. Such constant control grows into a whole system of permanent prohibitions. In turn, constant prohibitions and the inability to make at least minor decisions of their own confuse the teenager. Very often in children and adolescents it is created next system values ​​- everything is impossible for him with adults, but everything is possible with his peers. This type of upbringing does not allow a teenager to analyze his own actions and learn independence. In addition, a sense of responsibility and duty is suppressed, the teenager ceases to be responsible for his own actions. Hyperprotection is most dangerous for hyperthymic adolescents, since it leads to a sharp increase in the emancipation reaction. Teenagers, or even children, rebel against oppression in the most aggressive ways.
  • Emotional rejection. Characterized by emotional coldness, lack of care and affection. With this type of defective parenting, the child or adolescent constantly feels that he is burdened and that he is a burden in the life of his parents. Often such defective parenting takes place within the framework of hidden emotional rejection on the part of parents, when they do not recognize the true hardships with their son or daughter. Allegedly, common sense suppresses in them this rejection of children as unworthy. Sometimes such rejection turns into a reaction of hypercompensation in the form of emphasized care and exaggerated attention. However, such a false attitude is well felt by a child and especially a teenager. A schizoid teenager reacts to such insincerity by withdrawing into himself, erecting an even greater wall between himself and his family. The unstable type rushes to look for an outlet in the company of friends.
  • terms of abusive relationships. This type of defective upbringing is manifested by open and severe reprisals for petty offenses. At the same time, very often the child is simply “teared off evil”. However, abusive relationships are not limited to a child or teenager. A similar heavy and harsh atmosphere dominates the entire environment. Very often, brutal reprisals are hidden from prying eyes, and the family looks “healthy” in appearance. Education in conditions of cruel relationships is very dangerous for the epileptoid and conformal types. In this case, there is a high risk of psychopathic development. However, mental indifference and beatings are reflected in an unhealthy way on other types of personalities. In such families, the highest risk of developing psychopathy.

Diagnosis of character accentuations and psychopathy

Various questionnaires and tests are used to diagnose accentuated personalities. The most universal and well-known is the MMPI test - the Minnesota multidimensional personality questionnaire. It contains 550 questions ( abbreviated version 71) and 11 scales, 3 of which are evaluative. They are called evaluative, as they measure the sincerity of the subject and the degree of reliability of the results. The remaining 9 scales are basic. These scales assess personality traits and determine its type.

The characteristics of the base scales in the MMPI test are as follows:
  • first scale ( hypochondria scale) measures the features of the astheno-neurotic personality type;
  • second scale ( depression scale) indicates a hypothymic personality type;
  • third scale ( hysteria scale) designed to identify individuals prone to neurotic conversion reactions ( hysterical) type;
  • fourth scale ( psychopathy scale) - diagnoses a sociopathic personality type;
  • fifth scale- is not used to diagnose a personality type, but is used to determine male or female personality traits ( imposed by society);
  • sixth scale ( paranoid scale) characterizes touchiness and diagnoses the paranoid type;
  • seventh scale ( anxiety and psychosis) is intended for diagnosing an anxious and suspicious personality type;
  • eighth scale ( schizophrenia and autism scale) determines the degree of emotional alienation, indicates the schizoid type and the autistic spectrum;
  • ninth scale ( hypomania scale) indicates a hyperthymic personality type.
A form is attached to the test, where the answers of the subject are recorded. If the subject agrees with the statement, then in the cell opposite the question he puts a “+” sign ( right), if you do not agree, then the sign "-" ( wrong). On the back of his answers, the experimenter ( psychologist, psychotherapist) builds a personality profile of the subject, taking into account the value of the correction scale.

In addition to the MMPI test, the Cattell questionnaire and the Schmishek test are used in the diagnosis of accentuations and psychopathy. The first questionnaire is a widely used method for assessing individual personality traits and is designed to describe individual-personal relationships. The Schmishek test is focused on diagnosing accentuation according to Leonhard.

Schmishek's test for diagnosing the type of accentuation according to Leonhard

The Shmishek questionnaire is a personality questionnaire that is designed to diagnose the type of personality accentuation according to Leonhard. The test consists of 97 questions ( there is also an abbreviated version) to which you need to answer “yes” or “no”. Further, the number of answers that matched the key is multiplied by the value of the coefficient that corresponds to each type of accentuation. If the resulting figure is more than 18, then this indicates the severity of this type of accentuation, while the maximum indicator is 24 points.

There are two versions of this technique - adult and children.
They consist of the same number of questions and, accordingly, have the same types of accentuations. The difference lies in the wording of the questions, that is, the children's version contains questions adapted for children, the adult - for adults. Theoretical basis both options is the theory of accentuated personalities, according to which all personality traits are divided into basic and additional. The main features are the core of personality, they determine the character of a person.

  • Psychologist. What is this doctor? Psychology courses. Clinical psychologist. The work of a psychologist. Child and family psychologist. At a consultation with a psychologist
  • In order to understand what is meant by character accentuations, it is necessary to analyze the concept of "character". In psychology, this term is understood as a set (or set) of the most stable features of a person that leave an imprint on the entire life of a person and determine his relationship to people, to himself and to business. Character finds its manifestation both in human activity and in his interpersonal contacts, and, of course, he gives his behavior a peculiar, characteristic shade only for him.

    The term character itself has been proposed Theophrastus, who was the first to give a broad description of the 31st type of human character ( read about), among which he singled out tedious, boastful, insincere, talkative, etc. Later, many various classifications character, but they were all built on the basis of typical traits inherent in a certain group of people. But there are times when typical features character are manifested more vividly and peculiarly, which makes them unique and original. Sometimes these features can "sharpen", and most often they appear spontaneously, under the influence of certain factors and in appropriate conditions. Such a sharpening (or rather, the intensity of features) in psychology is called character accentuation.

    The concept of character accentuation: definition, essence and severity

    character accentuation- excessive intensity (or strengthening) of a person's individual character traits, which emphasizes the originality of a person's reactions to influencing factors or a specific situation. So, for example, anxiety as a character trait in its usual degree of manifestation is reflected in the behavior of most people who find themselves in extraordinary situations. But if anxiety acquires features of personality character accentuation, then a person’s behavior and actions will be distinguished by the predominance of inadequate anxiety and nervousness. Such manifestations of traits are, as it were, on the border of the norm and pathology, but, under the influence of negative factors, certain accentuations can turn into psychopathy or other deviations in a person’s mental activity.

    So, the accentuation of human character traits ( in lane from lat. accentus means stress, strengthening) inherently do not go beyond the boundaries of the norm, but in some situations quite often prevent a person from building normal relationships with other people. This is due to the fact that each type of accentuation has its own “Achilles heel” (the most vulnerable spot) and most often the impact of negative factors (or a traumatic situation) falls on it, which in the future can lead to mental disorders and inappropriate behavior person. But it is necessary to clarify that accentuations themselves are not mental disorders or violations, although in the current International Classification of Diseases (10th revision) accentuations are all tact and are included in 21 class / item Z73 as a problem that is associated with certain difficulties in maintaining a normal lifestyle for a person.

    Despite the fact that the accentuation of certain traits in character, in terms of their strength and characteristics of manifestation, quite often go beyond the boundaries of normal behavior for a person, yet they cannot in themselves be attributed to pathological manifestations. But it must be remembered that under the influence of difficult life circumstances, traumatic factors and other irritants that destroy the human psyche, the manifestations of accentuations intensify and the frequency of their repetitions increases. And this can lead to various neurotic and hysterical reactions.

    Samo the concept of "character accentuation" was introduced by a German psychiatrist Carl Leonhard(or rather, he used the terms "accentuated personality" and "accentuated personality trait"). He also owns the first attempt to classify them (it was presented to the scientific community in the second half of the last century). The term has since been clarified. A.E. Lichko, who under accentuations understood the extreme variants of the norm of character, when some of his features are excessively strengthened. According to the scientist, in this case, selective vulnerability is observed, which is related to certain psychogenic influences (even in the case of good and high resistance). A.E. Lichko emphasized that, regardless of the fact that any accentuation, although it is an extreme option, is still the norm, and therefore it cannot be presented as a psychiatric diagnosis.

    The degree of severity of accentuations

    Andrei Lichko singled out two degrees of manifestation of accentuated features, namely: explicit (the presence of clearly defined features of a certain accentuated type) and hidden (under standard conditions, features of a particular type appear very weakly, or are not visible at all). The table below shows more detailed description these degrees.

    Degrees of severity of accentuations

    Severity Norm Options Peculiarities
    explicit extreme Accentuated features are well expressed and appear throughout the individual life of a person. Accentuated features are most often well compensated (even if there is no mental trauma), but maladjustment can be observed in adolescence.
    hidden ordinary Accentuations find their manifestations most often due to mental trauma or under the influence of a traumatic situation. Basically, accentuated features do not lead to a violation of adaptation (short-term maladjustment is occasionally possible).

    Dynamics of personality character accentuation

    In psychology, unfortunately, today the problems related to the development and dynamics of accentuations have not yet been sufficiently studied. The most significant contribution to the development of this issue was made by A.E. Lichko, who emphasized the following phenomena in the dynamics of types of accentuations (in stages):

    • the formation of accentuations and the sharpening of their features in a person (this happens in the puberty period), and later they can be smoothed out and compensated (obvious accentuations are replaced by hidden ones);
    • with hidden accentuations, the features of a particular accentuated type are revealed under the influence of psycho-traumatic factors (a blow is applied to the most vulnerable place, that is, where there is the least resistance);
    • against the background of a certain accentuation, certain violations and deviations occur (deviant behavior, neurosis, acute affective reaction, etc.);
    • types of accentuations undergo a certain transformation under the influence of the environment or due to the mechanisms that were laid down constitutionally;
    • the formation of acquired psychopathy takes place (accentuations were the basis for this, creating a vulnerability that is selective for the adverse effects of external factors).

    Typology of character accentuations

    As soon as scientists turned their attention to the features of the manifestation of a person’s character and the presence of some similarities, their various typologies and classifications immediately began to appear. In the last century, the scientific searches of psychologists were focused on the features of the manifestation of accentuations - this is how the first typology of character accentuations appeared in psychology, which was proposed back in 1968 by Karl Leonhard. His typology gained wide popularity, but the classification of types of accentuations developed by Andrei Lichko became even more popular, who, when creating it, relied on the work of K. Leonhard and P. Gannushkin (he developed the classification of psychopathy). Each of these classifications is intended to describe certain types of character accentuation, some of which (both in the typology of Leonhard and in the typology of Lichko) have common features of their manifestations.

    Character accentuations according to Leonhard

    K. Leonhard divided his classification of character accentuations into three groups, which were distinguished by him depending on the origin of accentuations, or rather, where they are localized (related to temperament, character or personal level). In total, K. Leonhard distinguished 12 types and they were distributed as follows:

    • temperament (natural formation) included hyperthymic, dysthymic, affective-labile, affectively-exalted, anxious and emotive types;
    • to character (socially conditioned education), the scientist attributed the demonstrative, pedantic, stuck and excitable types;
    • two types belonged to the personal level - extra- and introverted.

    Character accentuations according to Leonhard

    Type Characteristic
    hyperthymic optimistic, active, luck-oriented; there is a desire for activity, a need for experiences
    dysthymic slow (inhibited), silent, focused on failure; characterized by excessive emphasis on ethical manifestations, frequent fears and various experiences, a heightened sense of justice
    affectively labile oriented to standards, compensation (mutual) traits is observed
    affectively exalted emotional, (the desire to elevate feelings and cult various emotions), excitable, inspired, contact
    anxious timid, timid (fearful), submissive, confused, non-contact, insecure, executive, friendly, self-critical
    emotive soft-hearted, sensitive, impressionable, fearful, executive, sympathetic (tendency to compassion)
    demonstrative self-confident, boastful, agile, ambitious, vain, light, deceitful; focused on one's "I" (is the standard)
    pedantic indecision, non-conflict and conscientiousness: hypochondria is observed; often there is a fear that one's own "I" does not correspond to ideals
    stuck suspicious, touchy, responsible, conceited, stubborn, conflict; subject to jealousy; there are transitions from elation to despair
    excitable quick-tempered, pedantic, hard on the rise, focuses primarily on instincts
    extroverted contact, sociable, open, non-conflict, frivolous, spontaneity
    introverted non-contact, closed, silent, restrained, principled, stubborn

    K. Leonhard developed his typology of accentuations based on an assessment of interpersonal communication between people. His classification is focused mainly on adults already. Based on the concept of Leonhard, a characterological questionnaire was developed, the author of which is H. Shmishek. This questionnaire allows you to determine the dominant type of accentuation in a person.

    The types of accentuation of Shmishek's character are as follows: hyperthymic, anxious-fearful, dysthymic, pedantic, excitable, emotive, stuck, demonstrative, cyclomitic and affective-exalted. In the Shmishek questionnaire, the characteristics of these types are presented according to Leonhard's classification.

    Character accentuations according to Lichko

    Basis of classification A. Lichko accentuations of character in adolescents were, because he directed all his research to studying the features of the manifestation of character in adolescence and the causes of the appearance of psychopathy in this period. According to Lichko, during adolescence, pathological character traits manifest themselves most clearly and find their expression in all spheres of a teenager's life (in the family, school, interpersonal contacts, etc.). Adolescent accentuations of character are manifested in a similar way, for example, a teenager with hyperthymic type accentuation splashes everywhere with its energy, with a hysterical one it attracts as much attention as possible to itself, and with a schizoid type, on the contrary, it tries to protect itself from others.

    According to Lichko, they are relatively stable in the pubertal period, but speaking of this, it is necessary to remember the following features:

    • most types are sharpened precisely in adolescence, and this period is the most critical for the occurrence of psychopathy;
    • all types of psychopathy are formed at a certain age (the schizoid type is determined from an early age, the features of a psychosthenic appear in elementary school, the hyperthymic type is most pronounced in a teenager, the cycloid type is mainly in youth (although girls can appear at the beginning of puberty), and the sensitive mostly formed by the age of 19);
    • the presence of patterns of transformation of types in adolescence (for example, hyperthymic features can change to cycloid), under the influence of biological and social factors.

    Many psychologists, including Lichko himself, argue that the term “character accentuations” is the most ideal for the puberty period, because it is adolescent character accentuations that manifest themselves most clearly. By the time puberty comes to an end, accentuations are mostly smoothed out or compensated, and some move from explicit to hidden. But it should be remembered that adolescents who have obvious accentuations are a special risk group, since under the influence of negative factors or traumatic situations, these traits can develop into psychopathy and affect their behavior (deviations, delinquency, suicidal behavior, etc. ).

    Accentuations of character according to Lichko were identified on the basis of the classification of accentuated personalities by K. Leonhard and psychopathy by P. Gannushkin. The following 11 types of character accentuations in adolescents are described in Lichko's classification: hyperthymic, cycloid, labile, asthenoneurotic, sensitive (or sensitive), psychasthenic (or anxious and suspicious), schizoid (or introverted), epileptoid (or inert-impulsive), hysteroid ( or demonstrative), unstable and conformal types. In addition, the scientist also called a mixed type, which combined some features of various types of accentuations.

    Character accentuations according to Lichko

    Type Characteristic
    hyperthymic most often there is a good mood, sometimes irascibility and irritability are manifested; good health, increased activity, energy, high performance
    cycloid frequent mood swings (polar) - from depressive and irritable to calm and upbeat (phase alternation)
    labile increased mood volatility (and the cause may be the most insignificant), outwardly fragile and infantile, increased affectivity, need for friendship and
    asthenoneurotic high fatigue, irritability, capriciousness, suspiciousness, low concentration, weakness and an increased level of claim
    sensitive high sensitivity and responsibility, there is instability of self-esteem, fearfulness, timidity, impressionability
    psychasthenic increased suspiciousness (anxious), indecision, prudence, pedantry,
    schizoid introversion, isolation, dryness (do not show empathy), low emotionality,
    epileptoid a combination of inert traits and impulsive manifestations (painstakingness, accuracy, purposefulness, suspicion, conflict and hostility)
    hysterical emotionality, instability of self-esteem, the need for increased attention in oneself
    unstable characterized by weak will, inability to resist negative influences
    conformal high comfort (adapts to the standards of behavior established in a particular group), therefore this type is characterized by stereotyped, banal, conservatism

    Although A.E. Lichko studied mainly adolescent character accentuations, his typology is widely used to identify accentuations in adults.

    character accentuation or personality accentuation- excessive strengthening of individual character traits. This feature of a person determines behavior and actions, leaves an imprint on all spheres of her activity: attitude towards herself, towards others, towards the world. Accentuation is an extreme version of the norm and is not considered a mental disorder or disease.

    Prevalence. Personality accentuations are widespread, especially among adolescents. Among young people, explicit or hidden accentuations are found in 95% of those surveyed. With age, people will be able to smooth out unwanted features, and the number of accentuations is reduced to 50-60%.

    The benefits and harms of accentuations. On the one hand, an accentuated trait makes a person more stable and successful in some situations. For example, people with hysterical accentuation are talented actors, and people with hyperthymic accentuation are positive, sociable and can find an approach to any person.

    On the other hand, an accentuated character trait becomes a vulnerable spot of a person, complicates life for himself and those around him. Situations that are not significant for other people turn into a test for the psyche. For example, people with a hypothymic type of accentuation experience difficulties if it is necessary to get to know each other and make contact.

    There is a danger that in difficult situations these enhanced character traits can develop into psychopathy, cause neurosis, become the cause of alcoholism, illegal behavior.

    In what cases can accentuations develop into pathology

    • Unfavorable environmental conditions that hit the accentuated feature as the weakest point, for example, for conformal accentuation, is the rejection of a person in a team.
    • Long-term impact of this factor.
    • The impact of an unfavorable factor during the period when a person is most vulnerable. Most often it is junior classes and adolescence.
    If these conditions are met, the accentuation is aggravated and turns into psychopathy, which is already a mental disorder.

    How do accentuations differ from psychopathy?

    Reasons for the formation of accentuations. It is believed that the formation of accentuations is influenced by the innate properties of temperament. So a person born choleric is prone to developing excitable accentuation, and a sanguine person to hyperthymic. The strengthening of certain character traits occurs in childhood and adolescence under the influence of chronic psycho-traumatic situations (constant humiliation by peers) and the peculiarities of education.
    Degrees of personality accentuations
    • Explicit- manifests itself in a person's behavior in most situations, but does not violate his ability to adapt to various social situations (acquaintance, conflict, communication with friends).
    • Hidden- does not manifest itself in life, can be detected only in critical situations that affect accentuated character traits.
    Types of personality accentuations. Each scientist who dealt with character accentuations singled out his own types. To date, several dozen have been described. This article will describe the main ones.
    Psychologists began to deal with the problem of personality accentuations in the second half of the twentieth century. Therefore, in matters of classification, diagnosis and correction, many controversial issues remain.

    Types of accentuation

    There are many character traits, and each of them can be overly enhanced. It is the accentuated features that determine the type of personality and character traits, make a person different from others. We give short descriptions of the main types of personality.

    hysteroid type

    In other classifications demonstrative type. Widespread among women. It is especially pronounced in adolescence and young age. Distinctive features:
    • Eagerness to get attention surrounding to his person. They seek attention by all means - actions, manner of dressing and speaking, appearance. They demand from others respect, surprise, sympathy, in extreme cases, anger. Appearance bright, attractive. Even in the absence of outstanding external data, they know how to look spectacular.
    • Increased emotionality. They are highly sensitive and responsive. At the same time, they easily endure mental pain, grief and resentment, although they demonstrate strong emotions. Some emotions are quickly replaced by others. There is a tendency to envy and jealousy. They do not tolerate if the attention of others switches to another person.
    • Artistry manifests itself in all life situations. Easily get used to any role, which facilitates adaptation to new situations. They differ in arrogant facial expressions and mannered postures.
    • developed imagination And creative thinking. They believe in what they have imagined. Suggestible. They are fond of applied magic, they believe in horoscopes. They tend to advertise and exaggerate their victories in their personal lives.
    • fearful. They tend to exaggerate the danger.
    • Positive features: open to communication, easily establish contact with a new person. They adapt well to new situations. Have an active life position. The desire for fame becomes a powerful motivator that contributes to success in creative professions(actors, singers, dancers, artists).
    • Flaws: excessive emotionality, an overly sharp reaction to all events relating to one's own personality, while indifference to the problems of others. Difficulties that have arisen along the way make you abandon your plan. Do not tolerate routine work. They can easily get sick on a nervous basis - psychosomatic diseases develop. Loss of authority can lead to suicidal thoughts. They provoke conflicts, based on the desire to be in the spotlight.

    epileptoid type

    In other classifications excitable personality type. People with this accentuation, just like hysteroids, seek to attract attention to themselves. But they do it not so defiantly, but with the help of stuttering, coughing, complaints. Distinctive features:
    • Discontent and irritability. prone to negative emotions. Constantly grumbling, complaining. They fixate on the bad and think about the problem for a long time, while dissatisfaction grows until it spills out in the form of a major quarrel. The behavior model of such people is compared to a steam boiler, the temperature of which increases until an explosion occurs. After discharge, they cannot calm down for a long time. This feature distinguishes them from other types. In family life, they show despotism, arrange frequent scandals over trifles.
    • Tendency towards the established order in things, deeds and relationships. They do not like changes, permutations. They keep order themselves and force others, especially family members and subordinates. Clutter can lead to a big fight. Emphasis is placed on rationality, not purity.
    • Easy attitude to moral standards. Actions are guided only own opinion, therefore, they can cross the norms of morality, especially in a fit of anger. They can be rude, show disrespect for elders, physical violence towards children and animals. At the same time, they will not even notice the misconduct, and will not be tormented by remorse.
    • Structured thinking. When making decisions, they are guided by common sense and logic. However, this does not prevent them from reaching fits of rage if their desires are not fulfilled. They don't consider alternatives. They believe that their point of view is the only correct one.
    • incredulity, based on critical thinking. They don't take their word for it, they demand proof. Don't trust strangers. They do not believe in horoscopes and predictions.
    • It is difficult to adapt to a new situation.
    • Positive features: scrupulousness, increased accuracy, taking care of one's health, the ability to receive benefits, the ability to defend one's interests. In a calm state, they show extreme kindness and care for family members and animals. Energetic and active in matters of maintaining order, which can become part of the profession - managers, managers, caretakers.
    • Flaws violent fits of anger, after which they cool down for a long time, gloom, intolerance to contradictions, lack of respect for other people's opinions. These aspects of character provoke dissatisfaction with others, frequent conflicts in the family and at work. Possible addiction to alcohol, sexual perversion, sadistic inclinations.

    Schizoid type

    People with a schizoid accentuation are secretive, uncommunicative and outwardly cold. However, this accentuation rarely leads to adaptation disorders. Distinctive features:
    • Closure. They do not know how and do not want to communicate with others. Strive for loneliness. After trying to make an acquaintance, they note that they have nothing to talk about with a person, which causes disappointment and withdrawal into themselves.
    • Combination of conflicting properties: shyness and tactlessness, sensitivity and indifference, compliance and stubbornness.
    • Lack of intuition about feelings other people. They cannot understand whether the interlocutor treats them well or badly, how he reacted to their words.
    • The inability to empathize. Indifferent, do not show emotions in communication.
    • Secretive do not show their inner world. Open only to like-minded people.
    • Unusual interests and hobbies. Reading literature of a certain genre, drawing churches, calligraphy, sometimes collecting (for example, only flower stamps).
    • Positive features: developed fantasy, creativity, creativity, passion for non-team sports to improve your body (cycling, yoga), playing on musical instruments(guitar, violin).
    • Flaws. Sometimes there may be a penchant for peeping or exhibitionism, they may take small doses of alcohol or soft drugs to overcome shyness in communication.
    1. Cycloid type. Accentuation causes a periodic change in mood (duration of periods from several days to 2 weeks). Distinctive features:
    • undulating mood swings. Each phase can last 1-2 weeks. Sometimes there are breaks in "balance" between them. Cycloid accentuation is common in adolescents and smoothes out with age.
    • Rise periods The person is full of energy and desire to work. At this time, the cycloids are cheerful and sociable, striving for leadership, achieving success in school and at work. They do not tolerate loneliness, boredom, monotony.
    • Recession periods or subdepression- mood and performance are sharply reduced. There is no desire to communicate, do anything, drowsiness develops. They strive for loneliness, entertainment loses its appeal. Become too sensitive to criticism and vulnerable. Self-esteem is sharply reduced, thoughts about their uselessness, inferiority appear.
    • Positive features: in the lifting phase, a person is full of strength and desire to work and communicate.
    • Flaws. Low activity in the decline phase. In the event that the subdepressive phase is prolonged, thoughts of suicide may arise. Under adverse circumstances, accentuation can develop into bipolar disorder.
    1. paranoid type. Formed late - by the age of 30. Its main characteristics are perseverance and perseverance in achieving goals. People with a paranoid accent feel bad and are afraid of what others will think of them if they find out about their nature. As a result, they often experience fear and shame. Two personalities coexist in them, they consider one worthless and despise it. The second is perceived as ideal and omnipotent. Between these two poles there is an exhausting internal conflict. Distinctive features:
    • Projection of one's own character traits onto other people. They attribute their thoughts and intentions to them. This leads to the fact that they see in others anger, envy. Constantly trying to recognize the malevolence in the behavior of others.
    • Focus on self. Selfish, constantly thinking about themselves, experiencing their own internal conflict.
    • Over-sensitivity to comments criticism, rejection.
    • grumpiness and the constant desire to defend their rights, even if they were not infringed.
    • Unreasonable jealousy, suspicions of conspiracies.
    • Failure to refuse. They do not know how to say "no", but prefer to make promises and not keep them.
    • A penchant for exclusivity and uniqueness in clothes and hobbies.
    • Positive features: persistent and purposeful. Have out of the box thinking, smart, well-read. They are able to analyze and foresee the result of their own and others' actions. They have a sense of style. They can deny themselves excesses for the sake of an idea.
    • Flaws: a tendency to hypercontrol over loved ones, suspicion, disgust for people.
    1. Unstable (rampant) type. People with an unstable type are distinguished by a desire to have fun. Distinctive features:
    • Laziness and weakness. It's hard to force yourself to do something that isn't enjoyable. Under any pretext, they shirk from work or imitate labor activity.
    • The instability of emotions. Any event causes a short burst of emotions. Therefore, they need frequent changes of impressions.
    • The need for strict control. Only the knowledge that the result of their work will be controlled can force them to complete the task. However, strict control makes them want to run away or quit.
    • Tendency to obey an informal leader. They show lack of independence even in the search for entertainment. They follow the lead of others, do what they are offered.
    • Positive features. Carelessness, curiosity, an optimistic view of the future.
    • Flaws. The constant search for thrills increases the risk of developing drug addiction and alcoholism. They love speed, which increases the risk of accidents when driving a car or motorcycle. prone to gambling.

    labile type

    People have frequent unpredictable mood swings that occur on any insignificant occasion (did not like the tone or look of the interlocutor). Distinctive features:
    • mood swings. Mood swings are sharp and deep. People are not just upset, they fall into despair, and after half an hour they can experience sincere joy. Their well-being and performance, their idea of ​​their own future and the structure of the world largely depend on these differences. So, if a person is in high spirits, then he feels great, is friendly even to unfamiliar people, and looks to the future with optimism. If the mood has fallen, then everything becomes negative.
    • High sensitivity to praise and criticism. Praise causes joy and stimulates new achievements, but criticism can cause discouragement and abandonment of activity.
    • Sociability. They are drawn to their peers, in dire need of communication. They become attached to people and suffer greatly from the breakdown of relationships.
    • Positive features: sincere, direct, positive, devoted. This accentuation rarely passes into the phase of psychopathy.
    • Flaws. It is difficult to endure losses, have extremely low stress resistance. Not ready to deal with difficulties, they may abandon the goal.

    Conformal type

    People with a conformal type accentuation tend to trust and follow their surroundings. Distinctive features:
    • Obedience to the opinion of the majority. They tend to agree with the opinion of the majority in the group to which they belong. There is no critical thinking, they do not analyze how the group decision correlates with the norms of morality, law.
    • fashion following. Adhere to fashion trends in clothing, choosing a hobby or profession.
    • The desire to be "like everyone else." The unwillingness to stand out from the group stimulates to be no worse than others in study and work. At the same time, they do not have a desire to take the place of a leader, to become better than the majority.
    • Conservatism. They tend to adhere to the established order imposed by the majority.
    • It's hard to break up with the group. Expulsion from the group, conflict with its leaders and loss of authority cause serious psychological trauma.
    • Positive features. Successful in a positive environment. This accentuation rarely becomes the basis mental disorders.
    • Flaws. They do not show independence, independence, initiative. Feel hostility to people of other nationalities, to strangers in the group. Once in a bad company, they follow the lead, consume drugs and alcohol, and break the law.

    Astheno-neurotic type

    People with an astheno-neurotic type of accentuation are characterized by fatigue, irritability and a tendency to hypochondria. Distinctive features:
    • Difficulty with mental and physical stress(exams, dissertation defense, competitions). Severe fatigue causes mental and emotional stress. They also experience fatigue from noisy companies, outdoor activities. Try to avoid stress as much as possible.
    • Irritability, appearing on the background of fatigue. Its manifestations are short-term and not too strong outbursts of anger, which are associated with increased fatigue of the nervous system. Against this background, sleep worsens and appetite disappears.
    • Tendency to hypochondria is characteristic of this type of accentuation. They like to be treated, they are happy to observe bed rest, listen to bodily sensations. They note the connection - the higher the state of health, the better the state of the nervous system. And against the background of a nervous shock, a real, and not far-fetched, disease can develop.
    • Positive features. Attachment to loved ones, kindness, good intellectual development, conscientiousness.
    • Flaws. The risk of developing neurosis and neurasthenia, they react painfully to jokes addressed to them, high fatigue prevents them from studying well and working productively.

    Psychasthenic type

    People with psychasthenic accentuation are prone to introspection. Distinctive features:
    • Reflection- attention is directed inward. They tend to analyze their feelings, actions, emotions.
    • indecisiveness. Avoid situations in which you have to make a choice.
    • Striving to live up to expectations, which lays on them family, friends, superiors. A developed sense of responsibility, combined with increased fatigue, causes a constant internal conflict between “should” and “can”, which depletes mental strength.
    • The development of obsessions. Obsessive thoughts, memories, fears, actions, rituals, superstitions that appear regardless of a person’s desire and cause negative emotions.
    • Feelings towards the future. They fear that misfortune may happen to them or their loved ones in the future.
    • Pedantry. Strictly follow the rules. These rules can be generally accepted (traffic rules, fire safety) or invented by them. The goal is to keep yourself out of trouble.
    • Positive features: kindness, affection for loved ones, adherence to moral principles, high intelligence, developed imagination.
    • Flaws: indecision, tendency to obsessive-compulsive disorder.

    1. Hyperthymic type. The main feature of people with a hyperthymic type of accentuation is optimism, and short-term outbursts of anger are very rare. Distinctive features:
    • A good mood often for no good reason distinguishing feature hypertims, which makes them the soul of the company.
    • Energetic, active, hardy. Everything is done quickly. Sometimes the quality of work can suffer.
    • chatty. They like to tell, exaggerate, sometimes embellish the truth.
    • Sociable. They love to chat and make new friends. Strive to command. They love jokes and pranks.
    • Positive features: high vitality, optimism, endurance to physical and mental stress, stress resistance.
    • Flaws: illegibility when choosing acquaintances, the risk of regular consumption of alcoholic beverages. Restless, do not like work that requires accuracy. Wasteful, can borrow and not give back. Among people with hyperthymic accentuation, there is an addiction to petty theft.

    sensitive type

    Very sensitive, yet reliable, serious and silent. Mostly depressed mood.
    • Impressionability. Even in adulthood, they remain extremely susceptible to all external stimuli. They endure stress and conflicts very hard, they endure them for a long time.
    • Difficulties in self-management stressful situations . If this situation drags on, they can flare up a lot. Which they later regret. In critical situations, they are capable of courageous deeds.
    • Diffidence. In their imagination they draw a strict “I-ideal”, they worry that they do not correspond to it in real life.
    • Pessimism. They see the future in gloomy colors.
    • Anxiety about the attitude of others around them. They worry about what other people will think of them. They are afraid of criticism and ridicule.
    • Positive features: conscientiousness, diligence, fidelity.
    • Flaws: passivity, unpredictability in a stressful situation.

    Combinations of types of accentuations

    ABOUT mixed accentuations they say when not one, but several traits are enhanced in a person’s character. It is these options that are found in the vast majority of cases of accentuations.
    The most common mixed character accentuations:
    • Hyperthymic + conformal;
    • Labile + cycloid;
    • Sensitive + schizoid;
    • Sensitive + astheno-neurotic + psychasthenic;
    • Hysteroid + epileptoid.

    Classification of accentuations according to Leonhard

    The German psychologist Karl Leonhard divided all character traits into basic and additional. The main ones are the core of the personality. They are responsible for her mental health. If one of these features is strengthened (accentuated), then it determines the behavior of a person. When exposed to adverse factors, pathology can develop.
    Group Type of accentuation Characteristic
    temperament like a natural formation emotive Kind, compassionate, humane, appreciates close friends, peace-loving, executive, has a heightened sense of duty. But at the same time it is distinguished by timidity, tearfulness and shyness.
    Affectively exalted Sociable, amorous, distinguished by good taste, attentive to loved ones, altruistic, capable of high feelings. But at the same time, he is prone to panic, gets lost under stress, and is prone to mood swings.
    Affectively labile Soft, vulnerable, capable of empathy, has high moral principles. But he is prone to sharp cyclic mood swings that determine his relationship with people. Does not tolerate loneliness, indifference, rudeness.
    alarming Friendly, loyal, executive, self-critical. The mood is often lowered, timid, does not defend his interests, needs support.
    Dysthymic (hypothymic) Conscientious, serious, laconic, appreciates friends. But at the same time, an individualist, closed, prone to pessimism, passive.
    Hyperthymic Sociable, optimistic, active, hardy, hardworking, does not lose control in stressful situations. Frivolous, rarely brings what he started to the end. Does not tolerate loneliness and strict control.
    Types of accentuations related to character how to social education Excitable It is characterized by mood swings and violent outbursts of anger. In a calm state, caring, conscientious, accurate. During outbursts of anger, he does not control his condition well, is irritable.
    stuck Responsible, stress-resistant, stubborn, hardy, makes high demands on himself and others. But at the same time suspicious, touchy, boring, jealous, somewhat conflicted. He does not tolerate when someone else claims to be in his place.
    Pedantic Neat, strictly adheres to the rules, reliable, conscientious, peaceful. But boredom, grumbling, not work - bureaucracy are often noted.
    Demonstrative Artistic, charismatic, sociable, has a developed imagination, strives for leadership. But at the same time, he is vain and prone to lies, selfish. He does not tolerate when he is not paid attention, suffers if his authority is undermined.
    Types of accentuations related to personalities generally extroverted Sociable, friendly, attentive, executive, always ready to listen, does not pretend to be a leader. But at the same time, he is talkative, frivolous, easily falls under the influence of others, prone to rash impulsive acts.
    introverted Principled, restrained, immersed in his inner world, morally developed, distinguished by a rich imagination. But at the same time, closed, stubborn, defends his point of view, even if it turns out to be wrong. He does not tolerate interference in his personal life.

    Classification of accentuations according to Lichko

    Soviet psychiatrist Andrey Lichko considered accentuations as temporary enhancements of character traits that can appear and disappear in childhood and adolescence. At the same time, he recognized the possibility of preserving accentuations for life and their transition to psychopathy. Since Lichko considered accentuations to be a borderline option between the norm and psychopathy, his classification is based on the types of psychopathy.
    Type of accentuation Characteristic
    Hyperthymic Cheerful, active, optimistic, self-confident, striving for leadership, resourceful, enterprising. Cons: frivolous, restless, inattentive, not responsible enough for his duties, sometimes irritable.
    Labile Empathy is well developed, feels the emotions of others and their attitude towards themselves. Experiencing severe mood swings on minor occasions. Needs the support of loved ones.
    Cycloid Cyclical ups and downs in mood. The frequency is several weeks. In periods of upswing, sociable, energetic, joyful, energetic. During the recession - apathetic, irritable, sad.
    Astheno-neurotic Disciplined, meticulous. Increased mental fatigue is noted, which makes a person irritable and overly concerned about his health.
    Psychasthenic (anxious and suspicious) Intellectually developed. He is prone to reflection, introspection, evaluation of his actions and the actions of others. Inflated self-esteem is combined with indecision. In times of crisis, he can make rash acts. Cons: petty, despotic, prone to the development of obsessive actions.
    sensitive (sensitive) High sensitivity to joyful and frightening moments. Obedient, assiduous, responsible, calm, makes high moral demands on himself and others. Cons: unsociable, suspicious, whiny, hard to adapt to a new team.
    Epileptoid (inert-impulsive) Strives for leadership, likes to set rules, enjoys authority with management and among peers. It tolerates harsh discipline well. Cons: can offend the weak, establishes cruel orders, irritable.
    Schizoid (introverted) Closed, prefers loneliness or communication with elders. Cons: indifferent, incapable of showing sympathy and empathy.
    Unstable Sociable, open, courteous, eager to have fun. Cons: laziness, unwillingness to work and study. Prone to alcohol, drugs, gambling.
    Hysteroid (demonstrative) Artistic, impulsive, enterprising, sociable, loves attention, seeks to take a leading position, but is not able to achieve authority. Cons: self-centered, prone to lies. Behavior is unnatural and pretentious.
    Conformal There is no criticality and initiative, he is inclined to obey the opinion from the outside. Strives to be different from the rest of the group. For the sake of the group, he can commit unseemly acts, while he is inclined to justify himself.
    Paranoid Characteristic features develop by the age of 30. In childhood, he manifests himself as a teenager with an epileptoid or schizoid accentuation. Self-esteem is significantly overestimated, ideas about their exclusivity and genius appear.
    Emotionally labile Suffers from frequent and severe mood swings, needs support, feels the attitude of people towards him well. Cons: emotionally unstable.

    Character accentuation test according to Shmishek

    The personality questionnaire, developed by G. Shmishek, is designed to identify character accentuations. It is based on the classification of accentuations developed by Leonhard. The adult character accentuation test according to Shmishek consists of 88 questions. Each of them must be answered yes (+) or no (-). It is not recommended to think about questions for a long time, but to answer as it seems at the moment. Children's option The test is similar and differs only in the wording of the questions.

    Each of the 88 questions characterizes some accentuated feature.

    1. Hyperthymia
    2. distimity
    3. Cyclothymicity
    4. Excitability
    5. Jam
    6. emotivity
    7. Exaltation
    8. Pedantry
    9. demonstrativeness
    The results obtained are processed using the key. For each feature, the points are summed up and multiplied by the coefficient corresponding to this feature.
    Scale 1 point is awarded for Coefficient
    Answer "yes" The answer is "no"
    Hyperthymia 1, 11, 23, 33, 45, 55, 67, 77 3
    distimity 9, 21, 43, 74, 87 31, 53, 65 3
    Cyclothymicity 6, 18, 28, 40, 50, 62, 72, 84 3
    Excitability 20, 30, 42, 52, 64, 75, 86 3
    Jam 2, 15, 24, 34, 37, 56, 68, 78, 81 12, 46, 59 2
    emotivity 3, 13, 35, 47, 57, 69, 79 25 3
    Exaltation 10, 32, 54, 76 6
    Anxiety 6, 27, 38, 49, 60, 71, 82 5 3
    Pedantry 4, 14, 17, 26, 36, 48, 58, 61, 70, 80, 83 39 2
    demonstrativeness 7, 19, 22, 29, 41, 44, 63, 66, 73, 85, 88 51 2
    Each scale is assigned a score, from 0 to 24.
    • 0-6 - the trait is not expressed.
    • 7-12 - the trait is moderately expressed;
    • 13-18 - the severity is above average;
    • 19-24 - accentuated feature.
    Based on the points obtained, a graph is built, which is also very important, since it makes it possible to characterize the personality in general terms.

    Features of accentuation in adolescents

    Personality accentuations are formed in adolescence. In the same period, they appear especially brightly. The reason for this is the impulsiveness of adolescents, the inability to control their emotions and actions. These or other personality accentuations are present in 90-95% of adolescents.

    The very presence of an enhanced character trait is not dangerous, but it makes a teenager extremely sensitive to external situations and internal conflicts, and affects relationships with parents and peers. The same accentuations under adverse conditions can cause offenses, and with the right approach and the right choice of profession, they will help to achieve success in life.

    It is important for parents to know about the presence of character accentuation in a teenager in order to help him adapt to life, to build a parenting style that will be as effective as possible. The task of parents is to develop qualities and skills in a teenager that will smooth out an accentuated character trait.

    hysteroid type

    "Stars of the class", activists, participate in all events. They differ in artistry and desire to stand out from the background of others. They don't like it if the praise goes to someone else. They exaggerate emotionally react to all events (they sob sobbing in front of the audience).
    Distinguishing feature. Playing for the public, a constant need for attention, recognition or sympathy.

    As long as they feel loved and all the attention is on them, there are no behavioral problems. In everyday life, they attract attention in all possible ways. This is a defiant behavior, an expressive manner of speaking and bright clothes. Take credit for accomplishments. They can boast that they drank a lot, ran away from home. They often lie, mostly fantasies concern their own person. They can’t stand it when the attention of others switches to others (a newcomer to the class, a newborn, a stepfather). They can take actions to get rid of a competitor, “out of spite” to do things that their parents will obviously not like. In words, they defend independence, sometimes with scandals, but they need guardianship and do not seek to get rid of it.

    Often, behavioral problems are an attempt to get the attention of parents. They have suicidal tendencies, but the goal is not to commit suicide, but to avoid punishment or achieve sympathy. Suicide attempts are demonstrative and not dangerous. Easily amenable to suggestion, they run the risk of falling into a "bad" company. They can drink alcohol, but in small quantities. There are cases of minor offenses (fraud, absenteeism, petty theft). Demonstrative and frivolous behavior, revealing clothing and a desire to show one's adulthood can provoke sexual violence.

    Positive sides. If they are set as an example, they become very diligent. They study well, especially in the lower grades. Artistic, successful in dancing, vocals, conversational genre.

    How to interact

    • Encourage only good things to say about others.
    • Praise only for real achievements.
    • Give a task - help a peer to be in the spotlight. For example, prepare a number in which someone else will be the soloist.

    epileptoid type

    Personality properties are due to the passivity of the processes occurring in the nervous system. Adolescents with such an accentuation are touchy and get stuck on offense for a long time.

    Distinctive feature. Periods of intense irritability and hostility to others, lasting up to several days.

    Adolescents with epileptoid accentuation are stubborn and uncompromising in nature. They are vindictive and do not forget insults. In the first place put personal interests, do not take into account the opinions of others. The company tries to become leaders by uniting the younger and the weak around them. Since they are despotic, their power rests on fear. The process of growing up is problematic. Teenagers can demand not only freedom, but also their share of property. Sometimes they get angry and cry for hours. Strong emotions provoke bouts of anger and aggression. During seizures, teenagers are looking for a “victim” on whom they can pour out their emotions. During these attacks, they can reach sadism.

    Suicidal attempts as a reaction to "unfair" punishment. They tend to drink alcohol in large quantities "before memory loss." They do not remember the actions that they perform in this state. But rarely consume other toxic drugs. At puberty, they experience a strong sexual attraction, which can lead to the development of perversions. There is a predilection for setting firecrackers and making fires.

    Positive sides.
    Discipline, accuracy. They know how to win over teachers. They feel comfortable in conditions of strict discipline (boarding school, camp). They love and know how to make things.
    How to interact

    • Provide security and peace of mind to reduce irritability and aggression.
    • Require strict adherence to the rules established at home (do not give unsolicited advice, do not interrupt). This will allow parents to get the status of "strong" in the eyes of a teenager.

    Schizoid type

    This type of accentuation is also seen in preschool age: children prefer playing alone to communicating with peers.

    Distinctive feature isolation, immersion in the world of fantasy.
    They prefer to fantasize, to engage in their own hobby, as a rule, highly specialized (they mold soldiers from plasticine, embroider birds). They do not know how and do not want to establish emotional contact and communicate. They do not express their emotions. Closed, do not share their experiences, do not reveal their inner world. Consciously choose loneliness and do not suffer from the absence of friends. Difficulties in communication are associated with a lack of understanding of the feelings of others: “I don’t know if this person likes me, how he reacted to my words.” At the same time, they are not interested in the opinion of others. Not able to rejoice with friends or empathize with someone else's grief. They are not tactful, they do not understand when to remain silent, and when to insist on their own. Speech is florid, statements are often with subtext, which further complicates communication.
    Problems. A tendency to take narcotic drugs may develop to enhance fantasies and immersion in their invented world. Occasionally they can commit illegal acts (theft, damage to property, sexual violence), and they think through their actions to the smallest detail.
    Positive sides. Developed fantasy, rich inner world, sustainable interests.
    How to interact

    • Encourage classes in a theater studio - this will help a teenager learn to express emotions, actively use facial expressions. Encourage dance and martial arts or other sports that train plasticity. They will teach you to control your body, make movements less sharp and angular.
    • Encourage you to be in the center. A teenager should periodically feel like an animator in charge of entertaining others. For example, by entertaining his younger brother and his friends, he will learn to speak loudly and emotionally. Learn to read the reaction to your actions.
    • Instill a sense of style. It is necessary to teach a teenager to take care of his appearance and fashion.
    1. Cycloid. In adolescence, cheerful, sociable and active children have long (1-2 weeks) periods of low mood, loss of strength, and irritability. They are called the subdepressive phase. During these periods, adolescents are no longer interested in past hobbies and communication with peers. Problems begin in studies due to a decrease in working capacity.
    Distinctive feature- Alternating cycles of high spirits with apathy and loss of energy.
    A lack of perseverance, patience and attention leads to the fact that adolescents with cycloid accentuation do poorly in monotonous scrupulous work. In the subdepressive phase, changes in the usual way of life are poorly tolerated. Become very sensitive to failure and criticism. Their self-esteem drops significantly. They look for and find shortcomings in themselves, they are very upset about this. During periods of recovery, they do not like loneliness - they are open, friendly and need to communicate. The mood rises, there is a thirst for activity. Against this backdrop, performance improves. During periods of recovery, they try to catch up with the lost time in studies and hobbies.
    Serious problems in a teenager in the subdepressive stage can cause an emotional breakdown or even provoke a suicide attempt. They do not tolerate total control, they can escape in protest. Absences from home can be both short and long. During periods of recovery, they become promiscuous in acquaintances.
    Positive sides: during the recovery period, conscientiousness, accuracy, reliability, high productivity.

    How to interact
    It is necessary to be as tolerant and tactful as possible, especially when a teenager is going through a subdepressive phase.

    • Protect from emotional overload.
    • Avoid rudeness and insults, as this can provoke a serious nervous breakdown.
    • During periods of recovery, you need to help direct the energy in the right direction. Support a teenager in his hobby, teach him to plan his time and finish what he started.
    • Support in the negative phase, increase his self-esteem, cheer him up. Convince that the bad period will end soon.
    paranoid ( steam-burning ) or stuck the type of accentuation in adolescents is not distinguished, since its features are formed later by the age of 25-30.
    Distinctive feature- high purposefulness.
    Sets a goal and looks for means to achieve it. In adolescence, hostility towards others, as the main feature of this accentuation, does not manifest itself in any way. Future accentuation can give out an exaggerated feeling dignity, ambition and perseverance. Also characteristic is "stuck", when a teenager cannot move away from a state of affect (strong negative emotions) for a long time.

    Unstable or unrestrained.

    Such teenagers from childhood are distinguished by disobedience and unwillingness to learn. They need strict control. Fear of punishment is the main incentive to study and fulfill duties.

    Distinguishing feature - weak will, laziness and desire to have fun.
    They love pleasure, need frequent changes of impressions. Avoid any work under various pretexts. This is especially noticeable when it is necessary to study or fulfill instructions from parents. Only communication with friends seems attractive to them. On this basis, they run the risk of falling into an asocial company. Easily succumbed to negative influences.
    Problems associated with the desire to have fun. On this basis, they begin to drink early and use various intoxicants. The risk of developing drug addiction and alcoholism is quite high. “For fun” they can skip school, steal cars, break into other people’s apartments, commit theft, etc. They have a tendency to wander.

    Positive sides. Striving for positive emotions, cheerfulness.

    How to interact

    • They need strict control. This applies to everything from homework to the quality of errands.
    • Management by the "carrot and stick" method. Decide in advance what penalties will be imposed for failure to complete tasks, and what bonuses the teenager will receive for quality work.
    • Encourage active sports and other ways to release energy.


    Frequent and rapid mood swings from delight and wild fun to despondency and tears. Often the reasons for changing the mood are the most insignificant (bad weather, tangled headphones).

    Distinctive feature- Mood volatility for minor reasons.
    During periods of good mood, adolescents are talkative, active, and set to communicate. But any little thing can ruin their mood and piss them off. At the same time, they can burst into tears, easily go into conflict, become lethargic and withdrawn.
    Very dependent on people they value (close friends, parents). The loss of a loved one or his location, separation from him, causes affect, neurosis or depression. A bad mood can cause a deterioration in well-being up to the development of real diseases (bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, migraine, nervous tics). Very badly endure criticism and reproaches from teachers, parents, close friends. They become withdrawn, react with tears.

    Positive sides. Often talented. They have deep inner peace. Capable of strong affection and sincere friendship. Appreciate people for being kind to them. During periods of good mood, they are full of energy, desire to communicate, learn and engage in hobbies. Empathy is developed - they accurately feel the attitude of others towards them.

    How to interact

    • Show empathy and openness in communication. Let your teenager know that you share his feelings.
    • Give the opportunity to take care of the weaker, take care of younger family members, volunteer.
    • Encourage to expand the circle of communication, get acquainted with peers in extracurricular activities.


    Extremely susceptible to outside influences. Change their minds and behavior to please others. Afraid to stand out from the crowd.
    Distinctive feature conformity, the desire to please others.
    The main desire to "be like everyone else" is manifested in clothes, demeanor, interests. If all friends are into breakdancing, such a teenager will also do it. If the immediate environment (parents, friends) is prosperous, then such teenagers are no different from the rest and the accentuation is practically not noticeable. If they fall under bad influence, they can break the rules and the law. The loss of friends is hard to bear, but they can betray a friend for the sake of someone more authoritative. Conservative, do not like changes in all areas. They rarely show initiative.

    Having contacted a bad company, they can become drunk, addicted to taking drugs. To avoid being accused of cowardice, they may commit acts that endanger their health or harm other people. The prohibition to communicate with the company can provoke a scandal with parents or an escape from home.

    Positive sides. Appreciate their surroundings. Attached to friends. They love stability and order.

    How to interact

    • Offer to make your own choice, without relying on someone else's opinion.
    • Make sure that the teenager is involved in various teams, has the opportunity to communicate with peers at school, in sports sections, circles. This reduces the likelihood that he will be in bad company.
    • To help choose authorities who are truly worthy of emulation.


    Teenagers with such an accentuation are characterized by increased fatigue and irritability.
    Distinctive feature- fears for their health, increased fatigue.
    Mental and emotional stress quickly tire them. The result is irritability when teenagers vent their anger at whoever is at hand. Immediately after this, they become ashamed of their behavior, they sincerely repent, ask for forgiveness. Outbursts of anger are short and not strong, which is associated with low activity of the nervous system. Prone to hypochondria - listen to bodily sensations, perceiving them as signs of illness. They like to be examined and treated. Get attention with complaints.

    Problems- high fatigue, the risk of developing neurosis.

    Positive sides. Kindness, sympathy, high intelligence. Such teenagers do not run away from home, hooliganism and other illegal actions.

    How to interact

    • Ignore outbursts of anger that occur against the background of nervous exhaustion.
    • Praise for success and notice even minor achievements, which will become a serious motivation.
    • Encourage to play sports, do morning exercises, take a contrast shower to increase the efficiency of the nervous system.
    • Use peak productivity periods (from 10 to 13) to complete the most difficult tasks.


    Such adolescents are characterized by: suspiciousness, a tendency to introspection and fear of the future.
    Distinctive feature high demands on oneself and the fear of not living up to the expectations of others.

    This type of accentuation is formed if parents impose too much on the child. big hopes in education or sports. Failure to meet their expectations leaves an imprint on the character. These teenagers have low self-esteem, they are tormented by guilt and fear of failure, which can further disappoint their parents. Teenagers suffer from increased anxiety. They are afraid, no matter how something terrible and irreparable happens to them or their loved ones. Pedantry develops as a defense mechanism. Adolescents draw up a detailed action plan, believe in omens, develop rituals that should ensure success (not washing your hair before an exam).

    Problem. The risk of developing anxiety, obsessive thoughts and actions that are prone to complications.

    Positive sides. In critical situations, they quickly find the right solution, are capable of a bold act. Obedient, non-confrontational, as a rule, they are quite successful in their studies, they become good friends.

    How to interact

    • Model frightening situations and offer to find a solution on your own. For example: “Let’s say you got lost in a strange city. What will you do?"
    • Teach a constructive approach to problem solving. What to do? Who to turn to for help? What should I do to prevent what happened from happening again?


    They are characterized as cheerful, noisy, restless. It is difficult for them to focus on their studies and maintain discipline at school. Often become informal leaders among peers. They do not tolerate strict control by adults, they constantly fight for independence.

    Distinctive feature- optimism and high spirits, which often pushes them to pranks.

    Very sociable, quickly become the center of any company. They do not bring the matter to the end, they are not constant in their hobbies. It is easy to make and break promises. Despite good abilities, they study mediocrely. They easily provoke conflicts, but they themselves can make amends for them. quickly acquire peace of mind after failures and quarrels. Outbursts of anger are short lived.

    Problems- unable to perform routine work that requires perseverance and intense attention. Illegible in the choice of acquaintances. If such teenagers find themselves in an unfavorable situation, they may develop an addiction to alcohol and soft drugs. They can commit illegal and antisocial acts (vandalism, hooliganism, petty theft). They are characterized by early sexual relations. Prone to risk, extreme hobbies and gambling. Caught in conditions of control and strict discipline (hospital, summer camp) can escape.

    Positive sides. Energetic and tireless. They are distinguished by fun, do not lose optimism in difficult circumstances. They find a way out in any situation.

    How to interact
    The task of adults is to teach a teenager with hyperthymic accentuation to discipline and self-organization.

    • Avoid total control.
    • Advise the teenager to keep a diary in which it is necessary to write down their plans for the day and independently control their implementation.
    • Come up with a punishment for each unfinished business.
    • Teach to maintain order on the table, in the closet, in the room. This will stimulate the teenager to systematize and analyze everything that happens.

    sensitive type

    Signs of this accentuation can be seen in childhood. The sensitive type is manifested by numerous fears that replace each other.

    Distinctive feature- hypersensitivity.

    Teenagers deeply and for a long time experience everything that happens. Praise and criticism are deeply embedded in their memory, and have a significant impact on their self-esteem, behavior and actions. Very shy and for this reason uncommunicative. It is difficult to get used to the new team. They quickly get tired of mental work. Tests and exams cause them considerable stress. They are also very worried about ridicule from their peers. Dreamy, introspective. Conscientious, have a developed sense of duty. Be sure to finish what you started. They are very worried about the result of their actions (control, actions).

    Problems. Tendency to self-flagellation and the development of phobias. Tearfulness. Excessive demands on oneself can cause neurosis. A chain of failures can trigger a suicide attempt.

    Positive sides. Diligent in studies, responsible attitude to all tasks. Strive to become a good friend, value loved ones.

    How to interact

    • Increase self-esteem and self-confidence. To do this, it is important to give feasible tasks that will not be too simple, otherwise their solution will not cause self-respect.
    • Conduct long conversations to establish contact with a teenager.
    • Deserved praise and thanks. Keep criticism to a minimum. Do not criticize qualities, do not hang labels - "lazy", "sloppy". Instead, indicate what needs to be done.
    • Encourage auto-training. Repeat formulas to increase self-esteem: “I feel calm and confident”, “I am brave and confident”, “I am a great speaker.”
    Most teenagers have several accentuated character traits at once. Therefore, to determine the accentuation, it is necessary to use the Schmishek test, and not be guided only by the presented description of the accentuation.

    Factors influencing the formation of personality accentuations

    In the vast majority of cases, accentuation is formed in childhood or adolescence. Her appearance is significantly influenced by inharmonious relationships with parents and conflicts with peers.
    • Overprotection and control by parents and teachers. Promotes the appearance and aggravation of psychasthenic, sensitive, asthenic accentuation;
    • Lack of care and parental attention increases the risk of developing hysterical, unstable and conformal personality traits:
    • Cruel attitude, excessive severity and authoritarian style communication, provokes an increase in epileptoid features;
    • Excessive demands on the child leads to psychasthenic character accentuation;
    • Lack of emotional contact can cause an increase in labile, sensitive and asthenic features;
    • Over-attention to well-being And chronic diseases disrupting the normal way of life. Physical defects, defects in appearance and diseases of the nervous system play an important role. The result may be hysteroid or astheno-neurotic accentuations;
    • Serious conflicts with peers in adolescence, when communication is most significant, can cause the development of conformal or schizoid accentuation.
    The development of any type of accentuation can be facilitated by:
    • Inability to satisfy basic needs for love, care, security, communication;
    • Lack of moral and cultural norms, interests and hobbies;
    • Wrong self-image inferiority complex, high self-esteem;
    • Professional factors . Accentuations associated with work often occur among actors, teachers, doctors of some specialties, law enforcement officers and the military;
    • genetic predisposition. Features of the functioning of the nervous system are transmitted from parents to children. This is especially true for hyperthymic, cycloid and schizoid accentuation. Therefore, if parents have an accentuated character trait, then it is highly likely that it will be found in the child. Improper upbringing and parental behavior can significantly enhance innate accentuated features.

    Techniques for the treatment of accentuations of various types

    Treatment of accentuation is based on the smoothing of enhanced features. Correction is necessary if the accentuation of the personality violates it. social adaptation. If normally a person changes his behavior depending on the situation and the goals of the activity, then people with a pronounced accentuation constantly demonstrate an enhanced character trait that interferes with themselves and those around them. Although the character cannot be changed, a person can learn to restrain its negative manifestations. This can help work on yourself and psychocorrection.

    Work on yourself

    People with character accentuation rarely seek help from a psychologist, preferring independent work.
    To correct accentuated traits, training is needed that develops character traits opposite to the accentuated one. At the same time, new models of behavior are mastered and the personality is harmonized.
    To correct pronounced character accentuations, exercises have been developed that must be performed daily.
    1. hysteroid type
    • "Calm Quiet Speech". Adopt a phlegmatic conversational style (quiet speech, a minimum of facial expressions and gestures). Think about what you want to say. State the facts, not your emotions about what is happening.
    • "Good deeds". Try to do them discreetly and not tell anyone about what you have done. Watch the person's reaction without showing yourself.
    • "Invisible". While in company for an hour, try to sit silently, watching others. Don't give in to attempts to draw you into a conversation.
    • Do auto-training daily. The goal is to love yourself for who you are and increase your self-esteem. When you achieve this, the praise and attention of others will not seem vital.
    1. epileptoid type.
    • Forgive and let go of grudges. Realize that resentment is harmful to the mental and physical health of the one who is offended.
    • Practice tolerance and kindness to people. Smile at acquaintances when you meet, or try to read the willingness to smile on your face.
    • Be generous take part in charity events.
    • "Active Listening". Listen to the other kindly, without interrupting or arguing. Encourage the speaker with the phrases: “I understand you”, “I know this”.
    • Put yourself in the place of others. This exercise must be done daily. It is important to put yourself in the place of the person with whom you want to enter into an argument.
    1. Schizoid type.
    • Learn to copy the facial expressions of another person and determine his emotion. For this exercise, you will need the help of someone close to you.
    • "Calm kindness" will best style communication with others. Such an even attitude towards the interlocutor must be practiced daily in communication with loved ones. Avoid being overly friendly or hostile.
    • « Game of choleric". Try to speak louder, faster, more impulsively. Express your opinion during the conversation. Do it kindly with a smile on your face.
    1. Cycloid type.

    • Keep a diary. It is necessary for planning and describing your emotions and experiences. During periods of decline, it is useful to reread how the same people and events were perceived during a period of emotional upsurge. It helps to realize that difficulties are temporary.
    • Ask yourself a question, “What can I change in myself so that my negative qualities do not interfere with me and others?”
    1. paranoid type.
    • Check your motives don't trust other people's first impressions.
    • "Hour without remarks." For a while, completely abandon criticism and moralizing.
    • Attend communication training. Read relevant literature and apply knowledge in life.
    • Learn practices that make you be "here and now"- meditation, yoga, zen.
    • "Compliment". Develop the habit of saying something nice to your loved ones every day.
    1. unstable type.
    • "I can + want." This exercise will help to cope with laziness and force yourself to do the necessary things. If you don’t want to do something, you need to ask yourself the question: “Can I do it? Can I do it?" Second question: Do I want to? Moreover, you can want long-term consequences - I want a salary, so I get a job; I want a slim healthy body, so I go to the gym.
    • Increase motivation. Think about what you really want. Write down the goal. Break the path to it into stages and act. A strong desire (car, vacation) will make you move forward.
    1. Labile type.
    • Rational approach to problem solving. At any unpleasant situation answer the questions: why did this happen? (what is the reason) what can be done now? (where to start), how to fix the situation? (long-term plans), what can be done to prevent this from happening again?
    • Mood Diary. Keep a diary in which you indicate when and for what reason the change of mood occurred.
    • Separate the rational and the emotional. It is important to accept and love both sides of yourself. Treat your "emotional" self with indulgence, but don't let your emotions rule your actions.
    • Autotraining, which will help balance the processes in the nervous system. This will make you less sensitive to situations that piss you off, help control your emotions.
    1. Conformal type.
    • Develop critical thinking. Consider whether this statement could be false. What are the consequences if you do what you are offered.
    • Suggest. Try not to immediately agree with what is offered to you. Make a counter offer. When they tell you, let's go to the cinema - offer to go to a cafe.
    • Try something new. Try new foods, buy clothes in a new style for you, visit places you have not been to, communicate with people not from your circle.
    1. Astheno-neurotic type.
    • "Superman". Imagine that you have superpowers. Feel how your inner state changes. The purpose of the exercise is to look, move, talk, feeling your importance and exclusivity. The goal is to keep the image as long as possible.
    • Meeting new people. Set a goal - to meet a new person and start a short conversation with him.
    • Add some humor. Do not silently swallow ridicule. Learn to answer them with humor, self-irony is also acceptable. To develop a sense of humor, read more humorous literature and watch comedy shows.
    1. psychasthenic type.
    • Imagine that what you fear has happened. Calmly think over the plan of your actions in this situation.
    • Deviate from the established order. Do not follow your usual rituals (walk on the left side of the street, do not step on cracks) to make sure that nothing bad happens;
    • "Charging for the face." In people with psychasthenic accentuation, the muscles of the forehead and the muscles that lower the corners of the mouth are constantly tense. It is necessary to make grimaces depicting positive emotions (surprise, joy, delight).
    1. Hyperthymic type.
    • Put things in order. Take 15 minutes a day to clean up your desk and closet. It helps to organize thoughts.
    • Get the job done. Make a promise to yourself to finish what you started, no matter what happens. Be sure to complete it, and then move on to other activities.
    • diary. Planning will help you systematize tasks, prioritize and complete what you started on time. Be sure to include precise deadlines for completing each task. Test yourself and reward your progress.
    1. sensitive type.
    • "Winner". Praise yourself for every success. Break large tasks into stages and do not forget to thank yourself for each successfully completed period.
    • "My Dignity" You need to make a poster that lists all the virtues that you value in yourself or that people pay attention to. It is advisable to put it in a conspicuous place.
    • Play the joker. Learn funny stories and anecdotes to share with others. Gradually, this will cause less and less psychological discomfort when speaking to the public.
    The main principle of correction is that you need to do a little, but every day what you are not used to, what the accented line opposes. Such exercises allow you to smooth out the roughness of character and make you a harmoniously developed personality.

    Help from a psychologist

    Psychological correction of personality accentuations usually takes from 3 months to several years. It includes work with a psychologist and independent performance of tasks. Main directions:
    • Individual conversations- the psychologist points out the accentuated character traits and the most vulnerable places of the personality. Shows how to effectively use strengths character. Teaches how to change the way you react and behave in different social situations.
    • Group lessons. They select a group of people with similar accentuations or choose a topic that would be useful to everyone. The psychologist teaches productive models of behavior in various situations, the rules of communication with others, the intricacies of relationships with family members. The conversation is illustrated with examples from life, the lesson includes practical tasks for each type of accentuation.
    • Family Therapy - conversation with family members. It is aimed at establishing relationships with loved ones and improving the psychological atmosphere in the family. One of the main methods when working with teenagers.
    • Psychological trainings - active training that teaches the correct behavior in various situations.
    • Method of psychodrama- a group method of psychotherapy based on playing an exciting situation (invented or real events). It helps to develop the correct model of behavior and communication in people in various situations.
    It is important to remember that character accentuation is not a predisease. This is the strengthening of certain character traits that make a person more vulnerable to certain influences, but these same traits provide increased resilience.

    The theory of personality accentuation was developed by a psychiatrist from Germany, Karl Leonhard (publications from 1968), and developed in 1977 by the Soviet psychiatrist Andrey Evgenievich Lichko, who formulated two degrees of severity of this character trait:

    In modern psychiatry, there is no separation between conditionally normal, "ordinary" people and accentuated personalities. This feature can manifest itself or be excessively enhanced in conjunction with adverse life circumstances, and also provoke the occurrence of certain mental disorders, according to a certain type of accentuation.

    1. Demonstrative (hysterical) type

    The characteristic features of the hysteroid type include excessive pride, pronounced egocentrism, a high need for the attention of society, praise and approval of abilities and actions. In addition, hysteroid personalities have a pronounced ability to displace unpleasant facts or circumstances from consciousness, they can lie, changing the veracity of events without realizing it (repression mechanisms).

    1. Hyperthymic type

    This type of accentuation is manifested by increased sociability, talkativeness, a high degree of independence in decision-making and actions, enhanced by a thirst for activity. Such individuals are highly creative, innovators, but too often switch from one type of activity to another. The danger is that hyperthymic natures rarely finish what they started and are not inclined to pay attention to negative events and circumstances. They are more likely than others to violate the circumstances they have taken on, and under certain conditions, cheerfulness is replaced by irritability.

    1. Cycloid type

    Personalities with cycloid accentuation are characterized by the presence of alternating two phases - hyperthymic (elated mood and increased activity) and depressive (low mood, the so-called blues period). These periods are usually short, lasting 1-2 weeks and alternating with long breaks. This type of accentuation is more characteristic of women than men.

    1. Psychosthenic type

    Such people can be called pedants. They are indecisive, prone to introspection, hesitation, reasoning. Psychosthenics are often unable to move from thinking about the situation to action, because they are not sure that there are no better solutions. They are suspicious, in their mental activity the mechanisms of repression are practically not expressed. A high danger for pedants is the responsibility for one's own life and, moreover, for the fate of other people. They are accurate, reliable and overly self-critical.

    1. Schizoid type

    For this type of personality, a certain "fencing off" is characteristic. They do not have intuition and empathy, they are not inclined to establish deep emotional contacts with other people. Personalities of the schizoid type are not inclined to communicate, are not talkative, closed. They do not share their experiences even with close people, they are dreamy, they have stable interests for a long time.

    1. Asthenic type

    The main features can be called irritability and too fast fatigue. In addition, accentuated individuals of the asthenic type are prone to excessive anxiety about their future and negative premonitions about their own fate and, especially, health. Such people are distinguished by accuracy and discipline, and in the event that the implementation of the intended is not possible, they react excessively emotionally. In addition, the asthenic personality type is characterized by sudden affective outbursts on minor occasions.

    1. sensitive type

    The main characteristic features of this type are shyness, resentment and self-doubt. Such individuals are usually overly sensitive, dependent on the opinions of others, often showing elements of humility and humiliation. People with a sensitive type of accentuation constantly feel their own inferiority, which can sometimes be compensated by episodes of self-confident behavior that turns into impudence. Being dependent on social recognition, they can be overly trusting or, conversely, shy. Prone to good deeds and often help others.

    1. Epileptoid (excitable) type

    People with epileptoid accentuation with certain difficulties are able to control their actions. They are driven by uncontrollable urges and instincts. A person of the epileptoid type is characterized by an angry or dreary mood, a high degree of irritability. They often accumulate negative emotions, breaking down at an opportunity on any person, regardless of his social status, they are not aware of negative consequences their outbreaks. They painfully react to material losses and, in the case of occupying a leadership position, to elements of disobedience. IN love relationships often become too jealous, and alcohol intoxication can lead to aggressive actions.

    1. Emotionally labile type

    The main distinguishing feature is the constantly changing mood, the alternation of hyperthymic and dysthymic states, both depending on ongoing events or external circumstances, and without any reason. Pleasant events are accompanied by increased activity, the desire for new activities, high self-esteem, which can suddenly give way to depression, sadness, and slow reactions. Such people are very vulnerable, hard to experience separation from loved ones, emotional rejection. They are good-natured and responsive, sociable and prone to creativity.

    1. Unstable type

    Such people are characterized by a lack of motivation to work or study, a desire for idleness, entertainment, and a lack of control. With regard to work, they are too lazy, not inclined to fulfill their obligations, not disciplined and indifferent. At the same time, individuals with an unstable type of accentuation are sociable, open, easy to make contacts and quite friendly. They begin sexual activity early, considering it as one of the entertainments, but are incapable of deep emotional attachment.

    1. Conformal type

    Such individuals are characterized by a stable willingness to obey the decision of the majority, stereotyped actions, lack of independence, non-original judgments that are not due to a low level of intelligence. Conformal personalities have a negative attitude towards changes, the loss of a stable environment, and are overly conservative. Being highly dependent on public opinion, conforming individuals, once in a certain environment, receive a good education and a decent job - if this is valued in their social environment.

    Determining the type of personality accentuation

    To determine whether a person belongs to accentuated personalities, today the voluminous questionnaire of K. Leonhard, MMPI, Shmishek is most often used.

    This helps to determine the type of accentuation and the nature of the personality, not only for medical purposes, to clarify possible decompensation and certain mental disorders characteristic of each accentuation, helping psychiatrists, psychologists and psychotherapists to provide better medical care. Determining the type of accentuation can also help in social areas with:

    • selection of teaching methods in secondary and higher schools,
    • psychological counseling in solving interpersonal and family problems,
    • the formation of the workforce, the selection of specialists, the establishment of interaction within the framework of the implementation of projects,
    • resolving issues of career guidance, choosing a priority direction of development, a preferred profession or specialty, which is described in more detail in other articles on our website.

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