Determine if there is a generational curse. How to know if you have a curse


Many people face a generational curse, and if you know how it manifests outwardly, you can prevent many troubles that can befall the whole family. In this article, we will take a closer look at the essence of the birth curse, how and for what it is put, and how it can be removed.

Family curse or family curse - what is it?

- this is a purposeful negative, most often ritual impact (punishment), which is placed on the whole clan through one of its representatives who has committed some serious crime.

Ancestral Curse- aimed at the destruction of the whole family, at its death. It starts to work in different ways, sometimes several centuries after it was delivered (this determines), and sometimes right away. It is not easy to recognize him.

Most often, a family curse manifests itself as follows. Suddenly, men in the family begin to die, die in different ways (illnesses, accidents, etc.). There may be options here, but the standard mechanism for such a curse is when all men in the family die out within a year and this is where the family ends its existence. That is, there are no successors to the surname. There may be other variations of the program of destruction and death of the clan.

Why is the family cursed?

I'll give you an example. Imagine the following situation. The clan lives on and everything seems to be fine, but suddenly, under different circumstances and for different reasons, men, both adults and children, begin to die. One of the relatives undertakes to solve this problem and goes to the Healer. The healer looks at the family, sees that the curse of the family is working and looks at the root cause.

It turns out the following. One of the ancestors (relatives) once committed terrible act. He dishonored the girl next door, she got pregnant, and he refused responsibility. The girl can not stand the shame that she brought to her family and commits suicide, and of course with the unborn child too. The girl's parents and relatives seek justice and go to the representatives of the law for this, but they do nothing, because young man the person who committed dishonor also has parents and they have connections in the authorities, which closes this case without giving it a go. The offended and heartbroken parents of the girl do not find and do not seek justice here, and then they choose an alternative option. They go either to a clergyman, or to some kind of magician or healer, who performs the ritual of cursing the kind of guilty person, thus restoring justice.

Why exactly generic a curse? Because the family, hiding the criminal and not extraditing him according to the law and honor, takes on all the responsibility and, moreover, the sin of this person. By harboring a criminal, the clan itself commits a crime and accumulates negative karma. When the bowl with the negative karma of the clan overflows, the curse is triggered and the clan begins to die quickly.

How is the Curse of the Kind removed?

Removing the curse of the clan is a complex ritual in which many parties participate and it can only be carried out by a very strong Healer who has such a right (the Higher Forces karmically give the right to work on such issues).

Now there are Healers who can remove a birth curse in 1 hour, provided that a person is ready to work on himself and in his own kind too.

The cost of such a ritual, which removes the family curse, is also high, because the fate of not even one person, but the whole family, all generations, whether they will be at all or not, is at stake.

Previously, merchants, in order for the priest to remove the curse of the kind of church, built a lifetime in payment for the removal of the curse. Yes, it was.

Since the most ancient times, the family curse has always been considered one of the most powerful and terrible magical effects which is negative in nature. It is done in order to ruin a person's life or even in some cases shorten it by several decades.

A family curse carries significant differences, say, from the usual evil eye or corruption, but the most significant is that the curse imposed on a certain person haunts his whole life, not only himself, but also his entire family, including several generations to come.

It turns out that once, for inexplicable reasons, your distant ancestors were cursed, now you have to pay, and it is likely that your children as well.

That is why it is important to know the first signs of a birth curse in order to remove him from his kind in time and save his life from torment as soon as possible.

Main manifestations

In many cases, a generational curse applied in a ritual way and is a very serious atrocity, bearing tragic consequences for the whole family, the accused person. This type of curse is encountered quite a large number of people, and, as a rule, they are not even aware of what is happening.

But if you are prepared and know how it manifests itself, then a huge number of troubles can be prevented in a timely manner, which sooner or later will overtake the entire generation of the damned. In all cases, such ritual punishment is purposeful and negative, it is placed on one representative of this genus who once committed a criminal serious act. The purpose of such a curse is the destruction of the whole family, dooming it to death or very hard fate that awaits everyone.

It is not always possible to immediately recognize a curse of this kind, because it always starts to work in completely different ways, sometimes it manifests itself immediately, and sometimes even after several centuries.

The most common manifestation of a family curse is the extinction in the male family, for a variety of reasons:

  • accident,
  • disease,
  • accidents and more.

In general, the options are varied, but one of the standard and common mechanisms of this curse is when all men die for a certain period of time, for unknown reasons, this genus ceases to exist. In other words, not a single successor of this surname will remain alive. There are other, longer and more painful options for the destruction of the family and its death.

Why curse the family?

There are many reasons, but imagine the most standard situation. A large family lives without any serious problems, but suddenly, under various circumstances, men begin to die different ages. It is natural that the problem should be solved as soon as possible and one of the relatives turns to the Healer.

He, in turn, carefully looking through all the members of the clan, found that the clan was faced with a curse and began to look for the reason why it was imposed. It turns out that one of the relatives, in the distant past, committed a terrible act. Once, the ancestor dishonored the girl who became pregnant from him, the guy, in turn, renounced his responsibility and did not take her for his wife.

In ancient times, being left alone with a child in her arms was considered a shame for a girl and for her entire family. Not wanting to put up with this and unable to withstand the oppression of the townspeople, the girl decides to lay hands on herself and, of course, on the child too.

The girl's relatives, seeking justice, turn to local representatives of the law, but they, in turn, cannot do anything with the young man, since he did not commit any illegal actions in relation to the girl and is not directly involved in her death. Heartbroken relatives, realizing that they cannot achieve justice legally, make desperate attempts to achieve punishment in a different way. Going to some healer, with a plea for help, he performs a certain ritual, that is, he puts a curse on the whole family of the guilty young man, thereby restoring justice.

And it is considered generic, because relatives shelter the criminal. No parent would want their child to carry cruel punishment and protect your child in every possible way. It is then that everything happens, relatives who protect the criminal and justify his deeds and do not give him to a legal court - take on all his responsibility, moreover, they share the committed sin among themselves.

Protecting the criminal, the whole family commits a crime, while accumulating more and more negative karma., the more such crimes occur in the family, the more karma accumulates, and when the cup is already overflowing, then the curse begins to work - destroying the family.

Also, a family curse can manifest itself in other signs:

  • For example, sickness when only all men in the family fall ill with the same disease, it is especially dangerous if it leads to the death of the sick, in these cases medicine is absolutely powerless;
  • The curse is also reflected in the continuation of the family, both in women and in men: does not come out with the conception of a child, constant deaths of newborns, miscarriages;
  • It happens that the curse begins to act only when a person reaches a certain age, for example, 30 years. After this age a person loses everything that he had to achieve in his life, then the same fate awaits his children, and so a huge inevitable chain looms;
  • Another sign of a curse -. It is written in everyone in the family that they not given to find a life partner, and if it is possible to create a marriage, then it quickly breaks up. This curse most often ends with the fact that the clan ceases to exist, since children are not born in the cursed family;
  • Inherited shocks of an emotional nature, as a result of which a person is immersed in prolonged depression- this is also a clear and very common sign of a curse. All the failures that have befallen a person lead to the fact that he begins to move away from the world, finally withdraws into himself and, as a result, goes crazy;
  • And a much more common sign of a curse - poverty. For several centuries, generations have experienced eternal financial difficulties and are unable to overcome financial failures.

Birth curses in the male or female line

Most often, a family curse arises and manifests itself along the female line. And there is a logical explanation for this. Of course, the exact answer cannot be found absolutely anywhere, but do not agree with the fact that common cause the spread of the curse among women is due to the fact that women perceive it a little differently the world. It's no secret that women are often much hotter and more emotional than men.

It is thanks to the increased emotional background that a woman becomes easy prey and is more inclined to accept various negative deeds.

Most often along the female line, there are such signs of a curse:

  • Curses in the female line affect mainly children., regardless of their gender, children fall ill with severe diseases, are born with abnormalities, die in childhood, but some can bypass the disease so that the family continues and the curse passes to a new generation;
  • Women give birth already abandoned by their husbands, raise children without their fathers;
  • Suffering from diseases in the female part, permanent shortage Money for living and raising a child;
  • Also damn fate brings a woman to a man who constantly drinks, or for the one who for a long period of time ends up in places of deprivation of liberty;
  • A woman begins to depend on alcohol or drug addiction, which, in the end, leads to a shocking outcome;
  • A woman is not faithful to her husband and gives birth to children from strangers.

It is generally accepted that curses are imposed on the male sex much less frequently than on the female, but this is not at all the case. If you take everything apart in order, it seems that curses are imposed on men, no less than on women.

A man does not notice all kinds of signs, so to speak, or does not take it seriously, and the blame for everything is pride and independence, which makes you turn a blind eye to the mass of successive deaths in your family, taking it for an absurd set of circumstances.

If you close your eyes to everything and do not remove the spell in time, then most often this leads to to tragic consequences. The curse continues to exterminate the males in the family until the last male of this family dies.

There are curses that are more painful and non-fatal for men, then the question arises: what kind of birth curse is there in the male line, the signs of its manifestation, and is it possible to save yourself and loved ones? There are many signs:

  • The man becomes a loser, any business he starts turns into a failure, he loses self-confidence, masculinity, is not able to keep emotions in himself, categorically becomes unable to manage his life;
  • chronic diseases, death from unknown diseases, death in early age;
  • Often the curse leads to the fact that a man, for no reason, abandons his family, and remains lonely in old age;
  • Often men lose their sanity at an early age, after which they never return to a normal, familiar life;
  • Drunkenness, which sooner or later will lead to death. A man with a suppressed will, seeks salvation in alcoholism and drug addiction, as a result, destroys his life and dies from liver cirrhosis, drunken fights, drowning, fatal frostbite and other accidents;
  • A common sign is car accident , because today, on the roads, people are dying en masse and exclude the fact that in many cases the imposed curse will be inopportunely to blame;
  • Another weapon used by the curse is suicide. This method is a favorite, otherwise how to explain the fact that men, full of strength and energy, who strive for happy life, suddenly lay hands on themselves of their own free will. For relatives, such an act becomes complete surprise, after all, yesterday, a cheerful, cheerful person was nearby and no actions foreshadowed trouble, but today, secretly from everyone, without hesitation, he lays hands on himself. Thus, the curse takes the lives of those people who were more resistant to other influences.

It should be remembered that the curse almost always manifests itself in the same deeds for which it was caused. If a woman was cursed for having once taken away a strange man, then she herself, her daughter and granddaughter will suffer because their husbands will be taken away by other women. If a man committed a murder, then his male descendants will die under unforeseen circumstances at different ages.

How to remove the curse of the family?

People who have encountered these problems always ask: how to remove the birth curse? The ritual itself is very complex and requires a lot of effort, as well as the intervention of a strong Healer, and a considerable return is also required from you.

The cost of the ongoing ritual is very high, but do not forget that you have to work not only with one person, you need to cleanse his entire family from, it is on this that the entire subsequent fate of each member of your family depends

Not everything is complete without churches, very often people try to remove the negative impact right here. Since religion provides for the forgiveness of sins from the whole family, and often this becomes a real salvation.

They also ask the question: if a birth curse appears, how to remove it yourself? In order to save yourself, there is one radical way. If you feel the manifestation of a curse on yourself, then you should stock up on great endurance and fortitude.

To get rid of the curse, you need renounce family, this does not mean that you should leave or stop communicating, the gap is absolutely not on physical level but on the spiritual. The man who broke family connection with relatives, stops fulfilling the generic program, thereby losing the protection of the clan, but since the curse is considered directly generic, he gets rid of it.

Since ancient times, the ancestral curse was considered the most terrible of the existing magical effects. It was imposed by professional "black" sorcerers in order to shorten a person's life and exterminate his family.

The main difference, which is dangerous, is that the family curse, unlike damage or the evil eye, haunts a person and his family throughout their existence.

For what reasons can a generational curse be imposed?

The man who found out what lies in his family terrible curse, wonders why and by whom it was imposed. In fact, there can be many reasons. There are frequent situations when one of the ancestors of a person committed a criminal act, for which he was punished in this way. That is, the person against whom the deed was committed resorted to the services of a magician, asking to put a curse on the family of his offender.
Of course, the act for which a person was avenged by this method must be really terrible. Because of a banal quarrel or a momentary misunderstanding, someone is unlikely to wish evil to a person so much, resort to extreme measures, taking such a sin on his soul. Almost always, a person who has committed a cruel act is covered and protected by his relatives. This is quite natural. Who wants the actions of his relative to become public and, moreover, harm him? Of course, no one! Also for this reason, the curse is imposed not only on the offender, but also on his entire family and subsequent generation.
There are two types of this influence - through women and through men. The most common occurrence is the imposition of a curse on the female line of the family. But in the male line, such an impact is also not uncommon. Why this is so, and not otherwise, it is not possible to reliably find out. But there is a logical explanation for this. The fact is that women are much more emotional and quick-tempered than men. Ladies have a completely different vision of the world. Because of these features, they are more susceptible to magical effects than men.

How to define a birth curse?

Common Symptoms of Birth Curse
Poverty. All people of the damned kind throughout their lives cannot overcome financial difficulties.
Severe illnesses. It happens that people of the same kind, on which the curse was imposed, begin to fall ill with the same disease, which often leads to death.
Infertility. Both women and men can have difficulty conceiving children. Moreover, the official diagnosis of physicians may not be confirmed.
Emotional instability. People born in a cursed family, in addition to standard set chromosomes, inherited and emotional shock. A person may not feel it, but an imbalance in work nervous system and the psyche has a place to be. As a result, the person becomes prone to depression. Mental insanity is not a rare companion of a birth curse.
Sometimes the curse does not take effect immediately after the birth of a person, but takes effect after a certain period, for example, after 25 years. People, upon reaching this age, lose everything that was for them life value and sometimes life itself.

Family curse on the female line

- Such a terrible magical effect, imposed on the female family line, can be recognized by the following symptoms: troubles that concern children. The cursed woman's children fall ill with a severe incurable pathology or die very early. Moreover, death can be both violent and natural. There are also frequent cases of suicide. But sometimes children can be spared so that the curse can be passed on to the next generation;
- woman's behavior. She will constantly "walk" from her husband. Pregnancies from strangers are possible, as a result of which children will be born, who are also destined for a difficult fate;
- addictions that a woman will have. For example, she may abuse alcohol or start taking drugs. All this, as a rule, leads to tragic consequences;
- unsuccessful marriage. The spouses of cursed women mostly become addicted to alcohol or end up in places not so remote for a long time;
- the development of serious gynecological diseases. This refers not just to violations of the reproductive system, but to serious congenital or acquired pathologies; constant poverty. Things can reach an extreme degree - poverty, when a woman simply has nowhere to live and nothing to support her children;
- lack of personal happiness. No normal man can live happily with a cursed woman for at least a few months. As a rule, spouses or gentlemen leave without having built a strong relationship. The woman has to raise the children herself.

Family curse in the male line

- Men, unlike women, are not inclined to believe in the existence of magical effects, and even more so of generic curses. Therefore, they try not to notice the obvious, for example, when men die one after another in their family. They try to explain everything logically, they consider it a tragic coincidence. But, if you look, then curses are not so rare on the male family line. Signs of such an impact can be very different, but there are common symptoms by which one can recognize a family curse along the line of men.
- Perhaps the most obvious sign of the presence of such a curse is premature death males who are related by family ties. They may die in different ways. This can happen suddenly prolonged illness and even under mysterious circumstances.
- A striking sign is suicide, when full of strength men, it would seem, for no reason, lay hands on themselves.
- Another symptom is an accident, which leads to the death of the damned. Of course, there are times when people survive, but then they become crippled or some other misfortune happens to them.
- Drug addiction and drunkenness. As a result of constant internal tension, a man's willpower and desire to live a normal life are suppressed. He tries to get away from problems, forget about them, starting to use drugs or alcohol. The sad result of such addictions is known to all - the development of severe pathologies leading to death, or accidents (drowning, falling from a height, injuries incompatible with life).
Experts in the field of magic recommend not to hesitate, but to turn to professional magicians to remove the family curse until it exterminates all people in the family. Timely and qualified help will not only get rid of the curse, but also correct fate.

Ancestral curse is one of the most powerful negative magical influences. It differs from corruption and the usual curse in that troubles haunt not a single person, but his entire family for many generations to come. It turns out that you, their descendants, have to pay for the sins of your distant ancestors.

A family curse, as a rule, is sent by a person in order to avenge the harm done to him, or out of envy. It acquires special power when the words of the curse are pronounced in the last minutes of the curser's life.

Signs of corruption and generational curses can be different. For example, all men in the family suffer from the same disease. It is especially dangerous when it leads to death. In this case, even doctors cannot help.

A family curse can affect the continuation of the family. For example, in the female or male line: it is not possible to conceive a child, miscarriages or death of newborns occur.

Sometimes a curse on the race can only manifest itself after a person reaches a certain age. For example, having lived to the age of 30, a person can lose everything that he has achieved. Then, his children also repeat this fate. And this chain becomes inevitable.

There is no happiness in personal life - this is also one of the clear signs of a family curse. It happens that everyone in the family cannot find a life partner, or they get married, but quickly get divorced. Often this type of curse ends with the complete destruction of the clan, since the birth of children in the cursed family is not to be expected.

Hereditary emotional upheavals, which then lead to prolonged depression, are also a common sign of a birth curse. Failures in life lead to the fact that a person withdraws into himself, moves away from the outside world and eventually goes crazy.

Another of the most common manifestations of a family curse is constant financial difficulties. From generation to generation, the family does not manage to cross the poverty line.

Many may think that there are some signs of a birth curse in almost every family. It really is. Negative energy can settle in almost every family. But if earlier our ancestors knew how to remove the family curse, then in today's time, it is quite difficult.

Today we do not think about the fact that the negative of the family needs to be cleaned regularly, just like cleaning the house, washing, brushing teeth and putting your body in order. We care about the purity of our outer world, but we forget about the purity of the inner component of our life. There are many ways to remove a family curse. However, each method is purely individual and is suitable solely on the basis of the manifestation of the curse, its signs and the time of its action.

According to many psychics and magicians, the removal of damage and a family curse is a very difficult process. Often people remove negative energy in the church. Religion provides for the removal of sins from the whole family, and even those mistakes that the damned do not even know about.

There is one radical way to remove the family curse. But this will require special endurance, patience and fortitude. A person who experiences manifestations of a generational curse must completely break the connection with his family. To do this, it is not necessary to leave for another country or stop communicating with your relatives. The rupture of communication should occur not on the physical, but on the spiritual level. After that damn man simply stops executing the generic program. He loses the protection of his kind, but at the same time gets rid of the curse.

It is necessary to find your own path in life, and not the one provided by the generic program. To do this, you need to reach a new level of perception of life and your destiny. It's not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to show desire get rid of a kind of negativity and fight manifestations of magical influence.

17.09.2013 13:32

Some types of toys can be dangerous for a child. We won't be in this...

A family curse is often caused by the fact that one of the ancestors committed a number of very serious offenses. For this, he was cursed by people directly affected by these actions through magical rites or the power of their own hatred.

Ancestral curse passes from generation to generation, over many generations. In one case, the curse is worked out by all representatives of this clan, in others, the curse is transmitted either through the male or female line.

In many cases, the curse of the family does not allow a person to realize himself in life: to make brilliant career or start your own business. Does not allow to get married (marry); does not allow to conceive or have a child; makes you abuse alcohol; leads to health problems that are inexplicable from the point of view of conventional medicine; invariably turns away successful events in life, attracts troubles and misfortunes.

If there is a birth curse in your family, then the most inexplicable things can happen in life. A series of similar events occur, repeated in the same family from generation to generation. Usually these are diseases, early violent death, suicidal tendencies, conflicts between close relatives, early death.

Signs of a generational curse

All these signs, unless of course this is an isolated case, indicate that not everything is in order in your family:

  • in the family there are patients with mental disorders, neurosis, inappropriate behavior
  • no procreation in the female or male line
  • failed lives of children, repeating the lives of their parents, as if written from the same script
  • early deaths of children and men
  • chronic female diseases, infertility, hereditary endocrine diseases
  • at a certain age, a person’s whole life begins to collapse, and he loses everything, starts all over again, and so on several times
  • chronic alcoholism or drug addiction, severe illness
  • hostility and conflicts between relatives, strong quarrels over trifles between close people

How to determine generational curse?

Ancestral Curse clearly visible on wax castings in the form of sharp corners.

The birth curse affects the main information layer of the karmic body, which contains information about the development and fate of a person.

The curse of the family is written into every cell of the body and, together with genetic information, passes from generation to generation. This leads to the fact that a negative curse program hangs over the members of this family. If someone in the family dies, then part of his curse is distributed among the living. Often, if a close relative dies, a person feels a heavy burden, and this is not always a consequence of the misfortune experienced.

The curse is a finely tuned tool, a compact weapon that is unparalleled in its power, and also excludes the possibility of any protection from it by the one against whom it is directed.

The results of this destructive influence are passed on from generation to generation, not less than the seventh generation, usually. Moreover, with each next knee, the manifestation negative consequences the curse gets stronger. When it is laid down, the curse program begins to work immediately in all spheres of life, starting from the spiritual (the level of a person’s spirituality falls with all the ensuing consequences, which invariably deprives him of the support of the Higher powers and last resort on the Miracle) and then gradually in all other levels, including the physical one, leads to the collapse of a person’s life. However, when a person resists the curse and tries to correct all aspects of his Destiny, then his abilities and efforts can lead to the fact that some of the negative manifestations of the curse become compensated.

Curse very looks like demon possession its consequences, but much more difficult to eradicate. From the energy-information level, the curse is seen as a hole, a gap, a huge gap in the aura, through which numerous entities literally suck out the cursed astral world, the energy itself flows out of this funnel like a waterfall.

The cursed at the manifested level has a mass of very different, always very difficult questions, and they always appear literally from nothing, and problems and negativity surround him from all sides in all possible manifestations. From the very first days, a very rapid drop in human energy occurs, security is radically weakened and karmic debts are sharply activated, quickly leading to serious illnesses, all kinds of accidents.

One of the frequent manifestations of a family curse along the female line will be negative relationships between blood relatives - mother and daughter, father and son. In these cases, there is a negative energy-information program that starts the events of people's lives in a circle - people cannot communicate calmly without insulting each other, but they are not able to part - the program firmly keeps them close to each other, creating a movement in a circle of scandals, threats, insults and misunderstandings.

In this case, not only the work of the Magician or the Parapsychologist is shown, but also the own efforts of the people involved in the program: the first step is to understand what is happening to the person, and then a series of steps are already taken to reduce the effect of the curse, or completely destroy the curse.

Over the years of practice, I am convinced that it is necessary to remove and treat the negatives of the magical plan according to two rules

  • shoot like with like(if the curse is delivered through the cemetery, then the negative should be removed there)
  • determine what are the main forces- helpers will help to remove the curse from a particular family. For example, a gypsy curse is well removed in the church, with the help of certain conspiracies, prayers and reprimands.

The curse of a blood relative is reduced by blood. This must be done, since the carrier of the program of the birth curse is precisely the blood.

The reasons for the birth curse, as a rule, are determined by the magician, but the person himself, with the help of simple techniques, can try to determine where the negative actually comes from.

Determination of the culprit of the birth curse through the church

  1. All blood relatives are listed, or in the case of a family line through the female line - all women whose names are known in a particular family up to 3-4 generations.
  2. The names are written in a certain order on a piece of paper.
  3. A memorial service is served in the church for all family members; on the eve, in a certain order (as on a piece of paper), one candle is placed for each deceased relative of this kind.
  4. The names of those whose candles will smoke heavily on the eve are written on a piece of paper. It is better to do this while the priest is reading a funeral service ordered for the deceased relatives.
  5. After the perpetrators of the negative are identified, let's say these are 4 names, a funeral magpie is ordered in their names, or, better, an annual funeral service.
  6. In the event that the graves of the cursed relatives are available, there is a mention: black bread, vodka, hard-boiled eggs. In doing so, it says:

you (name) have bread, take your curse!

If the curse from relatives is removed, the person immediately feels great relief, things quickly get better, conflicts and quarrels go away.

Of course, not all curses can be removed in this way, it is more suitable for those who received a curse in the heat of the moment, according to the words "Damn you!" Strong family curses made by the sorcerer are removed only by the master, while generous ransoms and monetary donations are used.

In conclusion, I would like to bring here good technique, the author of which is my colleague, Master from Ufa, Vedma. This technique makes it possible to get rid of the manifestations of the birth curse, just in case of manifestations of negativity in conflicts between mother and daughter, granddaughter and grandmother.

Technique for obtaining the Force from the foremother of your kind

Relationships with your mother affect your self-confidence, relationships with men. They say that a woman chooses a husband who looks like her mother, and everything that she did not accept in her mother, she also does not accept in a man and tries to get from him what she could not get from her mother - unconditional love, support, attention, recognition. Your relationship with your mother also affects the difficulties in your life. The worse the relationship with the mother, the greater the difficulties. It is the maternal race that fills you with basic self-confidence. When all the women of the family support you, you feel their strength and power behind you.

Our mothers do everything the way they know how and understand. It's never too late to change everything here and now. It's never too late to have a happy childhood...

So: a journey to the first woman of a kind or a technique for changing the fate of one's own, one's daughters and the entire female line of one's kind.

Remember your mother, what she is now, what she says and how she looks. Remember what she was like when she was young. Imagine her as a young woman giving birth to an adorable baby - you. See her as a very young girl, full of hope and love for life. See her as a confused teenager. See her as a little little girl of about five, see her as a very young child taking her first steps. See her as a newborn, imagine her in her mother's tummy. Imagine her as a small cell and see how two lines connect in this cell - her mother's life line and her father's life line.

Choose her mother's life line and follow it into the past. See your grandmother carrying her child, see her as a young girl open to life, see her very young and go further along her life line, see her at twelve, see her as a very little girl and see her newborn. And imagine her very tiny in her mother's tummy, and imagine how the life lines of her father and her mother are connected in this cell and again choose the female line. Walk along it deep into the centuries until you reach the first woman of your kind. Look at what she is like, the first woman of your kind. Feel her strength, power and great love for you. Stand in front of her, accept her blessing and give her love and respect.

See how all the women of your kind stand to the right and left of her. Fill them with your love, your strength and accept their love and support. And when you're ready, come back down the line female destiny healing and straightening her, filling her with the light of his love and gratitude. And see your grandmother again in her mother's tummy, see her as a newborn smiling at a new day, see her as a tiny girl discovering the world, see her as a little girl dancing and spinning, see her as a teenage girl, laughing and mischievous. See her as a young girl, falling in love for the first time and going on her first date. See her as a young woman expecting her child.
And see your mom in her mom's tummy. And see your mom just born and see your mom as a little girl playing with dolls and a ten year old reading a book see your mom as a young girl smiling shyly at her lover see your mom expecting her baby and see yourself in your tummy at your mom, see yourself speaking first words, see yourself as a five year old receiving a birthday present. See yourself as a young girl going on a date for the first time. See yourself today. And having breathed in and out, return to reality and open your eyes ...

In conclusion.

Step-by-step elimination of the cause of resentment, strong negative emotions, and their manifestations in the form of showdowns and scandals, and other psychological negativity in all blood relatives involved in the generic program of conflicts using this technique at the everyday, human level will be effective. In addition, considerable endurance will be required from all family members, one should not allow the birth program, manifesting itself on the human plane, to destroy close family ties and create new grievances and claims against each other: the birth curse is a spiritual disease, and the manifestations and symptoms of any disease should be treated with patience, only then there is hope for recovery.

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