Paintings by Zinaida Serebryakova. Artist Zinaida Serebryakova

December 28, 2015, 03:39 PM

Biography of Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova

Zinaida Serebryakova was born on November 28, 1884 in the Neskuchnoye family estate near Kharkov. Her father was a famous sculptor. Mother came from the Benois family, and in her youth she was a graphic artist. Her brothers were no less talented, the younger was an architect, and the older master monumental painting and charts.

His artistic development Zinaida is primarily obliged to her uncle Alexander Benois - mother's brother and older brother.

The artist spent her childhood and youth in St. Petersburg in the house of her grandfather, the architect N. L. Benois, and in the Neskuchny estate. Zinaida's attention was always attracted by the work of young peasant girls in the field. Subsequently, this is reflected more than once in her work.

In 1886, after the death of his father, the family moved from the estate to St. Petersburg. All family members were busy creative activity, Zina also painted with enthusiasm.

In 1900 Zinaida graduated women's gymnasium and entered art school, founded by Princess M. K. Tenisheva.

In 1902-1903, during a trip to Italy, she created many sketches and studies.

In 1905 she marries Boris Anatolyevich Serebryakov, her cousin. After the wedding, the young went to Paris. Here Zinaida attends the Academy de la Grande Chaumière, works hard, draws from nature.

A year later, the young return home. In Neskuchny, Zinaida works hard - she creates sketches, portraits and landscapes. In the very first works of the artist, you can already see her own style to determine the scope of her interests. In 1910, Zinaida Serebryakova was waiting for real success.

In 1910, at the 7th exhibition of Russian artists in Moscow, the Tretyakov Gallery acquired a self-portrait "Behind the Toilet" and gouache "Green in Autumn". Her landscapes are magnificent - pure, bright tones of colors, perfection of technique, unprecedented beauty nature.

The flowering of the artist's work occurs in 1914-1917. Zinaida Serebryakova created a series of paintings dedicated to the Russian village, peasant labor and Russian nature - "Peasants", "Sleeping Peasant Woman".

In the painting "Whitening of the Canvas", Serebryakova's bright talent as a muralist was revealed.

In 1916, A. N. Benois was entrusted with painting the Kazansky railway station in Moscow, he also attracted Zinaida to work. The artist took up the theme of the countries of the East: India, Japan, Türkiye. She allegorically represented these countries in the form beautiful women. At the same time, she began work on compositions on the themes ancient myths. Self-portraits occupy a special role in the work of Zinaida Serebryakova.

During the civil war, Zinaida's husband was on a survey in Siberia, and she and her children were in Neskuchny. It seemed impossible to move to Petrograd, and Zinaida went to Kharkov, where she found work in the Archaeological Museum. Her family estate in "Neskuchny" burned down, all her works perished. Boris later died. Circumstances force the artist to leave Russia. She goes to France. All these years the artist lived in constant thoughts about her husband. She painted four portraits of her husband, which are kept in the Tretyakov Gallery and the Novosibirsk Art Gallery.

In the 1920s, Zinaida Serebryakova returned with her children to Petrograd, in former apartment Benoit. Zinaida's daughter Tatyana began to study ballet. Zinaida, together with her daughter visit Mariinskii Opera House, there are also behind the scenes. In the theater, Zinaida constantly painted. In 1922 she created a portrait of D. Balanchine dressed as Bacchus. Creative communication with ballerinas throughout three years reflected in an amazing series of ballet portraits and compositions.

family is going through Hard times. Serebryakova tried to paint paintings to order, but she did not succeed. She loved to work with nature.

In the first years after the revolution, a lively exhibition activity. In 1924 Serebryakova became an exhibitor of a large exhibition of Russian visual arts in America. All the paintings presented to her were sold. With the proceeds, she decides to go to Paris to arrange an exhibition and receive orders. She leaves in 1924.

The years spent in Paris did not bring her joy and creative satisfaction. She yearned for her homeland, sought to reflect her love for her in her paintings. Her first exhibition took place only in 1927. She sent the money she earned to her mother and children.

In 1961 in Paris she was visited by two Soviet artist- S. Gerasimov and D. Shmarinov. Later in 1965, they arrange an exhibition for her in Moscow.

In 1966, the last, large exhibition of Serebryakova's works took place in Leningrad and Kyiv.

In 1967, in Paris, at the age of 82, Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova died.

Autobiography of Z. E. Serebryakova

(I answer questions).

1. I was born in our estate “Neskuchnoe” (Kursk [oy] province [of] Belgorod district) on December 12 [April], 1884 (For a long time, in indicating the year of my birth, a mistake crept in - marked 1885, maybe because I was born at the very end of 1884?..

2. Art [education] received, mainly, in the family of my grandfather, Nikolai Leontyevich Benois, where we moved after the death of my father, Evgeny Aleksandrovich] Lansere, in 1886: everything in our family were engaged in art - my brothers Evgeny Evgenievich] and Nikolay Evgenievich] (architect), my mother, my uncle - Alexander Nikolaev [ich] Benois, my sisters. After graduating from the Kolomna Women's Gymnasium, I entered the Art School of Prince. M. K. Tenisheva, headed by I. E. Repin. But, unfortunately, she stayed there only 25 days and I. E. Repin never saw, since the school was closed! But there I first began to work from nature (May 1901). Then I entered the studio of the artist O. E. Braz (1903-1904) (1904-1905).

3. I did not study anywhere in other educational institutions either in Russia or in the West.

4. teaching activities did not work.

5. Unfortunately, she traveled a little in Russia: as a child, she spent the summer either in Peterhof or in Finland. After the death of my grandfather Nik[olay] Leon[tyevich] Benois in 1898, they began to go to Neskuchnoye for the summer. After her marriage in 1905, she remained there until late autumn and even in winter.

During the civil war, "Neskuchnoe" died (it was burned), and I lived in Kharkov with my children and my mother for 3 years. There I worked at the Archaeological Museum, drawing finds from burial mounds (necklaces, etc.) of the Scythians. (These drawings, it seems, are still in the Archaeological Museum in Kharkov).

Yes, I forgot that I went in 1911 and 1913 to the Crimea, where I spent one month each spring - Yalta, Gurzuf; 2nd time - Simeiz, was, or rather passing through, in Bakhchisarai.

She was abroad for the first time in 1902 in Italy on the island of Capri, and then for 3 months in Rome (1902–1903). After marriage, in 1905 she spent the winter in Paris with her husband and my mother - 1905–1906. At that time she attended the art] school Academie de la grande Chaumiere (but she never saw the leaders of the school, the artists [artists] Simon and Doche).

In 1914, she spent 1.5 months in Italy - Venice, Florence and Milan, and returned to Neskuchnoye through Switzerland, Vienna and Kyiv (just on the eve of the declaration of war).

6. Didn't work in any other art forms besides painting.

7. The list of exhibitions in which I participated, or independent - I attach separately.

8. Was a member of the World of Art Society since 1910. In Paris I am a member of the Syndicate French artists» since 1947

(Z. Serebryakova: Collection of materials and exhibition catalog for the 100th anniversary of the artist's birth. M., 1986. P. 44–46)

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Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova (1884-1967)- Russian artist, member of the Society of Artists "World of Art".

On November 28, 1884, a girl was born in the Neskuchnoye estate (near Kharkov), who was destined to become one of the first Russian women who entered the history of world painting. Her name is Zinaida Serebryakova.

It could not have turned out otherwise, because from the very birth she was surrounded by talented people. Father - E.A. Lansere - famous sculptor, mother - sister famous artist, founder of the World of Art, Alexandra Benois. The Zinaida brothers were no less talented - the younger one became a prominent architect, and the older one became a master of monumental painting.

The first 2 years of Zina's childhood were spent in the Neskuchnoye family estate, where she later returned at an older age. In the future, the impressions received from life in the estate will be reflected in her work.

In 1886, after the death of his father, the family moved to his grandfather's house in St. Petersburg. Here appreciated classical art, education and craving for beauty. Everyone gave himself to creativity, to draw the beginnings and Zina.

After graduating from the women's gymnasium in 1900, she entered the art school founded by Princess M. Tenesheva. Impressed by the stories of his grandfather, Professor Nikolai Benois, in 1902 Zinaida made a trip to Italy, where she wrote sketches and sketches. Returning home, in 1903-1905 the young artist worked in the workshop of O.E. Braza.

In 1905, the girl marries her cousin, Boris Serebryakov. During honeymoon trip Zinaida continues to improve her artistic skill– Attends classes at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière in Paris.

Since 1906, the artist has been working hard and fruitfully. Already in early works- "Country Girl", 1906 and "Orchard in Bloom", 1908 - appears extraordinary talent Serebryakova, her own style and handwriting begins to take shape. The beauty of simple things, the charm of Russian nature, the harmony of peasant labor - all this served as inspiration for the artist.

The first truly high-profile success was brought to her by the work “Self-Portrait. Behind the toilet”, shown in 1910 at the exhibition of the Union of Russian Artists. Captivated by critics with freshness, simplicity and immediacy, the picture was acquired by Tretyakov Gallery th.

In 1911, Serebryakova joined the World of Art society, which advocated the revival of traditions artistic heritage of the past.

Pre-revolutionary 1914-1917 - the heyday of the pictorial talent of Zinaida Serebryakova. During this period, she creates paintings that glorify the Russian village, native nature and labor simple peasants- "Peasants" (1914), "Harvest" (1915), "Sleeping Peasant Woman" (1917), "Whitening of the Canvas" (1917).

In 1916 A.N. Benois attracted the artist to work on the painting of the Kazan railway station, where Zinaida showed herself to be an excellent master of monumental painting. Japan and India, Turkey and Siam, by the will of the artist's imagination, took on the appearance of beautiful women and became a bright decoration of the station.

After resounding success in the life of Z. Serebryakova, a streak of misfortunes followed. In 1917, the family house was burned down and the artist's workshop in Neskuchny was destroyed. In 1919, the artist's husband died of typhus. The family is in dire need of everything. At this time, Serebryakova paints a picture " House of cards"- the personification of the fragility of family happiness, warmth and comfort that can melt in an instant.

Personal tragedy that raged in the country Civil War, forced the artist on a short time leave their homeland and go to France.

In 1920, having received an offer to become a professor at the Academy of Arts, Serebryakova and her family moved to Petrograd. Eldest daughter Tatyana begins to study ballet, dance comes to the canvases of the artist. On the whole, in the 1920s, she eschewed the mass revolutionary agitation theme, refused to "master" Futurism, remaining true to the traditions of the World of Arts.

In 1924, Zinaida Serebryakova's works were shown at a charity exhibition of Russian art in America. With the proceeds from the sale of paintings, the artist decides to go to Paris in order to arrange a personal exhibition and get more orders. Leaving for France in September 1924, she hoped to return soon, but fate decreed otherwise.

Abroad, the artist manages to arrange several personal exhibitions, but the work does not bring her former satisfaction, and the modest earnings do not allow her to return to her homeland. Finally, plans to return home were destroyed by the outbreak of the Second World War. In order not to become a prisoner of a concentration camp, Zinaida Evgenievna had to renounce Russian citizenship and obtain a French passport.

Zinaida Serebryakova was never able to come to native land. In the USSR, she was remembered only in 1966, when, through the efforts of Serebryakova's children and caring artists in the country, they managed to organize a large exhibition of her works. Paintings received universal recognition, and the name of the artist sounded in full force in her beloved homeland.

Zinaida Serebryakova died in 1967 in France. She was buried in the Russian cemetery in Saint-Genevieve-des-Bois.

Paintings by Zinaida Serebryakova:

Zinaida Evgenievna, nee Lansere, came from an artistic family. Her life, easy at first and developing "out of love", once collapsed and no longer improved. Even after death: the Russian artist died not in her native land, but in distant France. Her ashes rest in the émigré cemetery in Paris, among others. talented people"from art", who once and for all remained without a point of support and with eternal homesickness in their souls. And the paintings of Zinaida Serebryakova, in spite of everything, returned to Russia and became an integral part of Russian art.

Zika. Boring

Zika Lansere was born, according to some sources, on December 10, according to others, on December 12, 1884, at her parents' estate near Kharkov. The estate had a sonorous name "Neskuchnoe". Maybe because the people who lived in it were not bored to live - they loved the world that surrounded them too much and were passionate about creativity: mother and brothers - painting, father - sculpture, grandfather - architecture. Or maybe because the inhabitants of this area were cheerful people and loved life very much.

Perhaps the natural talent of graphics and the influence of his father would have made young talent a good sculptor, but Eugene Lanceray dies of consumption very early. Zika was only two years old at the time.

Zina became interested in drawing very early - family abilities affected. In 1886, the Lansere family moved to St. Petersburg. And Neskuchnoe remained just a place for the plot of the annual summer fairy tale. But it was this fairy tale that became a whole stage in her life: on the opposite bank of the Muromka River, almost opposite the Lansere house, in Neskuchnoye, the blue-eyed handsome Boris Serebryakov lived, love for whom lit up a girl’s existence and brought into it a life-giving clean stream and astringent taste of waiting for a miracle.

Even in Italy, where Zinaida made a trip, the girl failed to enjoy its nature and culture, so she missed her Boris and Neskuchny. At the same time, she wrote avidly and a lot. However italian paintings Zinaida Serebryakova great attention were not attracted.

Zinaida Lansere. Petersburg

The life stage of Zinaida Lansere, which took place in St. Petersburg, gave her the opportunity to receive good education And creative development. Zina received her art education at the school of Princess Tenisheva. Early work did not give the girl fame. But in 1905, Zinaida's family status changes - she marries Boris Serebryakov and takes his last name, under which she will become known to all lovers of Silver Age poetry.

Immediately after the wedding, France appears for the first time in the biography of Zinaida Serebryakova, where she goes to study her favorite business. A huge number of sketches, sketches, paintings of various subjects were written by her during this trip, which she went on with her husband.

Romantic moods, inspired by a warm and deep feeling for her husband, are also reflected in the artist's paintings: bright pure joyful colors, the picture seems to be transparent and completely weightless, everything emanates a feeling of positive, happiness and light. Zinaida paints a portrait of her beloved husband and herself before the start of a new have a good day- for the morning toilet. These paintings were included in the first exhibition of paintings by Zinaida Serebryakova, held in 1910 in St. Petersburg. Then the paintings: Zinaida Serebryakova's self-portrait "Behind the Toilet" and "Green Autumn" were bought by Pavel Tretyakov and entered the main fund of his gallery.

Zinaida Serebryakova. Fruitful

The time after marriage, when a young couple has four children in a short time - two sons and two daughters, became the most fruitful in the artist's work. Yes, and the topics that the young mother addresses are connected with the land, its fertility and abundance, the Russian village with its large friendly and hard-working families and peasant labor but not a heavy burden, but a living joy that fills the workers on earth. The beauty of Russian nature, the immensity of native expanses are reflected in such paintings as "Peasants", "Harvest", "Whitening of the Canvas", etc.

The paintings of Zinaida Serebryakova are still bright and joyful, the perception of the world is clear and naive in a good way. The color scheme is just as bright and saturated, and the images of people and nature exist in perfect harmony. And she writes them in her beloved heart, Neskuchny. The paintings of Zinaida Serebryakova make her famous precisely in these three pre-revolutionary years. most famous work of this period is the painting "At Breakfast", reflecting the happiness of a quiet family life and is the epitome of quiet and cozy family life Serebryakov.

Zinaida Serebryakova. collapse

Everything terrible in life always happens unexpectedly. Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova, according to her memoirs, foresaw trouble: even before the revolution in 1917 tragic death village girl Poli Molchanova, who drowned in Muromka, seemed to her a bad sign. And so it happened. And the native Neskuchnoye was the first to suffer - in 1918 it was burned down. Zinaida, with her mother and children, moved to Kharkov and got a job at the archaeological museum. At that time, her husband Boris Serebryakov worked in construction railway Ufa - Orenburg, and they rarely saw each other. It was not always possible to get through by phone - the connection was sometimes interrupted for a long time. On the way home, Boris becomes infected with typhus and suddenly dies in his wife's arms. Zinaida is left with four small children in her arms. At the same time, Ekaterina Nikolaevna Benois, the mother of the artist, fell seriously ill.

In 1920, the family of Zinaida Serebryakova moved to St. Petersburg and settled in a communal apartment located in the Benois family apartment. The artist is offered to work as a teacher at the Academy of Arts, but she refused. She also does not want to write propaganda posters demanded by the Soviet government, which at that time could give them both food and well-being. She writes what was native to her: landscapes, portraits, still lifes, household paintings. There is little money, there is practically no means of subsistence left. It was during this period that the most difficult in spirit and perception of the canvases were written. The most famous of them was the painting "House of Cards", written in 1919.

Zinaida Serebryakova. Abroad!

It would seem that life and luck suddenly turned to face Zinaida Serebryakova: first, in 1924, all her paintings, which were part of the exhibition of Russian art in America, were sold, then an order came from Paris to create a large decorative panel. In order to do the work, it was necessary to leave their native land and go to France, to Paris. The woman grabs this lifeline and leaves, leaving her mother and children in Russia.

Zinaida Serebryakova. in exile

In Paris, she turns out to be of no use to anyone. The little money earned from the canvases sold with difficulty is barely enough to somehow tie loose ends. She sends most of them to her mother and children. A year after leaving for France Soviet authorities allow her middle son Alexander to go to her, and two years later - youngest daughter Catherine. Zinaida Serebryakova will no longer be able to return to her homeland, although her paintings are returning to Russia: in the 1960s, exhibitions by Zinaida Serebryakova were held in Moscow, Leningrad and Kyiv with great success. Eugene and Tatyana lived in Leningrad with their grandmother Ekaterina Benois.

The works of this period are partly "inspired" by Sergey Diaghilev's Russian Seasons and are dedicated to Russian ballet, but, in addition, they are associated with that page of life when her daughter Tata was engaged in ballet: "Ballet dressing room. Snowflakes", "Girls-sylphs", etc.

A number of paintings cover landscape themes and reflect the beauty and unusualness of European nature for Serebryakova's perception. There are portraits and still lifes. But all these pictures keep a shade of gloom and melancholy, sadness and philosophical contemplation.

Zinaida Serebryakova. Return without return

The thread that connected the artist with the Fatherland was the daughter of Tatyana Borisovna Serebryakova - theater artist Moscow Art Academic Theatre.

In the 1980s, Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova was remembered and talked about in her homeland, even allowed to return. But the artist no longer had the strength or health for this long and hard way. She died at the age of 82 and was buried in the Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois cemetery.

Recently, in April 2017, another exhibition by Zinaida Serebryakova was presented at the Tretyakov Gallery. Particularly stand out, in addition to those mentioned above, are the portraits of the artist's children. Self-portraits of Zinaida Serebryakova also attract the eye. Something poignant creeps into the soul when you peer into these faces and remember the hard fate of the characters.

Unforgettable are the images of Russian beauties with features of European Madonnas, presented in the works of Zinaida Serebryakova. naughty open faces, wide-open eyes, a half-smile ... There is something in them from the beauties of the Renaissance, depicted on the canvases of Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael. Hymn female beauty and youth!

The biography of Zinaida Serebryakova was very difficult. However, the artist, having overcome all the hardships and hardships, became one of the few examples of women who managed to win recognition in the art world.

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