The ninth season of Eagle and Tails. Unexplored Europe" began with shocking filming


Everyone who has ever watched the program "Heads and Tails" probably thought to himself "oh, I would like such a job." Read about how one of the most successful travel shows was created. exclusive interview Zhenya Sinelnikov for the site.

Did you know that the TV show "Eagle and Reshka"— is it a completely Ukrainian product? This year, the brainchild of the Teen Spirit production studio received the SNOB magazine award and the Russian TEFI as the best fun show. About the secrets of success and what remains behind the scenes, ”Lena Satarova asked.

How the idea was born

It all started with a call from Zhanna Badoeva, who offered to do a project together, it was only necessary to come up with which one. Three people took up the development of the idea - me, creative producer Katerina Turova and Natella Krapivina. The idea was to come up with a project where we could all enjoy the process. Conversations, brainstorms, emails - and the idea of ​​two travelers whose fate is decided by a coin - is ready!

Our main principle- make a program for friends. Not for mom, aunt, or babysitter. Here, let's say, my close friend What will I tell him about? “Look - a monument to Lenin, which is amazingly beautifully made in the style of constructivism”? Of course not! I will tell him, for example, that informals gather near this monument and sing shameful songs. General information is of little interest to anyone, it should be talked about in passing. It’s better to talk about what really excited you.

It's one thing to show how we ride a beautiful Lamborghini. Well, cool, nothing more. Another thing is to show how it broke right in the frame, how it is repaired and how much the repair costs.

How to surprise the audience, which itself travels no less than the leading

Our program is not so much about travel as it is about adventure.

Why "Reshka" fired? Because we were not originally going to make a classic television product. Our goal was not to create a tourist show like “look here, here beautiful monument". We simply show the journey of two fools who know nothing about the city, but study it with enthusiasm and express their subjective opinion in a lively language.

The main Tails came out in 137 issues, we traveled to 80-90 countries.

What is really difficult is to continue to be constantly surprised by yourself, filming the 9th season of the program. But we found a way. This season we are talking about unexplored Europe - places where, relatively speaking, you will not meet crowds of Chinese with cameras and you will not hear Russian speech.

In Europe, the most interesting thing is the villages, not the cities. There is still a real Europe left, which, as it lived 100 years ago, still lives.

How is the preparation for filming going?

The stage of preparation begins in Kyiv. Both scripts are written here - filming and editing. In the shooting script, we dump a list of potentially interesting locations. After that, the producer drives through all these locations, decides yes and no. At the same time, he is looking for "clues" right on the streets - asking locals about their favorite places, watching street culture.

As a result, a maximum of 30% remains from the original script drawn up in Kyiv.

Why do we often have to shoot "from under the coat"

We are the first to start filming this type of transmission with a camera.

Photography is not allowed everywhere. Therefore, we have developed a whole series of tricks. For example, in the boutique Tiffany & Co. in New York, we lied to the sellers that the presenter wanted to propose to his girlfriend and asked permission to film this touching moment at the camera. They said ok. But they don't understand Russian anyway! And in Milan, on Monte Napoleone, we generally had to shoot “from under the coat”.

Official permission to shoot often spoils the picture. Because you can no longer say that the institution is complete shit.

We try to always tell the truth, sometimes directly, sometimes in a veiled way. In Bilbao, we were once invited to a super-cool restaurant with three Michelin stars. They drove for two hours, showed how they prepare everything, where everything grows. They put us to feed, they look into our mouths, but ... it's tasteless! Well, it doesn't taste right! And again, the fact that they simply do not understand what we are saying saves us. In the picture - a satisfied presenter, tasting gourmet dishes of molecular cuisine. According to the text - "mmmm, complete shit"! Everyone is happy. We do not have the goal of scolding, but it is important to tell the truth about our feelings.

Where does the operator sleep?

The coin decides the fate of not only the presenters, but also their operators.

Therefore, it often happens that the whole team throws it up- and thus the composition of the "rich" and "budget" film crew is formed.

The operator always lives with the leader, otherwise it makes no sense for the leader to spend the night in a certain place. If you only pretend to spend the night, say, in a Buddhist temple, then you will never be able to film how at 4 in the morning the monks wake everyone up, call them to a common prayer and meet the dawn. Everything must be real.

The staff of people who travel to all cities is 7 people. Two groups, in each - scriptwriter-director, operator, presenter. The producer works for two teams.

Who is cooler - the director or the presenter

As a director, I have been working since the very first issue, as a host - the first season. Casting for the presenter went on a bet. For a long time we could not find a suitable candidate, and for fun I recorded the issue, sent it for approval - and so I became the host!

The biggest difficulty for the presenter is to be cheerful all the time, even when you do not sleep for the second day and constantly try all sorts of nasty things.

The host is a litmus test, a guinea pig. He is a follower - come here, do this, try that. It's funny when the whole team stands and looks at the poor thing, saying "come on, eat this muck that they poured on you."

It is also interesting to watch how the presenter rushes about, suffers. Once we filmed a story about the gastronomic delights of the hacarple shark, which is nothing more than the rotten meat of a giant Greenland shark. Initially, it is poison. But the Vikings came up with such a trick - they bury meat in the ground for three months, it rots there and due to this all harmful chemicals go away. This delicacy tastes like hell. Kolya Serga, who was then the leader, almost refused to try. But Bednyakov in Macau refused to jump on the bungee. He stopped and said: "Well, to hell with him, show that I'm a coward, but I won't jump!" I'm also not sure that I would jump on the highest bungee jumping in the world, which, in addition, is not located above the river, but above the asphalt.

The host's jokes are able to draw out any program, even in a city with rather boring locations.

But before getting on the plane, the presenter does not delve into the script at all. On location, he can sit and spit at the ceiling while the director decides how to unlock the potential of the place. To explain why we came to this particular place is the task of the director.

What is truly remembered in the constant cycle of impressions

The great thing about our job is that you meet new interesting people all the time. And not like that you went out, drank tea - that's all your most vivid impression of the day.

For example, I really remember a man in Greenland, whom we met by chance when we went to barbecue whale meat. After talking, it turned out that he was 65 years old, although he looked 40, and that he took disadvantaged criminal children on 6-month-long hiking tours to the north of Greenland. With them they have only matches, a gun and a sleeping bag. And that's it! No food, no water, no salt! Today they shot a bear, tomorrow a deer, the day after tomorrow they caught fish. For six months they live in this format. He says that the first two weeks everyone swears, the second two weeks - everyone is silent, the remaining 5 months - the formation of a new person begins. I got this idea in my head, it's such a test!

And these are interesting people meet in every city.

About personal life

Now I visit Ukraine 7 days a month. Upon arrival - immediately in Zaporozhye to the child and parents. Because of the filming, the son is constantly with his grandmother, I miss him madly. This is my sore spot and the main reason why I may not agree to next season.

I was lucky that my wife Lena Sinelnikova is a producer, co-author and CEO our production studio, so we are often together on the set.

One of the most beautiful girls television - 24-year-old Regina Todorenko was remembered and loved by viewers thanks to the popular travel show "Eagle and Tails" on the channel "Friday!". The charming blonde managed to easily get around several hundred contenders for the role new star project and instantly captivate the eyes of millions of fans, raising the already high ratings to heaven. IN candid conversation with SUPER Regina revealed behind the scenes secrets and shared plans for the future.

How did you get into the show "Eagle and Tails", was it difficult to pass the casting?

I came completely spontaneous, with a bag of general store and red lips, having fun, talking to people. Then I was invited to another casting and they said: “Take your passport, slippers, panama and leave in a week.”

On my twenty-second birthday, I thought of traveling a lot, but I did not think of how. This is what the power of thought means. I'm lucky.

Did you meet co-host Kolya Serga at the casting?

No, with Kolya we are both from Odessa. I participated in the Ukrainian "Star Factory - 2", and he was in the third, and we met.

Despite the fact that he is a heavy and temperamental young man, we quickly worked together, it was fun to travel with him.

Why weren't you paired with Bednyakov in the new season?

You still wait, put. We recently filmed a show. Of course, he is a lover of a sharp word, but a good person. I think you'll enjoy this release. I, as usual, find myself in an extreme situation in it, spending the night on a glacier.

With which of the leaders of "Eagle and Tails" would you like to lead new season?

I have one favorite presenter - Lesya Nikityuk. She is the funniest. We recently filmed with her, so I laughed all the time. It is easy to work with her, she is very comfortable as a partner. With Zhenya Sinelnikov, too, he is very sweet and kind, it’s not even interesting to throw a coin.

It is very difficult to work with Kolya, he is interesting as a character separately, but not in tandem.

Have there been conflict situations during filming with co-hosts?

No. There are disputes with the director on a creative basis. We don’t really see each other with the co-hosts, only at the initial and final eyeliner.

What country, maybe city, do you remember the most, where would you like to stay to live?

I have a top countries that I want to visit again. This is the Republic of Vanuatu with its tribes and volcanoes. Iceland with unreal beauties and geysers. There beautiful people, they do not close the doors, do not take the keys out of the cars, there are no police there, in such conditions one really wants to live. The third country is Australia, Melbourne is very creative people, absolute freedom. And, of course, America. I have long wanted to study in America.

What education do you have?

After school, I chose where to go to study, at the American Film Academy or the French Sorbonne. There was not enough money, and I entered the Odessa National Maritime University as a customs officer. Honestly unlearned for three years and transferred to directing. At the age of sixteen, I reasoned that creativity would not go away from me, but I needed to earn money.

On the air they show how you spend only two days, but how long does it actually take to shoot one episode?

Three because we have a large number of locations as a result does not get into the program. We do not always know where we are going and whether it will be interesting there. For example, in New Zealand there is an absolutely terrible excursion to the firefly cave. On a boat you swim five meters, watch the fireflies sit, and that's it, but you pay forty bucks for it, and that's a lot.

Was traveling more interesting with a hundred dollars or with an unlimited card?

With a hundred bucks it's always more interesting, because it's a risk and a gamble. True, there are many excursions and moments when you want to be rich and pay for them. Although now there are a lot of available people who love to communicate and help you, you just have to write and get to know each other.

The couchsurfing system is designed to different people communicated with each other, and it does not matter who will come to you. Traveling around Europe, I realized that Europeans are very interested in how we live, to see our country.

Don't be afraid to come to a stranger to another country?

They are very law-abiding and honest, it is not scary to go to them. Here's to us - I would have thought. It is also beneficial for them, they understand that you are a couchsurfer and they can also come to visit you. Europeans love backpacking on a budget. I have traveled so many times. In Montreal, I actually had a case when a girl from the street let me spend the night.

And where do the operators who shoot with you spend the night?

They have a hard time - they work harder than me, and spend the night in the same conditions as me. Where we just did not spend the night - in the desert, on a glacier, in a nest in a tree.

When a coin is tossed, it immediately becomes clear who is poor and who is rich. I get a hundred bucks all the time and the operators just hate me.

Are you really flipping a coin?

Where do you think is the most tasty food?

I really love oysters in France, they are wonderful. I love sea creatures in general. I really liked the meat in the Azores, cooked in volcanic dust. It is immersed two meters underground, and it languishes there for nine hours, incredibly tasty. I can’t say that I liked it, but I ate pig intestines, a two-week-old duck fetus. There is nothing wrong with this.

Have there been times when you have refused any particular food or extreme situations?

On "Reshka" she did not refuse anything, she even sucked out the eye of a fish. I played with myself weakly.

Which country has the most handsome men?

Male beauty is a loose concept. Some people like muscular bearded men, while others like thin and cute ones. I love both of them. Both are available in Australia. There, all the men are so sleek, athletic and strong, and the women next to them with such cellulite priests. I also like Puerto Ricans, I love Latinos.

What about women?

I like Ethiopian and Spanish women. When we were in Ethiopia, the operators went crazy.

You said that at the very beginning of filming Heads and Tails, there was no time for sex. Has the situation changed now?

It’s not there, I haven’t stopped driving. My young man is grieving. It's hard to maintain long distance relationships.

How long have you been with your boyfriend? In the last interview, you said that you are free.

I lied. I have always had young people. I always said that my young man is music, and so it remained. The priority will always be music, maybe when I get married, my husband and children will be the priority.

current young man you consider as a future husband?

Of course I'm considering. I hope this union will be long and strong.

What is his name?

It's a secret. Maybe someday I'll introduce you to him.

What does he do?


How does he feel about you leaving him for so long?

Just like my parents. He worries about me, because I get sick very often on trips.

Your colleague Zhanna Badoeva recently became the host of a new beauty show on the Friday! TV channel. Would you like to have your own show in Russia?

Of course I would. I am a director by education and I will be happy to take part in the program, which I myself will create. It will be a little later, now I want to sing.

Creative person tries to cover all areas of activity. It helps to concentrate and nourish energetically yoga and Eastern practices which I do every day. So I get four hours of sleep.

Has the political situation in Ukraine affected your career?

How can it affect if I'm only at the beginning of my journey?

My relatives live in Donetsk and everyone is worried. It would be hypocrisy to deny that there is a war. It seems to me that it will be a very long time, and it is scary to talk about it. I don't want it to drag on for several years.

I would not want creativity to depend on politics. I want people to have fun and forget about their problems with my music, for me this is the most important thing.

We know that recently you have collected your Music band. Tell about it.

It was hard work. Almost a whole casting. I really wanted to have a team like Beyoncé, family and completely female, but it didn’t work out, because I found a very textured drummer. He is such a bearded, red-haired, temperamental young man, and I could not refuse him. Now I have a very beautiful guitarist, a drummer and two ballet girls in my band.

Who is the producer and when can we expect your single?

I am producing the band, and Artem Pivovarov is the sound producer. The choreographer of my show, you will see him soon, is Elena Vinogradova.

We are all glued now from pieces, I bring something from Japan, China, America, and combine it into one.

What is the direction of your music?

Dance pop with an r"n"b twist, something like Pharrell Williams.

When are you planning a concert in Moscow?

When I get enough fans and when the album is ready, and it will be ready by the end of this year. I would like to tour Ukraine, Russia, maybe Europe, like Rihanna or Lady Gaga. I have an English-language album, and I really want some American producer to take my music as a movie soundtrack, - this the main objective today, to be noticed and recognized by the whole world.

Will your musical career filming in the TV show "Eagle and Tails" and how to combine such busy schedules?

When I got into the show “Eagle and Tails”, I didn’t have time at all for sex or creativity. I plunged into travel with my head, I liked it wildly, however, as now.

Leaving every month for twenty-one days, you start to lose friends, contact with relatives, you don’t even have time to write.

Now everything has settled down. Four months ago I started music. I wrote a lot of songs on the road, bringing sketches from each country. I don’t know if they will be accepted here, but I posted the song on the Web, and the audience really liked it. I hope that people will dance and have fun to my music, and not cry.

Evgeny Sinelnikov's education

Very little is known about this rather public person. He graduated from school in Dnepropetrovsk. And he received professional skills at the Institute of Cinema and Television, opened at the Kiev national university culture and arts.

Evgenia Sinelnikova in the Eagle and Tails project and other TV shows

In 2001, Evgeny Sinelnikov tried himself as an actor - he starred in the mini-series "Don't Leave Me, Love" as Lena Kirill's classmate. As a cameraman, he worked in 2005 on the set of the film Pavlov's Dog.

Much more fruitful was the career of Evgeny Sinelnikov as a stage director. He has worked on several music videos and TV programs. Eugene filmed the Family Dog show, as well as all seasons of Kitchen with Dmitry Shepelev, a culinary project produced by the Inter TV channel.

Fame came to Eugene when he took on the entertaining travel show Eagle and Tails. In 2011, Sinelnikov became the permanent director of the program, starting from the 1st season of the show, when Alan and Zhanna Badoev were the hosts. Later, Eugene also became the director of Eagle and Tails. Shopping.

As a presenter, Evgeny Sinelnikov tried himself quite recently - since the fall of 2014, when in Bordeaux he had to replace Kolya Serga, who was late for the plane, in the frame. Eugene got used to the role and liked the producers. Since then, he has been leading this program with Regina Todorenko. And Evgeny notes that this is a completely different job - not only to manage the filming process, but it is also interesting to show a new place: “I discovered a lot for myself, I began to better understand the same presenters with whom I had worked before.”

Evgeny Sinelnikov's interests

The director and presenter fully lives his work, in literally words, giving "all of yourself." In one of the interviews, he said that the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating "Eagle and Tails" is interesting to show other people's cities. And not general information about famous sights, but what you will tell your friends. “The idea was to come up with a project in which we could all enjoy the process,” Evgeny Sinelnikov once shared. That's why creative team, who is working on the Eagle and Tails project, tries to show and tell such moments that excited, surprised and delighted them.

Evgeny Sinelnikov at present

In one of the interviews, Evgeny Sinelnikov spoke about the difficulties. They, according to him, are connected with not ceasing to admire and be surprised by new places and events. The audience today is quite demanding, many travel the world no less than the presenters. Therefore, you need to present the audience with information that will inspire them to travel to a certain country to see this place.

Also, among the difficulties, the director highlights the ban on filming in many places. Therefore, you often have to shoot "from under the coat", work with cameras and the like. Sometimes they go for tricks. For example, in New York, in a Tiffany & Co boutique, you had to say that the host wants to propose to his girlfriend - this moment needs to be filmed. The staff, who did not understand Russian, allowed, after which it was possible to continue working.

And, most importantly, to tell the truth about the place where the shooting is taking place. “Official permission to shoot often spoils the picture. Because you can no longer say that the institution is full of shit, ”Sinelnikov once said. And he added that they do not try to scold, they just talk about their personal impressions. The team is saved by the fact that not everyone understands Russian.

In the role of whom he likes to work more - the host or the director, Evgeny Sinelnikov has not yet decided. But he notes that it is completely different tasks and they are equally complex. The host's jokes can "pull out" the program if interesting places not so much in the city being filmed. But the director needs to initially think over the route, make a selection of interesting places and figure out how to show them. Fortunately, Yevgeny Sinelnikov masterfully manages to combine both of these roles, thanks to which the Eagle and Tails program has been successfully released for 9 consecutive seasons. And in 2014, the project, as the best entertainment show, received the SNOB magazine award, as well as the Russian TEFI. Therefore, viewers will continue to see the travels of two friends, whose fate is decided by a coin. But whether Evgeny Sinelnikov will work as a host or only as a director is not yet known for sure.

Evgeny Sinelnikov's personal life

Eugene is married to the same creative personality, like himself - to Elena Sinelnikova.

She is a co-creator of Heads and Tails, a producer and CEO of the production studio Teen Spirit, which makes this project. The common cause contributes to the fact that Eugene does not part for long time with his wife - they often fly together to shoot.

Another situation with the son. The boy lives in Zaporozhye with Evgeny's parents. And the director admits that he misses him a lot. Upon arrival in Ukraine, Evgeny immediately goes to his son: “This is my sore spot and the main reason why I may not agree to the next season.”

Regina and Eugene have an unequal relationship. The woman dominates the couple.

A woman intuitively feels that under the mask of a secretive and distrustful man, she is hiding tender soul. Interest in him pushes her to meet or make a date. However, a man does not always perceive this unambiguously. If his reaction does not meet the expectations of a woman, she can quickly cool down and hate the chosen one.

IN family life these people are having a hard time. It is difficult for a man to come to terms with the dominant role of his wife. If he begins to look more calmly at the situation and trusts his wife, the relationship becomes more harmonious.

friendship compatibility 97%

Regina and Eugene become great friends. self-confident and active woman helps a friend overcome natural inconstancy and timidity. Thanks to her advice, he quickly comes to the right decisions and stops doubting his abilities. A man teaches his girlfriend to express herself in ways previously unknown to her. His open heart always ready to listen to her and support her in an anxious moment.

Compatibility in work 94%

Cooperation between Regina and Eugene brings both success and benefits. The business acumen and ambition of a woman do not allow their union to be in place. Thanks to her sociability, the partner easily attracts other people to promote common goals. A man loves work, so there are no obstacles for him. In a situation where it is necessary to think over an event or meeting to the smallest detail, his scrupulousness comes to the rescue.

Today we are in Pokhara. I have already managed to fly on a paraglider, it was unforgettable. And now I'm with mine film crew conquer the Himalayas. It's pretty hard. The higher you go, the harder it becomes to breathe.
We decided to spend the night in the village of Ranipavua. It's almost 5 pm, and the guys and I just got to the hotel. I really wanted to stay in the room, but Zhenya persuaded me to go for a walk. We return only at about 9 o'clock, have dinner all together and begin to disperse to our rooms.
- Regin, you need to shoot a couple more takes, - Zhenya comes up to me.
- Okay, - I agree.
Filming how I go into the room and go to bed. Everything goes well, I didn’t even miss a single take.
- Excellent, filmed, - Zhenya smiles, he and Olezhka are already going to leave.
“Maybe someone else will come to me?” I'm so cold. I'll die here alone! I almost cry and look first at Oleg, then at Zhenya.
- Sorry, Regina, but I already made my bed, - Oleg looks at me with regret.
- Zhenya, Zhenya, please stay! I take his hand and don't let him go.
- Actually, I already made a bed for myself ...
- Well, please, I beg you! I start shaking his hand.
- ... but for your sake ... - he looks at me and smiles.
- Lord, thank you! Girl, I love you!
- And I you, - he laughs.
- Okay, everyone. Good night- Oleg is heading for the exit.
“And you,” Zhenya and I say in unison when the door closes behind the operator.
Indoors -3.
“I’m cold, I’m tired, my head hurts,” I start whining.
“Me too, Regin,” Zhenya comes to the edge of the bed and gestures for me to move over.
I don't know how many blankets I have on, but it's still very cold. I even begin to shake, Zhenya notices this.
- Hey, are you okay?
- N-no, it's very cold.
- And so? He wraps his arms around my waist tightly with one arm.
- It's better, - I exhale, relax a little and cuddle closer to Zhenya, - thank you.
- Sweet dreams.
"You too." I place my hand over his.
I start to wake up because I hear some strange sounds.
- Rise, - I hear Zhenya's voice.
- Yeah.
- Come on, come on.
- Nope.
“Come on,” I feel him begin to take off my blankets.
“No, no, no, no, no,” I balk.
“Come on, come on, come on,” he still manages to stir me up.
After some time, we all have breakfast together and hit the road again. God, how I want to sleep, it’s only 6 in the morning on the clock.
We make frequent stops, as everyone gets tired quickly, and I generally get sick. They say it's mountain sickness. My head starts to hurt and I really want to drink.
- Guys, let's have a little rest, - I lie down on the ground, Olezha next to me, someone just sit down.
- In short, my group is dead, it seems to me, - Zhenya examines everyone with an attentive look.
- That's it, the operator is barely alive, - I look at Olezha.
- Shoot, I said! - Zhenya comes up to him and starts beating him, - get up!
Oleg pretends to be dead, everyone laughs.
Despite the fact that I feel bad, I continue to move forward. We support each other as much as we can.
- You're flint! - says Zhenya.
- I'm a man! I answer.
- You are a woman-man, - he agrees.
- I'll be the first to reach this peak, okay?
But over time, it gets worse and worse for me, I don’t understand anything anymore, my head hurts a lot, my mood changes dramatically ... About 5 minutes ago I was laughing, and now I’m crying.
“Miss, we must return,” the guide comes up to me.
- What does it mean? Are we not going there?
- Yes
- Why not?
- No, because I can't risk your life.
I can not believe it. It seems that it is worth climbing this mountain there? All your life you think you can control your body, but the Himalayas have their own laws. Then you understand that nothing depends on you, you are just an insect among these majestic mountains that were before us and will remain after. But despite all the difficulties, trying to conquer them at least once is worth it ...
I always overcame all difficulties, and then I broke down ... I look at the guys and start to roar. Zhenya comes up to me and hugs me.
“Well, don’t cry, don’t cry,” he reassures me.
We've been down for about two hours now. All this time, Zhenya never leaves my side, for which I am very grateful to him. I still have not come to my senses and have not completely calmed down.
Suddenly my vision goes dark and my head starts spinning. I grab Zhenya.
- Hey, hey, hey, - he turns around and manages to catch me before I fall, - Regin, Regina, what's wrong with you?!
- Zhenya, I'm stuffy... I don't see anything... My head, my head is spinning - I feel that everyone is gathering around me.
I can no longer stand on my feet, I feel how Zhenya takes me in her arms. They give me some pills. I almost passed out, but thank God the medicine worked. I slowly come to my senses: at the beginning, a vague picture flashes, then I see Zhenya scared to death in front of me, he looks into my eyes.
- Phew, - exhales, noticing that I came to my senses, - you scared me so much.
“Sorry, everything is fine now,” I swallow the lump in my throat and find his hand, he intertwines our fingers.
- Can you get up?
“Yes.” He helps me up.
- There is still a little left, be patient, my dear.
I just nod weakly and we keep walking. All the way Zhenya does not let go of my hand from his, I feel much calmer this way.
Finally, we have arrived ... Zhenya brings me to the room and puts me in bed.
- Lie down a bit, I'll bring dinner soon, - he covers me with a blanket and is about to leave, but I won't let him.
- Zhenya, wait, - I take his hand.
- What's happened?
- Thank you ... For everything, - I look at him with gratitude.
Instead of answering, he leans towards me, our lips getting closer and closer, but I stop him ...
- No, - I put my icy palm to his lips, - you can’t, Zhen, you can’t.
"I'm sorry," he closes his eyes, exhales, abruptly pulls away and walks away.
Why did I do it? I do not know. Probably because she would not be able to calmly look Lena in the eye after that.
There is a special connection between me and Zhenya. I don't know how to describe it, but we feel each other. Yes, we do feel it. Each of us immediately notices if the other feels bad. He is ready to come to me in the middle of the night, just like I am to him. We love each other very much, we love each other like friends. But sometimes, our friendship cracks, we break down and allow ourselves something more ...

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