House on Prechistenskaya embankment. Profitable house P.N.


The house of Zinaida Alekseevna Pertsova is one of the most beautiful buildings in Moscow, which already in the first years after its construction received the name “Fairy Tale House” among the townspeople. The famous railway engineer Pyotr Nikolaevich Pertsov became the customer of the building and its actual owner. In 1905, he purchased a corner plot bounded by Prechistenskaya Embankment, Soymonovsky Proyezd and Kursovy Lane. Considering the financial risks that he carried by participating in the construction of railways, Pyotr Pertsov rewrote the site, and then the built house, in the name of his wife, Zinaida Alekseevna.

Pertsov decided to build a whole residential complex, which included profitable apartments and a part in which he planned to settle with his family. To create a project for the house, an outstanding commission of architects and artists was convened, which included Franz Shekhtel, Viktor Vasnetsov, Vasily Surikov, Sergei Solovyov, Vasily Polenov, Illarion Ivanov-Shitz and other prominent representatives of the Moscow creative intelligentsia. Among the projects submitted for the competition most attention were awarded the work of artists Apollinary Vasnetsov and Sergey Malyutin.

It is interesting that Vasnetsov's project was awarded the first prize, however, according to the decision of the customer, Petr Pertsov, not even a competitive project was selected for further implementation, but a sketch of the building, made as a variant by Sergey Vasilyevich Malyutin. Unusual work Malyutin inspired Pyotr Pertsov so much that he completely entrusted the artist with the creation of the long-awaited tenement house. Sergey Malyutin studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, along with such outstanding artists like Isaac Ilyich Levitan, Mikhail Vasilievich Nesterov and Konstantin Alekseevich Korovin.

Sergey Malyutin was a craftsman capable of embodying the aspirations of Pyotr Pertsov - to build a house in which the wonderful traditions of Russian architecture would find expression. Russian national art was close to Malyutin, it is no coincidence that in 1898 it was he who painted the modern symbol of Russia - the first matryoshka. However, when building a house for Pyotr Pertsov, the artist used the features of the northern version of the Art Nouveau style, which was extremely relevant at that time, which meant borrowing expressive details and features from the architectural works of Northern Europe.

Thus, the motifs of European Gothic, popular at that time, and national Russian architecture were combined in the project of Pertsov's apartment building. XVII century, which have become a harmonious whole thanks to the unifying aestheticism of the Art Nouveau style. Russian influence read in such vivid detail as forged grating above a pointed tong, in the design of tower-balconies, one of which (from the side of Soymonovsky passage) received its own special name "The Dream of the Princess". Plots of ceramic panels that define the decorative appearance of Pertsov's apartment building are also associated with Slavic mythology.

The panel that adorned the facade from the side of the embankment shows images of the solar Slavic deity Yarila, watching the battle of the Bull and the Bear - the symbolic animals of the deities of Perun and Veles. The ceramic details of the facades are reminiscent of the architecture of the pattern, and on the panel above the entrance from the side of Soymonovsky passage you can see the prophetic bird Gamayun, a meeting with which foreshadowed good luck. However, details such as the corner bay window, the broken lines of the cornices and the dragon-shaped brackets of the balcony refer us to the traditions of the architecture of Medieval Europe.

When working on the project, the artist Sergey Malyutin, who did not have some specific knowledge and skills, needed cooperation with a professional engineer and architect Nikolai Konstantinovich Zhukov, who helped Malyutin create an ultra-modern building equipped with all types of city communications known at that time, including sewerage and water supply , the pipes of which were securely hidden in the thickness of the powerful walls of this tall building. Malyutin also fully developed the unusual interior design in the master part of the apartment building, completing them, like the facades, in the Russian style.

In 1908, a unique cabaret theater " Bat"under the direction of Nikita Fedorovich Baliyev. The performances and productions of this unique theater were attended by famous actors Moscow art theater People: Olga Leonardovna Knipper-Chekhova, Vasily Ivanovich Kachalov, famous directors Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky and Vladimir Ivanovich Nemirovich-Danchenko. At first, they were also the only spectators, since the outside audience was not allowed to attend chamber productions of The Bat.

Subsequently, the theater moved out of Pertsov's house, and the idea of ​​closed theatrical actors' skits was lost - third-party guests began to appear at performances for a fee or using acquaintances with actors. Pyotr Pertsov lived in this wonderful house until his emigration in 1923. IN Soviet period Pertsov's house was transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whose diplomatic representation is located here today. Today, the unique Fairy Tale House is rightfully considered the most beautiful tenement house in Moscow. He is loved by Muscovites and guests of the city.

Alexandra Gurianova

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At the corner of Prechistinskaya embankment, Kursovoy lane and Soymonovsky passage in Moscow stands fairy house Zinaida Alekseevna Pertsova, a true landmark of Russian Art Nouveau, thanks to today's owners, who has preserved the appearance of the house in its original form (thank you for not spoiling the "fairy tale" with miserable air conditioners!).

The history of the construction of a residential building by Pertsova is interesting.

(Today, several names of the House-fairy tale in Moscow have been adopted: “House of Pertsova”, “House of Z.A. Pertseva”, “House of Pertsov”, “House of N.P. Pertsov”, are accepted double spelling owner's last name. And here is why Pyotr Nikolaevich Pertsov, then Zinaida Alekseevna Pertseva was cleaned by the “owner of a residential building”, now we will figure it out together).

Like everything great or significant in art, the house of Russian modernist fabulous motifs from pagan antiquity appeared in Moscow “accidentally”.

Once, a talented and successful railway engineer Pyotr Nikolaevich Pertsov, who by the age of 48 had managed to build every 63 miles of railways in Russia in Russia, came to visit his friend, collector I.E. Tsvetkov, who was not so long ago fashionable at that time, the artist-architect Viktor Vasnetsov, built a mansion on Prechistenskaya Embankment, 29 (it's a stone's throw from the House of Pertsova).

Pyotr Nikolaevich was pleasantly surprised by the wonderful view of the Kremlin from the windows of the Tsvetkov mansion. Ivan Evmenievich (Tsvetkov) promised to assist in buying a plot on the Moskva River embankment from his friend, the landowner Ushakov, on the condition that Pertsov build his house in the Russian style. No sooner said than done!

The plot was bought by P.N. Pertsev for 70 thousand rubles (with an average salary of 30 rubles at the time, the amount is huge!), And it was registered for the wife of Peter Nikolayevich, Zinaida Alekseevna Pertseva, hence the “official” name of the fairy-tale tower on the embankment: "Residential building Z.A. Pertsova".

Engineer Pertsev approached the creation of his residential building with technical precision and directness. He created a commission of the "masters" of Russian art and architecture, which included: Viktor Vasnetsov, Surikov, Polenov, Shekhtel, Ivanov-Shits, Noakovsky, and established a competition for the best architectural project residential building with the first prize of 800 rubles, the second prize of 500 rubles, but at the same time reserving the right to make the final choice.

The eminent jury awarded the first prize to Appolinary Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, brother of Viktor Vasnetsov, who, by the way, was the only artist who openly opposed the demolition of the XC Temple in 1931 in the press.

The second Pertsev Prize went to Sergey Vasilyevich Malyutin, who was chosen by Pyotr Nikolaevich as the author of the project for his residential building. Sergey Malyutin by that time was already famous for his talented illustrations for the works of Pushkin, successful work in the art workshops of Princess Tenisheva and the creation of the painting of the first Russian nesting doll in 1899 (?).

The construction of the house was completed in two years in 1907 in the style of Russian Art Nouveau, where the forms of pictorial and applied arts are organically woven into the architectural volume, making the building alive, and unfolding its familiar spatial environment into the deep plane of painting.

Pyotr Nikolaevich lived in his house for only 15 years. In 1923 he was forced to emigrate.

Actors of the Moscow Art Theater found shelter in his house, arranging the theater-cabaret "The Bat" in the basement. At one time, Trotsky and the artist Falk lived there.

The address of Pertsova's fairy tale house is Moscow, 1st Kursovoy lane, 1 (see map), although the address sign "Prechistenskaya embankment, 35" hangs on the house itself (see photo).

How to get to the house of Z.A. Pertseva? You get to the Kropotkinskaya metro station along the red line (this is in the city center, so it takes only 15 minutes to get from the Moscow railway station, everything is nearby), exit the metro towards the city in the direction of Ostozhenka, Prechistenka and Soymonovsky proezd, then walk 400 metro, - everything is very simple!

It remains a mystery why, on the memorial plaque of the "fairytale house" of Sergei Malyutin, the date of foundation is 1886. Is it possible that the main construction of 1905-1907 was carried out on the foundation of the old building?

Residential House Pertsova on the map of Moscow:

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Address: Soymonovsky proezd, 1

How to get to Pertsova's apartment building: st. metro Kropotkinskaya.

Profitable house Pepper is also known as a house-fairy tale. It is located on the corner of Soymonovsky passage and Prechistenskaya embankment. The building is an example of neo-Russian Art Nouveau. The house was built in 1905-1907 by architects N.K. Zhukov and B.N. Schnaubert, engineer P.N. Pertsov according to the sketches of the artist S.V. Milyutin, known as the author of the famous Russian matryoshka. Pertsova's house is located opposite the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, main facade The building overlooks the Moscow River.

The history of the appearance of Pertsova's house in Moscow began with the fact that the famous engineer P.N. Pertsov, who was a passionate admirer of art, at the beginning of the 20th century decided to build an apartment building with residential apartments and workshops for artists located in the attic part of the house. He also wanted the building to be a work of art in itself, and appearance would express the originality of Russian culture.

Before proceeding with the construction of the house, Pertsov held a closed competition, in which he invited artists A.M. Vasnetsov and S.V. Milyutin, architect A.I. Diderikhs and architect-artist L.M. Brailovsky. The main condition was that the project should combine the spirit of the traditions of ancient Moscow and, at the same time, respond current trends. The first prize was 800 rubles, and the second - 500. Moreover, the customer reserved the right to use any of the projects he liked. The jury of the competition included such eminent masters as invited by V.M. Vasnetsov, V.I. Surikov, V.D. Polenov, F.O. Shekhtel, I.A. Ivanov-Shits, S.U. Solovyov and S.V. Noakovsky. The first prize was given to A.M. Vasnetsov, and the second - Milyutin, but Vasnetsov's project seemed too standard to Pertsov, and he opted for Milyutin's version.

Construction of the house lasted 11 months. It was a building that fully met the requirements of Art Nouveau in terms of a combination of exquisite decor and the latest technologies. There were no wooden floors in the building, the electrical wiring was hidden, and water and sewer communications did not spoil the view anywhere.

The house-fairy tale is distinguished by its unusual variety and complexity of forms, but at the same time, it looks like an organic whole. In the design of the facades, the authors of the project used a variety of techniques inherent in Art Nouveau - this is an asymmetric arrangement of windows, balconies, tower-shaped roof ledges and rich decor. In particular, ancient Russian motifs were used to decorate the tower-balconies, which are naturally and harmoniously combined with elements of northern modernism: brackets of balconies in the form of dragons, colored majolica panels, which combine images of the sun, bear, bull, fish, snakes. On the ridge of the roof there is a lattice with lions - then it was gilded, and on the roof a gilded rooster towered above the green tower.

The pediments, as well as the walls between the windows of the 4th floor, the railings of the balconies and the corners of the building are lined with majolica. By order of Pertsov, the majolica was made by an artel of young artists of the Stroganov School, united in the firm "Murava". At that time they had no orders, and the artel was in danger of closing. Pertsov did not have to regret choosing a company, the task was completed right on time. Also, all the wishes regarding shades were met, and the quality of the majolica was excellent.

By original intention the ceremonial interiors were decorated with murals and wooden carvings. The carved decorations of external doors, stair railings and apartment doors, as well as the decor of the main staircase, have survived to our time.

From 1908 to 1912, the artistic cabaret "The Bat" worked in the basement of Pertsova's apartment building, where you could see celebrities from the Moscow Art Theater in unexpected roles: V. I. Kachalov as a circus wrestler, O. L. Knipper-Chekhov as a Parisian chanson V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko conducted an amateur orchestra, K. S. Stanislavsky demonstrated "miracles of black and white magic", and the charter of the institution read "Do not be offended." Now the building belongs to the Russian Foreign Ministry.

I love Moscow very much, I love my very heart just to the point of passion. These are places where I feel much more comfortable than anywhere else. I immediately feel in my place, regardless of whether I am alone or with someone very close. Arbat, Nikitsky Boulevard, Ostozhenka, embankments, Chistye Prudy, Kitay-gorod - it seems to me that everything lived in me even before I saw it all for the first time. One of the most vivid childhood memories is how my grandmother walked me along Mokhovaya. In general, I suspect that in past lives somewhere on Prechistenka I had a nicest mansion and I went on foot to visit the Tsvetaevs through Sivtsev Vrazhek. ..

I am practically omnivorous in terms of Moscow architecture - I tolerate and even love almost everything that has been preserved from pre-Stalin times. But there are two real attachments and both are connected with my adored silver age: modern and neo-Russian style.

There are also plenty of creations that delight me, but there are several of my favorites - the Ryabushinsky Mansion, the Igumnov House, the Pepper House, the Kekushev Mansion. Today I’ll tell you about a house that arose in my life at first by chance, and then just bursting into it all the time.

For the first time I saw this House very small and only the feeling of a picture from the page of some Russian fairy tales remained from it. Over the years, a red brick building with a wonderful pictures on the walls, but I couldn’t remember where it was, and in the end I came to the conclusion that I had a dream about it at all.

At a conscious age, studying at the philological faculty, I often went to the Arbat "for knowledge" - there is library No. 2 or "Gogolevka" (by the way, in the house where Gogol actually slept). Riding back on the trolleybus, I once saw the House in the window. Considering that there was no stop nearby, the poor driver had to hear enough for a couple of minutes ... In the end, when I got to the House, I could not stop looking at all this beauty for about forty minutes ...

Many years have passed since then, but I still admire this structure.

And by the way, it is the Pepper House that is mentioned in one of the most beautiful works Bunin " Clean Monday"- it is in it that the main character lives:"Every evening my coachman raced me at this hour on a stretching trotter - from the Red Gate to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior: she lived against him ... ”; “In the house opposite the Church of the Savior, she rented a corner apartment on the fifth floor for the sake of a view of Moscow, only two rooms, but spacious and well furnished”; " Odd love!" I thought, and while the water boiled, I stood and looked out the windows. The room smelled of flowers, and it combined for me with their scent; behind one window lay low in the distance huge picture riverine snow-gray Moscow; in the other, to the left, part of the Kremlin was visible, on the contrary, somehow too close, the too new bulk of Christ the Savior was white, in the golden dome of which the jackdaws eternally curled around him were reflected in bluish spots ... " strange city! I said to myself thinking about Okhotny Ryad, about Iverskaya, about St. Basil the Blessed. - Basil the Blessed - and Spas-on-Bora, Italian cathedrals- and something Kyrgyz in the tips of the towers on the Kremlin walls ... "...

Pertsova's house is an apartment building located on the corner of Soimonovsky passage and Prechistenskaya embankment, built by architects N. K. Zhukov and B. N. Schnaubert in 1905-1907 according to sketches by the artist S. V. Malyutin, the author of the Russian nesting dolls.

In 1907, next to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a new house. The builder and owner of the house was a railway engineer Petr Nikolaevich Pertsov.

Pyotr Nikolaevich Pertsov (1857-1937) was born in Kazan, in the Russian ancient noble family. His uncle, the poet and satirist Erast Pertsov, was friendly with A.S. Pushkin. The family has preserved memories of the dinner that Erast gave in honor of the poet in his house in Kazan, where Pushkin arrived, collecting materials about Pugachev rebellion.
Petr Nikolaevich graduated from the gymnasium in Kazan, the Institute of Communications in St. Petersburg. At the construction of Ufa-Zlatoustinskaya railway his site was next to the site of N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky, who advised Pyotr Nikolaevich to name his newborn son George, since he believed that every family should have its intercessor George.
Simultaneously with the construction of the house, Pyotr Nikolaevich is trying to build the first "people's" railway in Russia, in particular, to create a joint stock company for the construction of the Armaviro-Tuapse railway and the port in Tuapse. The essence of this project was that the shares of this road were distributed exclusively among the population North Caucasus. The difficulty of implementing this project was determined by opposition from the Minister of Finance of Russia V.N. Kokovtsev, who lobbied for the interests of the Vladikavkaz railway, which until that time had been a transportation monopoly in the North Caucasus. The sequence with which Pyotr Nikolaevich walked along the intended path was clearly manifested in the following example. In search of a bank loan for the issue of shares, he travels to England, where he receives a completely legitimate offer - for one million gold rubles, he, as the only owner of a joint-stock company by that time, must transfer the right to distribute shares in England. Pyotr Nikolaevich refuses such a proposal as incompatible with the very idea of ​​a people's concession. In the end Joint-Stock Company saved young A.I. Putilov. He made a contribution to the treasury in the amount of two million gold rubles secured by the entire capital of Peter Nikolayevich, including the newly built house. Its nominal owner was the wife of Pyotr Nikolaevich - Zinaida Alekseevna Pertsova, nee Povalishina.

K. F. Yuon. "Portrait of Z. A. Pertsova"

And here an unforeseen complication occurred, which Pyotr Nikolaevich recalled:

“At home, unexpectedly for me, a serious explanation came out with my wife, who opposed the pledge of the house, believing that the house was supposed to serve as a security for the family and all my obligations to creditors. Excited by this unexpected objection from Zina, I involved both sons in our explanation and, having explained to them what was the matter and what was forcing me to pledge the house, I received in their person the defenders of my point of view. Having completed what was required in Moscow, I hurried back to St. Petersburg and concluded notarial conditions with the bank.”

And only in 1910, the agreement between Petr Nikolayevich and the bank was liquidated and the house was freed from collateral.
In 1905, P.N. Pertsov, like many, became interested in politics: he was a member of Central Committee party "Union of October 17", ran in 1 State Duma. He was one of the keepers of the values ​​of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. A lot of interesting things about Petr Nikolaevich, about wonderful people with whom life brought him together, you can learn about the events of a bygone era from the voluminous book of memoirs of P.N. Pertsova. The manuscript has over 500 pages. Let us cite from it the chapter that tells about the construction of the famous tenement house near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, still called the “Pertsov House”.

“...” In November 1902, I once visited Ivan Evmenievich Tsvetkov, who had just built himself, or rather, for his collection of paintings on the embankment of the river. Moscow, near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a two-story mansion in the Russian style, designed by V.M. Vasnetsov. From the windows of its main hall, I admired the open view of the Kremlin and told I.E. that I envy him that he found such a wonderful place to build a house. I.E. took me at my word and offered to show me more the best place on the condition that, having acquired it, I will build a house also in the Russian style. I agreed, and then I.E. explained to me that all the plots along the embankment from his house to the square under the Savior's Cathedral belonged to N.V. Ushakov and that he still had in his possession the last plot overlooking this square, which A.A. Levenson, the owner of a well-known printing house in Moscow, who bought the neighboring penultimate plot. I.E. expressed confidence that if I did not stand up for the price, then Ushakov would sell me the plot, since Levenson was squeezing the price out of him. I immediately went to the place: the owner was surprised by my offer, but after consulting with his wife, he announced the price of 70 thousand rubles. I agreed, and the very next day the transaction was executed by a notary under the guise of a bill of sale in the name of Zina.
“...” In the winter of 1905/06, I decided to start drawing up a project for the restructuring of our house in Moscow with the expectation of starting its construction in the spring. Bearing in mind the promise given by me to I.E. Tsvetkov, - to build a house in the Russian style, and taking into account the fact that the place of construction on the banks of the Moscow River, next to the Cathedral of the Savior and with an open view of the Kremlin, obliges me to take the task strictly, I decided to announce a closed competition for the drafting of a "profitable house in Russian style” and turned to the artists A.M. Vasnetsov and S.V. Malyutin, architect A.I. Diderikhs and architect-artist L.M. Brailovsky with a proposal to participate in the competition. I set the condition for drawing up the project so that it would meet “the spirit and traditions of Moscow and the requirements of the present”, while in order to normalize the design, I worked out with the city architect N.K. Zhukov, in relation to a plot of land, the plan of the house and invited competitors to adhere to it. I set the first prize at 800 rubles. And the second - 500 rubles, but he reserved the right of personal choice for the construction of any of the awarded projects. I invited V.M. to the jury of the competition. Vasnetsova, V.I. Surikova, V.D. Polenova, F.O. Shekhtel, I.A. Ivanova-Shitz, S.U. Solovyov and S.V. Noakovsky, proposed to me additionally by L.M. Brailovsky. The first prize was awarded to A.M. Vasnetsov and the second - S.V. Malyutin. L.M. Brailovsky was offended by the result of the competition: only one vote was cast for him - S.V. Noakovsky. Project A.M. Vasnetsov, being stereotyped, did not satisfy me, and I decided to focus on S.V. Malyutin, instructing him to rework the competition project.

Sketch by A. M. Vasnetsov

Sketch by S. V. Malyutin

“For the competition, he submitted a project in the Russian Empire style, which, although interesting in design, did not fully meet the first condition of the task. At S.V. an extremely interesting colorful sketch of his first project has been preserved, which, as it did not meet the given plan, he did not put up for the competition, and now, seeing it from him, I decided that there was nothing better to wish for. S.V. took the existing building as a basis in it - a three-story box with small window openings, put on it the fourth floor with large windows of studio rooms for artists and with an interesting balcony under a golden dome called "Queen's Conversation" and attached a four-story mansion to it along the embankment and along the lane - a special detached building with a stylishly designed main entrance, richly covered with majolica painting. The whole building was topped with high separately designed roofs, and the walls and gables of the house were richly decorated with colorful majolica. The sketch came out in the highest degree interesting, colorful and extremely original - in a fabulously epic style. I was captivated by him and agreed with S.V. that he would rework the project, adapting it to the given plan. The sharp corner to the lane was a considerable difficulty for its development, but S.V. he skillfully resolved the issue, allowing some deviation from the normal architectural design, and this angle turned out to be especially interesting. To better understand the overall layout separate parts buildings, S.V. modeled a house out of clay. Me S.V. completely captivated me with his individual talent, and I decided to give myself entirely to his taste, introducing only minor adjustments of a purely technical or economic significance. S.V. on the development of the project as a whole, he began processing the details of the facade and drawing up drawings for ordering outdoor majolica. On his advice, I instructed to fulfill the order of the majolica artel of young artists of the Stroganov School under the firm "Murava", who at that time did not have work and relatives, due to the lack of orders, to liquidate their business. We were not mistaken in choosing the company, the work was completed on time with accurate reproduction of the coloring, according to S.V. drawings; the quality of the work also paid off - no damage to the glaze followed over a fifteen-year period of time.

I personally supervised all the work and went into all the details of the construction, rushing around all the floors all day long and not leaving a single place of work without personal supervision. All work was carried out simultaneously, and after a little over four months from the start of work, the construction was completed, scaffolding was removed at the end of September, and plastering, parquet flooring and painting work remained for the winter, which lasted until March. Thus, within an eleven-month period, all the work was completely completed, and from April the apartments were announced for delivery. In May, the first tenants moved into the house: Wooden floors were not allowed in the whole house: The electrical wiring was all hidden, all water and sewer pipes were also disguised. In general, when building a house, two main tasks were pursued in all details - the solidity of the device and the satisfaction of aesthetic requirements.
“...” Our apartment, located on three floors of the building on the embankment, was serviced by its own entrance. Later, when it became clear that there was a need for a special hall for young people, a basement was attached to our apartment, in which at one time a circle of artists of the Moscow Art Theater called "The Bat" was located, arranging their closed intimate meetings at night after the end of the performances. The soul of these meetings was N.F. Baliev, who later organized his troupe for public performances of The Bat, which soon became so popular in Moscow. For device dance hall the room was deepened by me by arshin and oak parquet was laid for asphalt preparation. The pediments to the square and the embankment are faced entirely with majolica, as well as the piers between the windows of the 4th floor to the square. The railings of the balconies and the corners of the house are also decorated with majolica. On the ridge of the roof above acute angle a gilded lattice with lions was placed, and above the pyramidal roof above the green tower - a gilded rooster.
Art critic Sergei Glagol (Dr. Goloushev) devoted a special article to the description of the house, in which he noted the importance of building Russian-style houses in Moscow. According to his review, our house, in terms of art and architecture, took the next place after the Yaroslavl railway station. Due to its original appearance, our house soon became known throughout Moscow and, as one of the sights of Moscow, was included in the guide "Around Moscow" "Editions of M. and S. Sabashnikovs."
The decoration of our apartment captured part of the summer of 1907. The salon with mahogany panels and choir stalls, the bedroom with a niche and the eastern smoking room were finished by the furniture maker Korshanov, and the Russian-style dining room, as well as the lobby and the stairs, were handicraftsmen ordered by S.V. from the Nizhny Novgorod province.

S.V. personally supervised the carving of walls, arches, platbands, dining room furniture and all the work on finishing rooms. The walls of the dining room were cut from oak, and the arches, architraves and cornices were made from birch. The dish lift for lowering food from the kitchen to the buffet at the dining room is finished in the form of a tiled majolica stove. The dining room came out strictly stylish. Half of the salon from the entrance from the landing of the stairs is reserved for an office. The choirs came out beautifully with library cabinets on them and a wide fireplace under them. In the large window of the niche, colored glass made by the Stroganov School according to Vrubel's drawing with the image of the "Entry of the Victor" is inserted. Malyavin's painting "The Man" was built into the wall above the desk. Under a wide, wall-length trapezoidal window with painted flowers and arabesque glass, there was an oak carved bench. A carved birch arch, with a carved window, separated the Dumka from the dining room, on the wall of which, against the arch, hung a large blue Roerich painting - Overseas Guests:

In general, the entire decoration of the first and second floors with the staircase connecting them was interestingly conceived and lovingly executed under the direct supervision of S.V. Malyutin, who showed not only a lot of taste, but also a lot of practicality.
Pyotr Nikolaevich lived in his lovingly built house for fifteen years. Being one of the guardians of the values ​​of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, speaking in defense of the church from the attacks of the new government, in 1922 he was accused in the second trial of the "churchmen". The trial resulted in a sentence of five years. imprisonment. However, the following year, three convicts in this process were released, including Pyotr Nikolaevich. In the same year, 1923, he was evicted from own house to which he never returned.
Youngest daughter Pyotr Nikolaevich Zinaida left memoirs, from which she became known further fate Houses:

“Our Moscow house (known throughout the city as the Pertsov House, in the Old Russian style, opposite the Cathedral of Christ the Savior) became unexpectedly famous - Trotsky settled in it! It is worth telling which of all Moscow apartments he chose for himself. Have lived in our house for several years. famous original and an eccentric - Pozdnyakov. He arranged his apartment of four huge rooms in an extraordinary way. The largest, almost a hall, was turned into a bathroom (my brothers visited Pozdnyakov, they described its arrangement to me in detail). The floor and walls were covered with black cloth. In the middle of the room, on a specially constructed platform, there was a huge black marble bath (weight 70 pounds). There were orange lights all around. Huge wall mirrors reflected on all sides of the person sitting in the bath: Another room was turned into winter Garden: the parquet is covered with sand and lined with green plants and garden furniture. The living room was lovely tiger skins and artistic furniture made of Karelian birch. The owner received visitors in it in an ancient Greek toga and sandals on a bare foot, and on a nail thumb shining diamond monogram. He was served by a negro in a red livery, always accompanied by a black pug with a big red bow! It was this fantastic apartment that first attracted Trotsky: I just don’t know if he also borrowed his Greek toga and sandals from Pozdnyakov!
Trotsky later moved into our private quarters, which was a four-story mansion, and—already in exile—I read the memoirs of an English diplomat describing the grand reception given by Trotsky to the diplomatic corps. The diplomat admired his wonderful taste! I hurried to write to the naive author that all the paintings, statues, vases and furniture that struck him were the property of my father:
In conclusion of the article, I would like to quote the words with which Pyotr Nikolaevich Pertsov concludes his memoirs. Note that they were said in 1923: “And now, experiencing the present and living in the past, I cannot but thank the Creator that he saved me from the very terrible experience- remorse - and kept in me at the 67th year of my life the joy of being and the faith that they would come, even after us, better days when there will be real equality between people and no one's interests will be sacrificed to either classes or parties.

I came across in the archives a photo of Pertsov's or Pertsova's apartment building. It's pretty interesting house in the center of Moscow and by some it is considered one of the most in the city. Like it or not, it's not for me to judge. But one summer, I got out of my distant Butovo to see it specially. It's only a pity that it's outside, because in order to get inside, you have to be related to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to which it has now been transferred to jurisdiction. They used to say the doors were open and you could go in.

Profitable house of Pertsov in Moscow

At home rich story, which I will not retell in detail, everything has long been described on the Internet. The “Fairy Tale House” was built in 1907 for artists, which is why it is so colorful and unusual, in the Art Nouveau style. As conceived by engineer Pertsov, these are residential apartments with workshops. Pertsov himself was sentenced to 5 years in prison in 1922 for keeping the valuables of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, it is located right next to it, and when he came back a year later, he had already been evicted from the house. In 1908-1912, the Bat cabaret was located here, that is, Moscow bohemia hung out, and after that Trotsky also lived. In general, I say, a rich history.

The pipe is a stuck owl!

Profitable house Pertseva on the plate - she is the last owner

Unfortunately, the spirit of that time can no longer be felt, it seems like there is nothing left inside, everything interesting is outside. Here are a couple of photos of the interior from the Internet. In my opinion, it is too non-functional and clumsy.

Where is

The house is located at 1/35 Soimonovsky passage, at the intersection of Soimonovsky passage and Prechistenskaya embankment.

P.S. The photo is not snow, but poplar fluff.

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