Pertsov Petr Nikolaevich engineer of communications. Profitable house pepper


Walking along the even side of Ligovsky Prospekt from the metro towards Moskovsky Station, you should definitely look into the courtyard of the house at number 44. This is an apartment house of engineer Alexander Nikolayevich Pertsov built in the early 20th century, built in the Art Nouveau style.

The house consists of two symmetrical six-story buildings facing the facade of the building on Ligovsky Prospekt. In the depths of the site there are several outbuildings, forming courtyards. facades tenement house decorated with floral ornaments. main facade richly decorated with stucco that adorns four risalits at the level of the sixth floor. On the two extreme projections there are figures of boys in chestnut leaves, on the other two there are female heads among chestnut leaves.

Two corners of the building, facing each other and facing the passage to the courtyards, at the level of the attic floor are decorated with moldings from floral ornament with the heads of satyrs. Two bay windows, window piers and door portals are covered with compositions of plant elements. All sculptural works were made in 1913 according to the models of the sculptor A. E. Gromov. The balconies are decorated with various forged gratings using plant motifs. The decorative and sculptural solution of the building is a typical example of the Art Nouveau style.

The history of the construction of the current house begins in 1905, when, on a competitive basis, the society civil engineers on behalf of Pertsov himself was chosen best project development in this area.

The construction of the building itself began only in 1910. Pertsov entrusted the development of the project to his friend S. P. Galenzovsky. The development of the site was based on a cruciform and a T-shaped yard that continues it. The facades of the building are faced with plaster embroidered with rustication (relief facing of walls with stones with a roughly hewn front surface), which is decorated with floral patterns. The construction of the house was carried out in 1911-1912. When it was created, the homeowner and architects focused on the tenants who belonged to the middle class. The landlord distributed the retail premises in the complex in such a way that a wide range of goods was presented in them, and when changing tenants, he tried to maintain the profile of the store. The house was built in the American style, for 400 apartments of various sizes, with 18 elevators, telephones, shared bathrooms. Initially, it housed a first-class hotel with 200 rooms and a luxurious restaurant "Select", thanks to which the house gained wide popularity. But the hotel high income didn’t bring it - the noise of dray cab drivers, who were delivering goods from the Nikolaev station in the early morning, prevented the guests from sleeping. The restaurant at the hotel was too expensive for poor residents of Ligovka. Also in the house was a pastry shop Mignon. In 1915, the institutions of the Ministry of Railways were located here: control of the Nikolaev railway, Local control on those operated by the treasury railways and the Office of the representative of the head of the construction of the eastern part of the Amur railway.

in 1993, Pertsovsky House housed Drama Theater"Comedians", founded in 1989 and working under the direction of director Mikhail Alexandrovich Levshin. The first performances new stage were held on December 17, 18 and 19 at the "Housewarming in the Old House" holiday.

Profitable house Pepper in Moscow is one of the most amazing sights of the capital. The history of its foundation is the history of the realization of the dream of a creative person.

Who is the author of the project of such a building?

Creation idea unusual house with apartments for tenants and studios of artists arose from P. N. Pertsov, who lived in Moscow at the beginning of the twentieth century. Being an excellent engineer and a great lover of art, Petr Nikolayevich arranged a closed competition for the best house design. He appointed a prize of 800 rubles to the one whose project takes the first place, and 500 rubles for the second.

According to his plan, Pertsova's house was supposed to reflect the spirit of Russian architecture and traditions, but at the same time be modern. Artist S. V. Milyutin, architect A. I. Diderikhs, architect-artist L. M. Brailovsky presented their works to the jury. The first prize went to Vasnetsov. But Pertsov decided to build according to the project of Milyutin (the author of the painting of the first Russian nesting dolls), since it was not so standard.

Pertsova's house in Moscow. Description

This building, richly decorated, was built in two years. Pepper's house turned out to be exquisite and magnificent. The building made of red brick, in the facade of which the motifs of the ancient Slavic tower are visible, looks like an organic whole. The asymmetrically arranged windows, balconies, unusual tower-shaped ledges of the roof amaze the tourist's eye. Balconies decorated with dragon sculptures, a gilded lattice with lions mounted on the roof ridge. And above the green tower, on the roof, a gilded rooster rises. The facade is richly decorated with majolica panels depicting the sun, a bull, fish, bears and other animals in a bizarre form.

An interesting history of decorating the piers between the windows of the fourth floor and the pediments with majolica. In those days, there was a certain firm "Murava" in Moscow. It was organized by young artists. The guys were talented, ready to show their creative abilities, but, unfortunately, little known. After all wealthy people preferred to deal with venerable, eminent artists. So the artel was one step away from closing. Pertsov made the right decision by entrusting his order to this company. Young artists were able to realize their mighty creative potential taking into account all the wishes and tastes of the client.

During the construction of the house, the requirements of the customer regarding modern technologies. There were no electrical wiring in the house, plumbing, sewer communications were carefully hidden.

Home interior

The interior of the house was no less magnificent than the exterior. The bedrooms were with niches, and the smoking rooms were decorated in oriental style. Original and stairs decorated with unique carvings.

For the decoration of the front chambers were invited the best masters Profitable house Pertsova provided apartments to residents of different social strata. There were options for the rich and poorer tenants. In total, the house had about 400 apartments, different in cubic capacity. The building had eighteen elevators, telephones, public baths and a reading room for residents.

In addition to private apartments, the house housed a Mignon confectionery shop and several offices of various importance. Within the walls of the house was the publishing house "Ars", which published the magazine "On the Banks of the Neva". Pertsova's house was so cozy and modern that there were many more people who wanted to live in it than apartments.

Basement of a wonderful house. Description

Tourists will be very interested in the history of the basement of Pertsov's house. It was here that the cult, as they say now, cafe was located. Bat". It gathered the most famous representatives metropolitan bohemia. Mostly these were artists of the Moscow art theater. For example, V. I. Shverubovich, the most talented artist of his time, world-famous under the pseudonym Kachalov. The wife of A.P. Chekhov, the outstanding actress O.L. Knipper-Chekhova, often performed here. And the famous Nemirovich-Danchenko was the conductor of an amateur orchestra created from among the actors and successfully performing. His friend and colleague K. S. Stanislavsky demonstrated the unprecedented wonders of black and white magic. The atmosphere that reigned in the cafe can be judged by the paragraph from the charter "Do not be offended." Actors and other visitors to the cafe showed themselves here in completely different roles, sometimes opposite to reality.

The apartment of the owners themselves was finished with mahogany panels, the dining room was made of carved oak, the cornices and architraves, covered with outlandish carvings, were made of birch. Even a dish lift was equipped to lower dishes from the kitchen to the buffet at the dining room. The rooms housed paintings by famous artists.

Bolshevik period. What happened to the house?

After the Bolsheviks seized power, Pertsova's house in Moscow was nationalized, and expensive apartments were seized by the newly-minted fighters for the happiness of the people. For example, L. D. Trotsky laid eyes on the most original four-room apartment of a certain eccentric Pozdnyakov. Then he moved to the private quarters of the owners of the lady, not forgetting to appropriate their unique things: rare paintings, sculptures, furniture, vases, and so on. What caused the admiration of foreign diplomats, who, being at receptions in Trotsky's mansion, expressed their amazement at the exquisite taste of Lev Davidovich.

They did not suspect that he only took away all these works of art and other accessories from the true owners of the Pertsovs' house. Meanwhile, the very creator of the unusual house was first evicted from his home, and then sent to prison, since Nikolai Petrovich openly opposed the destruction of temples. He spent about 3 years in prison and then was released.


Where is Pertsova's house located in Moscow? Its address is as follows: 1st Kursovoy lane, 1. Although there is a sign on the house with the inscription "Prechistenskaya embankment, 35".

How to get there?

To get to such a unique attraction, a tourist should go to the metro and get to the station called Kropotkinskaya. When exiting the metro, you need to go towards the sign "Ostozhenka, Prechistenka, Soymonovsky proezd". In this direction, after walking four hundred meters, the tourist will be able to contemplate the apartment house of Pertsova described above in Moscow, the photo of which is presented in the article. True, the former splendor is no longer, unfortunately.

Pertsova's house in Moscow. What is there now?

In the fifties of the last century, here, among other things, there was a hostel for the railway station post office.

Now the building houses the theater "Comedians". And also in the house there are several dance and design studios, centers, offices, clubs. Post Office and Public Prosecutor's Office central region also housed in this interesting house.

Tourists will be able to find shelter and delicious food here, as the building houses several mini-hotels and mini-hotels, as well as catering establishments.

A small conclusion

Now you know where Pertsova's house is located, as well as what it looks like. We also touched on the topic of creating a project, the construction of the building itself. We hope that the information presented in the article was interesting and useful to you.

The gallery was located in a two-story mansion on the Moskva River embankment. Pertsov was delighted not only with the paintings, but also with beautiful view to the Kremlin.

In his memoirs, he wrote: “From the windows of his main hall, I admired the open view of the Kremlin and told I.E. that I envy him that he found such a wonderful place to build a house. I.E. took me at my word and offered to show me more the best place on the condition that, having acquired it, I will also build a house in the Russian style. Pyotr Nikolaevich agreed and soon acquired a plot next to Tsvetkov on the embankment, having issued a bill of sale for his wife Zinaida Alekseevna.

Construction history

The construction of the house was scheduled to begin in the spring of 1906. P.N. Pertsov, taking into account the proximity of the Kremlin and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, and also mindful of his promise, organized a competition for the design of a Russian-style apartment building. Artists A.M. Vasnetsov and S.V. Malyutin, as well as the architect A.I. Diderikhs and architect-artist L.M. Brailovsky. V.M. was invited to the jury of the competition. Vasnetsov, V.I. Surikov, V.D. Polenov, F.O. Shekhtel. The first prize was awarded to A.M. Vasnetsov, but the customer liked Malyutin's project in the "fabulous-epic" style more. S.V. Malyutin in 1900-1903 led the workshops in Talashkino, which sought to revive the ancient Russian crafts. Many elements of the house Prechistenskaya embankment used by Sergei Vasilyevich are quotes from the decor of the Teremok hut, built in Talashkino in the pseudo-Russian style.

Convert sketch to architectural project the artist was assisted by architect N. K. Zhukov and engineer B. N. Schnaubert. The new house houses a mansion apartment, artists' studios and apartments for rent. The design of the facades was also carried out by S.V. Malyutin, he made sketches of outdoor panels with fairy tales in the majolica technique. Artels of young artists of the Stroganov School were instructed to fulfill the order, and soon on the facade of the house bright colors ancient Russian pagan symbols and fairy-tale characters began to play.

The entire building was completed in eleven months, the owner of the house, P.N. Pertsov personally supervised the construction work, he wrote down “In May, the first tenants moved into the house: Wooden floors were not allowed in the whole house: The electrical wiring was all hidden, all water and sewer pipes were also disguised. In general, when building a house, two main tasks were pursued in all details - the solidity of the device and the satisfaction of aesthetic requirements..

The apartment-mansion of the Pertsovs with a separate entrance occupied four floors and overlooked the embankment. The decoration of the owners' apartment was made in the neo-Russian style with carved walls, arches, platbands, the interior was decorated with paintings by Roerich, Malyavin and stained-glass windows based on Vrubel's drawings.

In 1908-1910, the artistic cabaret "The Bat" was located in the basement of the house, where celebrities from the Moscow Art Theater tried themselves in unexpected roles: V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko conducted an amateur orchestra, K. S. Stanislavsky demonstrated "the wonders of black and white magic."

House in the post-revolutionary period

Petr Nikolayevich Pertsov himself lived in his house for 15 years. He was one of the custodians of the values ​​of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, spoke in defense of the church and in 1922, in the process of "churchmen", received 5 years in prison.

When he was released a year later, he learned that he had been evicted from his house. The house was nationalized. One of the apartments in it was occupied by Leon Trotsky.

The youngest daughter of P.N. Pertsova, Zinaida wrote in her memoirs: “... lived in our house famous original and an eccentric - Pozdnyakov. He arranged his apartment of four huge rooms in an extraordinary way. The largest, almost a hall, was turned into a bathroom (my brothers visited Pozdnyakov, they described its arrangement to me in detail). The floor and walls were covered with black cloth. In the middle of the room, on a specially constructed platform, there was a huge black marble bath (weight 70 pounds). There were orange lights all around. Huge wall mirrors reflected from all sides sitting in the bath. Another room has been turned into winter Garden: the parquet is covered with sand and lined with green plants and garden furniture. The living room was lovely tiger skins and artistic furniture made of Karelian birch. The owner received visitors in it in an ancient Greek toga and sandals on a bare foot, and on a nail thumb shining diamond monogram. He was served by a negro in a red livery, always accompanied by a black pug with a big red bow! It was this fantastic apartment that Lev Davydovich Trotsky was seduced at first: I just don’t know if he also borrowed his Greek toga and sandals from Pozdnyakov!

In the 1930s, the master artists Sokolov-Skala, Alexander Kuprin, Vasily Rozhdestvensky, Robert Falk chose the upper floors of the Pertsov house for themselves, for which the house was nicknamed “Moscow Montparnasse”.

Until the mid-1970s, the house remained residential, and then passed into the possession of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Pertsova's House (Soymonovsky proezd, 1) is a unique building built in the style of Russian Art Nouveau in 1905-1907.

The profitable house was built by order of Pyotr Nikolaevich Pertsov, a successful engineer of communications, however, in fact, his story began from another famous person. A little earlier, in 1898, the famous collector of paintings Ivan Tsvetkov bought a piece of land on Prechistenskaya Embankment for the construction of a house with a gallery, the project of which was carried out by the artist Viktor Vasnetsov. According to Vasnetsov's project, Tsvetkov's mansion was decorated in the Russian style: with tiles, carved decorations and interior decoration. Pertsov, who visited the gallery, was delighted with the views of the Moscow River, the Kremlin and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, opening from the windows of the Tsvetkov mansion, and Tsvetkov promised to help him buy a plot nearby, provided that the house on it would also be decorated in Russian style.

The site was bought for 70,000 rubles - huge money at that time - and registered in the name of Pertsov's wife Zinaida Alekseevna.

Pertsov started the construction of the house with enviable responsibility - he established a competition for the drafting of the project, to the jury of which they were invited outstanding masters Russian architecture and arts: Viktor Vasnetsov, Fedor Shekhtel, Vasily Surikov, Vasily Polenov, Illarion Ivanov-Shits and Stanislav Noakovsky; was established" prize fund". However, Pertsov reserved the right to the final choice of the winner.

As a result, the jury members awarded the first prize to Apollinary Vasnetsov, brother of Viktor Vasnetsov, but Pertsov exercised his right and chose the project of the second place winner, Sergey Malyutin, who by that time was known as the author of the first Russian nesting dolls.

As a result, according to the project of Malyutin, architects Nikolai Zhukov and Boris Schnaubert built a house resembling a fairy-tale tower and having the appropriate design: with tiles in the Old Russian style, majolica panels with images of mythical animals, creatures and plants, figures of dragons - and even the pipes were made in the form owls frozen on the roof. There is artistic asymmetry in the structure of the house (the arrangement of windows, balconies, tower-like elevations), but the house looks holistic and harmonious, and characteristic shape the roofs and the elements of the facade that continue it really resemble the roof of a Russian tower.

The owners themselves occupied only part of the house: the rest of the apartments and rooms were rented to tenants, and in the basement in 1908-1910 there was an artistic cabaret "The Bat", created as a place for creative recreation of the actors of the Moscow Art Theater.

Pyotr Pertsov lived in his house for only 15 years. Being one of the custodians of the values ​​of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, he defended the church from attacks Soviet power, and in 1922 he became an accused in the "case of churchmen", receiving 5 years imprisonment. A year later, he was released ahead of schedule, but he was evicted from the house that had been nationalized by that time, and Leon Trotsky himself occupied the family’s apartment, who lived here until he emigrated to Mexico.

Interestingly, there is some discrepancy in the name of the house. Despite the fact that on the plate on the facade the monument of architecture is indicated as "Profitable residential building Z.A. Pertseva"(named after Pertsov's wife - his official owner), he is often called "House of Pertsov"(according to Pyotr Nikolaevich himself), as well as "House of Peppers"- due to the discrepancy between the names of Pertsov / Pertsev. Use "House of Peppers" is the most common and recognizable and is used more often than others.

You can get to Pertsova's apartment building on foot from metro station "Kropotkinskaya".

Own historical name Pertsov's house was named after the engineer who conceived and carried out its creation. In 1905-1907, P. N. Pertsov, in collaboration with architects N. K. Zhukov and B. N. Schnaubert, and based on sketches by S. V. Malyutin, built a “fairy tale house” on the banks of the Moscow River.

The artist Malyutin tried to give the project the maximum shade of Russian antiquity, the features of ancient Moscow. The architects built the building in the New Russian Art Nouveau style, which was very advanced at the time. Engineer P.N. Pertsov supplied the house with hidden electrical wiring, inconspicuous water, sewer and sewer pipes, and abandoned wooden floors. A mixture of Russian traditions and the latest technologies in housing construction created an amazing building, which is still a Moscow landmark.

The house, built for artists, where each apartment had living rooms and a workshop, itself became a real work of art. At first glance, the building seems to be a heap of various complex shapes, uneven windows, gables, balconies and turrets. But upon closer examination, their harmony and organic interweaving, the natural compatibility of different styles, is striking.

The unity of architecture and applied arts, elements fine arts. The windows in Pertsov's house are made various shapes and asymmetrically arranged, richly decorated balconies, roofed with Gothic towers. They contain ancient Russian and European medieval motifs, original majolica panels. The roof and facades are decorated mythical creatures, the image of the sun and plants, animals and fish.

Early 20th century most of furniture was made according to the sketches of S.V. Malyutin, and the interior was richly decorated with woodcarving and painting. Now, from the former splendor, there are single elements of the decoration of the railing, the main staircase and the outer doors. But even today, the House of Pertsov invariably attracts the eye with its fabulousness, uniqueness and antiquity.

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