History of origin and interpretation of the name Tariel. Origin of Georgian names: "The Knight in the Panther's Skin"


Agree that the name has a certain influence on the fate of a person. After all, each name has its own meaning and contributes to the formation in a person of certain qualities of a person and the development of certain abilities. Do you want to know the origin, the meaning of male names, the interpretation of male names, the characteristics of male names, and also what qualities are characteristic of a particular name? Then this section is for you. By given interpretation male names, you can easily choose a name for the boy, and reward him with the qualities that you would like to see in him.

Take advantage alphabetical index to find the value of the name.

"Rising Sun" (arab.)
The boys are quite calm, intelligent and very capable. In friendship, they are reliable and faithful. Diligent, but sometimes very lazy. In communication, they can be emotional. The assigned tasks and tasks are treated responsibly and accurately.

Those born in winter are very irritable. They are stubborn and can always show their intransigence. Communication can be harsh. It is unusual for them to admit their guilt and their mistakes. Selfish and very power-hungry.

Those born in spring are very slow, but always calm. They are mostly observers rather than participants. Non-conflict, will not enter into disputes with anyone. But if they are sure of something, they can argue, but it will never come to a conflict. They try to be always attentive and collected. In life, they are very purposeful. In their rules to think through every step. By temperament, they are in most cases choleric. They are stubborn, they tend to show their character where it is not necessary. They do not like innovations and therefore they perceive them rather slowly or they can refute them altogether.

Those born in summer are sociable. Inveterate debaters, in addition, they can impose their opinion in a dispute. They like it when they take part in some kind of social work, where they express their opinion, and they are listened to very carefully. In life, they are very passive, so they do not become leaders. Modest, sometimes even indecisive. Well educated, intelligent. They are very hardworking, and in business they are reliable and diligent. Such people can be entrusted with almost any task. But they are a little stingy, cherish every penny.

Those born in autumn are inquisitive. They belong to the type of people who "poke their nose" everywhere, they must know everything and delve into everything. They marry late, as they are very picky in choosing women.

The first letter T of the name TARIEL will tell about the character

Passion and sexuality. You are characterized by hobbies at first sight, because of this, due to indiscretion, mistakes in choosing a partner are possible. During your midlife crisis, this can play a negative role when your chosen one leaves you or refuses to listen to tedious outpourings about your problems.

Characteristic features of the name TARIEL

  • power
  • comfort
  • impressionability
  • peacefulness
  • subtle spirituality
  • artistry
  • great resourcefulness
  • logics
  • pettiness
  • dogmatism
  • constant pressure
  • self-confidence
  • search for an ideal
  • sensitive creative personality
  • curiosity
  • search for psychological balance
  • slyness
  • good command of speech

TARIEL: the number of interaction with the world "3"

People under the influence of the three, as a rule, are incorrigible optimists, able to find a positive side in any situation. Alas, such a position often becomes an excuse for inaction - indeed, why try if everything is quite good anyway? It must be admitted that the "triples" are not the most active people. They are endowed with a rich imagination and prefer to dream rather than act, and will gladly accept the help of any person who is ready to take over their affairs.

In his environment, the "C" usually has a reputation as a ringleader, inventor and soul of the company. Such a person is really cheerful and friendly, he is able to make anyone laugh and find something to talk about with everyone. Listening to the "triple" is a pleasure; he handles words very skillfully, perfectly controls his voice, remembers the importance of pauses, and knows how to arouse interest in the interlocutor even in the most boring things. But you should not recklessly trust him: he is inclined to embellish reality, sometimes unconsciously, and focus on self-worth ignoring the accomplishments of others. “C” students often make good actors, because these people know how to portray feelings and enjoy it.

The “triples” prefer not to let their friends out of sight for a long time, regularly inviting them to visit or acting as initiators of some joint activities. It is worth noting that the “triple” is far from being as simple as it might seem; take a closer look - it is possible that a shirt-guy without a king in his head will turn out to be a prudent and prudent person, and his innocence is just a mask put on in order to make it easier to manipulate others.

"Triplets" cannot be prudent and prudent only when we are talking about those who are not indifferent to them. In love and affection, such people do not know half measures; they do not notice the shortcomings of loved ones, allow them to manipulate themselves, solve other people's problems without expecting a reward. However, getting along with a "C" is difficult - he is easily carried away, often changes his addictions and pays too much attention to external attractiveness, as well as what others think of him.

TARIEL: the number of spiritual aspirations "6"

People under the influence of the six rarely worry about their problems. They are much more interested in global issues, such as saving the world and restoring justice. Sixers are tolerant of the shortcomings of others, readily forgive offenders. There is no other person's grief for them - they take everything so close to their hearts that they often see life in black colors.

The most important thing for such people is love and creative self-realization. In marriage, they are rarely happy, as they tend to choose people who need help as a partner: chronic alcoholics, avid gamers and infantile dreamers are their profile. Alas, the chosen one of the six, as a rule, is in no hurry to change into better side, and spouses, even if they sincerely love each other, fail to achieve harmony in family relationships.

Those born under the influence of the six often have literary talent, have a craving for music and painting. They passionately desire to become famous, but even more need peace and harmony. Such people are more likely than others to become discouraged, they are aggressive and irritable, however, good spirits return to them much faster.

They subtly feel beauty, and admiring the colorful landscape can heal their wounded soul. Sixers tend to overestimate own forces when it comes to working for the benefit of others, and underestimation when it comes to their personal interests.

These people easily give up halfway through, faced with the slightest obstacles. They do not have leadership qualities, so they do not particularly shine either in the family or at work. However, they are able to show sincere sympathy, are able to find compromises and smooth out conflicts.

Six people are rarely assertive, but they are distinguished by activity, resourcefulness and ingenuity. In addition, they have a rare quality - the ability to enjoy other people's successes, so they have more than enough friends.

TARIEL: number of true features "6"

When a person is influenced by a six, peace, tranquility and serenity become his main goal in life. Moreover, not only peace of mind, personal is important for him. For him, the calmness of close people, and sometimes even complete strangers, matters. Such a need makes people of the “sixers” very vulnerable.

After all, you have to worry about literally everyone and everything. Unlike the majority, such people do not strive to get rich, become famous and successful. For them, such desirable attributes for all happy life will only be sources of unnecessary anxiety and problems.

The residence of such people is most often small cozy cities, villages and towns. Life in a multi-million dollar metropolis with hustle and bustle is not for them. Even if they live in such a city, they will never be comfortable there. But a leisurely way of life, with monotonous deeds and worries, is what they need. They definitely won't be bored.

Ambition and ambition is not about people under the sign of the six. The main thing for them is to find a favorite thing that really brings them satisfaction. And then they can really achieve significant success. Such people are dreamers, but at the same time they believe that their dreams can be realized. Therefore, even failures cannot cool their ardor. Time will pass and they will try again to fulfill their dream.

Sometimes, such perseverance gets in the way of life. After all, brilliant prospects can pass by them unnoticed. However, even in this case, the “sixers” consider themselves quite the favorites of fortune, and believe in the best. Even complex life situation will not make them lose optimism and look at the world through black glasses. He is convinced that all bad things will end, and the reward for difficulties will not be long in coming.

It is very pleasant to communicate with a person under the sign of the six. In his house there is always a place for guests, it is cozy and comfortable. He is an excellent host, but does not make a cult out of order and luxury. For him, the main thing is spiritual comfort, and things should be simple and convenient.

In caring for their relatives, such a person sometimes does not know the measure. And sometimes it gets a little annoying. But he, unfortunately, sometimes forgets about his interests.

From Arabic - rising Sun».

A man named Tariel has a mobile and strong nervous system and often choleric temperament. He is stubborn where he shouldn't be. Shows his character.

In his dealings with others, he is rude and sometimes prone to conflict if employees do not fulfill his task. His intelligence is high, he can adapt, but his susceptibility to everything new is generally reduced. He either immediately and completely accepts the new, but more often strongly rejects and does not even try to delve into the essence of the new proposal. Analysis of events, quick and careful weighing of all the pros and cons are not typical for him. Such inflexibility in the “March” and sometimes in the “winter” Tariel does not contribute to success.

"July" is sociable, actively goes for rapprochement with other people, if they are pleasant to him, but in a dispute he seeks to impose his opinion, not taking into account other points of view. He is pleased when they take part in the work and think and speak out. He is bright and determined, there are signs of courage in him, which will fully manifest themselves after twenty-five years, when he chooses his path in life. He is passive and does not seek leadership; explores life in its own way. He is very modest and sometimes indecisive, much depends on his patronymic. He builds his life on the understanding of the people who surround him. In society, he is intelligent, modest, educated. He can be a doctor, an engineer, a teacher. In character, he is very similar to his mother, very hardworking, reliable and diligent, he can be entrusted with any business that he himself will bring to completion, not trusting anyone. He loves to be noticed in society by both colleagues and others, strangers. He has a good a slim body. He is somewhat diplomatic sharp corners, does not try to go to the ram.

"Noyabrsky" is inquisitive, but his curiosity looks more like curiosity: he must know everything, delve into everything. In life, he settles well, but is picky in women. Sometimes it is difficult to get along with “winter” women, he tries to check them in his own way. Almost never completely frank. Very impressionable, sometimes even too much. Engaged in classical science.

"February" can be somewhat irritable when his employees say stupid things, they annoy him with this. He performs well as a speaker, always clearly and accessiblely expresses his thoughts. Sometimes communication with him requires a certain tact. By its nature, it can change the situation during the day. Working in one place is difficult for his character.

Sexuality of the name Tariel

He has a high sexual potential. He likes to spend time with a partner, preferably with a temperamental professional. He likes his partner to have beautiful figure. Frigid women annoy him. Easily excitable, can get carried away by a woman, but in an instant can break the connection with her. Having cooled down, he becomes indifferent and does not return to her. Marries Tariel late. In the family he good family man, attentive to children, but sometimes his wife can annoy him with his carelessness. When leaving home, he always looks at himself in the mirror. He is very neat, modestly dressed, always comes from him nice smell men's cologne. He drives a car well, but does not like to repair it. Some are talented musicians.

The meaning of the name Tariel: The boy's name means "rising sun". This affects the character and fate of Tariel.

Origin of the name Tariel: Arabic.

Diminutive form of the name: Tarielka, Tarielchik, Tarielushka.

What does the name Tariel mean? A person with this name has a mobile and strong nervous system and often a choleric temperament. He is stubborn where he shouldn't be. Shows his character.

Angel Tariel Day: not celebrated, since the name Tariel is of Muslim origin and is not included in the list of church holidays.


  • Element - Water
  • Colour: Dark grayish brown, Dark yellowish pink
  • Metal – Nickel
  • Tree - Oliva
  • Planet - Sun
  • Constellation - Phoenix
  • Number - Nine
  • Food - Vegetables and fish
  • Animals - Shark
  • Stones – Jasper

Influence of the season

Interestingly, the meaning of the name Tariel can be compared with the time of the year in which its owner was born, and get the most complete picture of his character.

So, the "winter" Tariel is pathologically unrestrained and overly irritable. Can speak quite sharply about a particular issue without choosing expressions. At the same time, he negatively perceives comments and criticism addressed to him. In many matters, he tends to be stubborn and intransigent. He loves power and always thinks only of himself.

If we talk about the nature of the name Tariel, who celebrates his birthday in the spring, then it is worth saying that such a person, first of all, stands out for his slowness. Also, the name Tariel is suspiciously calm and prefers not to stand out from the crowd. He cannot be called the soul of the company - on the contrary, by nature he is more of an observer. It also does not enter into conflicts and disputes. Sets a goal and strives to achieve it by all possible ways. By temperament, he is a choleric. He does not like anything new and hardly perceives any changes in own life.

"Summer" Tariel is very sociable, likes to argue. Prefers to always defend his point of view as the only correct one. He likes public Works, because they allow Tariel to feel that people need him.

Characteristics of the name Tariel

The nature of the name Tariel: As a child, Tariel is very calm, which is why parents often worry, not understanding why their son does not want to run and frolic in the yard with his peers. However, this behavior is a feature of Tariel's nature, which is completely normal. Considering that the name Tariel is often given to boys who are born in Muslim families, it is worth noting that in this case his obedience and calmness are quite understandable. If parents want to make Tariel more active, you can give him to sports section and the acquired skills will certainly be useful to him in the future.

Tariel and his personal life

Love and marriage: Flirting and languid chatter at a party from a woman is not suitable for him, he will try not to have any relationship with her. Tariel is romantic, very passionate, honest, straightforward in intentions, in feelings, unfortunately, this is often taken as flattery, superficiality or emptiness. After the wedding, he imposes a soft, but very heavy paw on the woman he loves. They look at a woman, looking for reliability, honesty in her. A man named Tariel may not speak openly to you, but he will find a way to show that he celebrates all your love. It is quite possible that outwardly he demonstrates complete detachment and concentration, but inside he has passions and fantasies of stormy and passionate love. If they are humiliated or made fun of, the tolerance of these people can quickly end. He does not need to prove anything to himself, as many men do.

Do not rush it, it does it slower, but neatly and efficiently. Treat everything with emotions and do not get bored, your novel will be original. All this gives them chances for successful communication and new acquaintances. In no case do not pursue him, do not bother with calls. Tariel must set one goal in order to achieve a good position. Intellectual to the point of fanaticism, he prefers conversation and ideological disputes to words of love. Soothe his vivid imagination and constantly cheer him up. He is ready to furiously direct all his forces to protect his loved ones.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Laziness often prevents Tariel from achieving his goals, and he often struggles with it stubbornly. True, it is worth saying that if Tariel is entrusted with any task, he will definitely complete it on time and on the very high level because he is a responsible and executive person. These qualities in Tariel are greatly appreciated by his leaders, and it is easier for him than for less conscientious colleagues to move up the career ladder.

Health and Energy

Health and Talents: Tariel has good health, but there are several disadvantages. The first is a predisposition to problems with the cardiovascular system. The disease may not appear, but you should be careful and sometimes visit a doctor. Weakness such a man nervous system which should be protected from early years. It is advisable not to abuse bad habits which Tariel has a penchant for.

The fate of Tariel in history

What does the name Tariel mean for male destiny?

  1. Tariel Veliyev (1944 - 2012) - figure of Azerbaijan television, Azerbaijani television director, main director edition of the "literary and dramatic program" in the Azerbaijan State Television, Honored Art Worker of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Head of the Department of "Television Direction" in the Azerbaijan state university culture and arts, professor.
  2. Tariel Davidovich Kapanadze (born 1962) - Soviet and Georgian football player, right midfielder.
  3. Tariel Tamerlanovich Gappoev - Acting State Counselor of Justice Russian Federation 3rd class, Deputy Head of the Financial and Legal Department federal agency communications (Rossvyaz).

57-year-old Tariel Oniani, better known as Taro, is a legendary character in the criminal world. Today he is in Matrosskaya Tishina and that is the only reason he is alive. It is on this version that law enforcement officers insist.

Just five neat lines on a piece of crumpled paper: "Life is for thieves. The reason for writing this term paper was the following circumstance, namely: we put you in the know, decent prisoners, that at the MTC ("Matrosskaya Silence Central." - "ABOUT") there is a man, his name is Tariel Oniani. With the knowledge of thieves: he is b ... a. If this person is in your house, or when you meet him, act accordingly."

Under the note - 36 signatures. Among others - the names of Yaponchik, Ded Khasan, Lasha Rustavsky, Yura Pichuga, Vasya Voskres, Oleg Mukha, Kostya Scar, Lekha Zabava, Seryoga Surgutsky, Shakro-Young, Koba Rustavsky ... More than half of the "signatories" are Slavic thieves in law, and the “paper” itself has much more weight than a formal court verdict: the person named in it must die.

If you believe official version, the thieves' baby was intercepted by law enforcement officers on September 19. Lawyers allegedly carried out own investigation circumstances of the assassination attempt on Vyacheslav Ivankov, better known as Yaponchik, and came to the conclusion that it was Oniani who ordered him. Usually such letters disappear in the safes of operatives. This time, the “paper” was not only shown to several journalists, but it was also decided to voice its contents on the air of one of federal TV channels. So the need to use the prison mail disappeared by itself: the verdict handed down to Tariel Oniani, together with millions of TV viewers, was known to the inhabitants of all prisons, colonies and pre-trial detention centers of the country.

Tulun fault
Tariel Oniani was born in 1952 in the mining town of Tkibuli in Georgia. His father died during a rock collapse in the mine, which became a serious “inoculation” for little Tariko from the desire to acquire a profession traditional for the inhabitants of the town. He got another one.

Oniani earned his first term for robbery and theft at the age of 17, then he was convicted seven more times for robbery, carrying weapons, drugs and extortion. According to some reports, he received the "crown" of a thief in law in the late 70s, and a few years later he was tacitly recognized as almost the most influential "legalist".

To understand the thieves' hierarchy of the times of the USSR, however, is still quite difficult. The community of leaders of the Soviet criminal world was extremely closed and, according to unwritten traditions, all issues were resolved in a narrow circle, where outsiders had no access. But Oniani, even then, was distinguished from the general background by an essential circumstance: his criminal career developed "according to the rules", and the path to the "crown" from the thieves' point of view was impeccable.

It would not be superfluous to recall this, since already in the late 80s in Georgia a thieves' title could simply be bought. There is a known case when the "crown" was valued at three "Volga", and the "ascension" of 18-20-year-olds who never sat "authorities" became a kind of calling card a new stage in the development of the thieves' movement. That is why, experts say, Georgian thieves today are almost most"thieves" in the country: according to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, out of 1,200 leaders of the criminal world, more than 60 percent come from Georgia. Wherein total thieves in comparison with the times of the USSR has almost doubled. And although the exact number of those who bought " honorary title“It is still unknown, the contemptuous nicknames “lavrushnikov” and “oranges” have long been stuck to the authorities from the Transcaucasian republic. Oniani is different - he, according to experts, is real.

In the late 80s, the so-called Kutaisi group, led by Taro, enjoyed unquestioned authority in Moscow. Oniani was at the top, but all the cards were mixed up by the "interspecies conflict" that happened far from the capital in the Tulun prison, near Irkutsk. There, fate and a sentence brought together Vyacheslav Ivankov and Oniani's closest associate, thief in law Ilya Simonia, nicknamed Maho. What these "authoritative" people near Irkutsk did not share is of little concern to anyone now; long years.

Rumor claims that at one of the thieves' gatherings, Yaponchik ensured that Simonia was "crowned". He was then supported by thieves Aslan Usoyan (Ded Khasan), Sergey Boytsov (Fighter) and several other criminal authorities. Oniani took it as a personal challenge. They say that Taro was wounded to such an extent that he publicly insulted Usoyan and Ivankov. Such resentment in a criminal environment never grows. And it is hardly surprising that in 1991, after Ivankov was released early (with the support of numerous requests from singer Iosif Kobzon, human rights activist Sergei Kovalev and ophthalmologist Svyatoslav Fedorov), Tariel Oniani decided to leave the country and settle in Paris. Taro left, but the "debt" remained with him.

viennese waltz
The owner of the Georgian airline "Orbi" David Sanikidze was killed on the evening of July 11, 1998 in Annagasse lane in the very center of Vienna. In front of many people, an inconspicuous young man ran up to the businessman, who was walking peacefully with his girlfriend Manana, and shot him three times in the back of the head.

David Sanikidze was a famous person in Vienna. In informal conversations, he often referred to himself as " special representative Eduard Shevardnadze in Europe", and once even turned to the Austrian authorities with a request to purchase a batch of Glock pistols for the security service of the President of Georgia. Then the Austrians were surprised by the number of "personal protection" officers: Sanikidze asked to sell 15,000 pistols. In an interview with the New York Russian-language newspaper Novoe Russian word Sanikidze himself admitted that Yaponchik was his friend.

Since nothing like this had ever happened in quiet Vienna before, the police, having arrived at the scene, were literally digging the ground. In addition to the body of the murdered, they found plastic bag, in which the Scorpion submachine gun was invested, as it turned out, the murder weapon. The Austrians raised the whole of Europe to their feet and quickly found three suspects (taken in Budapest, transported to Vienna). Those arrested turned out to be Akaki Javakhadze (according to the police, he shot), the son of a famous opera singer Paata Burchuladze, Shukri, and Georgy Oniani (his fingerprints were left on the weapon bag), Taro's brother.

Searching for the reasons for the murder, the Austrian police rummaged through the mountains of documents and came across an amusing document during a search in Sanikidze's house. It was a copy of a French court ruling dated 1995 to prosecute several Georgian citizens accused of drug trafficking. One of the defendants in this paper was Tariel Oniani. Apparently, the Austrian friend of Yaponchik either collected his own dossier on Taro, or was related to the French plot.

French connection
On August 23, 1994, a certain Rafael Mikaeli, an Israeli citizen, who had moved to the Promised Land from Georgia, was detained in Antwerp. With him, Michaeli had a package that he was going to send to Paris. The recipient was Tariel Oniani, who lives in room 3077 of the Intercontinental Hotel. In the parcel, the gendarmes found false Belgian passports, including those in the name of Tariel Oniani, who was born in Tkibuli in 1952. After that, Taro got "under the hood".

According to the French police, the range of business interests of Taro was very wide: smuggling of cigarettes and vodka, racketeering, large-scale theft, trade in fake passports and visas, control over enterprises and banks in the republics former USSR, not counting the criminal showdowns and the supply of illegal oil products from Iraq.

Wiretapping allowed French investigators to claim that Oniani was involved in the assassination of former Georgian Defense Minister Giorgi Karkarashvili and at least one case of hostage-taking (Taro's "partners" asked for $500,000 for the release of the Israeli businessman). French wiretapping Oniani turned out to be a treasure trove useful information for European law enforcement. Among other things, it was she who gave the key to unraveling the high-profile Viennese murder.

If you believe the documents of the criminal case, at the end of 1994 Oniani was on the verge of hysteria: Yaponchik (by then moved to New York) and David Sanikidze allegedly intercepted his legitimate booty - $ 15 million, which belonged to one of the bankrupt Georgian banks.

In one of the telephone conversations intercepted by the police, Taro directly says to his "partner" Merab Dzhangveladze (Merab Sukhumsky): "Jap must be expelled from the brotherhood, and if he refuses, he will be stabbed to death!" Perhaps in the original this phrase sounded differently, but in reverse translation from French it looks exactly like this. Figured among the records and such a quote: "I will not leave them alone! They are already dead - and Yaponchik, and Sanikidze!" in one more telephone conversation Oniani ordered to find out if Yaponchik swims in the ocean...

The French arrested Taro and Merab Sukhumsky in early 1995, charging them with attempted drug smuggling. During interrogations, however, the Georgian thieves openly mocked the French investigators. When asked about his main profession, for example, Merab Dzhangveladze answered with a smile: "My profession is a cannibal." In the end, a year later, a judge in Nice decided to release Oniani on bail. He left. A few months later, it so happened that Sanikidze was killed in Vienna. Taro himself soon moved from France to Spain. Well, of course, "debt" with him.

spanish sting
House 24 on Calle Juan de Alos in the most expensive area of ​​Barcelona has been empty for four years. The gates are sealed, and the trees in the garden have not been watered for a long time. According to the documents, it is this site that belongs to Tariel Oniani, and, according to the Spanish police, until June 2005, it was here that the "headquarters of the Russian mafia" in the country was located.

According to the influential Spanish newspaper El Pais, it was Alexander Litvinenko who helped the local law enforcement officers to cope with the "Russian criminals". Six months before the polonium poisoning in London, a retired KGB lieutenant colonel, constantly looking for an opportunity to earn extra money, offered the Spaniards a dossier that contained information about crime bosses from the countries of the former USSR, settled in Spain. A meeting was organized for him with representatives of the Spanish prosecutor's office, then a report appeared from the investigative department of the Spanish Civil Guard, on the basis of which law enforcement decided to conduct, perhaps, the largest operation against the Russian mafia. Who adjusted the invoice to Litvinenko, who had already lost all his Russian connections by that time, remained a mystery.

In the summer of 2005, the operation, code-named "Wasp", involved more than 400 police officers, supported by helicopters and armored personnel carriers. More than 50 searches were carried out in Barcelona, ​​Alicante, the resorts of Marbella, Fuengirola, Benalmadena and Torremolinos. The documents were confiscated at the offices of companies owned by Tariel Oniani and at all construction sites that Taro was involved in.

The police managed to detain Oniani's 12-year-old daughter Gvanets (the girl was placed in the so-called closed house for minors), arrest his closest assistant Besik Liparteliani and Vitaly Izgilov, known under the nickname Vitalik the Beast, and obtain extradition from United Arab Emirates Zakharia Kalashova (Shakro-Young). But Tariel Oniani himself disappeared exactly an hour before the police special forces appeared at the gates of his house. Either he sensed it, or he knew it - today no one knows about it. Taro left Spain.

Moscow hook
Then again there was Moscow. Oniani returned to the Mother See as if he were at home, although not without problems. In 2006, immediately after the extradition of Zakhary Kalashov to the Spanish authorities, the criminal elite began to seriously sparkle. They divided the ownerless household of the inmate, and, as has been customary since the 17th century, a conflict broke out in the battle for the "Spanish inheritance". The views on solving the problem of Taro and Aslan Usoyan, better known as Ded Khasan, in Once again parted abruptly. Small disassemblies gradually matured into large ones, the balance was not in favor of Oniani. The situation was aggravated by an important circumstance: Ivankov, who had special accounts with Taro, was extradited from America to Russia, who was soon released by the Russian court.

By the summer of 2008, the air smelled of an open war of clans, and then it was announced that another meeting of thieves in law would be held with the participation of all interested parties. The initiative to hold a "trade union meeting" belonged to Oniani; the meeting place was the board of a pleasure boat. On it, 50 people gathered on a cruise on the Pirogovsky reservoir, including 39 Georgian thieves in law. Yaponchik and Ded Khasan were invited, but they did not come. 10 minutes after leaving big water helicopters hovered over the ship, from which special forces rained down on the deck. As a result of the special operation, all "authoritative" people were detained, including Tariel Oniani. Later, however, they were quickly released: the police had no complaints. Claims arose not from the police - it is this seizure that is considered to be the beginning big war Oniani and Ded Hasan clans.

Many call this war strange. Probably because, in addition to traditional moves (such as the physical elimination specific persons) there is also a full-scale legal battle of the parties: the participants in the fight are deprived of Russian citizenship (as was the case with Usoyan’s ally, Lasha Shushanashvili), or they are awarded it, as happened with Tariel Oniani himself.

President Saakashvili then remarked: “I don’t understand why Russia needed to grant Russian citizenship to a person who fled Georgia and is wanted for his actions. Maybe Oniani and people like him promise the Russian side that they will fight against the current Georgian authorities, but why in The Russian Federation trusts such people, because bandits remain bandits both in Georgia and in Russia." A peculiar answer to this was a muddy, but very scandalous story: Tariel Oninani acted as the organizer of the meeting in London of the late oligarch Badri Patarkatsishvili with the head of the special operational department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, General Irakli Kodua. The result of this meeting was the broadcast of confidential talks on Georgian television: Patarkatsishvili offered Kodua to take part in a coup d'état against President Mikheil Saakashvili for a lot of money...

By the spring of this year, it became clear who wins: in the end, Ded Khasan's "group" turned out to have much more supporters than Oniani's. Vyacheslav Ivankov resolutely stood on the other side.

The field for maneuver at Taro was inexorably shrinking, and in June 2009, Tariel Oniani completely lost the opportunity for maneuver: he was detained (on charges of kidnapping and extorting 250 thousand dollars) and placed in a closed block of the Matrosskaya Tishina detention center. It seemed that in the protracted war of clans, a clear winner was determined. But...

On July 28, 2009, Vyacheslav Ivankov was wounded at the exit from the Thai Elephant restaurant in Moscow. The criminal world took this attempt so seriously that just two days after the shootings on the Khoroshevsky highway in Barcelona, ​​an urgent meeting of Russian thieves was held, in which almost 80 people participated. Is the allegedly intercepted and publicized thieves' baby with a sentence to Tariel Oniani its real or "operational" consequence? Here main question for which there is no answer yet.
Regarding the emergence of thieves in law as a special criminal institution and all the mythology associated with them, there are several versions - both apologetic (this is a subculture that came almost from Nikolaev times) and derogatory (Cop notion). According to the latter, the first mention of thieves in law can be found at the very beginning of the 1930s. It was then that it was decided that the multi-million army of Gulag inmates should be controlled by the prisoners themselves. At first, activists were used for these purposes, who decided to cooperate with the administration and in return received the positions of brigadiers, senior detachments and barracks.

But despite their best efforts, their influence was extremely limited. The thieves categorically refused to obey them, and riots and murders of activists were commonplace in the camps. And then it was decided to go on an experiment unprecedented in the world: to artificially create a cast of criminal leaders who outwardly are in conflict with the state, but at the same time are vitally interested in the fact that prisoners work hard.

It was for this that a special thieves' ideology was allegedly developed, equipped with a complex system of rituals and rules.

It wasn't enough for a real thief to just be a leader.

The thief could not have any property. He was forbidden to work, marry, have a permanent residence permit, serve in the army, and generally enter into any relationship with the state, including membership in the Komsomol or party. The thief was obliged to steal, go to jail and could not agree to parole. In return, the "thief in law", whose right to the "crown" was approved by at least three recognized leaders of the criminal environment (just like when joining the CPSU (b)), not only became the beholder - the shadow owner of the camp or prison - but also received the right to dispose of the common fund . To this general treasury, the funds from which went, among other things, to help the families of selected inmates, each prisoner was obliged to transfer not only a part of the money and products received from the will, but also to deduct a share of the earnings received for camp labor. So it was the thieves who were vitally interested in the fact that the colonies carried out production plan.

It is claimed that this well-established system began to give the first failures only in the 1970s. Moreover, the "cradle of change" was the birthplace of Stalin, who at one time approved the creation of a special thieves' caste.

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