Oriental dances. Belly dance for beginners


Can't sit still when you hear the sounds of oriental music? It's time to learn a new hobby - belly dancing! Oriental dances will turn you into a mysterious beauty and teach you to love your body!

If you want to always be in the center of attention of men and stay in good mood, there is nothing left to do except how to learn how to dance oriental dances. This is one of the most! Fascinating brilliance of costumes, hypnotizing rhythmic sounds of drums, incredibly plastic movements female body- it's all about East Dance belly dance. Belly dancing quickly broke into our culture 10 years ago, along with the appearance on the air domestic television fairy tales about the life of Arab beauties.

A bit of history: when belly dance appeared

Historical name for oriental dance Arabic sounds like "Rax Sharqi", in Turkey it is called Oryantal dansı. Its original version is very far from what modern belly dancers dance, if only for the reason that the Islamic dress code would never allow a woman to expose her body in the presence of men.

What we are watching with enthusiasm today is a modernized product of the synthesis of several dance techniques: gypsy dance Ghawazi, European cabaret and Arabic dance traditions. For the first time, a show with oriental dancers in the interpretation that is popular to this day was shown in Paris in 1889. Nowadays, there are already more than 50 directions of oriental dance, founded by various leading schools of the world.

Theory and technique: where and how to learn to dance

The popularity of this exotic dance has led to the fact that today even in Slavic and European countries there is a mass dance clubs and groups that teach the art of belly dance. The main thing is to find a teacher to your liking, in some ways this task is similar to the correct one. In no case do not immediately enroll in the first school that comes across and do not buy a subscription. To get started, go to a trial lesson with a trainer and find one who explains clearly for you and in whose presence you do not feel constrained.

Take an interest in the achievements of students in various competitions, because this is an indicator of the mastery of the mentor. Not always even a great dancer can become a good teacher. The team in which you will study is also very important - when a friendly atmosphere reigns in the classroom, and not malicious competition, there are much more chances to master the skill of dance.

A very positive effect on improving the level of skill various competitions. Do not be afraid to participate in them, even if you are new to this business! Competitions always have separate categories for beginners and experienced professionals. You will see how the first diploma earned, even if among beginner dancers, will make you train with even greater zeal.

If for some reason you do not want or cannot practice in a group, do not be discouraged, today there are many manuals that will help you learn oriental dances at home. To get started, watch a few videos to decide which of the dance techniques and directions of oriental dance you like best.

First lesson for beginners: a few important movements:

On specialized sites, you can easily find a lot of video tutorials and melodies. After choosing a suitable song, listen to it several times to get a good feel for the rhythm, and start training! It is desirable that you have a mirror in your home. full height, which will help you see yourself during classes from the side and assess the correctness of the movements.

Where to buy a suit for rehearsals and performances

It is better for beginner dancers to purchase the simplest costume, not burdened with a variety of details that will complicate the development of movements. If the question is where to buy an oriental dance costume, then consider one of the options:

  1. The cheapest way to buy such an outfit is from girls who have already mastered a sufficient level of skill and dance in costumes of complex cut.
  2. If you want a new outfit, specialized online stores offer wide selection for every taste and budget.
  3. The right outfit is sure to be found in the oriental bazaars or in specialized stores for dancers, which are simply full of costumes, both mass-made and hand-made.
  4. If you have basic needlework skills (sewing,), then it’s quite easy to build a costume yourself, having a piece of fabric, an unnecessary bra, some beads, sequins, rhinestones, ribbons on hand.

From theory to practice: where to show mastery

You can apply the skills learned at rehearsals anywhere. Today there are a lot of nightclubs and discos where oriental dances are danced and theme parties are often held. Yes, and in ordinary discos, the movements learned in training will come in handy. The main thing is to listen carefully to the melody, because many songs popular on modern dance floors have oriental motifs.

Belly dance is suitable for any figure

While learning oriental dances, as well as, a sense of rhythm and plasticity develops well, so after a few lessons you can easily turn into a graceful disco star! The attention of men is guaranteed to you, and the problem will remain in the past!

The only condition for success in belly dancing is not to be ashamed of your body! A small tummy and lush hips will only benefit. To love your body, you can try classes or. Even if you dance exclusively for yourself, you can increase your self-esteem in a month and achieve new successes in other areas. Turn on the music!

From time immemorial, people have been attracted by oriental beauties, their charming ability to move. Already now, anyone can learn this art of belly dancing, even at home. After all, there are a large number of methods that allow you to teach this, at first glance, seemingly difficult art.

At the same time, it is a symbol of femininity, sexuality and charm. Many admirers of oriental belly dance say that he not only teaches beautiful and smooth movements, but also allows you to get rid of extra pounds. The important thing here is to learn how to perform all the movements correctly, and it will be much easier to achieve the desired result. Belly dance to burn fat is great alternative diets and traditional physical activity( , ). But there is nothing to be surprised here, because there are special techniques that can surpass many methods of body shaping.

For those who do not know how to learn oriental belly dancing at home, but really want to, it is worth knowing that this is an opportunity not only to receive aesthetic pleasure. This time spent brings many benefits. To rhythmic music, movements are made in which all the muscles of the body work. If you regularly practice belly dancing, you can be surprised at the results, because in this way you can get a slender and toned figure. In addition, self-esteem increases during classes, a woman begins to love herself and her body.

For those who do not know how to learn belly dancing at home, you need to know that classes have a lot of advantages, such as:

  • Getting aesthetic pleasure
  • Feeling great
  • Developing a sense of rhythm
  • Increasing the endurance of the body
  • Active weight loss
  • Femininity and sophistication
  • Self-confidence and love for your body.

If a girl wants to buy slim stomach and a wasp waist, then oriental belly dances will become excellent helpers in this field. It is impossible not to note their benefits for those girls who are preparing to become mothers. During the belly dance, all muscles are involved, you need to move your body, neck, smile beautifully, hone the mystery in your eyes. In order for all the subtleties of the process to become known, you need to regularly do this. To the advantage home schooling It is worth mentioning the fact that you can practice at any convenient time.

Home belly dance training is the best option for beginners. Famous choreographers record their videos where they teach to master the basic elements. Such a tutorial will help you feel much more confident later on in the classroom with a trainer.

Video Lesson #1, Belly Dance by Vina and Nina Bidashi (Basic Movements)

Belly dancing as a way to lose weight

Dreams of thin waist pursue many representatives of the weaker sex. Wasp waist, toned and thin hips are the main culprits of these desires. Oriental belly dancing in spite of existing opinion not smooth and melodic. These are rhythmic and intense movements that involve all muscle groups, and not just the abdominal area. During pleasant music, you can move your body and act on the muscles, making them more elastic and toned.

Together with these movements, the centimeters on the body begin to “melt”. Oriental dances last so long that there is enough time for body changes. The blood flow in the body increases during belly dancing, and this, in turn, has a positive effect on the process of fat breakdown.

Belly dancing classes are useful not only for adults, but also for children. Many girls start to dance eastern directions, this allows you to develop femininity, refinement of character.

Physical activity is the best option for weight loss, because during the day you need to spend more calories than they are consumed with food. It is belly dancing that can burn a sufficient number of calories. This sports method easily replaces the standard ones.

Video Lesson #2, Belly Dance by Vina and Nina Bidashi (arms and waist muscles)

Additional elements of belly dance

To while dancinglook harmonious, it is important to choose a lot of elements, in particular:

  • Costume
  • Shoes
  • jewelry
  • Makeup.

Even First level requires that you look beautiful in belly dancing. It is extremely important to maintain the sexy image of a dancer. In addition, the costume and additional elements allow you to fully immerse yourself in the belly dance.

Practical advice: It is better to buy a belly dance costume after some time after class, the figure will in any case acquire femininity, the waist will become more refined. Beginners will only need a short top and breeches.

After the basic movements have been learned, a coin loincloth can be purchased. Such an element looks playful and sexy, besides it creates a special mood. Now let's talk about shoes. Any Arabic dances are performed barefoot. Thus, a special connection between man and the Earth is noted. If you don’t want to dance barefoot, then socks, Czech shoes or ballet flats will do.

Basic belly dance moves

Belly dance lessons for beginners may seem difficult, because at the same time you need to own every part of your body, move your hands beautifully, control your facial expressions, look, smile. However, belly dance training can be started with simple videos.

By gradually performing the following dance movements, you can quickly and easily master this, at first glance, a difficult direction:

  • The basic movement of belly dance is the rocking chair. It is necessary to perform it correctly, standing on tiptoe. The legs should be placed together, they are slightly bent at the knees. mentally swipe vertical line through the navel. Move your hips exactly along this line, but the navel should remain motionless.
  • Pendulum- the technique of the exercise is to raise the right thigh to the armpit, bring it into right side and put it down again. We do the same with the left thigh.
  • Circular rotation of the hips. It is important that during movements the back is even and straight. You need to imagine a circle in front of you, you need to outline it with your buttocks, while the lower back bends as much as possible.
  • Circles. It is necessary to describe a circle with the hips, while the pelvis must be retracted, and the hip is reset from top to bottom. The next laps must be non-stop. You can make circular rotations in the horizontal direction, vertical. They can be large, small or medium. A new movement can be obtained if the movements are made in the frontal plane.
  • Wave. In this case, you need to move only the hips. The upper body remains motionless. You need to stand on high half-fingers, half a turn. You need to move in a vertical plane and describe a circle through the bones of the thighs. It is possible to move forward or to the side. You can do side or frontal rotations in waves.

Such exercises are First stage. There are many other techniques that need to be improved in stages to achieve good results. Oriental belly dancing is not only beautiful figure but also graceful posture, femininity and sophistication.

Video Lesson #3 Bellydance by Vina and Nina Bidashi (thighs and buttocks)

It's never too late to start. This is the motto of someone who has never practiced, but wants to learn oriental dance. We know what kind of training classes or studio in Moscow you would like to find. Your expectations are comfort, sincere confidential atmosphere and professionalism of teachers. Good prices and convenient location. Well, we're glad to meet you! It doesn’t matter if you went to rhythmics in your early childhood, moved from another dance direction, or this is your first hall in your life. According to our methodology, oriental dances for beginners are taught in such a way that after a short time you will see clear progress and benefits.

This captivating dance is one of the most ancient, having countless types. He's so popular in modern world that it is difficult to find someone who has never heard of him. He is described in books, shown in films and TV shows, he gathers crowds of spectators in oriental establishments. East Dance - a symbol of sexuality, inaccessibility, modesty and elegance, strength and weakness. It helps to reveal a woman from all sides, presenting and revealing more and more secrets of character both to herself and to those around her.

Dance-self-expression, dance-therapy, dance-pleasure.

In addition to aesthetics and honing the beauty of movements, dancing has a positive effect on all aspects of women's health:

  • Helps to keep the body in good shape, correct weight, develops flexibility, plasticity and stretching, improves posture and strengthens the spine
  • Regular dance classes can help get rid of problems and diseases of the reproductive system, and even prevent them. Positive influence on the reproductive system relieves painful critical days facilitates conception and childbirth
  • Dance increases self-esteem, reveals new features of your personality, helps to cope with depressive moods, improves communication with the opposite sex, as it develops the feminine and allows you to see yourself as more feminine and attractive.

Starting to attend oriental dance courses today, you will not notice how in a couple of months your body will move in a completely new way, you will learn to improvise to the music, and the smile will never leave your face. Dancing gives everyone, without exception, a lot of positive and new friends.


Before starting classes, purchase clothes in which you will dance, or choose something from your existing wardrobe. Clothing should not restrict your movements, but it should not be too wide either. For example, you can wear a short and leggings. In such a vestment, you will be able to clearly see all your movements, it will be easier for you to notice your mistakes and shortcomings. You can also purchase a hip scarf embroidered with beads or. The chiming of coins helps some to better feel the rhythm of the music.

Choose the method by which you will study Oriental dancing. There is enough information on this dance direction both on the Internet. Perhaps it’s better first to get acquainted with the history, with what directions there are, to what music this wonderful dance is performed.

And then you can proceed directly to classes. For this it is better to use . In stores you can buy a whole series of discs with oriental dances. Usually in such series, the first disc is devoted to learning the basics of dance, you will learn what the basic movements are, learn how to hold your posture correctly, learn the basic positions of the arms and legs, and perhaps learn your first dance. With subsequent discs, you will learn more new movements, learn more complex, but also more interesting dance performances.

If you do not want to spend money on buying discs, then there are a lot of video lessons on the Internet. Some videos can be downloaded, while others can be viewed in . The advantage of this method is that you can study according to the lesson that you like the most. The downside is that sometimes you have to go through a lot of material before you find something that suits you both in content and quality. And of course, in order to achieve any results by exercising at home, you need to have quite strong will to force yourself to train regularly, and without this you will not be able to study all the subtleties well.

Related videos


  • Oriental belly dancing. Bellydance for beauty and health
  • how to learn belly dancing at home

Indian classical dances- These are the oldest dances in the world, which have survived to this day almost unchanged. Today in India there are many dance directions from classic to modern. What unites them is that every movement in Indian dance, even with a finger or an eyebrow, has its own meaning. Any dance has its own meaning and tells a little story usually about love. You need to have great perseverance and a margin of time to learn how to dance beautifully and correctly. indian dances.


Sign up for dance studio which specializes in Indian dances. Indian ones are quite popular in Russia, and in any major city You can choose a studio to your liking and for the money. With the help of a coach and like-minded people, learning is easier and more fun.

Get a self-instruction CD for Indian dances if you can't study in the studio. Start with the easiest level. Classical Indian dances are the most difficult. So it's better to start with modern dance. You can download dance songs from the Internet or go free education dancing online.

Equip a place for dancing if you decide to study at home. large mirror is the main condition. Even if it seems to you that you are repeating the movements exactly after the dancer on, a completely different picture may be reflected in the mirror. Our perception of our own body may differ from how it looks from the outside.

Many girls in childhood went to various circles or sections, most of from which she chose dances. Today we would like to introduce you to such a popular variety of dances as "oriental dances", this is a kind of style that is distinguished by its charm and grace. Oriental dances are always fascinating and sensual movements that will help you discover completely new facets of talent and feelings, feel new level control over your body, coordination and mind.

I would like to immediately note that oriental dances are rather a direction, there are many of them, they are divided into varieties, which sometimes differ very much. popular question many who are interested, is there a difference between oriental dances and all the well-known Belly Dance. The answer is simple, there is a difference and it is not, Belly Dance, this is one of the directions of oriental dances. Everyone who is closely involved in Belly Dance can be said to be engaged in oriental dances, but those who are engaged in oriental dances do not always have an idea of ​​what Belly Dance is.

Oriental dances are divided into many types, the most basic of which are as follows:

  • Belly Dance, which we talked about above. It's kind of classic style belly dance. Performed by women, distinguished by grace and isolation of movements.
  • Tribal is a more extensive dance style that includes several styles in its technique, and this is folklore, ATS and the Belly Dance described above. It is distinguished by a certain savagery and passion, reminiscent of folk dance. The movement during the performance, although they seem somewhat improvisational, is still very polished. By the way, this species dances are performed not only by women, but also by men.
  • Folklore, which was mentioned above, is also a direction of oriental dances, which includes many styles, such as, for example, "Khalidi", "Baladi", "Dabka" or Egyptian - "Saidi".

A little understood. Below will be presented video lessons of oriental dances for beginners.

Video lesson 1: Oriental dances - Basic movements!

Video lesson 2: Oriental dances - Arms and abdominal muscles!

Video lesson 3: Oriental dances - Hips and buttocks!

Video Lesson 4: Oriental Dancing - Fat Burning!

A selection of video lessons of oriental dances for beginners:

If one video clip is not enough for you, then below is a whole selection step by step videos Oriental dance lessons for beginners at home, which will no doubt teach you something useful and useful. The squares with the video are small, click "full screen" for easy viewing.

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