Dances for girls 13 14 years old. Professional dance school for teenagers invites you to dance classes


What do you think are the most popular dances for teenagers? We are sure that it is jazz-modern and hip-hop! Modern teenagers constantly surf the Internet or watch TV shows. And it is these dance styles that most often flash on the screens. And not only on the screens. Not a single modern dance performance can do without them. However, it will be difficult to master these styles without knowing the basics. And the base is classical choreography!

When creating the program of the IRBIS studio, we were guided by the preferences of teenagers and the latest fashion trends in the world of dance. And we decided that it would include classical choreography, hip-hop, break dance and jazz modern - the most modern dances for teenagers!

Benefits of classes

  • Dance classes give teenagers the opportunity to express themselves, to express themselves creatively. After all, dance is not just movement. This is an integral composition with a certain message and mood. And if a dancer wants to say something with his number, then the audience will understand this.
  • Dancing for teenagers can improve posture, relieve back pain. Today's teenagers sit at lessons or at the computer for a long time. This lifestyle is not the most beneficial effect on the condition of the spine. After all, we need movement - dancing twice a week is quite enough for this.
  • Modern dances for teenagers are bright, dynamic and memorable. Therefore, your child will be the star of any disco or school ball. The attention of peers to such children increases many times.
  • Not to mention the improvement in the overall physical form and stretch marks. Excess weight the dancer is definitely not in danger!

How to choose a dance school in Moscow for teenagers?

First, choose a school closer to home - so you will be less worried about your child. Secondly, pay attention to teachers, especially their experience and qualifications. Ideally, meet with them in person and find out all your questions.

What girl wouldn't want to learn how to move well? Especially in school age. Dancing for girls 10 years old is of tremendous importance. Children watch clips, try to imitate modern stars mimicking their movements. What to do if your daughter is so carried away by them? You can send him to study in the studio, but what if there is no such opportunity at all? Video dance lessons for children 10 years old come to the rescue.

Start of classes

Dance lessons for beginners aged 10 are aimed at beginners who have never done choreography. Teachers in an accessible, interesting way will tell and show the very basics that children can easily repeat given age. The emphasis is on the development of flexibility, musicality, smoothness, elegance of movements.

All dance lessons for children aged 10 are held in a playful way to the rhythmic music loved by everyone. Choreographers build lessons, moving from the simplest to more complex elements, the lessons are designed specifically for girls. Naturally, it is assumed that children did not know how to do anything before this video, so the training starts from the very beginning.

Baby styles

Dance video for girls 10 years old includes various styles and directions. Children will be introduced to folk variety dances will talk about the features ball destinations. Each girl will be able to choose what she likes, it will be interesting for her. Perhaps after that he will want to seriously develop in this art form, and the hobby will become a favorite pastime of his whole life. Even from home video lessons, you can take out a lot of new things, learn a lot.

Where are the children dancing?

In addition, dancing for children of 10 years old, especially for girls, is now very popular: various holidays and events are often held where they can show their skills. Having come to a friend’s birthday, the daughter will no longer just sit modestly and be shy, because she doesn’t know how and doesn’t know something, but will be able to show her friends what she has learned.

Popular destinations

A beautiful, spectacular video of modern dance for children aged 10 will tell about what is popular and interesting for children in our time, what modern trends exists, what are their features. The choreographer will show some movements that are especially relevant now.

Modern dance for children 10 years old can include various elements, and is designed for any number of people. For example:

  1. Hip-hop;
  2. House dance;
  3. MTV dance;
  4. Club.

They can also be performed in different ways:

  1. the whole team;
  2. couple;
  3. Solo.

Group or team - where many participants are involved. They can only be practiced on a large platform, together with a teacher. And the double and solo are suitable to master them at home.

solo dance

A solo dance for a girl of 10 years old is a single performance, where only one participant is herself. It can be both pop and ball, which is undoubtedly very beautiful.

A dance video for 2 girls of 10 years old already introduces pair choreography, where two participants are involved. It will help put the number on some holiday or event at school, where your daughter can shine with her friend or sister. A beautiful plastic number, perhaps, will bring your girls a victory in the competition and delight the audience. This great gift for the holiday of parents, relatives, teachers.

Benefits of children's activities

Of course there is a video light dancing for girls 10 years old, which shows the most simple moves available to absolutely everyone. Even it will help to develop in many aspects:

  1. become liberated;
  2. become plastic;
  3. Correct posture;
  4. Develop physically;
  5. Helps develop flavor.

Instill in your children a love of art, because it's so cool, useful and beautiful to do interesting business, which I like very much. Moreover, it is quite affordable even at home.

Video lessons

Adolescence is a time when creative self-expression becomes a necessity. And it doesn't matter whether it's drawing, playing chess or a club for young naturalists - young people begin to look for themselves and what they will actually be interested in doing. Modern dance for teenagers is not only a chance to develop physically, but also to learn to feel the rhythm, as well as to join the dance. A young person or girl who dances gains self-confidence, attracts the attention of their peers and is more popular. So, the topic of our conversation is modern dances for teenagers. What are the popular styles and trends?


Hip-hop is an integral part of not only street culture, but also teenagers. This dance style once appeared in the poor neighborhoods of New York and was created as an alternative to the criminal and homeless life that young ghetto residents, mostly African and Latin Americans, were forced to lead. The technique of hip-hop improved, and gradually the style moved from the dance floors of New York streets to big stage, in show business and stage.

If you are looking for modern dances for teenagers that will develop amazing dexterity and unbridled energy, hip-hop will become ideal option. Rhythmic, but at the same time springy swinging movements of the body, turns and jumps, lightning-fast rearrangements of the legs - this is the peculiarity of hip-hop. During the period that the dance style exists, many of its directions have appeared: break dance, popping, locking, boogaloo, etc. Reckless company, loose clothing and light "rocking" movements - what else does a teenager need to have fun?

Jazz funk

Jazz funk is a dance for teenagers, characterized by expression, mannerisms and courage. It can be classified as "modern dance for teens 14 years old", since younger children are unlikely to be interested in this style.

Jazz funk - eclecticism, connection best achievements various directions in choreography. Young and daring, jaz-funk only emerged in the 2000s. and immediately gained unprecedented popularity. If a teenager is a devoted fan of pop and r'n'b culture, then jazz funk will undoubtedly appeal to him: Beyonce, Madonna, Britney Spears- only a small list of stars using it in their show productions.

There are practically no complex tricks and movements in jazz-funk - everything is natural, within the limits of the possible, therefore special training will not need. However, the ability to combine dynamics and smoothness, tenderness and aggressiveness - that's what a dancer gets as a result of training.


Contemporary originates in dance direction modern. It will suit emotional and lyrically minded teenagers who seek to convey their mood in dance. Contempo is often danced barefoot, combining some elements from the choreography of ballet, modern, postmodern and even yoga in the performance. good stretch will help you achieve great success in training.

Modern dances for teenagers are often aggressive and sharp, contemporary dance is something else: it helps to develop sensuality and unique beauty movements. Contempo can be different - singles and doubles, dance standing and on the floor, but it is always equally elegant and effective.

Workout clothing can be tight, but should not restrict movement. Freedom, the flight of the soul and the opportunity to tell touching story- that's the advantage of contempo.


Tectonic can be classified as "modern dances for teenagers 12 years and older".

Like any discovery of the 21st century, this option combines elements of several dances at once - hip-hop, electro, techno, etc. Tectonics dance at club venues, and the “uniform” for representatives of this direction looks something like this: tight jeans, a white belt, a tight T-shirt and leggings on their hands . However, over time, the requirements for clothing have been significantly abolished.

Tectonic develops good coordination, because the essence of the dance is to deftly carry out successive and simultaneous rotations of the elbows and hands, while performing springy movements of the legs. Hardstyle is considered the most difficult in this direction, since it requires pre-training and excellent physical form of the performer.


Dubstep dance appeared in the wake of the popularization of the music of the same name. And so the musicality and rhythm play like never before important role during its execution. Dubstep music is biased strong beats and accents, using synthesizers that create the illusion of "acceleration" and sudden "stops", in fact, the dance looks the same: long movements are replaced by short ones, dynamics - by sudden static figures. Also, “log cabins”, slow motions and exposures are widely used - everything to “illustrate” the musical pattern as accurately as possible.

Go go

Continues the list of "modern dances for teenagers and teenagers" no less popular style Go go. Initially, the direction was created as a way to entertain guests at elite parties in nightclubs. Go-Go is a predominantly female dance. Any girl who possesses such skills has every chance of becoming a real disco queen.

Modern dances for beginners, teenagers with already acquired choreographic skills, as well as advanced dancers are taught in special schools that open not only in major cities, but also in small settlements. Groups are divided into age categories, and classes are open to everyone. So we choose suitable direction and forward - for a portion of adrenaline and good mood!

Ideas for teenagers. Organizing a holiday for teenagers is not an easy task, they are no longer children who are interested in contests with animators, but not adults who could organize everything themselves. KiD.Holiday will help arrange great entertainment!

TOP holiday ideas for teenagers. Club party Age: 10 - 17 years Number of participants: 5-25 people. Age: 10 - 16 years Number of players: 5 - 25 people. Age: 8 - 17 years Number of players: 5 - 12 people.

Age: 10 - 16 years Number of participants: 5 - 15 people. Age: 10 - 16 years Number of participants: 5 - 12 people. Age: 10 - 17 years Number of participants: 5 - 12 people. Age: 10 - 17 years Number of players: 5 - 25 people. Age: 10 - 17 years Number of players: 5 - 25 people.


Age: 10 - 17 years old. Number of players: 5 - 25 people. The difficulty of working with teenagers is that yesterday's child wants to behave like an adult, a teenager declares that he definitely needs a party, which parents look at with doubt. However, there is a way out, KiD. The holiday offers a creative scenario that will not leave teenagers indifferent, and parents will be calm, knowing that professionals are taking care of their children. Description of some programs: dance party. A teenager wants a disco and dancing?

Why not! In this program, they are, and also - a master class and a number from a professional dancer, as well as congratulations, video filming and various competitions. The guys will be divided into teams, prepare their own number and arrange a real dance duel!


At the end of the holiday, of course, we will arrange a general flash mob, which will remind us of this celebration for a long time to come! Graffiti is another fashion craze and great idea holidays for teenagers. supervised experienced artist children will learn the basics, and also try to create a drawing themselves. This holiday will definitely surprise all the guests! Modern atmosphere, young presenters, Street art All this will make the holiday unforgettable! City quests around the city, in parks and museums!

Various programs along the central streets of Moscow, mafia games and the pursuit of Big Boss! This holiday is suitable for both boys and girls from 13 to 16 years old who love active image life! For those who love speed and fast driving, the feeling of flight and drive will definitely suit the format of an active holiday. Young leaders will turn a trip to the climbing wall, trampoline center or karting into an incredible celebration! Regardless physical training everyone can take part in the celebration!

This is a fun and definitely fun way for teenagers to celebrate the holidays! If you contact us, then KiD.Holiday will help organize interesting holiday for teenagers, during which even the most demanding teenagers will not get bored for a minute.

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Adult children are sometimes so restless that parents simply do not know what to do with them. If you do not find activities for them, everything may not end the way moms and dads expect. Talk to your child, find out about his hobbies. Perhaps his soul lies in mobility and musicality, which means that modern dances for teenagers will be able to organize it. There are so many directions today, everyone can choose the most suitable for themselves. But the question arises: send your son or daughter to a dance school, or download a video lesson of modern dance for home schooling?
Many children are now watching popular show on TNT and it is for this reason that dance classes for teenagers have become so popular. It is quite difficult to master this direction alone, a lot of time will be spent and it is unlikely to do without injuries. Another thing is if a mentor is nearby during the training. He will prompt, direct and analyze every movement in detail. Before training, warm up the muscles to minimize sprains and injuries. So the younger generation will quickly learn a full-fledged number, will be able to perform somewhere or surprise their peers with their progress.

A professional dance studio for teenagers will teach you how to dance beautifully

The most popular directions are mastered in no time if an experienced and attentive teacher is nearby. Do you really want to stagnate for years, stuffing bumps? You can study the main elements in a couple of months and immediately put on a spectacular number. At home, this is unlikely to happen, since there is usually little space in the apartment, there are no mirrors and special flooring. To make modern dances for teenagers a joy, studying them alone will definitely not have a positive effect. When there is a team of like-minded people nearby, it will become more interesting and productive. Everyone will be able to look at each other, learn something new, show class.
To understand whether a child wants to study dance and music direction, he should come to an introductory lesson. This will be enough to understand whether he wants to undergo training. Dancing for teenagers is a great workout for all muscle groups. Health is strengthened by the rhythms contemporary compositions, and as you know, sounds together with movements give a good mood. Stress instantly disappears, morale stabilizes, hormones are no longer so out of reach. Those who are not passionate about anything regularly annoy parents, teachers and peers with tantrums. We hope that this does not concern your family and, in particular, your child.

Fashion dances for teenagers will help you grow up properly

It's no secret to anyone what children are like when they reach adolescence: capricious, sometimes unbearable. Is there a way to change everything so that the child is well and comfortable, as well as parents calmly? Probably someone will now smile after reading these lines, but dancing for teenagers works real miracles. To believe it , come to our studio . We shoot dance video lessons so that parents can assess the level professionalism and training of choreographers. And we also recommend doing dance video lessons at home in order to better remember the choreography and hone your skills. There are many benefits that every generation should know and many of them will be reflected in this article.

Healthy lifestyle

You can just go to the rocking chair and form muscles, but dancing for teenagers 12-17 years old will give much more. The body does not experience stress, which cannot be said about simulators. If you combine movements with the pool, the effect of such activities will be just “wow”. And no matter who trains hard, boy or girl, the result will be the same. The fair sex will acquire femininity, a straight posture, a magnificent figure. Strong sex - self-confidence, the correct trapezoidal shape of the back, pumped up arms and legs. Everything that girls value so much and guys love so much will be given by a dance school for teenagers in Moscow.

Character and fortitude

And who told you that dances for teenage girls cannot carry a semantic load? Each movement made to the music makes the brain work much more intensively than if everything happened separately. Children grow up and grow wiser much faster if the body receives just such physical activity. Believe our experience - if your beloved son or daughter begins to master dances for teenagers on Bratislava, they will even catch up in school subjects. There will be an interest in learning, a desire to be on an equal footing with peers and even more, ahead of the class. Every normal parent dreams of this, and if you're reading this, you're moving in the right direction.
Who wants the future genius to be responsible, attentive and collected at the same time? Even adults dream about it, let alone children. No one forbids the more advanced and conscious generation to come to us. Our dance studio is for teenagers and adults, so welcome to everyone who decides to master this direction. Just try . If you don't like it, you will return to your usual course, and everything will be as before: home, work, home. But once you get out of the usual circle of comfort, life will change dramatically, only for the better.

Professional dance school for teenagers invites you to dance classes

While the child is growing, he thinks little about what he needs in life. They are all immersed in their own world where it's nice and cozy. But as soon as the school begins, and then the transitional age, everything changes dramatically. From such a cardinal change, even adults blow their heads, but what about a growing organism? Parents also have a crisis in these years, because many do not know how to help adapt in this real world. But there is a simple effective method today - a dance school for teenagers, changing everyone and everything. It would seem that everything looks simple, so it most likely does not work. And you check for yourself if you are afraid to start with your firstborn or pet.
Any person of any age feels protected in a team. And not in any way, but together with like-minded people. If your offspring grows stiff, he urgently needs a cardinal adaptation. This means that it is the parents who are to blame for the fact that the baby was cut off from peers in early age. He was protected from walking with children, it was forbidden to spend time with the neighbor's children, so the complexes were born. Dancing for teenagers will change everything dramatically. The videos that you will find on the site will prove how an individual changes when he moves to the music along with everyone.

Lisa can, but what can I not?

Today, every third child is engaged in development and parents help him in this. Most often, dance lessons for teenagers are involved here, and here's why:
firstly, this way the body receives a maximum load with minimal injuries;
secondly, music calms, cheers up, you want to move, forgetting about everything in the world;
thirdly, children of any age, starting from 3 years old, can perform the simplest movements, strengthening the muscle corset in advance;
fourthly, many people like to do it.
You can continue endlessly, because no sections of football, hockey and karate can be compared with what is happening in the mirror hall to the rhythms of modern compositions. All necessary equipment and the equipment is already in the school, so modern dance classes for teenagers will only need to buy comfortable clothes and shoes (worth a penny).

I want to go on stage!

Today, many earn it, and, by the way, good money. If your child likes dancing for teenage children, let him develop more intensively in this direction, work on himself and his body. Who knows, maybe it is he who, in a couple of years, will sit on the jury of the Dancing with the Stars competition or somewhere else. At 17, he will become an excellent choreographer and will put numbers on show business stars. Do not forbid him to dream in this direction, help only by giving to dances for teenagers on Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

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