The Joker is not actually a villain (theory). How the evil Batman-Joker from Dark Nights: Metal appeared


Let's go, as we know, the Joker is a manic psychopath who was the main villain of Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight. However, at the end of the film it becomes known that behind all his chaotic villainy there is a clear and precise plan, if we consider this plan in detail, we understand that all his villainy was in the name of a common good goal. He is like a cure for Gotham, which, although it had by-effect couldn't heal him. Gotham City is known as one of the most criminal cities in the DC Universe, teeming with a variety of villains and living on corruption schemes. THE JOKER IS NOT A VILLAIN

At the very beginning of the film, we learn that entire areas of the city are closed due to riots, criminal activity and high level crime, as well as most officials and politicians, corrupt. The city authorities even turned a blind eye to the fact that a massage vigilante in a rubber suit is going on in the city. Well, his suit is carbon fiber, but that doesn't change anything. And into this dark time An unnamed character appears, the first mention of which begins with the name Joe Ker, which is naturally an anagram of the Joker. And for very a short time massive changes are taking place throughout Gotham. Almost all organized crime in the city has been eliminated. Many corrupt government officials are either dead or in jail, and the rubber-suited vigilante has been missing for 8 years, all part of the Joker's incredible plan. Well, let's take a closer look at it.

Despite the Joker claiming otherwise and being the epitome of chaos and anarchy, we can't help but notice that he did have a plan throughout the movie. At the very beginning, we see how the Joker robs a mafia-controlled bank and kills a whole team of real professional robbers hired by him. Firstly, in this way, he instantly rids the city of a gang of dangerous robbers. And secondly, he gets access to the savings of the influential mafia clans of the city. But he does not pursue greedy and selfish goals. Blood money obtained by criminal means is contemptible for him. Gaining access to mafia money. Further on the plot of the film, He sees no other way than to wash off all the blood from them and therefore burns them. However, before that, he carries out the next part of his plan. THE JOKER IS NOT A VILLAIN

This money helps him get to Lao and find his place of refuge. However, Lao is in China, and China does not extradite its citizens, and here, according to the plan, Batman comes out to help the Joker. Who hurries to Hong Kong and rescues Lao. Lao is now in a safe place where the Joker can easily infiltrate. What he actually does. The Joker with the help of Lao goes to the money of the mafia. This is, of course, just part of the plot of the film. Then the Joker does everything, as it should, kills all the mafia leaders and petty corrupt officials who could cover up their major political leaders. And, despite the fact that Dent claims that to clean the city from petty thugs, you need to start from political heights, the Joker sees the long-term perspective of his method and eliminates the puppets to get to the puppeteer. At this moment, three are fighting for the soul of Gotham:

  • Joker;
  • Batman;
  • Dent.


However, the latter two play only a role in big plan Joker. With the help of Batman and Commissioner Gordon, the Joker manages to track down all the corrupt cops. And Dent even kills some of them at the end of the movie. Gordon's rise also plays big role for Gotham. The audience thought that Joker's applause in the scene with Gordon's promotion was filled with sarcasm.

However, most likely the Joker truly believed in Jim, who was the only real person of honor and dignity. Well, it turns out that now the Joker has dealt with the two main problems of Gotham:

  1. Organized crime depriving them of funds by killing their leaders.
  2. Corrupt officials.

But, there is one more. Mysterious vigilante in costume bat. Who creates self-judgment. But why is Batman a problem if he's the hero who saved Gotham at the risk of own life?

Well, as we know from the comics, not everyone approved of his methods. Since his demonic image inspired fear not only in bandits. Many believed that Batman himself is the root of all evil. And it is because of him that Gotham has a high crime rate. He was a myth, a legend that not everyone believed in, and for very small thugs, this was a kind of challenge. Become the biggest threat to society in order to see the famous dark knight with your own eyes. And for some, it was also an attempt to test their abilities, used just such a call by a bandit and was the reason for the high level of crime in the film, the situation is similar to worse. We learn at the very beginning that Batman inspired other crime fighters to administer justice. Which is naturally unacceptable in a civil legal society. Therefore, this symbol of fear, unbridled cruelty and retribution, which inspires new crimes and the fight against them as the Joker sees him, must be stopped. But not killed. THE JOKER IS NOT A VILLAIN

If he dies, he will instantly become a martyr and this symbol will take on even greater meaning. However, the light knight Harvey Dent was definitely a symbol for the inhabitants of Gotham. And after death, he would be an even greater martyr and his truly good goals and ideals would become holy for the city. THE JOKER IS NOT A VILLAIN

While it remains a mystery how the Joker managed to change Harvey's mind so much. However, it is clear that he influenced his psyche through a series of events in the film. Namely, the explosion at the factory and the death of his beloved. The Joker sent Batman to the wrong address on purpose to save Harvey. These terrible torments from the loss of a loved one and self-hatred for being alive, along with such frightening injuries that completely changed his appearance, could drive him crazy and finally take the path of revenge. However, the loss of Rachel also affected Batman, he was also in love with her. And such a psychological shake-up was able to break the basic principle of the Dark Knight, forcing him to kill Dent. This could make him hide on long years. Remaining just a myth of Gotham until the events of Return of the Legend.

The Return of the Legend shows us the events that took place 8 years after the disappearance of Batman. All these years the city lived in peace and security. He didn't need a punishing hero. Well, until Bane showed up. The Joker was able to show Batman the mistakes of his methods with his own methods, causing quite a bit of destruction along the way. Even the scene with two boats at the very end of the film serves one purpose to show that the people of Gotham City will not harm each other. The Joker managed to prove that goodness and hope still lives in the heart of this city saturated with crime and crime. THE JOKER IS NOT A VILLAIN


In the end, Gotham was completely cleansed. And it's not the merit of Harvey, who died before he did something really good, except for becoming a martyr and a symbol of the City. And not even the merit of Batman, who was expelled from society and a notorious criminal for as much as 8 years. Gotham has been purged by the Joker, who has managed to expose corrupt cops and higher officials. Destroy organized crime by bankrupting its treasury and removing the leaders of the groups. Raise the spirit of the city, giving it a symbol in the form of a martyr Dent and even save him from the Flying Punisher, who violated the principles of a legal civil society. Arranging lynching and inspiring the crimes of others.

It is also noteworthy that among the cut scenes of the film there is one that could shed light on his true motives at the very beginning of the film. According to the filmmakers, a very touching scene was cut from the final version in which the Joker, before being picked up by his partners, met with an elderly woman who tried to cross the road next to him. The Joker wanted to push her under the wheels of a bus speeding along the road and, already, raised his hands to do it. However, at the very last moment stopped, took out a 100 dollar bill from his pocket and gave it to her. This scene could show us the symbolic struggle of his two essences - a dangerous, unpredictable psychopath and a good Samaritan, in which the second one won. THE JOKER IS NOT A VILLAIN

It is also noteworthy that Heath Ledger, the actor who played the Joker, created his behavior model almost from scratch. Based on the hyena behavior model. We can pay attention to it appearance. He was specially made to look like an untidy homeless man, who has a characteristic laughing grin and timbre of voice. Of course there is an outward resemblance to a hyena. She also roams the desert in search of carrion, like a tramp rummaging through the garbage. And her evil grin looks like a crazy smile, and even her howl sounds like laughter. Hyenas always symbolize deceit, and it seems that in this film, the Joker, like a hyena, is the same symbol of evil. However, this is erroneous. The fact is that in nature the hyena does not personify evil. But quite the opposite. Hyena orderly savannah. She rids the shroud fauna of animal viruses and decaying carrion bacteria, doing moderate evil in the name of a common good cause. The well-being of the entire range in which they live is remarkably similar to the Joker's pattern of behavior. Committing moderate crimes, mainly choosing criminals and corrupt officials as their victims. He rid all of Gotham of the spreading threat of crime. And that was precisely what master plan Joker. Which, as befits a real hero, did not require recognition and remained one of the most dangerous criminals for the city. THE JOKER IS NOT A VILLAIN

real hero, as we know, does not require applause and approval. He doesn’t even need a name, because the main phrase of the entire trilogy is “Anyone can be a hero.” And, perhaps we are talking and about the Joker, including. That is why the Joker is a hero that this city does not need, but the one he deserves. Very soon, a new insolation in the cinema of the DC universe will hit the screens of our cinemas. And in it we will see the new Joker. And so far, we absolutely do not know his motivation in the film. I'm really wondering if it's possible that the Joker in the Suicide Squad isn't the villain at all? =)

I hope you enjoyed it. I will be glad to your comments.

We all love conspiracies, theories and hidden details films that can shed light on the true intentions of the creators. Surely you remember my sensational videos about film theories Batman v Superman, case Star Wars , Matrix and Pixar cartoons, well, this time I will try to turn the picture of Christopher Nolan upside down - The Dark Knight, proving to you that the most main villain the movie is not really a villain. In this video, I will tell you that the Joker is the hero of Gotham City, so don't switch.

I'll start by asking you to pay attention to the fact that I took the basis for this theory from Reddit, but reworked it from the beginning to the cut, adding a lot of new things. You can find a link to the original theory in the description. Well, enough introductions, or, as they say - Cut The Crap, let's go.

As we know, the Joker is a manic psychopath who was the main villain of the picture.Christopher Nolan - The Dark Knight, however, by the end of the film, it becomes clear that behind all his chaotic villainy is a clear and precise plan.

And if we consider this plan in detail, then we understand that all his atrocities were in the name of a common good goal.He is like a medicine for Gotham, which, although it had a side effect, was able to cure him.

Gotham City is known to everyone as one of the most criminal cities in the DC Universe, teeming with a variety of villains and living on corruption schemes.

At the very beginning of the film, we learn that entire areas of the city are closed due to riots, criminal activity and a high level of crime.And most of the officials and politicians are corrupt.The city authorities even turned a blind eye to the fact that a vigilante in a rubber suit is doing lynching in the city. Well, his suit is carbon fiber, but that doesn't change anything.

And in this dark time, a nameless character appears who calls himself Joe Kerr, which is certainly an anagram of the Joker and in a very short time large-scale changes take place throughout Gotham.

Virtually all organized crime has been eliminated, many corrupt top government officials are either dead or in jail, and the rubber-suited vigilante has been missing for 8 years.

And it's all part of the Joker's incredible plan. Let's look at it in more detail.

Despite the Joker claiming otherwise and being the epitome of chaos and anarchy, we can't help but notice that he did have a plan throughout the movie.

At the very beginning of the film, we see the Joker rob a mafia-controlled bank, killing a whole team of real professional robbers hired by him. Firstly, in this way he instantly rids the city of a gang of dangerous robbers, and secondly, he gets access to the savings of the influential mafia clans of the city. But he does not pursue greedy and selfish goals - the bloody money obtained by criminal means is contemptuous for him, gaining access to mafia money further along the plot of the film, he sees no other way to wash off all the blood from them and therefore burns them. However, before that, he carries out the next part of his plan. This money helps him get to Lau and find his place of refuge.

However, Lau is in China, and China does not extradite its citizens, and here, according to the plan, Batman comes out to help the Joker. Who hurries to Hong Kong and rescues Lau.

Now Lau is in a safe place that the Joker can easily infiltrate. What he actually does, and with the help of Lau, goes to the head of the Chechen gang, kills their leader and takes it under his control.

This, of course, is just part of the plot of the film, but further on the Joker does everything right - he kills the main crime bosses and petty corrupt officials who could cover for their big corrupt political leaders.

And despite the fact that Dent claims that in order to clear the city of petty thugs, you need to start from the political heights, the Joker sees the long-term perspective of his method, eliminating puppets to get to
their puppeteers.

At this moment, three are fighting for the soul of Gotham - the Joker, Batman and Dent. However, the latter two only play roles in the Joker's larger plan.

With the help of Batman and Commissioner Gordon, the Joker manages to track down all the corrupt cops, and Dent even kills some of them at the end of the movie.

Gordon's rise also plays a big role in Gotham. The audience of the film decided that the Joker's applause in the scene with Gordon's promotion was filled with sarcasm, but most likely the Joker truly believed in Jim, who was the only real person of honor and dignity.

Well, it turns out that the Joker has now dealt with two of Gotham's main problems - Organized Crime, depriving them of funds and killing their leaders and Corrupt officials, but there is one more - a mysterious vigilante in a bat costume who is doing lynching.

But why is Batman a problem if he's the hero who saved Gotham at the risk of his own life?

Well, as we borrow from the comics, not everyone approved of his methods, since his demonic image inspired fear not only in bandits. Many believed that Batman himself is the root of all evil and it is because of him that Gotham has a high crime rate.

He was a myth, a legend that not everyone believed in, and for so many thugs it was a kind of challenge to become as much of a threat to society as possible in order to see the famous Dark Knight with their own eyes, and for some it was also an attempt to test their abilities. It was this challenge to the bandits that was the reason for the high level of crime.

In the film, the situation is similar. We learn at the very beginning that Batman has inspired other crime fighters to administer justice, which is naturally not acceptable in a civil law society. Therefore, this symbol of fear, unbridled cruelty and retribution, which inspires new crimes and the fight against them, as the Joker sees him, must be stopped, but not killed. If he dies, he will instantly become a martyr and this symbol will take on even greater meaning.

However, the Light Knight - Harvey Dent - was definitely a symbol for the inhabitants of Gotham, and after death he would be an even greater martyr and his truly good goals and ideals would become holy for the city.

Although it remains a mystery how the Joker managed to change Harvey's mind so much, it is clear that he influenced his psyche through a series of events in the film, namely the explosion at the factory and the death of his lover. The Joker sent Batman to the wrong address on purpose to save Harvey. These terrible torments from the loss of a loved one and self-hatred for being alive, along with such frightening injuries that completely changed his appearance, could drive him crazy, forcing him to take the path of revenge. However, the loss of Rachel also affected Batman, because he was also in love with her, and such a psychological shake-up was able to break the basic principle of the Dark Knight, forcing him to kill Dent. This was able to break him and force him into hiding for many years, remaining only an urban myth of Gotham until the events of Return of the Legend.

Revival of the Legend show us the events that took place 8 years after the disappearance of Batman. All these years, the city lived in peace and security and did not need a punishing hero, well, until Bane appeared. The Joker was able to show Batman the fallacies of his methods with his own methods, wreaking havoc along the way.

Even the scene with two boats in the very denouement of the film serves one purpose - to show that the people of Gotham City will not harm each other. The Joker managed to prove that goodness and hope still lives in the heart of this city, saturated with crime and crime.

In the end, Gotham was completely cleansed. And this is not the merit of Harvey, who died before he did something really good, except for becoming a martyr and a symbol of the city. And not even the merit of Batman, who was expelled from society as a notorious criminal for as much as 8 years.

Gotham purged the Joker, who managed to expose corrupt police officers and higher officials, destroy organized crime by bankrupting its treasury and removing the leaders of the groups, raise the spirit of the city by giving it a symbol in the form of the martyr Dent, and even rid him of a flying punisher who violated the principles of a legal civil society by arranging lynching and inspiring others to commit crimes.

It is also noteworthy that among the cut scenes of the film there is one that could shed light on his true motives at the very beginning of the film. Judging by the words of the filmmakers, a very touching scene was cut from the final version, in which the Joker, before being picked up by his partners, met with an elderly woman who tried to cross the road next to him. The Joker wanted to push her under the wheels of a bus rushing along the road and already raised his hands to do it. However, at the last moment he stopped, took out a hundred-dollar bill from his pocket and gave it to her. This scene could show us the symbolic struggle of his two essences, a dangerous and unpredictable psychopath and a good Samaritan - in which just the second won.

It is also noteworthy that Heath Ledger, the actor who played the Joker, created his behavior model almost from scratch using the hyena model as a basis. We can pay attention to his appearance - he was specially made to look like an untidy homeless man, who has a characteristic laughing grin and voice timbre. There really is an outward resemblance to a hyena, she also wanders the desert in search of carrion, like a tramp rummaging through the garbage, her evil grin looks like a crazy smile and even her howl sounds like laughter. Hyenas have always symbolized evil and deceit, and it seems that in this film the Joker, like a hyena, is the same symbol of evil, but this is erroneous. The fact is that in nature the hyena does not personify evil, but quite the opposite, the hyena is the orderly of the savannah. She rids the fauna of the savannas from the viruses of sick animals and the bacteria of decaying carrion, doing moderate evil in the name of a common good goal - the well-being of the entire area in which they live. This is surprisingly similar to the Joker's pattern of behavior - committing moderate crimes, mostly choosing criminals or corrupt officials as his victims, he rid all of Gotham from the spreading infection of crime.

And this was precisely the main plan of the Joker, who, as befits a real hero, did not require recognition and remained one of the most dangerous criminals for the city. A real hero does not require applause and approval, he does not even need a name. After all, the main phrase of the entire trilogy: "Anyone can be a hero." And, perhaps, we are talking about the Joker as well.

That is why, the Joker is a hero that this city does not need, but one that he deserves.

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Boring Genres

His motives are unknown, as is his past. He is the most famous jester of our time and a complete psychopath, but nevertheless, the image of this anti-hero is not as unambiguous as it seems at first glance. And sometimes his destructive acts have positive consequences. Concepture publishes material on why the Joker is a positive character.

A couple of introductory paragraphs

To begin with, let me remind you what an archetype is and where this concept came from. At the beginning of the last century, the notorious psychoanalyst and student of Freud, Carl Gustav Jung, developed his own version of psychoanalysis, called analytical psychology (not to be confused with analytical philosophy), "depth psychology" or "deep psychology". One of the central concepts of Jung's analytical psychology is the "archetype" (from the ancient Greek "prototype"). In fairness, it must be said that Jung did not invent this concept, because Plato wrote about archetypes (but only as prototypes) in his Dialogues.

So what is an archetype and what is it eaten with? An archetype is a universal innate mental structure that constitutes the content of the collective unconscious, recognized in our experience and, as a rule, manifested in the images and motifs of dreams. There are 6 main archetypes, but in general there are more than 70 of them, and each of them helps us in the process of individuation (search for selfhood - the sixth and most important archetype). According to Jung, the self is the end point of human development.

Mr trickster

We are specifically interested in the archetype "trickster" (from English "stuntman, dodger"). Familiar image, right? The trickster is a very common character in many cultures and mythologies. A trickster is a kind of doppelgänger (German for "evil twin") of a cultural hero. In fairy tales, he can be an anthropomorphic rogue animal (for example, a fox) or a cunning devil, sometimes a person and even a deity. The essence of the trickster is that he violates the prohibitions and established rules, and often he does it maliciously. For him, life is game process. Often deities-tricksters violate the laws of nature or the universe, using tricks and tricks.

In mythologies North American Indians the trickster is the coyote, whose cultural function is to deceive and, consequently, to increase the self-consciousness of the deceived. The most famous trickster is the Scandinavian god Loki, he is clearly negative character, because of the actions of which, in the end, Ragnarok happens. But, if you remember, the consequences of Ragnarok are not just the death of the world, but also the birth of a new one.

IN ancient Greek mythology the trickster is Hermes, who constantly helps the heroes, despite the prohibitions of the gods or bypassing some established laws. Also, the trickster often exhibits the properties of sexual variability, reincarnating either as men or as women to perform tasks that are beneficial to him.

However, despite all the apparent negativity, the main cultural function the trickster turns out not to be his “recklessness” or roguery, but to introduce into a strict cultural order, the meaning and meaning of which is forgotten and depreciated over time, a share of chaos. After all, nothing so clearly shows the meaning and significance established order as an eternal attempt to break or destroy it.

In his work titled "On the Psychology of the Trickster" Jung writes: "Disorder is an integral part of life, and the Trickster is the embodiment of the spirit of this disorder. Its function in archaic society, or rather, the function mythological stories narrating about it is the introduction of disorder into order, and thus the creation of the whole, the inclusion of the forbidden within the framework of the permitted experience.

Life according to the Joker

Let's now proceed directly to the consideration of the image of the Joker. In general, the writing of this article was motivated by the fact that the Joker Lately in the field of popular culture is manifested special interest in the form of various "theories" explaining his actions and motivations. It became interesting to me, and I decided to understand the topic. As it turned out, general characteristics The Joker is fully consistent with the parameters of the trickster, and all his activities are perfectly explained by this archetype.

Let's start with character. I think it's pretty obvious. In all of his many versions and variations, the Joker is a rogue trickster, masterfully tricking Batman into complex multi-way combinations of actions simply because he likes it. We recall Nolan's The Dark Knight and Heath Ledger's famous line of the Joker: "I know who? I am a dog running after a car. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught up... So I just do it. And that's it." This is very much in line with the description given to the trickster by the Russian philologist M.I. Steblin-Kamensky: "The trickster is a mind without a sense of responsibility."

The next integral feature of the Joker lies in his attachment to Batman - I would even say addiction. He tests him all the time, puts him in front of a moral choice, thereby helping Batman become like a hero. That is, the Joker is a kind of shadow of Batman, or, if you like, a mirror for the hero, through which the latter knows himself. Again, this is fully consistent with one of the descriptions of the trickster.

But more curious is another, less significant coincidence in the images of the Joker and the trickster. Since the latter exhibits sexual variability, it can be said that, to some extent, the trickster lacks sex as such. The same is observed with the Joker: he is drawn as a man, but his past is unknown and it is impossible to say with certainty whether he is a man or not. “But what about Harley Quinn?”, you ask. I will answer: it is known that she is in love with him, and absolutely nothing is known about his feelings for her. Or you can consider Harley as the female incarnation of the Joker. Then it turns out that together they form, as it were, one androgynous character.

And of course, the most important thing is the main function of the trickster. As described above, it (function) is to reveal the significance social order, rules and norms of behavior through their constant violation. And in this case, the image of the Joker fits the description perfectly. Indeed, in addition to being a mirror image of Batman, he is also mirror reflection social order as a whole (something diametrically opposed).

Again, you can recall the same "The Dark Knight" and the scene in which the Joker burns his share of the dirty money of the mafia with the words: “It's not about the money at all; the main thing is to get the meaning of the message that everything will burn.” That is, by his actions, behavior and his image, the Joker demonstrates what society expects if you do not observe and maintain order.

The following conclusions can be drawn from everything written: popular culture does not always mean “bad” culture, and sometimes in the form of bright, colorful and simple things we are presented with classic cultural meanings. Everything new is well forgotten old.

The Joker has always been the personification of incredible luck and, often, a sign of trouble. It is worth at least remembering the movie about Batman - the Joker became the main chip of evil there. But what do you think, what should be the Joker himself? Imagine his life, his thoughts, feelings. I want to feel what it's like to be someone who is hated or desired to be acquired. It is desirable that the work be written in poetic form, but if it is not poetry, then I will not be upset. Any rating, main genres: Angst, psychology, poetry, philosophy, darkfic, horror and POV. Give free rein to your thoughts, the size of fanfiction / verse - any!
You can associate your work with some fandom, for example, the Joker is not always a character from a Batman movie, because not only that villain was called the Joker! The Joker is also Alain Walker from the anime "D. Gray Man \ Gray Man", the Joker is also Hisoka from the anime "Hunter x Hunter", the Joker is also ... a poker card! So I do not limit you in choosing the appearance and character of the character, you can call your own character Joker, the main thing is not to lose the idea of ​​​​this application: to describe how the Joker feels (or lives), knowing the attitude of people towards his person.
Hold on, fagots!

Batman: The Batman Who Laughs came out on November 1st. This is the part, and specifically this comic is about where the evil Batman Joker came from.

Beware spoilers!

Once upon a time on Earth-22, the confrontation between Batman and the Joker has gone too far. The Joker killed many of the Dark Knight's enemies and practically took control of the city. To make fun of Batman, the Joker kills the parents of passer-by families, leaving the children orphans. At the same time, the Joker infects each child with a toxin that drives them crazy.

So the Clown Prince of Gotham wants to test Batman and see if he can cross the line. AND The Dark Knight finds the strength to free himself and kill his main enemy. When the Joker dies, an unknown toxin enters the body of Bruce Wayne.

Gradually, the toxin begins to have an effect on Batman. This eventually led to him personally killing members of the Bat-family: Nightwing, Batgirl and the Red Hood, and forcibly gassing his son Damien, turning him into his likeness. Batman finally goes crazy and decides to continue to have fun.

He kills the entire Justice League using his knowledge of each of them's weaknesses. But most importantly, he uses those crazy children under the influence of the Joker toxin, dressing them up as Robins. Batman-Joker kills even Superman using black kryptonite, which drives him insane and forces him to kill his own wife and child.

So, Batman-Joker becomes the most a dangerous person on your earth. He kills anyone who defies him and is visited one day by the demon Barbatos. He tells him about worlds beyond his universe, and Bruce decides to go with him. He subsequently leads the evil Batmans and personally travels the Dark Multiverse gathering candidates.

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