The fate of the master and his works. Acceptance of the absence of a proper name in the name of a character


1. The versatility of the work.
2. Gospel motives.
3. The continuity of good and evil.
4. The universal values ​​of the novel.

What would your good do if there were no evil?
M. A. Bulgakov

M. A. Bulgakov is the greatest Russian writer with a very, very difficult literary destiny. It so happened that most of his works became known to readers only after the death of the author. The novel "The Master and Margarita" became the main work of the writer's entire life.

The novel "The Master and Margarita" is the most complex multifaceted work. It affects the most different questions, the answer to which the reader must find himself. A special place in the novel is occupied by chapters that tell about last days earthly life of Jesus Christ. This is an interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew. Questions of religious and universal morality are raised in these chapters. We learn about Yeshua. This is a very special person, a real saint. Yeshua believes in the kindness of people, believes that everyone has a divine spark and a desire for light. But the righteous person does not idealize those around him. He is aware that people have not only positive qualities They also have vices. This dualism is essentially eternal struggle good and evil. In every person there is good and evil. This is the eternal course of things, and mortals cannot break it. Throughout the novel we see the struggle between good and evil. This struggle is beyond time and space. Good and evil are inextricably linked, without evil there can be no good. The reader comprehends these truths thanks to the extraordinary characters of the novel. Very great importance has Professor Woland. It is easy to guess that this is Satan himself.

The novel The Master and Margarita raises important universal questions about the meaning of life, about the soul, about God. On the very first pages, it turns out that atheism is powerless before something higher. Bulgakov appears in this novel as a mystic. AND mystical motives cannot leave readers indifferent. However, mysticism in the novel is not an end in itself, although it is beautiful. The peculiarity of the work is that it is built like a novel within a novel. The action takes place in two times - in Moscow in the 1930s and in ancient city Yershalaim (Jerusalem). Satan appears in Moscow, who intends to arrange, according to ancient traditions, a full moon spring ball. In the ancient city of Yershalaim, the Roman procurator Pilate is judging the wandering philosopher Yeshua and issuing a death sentence on him. These stories are connected thanks to the Master. It is he who acts as the author of the work about Yeshua. The master appears as a person who has discovered the truth, unknown to others. The Master himself lives in Moscow in the 1930s.

Mystical motifs are organically woven into the canvas of the work, forcing the reader into Once again think about something very, very important, in particular about spirituality. Already at the very beginning of the work, we see a conversation between a militant atheist and the devil. Alas, it never occurs to Berlioz that there are forces in the world more powerful than he can imagine. How does his confidence in absolute reason end? Tragedy. The death of Berlioz is essentially justified. A person cannot and should not live without spirituality, without faith in God and the devil, because human life, in fact, so fragile and vulnerable. And without faith that there are powerful forces, this life has no meaning.

In The Master and Margarita, everyone is responsible for their actions. The might of Pontius Pilate cannot save him from punishment for having so ordered the fate of Yeshua. In fact, his power turns out to be imaginary, however, like everything that a person can own.

In the work, Bulgakov will allow himself a sharp and evil satire on Soviet reality. Issues faced by people in Everyday life, in particular housing problem, so spoiling people, are very relevant at all times. Bulgakov masterfully depicts life Soviet Russia, the morals of the people. The writer ironically notes all the shortcomings of Soviet reality. He embellishes nothing, shows everything as it is.

The theme of love occupies a special place in the novel. Bulgakov talks about eternal love and promises to show it to the reader. This deep feeling is personified by Margarita. She finds the strength to protect her love from everyone and everything. And finds happiness and eternal peace with his beloved.

The novel also raises the theme of the fate of the artist. The fate of the Master is in many ways similar to the fate of the writer himself. The tragedy of the Master is that he is broken by circumstances, he is powerless, unable to fight. The master put all the strength of his soul into his work. But, alas, society not only did not appreciate the result of his labors, but even ridiculed them. This turned out to be a heavy blow for the Master. mental illness overtook him. However, the spiritual wealth and crystal honesty of the Master saved him. He received as a reward eternal rest with his beloved. Now no one and nothing will separate them. The loftiness and tragedy of the finale of the novel makes one think that all earthly values ​​are transient. And in the face of eternity nothing has special significance. But, on the other hand, universal human values ​​are still relevant as long as people love, suffer, strive for something, dream of something.

The tragic fate of the Master is not accidental. Bulgakov says that in those tragic years fate creative personality was unenviable. The novel "The Master and Margarita" reached readers more than a quarter of a century later. The novel was first published in 1966 in the Moscow magazine. This became possible thanks to the efforts of the writer's widow E. S. Bulgakova and the support of K. M. Simonov. The novel made a shocking impression on readers. No wonder, because it is a unique work. It is impossible not to say about the amazing language in which the work is written. It cannot leave anyone indifferent. Currently, the novel "The Master and Margarita" is one of the favorite works of our contemporaries.

The Master and Margarita is one of the recent novels M.A. Bulgakov. It was the result of the life of the author himself, whose fate was similar to the fate of his hero. In his work, Bulgakov organically combined the tragic-pathetic story about Yeshua and the satirical narration of the life of Moscow in the 1920s and 1930s. Bulgakov understood that the novel would not be published, but stubbornly continued to work on it. Once, having become like his hero, he even burned the manuscript, but then restored it from memory. The writer's novel all-conquering force love and creativity was first published only in 1966-1967. With big cuts, A full text novel appeared only in 1973.

Who is the Master main character novel? He does not appear at the beginning of the story, but only in the 13th chapter. From the story told in a psychiatric clinic by himself to Ivan Bezdomny, the reader learns about the fate of this man. In their dialogue, for the first time, a word is heard that replaced the name of the hero and was placed in the title of the novel. "Are you a writer?" the poet asked with interest. The guest darkened his face and shook his fist at Ivan, then said: “I am a master ...” “Master”, and not a writer, because writers claiming to be “engineers human souls”, sought not to be creative, but to extract personal benefits, having MASSOLIT membership cards, which gave privileges: visiting the Griboyedov restaurant, receiving cottages and apartments. To do this, they are ready to reserve for malicious mutual revelations and write everything that higher authorities demanded of them. In a mental hospital, the reader sees the Master broken, reconciled to his fate, depressed, renounced his creativity and love. What happened to him? The vocation of the Master was the activity of the artist. By education, he was a historian, but, having no means of subsistence, "he worked two years ago in one of the Moscow museums and, in addition, was engaged in translations." The master knew five languages, including Greek and Latin. And then fate gave him a chance to change his life: he won one hundred thousand rubles on a bond. Now he could leave the service to start creating great work in which he could express himself and his time. He used his winnings to create the conditions for creativity. He bought books, which he mentions in his story to Ivan Bezdomny: "in the second, very small room ... books, books and a stove." It is not surprising that such a serious preparation of the Master for the creation of a novel about Pontius Pilate strikes the poorly educated Ivan Bezdomny and that a turning point occurs in him: he decides not to write poetry anymore. For his novel, the Master chose historical theme- the crucifixion of Christ. In the events of the past, the Master was looking for an analogue of the era in which he had to live. Talking about the sunset ancient culture, he wanted to point out to his contemporaries the shortcomings and vices public life 30s. In the words of the Master, "and I went out into life holding it (the novel) in my hands, and then my life ended." Criticism not only condemned the novel, but began to persecute the author. Unable to bear the slander and humiliation, the Master burned the manuscript of the novel and was arrested the same evening on the denunciation of Aloisy Mogarych. Now nothing made him happy. He was so depressed that he said to Margarita: “I don’t want anything else in life. Except to see you. But again I advise you - leave me. You will disappear with me." After several months of arrest in such a depressed state, he voluntarily entered a psychiatric hospital. He wanted nothing more: neither to write, nor to love. Complete disillusionment and apathy took possession of him. He isolated himself from life, showing cowardice and weakness. It can be understood, because not all people are fighters. The master lost faith in everything and resigned himself to the circumstances. And without faith, according to Bulgakov, a person will never achieve justice and will not be happy. So Margarita believed in the Master, in his romance, in love, so she found the strength to return her beloved and convince him not to renounce life. Believing in goodness and justice, Margarita realized that Woland would help her save the Master: “The hope that she would be able to achieve the return of her happiness there made her fearless.” And Margarita is rewarded. She is with her lover again in the very apartment where she was happy with the Master. And Woland returned the burnt copy of the manuscript to the Master. In the words of the hero of the novel, Bulgakov claimed that "manuscripts do not burn." B. Sarnov explained this expression in the best possible way: “... the manuscript of the novel written by the Master is only the outer shell of the work he created, his body ... But in addition to the body, the manuscript also has a soul. And she is immortal." Therefore, Woland gave the Master the opportunity to finish his work in order to free the hero, Pontius Pilate, from the pangs of conscience, since he sees the same thing - lunar path, and wants to go along it and talk with the prisoner Ga-Notzri, because "... he did not finish something then ... on the fourteenth day of the spring month of Nisan ...". And the Master, shouting one word "free", completed his novel and his story. Woland gave the Master and Margarita eternal peace, which the artist longed for. The master and his girlfriend headed along the sandy road "to their eternal home ... Someone released Ma

The novel "The Master and Margarita" is the pinnacle of Bulgakov's work. In the novel, the author touches on many different issues. One of which is the literary tragedy of a man who lived in the 1930s. For a real writer, the worst thing is not being able to write about what you think about, to freely express your thoughts. This problem also affected one of the main characters of the novel - the Master.

The master differs sharply from other writers in Moscow. All ranks of MASSOLIT, one of the largest Moscow literary associations, write to order. The main thing for them is wealth. Ivan Bezdomny admits to the Master that his poems are terrible. In order to write something good, you need to put your soul into the work. And the topics on which Ivan writes do not interest him at all. The master writes a novel about Pontius Pilate, while one of characteristic features The 30s is a denial of the existence of God.

The master wants to be recognized, to become famous, to arrange his life. But money is not the main thing for the Master. The author of the novel about Pontius Pilate calls himself the Master. That's what his lover calls him. The name of the Master is not given in the novel, since this person appears in the work as a talented writer, the author of a brilliant creation.

The master lives in a small basement of the house, but this does not oppress him at all. Here he can safely do what he loves. Margarita helps him in everything. The novel about Pontius Pilate is the work of the Master's life. He put his whole soul into writing this novel.

The tragedy of the Master lies in the fact that he tried to find recognition in a society of hypocrites and cowards. The novel is refused to be published. But it was clear from the manuscript that his novel had been read and re-read. Such a work could not go unnoticed. There was an immediate reaction in the literary environment. Articles criticizing the novel rained down. Fear and despair settled in the Master's soul. He decided that the novel was the cause of all his misfortunes, and therefore burned it. Shortly after the publication of Latunsky's article, the Master finds himself in psychiatric hospital. Woland returns the novel to the Master and takes him and Margarita with him, as they have no place among greedy, cowardly, insignificant people.

The fate of the Master, his tragedy echoes the fate of Bulgakov. Bulgakov, like his hero, writes a novel where he raises questions of Christianity, and also burns the first draft of his novel. The novel "The Master and Margarita" remained unrecognized by critics. Only many years later did he become famous, was recognized brilliant creation Bulgakov. Woland's famous phrase was confirmed: "Manuscripts do not burn!" The masterpiece did not disappear without a trace, but received worldwide recognition.

The tragic fate of the Master is characteristic of many writers who lived in the 1930s. Literary censorship did not let in works that differed from the general flow of what needed to be written about. Masterpieces could not find recognition. Writers who dared to express their thoughts freely ended up in psychiatric hospitals, died in poverty, never achieving fame. In his novel, Bulgakov reflected real situation writers during this difficult time.

One of the main characters of Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" is the Master. The life of this man, like his character, is complex and unusual. Each epoch in history gives mankind new talented people whose activities reflect, to one degree or another, the reality surrounding them. Such a person is also the Master, who creates his own great romance in conditions where they cannot and do not want to evaluate him according to his merits, just as they cannot evaluate the novel of Bulgakov himself. In The Master and Margarita, reality and fantasy are inseparable from each other and create extraordinary picture Russia in the twenties of our century.

The atmosphere in which the Master creates his novel does not in itself unusual topic to which he dedicates it. But the writer, regardless of her, writes about what excites and interests him, inspires him to creativity. His desire was to create a work that would be admired. He wanted well-deserved fame, recognition. He was not interested in the money that can be received for a book if it is popular. He wrote, sincerely believing in what he creates, not aiming to obtain material benefits. the only person who admired him was Margarita. When they read the chapters of the novel together, still unaware of the disappointment that lay ahead of them, they were excited and truly happy.

There were several reasons why the novel was not properly rated. First, it is the envy that appeared among mediocre critics and writers. They realized that their work was nothing compared to the Master's novel. They did not need a competitor who would show that there is true art. Secondly, this is the theme of the novel, which is taboo. It could influence the views in society, change the attitude towards religion. The slightest hint of something new, something beyond the limits of censorship, must be destroyed.

The sudden collapse of all hopes, of course, could not but affect state of mind Masters. He was shocked by the unexpected disregard and even contempt with which they treated the main work of the writer's life. It was a tragedy for a man who realized that his goal and dream were unrealizable. But Bulgakov brings a simple truth, which is that true art cannot be destroyed. Even after years, but it will still find its place in history, its connoisseurs. Time erases only mediocre and empty, not worthy of attention.

The novel by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" is one of the most mysterious works worldwide.

The Master is an amazing character that is hard to understand. His age is about thirty-eight. Surprisingly, his name and surname remain a mystery throughout the story. Naturally, "Master" is a kind of pseudonym for the hero. That is how Margarita called him for his writing talent and creative abilities.

The author describes him as a dark-haired man with a sharp nose and an anxious look. A gray thread at the temples and a lonely falling strand on the forehead pointed to his permanent employment and far from adolescence.

The master was very simple and poor. He is alone in Moscow, without relatives and friends. By education, he was a historian, who several years ago worked in a museum, knew five languages ​​perfectly and was engaged in translations. Like any writer, he did not like noise and turmoil. At home he kept many books.

The reader learns that the Master was married earlier, but does not even remember her name. So he probably didn't love her at all. Or maybe it's his creative nature.

The master quits his job and starts writing a novel about Pontius Pilate, he suffers a lot because of his novel. There is an opinion that Bulgakov's novel is autobiographical. The master is unhappy, and his fate is as tragic as the fate of the writer.

Only Margarita admired the Master and his novel to the last. The destruction of the dream associated with the novel had a catastrophic effect on the Master's condition.

Only real love was a gift for a lonely writer. But even the love ties that bound him to Margot could not give him the strength to fight on. He gives up. Once in a psychiatric hospital, he lives with longing and despondency. For humility and humility, the Universe will grant him one more priceless gift- Eternal peace shared with the beloved. I would like to believe that the example of the Master shows that someday every work will be rewarded. After all, if you remember - the novel "The Master and Margarita" itself did not immediately appear in sight either.

This is how it ends famous history about the true love of the Master and Margarita. As you know, true love is rewarded with eternal peace.

Essay about the Master

Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" is distinguished by the original characterization of its characters, but one of the most important and bright characters is the Master.

The author does not give either the name or the surname of the author, but Margarita calls him the Master all the time, justifying this by the fact that he has extraordinary writing abilities. Its description is given in the 13th chapter. It is known about him that he is about 38 years old, he has dark hair, a sharp nose and perpetually anxious eyes. At the time of the acquaintance of the Master and Homeless, he was wearing a black cap with an embroidered letter “M”, he was pale, with a sick look, in a hospital gown.

Unlike Margarita, the Master was a poor man. Living in Moscow, he had almost no acquaintances, had no relatives at all, and was completely alone in this city. It was difficult for him to communicate and find an approach to people. Despite his poverty, the Master is enough educated person, he is a historian by education, he knows five foreign languages: English, French, German, Latin and Greek, and previously also worked as a translator. Because of his illness, he became nervous and restless, suspicious person. A master writer, he keeps many books and writes his own, the novel “On Pontius Pilate”.

He begins work on his work after he has won a large amount, 100 thousand rubles, in the lottery. He moves into another apartment and starts writing, leaving his job at the museum. At the end of his work, he tries to print the novel, but it does not work out for him, and the Master thinks to give up, but Margarita insisted on printing. After the release of the work, the Master was subjected to a huge flurry of criticism, which broke him. He gradually began to go crazy, he began to hallucinate, there is a fear of many simple everyday things. For all that the novel has caused him, the Master decides to burn him. As a result, he ends up in the psychiatric clinic of Professor Stravinsky, where he lies for 4 months before meeting with Woland and Margarita. As a result, Satan restores the burnt manuscript of the novel “On Pontius Pilate” and transfers the souls of lovers to another world, where they will find peace and be alone with each other.

Before readers, the Master appears as a powerless, purposeless and weak character, but at the same time kind, honest, loving and loved. For all this, he is destined for a reward: eternal peace and eternal love.

Option 3

In M. Bulgakov's novel, there are two main actors, judging by the name, - Master and Margarita. Nevertheless, in the first chapters of the novel there is not a word about either the Master or his beloved. For the first time, the Master appears before the reader only at the very end of Chapter 11, and in Chapter 13, almost in a monologue, he presents his entire story to Ivan Bezdomny at once.

From this neighbor's story crazy house the poet learns about the circumstances that led him to a hospital bed. The master refuses to give his name and immediately says that he no longer expects anything from life: after that, his confession receives a special tragic sound.

The master refers to people whose interests are far from material life. He came to writing the novel after going through a rather solid life path- at the time of the story, he looks 38 years old, according to Ivan Bezdomny. And before that, he was also engaged in work of an intellectual nature - he worked in a museum. ABOUT past life The Master speaks reluctantly. Having won a hundred thousand on the bond, the Master began new life. A historian by education, as well as a translator, thanks to a happy, as it seemed to him then, chance, he got the opportunity to leave the service and give all his strength and time to writing a novel about Pontius Pilate. Main value for the Master there was creativity: the days spent writing a novel became happiest days his life.

Despite the fact that the Master looks like a man not of this world, from his story it becomes clear that nothing human is alien to him: he mentions both the “beautiful gray suit” in which he went for a walk, and the restaurant where he dined, and a cozy atmosphere that he created in his basement. The master was not closed in on himself, although he lived alone before meeting Margarita, having no relatives anywhere and almost no acquaintances in Moscow. Communication was replaced by books and the world, which he perceived in all sounds, smells and colors: he loved roses, the unusual smell of lilacs and the greenery of its bushes, linden and maple near the house.

The sense of beauty, which was characteristic of him, gave him the opportunity to receive a lot of joy and pleasant moments from life. And this feeling did not allow Margarita to pass by, although, as he admits, he was struck not so much by her beauty as by the extraordinary, unseen loneliness in her eyes. The meeting with Margarita was a gift of fate for the Master: it changed his life and, one might say, his death. It was thanks to Margarita that the Master received peace in eternity, which his soul, tormented by earthly suffering, longed for so much. recent months life. secret wife The masters avenged him and the critics, who began to persecute him for the “pilatching” after the publication of the chapters of the novel: turning into a witch, she smashed the apartment of the critic Latunsky.

The Master himself is not very well versed in people. In the world of literature, he does not expect a dirty trick and, having written a novel, goes into life without expecting anything bad. He does not even realize that Aloisy Mogarych, with whom he became friends shortly before his arrest, caused him to be removed from the basement. He does not believe in the power of Margarita's love for him: he confesses to Ivan that he hopes that she has forgotten him. As a man of genius, the Master is simple-hearted and trusting, it is easy to frighten him, to unbalance him. He is unable to fight for his rights.

The history of the Master is largely autobiographical: Bulgakov was also persecuted by Soviet critics, forcing him to write on the table and destroy his works. Became catchphrase"Manuscripts do not burn," said by Woland when returning the novel to the Master, which he burned in the stove in a fit of despair, can also be attributed to the fate of The Master and Margarita. The novel, unpublished during Bulgakov's lifetime, came to the reader after his death and became one of the most books read modernity.

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