Happiness can be found even in dark times.


The Auror fell into a chair, clutching to his shoulder a piece of fabric that was once part of Abramson's shirt, who, by the way, sat down opposite and put a rag full of ice on the pants in the groin area. The Auror couldn't help but chuckle. “It seems to be a strong sorceress and an ardent hater of half-breeds, but in critical moment acted like the most ordinary Maglavskaya girl. That's pure blood for you," he thought.
- How are you there? Will you live? the boy chuckled, nodding at Edward's injury.
Abramson grabbed an ashtray from the table and threw it at his friend.
"Very funny, Potter!"
Harry laughed and dodged. His shoulder hurt, and the wound spat fresh blood. The boy who lived grimaced and pressed the rag a little tighter to his shoulder. Yes, Madame Carrow made the Aurors tinker. No wonder the Dark Lord kept them with his brother. Cruelty, no small ferocity coupled with talent in dark magic and incredible devotion it's still worth a lot.
"I'm sorry," Edward said guiltily, leaning forward a little. - Strongly she you?
Harry chuckled. During these seven years, worse things happened to him. Think an invisible whip spell. It's lousy, of course, that he set himself up for him, but still it's no worse than a special spell.
"Tolerable," Potter replied and smiled. Yours is way scarier...
- Harry! Abramson was indignant, and the young Auror laughed. He really enjoyed teasing Edward. Harry has been working with Abramson since Kingsley came to him and offered to join the ranks of an elite magic squad. Needless to say, it was a shock to Harry?
He knew that in order to become an Auror, one had to take a three-year course, pass the most difficult exam, and only then, perhaps, become an Auror, doing the most ordinary things first. For example, the capture of wizards who violated the first rule of the world of magic: "Until the age of majority, a wizard has no right to cast spells outside of school." Harry, on the other hand, didn’t even finish his seventh year, and here is such a serious position, to deal with a little bit of the capture of Death Eaters. By the way, Potter did not fail to remind the current Minister of Magic about this. Kingsley was then found very quickly. He weightily noted that a person who defeated the most terrible dark wizard in the history of the magical world does not need this, especially when the Minister of Magic asks for it.
Harry was flattered, but the Boy Who Lived insisted on taking the exams. He didn't want anything special. So, Mr. Potter was allowed to pass both the school exams and the Auror exams. To be honest, Harry did not hope for a favorable outcome either in the first or in the second case, but everything turned out much better. Hogworth exams thanks best friend He passed Hermione Granger excellently, but he had to tinker with the exams for the Auror. The first time was a failure, but the second time the results were higher than expected. Nymphadora came to the rescue, which cost her a little quarrel with Mrs. Weasley. The head of the red-haired family was aggressively disposed to such a development of events and, in general, was categorically against it. Is it necessary to say that not only she?
- Funny?! Harry flinched at Lupin's harsh voice. He didn't even hear him come in.
Potter turned to him. Werewolf for Lately a little more gray, got a couple of scars on his face, changed old things for new ones, but on the whole he remained the same Remus Lupin, who once arrived at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as a teacher of protection from dark arts, to which, by the way, he is now invited again.
Harry smiled with all his teeth.
"Professor," Harry exclaimed happily and got a good cuff on the back of the head.
Remus removed the bloodied rag from his charge's shoulder and pulled his wand from his belt.
"Vulnera sanentur," Lupine said, and with a nasty champ, Harry's wound began to heal. The boy grimaced involuntarily, and the professor gave the back of his head another good slap.
- How glad I am that Kingsley saved you at the very last moment"Remus, but I'd be even happier if you'd bash my long-suffering head a little less," Harry grumbled.
- Talk to me here! Lupin growled.
- And such is your gratitude for the capture of a dangerous criminal?! The Chosen One was outraged.
- You've done it again, Harry! How many times do I ask you to be careful? Remus exclaimed. - Vulnera sanitarium!
"That's my job," said Harry cheerfully. - Yes, and what am I on purpose? So it turns out, out, ask Ed!
Harry waved his good hand at his comrade, but Abramson only smiled slyly.
"That's right, Remus. He always rushes ahead, - the Auror chuckled.
Oh, you bastard, thought Harry. The guy squeezed his wand and cast a spell in his mind. Ed jumped up with a squeak, and now Potter was smiling slyly. However, this little mischief cost him another slap in the face from Remus.
- I don't know. A copy of James at this age...erm and beyond. Wulner Saneptur.
Yes, and I'm proud of it! – quickly found Harry.
- Here you should pour it! Lupin grumbled.
- Well, yes. It's about time. Tell Mrs. Weasley more, you'll try together, - the Auror snorted.
- And I'll tell you! Remus said suddenly. “By the way, do you remember that you should be in the Burrow today?”
- Yes? And what's in there?
"Something happened to my memory."
Lupine sighed.
"Harry, Ginny turns seventeen today!" Lupin said reproachfully. “Who am I talking to, though?” To the man who didn't come to his own name day!
- I forgot! – justified Potter and, finally, understood the full meaning of the words spoken by Lupin. Ginny, the youngest Weasley, is turning seventeen years old, and he, the "Great" Harry Potter, has not even prepared a gift! All this was reflected in his green eyes, and Lupine smiled contentedly.
- Yes, Harry. You, of course, survived the fight with Voldemort six times, but this time luck is unlikely to be on your side, - Remus did not miss the opportunity to mock.
- Not funny! Harry exclaimed. The guy jumped up from his chair and rushed to the door, grabbing his robes along the way.
Why can't you transgress from this bunker?! Potter yelled as he raced down the corridor to the elevator.
- If someone kept in their head information not only on the Death Eaters, this question would not have arisen! Lupin shouted after him, leaning out of the office. - And the shoulder did not heal ...
The man stepped back, inhaled and looked at Edward.
- Abramson, after all you wanted to quit?
- Quit and lose the opportunity to work with Harry Potter himself?! Never! the Auror exclaimed indignantly and sighed doomedly. - I understand that the report should be written to me ...

Hot water and clean clothes cheered up the young man, making him feel much better. Even fatigue from constant lack of sleep and the hunt for black magicians disappeared, as if by magic.
Going downstairs, Harry tried to think of something, but he was not strong in gifts, which is why nothing came to mind. The closer he came to the kitchen, the louder the treacherous thoughts rang in his head that it would be better if he did not come at all than come without a gift.
"It was necessary to cling to someone, but it's dishonest, and besides, it's useless. Fred and George, if they don't pass right away, will then scoff for a long time and tediously. Brrr. No, I can't stand this. Ron already lit up. Lavender immediately Ginny will tell.Dean will have his own special gift, Bill worse than twins, and Charlie will one hundred percent again give a dragon claw or fang. Complete failure. The Dursleys would have been more helpful, Harry thought hysterically as he walked towards the kitchen.
March, I said! - came from behind the door, and the neighing twins jumped out into the corridor. Scanning quickly appearance Harry, they perked up even more.
- Now it will fly into you, - George said joyfully.
- Have you decided to substitute yourself everywhere today? Fred laughed.
Harry didn't have time to snarl, but to ask why something would fly in, when Mrs. Weasley jumped out of the kitchen after the twins.
I won't let anyone in like this! Look like rogues! I have specially prepared clothes for each of you for this day! Are the eyes in the back of your head? These, - the woman waved her hand at Fred and George, - some stupid things on their minds, with their store, the second one, - an unambiguous gesture migrated towards Harry, - black magicians!
“Mom, don’t start,” the twins howled, not eager to listen to their mother’s lectures.
- Get dressed quickly!
Harry decided not to squabble with Mrs. Weasley, as he had accumulated enough misdemeanor points already to fall under the distribution of bonuses from her, so he quickly moved into the room.
Indeed, a hanger with a white ironed shirt with black trousers, as well as a jacket and a black satin tie hung on the cabinet handle. Harry chuckled and deftly pulled off his shirt.
Potter began to change clothes, and did it on purpose for a long time. Stupid attempt to buy time to come up with something. Jumping into his pants and throwing on his shirt, the young man remembered one interesting little thing that could have been in the suitcase if he had not removed it from there. Harry hung his tie around his neck, deftly jumped over Ron's bed and immediately reached into the suitcase, throwing things out of it in search of this very little thing that more or less looked like a gift.
- You went to change clothes or sleep for this morning? came from below. Mrs. Weasley began to lose patience.
Harry realized that he couldn't wait any longer. Kicking his suitcase out of frustration, he hastily buttoned his shirt and took hold of his tie, but he did not manage to do it so briskly. Ties back at Hogwarts were a problem, a huge one.
- Devil! Harry scolded.
Footsteps were heard on the steps, and in desperation Potter began to knit some unknown to the world node.
The door opened abruptly, and against the Chosen One's fears, Hermione entered the room. Harry froze as he looked at Granger. The girl looked great. Short fitted dress, quarter sleeves and a beautiful semi-scoop neckline. Classic cocktail dress in cream color in the style of Coco Chanel. It suited Hermione madly, highlighting the beauty of her body. Ballet flats with beads were chosen to match his tone.
Hermione's lush brown hair was tied up with a white ribbon, and a pale gloss was applied to her beautiful thin lips.
Harry blinked in surprise. The events of the last three years have drawn so much attention to themselves that they did not even notice how they had changed and grown. Hermione became real lady! I wonder if he has changed?
Harry sighed nervously.
Hermione, looking at the mess in the room and the disheveled look of her friend, could not help smiling. Closing the door, the girl approached Harry and, sighing, began to unbutton his shirt, the buttons on which were buttoned randomly and incorrectly.
- What were you doing here? Granger asked.
The girl finished with the shirt and started on the tie.
"You're helpless," she informed Harry, who looked away shamefacedly.
"I forgot where I put Ginny's present," the young man lied, feeling awkward.
- Drop it. There is no present," Hermione continued to smile.
Why don't you all believe in me? – the young Auror was indignant. The girl took a step back, checking to see if everything was done perfectly.
"Because you only have Death Eaters on your mind," Hermione replied, handing her friend a small box tied with a silk ribbon. - Hold on. And try to think less about work. And then you go crazy.
Taking the box, Harry stared dumbfounded first at Hermione and then at the silk bow. It didn't take long to figure out what it was.
From joy and an overabundance of feelings, Harry wrapped his girlfriend in his arms, tore off the floor and spun.
- Hermione! You... You... You are the best!
The door swung open abruptly, and Fred peeked into the room, apparently to hurry the young Auror. The picture that presented itself to the eyes caused the guy a cat-like, contented smile.
"Oh, sorry to interrupt," Fred chuckled.
Hermione blushed.
- Fred, it's not what you think! the girl exclaimed, backing away from Harry.
- Oh no! This is what I thought! the redhead drawled.
- Where's my wand?! I'll kill him while no one sees! Potter exclaimed, and immediately looked for his wand. Seeing her on the nightstand, Harry happily exclaimed:
- Here she is!
"Harry, don't do anything rash!" Hermione warned as the Auror rushed to the pedestal.
- Oh no, I thought it all over! As I crossed the threshold of this house today, I thought about it! Harry spoke quickly with fanaticism in his voice.
Potter grabbed his wand and turned sharply to Fred.
- How are you still alive with such a reaction? - mocked the redhead. “I'm tired of waiting here.
Harry didn't even have time to wave his wand when Mrs. Weasley's angry yell came from below:
- I'm not going to look at what you're big shots in magical world and I’m leaving you with a belt, by no means magical!
Fred, Hermione and Harry looked at each other and immediately rushed to the stairs. None of them would want to anger Mrs. Weasley even in her wildest dreams and nightmares. This woman is capable of things that some of the Aurors in the Special Section never even dreamed of.
Mrs. Weasley was waiting by the stairs. She looked at Harry and Fred with a critical eye. Potter even managed to get cold, but Molly chuckled contentedly and nodded.
- Everything is alive, alive forward! said Mrs. Weasley.
Harry couldn't help but smile. He understood how important this holiday was to Molly Weasley. Three months ago was hell. Three months ago, this little woman, dedicated to her family, lived in constant fear for her children and husband. She didn't know if it would be possible to celebrate someone's birthday again, or if it would all be over in the next few days. There will always be a boggart before Harry's eyes, showing fragile Molly Weasley's worst nightmare. And now it's all over. All the Weasleys are alive and almost unharmed, and this holiday was the first truly joyful event after all the dark events. For Molly, it is important that everything is fine, that all relatives and friends are here, as this means that everything is really behind, that everything is over, and only light lies ahead.
Harry, Hermione and Fred followed Mrs. Weasley into the room. Potter froze in the doorway. The familiar room has been transformed. She became bright and festive. Balloons were scattered everywhere. Cheerful, color-changing letters ran along the walls: "Happy Birthday to Our Beloved Ginny." Butterflies and birds flew through the air, beautiful magic that the Weasley twins could do if they wanted to. The long table was breaking under a huge amount of tasty food. Winky ran between the chairs. The little house elf was now serving the Weasleys and was overjoyed.
All relatives and friends were here. Nymphodora and Remus played with little Teddy, Fleur stood next to a rather smiling Bill, and said something serious to Charlie, who actually did not attach much importance to this. George amused Angelina, Ron said something enthusiastically to Lavender, Ginny laughed at Dean's words, and Mr. Weasley argued with Hestia about something. Harry saw Seamus and Lee, who had already been approached by Fred and even George. Now they were all laughing merrily and looking out the window. Harry saw Hagrid at the door. The giant smiled broadly and waved his huge hand.
Potter waved back cheerfully and walked over to his friend.
- Harry! I'm so glad to see you! Rubius drawled as usual.
- Hagrid! - the young man exclaimed joyfully and hugged the giant.
Tears welled up in Hagrid's eyes, and he clumsily wiped them away with his hand.
- They say you've become an Auror? the giant sobbed.
"Well, there is," Harry smiled.
- So! Down with all the talk! Mrs. Weasley exclaimed and looked around the room. - All come here! Alive!
Molly took control again, making it clear once again that she didn't want to hear about Harry's position at the Ministry of Magic.
- Mom, relax! Fred exclaimed happily. - We were visited by a bird of happiness! Harry is here and all is well.
- Yes, you got it! Harry exclaimed. His hand reaching for his wand was stopped by Hermione. Fred was one step away from donkey ears. Weasley laughed merrily and got a good slap in the face from his mother. This is how the holiday started.
It was magical. Everyone laughed, remembered the brightest and funny stories. Mr Weasley, as usual, told amazing story about proposing to Mrs. Weasley. Angelina complained about George and their failed date. Everyone laughed, and George, for the first time, was embarrassed. Then there was music. Everyone was dancing and having fun. Even Arthur and Molly join the youth. Ginny accepted the gifts lustily, and was very surprised to receive it from Harry as well.
"Hermione helped out again?" Fred whispered.
"Marry her, Harry," George echoed his brother.
- Will you shut up? Harry growled.
- Will you shut up? Fred asked his brother.
- No. And you?
- I don't think so!
- We won't shut up! The twins spoke with one voice.
Harry snorted and turned away. Cursing the twins, he walked over to the table and poured himself a punch.
"A vile, talkative, treacherous, red-headed slug…" grumbled Harry.
I hope you're not talking about me...
Harry choked and turned around sharply. Ginny stood in front of him, straightening her hair awkwardly. She was wearing a white dress, with a loose skirt and elegant shoes with low heels.
- What's the nonsense, Ginny? Of course not! I'm talking about your brother. I'm sorry, but one day I'll kill him," Harry grumbled.
- Come on. Too many of them! Ginny replied with a casual wave of her hand and laughed along with Harry. The young man hugged her in a friendly way and once again congratulated her on her birthday.
"Now you can conjure those obnoxious wizards outside of school," Harry said laughing, nodding towards Fred and George.
- Oh yeah! Ginny replied cheerfully and hesitated a little. - Harry ... - the girl involuntarily looked at Dean. - I…
Potter smiled.
- Ginny, - the young man tucked a naughty strand of hair behind the girl's ear. - We have already talked about this. I'm happy for you and for Dean. Don't bring this topic up again and feel guilty. Everything worked out for the best. You are happy and that's what matters.
Ginny sighed nervously, bit her lip, and suddenly hugged Potter.
"Harry, you're wonderful," the girl breathed, wiping away a tear that had rolled down her cheek. You will definitely be happy too! Just take care of yourself. Don't be so desperate to work. You've given enough and you deserve to be happy. Now you have a family, Harry. You are a member of our family, don't forget!
Ginny pulled back a little and smiled. Harry twitched her nose in amusement and winked.
"Even if I lose the rest of my mind, your mother won't let me forget it," Potter chuckled. Ginny laughed and patted Harry on the shoulder.
"Be patient, Potter.
- Yes, much more tolerant! Harry chuckled.
Ginny laughed. The girl took a step and just kissed Harry on the cheek.
"Thanks," Ginny said, and ran off to Dean, who had an argument with Seamus about something.
She's right, Harry.
Potter turned and smiled. Hermione stood next to a glass full of punch.
- About how wonderful I am? So I know! the guy giggled.
- Harry! said Hermione indignantly, causing her friend to burst out laughing again. The Chosen One once again mentally thanked Lupin for reminding him of Ginny's birthday, otherwise so many positive emotions could have passed him by. But, Harry could be sitting in the Auror's Office now and scribbling boring reports about the caught criminals.
Harry, Hermione! Stop cooing there, doves! Fred chuckled, waving his hand at them.
We have competitions here! said George.
- Can? Harry asked hopefully.
“No need,” Hermione said peacefully, and the first went to the twins, who, embracing the girl, said something cheerfully to her. Harry also hurried to join the competitions, which turned out to be fun, and even funny. The winner of each competition had to make a toast in honor of the birthday girl.
It so happened that Harry had to make a toast more than once, although he did not at all strive to win competitions. At the last, Potter's fantasy began to fail, and he literally sucked the solemn words out of his finger. It was funny and awkward, but the twins liked it in principle, but Harry refused further participation.
Potter walked over to the table and sank heavily into a chair. The tie dangled loosely around his neck, and a few buttons on his shirt were already undone. The young man took a glass of punch from the table and took several large sips.
- What's tired? Angelina asked.
"Yeah, there's a little," Harry said, looking up at her. - I heard that you last game defeated the Bulgarians. Unfortunately, I did not manage to get to this match. I've been a little busy.
- I'm aware of your employment. Your glory, as before, runs ahead of you, - the girl giggled.
Harry chuckled and shook his head.
How is Wood doing? I haven't seen him for a long time.
- Oh. Wood is wonderful. Was here three days ago, but you were a little busy, Angelina teased. Either communication with George added a sort of humor to her character, or it served to ensure that they got along.
"Um, well…" Harry began, and his thought was abruptly cut off. Potter heard a pop from the transgression in the yard. The young Auror was already beginning to think that he had developed paranoia about work when the voices of Lupin and Brutswer were heard in the corridor.
- Kingsley, no! You can not! Not now! Lupin exclaimed.
"Remus, you know the situation is critical...
- And without an eighteen-year-old wizard, you can't do it! The werewolf was outraged.
- Remus! Brutswehr reproached Lupin. – Harry is not a simple eighteen-year-old wizard, but a talented Auror. By the way, your wife helped him with his exams, which he passed brilliantly!
- Listen…
- Remus, in the light recent events, The Ministry lost a lot of good Aurors, a considerable number had to be sent to Romania, and here it is. Who are you going to send? Kingsley was outraged.
Harry had already risen from his chair and was about to go out into the corridor to find out what the essence of the dispute was when Mrs. Weasley appeared at the door. The woman violently flung them open and angrily shouted:
- My answer is no!
Molly, listen...
- I don't want to hear anything! You can ride it however you want! The boy sleeps little and eats badly!
- Molly, he is already an adult ... - the minister began.
- I said BOY! Mrs Weasley snapped.
- Molly, you still adopt him! Brutswer exclaimed.
- Haven't you received your documents yet?
Molly are you serious?
- No, I'm kidding, but it doesn't change anything! squealed Mrs. Weasley.
- Molly, I can't send Abramson alone!
- Kingsley...
- What the hell is going on? – not weathered Harry, jumping out in corridor.
"Harry, it's good that you went out on your own, because there is such a gatekeeper in the Weasley house ... " Kingsley grumbled.
- What's wrong? – disgruntled repeated Potter.
Brutswehr hesitated and involuntarily lowered his gaze.
- I'll tell you on the way ... - the minister answered quietly.
A chill ran down Harry's spine. It was nowhere clearer that the case was unusual. Here, clearly, the point is not just the capture of another Death Eater. The matter was much more serious, and the young man was even afraid to imagine what it could be. Harry intuitively fumbled for his wand to make sure it was with him and moved towards Kingsley.
Don't you dare Harry! shouted Mrs. Weasley. If you cross the threshold of this house...
Potter turned to the woman and smiled.
- You know I can't stay, right? The young man turned to her.
Molly sighed nervously and turned away. Harry took her hand and said:
- Nothing will happen to me. I promise.
Mrs. Weasley shuddered nervously.
"All right," she muttered. - Come back soon. And don't you dare not come!
- Fine! - Harry smiled like a son, kissed the woman on the cheek, ran out of the house and immediately transgressed.

Her books have an amazing ability - they act like living water, give a feeling of home, security, hope. Almost 20 years have passed since the publication of the first book about an orphan boy who does not know that he is a wizard, but children and adults around the world still draw strength from JK Rowling's books. Favorite quotes roam in diaries, in social networks are chosen for tattoos.

“If you really want to know a person, look at how he treats those who are weaker than him, and not those who are equal to him.”

"It takes great courage to stand up to enemies, but it takes no less courage to stand up to friends."

“We all have both darkness and light inside. The main thing is which part we decide to rely on when it comes time to act.”

"To dwell on dreams and neglect life - nothing good will come of it."

"Don't pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and especially those who live without love.

"Of course it's happening in your head, Harry, but what makes you think it can't be part of reality because of that?"

"Our choice, Harry, says a lot more about who we really are than our abilities."

"You good man, Harry, with whom a lot of bad things happened.

Fifteen year old american girl Cassidy Stay, who in 2014 lost her entire family - her mother, father, two sisters and two brothers - during a gunfight in Texas, quoted the headmaster of the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Albus Dumbledore, at her memorial service:

"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light."

Rowling herself wrote her first book during the most difficult period of her life - after the death of her mother, a short marriage that plunged her and her tiny daughter into poverty - and the work helped to get rid of grief. “Mom's death,” she would say later, “is invisibly present on every page of Harry Potter. A good half of Harry's adventures is a journey towards death, in its various guises, how death changes life, what it means to die, what stronger than death- every book of the saga is filled with all this.

Writing helped Rowling cope with depression. “Depression began after the death of my mother - from twenty-five to twenty-eight were my most dark years. You don't feel anything, not even a glimmer of hope that things will ever get better. It is difficult to describe this feeling to someone who has never experienced it. This is not sadness. There is nothing wrong with sadness. You cry - it means you feel. When there are no feelings, they seem to be frozen - really scary. This is the Dementors (in the Harry Potter saga - creatures that suck out the soul. - Approx. ed.).

Today the writer says that she is grateful to fate for hard time. She does not romanticize poverty - living on welfare with a newborn child was scary, dreary and humiliating. “I was a single mother ... I remember how I denied food to myself in order to feed my daughter ... evenings when we were penniless, in literally words, and my dinner was a single cookie. I was afraid to inadvertently ruin something in the house, to press the wrong button and lose everything. When you don't have money, you lose your individuality, I've experienced that first hand."

But having reached the bottom, she managed to push off from him. “Failure is more important than success,” Rowling says. - Failure frees you from superfluous, unimportant things. I stopped pretending to myself that I was someone else and focused all my energy on finishing the only job which mattered to me. I was still alive, I still had a little daughter that I adored, and an old typewriter, and the stone bottom became a solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.

Joanne Rowling is a British writer, born in 1965 in the UK. Her seven Harry Potter books have been translated into 72 languages ​​and have sold 450 million copies worldwide. Her fortune is estimated at about $ 1 billion, of which she donated about $ 350 million to charity. After Harry Potter, Rowling published three books for adults: Random Vacancy (Foreigner, 2012), Cuckoo Calling (Foreigner, 2014) and Silkworm (Foreigner, 2015). The last two are written under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith.

The preface contains a line from a poem by the Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore.

JK Rowling - worldwide famous author Harry Potter books. They became the best-selling book series in history and the basis for equally popular films. “I had an adorable daughter, Jessica, an old typewriter and great idea Rowling wrote. “With this solid foundation, I was able to rebuild my life.” In five years, she went from living on welfare to multimillionaire status. Her dream came true Joan got the best out of the talent she was given. We offer you 35 quotes from this talented woman. You will love the precision of her wording.

  1. You can not cling to dreams and dreams, forgetting about the present, forgetting about your life.
  2. Knowing that you have become wiser and stronger through failure increases your ability to survive.
  3. The mistake that 99% of humanity made was that people were ashamed to be themselves and lied, impersonating others.
  4. I was an ordinary freckled nerd. Just a bookworm. And I spent an incredibly long time looking for heroines similar to me in books. Of course, I still found something, but ... very few ordinary female characters who don't have to be sexy to be heroines. And when I created Hermione, I felt like I was creating a character who wasn't sexy, but at the same time, she wasn't a typical "girl with glasses" who was completely asexual. Do you understand what I mean? She is a girl, a real girl. She likes Ron, but her hopes are low. real girl. But she never loses her mind. Never trying to act stupid or look stupid. Does not try to please Ron by belittling himself and his virtues. Therefore, they find themselves together so late, such is the reality of life. But I'm proud of Hermione. She is who she is. And if girls like me hear it, then, of course, I am insanely happy. This is the whole point.
  5. To learn how to write, you need to read a lot - only this helps.
  6. You can't fix reality with photoshop.
  7. Life doesn't have to be comfortable. And in this I find solace - for myself and for everyone who is confused.
  8. If you do not like to read, then you simply did not find the right book.
  9. Every story lives as long as anyone wants to listen to it. The stories we love the most live on in us forever. So no matter how many times you go back to reading books or watching movies, Hogwarts will always be there to take you home.
  10. Our choice, more than our ability, reveals our true nature.
  11. The past can be too heavy to carry around with you everywhere. Sometimes it is worth forgetting about it for the sake of the future.
  12. We do not need magic to change this world - we already have everything we need for this inside us: we can mentally imagine the best.
  13. It takes great courage to stand up to enemies, but much more to go against friends.
  14. Young people do not understand how old people think and feel. But old people are to blame if they forget what it means to be young.
  15. If you want to get to know a person better, look not at how he treats his equals, but at how he behaves with subordinates.
  16. Even the best of us sometimes have to take back our words.
  17. It's amazing how easy it is to chat up a showdown if you insist on the exact wording.
  18. Each of us believes that he can say something much more important than everything that the other thinks.
  19. There is a shelf life for resenting your parents for misdirecting you in your own life. This is the moment when you are already so old that you can drive yourself. From now on, the responsibility lies with you.
  20. When I stopped pretending that I was not me, I began to direct all my energy towards doing only the work that was really important to me. If I had squandered myself on other things, I would hardly have been determined to succeed in the field to which I thought I belonged.
  21. Real writers sit at home and write, not rant about what they are going to write.
  22. Maybe you would never stumble where I stumbled. However, some of my failures were inevitable. It is impossible to live without making mistakes. Even if you are extremely careful and never fail, trust me, you are not breathing deeply. This is where your biggest mistake lies.
  23. My failures taught me to understand myself. Maybe I wouldn't have known about it if I hadn't fallen. They taught me to be strong, disciplined, and also helped me to understand that I am surrounded by real friends. And this discovery is much more expensive than all the jewels.
  24. You will never know yourself, the strength of your relationship, until you go through a black streak. This experience is a real gift.
  25. Your imagination helps you see what others don't, which means it's the source of all invention and innovation. This strength helps us to empathize with other people with whom we may never cross paths in life.
  26. By choosing a narrow path, you can box yourself in and start exaggerating your fears. I think we can all exaggerate what is really not so big. And maybe our fears are completely unfounded.
  27. One of the few things I learned at 18 was described by the Greek author Plutarch. We achieve something in the outer world only when we achieve it in the inner. This amazing rule can be proved by anyone and at any time, thousands of people prove it every day. It expresses, in particular, that our inevitable connection with the outside world really exists.
  28. If you decide to use your status and influence to raise not only your voice, but also the voice of those who do not have it; if you choose not only the strong, but also the weak; if you choose the opportunity to imagine yourself in the lives of those who have nothing, then not only your family will be proud of you, but also thousands, millions of people whose reality you can change.
  29. Thought wounds take longer to heal than any other.
  30. If you stop the pain for a while, it will become even more unbearable when you feel it again.
  31. You are not at all bad person You are a very good person who has had a lot of bad things happen to you, you know? In addition, the world is not divided into good and bad. Each has both light and dark side. What matters is which one you choose. It defines everything.
  32. Happiness can be found even in dark times, if you remember to turn to the light.
  33. You don't need any magic to change this world. Everything you need to make the world a better place is already inside you - that is what makes you strive for the best.
  34. I would like to be remembered as a woman who got everything possible from the talent that was given to her.

Find your calling and get the most out of your talent with Ken Robinson and Lou Aronick's book "

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