Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: "Doctor Aibolit". Aibolit - a good old fairy tale


Good Doctor Aibolit!
He sits under a tree.
Come to him for treatment.
Both the cow and the wolf
And a bug, and a worm,
And a bear!

Heal everyone, heal
Good Doctor Aibolit!

And the fox came to Aibolit:
"Oh, I got stung by a wasp!"

And the watchdog came to Aibolit:
“A chicken pecked on my nose!”

And the hare came running
And she screamed: "Ai, ai!"
My bunny got hit by a tram!
My bunny, my boy
Got hit by a tram!
He ran down the path
And his legs were cut
And now he's sick and lame
My little hare!”

And Aibolit said:
"No problem! Give it here!
I'll sew him new legs,
He'll run down the path again."
And they brought him a bunny,
Such a sick, lame,
And the doctor sewed on his legs,
And the hare jumps again.
And with him the hare-mother
She also went to dance.
And she laughs and screams:
“Well, thank you, Aibolit!”

Suddenly from somewhere a jackal
Rode on a mare:
"Here's a telegram for you
From Hippo!"

"Come, doctor,
Go to Africa soon
And save me doctor
Our babies!"

"What? Really
Are your kids sick?

"Yes Yes Yes! They have angina
scarlet fever, cholera,
diphtheria, appendicitis,
Malaria and bronchitis!

Come soon
Good Doctor Aibolit!

"Okay, okay, I'll run,
I will help your children.
But where do you live?
On a mountain or in a swamp?

We live in Zanzibar
In the Kalahari and the Sahara
On Mount Fernando Po,
Where hippo walks
Along the wide Limpopo.

And Aibolit got up, Aibolit ran,
He runs through the fields, through the forests, through the meadows.
And only one word repeats Aibolit:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

And in his face the wind, and snow, and hail:
"Hey, Aibolit, come back!"
And Aibolit fell and lies on the snow:
"I can't go any further."

And now to him because of the Christmas tree
Furry wolves run out:
"Sit down, Aibolit, on horseback,
We will take you alive!”

And Aibolit galloped forward
And only one word repeats:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

But in front of them is the sea
Raging, noisy in space.
And a high wave goes to the sea,
Now she will swallow Aibolit.

"Oh, if I drown
If I go to the bottom

With my forest animals?
But here comes the whale:
"Sit on me, Aibolit,
And like a big ship
I'll take you forward!"

And sat on the whale Aibolit
And only one word repeats:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

And the mountains stand in his way
And he starts to crawl over the mountains,
And the mountains are getting higher, and the mountains are getting steeper,
And the mountains go under the very clouds!

"Oh, if I don't get there,
If I get lost along the way
What will become of them, the sick,
With my forest animals?
And now from a high cliff
Eagles descended to Aibolit:
"Sit down, Aibolit, on horseback,
We will take you alive!”

And sat on the eagle Aibolit
And only one word repeats:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

And in Africa
And in Africa
On the black Limpopo
Sitting and crying
In Africa
Sad Hippo.

He's in Africa, he's in Africa
Sitting under a palm tree
And on the sea from Africa
Looks without rest:
Doesn't he ride in a boat
Dr. Aibolit?

And roam along the road
Elephants and Rhinos
And they say angrily:
“Well, there is no Aibolit?”

And next to the hippos
Grabbed their tummies:
They, the hippos,
Belly hurts.

And then the ostriches
They squeal like piglets
Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry
Poor ostriches!

And measles, and they have diphtheria,
And smallpox, and bronchitis they have,
And their head hurts
And my throat hurts.

They lie and rave:
“Well, why doesn’t he go,
Well, why doesn't he go?
Dr. Aibolit?"

And crouched next to
toothy shark,
toothy shark
Lies in the sun.

Oh, her little ones
The poor sharks
It's been twelve days
Teeth hurt!

And a dislocated shoulder
At the poor grasshopper;
He does not jump, he does not jump,
And he weeps bitterly
And the doctor calls:
"Oh, where is kind doctor?
When will he come?"

But look, some bird
Closer and closer through the air rushes
On the bird, look, Aibolit is sitting
And he waves his hat and shouts loudly:
"Long live dear Africa!"

And all the children are happy and happy:
“I have arrived, I have arrived! Hurrah Hurrah!"

And the bird is circling above them,
And the bird sits on the ground
And Aibolit runs to the hippos,
And slaps them on the tummies
And all in order
Gives you chocolate
And puts and puts them thermometers!

And to the striped
He runs to the tiger cubs,
And to the poor hunchbacks
sick camels,
And every gogol
Every mogul,
He will treat you with mogul-mogul.

Ten nights Aibolit
Doesn't eat, doesn't drink, doesn't sleep
ten nights in a row
He heals the unfortunate animals
And puts and puts them thermometers.

So he cured them
Here he cured the sick,
And they went to laugh
And dance and play

And Shark Karakula
Right eye winked
And laughs, and laughs,
Like someone is tickling her.

And little hippos
Grabbed by the tummies
And laugh, pour -
So that the oaks are shaken.

Here's Hippo, here's Popo,
Hippo Popo, Hippo Popo!
Here comes the Hippo.
It comes from Zanzibar
He goes to Kilimanjaro -
And he screams, and he sings:
“Glory, glory to Aibolit!
Glory to the good doctors!


Part one

Chapter 1. THE DOCTOR AND HIS Beasts

There lived a doctor. He was kind. His name was Aibolit. And he had an evil sister, whose name was Varvara.

More than anything, the doctor loved animals.

Hares lived in his room. There was a squirrel in his closet. There was a crow in the buffet. A prickly hedgehog lived on the sofa. White mice lived in the chest. But of all his animals, Dr. Aibolit loved most of all the duck Kiku, the dog Avva, the little pig Oink-Oink, the parrot Karudo and the owl Bumba.

His evil sister Varvara was very angry with the doctor because he had so many animals in his room.

Drive them away this very minute, she shouted. - They only dirty the rooms. I don't want to live with these nasty creatures!

No, Varvara, they are not bad! the doctor said. - I am very glad that they live with me.

Sick shepherds, sick fishermen, woodcutters, peasants came to the doctor from all sides for treatment, and he gave everyone medicine and everyone immediately became healthy. If any village boy hurts his hand or scratches his nose, he immediately runs to Aibolit - and, look, in ten minutes he is as if nothing had happened, healthy, cheerful, plays tag with the parrot Karudo, and the owl Bumba treats his lollipops and apples.

One day a very sad horse came to the doctor. She quietly told him:

Lama, out, fifi, kuku!

The doctor immediately understood what this meant in animal language:

“My eyes hurt. Give me glasses, please."

The doctor had long ago learned to speak like an animal. He said to the horse:

Kapuki, Kapuki!

Animally, this means:

"Sit down please".

The horse sat down. The doctor put on her glasses, and her eyes stopped hurting.

Chuck! - said the horse, waving its tail and ran out into the street.

"Chaka" means "thank you" in an animal way.

Soon all the animals that had bad eyes received glasses from Dr. Aibolit. Horses began to walk in glasses, cows - in glasses, cats and dogs - in glasses. Even the old crows did not fly out of the nest without glasses.

Every day more and more animals and birds came to the doctor.

Turtles, foxes and goats came, cranes and eagles flew in.

Doctor Aibolit treated everyone, but he did not take money from anyone, because what kind of money do turtles and eagles have!

Soon the following announcements were pasted on the trees in the forest:


These ads were put up by Vanya and Tanya, neighbors' children whom the doctor had once cured of scarlet fever and measles. They loved the doctor very much and willingly helped him.

Chapter 2

One evening, when all the animals were sleeping, someone knocked on the door of the doctor.

Who's there? the doctor asked.

The doctor opened the door and a monkey entered the room, very thin and dirty. The doctor sat her on the sofa and asked:

What is hurting you?

Neck, - she said and began to cry.

It was only then that the doctor saw that she had a rope around her neck.

I ran away from the evil organ grinder, - the monkey said and again, she began to cry. - The organ grinder beat me, tortured me and dragged me everywhere on a rope.

The doctor took the scissors, cut the rope, and smeared the monkey's neck with such an amazing ointment that the neck immediately stopped hurting. Then he bathed the monkey in a trough, gave it food and said:

Live with me, monkey. I don't want you to be offended.

The monkey was very happy. But, when she was sitting at the table and nibbling on the big nuts that the doctor had given her, an evil organ-grinder ran into the room.

Give me the monkey! he shouted. This monkey is mine!

Will not give it back! - said the doctor. - I won't give it up! I don't want you to torture her.

The enraged organ grinder wanted to grab Dr. Aibolit by the throat.

But the doctor calmly told him:

Get out this minute! And if you fight, I will call the dog Abba, and she will bite you.

Abba ran into the room and said menacingly:

In animal language, this means:

"Run, or I'll bite you!"

The organ grinder was frightened and ran away without looking back. The monkey stayed with the doctor. The animals soon fell in love with her and named her Chichi. In the animal language, "chichi" means "well done."

As soon as Tanya and Vanya saw her, they exclaimed in one voice:

Oh, how cute she is! How wonderful!

And immediately they began to play with her, as with their own best friend. They played both burners and hide-and-seek, and then all three joined hands and ran to the seashore, and there the monkey taught them a cheerful monkey dance, which is called “tkella” in animal language.


Every day, foxes, rabbits, seals, donkeys, camels came to Dr. Aibolit for treatment. Who had a stomachache, who had a tooth. Each doctor gave medicine, and they all immediately recovered.

Once a tailless kid came to Aibolit, and the doctor sewed his tail on.

And then from distant forest came, all in tears, a bear. She moaned plaintively and whimpered: a large splinter was sticking out of her paw. The doctor pulled out a splinter, washed the wound and smeared it with his miraculous ointment.

The bear's pain disappeared immediately.

Chuck! - the bear shouted and merrily ran home - to the den, to her cubs.

Then a sick hare trudged to the doctor, which was almost gnawed by dogs.

And then a sick ram came, who caught a bad cold and coughed. And then two chickens came and brought a turkey, which was poisoned by mushrooms with toadstools.

The doctor gave medicine to everyone, everyone, and everyone recovered at the same moment, and everyone said “chaka” to him. And then, when all the patients left, Dr. Aibolit heard something rustling behind the doors.

Sign in! the doctor shouted.

And a sad moth came to him:

I burned my wing on a candle.

Help me, help me, Aibolit:

My wounded wing hurts!

Dr. Aibolit felt sorry for the moth. He put it in his palm and looked at the burnt wing for a long time. And then he smiled and cheerfully said to the moth:

Don't be sad, moth!
You lie down on the barrel:
I'll sew you another
silk, blue,

And the doctor went into the next room and brought out a whole heap of all kinds of shreds - velvet, satin, cambric, silk. The patches were multi-colored: blue, green, black. The doctor rummaged among them for a long time, finally choosing one - bright blue with crimson speckles. And he immediately cut out an excellent wing from it with scissors, which he sewed on to the moth.

The moth laughed
And rushed to the meadow,
And flies under the birches
With butterflies and dragonflies.

A cheerful Aibolit
From the window he shouts:
"Okay, okay, have fun,
Just watch out for the candles!

So the doctor was busy with his patients until late in the evening.

In the evening he lay down on the sofa and fell asleep sweetly, and he began to dream of polar bears, deer, and sailors.

Suddenly, someone knocked on his door again.

Chapter 4. CROCODILE

There was a circus in the city where the doctor lived, and a big Crocodile lived in the circus. There it was shown to people for money.

Crocodile's teeth hurt, and he came to Dr. Aibolit for treatment. The doctor gave him a miraculous medicine, and his teeth stopped hurting.

How good are you! - said the Crocodile, looking around and licking his lips. - How many bunnies, birds, mice do you have! And they are all so fatty and delicious. Let me stay with you forever. I don't want to go back to the circus owner. He feeds me badly, beats me, offends me.

Stay, the doctor said. - Please! Only, mind you: if you eat at least one bunny, at least one sparrow, I will drive you out.

Okay, - said the Crocodile and sighed. - I promise you, doctor, that I will not eat any hares, or squirrels, or birds.

And the Crocodile began to live with the doctor.

He was quiet. He didn’t touch anyone, he lay under his bed and kept thinking about his brothers and sisters, who lived far, far away, in hot Africa.

The Doctor fell in love with the Crocodile and often talked to him. But the evil Barbara could not stand the Crocodile and sternly demanded that the doctor drive him away.

I don't want to see him, she screamed. - He's so nasty, toothy. And he ruins everything he touches. Yesterday he ate my green skirt, which was lying on my window.

And he did well, said the doctor. - The dress should be hidden in the closet, and not thrown at the window.

Because of this nasty Crocodile, - continued Varvara, - people are afraid to come to your house. Only the poor come, and you do not take their pay, and now we are so impoverished that we have nothing to buy bread for ourselves.

I don't need money, - answered Aibolit. - I'm fine without money. The animals will feed me and you.


Varvara told the truth: the doctor was left without bread. For three days he sat hungry. He didn't have money.

The animals that lived with the doctor saw that he had nothing to feed, and began to feed him. Bumba the owl and Oink-Oink the pig made a garden in the yard: the pig was digging beds with its snout, and Bumba was planting potatoes. The cow began to treat the doctor with her milk every morning and evening. The hen laid eggs for him.

And everyone began to take care of the doctor. Abba the dog was sweeping the floors. Tanya and Vanya, together with the monkey Chichi, brought him water from the well.

The doctor was very pleased.

I have never had such cleanliness in my house. Thank you, children and animals, for your work!

The children smiled merrily at him, and the animals answered in one voice:

Karabuki, marabuki, boo!

In animal language, this means:

“How can we not serve you? After all, you are our best friend."

And the dog Abba licked him on the cheek and said:

Abuzo, mabuzo, bang!

In animal language, this means:

"We will never leave you and will be your faithful comrades."

Chapter 6. SWALLOW

One evening the owl Bumba said:

Hush hush! Who is that scratching at the door? It looks like a mouse.

Everyone listened, but heard nothing.

There is no one behind the door,” the doctor said. - It seemed so to you.

No, it didn’t seem like it, ”the owl objected. - I hear someone scratching. Is it a mouse or a bird. You can trust me. We owls can hear better than humans.

Bumba wasn't wrong.

The monkey opened the door and saw a swallow on the threshold.

Swallow - in winter! What a miracle! After all, swallows cannot stand the frost and, as soon as autumn comes, they fly away to hot Africa. Poor thing, how cold she is! She sits on the snow and trembles.

Martin! the doctor shouted. - Come into the room and warm yourself by the stove.

At first the swallow was afraid to enter. She saw that the Crocodile was lying in the room, and she thought that he would eat her. But the monkey Chichi told her that this Crocodile is very kind. Then the swallow flew into the room, looked around and asked:

Chiruto, kisafa, poppy?

In animal language, this means:

“Tell me, please, does the famous doctor Aibolit live here?”

Aibolit is me, - said the doctor.

I have a big request for you, - said the swallow. - You must go to Africa at once. I flew in from Africa on purpose to invite you there. There are monkeys out there in Africa, and now those monkeys are sick.

What hurts them? the doctor asked.

Their stomach hurts, said the swallow. They lie on the ground and cry. There is only one person who can save them and that is you. Take your medicines with you, and let's go to Africa soon! If you don't go to Africa, all the monkeys will die.

Ah, said the doctor, I would love to go to Africa! I love monkeys and I'm sorry they are sick. But I don't have a ship. After all, to go to Africa, you need to have a ship.

Poor monkeys! said Crocodile. - If the doctor does not go to Africa, they must all die. He alone can heal them.

And the Crocodile wept such great tears that two streams flowed across the floor.

Suddenly Dr. Aibolit shouted:

I'm still going to Africa! Still, I will cure sick monkeys! I remembered that my acquaintance, the old sailor Robinson, whom I once saved from an evil fever, has an excellent ship.

He took his hat and went to the sailor Robinson.

Hello sailor Robinson! - he said. - Please, give me your ship. I want to go to Africa. There, not far from the Sahara Desert, there is a wonderful Monkey Country.

Good, Said Sailor Robinson. - I will gladly give you a ship. After all, you saved my life, and I am glad to render you any service. But take care to bring my ship back, because I have no other ship.

I will definitely bring it, - said the doctor. - Don't worry. I would just like to go to Africa.

Take it, take it! repeated Robinson. - But do not break it on the pitfalls!

Don't be afraid, I won't break it, - the doctor said, thanked the sailor Robinson and ran home.

Animals, get ready! he shouted. Tomorrow we are going to Africa!

The animals were very happy, began to jump and clap their hands. The monkey Chichi was the most happy:

I'm going, I'm going to Africa
To sweet lands!
Africa, Africa,
My motherland!

I will not take all the animals to Africa, - said Dr. Aibolit. - hedgehogs, the bats and rabbits should stay here in my house. The horse will be with them. And I will take with me the Crocodile, the Chichi monkey and the Karudo parrot, because they come from Africa: their parents, brothers and sisters live there. In addition, I will take with me Avva, Kika, Bumba and Oink-Oink the pig.

And us? Tanya and Vanya shouted. "Are we going to stay here without you?"

Yes! - said the doctor and firmly shook hands with them. - Goodbye, Dear friends! You will stay here and take care of my garden and orchard. We will be back very soon! And I will bring you a wonderful gift from Africa.

Tanya and Vanya lowered their heads. But they thought a little and said:

Nothing can be done: we are still small. Bon Voyage! And when we grow up, we will certainly go traveling with you.

Still would! Aibolit said. - You just need to grow up a little.

Chapter 7. TO AFRICA!

The animals hastily packed their things and set off on their way. Only hares, rabbits, hedgehogs, and bats remained at home.

Arriving at the seashore, the animals saw a wonderful ship. Sailor Robinson was standing right there on the hillock. Vanya and Tanya, along with Oinky-Oinky the pig and Chichi the monkey, helped the doctor bring in the cases of medicines.

All the animals boarded the ship and were about to set off, when suddenly the doctor shouted in a loud voice:

Wait, wait, please!

What happened? asked the Crocodile.

Wait! Wait! the doctor shouted. - I don't know where Africa is! You have to go and ask.

The crocodile laughed.

Do not go! Take it easy! The swallow will show you where to swim. She often visited Africa. Swallows fly to Africa every autumn.

Of course! - said the swallow. I will gladly show you the way there.

And she flew ahead of the ship, showing Dr. Aibolit the way.

She flew to Africa, and Dr. Aibolit sent the ship after her. Where the swallow goes, there goes the ship.

At night it became dark, and the swallows could not be seen.

Then she lit a flashlight, took it in her beak and flew with a flashlight, so that the doctor could see at night where he should lead his ship.

They rode and rode, suddenly they see a crane flying towards them.

Tell me, please, is the famous doctor Aibolit on your ship?

Yes, - answered the Crocodile. - The famous doctor Aibolit is on our ship.

Ask the doctor to swim quickly, - said the crane, - because the monkeys are getting worse and worse. They can't wait for him.

Do not worry! said Crocodile. - We are racing with all sails. The monkeys won't have to wait long.

Hearing this, the crane was delighted and flew back to tell the monkeys that Dr. Aibolit was already close.

The ship quickly ran through the waves. The crocodile was sitting on the deck and suddenly saw that dolphins were swimming towards the ship.

Tell me, please, - the dolphins asked, - is the famous doctor Aibolit sailing on this ship?

Yes, - answered the Crocodile. - The famous doctor Aibolit sails on this ship.

Please, ask the doctor to swim quickly, because the monkeys are getting worse and worse.

Do not worry! replied Crocodile. - We are racing with all sails. The monkeys won't have to wait long.

In the morning the doctor said to the Crocodile:

What is it ahead? Some big land. I think it's Africa.

Yes, this is Africa! cried the Crocodile. - Africa! Africa! Soon we will be in Africa! I see ostriches! I see rhinos! I see camels! I see elephants!

Africa, Africa!
Lovely edges!
Africa, Africa!
My motherland!

Chapter 8

But then a storm arose. Rain! Wind! Lightning! Thunder! The waves became so big that it was scary to look at them.

And suddenly-fuck-tar-ra-rah! There was a terrible crack, and the ship tilted on its side.

What? What? the doctor asked.

Shipwreck! cried the parrot. - Our ship ran into a rock and crashed! We are sinking. Save who can!

But I can't swim! Chichi screamed.

I can't either! cried Oinky-Oinky.

And they wept bitterly. Luckily. The crocodile put them on his broad back and swam through the waves straight to the shore.

Hooray! Everyone is saved! All made it safely to Africa. But their ship was lost. A huge wave crashed into him and smashed him into small pieces.

How do they get home? After all, they have no other ship. And what will they say to the sailor Robinson?

It was getting dark. The doctor and all his animals were very sleepy. They were soaked to the bone and tired.

But the doctor did not think about rest:

Hurry, hurry forward! Need to hurry! We need to save the monkeys! The poor monkeys are sick and they can't wait for me to cure them!

Chapter 9

Then Bumba flew up to the doctor and said in a frightened voice:

Hush hush! Someone is coming! I hear someone's steps!

Everyone stopped and listened.

Some shaggy old man with a long gray beard came out of the forest and shouted:

What are you doing here? And who are you? And why did you come here?

I am Dr. Aibolit, - said the doctor. - I came to Africa to cure sick monkeys.

Ha ha ha! The shaggy old man laughed. - "Cure

sick monkeys! Do you know where you got to?

I don't know, the doctor said. - Where?

To the robber Barmaley!

To Barmaley! the doctor exclaimed. - Barmaley - the most evil person all over the world! But we'd rather die than surrender to a robber! Let's hurry there - to our sick monkeys... They are crying, they are waiting, and we must cure them.

Not! - said the shaggy old man and laughed even louder. - You're not going anywhere! Barmaley kills everyone who gets captured by him.

Let's run! the doctor shouted. - Let's run! We can be saved! We will be saved!

But then Barmaley himself appeared in front of them and, brandishing his saber, shouted:

Hey you, my faithful servants! Take this stupid doctor with all his stupid animals and put him in prison, behind bars! Tomorrow I'll deal with them!

The evil servants of Barmaley ran up, grabbed the doctor, grabbed the Crocodile, grabbed all the animals and took them to prison. The doctor fought them off bravely. The animals bit, scratched, pulled out of their hands, but there were many enemies, the enemies were strong. They threw their captives into prison, and the shaggy old man locked them up there with a key.

And he gave the key to Barmaley. Barmaley took it away and hid it under his pillow.

We are poor, poor! Chichi said. We will never leave this prison. The walls here are strong, the doors are iron. No more sun, no flowers, no trees. We are poor, poor!

Back grunted, the dog howled. And the Crocodile wept with such big tears that a wide puddle became on the floor.

Chapter 10

But the doctor said to the animals:

My friends, we must not lose heart! We must break out of this cursed prison - sick monkeys are waiting for us! Stop crying! Let's think about how we can be saved.

No, dear doctor, - said the Crocodile and began to cry even harder. We cannot be saved. We are dead! The doors of our prison are made of strong iron. Can we break these doors? Tomorrow morning, at dawn, Barmaley will come to us and kill us all to one!

Kika the duck whimpered. Chichi took a deep breath. But the doctor jumped to his feet and exclaimed with a cheerful smile:

We will still be saved from prison!

And he called the parrot Karudo to him and whispered something to him. He whispered so softly that no one but the parrot could hear. The parrot nodded his head, laughed and said:

And then he ran up to the grate, squeezed between the iron bars, flew out into the street and flew to Barmaley.

Barmaley was fast asleep on his bed, and under his pillow was hidden a huge key - the same one with which he locked iron doors prisons.

Quietly, a parrot crept up to Barmaley and pulled out a key from under the pillow. If the robber had woken up, he would certainly have killed the fearless bird.

But, fortunately, the robber slept soundly.

The brave Karudo grabbed the key and flew with all his might back to the prison.

Wow, what a heavy key! Carudo almost dropped it on the way. But nevertheless, he flew to the prison - and right out the window, to Dr. Aibolit. The doctor was delighted when he saw that the parrot had brought him the key to the prison!

Hooray! We are saved - he shouted. - Let's run faster until Barmaley wakes up!

The doctor grabbed the key, opened the door and ran out into the street. And behind him are all his animals. Freedom! Freedom! Hooray!

Thank you, brave Karudo! - said the doctor. You saved us from death. If not for you, we would be lost. And the poor sick monkeys would die with us.

Not! Karudo said. - It was you who taught me what to do to get out of this prison!

Hurry, hurry to the sick monkeys! - said the doctor and hurriedly ran into the thicket of the forest. And with him - all his animals.

Chapter 11

When Barmalei found out that Dr. Aibolit had escaped from prison, he became terribly angry, his eyes flashed, and he stamped his feet.

Hey you, my faithful servants! he shouted. Run in pursuit of the doctor! Catch him and bring him here!

The servants ran into the thicket of the forest and began to look for the announcer Aibolit. Meanwhile, Dr. Aibolit with all his animals made his way through Africa to the Land of the Monkeys. He walked very fast. Oinky Oinky pig, which had short legs, could not keep up with him. The Doctor picked her up and carried her. The mumps was heavy, and the doctor was terribly tired.

How I would like to relax! - he said. - Oh, if only to reach the Land of the Monkeys sooner!

Chichi climbed up tall tree and shouted loudly:

I see the Land of the Apes! The Land of the Monkeys is near! Soon, soon we will be in the Land of the Monkeys!

The doctor laughed with joy and hurried forward.

The sick monkeys saw the doctor from afar and clapped their hands cheerfully:

Hooray! Dr. Aibolit came to us! Dr. Aibolit will immediately cure us, and we will be healthy tomorrow!

But then the servants of Barmaley ran out of the thicket of the forest and rushed in pursuit of the doctor.

Hold it! Hold on! Hold on! they shouted.

The doctor ran as fast as he could. And suddenly in front of him - the river. It is impossible to run further. The river is wide and cannot be crossed. Now the servants of Barmaley will catch him! Oh, if there were a bridge across this river, the doctor would run across the bridge and immediately find himself in the Land of the Apes!

We are poor, poor! - said pig Oink-Oink. How are we going to get to the other side? In a minute, these villains will catch us and put us back in jail.

Then one of the monkeys screamed:

Bridge! Bridge! Make a bridge! Hurry! Don't waste a minute! Make a bridge! Bridge!

The doctor looked around. Monkeys have neither iron nor stone. What will they make the bridge out of?

But the monkeys built the bridge not from iron, not from stone, but from living monkeys. A tree grew on the bank of the river. This tree was grabbed by one monkey, and another grabbed this monkey by the tail. So all the monkeys stretched out, like a long chain, between the two high banks of the river.

Here's the bridge for you, run! they shouted to the doctor.

The doctor grabbed Bumba the owl and ran over the monkeys, over their heads, over their backs. Behind the doctor are all his animals.

Quicker! the monkeys shouted. - Quicker! Quicker!

It was difficult to walk along the living monkey bridge. The animals were afraid that they were about to slip and fall into the water.

But no, the bridge was solid, the monkeys held tightly to each other - and the doctor quickly ran to the other side with all the animals.

Hurry, hurry forward! the doctor shouted. - Don't hesitate for a minute. After all, our enemies are chasing us. You see, they are also running along the monkey bridge... Now they will be here! Quicker! Quicker!..

But what is? What happened? Look: in the very middle of the bridge, one monkey unclenched his fingers, the bridge collapsed, crumbled, and the servants of Barmaley with high altitude flew head over heels straight into the river.

Hooray! the monkeys screamed. - Hooray! Doctor Aibolit is saved! Now he has nothing to fear! Hooray! The enemies didn't catch him! Now he will cure our sick! They are here, they are close, they are moaning and crying!

Chapter 12

Dr. Aibolit hurried to the sick monkeys.

They lay on the ground and moaned. They were very sick.

The doctor began to treat the monkeys. It was necessary to give each monkey medicine: one - drops, the other - powders. It was necessary for each monkey to put a cold compress on his head, and mustard plasters on his back and chest. There were many sick monkeys, but only one doctor.

One cannot do this kind of work.

Kika, Crocodile, Karudo and Chichi did their best to help him, but they soon got tired and the doctor needed other helpers.

He went into the desert, where the lion lived.

Be so kind, - he said to the lion, - please help me to treat the monkeys.

The lion was important. He looked menacingly at Aibolit:

Do you know who I am? I am a lion, I am the king of beasts! And you dare to ask me to treat some rotten monkeys!

Then the doctor went to the rhinos.

Rhinos, Rhinos! - he said. - Help me treat the monkeys! There are many, but I am alone. I can't do my job alone.

The Rhinos only laughed in response:

We will help you! Say thank you we didn't gore you with our horns!

The doctor was very angry with the evil rhinos and ran to the neighboring forest - to where the striped tigers lived.

Tigers, tigers! Help me treat monkeys!

Rrr! answered the striped tigers. - Get out while you're still alive!

The doctor left them very sad.

But soon the evil beasts were severely punished.

When the lion returned home, the lioness said to him:

Our little son fell ill - he cries and moans all day. What a pity that there is no famous doctor Aibolit in Africa! He heals wonderfully. No wonder everyone loves him. He would heal our son.

Dr. Aibolit is here, - said the lion. “Over those palm trees, in Monkey Country!” I just spoke to him.

What happiness! - exclaimed the lioness. - Run and call him to our son!

No, - said the lion, - I will not go to him. He won't treat our son because I offended him.

You offended Dr. Aibolit! What are we going to do now? Do you know that Dr. Aibolit is the best, most wonderful doctor? He is one of all people who can speak like an animal. He treats tigers, crocodiles, hares, monkeys and frogs. Yes, yes, he even heals frogs, because he is very kind. And you offended such a person! And offended just when your own son is sick! What are you going to do now?

The lion was taken aback. He didn't know what to say.

Go to this doctor, - the lioness shouted, - and tell him that you ask for forgiveness! Help him in any way you can. Do whatever he says and beg him to heal our poor son!

Nothing to do, the lion went to Dr. Aibolit.

Hello, he said. I came to apologize for my rudeness. I am ready to help you... I agree to give the monkeys drugs and apply all sorts of compresses to them.

And the lion began to help Aibolit. For three days and three nights he looked after sick monkeys, and then he approached Dr. Aibolit and timidly said:

My son fell ill, whom I love very much... Please, be kind, cure the poor lion cub!

Good! - said the doctor. - Willingly! I will heal your son today.

And he went into the cave and gave his son such a medicine that he was well in an hour.

The lion was delighted, and he felt ashamed that he had offended the good doctor.

And then the children of the rhinos and tigers got sick. Aibolit immediately cured them. Then the rhinos and tigers said:

We are very sorry that we offended you!

Nothing, nothing, said the doctor. - Be smarter next time. Now come here - help me treat the monkeys.

Chapter 13

The animals helped the doctor so well that the sick monkeys soon recovered.

Thank you doctor, they said. - He cured us of a terrible disease, and for this we must give him something very good. Let's give him a beast that people have never seen. Which is not in the circus or in the zoological park.

Let's give him a camel! yelled one monkey.

No, - said Chichi, - he does not need a camel. He saw camels. All people saw camels. Both in zoological parks and on the streets.

Well, so ostrich! yelled another monkey. - We'll give him an ostrich!

No, - Chichi said, - he also saw ostriches.

Did he see the tyanitolkaev? asked the third monkey.

No, he never saw the pushers, - Chichi answered. - There has not yet been a single person who would have seen tyanitolkaev.

Okay, said the monkeys. - Now we know what to give the doctor: we will give him a pusher!

Chapter 14

People have never seen pushers, because pushers are afraid of people: they will notice a person - and into the bushes!

You can catch other animals when they fall asleep and close their eyes. You will approach them from behind and grab them by the tail. But you cannot approach the pusher from behind, because the puller has the same head in the back as in the front.

Yes, he has two heads: one in front, the other behind. When he wants to sleep, first one head sleeps, and then the other. He never sleeps all at once. One head sleeps, the other looks around, so that the hunter does not creep up. That is why not a single hunter has been able to catch the pusher, which is why not a single circus, not a single zoological park has this beast.

The monkeys decided to catch one pusher for Dr. Aibolit.

They ran into the very thicket and there they found a place where the pusher had taken refuge.

He saw them and started to run, but they surrounded him, grabbed him by the horns and said:

Dear Pull! Would you like to go far, far away with Dr. Aibolit and live in his house with all the animals? There you will feel good: both satisfying and fun.

The pusher shook both heads and answered with both mouths:

Good doctor, said the monkeys. - He will feed you honey gingerbread, and if you get sick, he will cure you of any disease.

Does not matter! - said Tyanitolkay. - I want to stay here.

For three days the monkeys persuaded him, and finally Tyanitolkai said:

Show me this vaunted doctor. I want to look at it.

The monkeys led Tyanitolkay to the house where Aibolit lived and knocked on the door.

Come in, - said Kika.

Chichi proudly led the two-headed beast into the room.

What it is? asked the surprised doctor.

He had never seen such a miracle.

It's Pull Push," Chichi replied. - He wants to meet you. The pusher is the rarest animal in our African forests. Take him on the ship with you and let him live in your house.

Would he like to come to me?

I will gladly go to you, - said Tianitolkai unexpectedly. - I immediately saw that you are kind: you have such kind eyes. The animals love you so much and I know you love the animals. But promise me that if I get bored with you, you will let me go home.

Of course I'll let go, - said the doctor. - But you will be so good with me that you are unlikely to want to leave.

Right, right! This is true! Chichi screamed. - He is so cheerful, so brave, our doctor! In his house we live so freely! And next door, a stone's throw from him, live Tanya and Vanya - you'll see, they will fall in love with you deeply and become your closest friends.

If so, I agree, I'm going! - Tyanitolkay said cheerfully and for a long time nodded to Aibolit with one or the other head.

Chapter 15

Then the monkeys came to Aibolit and called him to dinner. They gave him a wonderful farewell dinner: apples, honey, bananas, dates, apricots, oranges, pineapples, nuts, raisins!

Long live Dr. Aibolit! they shouted. - He is kind person on the ground!

Then the monkeys ran into the forest and rolled out a huge, heavy stone.

This stone, they said, will stand at the place where Dr. Aibolit treated the sick. It will be a memorial to the good doctor.

The doctor took off his hat, bowed to the monkeys and said:

Goodbye, dear friends! Thank you for your love. Soon I will come to you again. Until then, I will leave the Crocodile, Karudo the parrot and Chichi the monkey with you. They were born in Africa - let them stay in Africa. Their brothers and sisters live here. Goodbye!

I myself will be bored without you, - said the doctor. But you won't be here forever! In three or four months I will come here and take you back. And we will again live and work together.

If so, we will stay, - the animals answered. - But look, come quickly!

The Doctor said goodbye to everyone in a friendly manner and walked briskly along the road. The monkeys went to accompany him. Every monkey wanted to shake Dr. Aibolit's hand at all costs. And since there were many monkeys, they shook hands with him until evening. The doctor's hand even hurt.

And in the evening disaster struck.

As soon as the doctor crossed the river, he again found himself in the country of the evil robber Barmaley.

Tes! whispered Bumba. - Be quiet, please! And how would we not be taken prisoner again.

Chapter 16

Before she had time to utter these words, dark forest Barmaley's servants ran out and attacked the good doctor. They have been waiting for him for a long time.

Aha! they shouted. We finally caught you! Now you won't leave us!

What to do? Where to hide from merciless enemies?

But the doctor was not taken aback. In an instant, he jumped on Tyanitolkay, and he galloped like the fastest horse. Barmaley's servants follow him. But since the Tyanitolkay had two heads, he bit everyone who tried to attack him from behind. And he will strike another with his horns and throw him into a thorny bush.

Of course, Pull Push alone would never defeat all the villains. But they rushed to the doctor to help him faithful friends and comrades. Out of nowhere, a Crocodile ran up and began to grab the robbers by their bare heels. The dog Abba flew at them with a terrible growl, and knocked them down, and dug their teeth into their throats. And above, along the branches of the trees, Chichi the monkey was rushing and throwing large nuts at the robbers.

The robbers fell, groaned in pain, and in the end they had to retreat.

They fled in disgrace into the thicket of the forest.

Hooray! Aibolit shouted.

Hooray! - shouted the animals.

And the pig Oink-Oink said:

Well, now we can rest. Let's lie down here on the grass. We are tired. We want to sleep.

No, my friends! - said the doctor. - We must hurry. If we delay, we will not be saved.

And they ran forward with all their might. Soon Tianitolkai carried the doctor to the seashore. There, in the bay, near a high cliff, stood a large and beautiful ship. It was Barmaley's ship.

We are saved! the doctor rejoiced.

There was not a single person on the ship. The Doctor, with all his beasts, quickly climbed into the ship, raised the sails, and was about to launch into the open sea. But as soon as he set sail from the shore, Barmaley suddenly ran out of the forest.

Stop! he shouted. - Stop! Wait a minute! Where did you take my ship? Come back this minute!

Not! - the doctor shouted to the robber. - I don't want to go back to you. You are so cruel and evil. You tortured my animals. You threw me in jail. You wanted to kill me. You are my enemy! I hate you! And I take your ship from you so that you no longer rob the sea! So that you do not plunder defenseless ships passing by your shores.

Barmaley was terribly angry: he ran along the shore, scolded, shook his fists and threw huge stones after him. But Dr. Aibolit only laughed at him. He sailed on the ship of Barmaley directly to his country and a few days later he already moored to his native shores.

Chapter 17

Abba, Bumba, Kika and Oink-Oink were very happy that they returned home. On the shore they saw Tanya and Vanya, who were jumping and dancing for joy. Next to them stood the sailor Robinson.

Hello sailor Robinson! Dr. Aibolit shouted from the ship.

Hello, hello doctor! Sailor Robinson replied. - Did you enjoy traveling? Did you manage to cure sick monkeys? And tell me, where did you put my ship?

Ah, - answered the doctor, - your ship is lost! He crashed on the rocks off the coast of Africa. But I brought you a new ship, this one will be better than yours.

Well, thank you! Robinson said. - I see it's a great ship. Mine was also good, but this one is just a feast for the eyes: so big and beautiful!

The doctor said goodbye to Robinson, mounted the Tyanitolkay and rode through the streets of the city straight to his home. On every street geese, cats, turkeys, dogs, piglets, cows, horses ran out to him, and they all shouted loudly:

Malakucha! Malakucha!

Animally, this means:

"Long live Dr. Aibolit!"

Birds flew from all over the city: they flew over the doctor's head and sang merry songs to him.

The doctor was glad to be back home.

Hedgehogs, hares and squirrels still lived in the doctor's office. At first they were frightened of Tyanitolkay, but then they got used to him and fell in love with him.

And Tanya and Vanya, as they saw Tyanitolkaya, laughed, squealed, clapped their hands for joy. Vanya hugged one of his necks, and Tanya - the other. whole hour they stroked and caressed him. And then they joined hands and danced in joy "tkella" - that cheerful animal dance that Chichi taught them.

You see, - said Dr. Aibolit, - I fulfilled my promise: I brought you a wonderful gift from Africa, which has never been given to children before. I am very glad that you liked it.

At first, Tyanitolkay was shy of people, hiding in the attic or in the cellar. And then he got used to it and went out into the garden, and he even liked that people came running to look at him and affectionately call him the Miracle of Nature.

Less than a month later, he was already boldly walking along all the streets of the city, together with Tanya and Vanya, who were inseparable from him. Every now and then children ran up to him and asked him to give them a ride. He did not refuse anyone: he immediately knelt down, the boys and girls climbed on his back, and he drove them all over the city, to the very sea, nodding his two heads merrily.

And Tanya and Vanya wove beautiful multi-colored ribbons into his long mane and hung a silver bell around each neck. The bells were sonorous, and when Tyanitolkay walked through the city, from a distance it was heard: ding-ding, ding-ding, ding-ding! And, hearing this ringing, all the inhabitants ran out into the street to once again look at the wonderful beast.

Evil Barbara also wanted to ride the Tianitolkai. She climbed onto his back and started hitting him with an umbrella:

Run faster, two-headed donkey!

Tyanitolkay got angry, ran up a high mountain and threw Varvara into the sea.

Help! Save! Barbara screamed.

But no one wanted to save her. Barbara began to sink.

Abba, Abba, dear Abba! Help me get to the shore! she shouted.

But Abba answered: “Rry! ..”

In animal language, this means:

“I don’t want to save you, because you are evil and nasty!”

The old sailor Robinson sailed past on his ship. He threw a rope to Varvara and pulled her out of the water. Just at that time, Dr. Aibolit was walking along the shore with his animals. He shouted to the sailor Robinson:

And the sailor Robinson took her far, far away, to a desert island, where she could not offend anyone.

And Dr. Aibolit lived happily in his little house and from morning to night he treated birds and animals that flew and came to him from all over the world.

So three years passed. And everyone was happy.

Part two


Chapter 1. THE CAVE

Dr. Aibolit liked to walk.

Every evening after work, he took an umbrella and went with his animals somewhere in the forest or in the field.

Beside him walked Tyanitolkay, the duck Kika ran in front, the dog Avva and the pig Oink-Oink were behind him, and the old owl Bumba sat on the doctor's shoulder.

They went very far, and when Dr. Aibolit got tired, he mounted Tianitolkai, and he merrily raced him through the mountains and meadows.

One day, while walking, they saw a cave on the seashore. They wanted to enter, but the cave was locked. There was a big padlock on the door.

What do you think, - said Abba, - what is hidden in this cave?

There must be honey gingerbread in there, - said Tyanitolkay, who loved sweet honey gingerbread more than anything in the world.

No, Kika said. - There's candy and nuts.

No, said Oinky Oinky. - There are apples, acorns, beets, carrots...

We need to find the key, - said the doctor. - Go find the key.

The animals scattered in all directions and began to look for the key to the cave. They rummaged under every stone, under every bush, but they did not find the key anywhere.

Then they again crowded around the locked door and began to peer through the crack. But it was dark in the cave and they couldn't see anything. Suddenly the owl Bumba said:

Hush hush! It seems to me that something is alive in the cave. It's either a person or an animal.

Everyone began to listen, but heard nothing.

Dr. Aibolit said to the owl:

I think you are wrong. I hear nothing.

Still would! - said the owl. - You can't hear. You all have worse ears than mine.

Yes, said the animals. - We don't hear anything.

And I hear, - said the owl.

What do you hear? - Dr. Aibolit asked.

I hear; a man put his hand in his pocket.

That's how miracles are! - said the doctor. "I didn't know you had such a wonderful ear." Listen again and tell me what you hear?

I hear a tear roll down this man's cheek.

A tear! cried the doctor. - A tear! Is there, behind the door, someone is crying! You need to help this person. He must have great sorrow. I don't like it when they cry. Give me an axe. I will break this door.

Chapter 2. PENTA

Pusher ran home and brought a sharp ax to the doctor. The doctor swung and slammed with all his might on the locked door. Once! Once! The door shattered into splinters, and the doctor entered the cave.

The cave is dark, cold, damp. And what an unpleasant, nasty smell it has!

The doctor lit a match. Oh, how uncomfortable and dirty it is! No table, no bench, no chair! There is a pile of rotten straw on the floor, and on the straw sits a little boy and cries.

Seeing the doctor and all his animals, the boy was frightened and began to cry even harder. But when he noticed what a kind face the doctor had, he stopped crying and said:

So you're not a pirate?

No, no, I'm not a pirate! - said the doctor and laughed. - I am Dr. Aibolit, not a pirate. Do I look like a pirate?

Not! - said the boy. - Though you and with an ax, but I'm not afraid of you. Hello! My name is Penta. Do you know where my father is?

I don't know, the doctor replied. Where could your father have gone? Who is he? Tell!

My father is a fisherman, said Penta. We went out to sea yesterday to fish. Me and him, the two of us in a fishing boat. Suddenly, sea robbers attacked our boat and took us prisoner. They wanted their father to become a pirate, so that he would rob with them, so that he would rob and sink ships. But the father did not want to become a pirate. “I am an honest fisherman,” he said, “and I do not want to rob!” Then the pirates became terribly angry, seized him and took him away to no one knows where, and locked me in this cave. I haven't seen my father since. Where is he? What did they do to him? They must have thrown him into the sea and he drowned!

The boy began to cry again.

Do not Cry! - said the doctor. - What's the use of tears? Let's think about how we can save your father from the robbers. Tell me what is he like?

He has red hair and a red beard, very long.

Dr. Aibolit called the duck Kiku to him and quietly said in her ear:

Chari-bari, chava-cham!

Chuka-chuk! Kika replied.

Hearing this conversation, the boy said:

How funny you say! I don't understand a word.

I talk to my animals like an animal. I know the animal language, - said Dr. Aibolit.

What did you say to your duck?

I told her to call the dolphins.

Chapter 3. DOLPHINS

The duck ran to the shore and called out in a loud voice:

Dolphins, dolphins, swim here! Dr. Aibolit is calling you.

Dolphins immediately swam to the shore.

Hello doctor! they shouted. - What do you want from us?

There's been a problem, the doctor said. - Yesterday morning, pirates attacked a fisherman, beat him up and, it seems, threw him into the water. I'm afraid he drowned. Please search the whole sea. Will you find him in the depths of the sea?

And what is he like? the dolphins asked.

Red, said the doctor. He has red hair and a big, long red beard. Please find it!

Good, said the dolphins. We are happy to serve our beloved doctor. We will search the whole sea, we will question all the crayfish and fish. If the red fisherman drowned, we will find him and tell you tomorrow.

The dolphins swam into the sea and began to look for the fisherman. They searched the whole sea up and down, they sank to the very bottom, they looked under every stone, they questioned all the crayfish and fish, but nowhere did they find a drowned man.

In the morning they swam ashore and said to Dr. Aibolit:

We didn't find your fisherman anywhere. We have been looking for him all night, but he is not in the depths of the sea.

The boy was very happy when he heard what the dolphins said.

So my father is alive! Alive! Alive! he shouted and jumped and clapped his hands.

Of course he's alive! - said the doctor. We will definitely find him!

He put the boy on horseback on the Tyanitolkay and rolled him for a long time along the sandy seashore.

Chapter 4. EAGLES

But Penta remained sad all the time. Even riding the Tianitolkai did not cheer him up. Finally he asked the doctor:

How will you find my father?

I'll call the eagles, said the doctor. - Eagles have such keen eyes, they see far, far away. When they fly under the clouds, they see every bug that crawls on the ground. I will ask them to search the whole earth, all the forests, all the fields and mountains, all the cities, all the villages - let them look for your father everywhere.

Oh, how smart you are! Penta said. - This is a wonderful idea you came up with. Call the eagles soon!

The doctor knows eagles, and the eagles have flown to him.

Hello doctor! What do you need?

Fly in all directions, - said the doctor, - and find a red-haired fisherman with a long red beard.

Okay, said the eagles. - For our beloved doctor, we will do everything possible. We will fly high, high and look all over the land, all the forests and fields, all the mountains, cities and villages and try to find your fisherman.

And they flew high, high over the forests, over the fields, over the mountains. And each eagle vigilantly peered, if there was a red-haired fisherman with a big red beard somewhere.

The next day the eagles flew to the doctor and said:

We looked all over the land, but did not find the fisherman anywhere. And if we have not seen him, then he is not on earth!

Chapter 5

What do we do? asked Kika. - The fisherman must be found at all costs: Penta cries, does not eat, does not drink. He is sad without his father.

But how do you find it! - said Tyanitolkay. The Eagles didn't find him either. So no one will find it.

Not true! Avva said. - Eagles, of course, are smart birds, and their eyes are very keen, but only a dog can look for a person. If you need to find a person, ask the dog, and he will certainly find him.

Why do you hate eagles? - said Abve Oinky. - Do you think it was easy for them to fly around the whole earth in one day, to inspect all the mountains, forests and fields? You were lying on the sand, doing nothing, and they were working, looking.

How dare you call me a bum? Ava got angry. “Do you know that if I want, I can find a fisherman in three days?”

Well, want! said Oinky Oinky. - Why don't you want to? If you want!.. You won't find anything, you just brag!

And Oinky Oinky laughed.

So you think I'm a braggart? Abba shouted angrily. - Okay, we'll see!

And she ran to the doctor.

Doctor! - she said. “Ask Penta to give you something that his father held in his hands.

The doctor went to the boy and said:

Do you have any of the things that your father held in his hands?

Here, - said the boy and took out a large red handkerchief from his pocket.

The dog ran up to the handkerchief and began to sniff it greedily.

It smells of tobacco and herring,” she said. - His father smoked a pipe and ate good Dutch herring. I don't need anything else... Doctor, tell the boy that it won't be even three days before I find his father. I'll run up that high mountain.

But it's dark now, the doctor said. - You can't search in the dark!

Nothing, said the dog. - I know his smell, and I don't need anything else. I can smell even in the dark.

The dog ran up a high mountain.

The wind is from the north today,” she said. - Smell what it smells like. Snow... Wet coat... another wet coat... wolves... seals, wolf cubs... fire smoke... birch...

Can you really smell so many scents in one breeze? the doctor asked.

Of course, said Ava. Every dog ​​has an amazing nose. Any puppy smells smells that you will never smell.

And the dog began to sniff the air again. For a long time she did not say a word, and finally said:

Polar bears... deer... little mushrooms in the forest... ice... snow, snow and... and... and...

Gingerbread? - asked Tinytolkai.

No, not gingerbread, - answered Abba.

Nuts? asked Kika.

No, not nuts, - answered Abba.

Apples? asked Oinky Oinky.

No, not apples, - answered Abba. - Not nuts, not gingerbread, not apples, but fir cones. So there is no fisherman in the north. Let's wait for the wind to blow from the south.

I don't believe you, said Oinky-Oinky. - You make it all up. You don't smell anything, you just talk nonsense.

Leave me alone, - Abba shouted, - otherwise I will bite off your tail!

Hush hush! - said Dr. Aibolit. - Stop scolding!.. I see now, my dear Abba, that you really have an amazing nose. Let's wait for the wind to change. And now it's time to go home. Hurry up! Penta is trembling and crying. He is cold. We must feed him. Well, push, push your back. Penta, get on horseback! Abva and Kika, follow me!


The next day, early in the morning, Abba again ran up the high mountain and began to sniff the wind. The wind was from the south. Abba sniffed for a long time and finally declared:

It smells of parrots, palm trees, monkeys, roses, grapes and lizards. But it doesn't smell like a fisherman.

Smell some more! Bumba said.

It smells like giraffes, turtles, ostriches, hot sands, pyramids... But it doesn't smell like a fisherman.

You'll never find a fisherman! - Oinky Oinky said with a laugh. - There was nothing to brag about.

Ava didn't answer. But the next day, early in the morning, she again ran up the high mountain and sniffed the air until evening. Late in the evening she rushed to the doctor, who was sleeping with Penta.

Get up, get up! she screamed. - Get up! I found a fisherman! Wake up! Pretty sleep. Do you hear - I found a fisherman, I found, I found a fisherman! I can smell him. Yes Yes! The wind smells of tobacco and herring!

The doctor woke up and ran after the dog.

A west wind is blowing from across the sea, the dog cried, and I can smell the fisherman! He is across the sea, on the other side. Hurry, hurry there!

Abba barked so loudly that all the animals rushed to the high mountain. Ahead of all Penta.

Hurry up and run to the sailor Robinson, - Abba shouted to the doctor, - and ask him to give you a ship! Hurry, or it will be too late!

The doctor immediately started running to the place where the sailor Robinson's ship was.

Hello sailor Robinson! the doctor shouted. - Be so kind as to borrow your ship! I again need to go to sea on one very important matter,

Please, Said Sailor Robinson. But don't get caught by pirates! Pirates are terrible villains, robbers! They will take you prisoner, and my ship will be burned or sunk...

But the doctor did not listen to the sailor Robinson. He jumped on the ship, seated Penta and all the animals, and rushed off to the open sea.

Abba ran up on deck and called out to the doctor:

Zaksara! Zaksara! Xu!

In dog language, this means:

“Look at my nose! On my nose! Wherever I turn my nose, lead your ship there.

The Doctor unraveled the sails, and the ship ran even faster.

Hurry, Hurry! the dog screamed.

The animals stood on the deck and looked ahead to see if they would see the fisherman.

But Penta did not believe that his father could be found. He sat with his head down and wept.

Evening came. It became dark. Kika the duck said to the dog:

No, Abba, you can't find a fisherman! I'm sorry for poor Pent, but there's nothing to do - we must return home.

And then she turned to the doctor:

Doctor, doctor! Turn your ship! We won't find a fisherman here either.

Suddenly the owl Bumba, who was sitting on the mast and looking ahead, cried out:

I see a big rock in front of me - over there, far, far away!

Rather go there! the dog screamed. - The fisherman is there, on the rock. I can smell him... He's there!

Soon everyone saw that a rock was sticking out of the sea. The Doctor steered the ship straight towards that rock.

But the fisherman was nowhere to be seen.

I knew that Abba would not find the fisherman! - Oinky Oinky said with a laugh. “I don’t understand how the doctor could believe such a braggart.

The doctor ran up the rock and began to call the fisherman. But no one answered.

Gin-gin! shouted Bumba and Kika.

"Gin-gin" means "ay" in the animal way.

But only the wind rustled over the water and the waves roared against the stones.

Chapter 7

There was no fisherman on the rock. Abba jumped from the ship onto the rock and began to run back and forth along it, sniffing every crack. And suddenly she barked loudly.

Kinedel! Nop! she screamed. - Kinedel! Nop!

In animal language, this means:

“Here, here! Doctor, follow me, follow me!”

The doctor ran after the dog.

There was a small island next to the rock. Ava rushed over there. The doctor was not far behind her. Abba ran back and forth and suddenly darted into some kind of hole. The hole was dark. The doctor lowered himself into the pit and lit his lantern. And what? In the pit, on the bare ground, lay a red-haired man, terribly thin and pale.

It was Penta's father.

The doctor pulled his sleeve and said:

Get up please. We have been looking for you for so long! We really, really need you!

The man thought it was a pirate, clenched his fists and said:

Get away from me, robber! I will defend myself to the last drop of blood!

But then he saw what a kind face the doctor had, and said:

I see that you are not a pirate. Give me something to eat. I am starving.

The doctor gave him bread and cheese. The man ate everything to the last crumb and rose to his feet.

How did you get here? the doctor asked.

I was thrown here by evil pirates, bloodthirsty, cruel people! They gave me neither food nor drink. They took my dear son from me and took me to no one knows where. Do you know where my son is?

And what is your son's name? the doctor asked.

His name is Penta, the fisherman replied.

Follow me, - said the doctor and helped the fisherman to get out of the hole.

The dog Abba ran ahead.

Penta saw from the ship that his father was coming towards him, and rushed towards the fisherman and shouted:

Found! Found! Hooray!

Everyone laughed, rejoiced, clapped their hands and sang:

Honor and glory to you

Good luck Ava!

Only Oink-Oink stood aside and sighed sadly.

Forgive me, Abba, she said, for laughing at you and calling you a braggart.

Okay, - answered Abba, - I forgive you. But if you hurt me again, I'll bite your tail off.

The doctor took the red-haired fisherman and his son home to the village where they lived.

When the ship landed, the doctor saw that a woman was standing on the shore. It was Penta's mother, a fisherwoman. For twenty days and nights she stood on the shore and kept looking into the distance, into the sea: is her son returning home? Is her husband returning home?

Seeing Penta, she rushed to him and began to kiss him.

She kissed Penta, she kissed the red-haired fisherman, she kissed the doctor; she was so grateful to Abba that she wanted to kiss her too.

But Abba ran away into the bushes and muttered angrily:

What nonsense! I can't stand kissing! If she so desires, let her kiss Oink-Oink.

But Abba only pretended to be angry. In fact, she was happy too.

In the evening the doctor said:

Well, goodbye! Time to go home.

No, no, - the fisherwoman shouted, - you must stay with us to stay! We'll catch fish, bake pies, and give Tianitolk some sweet gingerbread.

I'd love to stay another day," said Tiny Push, smiling with both mouths.

And I! Kika screamed.

And I! said Bumba.

That's good! - said the doctor. "In that case, I'll stay with them to stay with you."

And he went with all his animals to visit the fisherman and the fisherwoman.


The Doctor rode into the village on Tianitolkai. As he passed along the main street, everyone bowed to him and shouted:

Long live the good doctor!

On the square, he was met by village schoolchildren and presented him with a bouquet of wonderful flowers.

And then the dwarf came out, bowed to him and said:

I would like to see your Abba.

The dwarf's name was Bambuko. He was the oldest shepherd in that village. Everyone loved and respected him.

Abba ran up to him and wagged her tail.

Bambuko took out a very beautiful dog collar from his pocket.

Ava dog! he said solemnly. - The inhabitants of our village give you this beautiful collar because you found a fisherman who was kidnapped by pirates.

Abba wagged her tail and said:

You may remember that in animal language it means: "Thank you!"

Everyone began to consider the collar. in big letters on the collar was written:


Aibolit stayed with his father and mother Penta for three days. Time passed very cheerfully. Tianitolkai chewed sweet honey gingerbread from morning till night. Penta played the violin and OinkyOink and Bumba danced. But it's time to leave.

Goodbye! - the doctor said to the fisherman and the fisherwoman, mounted the Tyanitolkay and rode to his ship.

The whole village followed him.

You'd better stay with us! said the dwarf Bambuko to him. - Pirates are now roaming the sea. They will attack you and take you prisoner along with all your beasts.

I'm not afraid of pirates! the doctor answered him. - I have a very fast ship. I'll spread my sails and the pirates won't overtake my ship!

With these words, the doctor set sail from the shore.

Everyone waved handkerchiefs to him and shouted "Hurrah."

Chapter 9. PIRATES

The ship quickly ran through the waves. On the third day, the travelers saw some deserted island in the distance. No trees, no animals, no people were visible on the island - only sand and huge stones. But there, behind the stones, terrible pirates were hiding. When any ship sailed past their island, they attacked this ship, robbed and killed people, and the ship was allowed to sink. The pirates were very angry with the doctor for having stolen the red-haired fisherman and Penta from them, and had been lying in wait for him for a long time.

The pirates had big ship which they hid behind a wide rock.

The Doctor saw neither the pirates nor their ship. He walked the deck with his animals. The weather was beautiful, the sun was shining brightly. The doctor felt very happy. Suddenly the pig Oink-Oink said:

Look, what kind of ship is that?

The doctor looked and saw that from behind the island on black sails a black ship was approaching them - black as ink, like soot.

I don't like these sails! said the pig. - Why are they not white, but black? Pirates only have black sails on ships.

Oink-Oink guessed right: villainous pirates were racing under black sails. They wanted to catch up with Dr. Aibolit and take cruel revenge on him for having kidnapped the fisherman and Penta from them.

Quicker! Quicker! cried the doctor. - Raise all sails!

But the pirates were getting closer.

They're chasing us! Kika screamed. - They're close. I see their scary faces! What evil eyes they have!.. What shall we do? Where to run? Now they will attack us and throw us into the sea!

Look, - said Abba, - who is that standing there at the stern? Don't you know? This is it, this is the villain Barmaley! He has a sword in one hand and a pistol in the other. He wants to kill us, shoot us, destroy us!

But the doctor smiled and said:

Don't be afraid, my darlings, he won't succeed! I figured it out good plan. See the swallow flying over the waves? She will help us escape from the robbers. - And he shouted in a loud voice: - Na-za-se! On-for-se! Karachuy! Karabun!

In animal language, this means:

"Swallow, swallow! Pirates are after us. They want to kill us and throw us into the sea!”

The swallow went down to his ship.

Listen, swallow, you must help us! - said the doctor. - Carafu, marafu, duk!

In animal language, this means:

"Fly quickly and call the cranes!"

The swallow flew away and returned a minute later with the cranes.

Hello Dr. Aibolit! - shouted the cranes. - Do not worry, we will help you out now!

The doctor tied a rope to the bow of the ship, the cranes grabbed the rope and pulled the ship forward.

There were many cranes, they rushed forward very quickly and pulled the ship behind them. The ship flew like an arrow. The doctor even grabbed his hat to keep the hat from falling into the water.

The animals looked back - a pirate ship with black sails was left far behind.

Thank you, cranes! - said the doctor. - You delivered us from the pirates.

If not for you, we would all lie at the bottom of the sea.

Chapter 10

It was not easy for the cranes to drag a heavy ship behind them. After a few hours they were so tired that they almost fell into the sea. Then they pulled the ship to the shore, said goodbye to the doctor and flew away to their native swamp.

But then the owl Bumba came up to him and said:

Look over there. You see - there are rats on the deck! They jump from the ship directly into the sea and swim to the shore one after another!

That's good! - said the doctor. - Rats are mean, cruel, and I don't like them.

No, it's very bad! Bumba said with a sigh. - After all, rats live below, in the hold, and as soon as a leak appears at the bottom of the ship, they see this leak before anyone else, jump into the water and swim straight to the shore. So our ship will sink. Now listen to what the rats say.

Just at this time, two rats crawled out of the hold. And the old rat said to the young:

Last night I went to my hole and saw that water was pouring into the crack. Well, I think we should run. Tomorrow this ship will sink. Run away before it's too late.

And both rats rushed into the water.

Yes, yes, - cried the doctor, - I remembered! Rats always run away before the ship sinks. We must escape from the ship now, otherwise we will drown with it! Animals follow me! Quicker! Quicker!

He gathered his things and quickly ran ashore. The animals rushed after him. For a long time they walked along the sandy shore and were very tired.

Let's sit down and rest," the doctor said. And we'll think about what to do.

Are we going to be here forever? - said Tyanitolkay and began to cry.

Big tears rolled down from all four of his eyes.

And all the animals began to cry with him, because everyone really wanted to return home.

But suddenly a swallow flew in.

Doctor, doctor! she screamed. - A great misfortune happened: your ship was captured by pirates!

The doctor jumped to his feet.

What are they doing on my ship? - he asked.

They want to rob him, - answered the swallow. - Run quickly and drive them out of there!

No, - said the doctor with a cheerful smile, - there is no need to drive them away. Let them float on my ship. They won't get far, you'll see! Better let's go and, before they notice, we'll take their ship in exchange. Let's go and capture the pirate ship!

And the doctor rushed along the shore. Behind him - Pull and all the animals.

Here is the pirate ship.

There is no one on it! All the pirates are on Aibolit's ship!

Hush, hush, don't make noise! - said the doctor. "Let's get on the sly to the pirate ship so no one sees us!"

Chapter 11

The animals quietly boarded the ship, quietly raised the black sails and quietly sailed through the waves. The pirates didn't notice.

And suddenly there was a big problem.

The fact is that the pig Oink-Oink caught a cold.

At the very moment when the doctor tried to silently swim past the pirates, Oinky Oinky sneezed loudly. And once, and another, and a third.

The pirates heard: someone sneezes. They ran out on deck and saw that the doctor had taken over their ship.

Stop! Stop! they shouted and ran after him.

The Doctor unraveled the sails. The pirates are about to catch up with their ship. But he rushes on and on, and little by little the pirates begin to lag behind.

Hooray! We are saved! cried the doctor.

But then the most terrible pirate Barmaley raised his pistol and fired. The bullet hit Tyanitolkay in the chest. The pusher staggered and fell into the water.

Doctor, doctor, help! I'm drowning!

Poor Pull! the doctor shouted. - Hold on a little more in the water! Now I will help you.

The Doctor stopped his ship and threw a rope at the Pull-Pulling.

The pusher clung to the rope with his teeth. The doctor dragged the wounded animal onto the deck, bandaged his wound, and set off again. But it was too late: the pirates raced in full sail.

We'll finally catch you! they shouted. - And you, and all your animals! There, on the mast, you have a nice duck sitting! We'll roast it soon. Ha ha, this will be delicious food. And we'll roast the pig too. We haven't had ham in a long time! Tonight we'll have pork cutlets. Ho-ho-ho! And we'll throw you, doctor, into the sea - to toothy sharks,

Oink-Oink heard these words and began to cry.

Poor me, poor me! she said. "I don't want to be fried and eaten by pirates!"

Abba also began to cry - she felt sorry for the doctor:

I don't want to be swallowed by sharks!

Chapter 12

Only the owl Bumba was not afraid of the pirates. She calmly said to Abba and Oink-Oink:

How stupid you are! What are you afraid of? Don't you know that the ship that the pirates are chasing us on will soon sink? Remember what the rat said? She said that the ship would certainly sink today. It has a wide gap and is full of water. And the pirates will sink with the ship. What are you afraid of? The pirates will drown, and we will remain safe and sound.

But Oinky Oinky continued to cry.

By the time the pirates drown, they'll have time to fry both me and Kiku! she said.

Meanwhile, the pirates were getting closer and closer. Ahead, on the bow of the ship, stood the chief pirate Barmaley. He brandished his saber and shouted loudly:

Hey monkey doctor! You don't have long to heal the monkeys - soon we will throw you into the sea! The sharks will eat you up there.

The doctor yelled back at him:

Beware, Barmaley, lest the sharks swallow you! There is a leak in your ship, and you will soon go to the bottom!

You are lying! Barmaley shouted. - If my ship was sinking, the rats would run away from it!

The rats have already run away, and soon you will be at the bottom with all your pirates!

It was only then that the pirates noticed that their ship was slowly sinking into the water. They began to run around the deck, wept, shouted:


But no one wanted to save them.

The ship sank deeper and deeper. Soon the pirates were in the water. They floundered in the waves and shouted incessantly:

Help, help, we're sinking!

Barmaley swam up to the ship on which the doctor was, and began to climb the rope onto the deck. But the dog Abba bared his teeth and said menacingly: “Rrr! ..” Barmaley was frightened, screamed and flew headfirst back into the sea.

Help! he shouted. - Save! Get me out of the water!

Chapter 13

Suddenly, sharks appeared on the surface of the sea - huge, terrible fish with sharp teeth, with wide open mouths.

They chased the pirates and soon swallowed them all to the last.

That's where they go! - said the doctor. - After all, they robbed, tortured, killed innocent people. This is how they paid for their crimes.

For a long time the doctor sailed on the stormy sea. And suddenly he heard someone shouting:

Boen! Boen! Baraven! Baven!

In animal language, this means:

"Doctor, doctor, stop your ship!"

The Doctor lowered the sails. The ship stopped and everyone saw the Karudo parrot. He quickly flew over the sea.

Carudo! It's you? cried the doctor. - How glad I am to see you! Fly, fly here!

Karudo flew up to the ship, sat on a high mast and shouted:

Look who's following me! Over there, at the very horizon, in the west!

The doctor looked at the sea and saw that a Crocodile was swimming far, far away on the sea. And on the back of the Crocodile sits the monkey Chichi. She waves a palm leaf and laughs.

The Doctor immediately sent his ship towards the Crocodile and Chichi and lowered the rope from the ship.

They climbed up the rope onto the deck, rushed to the doctor and began to kiss him on the lips, on the cheeks, on the beard, on the eyes.

How did you find yourself in the middle of the sea? the doctor asked them.

He was happy to see his old friends again.

Ah, doctor! said Crocodile. - We were so bored without you in our Africa! It's boring without Kiki, without Avva, without Bumba, without cute Oink-Oink! We so wanted to return to your house, where squirrels live in the closet, a prickly hedgehog on the sofa, and a hare with hares in the chest of drawers. We decided to leave Africa, cross all the seas and settle with you for life.

Please! - said the doctor. - I am very happy.

Hooray! Bumba screamed.

Hooray! - shouted all the animals.

And then they joined hands and began to dance around the mast:

Shita rita, tita drita!

Shivandada, Shivanda!

We are native Aibolit

We will never leave!

Only the monkey Chichi sat on the sidelines and sighed sadly.

What happened to you? - asked Tinytolkai.

Ah, I remembered the evil Barbara! Again she will offend us and torment us!

Don't be afraid, - shouted Tyanitolkay. - Barbara is no longer in our house! I threw her into the sea, and now she lives on a deserted island.

On a desert island?

Everyone was delighted - and Chichi, and Crocodile, and Karudo: Barbara lives on a desert island!

Long live Tyanitolkay! they shouted and started dancing again:

Shivandars, shivandars,

Hazelnuts and dundukles!

It's good that there is no Barbara!

More fun without Barbara! Pusher nodded his two heads at them, and both of his mouths smiled.

The ship raced in full sail, and by evening Kika the duck, climbing a high mast, saw his native shores.

We've arrived! she screamed. - Another hour, and we will be at home! .. There is our city in the distance - Pindemonte. But what is it? Look, look! Fire! The whole city is on fire! Is our house on fire? Ah, what a horror! What a misfortune!

There was a high glow over the city of Pindemonte.

More to the coast! the doctor commanded. We must put out this flame! Take buckets and fill it with water!

But then Karudo flew up the mast. He looked through the telescope and suddenly laughed so loudly that everyone looked at him in surprise.

You don't have to put out that flame," he said, and laughed again, "because it's not a fire at all.

What is it? - Dr. Aibolit asked.

Illuminations! Karudo replied.

What does it mean? asked Oinky Oinky. I have never heard such a strange word.

Now you will find out, - said the parrot. - Wait another ten minutes.

Ten minutes later, when the ship approached the shore, everyone immediately understood what illumination was. On all the houses and towers, on the coastal rocks, on the tops of the trees, lanterns shone everywhere: red, green, yellow, and fires burned on the shore, the bright flame of which rose almost to the very sky.

Women, men and children in festive, beautiful clothes they danced around these fires and sang merry songs.

As soon as they saw that the ship, on which Dr. Aibolit had returned from his journey, had moored to the shore, they clapped their hands, laughed, and all, like one person, rushed to greet him.

Long live Dr. Aibolit! they shouted. - Glory to Dr. Aibolit!

The doctor was surprised. He did not expect such a meeting. He thought that only Tanya and Vanya and, perhaps, the old sailor Robinson would meet him, and he was met by a whole city with torches, with music, with cheerful songs! What's the matter? Why is he honored? Why are they celebrating his return like that?

He wanted to sit on the Tyanitolkaya and go home, but the crowd picked him up and carried him in their arms - straight to the wide Primorskaya Square.

From every window people looked and threw flowers to the doctor.

The doctor smiled, bowed - and suddenly saw that Tanya and Vanya were making their way towards him through the crowd.

When they approached him, he hugged them, kissed them and asked:

How did you know that I defeated Barmaley?

We learned about it from Penta, - answered Tanya and Vanya. - Penta came to our city and told us that you freed him from a terrible captivity and saved his father from robbers.

Only then did the doctor see that Penta was standing on a hillock, far away, waving his father's red handkerchief at him.

Hello Penta! the doctor shouted at him.

But at that moment the old sailor Robinson approached the doctor, smiling, shook his hand warmly, and said in such a loud voice that everyone in the square heard him:

Dear, beloved Aibolit! We are so grateful to you for clearing the whole sea from the fierce pirates who stole our ships. After all, until now we did not dare to embark on a long voyage, because we were threatened by pirates. And now the sea is free and our ships are safe. We are proud that in our city such a brave hero. We have built a wonderful ship for you, and let us bring it to you as a gift.

Glory to you, our beloved, our fearless doctor Aibolit! the crowd shouted with one voice. - Thank you, thank you!

The doctor bowed to the crowd and said:

Thanks for the nice meeting! I'm happy that you love me. But I'll never, never get over sea ​​pirates if my faithful friends, my animals, had not helped me. Here they are with me, and I want to greet them from the bottom of my heart and express my gratitude to them for their selfless friendship!

Hooray! the crowd shouted. - Glory to the fearless animals of Aibolit!

After this solemn meeting, the doctor sat down on the Tyanitolkaya and, accompanied by the animals, went to the door of his house.

Bunnies, squirrels, hedgehogs and bats rejoiced at him!

But before he had time to greet them, a noise was heard in the sky. The doctor ran out onto the porch and saw that it was the cranes flying. They flew up to his house and, without saying a word, brought him a large basket of magnificent fruits: the basket contained dates, apples, pears, bananas, peaches, grapes, oranges!

This is for you, Doctor, from the Land of the Apes!

The doctor thanked them, and they immediately flew back.

An hour later a great feast began in the doctor's garden. On long benches, at a long table, by the light of multi-colored lanterns, all Aibolit's friends sat down: Tanya, and Vanya, and Penta, and the old sailor Robinson, and the swallow, and Oink-Oink, and Chichi, and Kika, and Karudo, and Bumba , and Push, and Abba, and squirrels, and hares, and hedgehogs, and bats.

The doctor treated them to honey, candies and gingerbread, as well as those sweet fruits that were sent to him from the Land of the Apes.

The feast was a success. Everyone joked, laughed and sang, and then they got up from the table and went to dance right there in the garden, by the light of multi-colored lanterns.

1 part

Good Doctor Aibolit!
He sits under a tree.
Come to him for treatment.
Both the cow and the wolf
And a bug, and a worm,
And a bear!
Heal everyone, heal
Good Doctor Aibolit!

part 2

And the fox came to Aibolit:
"Oh, I got stung by a wasp!"
And the watchdog came to Aibolit:
“A chicken pecked on my nose!”

And the hare came running
And she screamed: “Ai, ai!
My bunny got hit by a tram!
My bunny, my boy
Got hit by a tram!
He ran down the path
And his legs were cut
And now he's sick and lame
My little hare!”
And Aibolit said:
"No problem! Give it here!
I'll sew him new legs,
He'll run down the path again."

And they brought him a bunny,
Such a sick, lame,
And the doctor sewed on his legs.
And the hare jumps again.
And with him the hare-mother
She also went to dance.
And she laughs and screams:
“Well, thank you, Aibolit!”

part 3

Suddenly from somewhere a jackal
Rode on a mare:

"Here's a telegram for you
From Hippo!"
"Come, doctor,
Go to Africa soon
And save me doctor
Our babies!"

"What? Really
Are your kids sick?
"Yes Yes Yes! They have angina
scarlet fever, cholera,
diphtheria, appendicitis,
Malaria and bronchitis!
Come soon
Good Doctor Aibolit!

"Okay, okay, I'll run,
I will help your children.
But where do you live?
On a mountain or in a swamp?
"We live in Zanzibar,
In the Kalahari and the Sahara
On Mount Fernando Po,
Where hippo walks
Along the wide Limpopo.

part 4

And Aibolit got up, Aibolit ran.

He runs through the fields, through the forests, through the meadows.
And only one word repeats Aibolit:
And in his face the wind, and snow, and hail:
"Hey, Aibolit, come back!"
And Aibolit fell and lies on the snow:
"I can't go any further."
And now to him because of the Christmas tree
Furry wolves run out:
"Sit down, Aibolit, on horseback,
We will take you alive!”

And Aibolit galloped forward

"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

part 5

But here is the sea in front of them -
Raging, noisy in space.
And a high wave goes to the sea,
Now she will swallow Aibolit.

"Oh, if I drown,
If I go to the bottom.
With my forest animals?
But here comes the whale:
"Sit on me, Aibolit,
And like a big ship
I'll take you forward!"
And sat on the whale Aibolit

And only one word repeats:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

part 6

And the mountains stand in his way
And he starts to crawl over the mountains,

And the mountains are getting higher, and the mountains are getting steeper,
And the mountains go under the very clouds!
"Oh, if I don't get there,
If I get lost along the way
What will become of them, the sick,
With my forest animals?
And now from a high cliff
Eagles flew to Aibolit:

"Sit down, Aibolit, on horseback,
We will take you alive!”
And sat on the eagle Aibolit
And only one word repeats:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

part 7

And in Africa
And in Africa
On the black Limpopo
Sitting and crying
In Africa
Sad Hippo.
He's in Africa, he's in Africa
Sitting under a palm tree
And on the sea from Africa
Looks without rest:

Doesn't he ride in a boat
Dr. Aibolit?
And roam along the road
Elephants and Rhinos
And they say angrily:
“Well, there is no Aibolit?”
And next to the hippos
Grabbed their tummies:
They, the hippos,
Belly hurts.

And then the ostriches
They squeal like pigs.
Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry
Poor ostriches!
And measles, and they have diphtheria,
And smallpox, and bronchitis they have,
And their head hurts
And my throat hurts.

They lie and rave:
“Well, why doesn’t he go, why doesn’t he go,
Dr. Aibolit?"
And crouched next to
toothy shark,
toothy shark
Lies in the sun.
Oh, her little ones
The poor sharks
It's been twelve days
Teeth hurt!

And a dislocated shoulder
At the poor grasshopper;
He does not jump, he does not jump,
And he weeps bitterly
And the doctor calls:
“Oh, where is the good doctor?
When will he come?"

part 8

But look, some bird
Getting closer and closer through the air rushes.
On the bird, look, Aibolit is sitting
And he waves his hat and shouts loudly:

"Long live dear Africa!"
And all the children are happy and happy:
“I have arrived, I have arrived! Hooray! Hooray!"
And the bird circling above them,
And the bird sits on the ground.
And Aibolit runs to the hippos,
And slaps them on the tummies
And all in order
Gives you chocolate
And puts and puts them thermometers!

And to the striped
He runs to the tiger cubs,
And to the poor hunchbacks
sick camels,

And every gogol
Every mogul,
He will treat you with mogul-mogul.
Ten nights Aibolit
Doesn't eat or drink or sleep

ten nights in a row
He heals the unfortunate animals,
And puts and puts them thermometers.

part 9

So he cured them, Limpopo!
So he cured the sick, Limpopo!
And they went to laugh, Limpopo!
And dance and play, Limpopo!

And Shark Karakula
Right eye winked
And laughs, and laughs,
Like someone is tickling her.
And little hippos
Grabbed by the tummies
And laugh, pour -
So the mountains are shaking.
Here's Hippo, here's Popo,
Hippo Popo, Hippo Popo!
Here comes the Hippo.
It comes from Zanzibar
He goes to Kilimanjaro -
And he screams, and he sings:
“Glory, glory to Aibolit!
Glory to the good doctors!

vocabulary work
(analysis of words that children may not understand when reading a fairy tale):

Eggnog A sweet drink made from eggs and sugar.
Hippopotamus - hippo.

Hippopotamus (hippopotamus)

Zanzibar is an island in Africa.
Kilimanjaro - the most high mountain(volcano) in Africa.

Kilimanjaro. The very top of the volcano.

BUT volcano - this is a mountain, under which there is a huge crack in the ground and through this crack a volcano erupts. Hot mud or lava comes out. Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano - it has not erupted for many years.

Illustrations for the fairy tale "Aibolit" by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

Aibolit heals animals

And the fox came to Aibolit

Ostriches and sharks are waiting for Dr. Aibolit

And the watchdog came to Aibolit

Aibolit floats on the sea

Happy and healthy shark

Animals rejoice and dance with Aibolit

Aibolit treats animals

Aibolit flies on an eagle

Aibolit hurries to sick animals

hippos have tummy ache

Animals are treated with chocolate given by Aibolit

Sick animals are waiting for Aibolit

The history of the creation of a fairy tale

“Aibolit” by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky needs no introduction, since we are the generation of parents from Soviet Union to whom this tale was read a huge number of times: in the garden, at school, and at home. We remember some passages by heart. It's time to introduce our children to this wonderful fairy tale. Perhaps some words will seem unfamiliar to children, so it is advisable to do vocabulary work.

The history of writing the fairy tale "Aibolit" is confusing and interesting. And here's the thing. Many literary critics believe that "Doctor Aibolit" is plagiarism. That Chukovsky used the already existing work of Hugh Lofting and his fairy tale about Dr. Dolittle, who also saved and treated animals.

Yes, in fact, Korney Ivanovich translated " Dr. Dolittle" from of English language, and not only translated, but adapted the text for children. Original version fairy tales written over difficult language, and Chukovsky made it accessible to children, simplified speech, and even introduced his characters.

Another interesting fact. In 1912, Chukovsky met an interesting, kind, sympathetic doctor who agreed to treat the sick for free, sometimes even treating animals. This man's name was Timofei Osipovich Shabad. Chukovsky recalled that a thin, poor girl would come to the doctor, and the doctor would prescribe milk for her instead of a prescription. Realizing that the girl's parents did not have money for milk, he himself gave her two glasses of milk every morning, bought with his own money. kindest soul human!

Let literary experts argue, but we understand one thing - both Dr. Doolittle and Dr. Shabad formed the basis of the fairy tale about Aibolit.

Chukovsky bore Aibolit for a long time. Once, while in the Caucasus and swimming in the sea, Korney Ivanovich swam far from the coast. Suddenly the lines came to mind:

"Oh, if I drown
If I go to the bottom ... "

Chukovsky quickly got ashore. Naked and wet, he grabbed a pencil and tissue paper that lay on the shore, and immediately sketched about twenty lines. The story had neither beginning nor end.

Another time the muse visited him in Kislovodsk in 1928, when he was watching the sick, the following lines suddenly came to mind:

And all around are sick, pale thin
Coughing and groaning, crying and screaming -
These are camels, little guys.
It's a pity, a pity for the poor little camels.

In 1928, the fairy tale about Aibolit was published in the magazine "Hedgehog", only under a different name - "Limpopo". And only in 1936 the fairy tale was renamed into "Aibolit".

Few people know, but Chukovsky worked on Aibolit for a very long time, choosing the right words. Behind each word there should be an image that will be clear to the child.

And he achieved it!

It is unlikely that there is at least one person in our country who has not heard a good tale about Dr. Aibolit. But few people thought about the fact that main character This literary masterpiece has several prototypes. Interesting that 2 famous prototype doctors are real people and one is literary.

Concerning literary prototype, then it is Dr. Doolittle, who was invented by the English engineer Hugh Lofting. His fairy tale was written back in 1920. To today's kids, this Dr. Doolittle is known by American film, where the main character was masterfully played by Eddie Murphy.

Korney Chukovsky somewhat changed the Englishman's version, adapting the story to the mentality of a small Russian reader. Thanks to the efforts of K. Chukovsky, a completely independent work, in which it is rather difficult to find anything in common with Lofting's story.

So let's talk about real prototypes. The first of them is considered to be the Lithuanian doctor Tsemakh Shabad. In 1889 this doctor graduated from the university in Moscow and returned to Vilnius, to his homeland. A Lithuanian doctor treated people from poor areas free of charge. His patients also included pets and homeless animals.

Shabad treated children with special trepidation. He was well aware that the best medicine for kids from poor families would be increased nutrition, which is why often instead of bitter medicine (or together with it), a doctor from Lithuania would give the child a bowl of hot soup or a glass of milk.

Chukovsky was personally acquainted with the doctor Shabad (he met him in 1912). In one of the interviews, the Russian writer admitted that it was Shabad that became one of the prototypes of Dr. Aibolit. In Vilnius, to this day, there is a monument to this doctor.

Petr Vasilyevich Izergin became another prototype of Aibolit. At the beginning of the last century, he worked as chief physician in a specialized children's sanatorium for tuberculosis and bone in Alupka.

The doctor, as they say, from God did everything possible so that all sick children, and even those who were not able to walk at all, felt complete people. For this, it was decided to open a school at the sanatorium, where teachers were invited. Sick children also came famous actors, writers and athletes. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Education, in terms of performance and level of education, the students of the sanatorium were in no way inferior to the students of secondary schools.

The acquaintance of Izergin and Korney Chukovsky happened under very sad circumstances. Musya, the daughter of a Russian writer, had been ill with bone tuberculosis since childhood, so she became a patient of the Alupka sanatorium.

What, besides mercy, did P.V. Izergin with Dr. Aibolit? First of all, it's appearance. Like the literary hero, the head doctor of the sanatorium was short, rather dry, with a small mustache and beard, with attentive, piercing kind eyes.

Secondly, the place where Aibolit and Izergin received patients. A huge oak tree was visible from the window of the head doctor's office. Probably, it was under this oak that Izergin, like the literary hero, examined his patients.

Perhaps all of the above prototypes are most directly related to the creation of everyone's so beloved image of Dr. Aibolit. For literary hero K. Chukovsky took the best from all the prototypes: love, respect for every living being, kindness, patience.

Chukovsky K. fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit"

Genre: literary fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit" and their characteristics

  1. Dr. Aibolit, kind, caring, compassionate, brave, courageous, resolute, resilient, a master of his craft
  2. Barbara. Evil sister of Aibolit. Vile and harmful. Sent to a desert island.
  3. Barmaley. Pirate. Evil robber. Eaten by sharks.
  4. Aibolit's animals, his friends and helpers: Abba the dog, Karudo the parrot, Oink-oink the pig, Kika the duck, Bumba the owl, Chichi the monkey, the crocodile, pushing, Dick.
  5. Penta, the son of a fisherman, who was saved by Aibolit. Became a doctor's assistant.
  6. Robinson. An old sailor, friend of Aibolit.
  7. Jumbo. Negro, lighthouse keeper, friend of Aibolit.
  8. Benalis. Another evil pirate. Drowned in the sea.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Dr. Aibolit treats animals and learns that monkeys are sick in Africa.
  2. He sails to Africa, is captured by Barmaley, but gets to the monkeys and heals them
  3. Aibolit receives a tyanitokaya as a gift, and Varvara is sent to a desert island.
  4. Aibolit saves Penta, and then his father, and Barmaley is eaten by sharks.
  5. The pirate Benalis sets fire to Aibolit's house, but crashes on the rocks in the boat and drowns.
  6. Beavers build Aibolita new house and he lives happily and peacefully.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit"
Help others and others will help you. The doctor should think first of all about the patient and only then about himself.

What does the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit" teach
This tale teaches selflessness, self-sacrifice. Learn to protect the weak and the small. Learn to love animals. Teaches to ruthlessly eradicate evil and villains. Learn to help each other. It teaches you to face dangers boldly and find a way out of any situation.

Feedback on the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit"
it interesting story about a doctor who loved animals so much that animals became his family. Aibolit, of course, was kind to friends, but ruthless to enemies. He even sent his own sister to a desert island, because she did not like animals. Animals were the meaning of Aibolit's life.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit"
Who heals and who hurts.
If you don't trust your doctor, you won't be cured.
That's what a doctor is for, to heal the sick.
Road help on time.
Not a big deal - great help.

Read summary, brief retelling fairy tales "Doctor Aibolit" by chapters:
Part 1. Journey to the country of monkeys.
Chapter 1
Once upon a time there was a kind doctor Aibolit and his evil sister Varvara lived. The doctor was very fond of animals, but most of all the pig Oink-oink, the parrot Karudo, the dog Avva, the duck Kiku and the owl Bumba.
Varvara swore at the animals and demanded to drive them away.
People often came to the doctor and he treated everyone. Aibolit understood the animal language well and could speak it himself. He opened a hospital for animals and did not take money from anyone.
Chapter 2
Once, a thin and dirty monkey knocked on Aibolit's door and said that her neck hurt. And on the neck was a trace from the rope. The monkey ran away from the evil organ grinder and he came to the doctor to demand the monkey back, but Aibolit drove him away and called the dog Avva.
The monkey was named Chichi and neighbor children Tanya and Vanya loved to play with it.
Chapter 3
Many animals came to the doctor. He sewed a tail on a goat, pulled out a splinter to a she-bear, and gave medicine to all the animals. And everyone got better and said "Chuck" to him.
Once, Aibolit even sewed a new wing on a moth from a bright patchwork.
Chapter 4
One night a Crocodile came to Aibolit with a toothache. Aibolit cured the crocodile and he began to ask to stay with Aibolit. Aibolit demanded that the crocodile not eat any of the animals and the crocodile agreed.
He began to live with the doctor and Varvara cursed a lot. After all, once a crocodile ate her skirt.
Chapter 5
Aibolit was left without money and sat hungry. But friends began to help him and the animals made a garden, and Vanya and Tanya carried water from the well.
The doctor rejoiced at how clean it became in his house.
Chapter 6
One winter, a frozen and tired swallow flew to Aibolit, who began to ask him to go to Africa. The monkeys got sick there and if the doctor does not cure them, they may die.
The doctor remembered the sailor Robinson, whom he somehow helped and asked him for a ship.
Of course Robinson gave him a ship.
Aibolit took his animals with him, including a crocodile, but did not take Vanya and Tanya. They were still too small.
Chapter 7
The doctor and the animals boarded the ship, but then the doctor remembered that he did not know where Africa was. The swallow had to show him the way. Aibolit ruled behind the swallow, and at night she even took a flashlight so that she could be seen.
A Crane flew to the ship and said that the monkeys got worse. Aibolit said that he was flying in full sail.
Then the dolphins came and also said that the monkeys were getting worse.
Finally, Africa appeared and the crocodile was very happy.
Chapter 8
Suddenly a storm began. There was a terrible crack. The ship hit the rocks and began to sink. But the crocodile carried everyone ashore on his broad back.
Everyone was wet and tired. But Dr. Aibolit hurried to the monkeys.
Chapter 9
But then a shaggy old man came out to meet the doctor and asked where they were going. Aibolit replied that he was in a hurry to the sick monkeys. And the old man laughed and said that they came to Barmaley.
Aibolit was very frightened, he wanted to run to the monkeys. However, Barmaley and his pirates appeared here. They twisted Aibolit and the animals, and put them in prison.
The animals were crying in fear.
Chapter 10
Aibolit began to console the animals and say that they would definitely be saved. But the crocodile did not believe him and cried. Then Aibolit called Karudo and whispered something to him.
Karudo flew out through the bars and flew straight to Barmaley.
Barmaley was sleeping, and under his pillow lay the key to the prison. Karudo pulled out the key and flew back. The key was very heavy and the parrot almost dropped it.
But he brought the key and Aibolit opened the door. He and his beasts hid in the thicket.
Chapter 11
Upon learning of the escape, Barmaley became terribly angry and sent his servants in pursuit. Aibolit walked through the forest and carried a pig in his arms. He was very tired, but Chichi cheered him up, saying that she was already seeing Monkeyland from the tree.
And here is the river beyond which the monkey country begins. And then the pirates run out of the thicket. The monkeys saw the difficult situation of Aibolit and instantly built a bridge from their bodies. They held tightly to each other and hung over the river.
Aibolit and his friends ran across the bridge, and the pirates fell into the water when the monkeys disengaged.
Chapter 12
Aibolit began to treat monkeys, but he was alone, and there are a lot of sick monkeys. Very soon he was completely exhausted, and his animals too. Then Aibolit went to the lion and asked him to help treat the monkeys. But the lion only laughed and drove Aibolit away.
Aibolit went to rhinos and tigers, but they refused to help the doctor.
And when the lion returned home, the lioness complained to him that the lion cub was very ill and he urgently needed Dr. Aibolit. The ashamed lion went to Aibolit and helped him heal the monkeys for three days. And only then he asked for help for his son. And Dr. Aibolit, of course, helped and cured the lion cub.
And then the children of the rhinos and tigers got sick. But Aibolit also helped them and the animals were very ashamed of their behavior.
Chapter 13
When the monkeys were cured, they began to decide what gift to give to Aibolit. Someone offered to donate a camel, but Aibolit saw the camels. Another monkey offered to give an ostrich, but the doctor also saw ostriches.
And then the monkeys decided to give Aibolit a pusher.
Chapter 14
Tyanitolkaya was never caught by hunters, because this beast has two heads. And when one sleeps, the second is awake and immediately notices the danger.
But the monkeys surrounded the pusher and grabbed him by the horns. Then they began to persuade the pusher to go with Aibolit, saying how good he would be at the doctor.
They argued for so long that the pusher agreed to go and see the doctor.
He saw Aibolit and realized that he was very kind. And if so, then the pusher agreed to go with him. But with the condition that if he is bored, then Aibolit will let him go home.
And Aibolit of course agreed.
Chapter 15
The monkeys arranged a fabulous dinner in honor of Aibolit. And then they installed a stone in memory of the doctor.
The doctor said goodbye to the monkeys and promised to return soon. Until then, he left in Africa Karudo, Chichi and a crocodile who were born in Africa.
He crossed the river and again ended up on the lands of Barmaley.
Chapter 16
Indeed, the pirates were already waiting for Aibolit. But he did not lose his head, jumped up on the push-and-pull and quickly galloped through the forest. The pusher didn't let anyone near him. And then the crocodile, Chichi and Abba came to the rescue. So Aibolit safely reached the shore.
There he saw the beautiful ship of Barmaley and decided to capture it.
Aibolit boarded the ship and set sail. Barmaley ran out of the forest and began to swear dirtyly. But Aibolit only laughed at him.
Very soon the ship landed on their native shores.
Chapter 17
Aibolit returned home and all the animals greeted him joyfully. many at first were afraid of the pull, but soon got used to it.
And Tanya and Vanya became completely inseparable from the pusher. They rode on it all the time.
I wanted to ride on the tyanitolkay and Varvara. She climbed onto her back and began to push with her umbrella, calling her a two-headed donkey. And the pusher threw her into the sea. Varvara began to sink and not a single animal began to help her.
It is a pity that Robinson sailed by, on his new ship, and saved Varvara. But Aibolit shouted to him to take her to hell, and Robinson took Varvara to a desert island.

Part 2. Penta and sea pirates
Chapter 1
Aibolit and his friends loved to walk along the seashore, through fields and meadows. And then one day he found a cave that was locked up. Everyone decided that very tasty things were stored in the cave and began to look for the key. But there was no key.
Then the owl said that she heard a man put his hand in his pocket in the cave. And that a tear rolls down his cheek.
Dr. Aibolit got excited. He began to call to break the unfortunate castle.
Chapter 2. Penta
The pusher ran home and brought an axe. Aibolit dropped the door and entered the cave. There, on the straw, sat a little boy. He saw Aibolit and realized that he was not a pirate.
The boy said that his name was Penta, and that yesterday he was put in a cave by pirates who captured his father, a tall, red-haired fisherman with a beard.
Aibolit promised to help find the boy's father and called the dolphins.
Chapter 3. Dolphins
Dolphins sailed and Aibolit asked them to find a fisherman that the pirates could throw into the sea.
Dolphins searched the whole sea, but nowhere did they find a drowned man.
Penta was delighted, because it meant that his father was alive and Aibolit promised the boy to find him.
Chapter 4. Eagles
Aibolit called the eagles and asked them to fly all over the earth and find a fisherman with red hair and a beard. The eagles carefully examined the whole land and returned to Aibolit.
They said that there is no such fisherman on earth.
Chapter 5
Penta was very upset, but Abba said that although eagles have very sharp eyesight, only a dog can find a person. The rest of the friends did not believe Abba and Abba promised that within three days he would find Penta's father.
He asked to give him the thing of Father Penta, and the boy gave him a red handkerchief that smelled of tobacco and herring.
Abba said that today the wind was blowing from the north and began to sniff. He caught the scent of ice and snow, deer and polar bears, fir cones, but the wind did not carry the smell of a fisherman.
Chapter 6
The next day the wind blew from the south and Abba caught the smell of roses and grapes, pyramids and sand, giraffes and monkeys. But there was no fisherman in the south either.
Then the wind blew from the west and Abba joyfully ran to the doctor. He smelled the fisherman and announced that he was across the sea, on the other side of it.
Aibolit ran to Robinson. He, of course, again gave his ship to Aibolit and all the animals and the doctor himself swam forward. Only Penta was sad and did not believe that his father would be found.
They sailed for a long time and the animals began to grumble and scold Abba, saying that they would never find Penta's father. A rock appeared ahead and Abba declared that the smell was coming from there.
But the rock was empty.
Chapter 7
But Abba did not lose heart, he ran around the rock and noticed a small island nearby. Abba rushed to the island and found a narrow hole in which the unfortunate fisherman lay.
He was frightened, thinking that pirates had come, but he saw the kind Aibolit and realized that he was not a pirate. He asked for food and ate the whole loaf. Then Aibolit took him to Penta and he joyfully hugged his father.
Aibolit took the boy with his father to native village where Penta's mother was waiting for them. She stood on the shore for twenty days and waited for her husband and son.
Everyone was very happy and wanted to kiss Abva, but the dog ran away, although the praise was very pleasant to her.
And Aibolit agreed to stay with Penta's parents.
Chapter 8
In the village everyone praised the doctor and gave him flowers. And then the dwarf Bambuko, a very respected shepherd, came and presented Abva with a beautiful collar.
Finally, Aibolit began to get ready to go home. The villagers dissuaded him, saying that it was dangerous in the sea and pirates were rummaging around there, but Aibolit was confident in the speed of his ship.
Chapter 9. Pirates
Aibolit sailed for three days and saw a deserted island. He did not know that there were pirates hiding behind the stones. He was walking serenely on the deck when a ship with black sails appeared from behind the island.
Aibolit shouted to raise all the sails, but the pirates overtook him. And on the deck of the pirate ship, Barmaley gloated with a pistol and a saber.
But Aibolit called the swallow and asked her to call the cranes. Cranes flew in and harnessed to Aibolit's ship. He flew over the waves and the pirates quickly fell behind.
Chapter 10
The cranes dragged Aibolit's ship to the shore and flew into their swamp. And Aibolit saw rats running from the ship. And the old rat told the young one that there was a leak in the hold and the ship would sink tomorrow.
Aibolit and his friends hurriedly left the ship and set off on foot along the shore.
Then a swallow flew in and said that the pirates had captured Aibolit's ship and were going to sail on it. Aibolit only grinned, promising that the pirates would not swim far. And then he offered to capture the pirate ship for now.
Friends ran to the pirate ship and it was empty. All the pirates were on Aibolit's ship.
Chapter 11
When Aibolit sailed past the pirate ship, Oink-Oink pig suddenly sneezed and the pirates saw Aibolit. They gave chase. Aibolit's ship was faster and began to gradually move away from the pirates. But then Barmaley fired a pistol and the bullet hit the chest of the pusher. The pusher fell into the water and began to sink.
Aibolit stopped the ship and threw a pulling rope, and then pulled it onto the deck and tied it up.
But time was lost and the pirates caught up with the ship. They rejoiced and looked forward to how they would deal with Aibolit and his animals.
Chapter 12
The animals were frightened, but the owl said that the pirates would drown anyway, because there was a leak in the hold. Aibolit shouted to Barmaley that his ship would sink, because rats had escaped from it.
And the pirates really saw that their ship was sinking into the water. Soon he drowned, and the pirates floundered in the water and begged for salvation. Barmaley even swam to Aibolit's ship and began to climb the stairs. But Abba growled at him and Barmaley fell into the water. He asked to be saved, but no one came to his aid.
Chapter 13
And then sharks appeared, which instantly ate all the pirates.
And then the doctor heard someone calling him and saw Karudo, who said that the crocodile and Chichi were swimming next. They got bored in Africa and decided to return to Aibolit.
Aibolit and the animals returned to native city Pindemonte and were amazed by the solemn meeting.
Crowds of people praised the doctor and cheered. It turned out that Penta came and told how Aibolit saved him and his father from the pirates, and then everyone found out that the pirates had died. Robinson, in joy, presented Aibolit with a new ship.
Then the cranes came and brought the most delicious fruits. A huge feast began. But the doctor soon left, and Penta followed him. He saw that the doctor was frowning and asked why.
Aibolit led him into the house and showed him the sick animals, which urgently needed to be treated. And Penta decided to help Aibolit. he made a very capable assistant.

Part 3. Fire and water
Chapter 1. Dr. Aibolit is waiting for a new guest.
The city of Pindemonte stood on the seashore and there were dangerous rocks near the shore, on which any ship could crash. Therefore, near the city there was a lighthouse, on which the old Negro Jumbo was on duty.
And somehow Aibolit sailed to Jumbo and asked to light the lighthouse today. He was waiting for the return of Robinson from Africa and did not want him to crash on the rocks. After all, Robinson was carrying the son of pushing Dick, whom he had not seen for eleven months and missed him very much.
Jumbo promised to light four lamps at once.
Chapter 2. Lighthouse
Aibolit cured all the animals and went to bed. But suddenly a seagull knocked on his window. She was very excited and said that there was no light in the lighthouse.
Aibolit got scared and rushed into the boat. He rowed to the lighthouse, but Robinson's ship was already approaching the shore. Then Aibolit asked the seagull to detain the ship.
The helmsman whistled a song merrily, not knowing that he was heading straight for the rocks. Dick looked forward to meeting his father. And suddenly gulls flew in and began to peck at the helmsman. He began to fight back, not realizing that the seagulls wanted to save the ship. And he called other sailors, who began to drive away the seagulls.
Chapter 3. Jumbo
Aibolit swam to the lighthouse, but the door was locked and no one responded to the knock. Then Aibolit knocked out the door and began to climb up the spiral staircase. He was in a hurry.
Suddenly he saw a man lying in the dark, it was Jumbo. But Aibolit could not stop and check if he was alive, because the life of the whole ship depended on him.
He climbed the lighthouse and suddenly screamed. He forgot his matches at home. He looked for matches in the lighthouse and did not find them. The duck searched Jumbo's pockets and found no match either.
Chapter 4
Suddenly, Aibolit heard the chirping of a canary and ran downstairs. He found a cage with a canary and asked her about the matches. The canary complained that she was cold, that the wind was blowing, but nevertheless she said where the matches were. And Aibolit again rushed to the lighthouse, not knowing whether he would have time to light the fire.
Chapter 5
Aibolit finally lit the lantern and heard how the alarm was raised on the ship - they saw stones. The ship was saved and Aibolit went down to Jumbo. He saw a large wound on his forehead and gave him medicine.
When Jumbo came to his senses, he said that he was attacked by the pirate Benalis, who had escaped from a desert island.
The canary said that Benalis had run away to the mountains and that he wanted to set fire to Aibolit's house.
Aibolit rushed home, in the dark he fell several times and scratched his face. But he was in a hurry, fearing that his animals would die if the pirate had time to set fire to the house.
Chapter 6
But then the doctor was seized by Benalis. He swore angrily and pushed the doctor down the well. And then he laughed mockingly and ran to set fire to the house.
Aibolit shouted Save, but no one heard him.
And the pirate got into the house and set it on fire. He stood and admired the fire.
Finally, the frog heard the doctor and went after the cranes.
Chapter 7
The cranes brought the rope. Aibolit got out of the well and rushed to the house. The house was on fire, but the animals continued to sleep. Aibolit rushed straight into the fire. His hair was on fire, he screamed, but no one heard him. Finally he got to Chichi and woke her up. She immediately screamed loudly, the animals woke up and began to run out of the house. And Aibolit rushed into the office, because there were rabbits in the closet. He released the rabbits and began to descend, but his head began to spin and he fell, losing consciousness.
Abba threw herself into the fire and pulled out Aibolit. Together with Chichi, they dragged Aibolit to the stream and the doctor came to his senses.
Birds flew from all sides and carried water, a bear came running and brought a huge bucket. But then three whales sailed and easily extinguished the fire with fountains.
Chapter 8. Dick
The house burned down and Aibolit decided to live in a cave. The bear called him to the den, the frog to the well, the owl to the hollow, but Aibolit refused.
He went ashore to look for a cave and saw Dick meet with a pusher. They kissed with all their heads.
Dick was immediately liked by everyone and he was showered with delicious gifts.
Chapter 9
Then the seagulls flew in and began to shout that Benalis was sailing on a boat to Robinson's ship and wanted to steal it.
Parrot Karudo ordered the seagulls to fly to the lighthouse and block the light from the pirate. A bunch of seagulls easily blocked the light and Benalis' boat crashed on the rocks. The pirate began to scream and call for help, but Karudo sternly answered him that he, the villain, served him right.
Chapter 10
Benalis drowned, but the doctor could not find the cave and was therefore sad. And then a thunderstorm began and the doctor got wet, he felt that he was getting sick. The animals were alarmed, but did not know how to help Aibolit.
And then the beavers came, who announced that only after learning about the fire, they felled thirty trees and built a new house for Aibolit. After all, beavers have such sharp teeth.
The house was magnificent and the stove was immediately flooded in it. The doctor warmed up, but was still very weak. And then Robinson and Jumbo came and brought jam.
The doctor sat happy in his chair and listened to his friends having fun.
Part 4. The adventures of the white mouse
Chapter 1
Lived in the world white mouse named Belyanka. She was the only white among the gray mice. When the gray mice went for a walk in the dark, the black cat did not notice them. But he immediately saw Belyanka and grabbed it. The white-haired woman began to ask for mercy, but the Cat only bared his teeth.
Chapter 2
But then Penta appeared and drove the cat away. He took Belyanka to him and put her in a cage. It was warm and good in the cage, but the mouse did not want to live in the cage. Therefore, at night she gnawed through the bars of the lattice and ran away.
Chapter 3
And then it began to snow and the streets of the city became white. Now Belyanka could not be afraid of cats, they did not see her on the white snow. She was walking cheerfully around the city and suddenly met an old rat. She was crying loudly.
The rat complained that for the third day she had not eaten anything, because she could not go outside, on the white snow they would immediately notice her and catch her.
Then Belyanka decided to help the old rat and brought a piece of cheese and a slice of bread from the garbage heap.
Chapter 4
So they lived all winter, and when the snow melted, it was the turn of the old rat to carry food for Belyanka.
And then one day Belyanka saw her gray brothers. They went to have fun in the forest. The white-haired woman began to ask to be with them, but the gray mice refused her. After all, an owl lived in the forest, which could easily find Belyanka.
The little white wept bitterly, and the old rat decided to help her. She took Belyanka to the dyer's workshop and showed him buckets of different colors. The old rat told Belyanka to jump into a bucket of gray paint. And Belyanka also turned gray.
Chapter 5
In the morning, Belyanka saw that she had become not gray, but yellow. It turns out that in the dark, an old rat mixed up buckets of paint. The white-haired woman was offended by the rat, scolded her and ran away.
On the street, everyone started chasing her. After all, no one has seen yellow mice. And Belyanka with difficulty reached her native hole. But the mother did not recognize Belyanka in the yellow mouse either. Her sisters and brothers pushed her out of the hole. Belyanka reached the sea.
Chapter 6
The white-haired girl rushed into the sea and tried to wash off the nasty paint. But the paint didn't wash off. Unhappy and wet, she climbed ashore. The sun was about to rise soon, and then someone would definitely catch her.
Suddenly she saw a mouse with a bow on its tail. Belyanka asked about the bow, but it turned out that it was a bandage that Dr. Aibolit put on.
Belyanka heard about a doctor who heals all animals and went to him. Aibolit saw a yellow mouse and was very happy. He said that let her always remain yellow, because it is so beautiful - a golden mouse. And so that no one would eat it, Aibolit offered Belyanka to live with him and even gave her a new name - Fija.
And the yellow mouse stayed with Aibolit.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit"

Good Doctor Aibolit!
He sits under a tree.
Come to him for treatment.
Both the cow and the wolf
And a bug, and a worm,
And a bear!

Heal everyone, heal
Good Doctor Aibolit!

And the fox came to Aibolit:
"Oh, I got stung by a wasp!"

And the watchdog came to Aibolit:
“A chicken pecked on my nose!”

And the hare came running
And she screamed: “Ai, ai!
My bunny got hit by a tram!
My bunny, my boy
Got hit by a tram!
He ran down the path
And his legs were cut
And now he's sick and lame
My little hare!”

And Aibolit said: “It doesn’t matter!
Give it here!
I'll sew him new legs,
He will run again along the path.
And they brought him a bunny,
Such a sick, lame,
And the doctor sewed on his legs,
And the hare jumps again.
And with him the hare-mother
I also went to dance
And she laughs and screams:
“Well, thank you. Aibolit!

Suddenly from somewhere a jackal
Rode on a mare:
"Here's a telegram for you
From Hippo!"

"Come, doctor,
Go to Africa soon
And save me doctor
Our babies!"

"What? Really
Are your kids sick?

"Yes Yes Yes! They have angina
scarlet fever, cholera,
diphtheria, appendicitis,
Malaria and bronchitis!

Come soon
Good Doctor Aibolit!

"Okay, okay, I'll run,
I will help your children.
But where do you live?
On a mountain or in a swamp?

"We live in Zanzibar,
In Kalahari and Sahara,
On Mount Fernando Po,
Where hippo walks
By the wide Limpopo."

And Aibolit got up, Aibolit ran.
He runs through the fields, but through the forests, through the meadows.
And only one word repeats Aibolit:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

And in his face the wind, and snow, and hail:
"Hey, Aibolit, come back!"
And Aibolit fell and lies on the snow:
"I can't go any further."

And now to him because of the Christmas tree
Furry wolves run out:
"Sit down, Aibolit, on horseback,
We will take you alive!”

And Aibolit galloped forward
And only one word repeats:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

But here is the sea in front of them -
Raging, noisy in space.
And there is a high wave in the sea.
Now she will swallow Aibolit.

"Oh, if I drown
If I go to the bottom
With my forest animals?
But here comes the whale:
"Sit on me, Aibolit,
And like a big ship
I'll take you forward!"

And sat on the whale Aibolit
And only one word repeats:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

And the mountains stand in his way
And he starts to crawl over the mountains,
And the mountains are getting higher, and the mountains are getting steeper,
And the mountains go under the very clouds!

"Oh, if I don't get there,
If I get lost along the way
What will become of them, the sick,
With my forest animals?

And now from a high cliff
Eagles flew to Aibolit:
"Sit down, Aibolit, on horseback,
We will take you alive!”

And sat on the eagle Aibolit
And only one word repeats:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

And in Africa
And in Africa
On black
Sitting and crying
In Africa
Sad Hippo.

He's in Africa, he's in Africa
Sitting under a palm tree
And on the sea from Africa
Looks without rest:
Doesn't he ride in a boat
Dr. Aibolit?

And roam along the road
Elephants and Rhinos
And they say angrily:
“Well, there is no Aibolit?”

And next to the hippos
Grabbed their tummies:
They, the hippos,
Belly hurts.

And then the ostriches
They squeal like pigs.
Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry
Poor ostriches!

And measles, and they have diphtheria,
And smallpox, and bronchitis they have,
And their head hurts
And my throat hurts.

They lie and rave:
“Well, why doesn’t he go,
Well, why doesn't he go?
Dr. Aibolit?"

And crouched next to
toothy shark,
toothy shark
Lies in the sun.

Oh, her little ones
The poor sharks
It's been twelve days
Teeth hurt!

And a dislocated shoulder
At the poor grasshopper;
He does not jump, he does not jump,
And he weeps bitterly
And the doctor calls:
“Oh, where is the good doctor?
When will he come?"

But look, some bird
Getting closer and closer through the air rushes.
On the bird, look, Aibolit is sitting
And he waves his hat and shouts loudly:
"Long live dear Africa!"

And all the children are happy and happy:
“I have arrived, I have arrived! Hooray! Hooray!"

And the bird is circling above them,
And the bird sits on the ground.
And Aibolit runs to the hippos,
And slaps them on the tummies
And all in order
Gives you chocolate
And puts and puts them thermometers!

And to the striped
He runs to the tiger cubs.
And to the poor hunchbacks
sick camels,
And every gogol
Every mogul,
He will treat you with mogul-mogul.

Ten nights Aibolit
Doesn't eat, doesn't drink, doesn't sleep
ten nights in a row
He heals the unfortunate animals
And puts and puts them thermometers.

So he cured them
So he cured the sick.
And they went to laugh
And dance and play

And Shark Karakula
Right eye winked
And laughs, and laughs,
Like someone is tickling her.

And little hippos
Grabbed by the tummies
And laugh, pour -
So du would be shaken.

Here is Hippo, here is Po,
Hippo-po, Hippo-po!
Here comes the Hippo.
It comes from Zanzibar.
He goes to Kilimanjaro -
And he screams, and he sings:
“Glory, glory to Aibolit!
Glory to the good doctors!

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