The life of the tribes of people. Wild Tribes: Cruel Rites of Male Initiation (8 photos)


Vyatichi is a union of East Slavic tribes that lived in the second half of the first millennium AD. e. in the upper and middle reaches of the Oka. The name Vyatichi presumably came from the name of the ancestor of the tribe, Vyatko. However, some associate this name by origin with the morpheme "veins" and Veneds (or Venets / Vents) (the name "Vyatichi" was pronounced as "Ventichi").

In the middle of the 10th century, Svyatoslav annexed the lands of the Vyatichi to Kievan Rus, but until the end of the XI century, these tribes retained a certain political independence; campaigns against the Vyatichi princes of this time are mentioned.

Since the XII century, the territory of the Vyatichi became part of the Chernigov, Rostov-Suzdal and Ryazan principalities. Until the end of the 13th century, the Vyatichi retained many pagan rituals and traditions, in particular, they cremated the dead, erecting small mounds over the burial place. After Christianity took root among the Vyatichi, the rite of cremation gradually went out of use.

Vyatichi retained their tribal name longer than other Slavs. They lived without princes, the social structure was characterized by self-government and democracy. IN last time Vyatichi are mentioned in chronicles under such a tribal name in 1197.

Buzhan (Volhynians) - a tribe Eastern Slavs, who lived in the basin of the upper reaches of the Western Bug (from which they got their name); since the end of the 11th century, the Buzhans have been called Volynians (from the locality of Volyn).

Volynians - Eastern Slavic tribe or tribal union, mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years and in the Bavarian chronicles. According to the latter, the Volhynians owned seventy fortresses at the end of the 10th century. Some historians believe that the Volhynians and Buzhans are descendants of the Dulebs. Their main cities were Volyn and Vladimir-Volynsky. Archaeological research indicates that the Volynians developed agriculture and numerous crafts, including forging, casting and pottery.

In 981, the Volynians were subordinated to the Kyiv prince Vladimir I and became part of Kievan Rus. Later, the Galicia-Volyn principality was formed on the territory of the Volynians.

Drevlyans - one of the tribes of Russian Slavs, lived along Pripyat, Goryn, Sluch and Teterev.
The name Drevlyane, according to the chronicler, was given to them because they lived in the forests.

From archaeological sites in the country of the Drevlyans, it can be concluded that they possessed famous culture. A well-established burial rite testifies to the existence of certain religious beliefs about the afterlife: the absence of weapons in the graves testifies to the peaceful nature of the tribe; finds of sickles, shards and vessels, iron products, remnants of fabrics and leather indicate the existence of arable farming, pottery, blacksmithing, weaving and leather crafts among the Drevlyans; many bones of domestic animals and spurs indicate cattle breeding and horse breeding; many items made of silver, bronze, glass and carnelian, of foreign origin, indicate the existence of trade, and the absence of coins suggests that the trade was barter.

The political center of the Drevlyans in the era of their independence was the city of Iskorosten; at a later time, this center, apparently, moved to the city of Vruchiy (Ovruch)

The Dregovichi are an East Slavic tribal union that lived between the Pripyat and the Western Dvina.

Most likely the name comes from the Old Russian word dregva or dryagva, which means "swamp".

Under the name of Drugovites (Greek δρονγονβίται), the Dregovichi are already known to Konstantin Porfirorodny as a tribe subordinate to Rus'. Being aloof from the "Road from the Varangians to the Greeks", the Dregovichi did not play a prominent role in history. Ancient Rus'. The chronicle mentions only that the Dregovichi once had their own reign. The capital of the principality was the city of Turov. The subjugation of the Dregovichi to the Kyiv princes probably happened very early. On the territory of the Dregovichi, the principality of Turov was subsequently formed, and the northwestern lands became part of the principality of Polotsk.

Duleby (not duleby) - an alliance of East Slavic tribes on the territory of Western Volhynia in the 6th - early 10th centuries. In the 7th century they were subjected to the Avar invasion (obry). In 907 they took part in Oleg's campaign against Tsargrad. They broke up into tribes of Volhynians and Buzhans, and in the middle of the 10th century they finally lost their independence, becoming part of Kievan Rus.

Krivichi - a large East Slavic tribe (tribal union), which occupied the upper reaches of the Volga, Dnieper and Western Dvina, southern part of the basin Lake Peipus and part of the Neman basin. Sometimes the Ilmen Slavs are also classified as Krivichi.

The Krivichi were probably the first Slavic tribe to move from the Carpathians to the northeast. Limited in their distribution to the northwest and west, where they met stable Lithuanian and Finnish tribes, the Krivichi spread to the northeast, assimilating with the living Tamfins.

Having settled on the great waterway from Scandinavia to Byzantium (the path from the Varangians to the Greeks), the Krivichi took part in trade with Greece; Konstantin Porphyrogenitus says that the Krivichi make boats on which the Rus go to Tsargrad. Participated in the campaigns of Oleg and Igor against the Greeks as a tribe subordinate Kyiv prince; Oleg's contract mentions their city of Polotsk.

Already in the era of the formation of the Russian state, the Krivichi had political centers: Izborsk, Polotsk and Smolensk.

It is believed that the last tribal prince of the Krivichi Rogvolod, together with his sons, was killed in 980 prince of novgorod Vladimir Svyatoslavich. In the Ipatiev list, the Krivichi are mentioned for the last time under 1128, and the Polotsk princes are called Krivichi under 1140 and 1162. After that, the Krivichi are no longer mentioned in the East Slavic annals. However, the tribal name Krivichi was used for quite a long time in foreign sources (up to late XVII century). The word krievs entered the Latvian language to designate Russians in general, and the word Krievija to designate Russia.

The southwestern, Polotsk branch of the Krivichi is also called Polotsk. Together with the Dregovichi, Radimichi and some Baltic tribes, this branch of the Krivichi formed the basis of the Belarusian ethnos.
The northeastern branch of the Krivichi, settled mainly in the territory of modern Tver, Yaroslavl and Kostroma regions, was in close contact with the Finno-Ugric tribes.
The boundary between the territory of settlement of the Krivichi and Novgorod Slovenes is determined archaeologically by the types of burials: long barrows near the Krivichi and hills among the Slovenes.

The Polochans are an East Slavic tribe that inhabited the lands in the middle reaches of the Western Dvina in today's Belarus in the 9th century.

Polochans are mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years, which explains their name as living near the Polota River, one of the tributaries of the Western Dvina. In addition, the chronicle claims that the Krivichi were descendants of the Polotsk people. The lands of the Polochans stretched from the Svisloch along the Berezina to the lands of the Dregovichi. The Polochans were one of the tribes from which the Polotsk principality was later formed. They are one of the founders of the modern Belarusian people.

Glade (poly) - the name of the Slavic tribe, in the era of the settlement of the Eastern Slavs, who settled along the middle course of the Dnieper, on its right bank.

Judging by the chronicles and the latest archaeological research, the territory of the land of the glades before the Christian era was limited to the course of the Dnieper, Ros and Irpin; in the north-east it was adjacent to the derevskaya land, in the west - to the southern settlements of the Dregovichi, in the south-west - to the Tivertsy, in the south - to the streets.

Calling the Slavs who settled here glades, the chronicler adds: “outside in the gray field.” The glades differed sharply from the neighboring Slavic tribes both in moral properties and in the forms of social life: and to sisters and to their mothers .... marriage customs having a husband.

History finds the glades already at a rather late stage of political development: social order It is composed of two elements - communal and princely-druzhina, the former being strongly suppressed by the latter. With normal and ancient occupations Slavs - hunting, fishing and beekeeping - among the meadows, more than other Slavs, cattle breeding, agriculture, "woodworking" and trade were widespread. The latter was quite extensive not only with Slavic neighbors, but also with foreigners in the West and East: the coin treasures show that trade with the East began as early as the 8th century, but it stopped during the strife of the specific princes.

At first, about the middle of the 8th century, the glades, who paid tribute to the Khazars, due to their cultural and economic superiority, from a defensive position in relation to their neighbors, soon turned into an offensive one; Drevlyans, Dregovichi, northerners and others by the end of the 9th century were already subject to the glades. They also adopted Christianity earlier than others. Kyiv was the center of the Polyana (“Polish”) land; her others settlements- Vyshgorod, Belgorod on the Irpen River (now the village of Belogorodka), Zvenigorod, Trepol (now the village of Trypillya), Vasilev (now Vasilkov) and others.

Zemlyapolyan with the city of Kiev became the center of the possessions of the Rurikovichs from 882. The last time in the annals the name of the glades is mentioned in 944, on the occasion of Igor's campaign against the Greeks, and is replaced, probably already at the end of the Χ century, by the name Rus (Ros) and Kiyane. The chronicler also calls the Glades the Slavic tribe on the Vistula, mentioned for the last time in the Ipatiev Chronicle under 1208.

Radimichi - the name of the population that was part of the union of East Slavic tribes that lived in the interfluve of the upper reaches of the Dnieper and the Desna.
About 885 radimichi became part of Old Russian state, and in the XII century they mastered most of Chernigov and the southern part of Smolensk lands. The name comes from the name of the ancestor of the Radima tribe.

Northerners (more correctly, the North) are a tribe or tribal union of Eastern Slavs who inhabited the territories east of the middle reaches of the Dnieper, along the Desna and Seimi Sula rivers.

The origin of the name of the north is not fully understood. Most authors associate it with the name of the Savir tribe, which was part of the Hunnic association. According to another version, the name goes back to the obsolete Old Slavic word meaning "relative". The explanation from the Slavic siver, north, despite the similarity of sound, is considered extremely controversial, since the north has never been the most northerly of the Slavic tribes.

Slovene (Ilmen Slavs) - an East Slavic tribe that lived in the second half of the first millennium in the basin of Lake Ilmen and the upper reaches of the Mologa and made up the bulk of the population of Novgorod land.

The Tivertsy are an Eastern Slavic tribe that lived between the Dniester and the Danube near the Black Sea coast. They are first mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years along with other East Slavic tribes of the 9th century. The main occupation of the Tivertsy was agriculture. The Tivertsy took part in the campaigns of Oleg against Tsargrad in 907 and Igor in 944. In the middle of the 10th century, the lands of the Tivertsy became part of Kievan Rus.
The descendants of the Tivertsy became part of the Ukrainian people, and their western part underwent Romanization.

The Ulichs are an East Slavic tribe that inhabited the lands along the lower reaches of the Dnieper, the Southern Bug and the Black Sea coast during the 8th-10th centuries.
The capital of the streets was the city of Pereseken. In the first half of the 10th century, the streets fought for independence from Kievan Rus, but nevertheless they were forced to recognize its supremacy and become part of it. Later, the streets and neighboring Tivertsy were driven north by the arriving Pecheneg nomads, where they merged with the Volhynians. The last mention of the streets dates back to the annals of the 970s.

Croats are an Eastern Slavic tribe that lived in the vicinity of the city of Przemysl on the San River. They called themselves white Croats, in contrast to the tribe of the same name with them, who lived in the Balkans. The name of the tribe is derived from the ancient Iranian word "shepherd, guardian of cattle", which may indicate its main occupation - cattle breeding.

Bodrichi (encouraged, rarogs) - Polabian Slavs (lower reaches of the Elbe) in the VIII-XII centuries. - the union of the Wagrs, Polabs, Glinyakov, Smolensk. Rarog (among the Danes Rerik) - main city peppy. Mecklenburg in East Germany.
According to one version, Rurik is a Slav from the Bodrich tribe, the grandson of Gostomysl, the son of his daughter Umila and the Bodrich prince Godoslav (Godlav).

The Vistulas are a West Slavic tribe that has lived in Lesser Poland since at least the 7th century. In the 9th century, the Vistulas formed a tribal state with centers in Krakow, Sandomierz and Straduv. At the end of the century, they were subjugated by the king of Great Moravia Svyatopolk I and were forced to be baptized. In the 10th century, the lands of the Vistulas were conquered by the Polans and incorporated into Poland.

Zlichane (Czech. Zličane, Polish. Zliczanie) - one of the ancient Czech tribes. They inhabited the territory adjacent to the modern city of Kourzhim (Czech Republic). East and South Bohemia and the region of the Duleb tribe. The main city of the principality was Libice. The princes of Libice Slavniki competed with Prague in the struggle for the unification of the Czech Republic. In 995, the Zlichans were subjugated by the Přemyslids.

Lusatians, Lusatian Serbs, Sorbs (German Sorben), Wends - the indigenous Slavic population living on the territory of the Lower and Upper Lusatia - areas that are part of modern Germany. The first settlements of the Lusatian Serbs in these places were recorded in the 6th century AD. e.

The Lusatian language is divided into Upper Lusatian and Lower Lusatian.

The dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron gives a definition: "Sorbs are the name of the Wends and, in general, the Polabian Slavs." Slavic people inhabiting a number of areas in Germany, in the federal states of Brandenburg and Saxony.

Lusatian Serbs are one of the four officially recognized national minorities in Germany (along with gypsies, Frisians and Danes). It is believed that about 60,000 German citizens now have Lusatian Serb roots, of which 20,000 live in Lower Lusatia (Brandenburg) and 40,000 in Upper Lusatia (Saxony).

Lyutichi (Vilts, Velets) is a union of West Slavic tribes that lived in the early Middle Ages in the territory of the present East Germany. The center of the union of the Lyutichs was the sanctuary "Radogost", in which the god Svarozhich was revered. All decisions were made at a large tribal meeting, and central authority was absent.

The Lyutichi led the Slavic uprising of 983 against the German colonization of lands east of the Elbe, as a result of which colonization was suspended for almost two hundred years. Even before that, they were ardent opponents of the German king Otto I. About his heir, Henry II, it is known that he did not try to enslave them, but rather lured them with money and gifts to his side in the fight against Poland, Boleslav the Brave.

Military and political successes strengthened the adherence to paganism and pagan customs in the Lutiches, which also applied to related Bodrichs. However, in the 1050s, civil war broke out among the Lutici and changed their situation. The union quickly lost power and influence, and after the central sanctuary was destroyed by the Saxon duke Lothar in 1125, the union finally broke up. Over the following decades, the Saxon dukes gradually expanded their holdings to the east and conquered the lands of the Luticians.

Pomeranians, Pomeranians - West Slavic tribes that lived from the 6th century in the lower reaches of the Odryn coast of the Baltic Sea. It remains unclear whether there was a residual Germanic population prior to their arrival, which they assimilated. In 900, the border of the Pomeranian area passed along the Odra in the west, the Vistula in the east and the Notech in the south. They gave the name of the historical area of ​​Pomerania.

In the 10th century, the Polish prince Mieszko I included the lands of the Pomeranians into the Polish state. In the 11th century, the Pomeranians revolted and regained their independence from Poland. During this period, their territory expanded westward from the Odra into the lands of the Luticians. At the initiative of Prince Vartislav I, the Pomeranians adopted Christianity.

From the 1180s, German influence began to grow and German settlers began to arrive on the lands of the Pomeranians. Because of the devastating wars with the Danes, the Pomeranian feudal lords welcomed the settlement of the devastated lands by the Germans. Over time, the process of Germanization of the Pomeranian population began.

The remains of the ancient Pomeranians who escaped assimilation today are the Kashubians, numbering 300 thousand people.

The many-sided Africa, on the vast territory of which in 61 countries with a population of more than a billion people, surrounded by cities of civilized countries, in the secluded corners of this continent, more than 5 million people of almost completely wild African tribes still live.

Members of these tribes do not recognize achievements civilized world and are content with the modest benefits that they inherited from their ancestors. Squalid huts, modest food and a minimum of clothes suit them, and they are not going to change this way.

There are about 3 thousand different tribes and nationalities in Africa, but it is difficult to name their exact number, since most often they are either densely mixed with each other, or vice versa, radically separated. The population of some tribes is only a few thousand or even hundreds of people, and often only 1-2 villages are inhabited. Because of this, there are dialects and dialects on the territory of the African continent, which are sometimes only understood by representatives of a particular tribe. A variety of rituals cultural systems, dances, customs and sacrifices is huge and amazing. Besides appearance people of some tribes are simply amazing to look at.

However, since they all live on the same continent, all African tribes still have something in common. Some elements of culture are characteristic of all nationalities living in this territory. One of the main defining features of African tribes is the orientation to the past, that is, the cult of the culture and life of their ancestors.

Majority African peoples denies everything new and modern, withdraws into itself. They are most attached to constancy and immutability, including in everything that concerns Everyday life, traditions and customs, leading their existence from great-grandfathers.

It is hard to imagine, but among them there are practically no those who would not be engaged in subsistence farming or cattle breeding. Hunting, fishing or gathering are completely normal activities for them. Just like many centuries ago, African tribes they fight among themselves, marriages are most often concluded within one tribe, intertribal marriages among them are very rare. Of course, more than one generation leads such a life, each new child from birth will have to live the same fate.

Tribes differ from each other in their own unique system of life, customs and rituals, beliefs and prohibitions. Most of the tribes invent their own fashions, often stunningly flamboyant, often astonishing in their originality.

Of the most famous and numerous today, tribes can be considered: Masai, Bantu, Zulu, Samburu and Bushmen.


One of the most famous African tribes. They live in Kenya and Tanzania. The number of representatives reaches 100 thousand people. Most often they can be found on the side of the mountain, which figures prominently in the mythology of the Maasai. Perhaps the size of this mountain influenced the worldview of the members of the tribe - they consider themselves the favorites of the gods, the highest people and sincerely believe that there are no more beautiful people in Africa than they are.

This self-image gave rise to a contemptuous, often even derogatory attitude towards other tribes, which caused frequent wars between the tribes. In addition, it is customary for the Maasai to steal animals from other tribes, which also does not improve their reputation.

The dwelling of the Maasai is built from branches smeared with manure. This is done mainly by women, who also, if necessary, take on the duties of pack animals. The main share of nutrition is milk or blood of animals, less often - meat. hallmark elongated earlobes are considered beauty in this tribe. At present, the tribe is almost completely exterminated or dispersed, only in the remote corners of the country, in Tanzania, there are still separate Masai nomad camps.


The Bantu tribe lives in Central, South and East Africa. In truth, the Bantu is not even a tribe, but a whole nation, which includes many peoples, for example, Rwanda, Shono, Konga and others. They all have similar languages ​​and customs, which is why they were combined into one big tribe. Most Bantu speakers speak two or more languages, the most commonly spoken of which is Swahili. The number of members of the Bantu people reaches 200 million. According to research scientists, it was the Bantu, along with the Bushmen and Hottentots, who became the progenitors of the South African colored race.

Bantu have a peculiar appearance. They have very dark skin and an amazing hair structure - each hair is curled in a spiral. Wide and wings of the nose, low bridge of the nose and high growth- often over 180 cm - are also hallmarks of Bantu people. Unlike the Maasai, the Bantu do not shy away from civilization and willingly invite tourists to study tours of their villages.

Like any African tribe, a major part of Bantu life is occupied by religion, namely, traditional African animistic beliefs, as well as Islam and Christianity. The Bantu dwelling resembles a Maasai house - the same round shape, with a frame made of branches coated with clay. True, in some areas Bantu houses are rectangular, painted, with gable, shed or flat roofs. The members of the tribe are mainly engaged in agriculture. hallmark Bantu can be called an enlarged lower lip into which small discs are inserted.


The Zulu people, once the largest ethnic group now has only 10 million people. Zulus enjoy own language- Zulu, originating from the Bantu family and being the most common in South Africa. In addition, English, Portuguese, Sesotho and other African languages ​​​​are in circulation among the members of the people.

The Zulu tribe endured difficult period during the apartheid era in South Africa, when, being the most numerous people, was defined as the population of the second class.

As for the beliefs of the tribe, most of The Zulus remained faithful to national beliefs, but there are also Christians among them. The Zulu religion is based on belief in a creator god, superior and separate from the daily routine. Representatives of the tribe believe that you can contact the spirits through the soothsayers. All negative manifestations in the world, including illness or death, are considered as the machinations of evil spirits or the result of evil witchcraft. In the Zulu religion, the main place is occupied by cleanliness, frequent ablutions in the custom of representatives of the people.


The Samburu tribe lives in the northern regions of Kenya, on the border of the foothills and the northern desert. About five hundred years ago, the Samburu people settled in this territory and quickly populated the plain. This tribe is distinguished by independence and is much more confident in its elitism than the Masai. The life of the tribe depends on livestock, but, unlike the Maasai, the Samburu raise livestock themselves and roam with them from place to place. Customs and ceremonies occupy a significant place in the life of the tribe and are distinguished by the splendor of colors and forms.

Samburu huts are made of clay and skins, outside the dwelling is surrounded by a thorny fence to protect it from wild animals. Representatives of the tribe carry their houses with them, assembling anew at each parking lot.

It is customary for samburu to divide labor between men and women, this also applies to children. Women's duties include gathering, milking cows and fetching water, as well as arranging firewood, cooking and looking after children. Of course, in charge female half the tribe is the general order and stability. Samburu men are responsible for herding livestock, which is their main livelihood.

most important detail the life of the people is childbearing, sterile women are subjected to severe persecution and bullying. Normally, the tribe worships the spirits of ancestors, as well as witchcraft. The Samburu believe in charms, spells, and rituals for fertility and protection.


The most famous African tribe among Europeans since ancient times is the Bushmen. The name of the tribe consists of the English "bush" - "bush" and "man" - "man", but it is dangerous to call representatives of the tribe this way - it is considered offensive. It is more correct to call them "san", which in the language of the Hottentots means "foreign". Outwardly, the Bushmen are somewhat different from other African tribes, they have more bright skin and thinner lips. In addition, they are the only ones who eat ant larvae. Their dishes are considered a feature national cuisine this people. The Bushmen's way of life also differs from that generally accepted among savage tribes. Instead of chieftains and sorcerers, the elders choose elders from among the most experienced and respected members of the tribe. Elders lead the life of the people, without using any advantages at the expense of others. It should be noted that the Bushmen also believe in an afterlife, like other African tribes, but they do not have the ancestor cult adopted by other tribes.

Among other things, the San have a rare talent for storytelling, song, and dance. Musical instrument they can do almost anything. For example, there are bows stretched with animal hair or bracelets made from dried insect cocoons with pebbles inside, which are used to beat the rhythm during the dance. Almost everyone who has the opportunity to observe the musical experiments of the Bushmen tries to record them in order to pass them on to future generations. This is all the more relevant since current century dictates its own rules and many Bushmen have to deviate from centuries-old traditions and go as workers on farms in order to provide for their families and tribes.

This is a very small number of tribes living in Africa. There are so many of them that it would take several volumes to describe them all, but each of them boasts unique system values ​​and way of life, not to mention rituals, customs and costumes.

Video: Wild tribes of Africa: ...

Hot water, light, TV, computer - all these items are familiar to modern man. But there are places on the planet where these things can cause shock and awe like magic. It's about about the settlements of wild tribes that have preserved their way of life and habits since ancient times. And these are not the wild tribes of Africa, who now walk in comfortable clothes and know how to communicate with other peoples. We are talking about Aboriginal settlements that were discovered relatively recently. They do not seek to meet modern people, rather the opposite. If you try to visit them, you may be met with spears or arrows.

The development of digital technology and the development of new territories leads a person to a meeting with unknown inhabitants of our planet. Their habitat is hidden from prying eyes. Settlements can be located in dense forests or on uninhabited islands.

Tribes of the Nicobar and Andaman Islands

On the group of islands located in the Indian Ocean basin, to this day there are 5 tribes, the development of which stopped in the Stone Age. They are unique in their culture and way of life. The official authorities of the islands look after the natives and try not to interfere in their life and way of life. The total population of all tribes is about 1000 people. The settlers are engaged in hunting, fishing, farming and almost no contact with the outside world. One of the most vicious tribes is the inhabitants of Sentinel Island. The number of all settlers of the tribe does not exceed 250 people. But, despite the small number, these natives are ready to repulse anyone who sets foot on their lands.

Tribes of North Sentinel Island

The inhabitants of Sentinel Island belong to a group of so-called non-contact tribes. They differ high level aggression and unsociableness towards a stranger. Interestingly, the emergence and development of the tribe is still not fully known. Scientists cannot understand how black people could begin to live in such a limited space on an island washed by the ocean. There is an assumption that these lands were inhabited by inhabitants more than 30,000 years ago. People remained within their lands and housing and did not move to other territories. Time passed, and the water separated them from other lands. Since the tribe did not develop in terms of technology, they did not have contacts with the outside world, so any guest for these people is a stranger or enemy. Moreover, communication with civilized people simply contraindicated for the tribe of Sentinel Island. Viruses and bacteria, to which modern man has immunity, can easily kill any member of the tribe. The only positive contact with the settlers of the island was made in the mid-90s of the last century.

Wild tribes in the Amazon forests

Are there wild tribes today that have never been contacted modern people? Yes, there are such tribes, and one of them was recently discovered in the dense forests of the Amazon. This was due to active deforestation. Scientists have long said that these places can be inhabited by wild tribes. This conjecture has been confirmed. The only video filming of the tribe was made from a light aircraft by one of the largest television channels in the United States. The footage shows that the settlers' huts are made in the form of tents covered with leaves. The inhabitants themselves are armed with primitive spears and bows.


The Piraha tribe is about 200 people. They live in the Brazilian jungle and differ from other natives in a very poor development of the language and the absence of a number system. In other words, they can't count. They can also be called the most illiterate inhabitants of the planet. Members of the tribe are forbidden to talk about what they did not know on own experience or adopt words from other languages. In the speech of the Piraha there is no designation of animals, fish, plants, color shades and weather. Despite this, the natives are not malicious in relation to others. Moreover, they often act as guides through the thickets of the jungle.


This tribe lives in the forests of Papua New Guinea. They were discovered only in the mid-90s of the last century. They found a home in the thickets of forests between two mountain ranges. Despite their funny name, the natives cannot be called good-natured. The cult of the warrior is widespread among the settlers. They are so hardy and strong in spirit that they can eat larvae and pasture food for weeks until they find suitable prey on the hunt.

Karavai live mainly on trees. Making their huts from branches and twigs like huts, they protect themselves from evil spirits and witchcraft. Pigs are revered in the tribe. These animals are used as donkeys or horses. They can only be slaughtered and eaten when the pig becomes old and can no longer carry a load or a person.

In addition to the natives living on the islands or in the tropical forests, one can meet people leading a life according to old customs in our country. So in Siberia for a long time the Lykov family lived. Fleeing from persecution in the 30s of the last century, they went to the remote taiga of Siberia. For 40 years they survived by adapting to the harsh conditions of the forest. During this time, the family managed to almost completely lose the entire crop of plants and recreate it anew from a few surviving seeds. The Old Believers were engaged in hunting and fishing. The Lykovs' clothes were made from the skins of dead animals and coarse self-woven hemp threads.

The family retained the old customs, the chronology and the original Russian language. In 1978, they were accidentally discovered by geologists. The meeting was a fatal discovery for the Old Believers. Contact with civilization led to diseases of individual family members. Two of them died suddenly from kidney problems. Died a little later younger son from pneumonia. This once again proved that the contact of modern man with representatives of more ancient peoples can be deadly for the latter.

It seems to us that we are all literate, smart people We enjoy all the benefits of civilization. And it is hard to imagine that there are still tribes on our planet that are not far from the Stone Age.

Tribes of Papua New Guinea and Barneo. Here they still live according to the rules adopted 5 thousand years ago: men go naked, and women cut off their fingers. There are only three tribes still engaged in cannibalism, these are Yali, Vanuatu and Carafai. . These tribes with great pleasure eat both their enemies and tourists, as well as their own old people and deceased relatives.

In the highlands of the Congo lives a tribe of pygmies. They call themselves Mong. The amazing thing is that they have cold blood, like reptiles. And in cold weather they were able to fall into suspended animation, like lizards.

On the banks of the Amazonian river Meiki lives a small (300 individuals) tribe Piraha.

The inhabitants of this tribe do not have time. They have no calendars, no clocks, no past and no tomorrow. They have no leaders, they decide everything together. There is no concept of "mine" or "yours", everything is common: husbands, wives, children. Their language is very simple, only 3 vowels and 8 consonants, there is also no counting, they cannot even count to 3.

Sapadi Tribe (Ostrich Tribe).

They have an amazing property: there are only two fingers on their feet, and both are big! This disease (but can this unusual structure of the foot be called that?) Is called claw syndrome and is caused, according to doctors, by incest. It is possible that the cause of it is some unknown virus.

Sinta larga. They live in the Amazon Valley (Brazil).

Family (husband with several wives and children) usually have own house, which is abandoned when the land in the village becomes less fertile and game leaves the forests. Then they move out and look for a new site for the house. When moving, Sinta larga change their names, but each member of the tribe keeps the “true” name a secret (only mother and father know it). Sinta larga have always been famous for their aggressiveness. They are constantly at war both with neighboring tribes and with "foreigners" - white settlers. Fighting and killing is an integral part of their traditional way of life.

Korubo live in the western part of the Amazon Valley.

In this tribe, literally, the strongest survive. If a child is born with some kind of defect, or falls ill with a contagious disease, he is simply killed. They know neither bows nor spears. They are armed with clubs and blowpipes that shoot poisoned arrows. Korubo are spontaneous, like small children. As soon as they smile, they start laughing. If they notice fear on your face, they begin to look around warily. This is almost a primitive tribe, which civilization has not touched at all. But it is impossible to feel calm in their environment, as they can become furious at any moment.

There are approximately 100 more tribes that cannot read and write, do not know what television, cars are, moreover, they still practice cannibalism. They shoot them from the air, and then mark these places on the map. Not in order to study or enlighten them, but in order not to let anyone near them. Contact with them is undesirable, not only because of their aggressiveness, but also for the reasons that wild tribes may not be immune from the diseases of modern man.

In our age high technology, various gadgets and broadband Internet, there are still people who have not seen all this. Time seems to have stopped for them, they do not really make contact with the outside world, and their way of life has not changed for thousands of years.

In the forgotten and undeveloped corners of our planet, such uncivilized tribes live that you are simply amazed how time has not touched them with its modernizing hand. Living, like their ancestors, among palm trees and eating hunting and grazing, these guys feel great and are not in a hurry to the "concrete jungle" of big cities.

OfficePlankton decided to highlight the wildest tribes of modern times that actually exist.

1 Sentinelese

Having chosen the island of North Sentinel, between India and Thailand, the Sentinelese have occupied almost the entire coast and meet with arrows anyone who tries to establish contact with them. Being engaged in hunting, gathering and catching fish, entering into family marriages, the tribe maintains a number of approximately 300 people.

An attempt to contact these people ended with the shelling of the National Geographic group, however, after they left gifts on the shore, among which red buckets were especially popular. They shot the left pigs from afar and buried them, not even thinking to eat them, everything else was thrown into the ocean in a heap.

An interesting fact is that they predict natural disasters and massively hide deeper into the jungle when storms approach. The tribe survived the 2004 Indian earthquake and the numerous devastating tsunamis.

2 Masai

These born pastoralists are the largest and most warlike tribe in Africa. They live only by cattle breeding, not neglecting the theft of cattle from other, “lower”, as they consider, tribes, because, in their opinion, their supreme god gave them all the animals on the planet. It is in their photographs with drawn earlobes and disks the size of a good tea saucer inserted into the lower lip that you stumble across the Internet.

Maintaining good morale, considering as a man only all those who killed a lion with a spear, the Massai fought back both European colonialists and invaders from other tribes, owning the ancestral territories of the famous Serengeti Valley and the Ngorongoro volcano. However, under the influence of the 20th century, the number of people in the tribe is declining.

Polygamy, which used to be considered honorable, has now become simply necessary, as there are fewer and fewer men. Children have been grazing cattle almost from the age of 3, and the rest of the household is in charge of women, while men doze with a spear in their hand inside the hut in peacetime or run with guttural sounds on military campaigns against neighboring tribes.

3 Nicobar and Andaman tribes

An aggressive company of cannibal tribes lives, you guessed it, by raiding and eating each other. The superiority among all these savages is held by the Korubo tribe. Men, neglecting hunting and gathering, are very skillful in making poisoned darts, catching snakes with their bare hands for this, and stone axes, grinding the edge of the stone for days to such an extent that it becomes a very doable task to cut off their heads.

Constantly fighting among themselves, the tribes, however, do not make raids endlessly, as they understand that the supply of "humans" is very slowly renewable. Some tribes generally set aside only special holidays for this - the holidays of the goddess of Death. Women of the Nicobar and Andaman tribes also do not disdain to eat their children or old people in case of unsuccessful raids on neighboring tribes.

4 Piraha

A rather small tribe also lives in the Brazilian jungle - about two hundred people. They are notable for the most primitive language on the planet and the absence of at least some system of calculus. Holding primacy among the most undeveloped tribes, if it can certainly be called primacy, the feasts have no mythology, history of the creation of the world and gods.

They are forbidden to speak about what they did not know from their own experience, to adopt the words of other people and introduce new designations into their language. There are also no shades of flowers, designations of weather, animals and plants. They live mainly in huts made of branches, refusing to accept as a gift all kinds of objects of civilization. Piraha, however, are quite often called out as guides to the jungle, and, despite their ineptness and underdevelopment, have not yet been seen in aggression.

5 Karavai

The most brutal tribe lives in the forests papua new guinea, between two chains of mountains, they were discovered very late, only in the 90s of the last century. There is a tribe with a funny Russian-sounding name, as if in the Stone Age. Dwellings - children's huts from twigs on trees that we built in childhood - protection from sorcerers, they will find them on the ground.

Stone axes and knives made from animal bones, noses and ears are pierced with the teeth of dead predators. Loaves hold wild pigs in high esteem, which they do not eat, but tame, especially those taken from their mother in young age, and are used as riding ponies. Only when the pig is old and can no longer carry cargo and little ape-like men, which loaves are, can the pig be slaughtered and eaten.
The entire tribe is extremely warlike and hardy, the warrior cult flourishes there, the tribe can sit on larvae and worms for weeks, and despite the fact that all the women of the tribe are “common”, the love festival occurs only once a year, the rest of the time men should not pester to women.

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