Sam's last name from Lord of the Rings. The Lord of the Rings: Frodo couldn't have done it without Sam? Dominic Monaghan - Merry


It's hard to find someone who hasn't read, seen, or even heard of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. This monumental work of the internationally recognized English writer rightfully considered one of the best works world literature for many years and remains one of the most widely read to this day. Your attention is one of the key characters of this unusually fairy tale- Samwise Gamgee the Brave.

Character biography

Samwise was born in the Third Age, April 6, 2980, in the Shire. He can safely be called a hereditary gardener, because his father, Hamfast Gamji, was also a gardener. In addition to Sam, Hamfast and Belle Goodchild had five other children.
Samwise stayed for a long time with whom he taught him to write, read, and talked a lot about his adventures. And despite all the anxieties of his father, that he was “too passionate about these elves,” he dreamed of seeing them live ...

The eldest of the brothers, named Hamson, began to work for his uncle. It was from Advis Roper (that was his name that he learned how to knit knots so famously. His younger sister became the wife of Tom Cotton, who had a sister, Rosie, who liked Sam very much ...
But his quiet and calm life suddenly ended on the day of the celebration of the one hundred and eleventh birthday of Bilbo Baggins, when he disappeared right during his thanksgiving and, as it turned out, farewell speech, having previously transferred his property to Frodo. It was then that Samwise Gamgee became his gardener, succeeding his father in this post.

An unexpected journey

And then one evening, cutting the grass by the window, he overheard the story that Gandalf told Frodo - the secret of the Ring of Omnipotence, and that Frodo had to go on a secret campaign. As punishment for eavesdropping, Gandalf "forces" Samwise to join Baggins Jr., and they go on a dangerous journey. However, over time, it turns out that he was eavesdropping on purpose and would have gone anyway.

After some time, two more hobbits - Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrine Took, who were Frodo's cousins ​​- joined the company. A small detachment went to Rivendell - a haven of elves, where Sam's dream came true, and he finally met them.

The Fellowship of the Ring

At the council of the lord Elrond (king of the elves), it was decided to create a detachment - the Fellowship of the Ring, which will go to Mordor to destroy the Ring once and for all. Samwise Gamgee (a photo of the actor who embodied the image can be seen below), despite the fact that he was not invited, secretly made his way to the council and declared that "Mr. Frodo will not go anywhere without him." Hobbits, humans, an elf, a dwarf and a wizard have joined their company...

And when the Brotherhood ceased to exist at the waterfall of Rauros, and Frodo decided to go to Mordor himself, Samwise Gamgee persuaded Baggins not to refuse a fellow traveler. He even had to, in order to catch up with the boat, throw himself into the river, although he did not know how to swim at all.

Personal qualities

Frodo began to weaken because of the power of the Ring, and Sam had to carry most of the luggage, cook food, and he also tried to stay as sentry as often as he could. He distributed the products so that Frodo got most of, and generally tried in every possible way to facilitate the journey.

Later, when in the lair of the spider Shelob (where the escort Gollum led them) it seemed that Frodo was dead, Sam carried the Ring further. However, when he overheard the conversation of the orcs and found out that his friend was alive, Samwise Gamgee immediately rushed to his rescue, not being afraid of the guards. Having freed his comrade, Sam returned the Ring to him, and the brave hobbits moved on.

It is worth noting separately that of all the characters, the former owners of the Ring, Samwise Gamgee (the image of this hobbit has its own real basis, but more on that later) is the only one who gave it away of his own free will. It is also interesting that while owning the Ring, Sam, like the others, was also tempted to become the Lord of the Ring, but with only one goal - to destroy Mordor, and in its place to build a wonderful garden, which is nowhere else in the world.

The friends have finally completed their journey to Mount Doom. But at the most crucial moment, Gollum attacked Frodo. However, he immediately fell with the Ring into the abyss with boiling lava, thus completing such a dangerous mission entrusted to the hobbits.

End of travel

Upon returning home, friends had to raise a hobbits uprising in order to free motherland from enemies. After the victory, Sam went around the entire Shire, planting new trees to replace those that were destroyed by order of the dark sorcerer Saruman. The saplings of these trees were presented to him by the Lady of the elves Galadriel. These trees grew much faster than usual and were of extraordinary beauty. After sowing, he had some fertile soil left, which he scattered over one of the districts, which caused the most rapid growth in the history of the Shire.

Returning from the War for Middle-earth, Sam decided to get married. His soul mate was Rosie Cotton, whom, as mentioned earlier, he was in love with for a long time. They had thirteen children. When the firstborn appeared, Sam learned that Frodo was leaving the Shire and Middle-earth forever, and his path now lay in the Undying Lands. As a memento, the hobbit left him his manuscript of their adventures.

In the Shire, Samwise was elected mayor to seven consecutive terms. Surviving his wife, Sam left the Shire at the age of 102 and sailed for the Gray Havens. As the last Ringbearer, he was given the right to live alongside Frodo in the Undying Lands.

Character Creation

Many fans of the writer are sure that it is Sam who is the most important character in this story, and not in last turn because of its simple origin. Tolkien himself partly agreed with this, calling him "the most developed character", and also saying that Sam is very similar in character to the English soldier, personal assistant and adjutant, with whom he was familiar during the war of 1914 (it is worth clarifying here, that the author wrote his famous epic after participating in the First World War).

Samwise Gamgee: actor

"Lord of the Rings" - not the first role in his career American actor. But let's not get ahead of ourselves and tell about him and his career in more detail. Sean Astin was born in Santa Monica on February 25, 1971. His mother, Patty Duke, was an actress. Before middle age Sean didn't know his father. And only after a series of genetic tests it turned out that on the maternal side it has German-Irish genes, and on the paternal side - Austrian-Jewish.

He studied at a Catholic school, but later became a Protestant and attended a Presbyterian church in the city of Bel Air. He was also a student of the Crossroad School of Art and a student at the University of California (specialty - " American literature and culture").

Career and interesting facts

Sean's first role was in the 1981 film Please Don't Hit Me, Mom. Astin played the boy who was beaten by his mother (played by own mother Shauna - Patty Duke). Then he played in many films unknown in Russia for twenty years. And now 2000 gave a truly stellar role - Samwise Gamgee. "The Lord of the Rings" is a whole event in the cinema world. He even received a Saturn Award for " best role second plan.

Four years later, Sean published the book "There and Back Again" - his own memories and impressions of the filming process. He also got a tattoo on his wrist (like other members of the Fellowship of the Ring) in the form of the word "nine" embossed in runes. By the way, in the final scene of the film trilogy, where Sam returns home, and his daughter runs out to meet him, it was real daughter Sean Astin, Alexandra. In addition to her, Sean (he is married to Louis Herrel, "Miss Indiana 1984") has two more daughters: Elizabeth and Isabella.

Despite the fact that the most significant character the one he has played is Samwise Gamgee, an actor (The Lord of the Rings, unfortunately, the only world blockbuster in Sean's career) continues to be active in film and television, as well as doing voice acting. He is also a producer and director. And his loyal fans are looking forward to meeting him in any form.

, Pippin , Hamfast , Bilbo , Robin , Tolman


Samwise Gamgee, a faithful servant of Frodo Baggins, was sent on a journey by Gandalf, and followed his master wherever he went, even if Sam was not invited there. He proved to be a brave and faithful companion, and became a close friend of Frodo. His comradely feelings and love for the owner led them both through all the hardships and dangers to the final goal of their journey. Sam did not give up hope, even when it seemed that they would not reach their goal.

Unlike the other three hobbits, Sam was quite physically strong. His father, Hamfast, known as the Old Man, was a gardener at Bag End for 40 years, and Sam was his assistant. They lived at 3 Bagshot Row, at the top of the Hill in Hobbiton. Hamfast and his wife Belle Goodchild had a total of six children. Sam's older brother, Hamson, went to work for his uncle Endweiss Roper, who later taught Sam how to tie knots. Younger sister Samah, Marigold, married Tom Cotton, whose sister, Rosie, Sam liked.

You won't send him alone, will you? cried Sam, unable to hide any longer, and jumping out from behind the corner where he was hiding. - Really not! said Elrond, turning to him with a smile. You should go with him too. You are so difficult to separate that you even penetrated secret council to which he was invited and you were not. The Fellowship of the Ring: "The Council of Elrond," p. 284

After the Fellowship leaves Rivendell, Sam is quickly able to prove the necessity of his presence. At the gates of Moria, Sam was the first to react when the Deep Guardian attacked Frodo. Although his beloved Bill ran away in fear, he let the pony get away, and rushed to save his master, trying to cut off the tentacle that had grabbed Frodo. During the battle at the Hall of Mazarbul, Sam killed an Orc but was himself lightly wounded in the head.

After Moriah, the Fellowship ends up in Lothlorien, where Lady Galadriel invites Sam and Frodo to look into her Mirror. Sam first sees the owner lying down, pale and unconscious; then he sees his ruined Shire. His first thought was to go home, but although he was worried about it, he still said, "No, I'll go home the long way with Mr. Frodo and nothing else." FotR, p. 378) When the Fellowship left Lorien, Galadriel gave Sam a box of earth from her garden.

Spring: Trees, gardens, and crops are restored by Sam with Galadriel's gifts. April 6th: Mallorn blooms in Holiday Field on Sam's birthday. May 1: Sam marries Rosie Cotton and moves to Bag End.

March 25: Birth of Sam's daughter, Elanor. September 21: Frodo and Sam leave for the Gray Havens. September 29: Frodo sails west to the Undying Lands. October 6: Sam returns to Bag End.

Fourth Age:

2 Birth of Sam's son, Frodo.

4 Birth of Sam's daughter Rose.

6 Sam is elected Mayor of Michel Delving. Birth of Sam's son, Merry.

8 Birth of Sam's son Pippin.

10 Birth of Sam's daughter Goldilocks.

11 Birth of Sam's son, Hemfast.

12 Birth of Sam's daughter Daisy.

13 Sam is elected Mayor for the second time. He becomes an advisor to the Northern Kingdom.

14 Birth of Sam's daughter Primrose.

15 King Elessar comes north and sees Pippin, Merry and Sam. He gives Sam the Star of the Dunedain. Birth of Sam's son Bilbo.

17 Birth of Sam's daughter Ruby.

19 Birth of Sam's son Robin.

20 Sam is elected Mayor for the third time.

21 Sam, Rosie and Elanor travel to Gondor and live there for a year. Birth of Sam's son, Tom.

27 Sam is elected Mayor for the fourth time.

30 Elanor marries Fastred of Greenholm.

42 Sam's daughter Goldilox marries Faramir son of Pippin.

48 Sam is elected Mayor for the seventh and final time.

Midyear: Death of Sam's wife Rose. September 22: Sam leaves Bag End. He gives Scarlet Book his daughter Elanor and leaves for the Gray Havens, from where he sails west after Frodo.


Samwise Gamgee:

Samwise means "half-wise," "simpleton" or "fool" in Old English.

(Appendix F, p. 414; Letters, #72)

Gamgee english surname and also the name of a variety of "cotton wool", named after the English surgeon who invented the "Gamgee bandage". Tolkien remembered the name from his childhood near Birmingham, where he interacted with the Gamgee family. As the name of a Hobbit, Gamgee came from Gamwich, villages in the Shire, where the surname came from. Hobbit shape from Gamwich This Galabas- means game village- presented as Galbasi as a last name. Other forms of surname: Gammidge, Gamwichy, And Gammidgy.

"Nomenclature of The Lord of the Rings," entry for Gamgee

The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien: Letters #72, #144, #184


After carrying the Ring for some time, Sam can rightly be called "The Ring Bearer".

Samwise the Stouthearted:

When Sam asked if the story of Frodo and the Ring would ever be told, the owner suggested that someday Sam would be called Samwise the Steadfast.

"But you didn't mention one of the main characters: Samuias the Steadfast. Papa, why does he talk so little? I want him to talk more, he talks funny. And Frodo wouldn't have gone far without Sam, right papa?" "

The Two Towers: The Stairs of Cirith Ungol," p. 322

Samwise the Brave:

Frodo used this name instead of "Samwise the Steadfast" in Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings.

Samwise the Strong, Hero of the Age:

In Mordor, Sam was influenced by the Ring and imagined himself to be Samwise the Strong, the Hero of the Age.

Wild fantasies arose in his mind; and he saw Samwise the Strong, the Hero of the Age, striding with a flaming sword through the dark valleys, and the armies marching at his command to Barad-dûr. And then all the clouds will dissipate, the white sun will shine, and by his order the valley of Gorgoroth becomes a garden of flowers and trees. All he had to do was put on the Ring and claim it as his own, and everything would be fine.

The Return of the King: "The Tower of Cirith Ungol," p. 177

Mayor of Michel Delving:

Sam was elected Mayor after Will Whitfoot, who passed away in the year 7 of the Fourth Age (1427 LI). Sam was elected Mayor 7 times over 7 years.

Appendix B of The Lord of the Rings: "The Tale of Years," p. 377-78

Councellor of the North-kingdom:

King Elessar named Sam Councilor of the Northern Kingdom in 14 CE.

(Appendix B, p. 377)


The name Samwise is Sindarin, which means "half smart". The soft form of the word is Berhael. This name was used to mark Sam in the Cormallen Fields.

Daur a Berhael, Conin en Annûn! Eglerio! (Frodo and Sam, Princes of the West, praise them!)

The Return of the King: "The Field of Cormallen," p. 231


In recognition of Sam's accomplishments during the War of the Ring, Aragorn remarked that the name Panthael, meaning "fully intelligent," was more appropriate for Sam than Perhael, meaning "half-intelligent." Aragorn wrote this in a letter to Sam, which is given in the first epilogue to The History of Middle-earth, vol. IX, Sauron Defeated.

Harthad Uluithiad, Hope Unquenchable:

In early drafts Many Partings, Gandalf gave this name to Sam.

"...And bards and minstrels must give them new names: Bronwe atan Hartad and Hartad Uluithiad, Hopeless Fortitude and Endless Hope."

The History of Middle-earth, vol. IX, Sauron Defeated: "Many Partings," p. 62

Sam Gardner:

So Sam was called in last years, no doubt due to his skill as a gardener (Eng. Gardner- gardener), and using Galadriel's gift to re-vegetate the Shire after the War of the Ring. His eldest son, Frodo, took the surname Gardner, and from him came the Gardners of the Hill. His children may have taken that surname too.

Appendix C of The Lord of the Rings: Gamgee genealogy, p. 379, 383

Appendix D of The Lord of the Rings: "The Calendars," p. 390

Banazir Galbasi:

Banazir Galbasi is the Hobbit name of Samwise Gamgee. Banazir is the equivalent of the name Samwise, which means "half smart", the name can be abbreviated as Ban. Galbasi, or Galpsi (Galpsi), appeared from Galabas, the hobbit form of the village Gamwich, which means game village.

Appendix F of The Lord of the Rings: "The Languages ​​and Peoples of the Third Age," p. 414, 416



The name Samwise is a kind of linguistic game. Sam-wise- "half smart" (which Aragorn aptly noted when he said that Sam should have been called Full-wise- "completely smart").

The film adaptation of John Tolkien's novel "The Lord of the Rings" became the main film event of the early 2000s. The audience, not spoiled by blockbusters, has never seen such a scale! Many years have passed since the release of the first part; how the fate of the key actors of the saga has developed, who has become even more popular, who has already been forgotten and how they will please us in the near future, read in the selection from the site.

Elijah Wood

It seems that Elijah Wood is not going to leave the ranks of the actors who have made a deal with the times. His career does not slow down, and the actor himself still exploits his "childish" appearance: large Blue eyes and the look of an innocent child. He starred in black comedies ("Winfred"), eccentric series ("Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency"), blockbusters ("The Last Witch Hunter").

Orlando Bloom

In the early 2000s, the blond elf Legolas was an object of sigh female half spectators. The Hobbit trilogy, released more than 10 years later, where this character reappeared, proved that Orlando Bloom is still oh-so. Also, the actor was the star of an equally popular franchise, Pirates of the Caribbean with Johnny Depp, and in 2018, trying to avoid a decline in popularity, he began filming the fantasy series Carnival Row along with Cara Delevingne.

Ian McKellen

In general, even before the role in The Lord of the Rings, Ian McKellen, who has been filming since the 70s, was a venerable actor. Peter Jackson's trilogy was followed by filming in the X-Men franchise, where the British actor got the role of the mutant antagonist Magneto. In The Hobbit trilogy, he returned to the role of Gandalf, and in 2018 announced his last "Shakespearean" appearance as part of the King Lear teleplay.

Viggo Mortensen

After the role of Aragorn, Dane Viggo Mortensen embodied on the screen a Russian gangster (“Vice for Export”), played the writer William Burroughs (“On the Road”) and appeared before the audience in the image of a brilliant downshifter father (“Captain Fantastic”). In 2018, it became known that the actor would play an American anarchist nicknamed the Unabomber in the thriller of the same name.

Sean Bean

After a couple of dozen passing roles that followed The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Sean Bean was lucky to survive the second wave of fame. In 2011, he landed the role of Ned Stark, King of the North, in the landmark fantasy series Game of Thrones. True, his participation in the project was limited to one season, but it was worth it!

Liv Tyler

The role of the beautiful elf Arwen Undomiel went to Liv Tyler at the age of 24. Unfortunately, just as major projects Since then, the actress has not been in the filmography. In 2008, she appeared before fans of films on Marvel comics as the beloved of Bruce Banner ("The Incredible Hulk"), and in 2017, together with Kit Harington, she played in the series "Gunpowder".

Sean Astin

The plump but charming Hobbit Sam from The Lord of the Rings gave the trilogy a small but much-needed dose of humor. And some fans of the saga even call him the main character of the whole story - how many times he saved Frodo from all sorts of misfortunes, and not count. Actor Sean Astin continues to develop his comic talent, appearing in 3-4 projects a year, but the role of Sam remains one of his favorites.

Dominic Monaghan

Frodo and Sam's partner, the hobbit Merry (if officially Meriadoc Brandybuck) is represented on screen by actor Dominic Monaghan. Few people know, but he took part in creating the script for The Lord of the Rings. However, in the memory of most viewers, he remained as the drug-addicted musician Charlie from the TV series Lost. After the filming of the series was completed, he disappeared from the radar, occasionally appearing in mediocre films, but in 2018 he signed an agreement to shoot in episode 9 " star wars» (2019).

Billy Boyd

IN Lately Scotsman Billy Boyd (Peregrine Took) devotes more time musical career rather than filming a movie. In addition, he enjoys entering the theater stage.

Ian Holm

At the time of filming in The Lord of the Rings, Ian Holm was no longer young - in 2001 he turned 70. However, even after finishing work on the franchise, he did not abandon his career (in particular, he starred in The Aviator with Leonardo DiCaprio), but appeared in The Hobbit in 2012. His younger screen version was embodied by Martin Freeman.

Cate Blanchett

One of the most successful actresses in modern Hollywood, Cate Blanchett pleases fans with new looks every year. bright roles: From the caring Daisy from The Curious Case of Benjamin Button to the violent goddess Hela from Thor 3.

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