Physico-mathematical tournament "erudite". Program: Team greeting


MBOU Motyzleyskaya secondary school

extracurricular activity


« Mathematical



Primary school teacher

Gribkova Yu. I.

year 2012

Subject: "Mathematical KVN" (for elementary school students)

Conduct form:game - competition

Target: Generalization and deepening of students' knowledge, attraction

attention to the subject; identification of the strongest students.


cognitive - activation of the mental activity of students, generalization and systematization of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by students in the study of the entire course of mathematics;

Educational – to develop students' horizons, love and interest in mathematics, skills of collective creative activity to promote the development of thinking, cognitive and creative activity students; develop such qualities as the ability to listen to another person, work in a group, the skills of introspection and self-esteem, the ability to creative work above oneself;

educational - upbringing creativity, skills, sense of humor and ingenuity.

Two teams take part in KVN. Each team has 6 people. Two leaders (teacher and student). Each team has a name, motto, greeting, captain. For each correct answer, the team receives points. The team that gets the largest number points.

Event plan:

  1. Song.
  2. Introduction.
  3. Contest "Greetings"
  4. Competition "Warm-up"
  5. Poem "At the lesson"
  6. Competition "Puzzles" and "Joke Problems for Fans" (at the same time)
  7. Competition "Numbers in verses"
  8. Competition "Musical"

Game progress:

Sounds like a song

"Little Red Riding Hood"(Annex 1)


Leading: Good afternoon, Dear friends! Today we have a holiday dedicated to Mathematics, the queen of all sciences. Mathematics is a very important science. Not a single person can do without it, regardless of age and profession.

Leading: We invite all the boys and girls to go to a fun country. Do not forget to take with you the speed of thought, resourcefulness, ingenuity.

Leading: Not in a theatrical performance

And among our school walls

We'll see now merry

Mathematical KVN.

Everyone is ready to fight

Teams are just waiting for the signal.

One minute patience

I will present you with a terrible judgment.

(jury presentation)

Contest "Greetings"

Teams prepare in advance the name, motto, emblem, song. (1 point)

The jury sums up.

Competition "Warm-up"

The facilitator reads the questions to the teams in turn, they answer immediately. For a correct answer 1 point.

The jury sums up.

Competition "Numbers in proverbs and sayings"

Insert the necessary numerals into proverbs and sayings. Proverbs on separate sheets (choose in turn). For a correct answer 1 point.

Seven troubles ___ answer. (1)

One plows, and ___ waving their hands. (7)

Do not recognize a friend in three days, recognize in ___ years. (3).

One head is good, but ___ is better. (2)

Measure seven times, cut ___. (1)

Who helped soon, that ___ helped. (2).

One with a bipod, and ___ with a spoon. (7)

I don't fight myself, ___ I'm afraid. (7)

For all and all for one. (1)

The jury sums up.

Poem "At the lesson"

I sit in class, staring at the ceiling.

When will the long-awaited bell ring?

I had no time to teach lessons,

Repeat paragraph one hundred and one again.

At first my brother and I played together,

Then I listened for a long time to "Jester with the King",

Then I watched the series for forty minutes,

Then I played football with Romka.

And the poor textbook lay on the shelf.

Only at nine o'clock I ran home.

But it was too late: I already wanted to sleep.

And here I am sitting at the desk in the lesson,

I can't find a solution to the problem

And, apparently, I'll get a deuce again

But I'm bad at math.

The mother will be upset, the father will scold,

Computer games will end...

Why did I walk so long yesterday?

It would be better to read the hundred and first paragraph:

It's time to change your attitude to learning!

And mathematics, friends, must be respected!

Contest of captains "Funny puzzles"

Leading: Who could be the captain at school,

All paths are open to this:

He will own the ocean

Air, water and land.

The team captain draws a card with a fun puzzle. The team decides, confers and responds. For a correct answer 3 points.

  1. The lights in the Christmas tree garland alternate in this order: red, green, blue. How many bulbs are in the garland if there are 5 green bulbs? (15)
  2. There are 4 apples in the basket. How to divide them among 4 children so that each child gets an apple and one apple remains in the basket? (Give one child an apple with a basket)

Competition "Rebuses"

Solving puzzles, who is ahead. (Annex 2)

Tasks of a joke for fans:

Leading: Fans are warned

That the meeting will be hot

And so we wish you

Sick without calling a doctor.

The facilitator reads the problems and gives a token for the correct answer. At the end of the competition, fans give their token to any team (token -1 point).

1. There is a rope hanging in the gym. The boy climbed it 3 meters and reached the middle. What is the length of the rope. (6 meters)

2. How many nuts are in the empty glass? (the glass is empty, so there is nothing in it)

3. Grandmother knitted scarves and mittens for her grandchildren. In total, she knitted 3 scarves and 6 mittens. How many grandchildren did grandmother have (3 grandchildren, explain).

4. Near the dining room, where the skiers who came from the hike had lunch, there were 20 skis, and 20 sticks were stuck in the snow. How many skiers went on the hike? (10 skiers)

5. From under the gate you can see 8 cat paws. How many cats are in the yard? (4 cats - explain with a good example)

6. Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat and mouse pulled and pulled and finally pulled out a turnip. How many eyes have seen the turnip. (12)

7. There is an oak in the field. Oak has 3 branches. Each branch has 3 apples. How many apples are there? (not at all, since apples do not grow on oak)

The jury sums up.

Competition "Numbers in verses"

Leading: First, a little warm-up. In a poem, you should hear the word in words two.

Two gnomes.

At night there was noise in the basement,

There were two gnomes there.

Climbed on the scales

Often wrinkled their noses

But without weights they are hardly

Find out your weight on the scale!

Here different words, including the words two - this istwo, basement, barely.

Leading: And now the task for the teams: remember and write down all the words that include the word one hundred. If glory is repeated, we write once. The team that hears more of these words wins.

For a correct answer 1 point.

At a simple watchman -

Small house:

Often there is a centipede

Wanders under the table.

Treasured centipede

clean feet

And metropolitan wax

Cleans a hundred boots.

Instead of two, it's not easy

Clean out everything

So many shoes

Nobody wore it!

At a simple centipede

Worth standing up

And at that centipede

Get the experience!!!

(Total 14 different words)

Competition "Musical"

(May be homework for teams).

Remember and sing songs in which there are numerals.

For example: "Million, million, million Red roses…" (With).

The winning team gets 3 points.

Summarizing. Rewarding.

Leading: Here the game is over

Time to know the result

Who worked best

And he distinguished himself in KVN?

The jury announces the winners, the awards are in progress.

Annex 1

Song to the motive "Little Red Riding Hood"

If it's long, long, long

If long and hard,

Daily and fun

to teach math,

How much do you know

Secrets, riddles you will solve,

You will become more educated

Just don't be lazy.

Chorus: Ah, you learn the rules

Ah, the formulas are bison,

Ah, don't be lazy, repeat everything,

Ah, don't forget anything.

Well of course, well of course

If you're so lazy

If you're so cowardly

Nothing you want to know

Don't solve your problems

Do not solve an example for you

Will be a problem for you]

Learn mathematics.

Chorus: And probably true, true

It's very difficult to do

Both painful and boring.

Just don't back down.

You go your own way

To the end with science in step,

Everything will be clear to you

Interesting, you know.

Annex 2

Team names, motto, greeting:

1 Captain: Our team is "Twice Two".

Motto: To become a doctor, a sailor, or a pilot,

It is necessary to know mathematics firmly on "5"!

Greetings: Our wish to all:

Winners do not boast, Losers do not roar.

2 Captain: Our team - "PUPS"

Motto: Let the mind win the force!

Greetings: We wish to educate

Such precision of thought

To know everything in our life

Measure and count.

3 Captain : Our team - "Square"

Motto: In our "Square" All sides are equal.

And all our guys are strong in friendship.


Our team "Square"

Greets the assembled children.

We wish everyone to win

And don't lose for yourself.

Greeting teams Whose swords are crossed? Who started this dispute? And able to fight back? Know this, not the musketeers of the well-known Dumas, but craftsmen and actors, people sharp mind. Thirst for new challenges Brought to KVN All fans of quests And great changes. There will be a formidable battle today, But without swords and without rapiers, Both cheerful and serious, He will only sow peace.

1. In the history of science, it is customary to call HIM the first mathematician from the city of Miletus - a Greek merchant, traveler and philosopher (VII century BC). Of course, there are earlier Egyptian and Babylonian sources containing a variety of arithmetic and geometric information, but they do not even have a hint of evidence. The first mathematical theorems are attributed to HE (Diameter divides the circle in half, theorems on the equality of vertical angles, on the equality of angles at the base isosceles triangle etc.). He made a number of discoveries in the field of astronomy, set the time of the equinoxes and solstices, determined the length of the year. HE was numbered among the group of "seven wise men". 2. OH ​​(III century BC) - an ancient Greek mathematician, author of the work "Beginnings" in 13 books, which outlines the basics of geometry, number theory, a method for determining areas and volumes. He selflessly loved science and never allowed insincerity. One day the king asked him if there were more shortcut to know his work. To which he proudly replied that "there is no royal road in mathematics." In history Western world his book was published after the Bible largest number time and more studied.

A bit of history… 3. HE (VI century BC) – ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician, transformed mathematics from a collection of formulas and recipes into an abstract deductive science; he is credited with studying the properties of integers and proportions, proving the aspect ratio theorem right triangle. According to legend, in honor of the discovery of his famous theorem about the legs and hypotenuse, the scientist sacrificed 100 bulls. But later it turned out that this theorem was known to the ancient Sumerians. To date, about 150 proofs of this theorem are known. 4. OH () - Swiss mathematician, physicist, astronomer, worked in Russia and Germany. Contributed to number theory, geometry, mathematical analysis, deduced a theorem on the connection of edges, vertices and faces of a polyhedron. He made a great contribution to topology, a branch of geometry that studies the properties of a figure that does not change under continuous deformations.

This is interesting! Questions for one team: 1 percent of 1 thousand rubles? Is it possible to get zero when multiplying numbers? What is 1 pood equal to? The first woman mathematician. Least natural number. The perimeter of a square is 20 cm. What is its area? How to find the unknown dividend? What is the second coordinate of a point called? Find the third part of 60. What is the name of the function of the form y = kx + v?

Are the diagonals of a rectangle mutually perpendicular? A quadrilateral with all right angles? A line segment connecting opposite vertices of a quadrilateral? A line segment that connects any two points on a circle? The angle is greater than a right angle, but less than a deployed one. A line segment that connects the vertex of a triangle with the midpoint of the opposite side. How many zeros are in a million. A device for constructing a circle. Largest two-digit number.

This is interesting! Questions to the other team: What is the hundredth part of a number called? The mathematician whose name is given to the theorem expressing the relationship between the coefficients of a quadratic equation? What is the largest negative number The area of ​​a square is 49 m 2. what is the perimeter? How to find the unknown subtrahend? What is the name of the science that studies the properties of figures on a plane? What is the name of the statement that requires proof? What is the name of the first coordinate of a point? Divide one hundred by half of it What is the name of the function of the form y \u003d ax 2 + bx + c

In which quadrilateral are the diagonals mutually perpendicular? A quadrilateral with only two opposite sides parallel? The sum of the lengths of all sides of a polygon Can you get zero when dividing numbers? Value right angle. How many years in one century? Which is larger ½ or 1/3? A device for measuring a segment. A part of a line that is bounded by two points?

Intellectual mini-tournament. 1. According to Leo Tolstoy, every person is like a fraction. The numerator of a fraction is what the person is. And what does the denominator of this fraction represent, according to the writer? A). The way that person looks. B). What he thinks of himself. IN). What others think of him.

Intellectual mini-tournament. 2. Victor Hugo once remarked that the human mind has three keys that allow people to know, think, dream. What do you think the keys are? A). Beauty, reason, truth. B). Color, sound, thought. IN). Letter, number, note.

Intellectual mini-tournament. 4. Pythagoras is one of the most interesting personalities in history. He founded a religion, which found its embodiment in a special religious order. Choose from the options presented the prescription that really was the prescription of the Pythagorean order. A). Don't spit in the well. B). Don't put your foot down. IN). Don't take a bite out of the whole bun.

Intellectual mini-tournament. 5. The great scientist Albert Einstein said: “I have to divide my time between politics and some subject. However, some subject, in my opinion, is much more important. The policy is only for this moment, and this item will exist forever. Answer the question between what Einstein had to divide time? A). Between politics and books. B). Between politics and physics. IN). Between politics and equations.

Mathematical KVN

“We are not yet Archimedes…..”

(for 9th grade students)

Frontally repeat educational material mathematics;

develop logical thinking, speech, attention and memory;

Expand the horizons of students;

Cultivate an interest in mathematics.
Motto: "The road will be mastered by the one who walks, and mathematics by the thinker."
2 teams take part in the game: the "Radius" team (joyful, active, friendly, inventive, smart, courageous) and the "Figure" team (physical culture initiative, competent, skillful, cheerful, reckless).

  1. Team greetings.

  2. Warm up.

  3. Mathematical kaleidoscope.

  4. Captains competition.

  5. Competition "Who is more?"

  6. Homework(musical competition).

  7. Summing up the results of games, competitions KVN.

Between competitions musical breaks and contests with fans.

The whole game is evaluated by a jury, which includes teachers of mathematics and one representative each from the students of the class that participates in the game.
Event progress.

  1. Introduction by the teacher.

Music sounds - an introduction to the television game KVN.

Dear guests and participants of the game! Of course, you all know well this musical introduction to the KVN television game: “We are starting KVN - for whom, for what?...”

For whom are we starting KVN today? Of course, for you, my students. So that today you get a little distracted and have fun, get to know each other's talents and abilities better (and you have a lot of them), think about questions and answers, show solidarity with the teams, increase your intelligence, get infected with a sense of healthy excitement and competition, in general - time to good use.

And why are we starting KVN? So that none of you ask such a familiar question to all teachers of mathematics: “Why do I need mathematics? I won't need it in my life." The word "mathematics" came to us from ancient language: comes from the ancient Greek words "mathematice" and "mathema" - "knowledge, science." Mathematics is the science of quantitative relations and spatial forms of the real world. And if there are exercises for the development of the body, then mathematics is designed to develop logical thinking, attention, and train the brain. No wonder it is called “mind gymnastics”.

I want you to be convinced that mathematics is a wonderful, not dry science and that doing it is just as exciting as playing KVN.

So, we start KVN.

  1. Conducting competitions and games.

- Greeting teams.

1 leader. So that we do not disturb the KVN order,

We are glad to hear your greetings.
Team "Radius" (to the melody of folk ditties)

to teach math,

What to sail on a stormy sea:

If you don't know how to row,

Then you can't get out. Oh!
Here comes the figure

We wish her well.

And we welcome them

As their rivals. Oh!

Well, to our most respected jury

We want a fair decision.

Put "five" you together, together

To those who are honored.

And we wish everyone

View our KVN,

Take part in it

And support the teams.

Team "Figure" (to the motive of the song "Moscow windows").

We came to you today, friends,

We cannot live without knowledge.

And let the crises around

Let's learn, friend

And our circle of knowledge will become wider!

We welcome our guests

We welcome teachers

And, of course, the jury

It's fair that they rate

We could now!
And, of course, "Radius", hello!

We will fight - no doubt.

And our school is a dear guiding star

We will shine for many, many years!

- Warm up
2 leader. So that everything in KVN goes without a hitch,

We will start it...

Well, of course, from the warm-up!
Each team is asked to choose an envelope containing questions. The teacher reads the questions from the chosen envelope.
Questions for one team:

  1. 1 percent of 1 thousand rubles? (10 rubles)

  2. Is it possible to get zero when multiplying numbers? (Yes)

  3. What is 1 pood (16 kg)

  4. The mathematician whose name is given to the theorem expressing the relationship between the coefficients of a quadratic equation? (F. Viet)

  5. Smallest natural number (1)

  6. The perimeter of a square is 20 cm. What is its area? (25 cm 2)

  7. How to find the unknown dividend? (quotient times divisor)

  8. What is the second coordinate of a point called? (ordinate)

  9. Find the third part of 60 (20)

  10. What is the name of a function of the form y = kx + v? (linear)

  11. Are the diagonals of a rectangle mutually perpendicular? (No)

  12. A parallelogram with all right angles? (rectangle)

  13. A line segment connecting opposite vertices of a quadrilateral? (diagonal)

  14. A line segment that connects any two points on a circle? (chord)

Questions to the other team:

  1. What is the hundredth part of a number called? (percent)

  2. The first female mathematician (Sofya Kovalevskaya)

  3. What is the largest negative number (-1)

  4. The area of ​​the square is 49 m2. what is the perimeter? (28 m)

  5. How to find the unknown subtrahend? (from the reduced - the difference)

  6. What is the name of the science that studies the properties of figures on a plane? (planimetry)

  7. What is the name of the statement that requires proof? (theorem)

  8. What is the name of the first coordinate of a point? (abscissa)

  9. Divide a hundred by half it (2)

  10. What is the name of the function of the form y \u003d ax 2 + in + c (quadratic)

  11. In which quadrilateral are the diagonals mutually perpendicular? (rhombus, square)

  12. A quadrilateral with only two opposite sides parallel? (trapeze)

  13. The sum of the lengths of all sides of a polygon (perimeter)

  14. Is it possible to get zero when dividing numbers? (Yes)

Let's hear from the jury.

- Mathematical kaleidoscope.
1 leader. Well, now, teams, stop -

Math kaleidoscope!

Who knows no difficulty in terms,

Write everything now without delay.

Teacher. Formulas are written on rolled paper. It is necessary to indicate what these formulas are (in writing)
Formulas for one team:

  1. x 2 -y 2 \u003d (x-y) (x + y)

  2. c 2 \u003d a 2 + b 2

  3. S = a 2

  4. P \u003d 2 (a + b)

  5. a m a p \u003d a m + p

Formulas for the other team:

  1. (x-y) 2 \u003d x 2 - 2xy + y 2

  2. a 2 \u003d from 2 - to 2

  3. P = 4a

  4. S = av

  5. (a m) n = a mp

While the jury is evaluating this competition, we invite you to listen to ditties.

  1. We are funny guys
We have a lot of fun:

And we solve problems

And we will sing ditties to you.

2) In our class, all the guys

Good as a choice.

They don't know math

"Good" shortage.

3) Math will help

You become excellent students

You guys learn

Solve equations.

4) We are tasks for movement

We always want to solve

Our classroom behavior

We all know that we are not silent.

5) We are funny guys

We say goodbye to you

And again at KVN

We'll meet soon.
The jury announces the results of the kaleidoscope and total points.
- Competition of captains.
2 leader. As a song cannot live without a button accordion,

The team cannot live without a captain!

Captains choose an envelope with a task.
Tasks for the captain of one team:

  1. Solve the crossword puzzle (5 points)

  1. Dependence of one quantity on another. (function)

  2. Parallelogram with equal parties(rhombus)

  3. Trigonometric function (cosine)

  4. cuboid with equal measurements(cube)

  5. ... abscissa (axis)

  1. guess the riddle (5 points)
I bring pain with me

There is a big distortion in the face.

And "f" to "p" replace if,

  1. Math charade (5 points)

Habitual word of a shaggy hen

Put it first.

Important for any orchestra.

Fifteenth in the alphabet.

In fourth place. Read. (cosine)

  1. Write mathematical terms starting with the letter "c" (for each word - 1 point).

Tasks for the captain of the other team:

  1. solve the crossword puzzle (5 points)

  1. Absolute value of number (modulo)

  2. Graph of a quadratic function (parabola)

  3. Theorem that does not require proof (axiom)

  4. ...function definitions (scope)

  5. We solve ... using the equation (problem)

2) guess the riddle (5 points)

I bring pain with me

There is a big distortion in the face.

And "f" to "p" replace if,

Then I will turn into a sign of addition. (flux - plus)

3) Mathematical charade (5 points)
Habitual word of a shaggy hen

Put it first.

In the second place, look, - a note,

Important for any orchestra.

On the third one single letter,

Fifteenth in the alphabet.

One of the hairs on the kitten's face

In fourth place. Read. (cosine)

4) Write mathematical terms starting with the letter "d" (for each word - 1 point)
Teacher. While the captains are completing tasks, the teams are also busy with work.

W assignments for teams (in envelopes):

    1. Solve the crossword

  1. Dividing the numerator and denominator by the same number (reduction)

  2. Quotient of two numbers (ratio)

  3. A fraction whose numerator and denominator are relatively prime numbers (irreducible)

  4. GCD (24.36) = ? (twelve)

  5. Hundredth of a number (percentage)


  1. The name of a fraction whose numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator (incorrect).

  2. To find a common denominator, you need to find GCD or LCM? (NOC)

  3. The action by which a fraction of a number is found (multiplication) To reduce a fraction, do you need to find GCD or LCM? (GCD).

2 leader. At this time, fans are invited to answer questions. 1. Name the names:

A) Three little pigs from the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" (Naf-Naf, Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf).

B) Three fat men from the fairy tale by Y. Olesha "Three fat men" (no names).

IN) three musketeers from the novel by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers" (Athos, Porthos, Aramis)

D) three epic heroes in the painting by the artist Vasnetsov "Three heroes" (Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets).

D) Three bears from Leo Tolstoy's fairy tale "Three Bears" (Anastasia Petrovna, Mikhail Potapych, Mishutka)

2. From the word "geometry" make up as many words as possible. (meter, rhythm, metro, shooting range, tiger, kettlebell, sea)
3. Guess the melody and say a phrase that contains a mathematical term.

- "They teach at school" (to 4 + 2)

- “Together it’s fun to walk across the open spaces” (one-board, two - board)

- "Crocodile Gena" (and will give 500 popsicles)

- “We lived with a grandmother” (2 funny geese)
Team captains and teams submit completed assignments. The jury checks the correctness of the answers and evaluates the teams.
- Competition "Who is more?"
2 leader. It's a tough question,

But believe one thing:

Everything is complicated and simple

Count your mind!

Teams choose envelopes with the task. The teacher reads the questions from the chosen envelope. For each correct answer - 1 point. (blitz tournament)
Questions for one team:

    1. In which triangle do all altitudes intersect at a vertex? (rectangular)

    2. number of tens in a thousand (100)

    3. mathematical proposition that does not require proof (axiom)

    4. the sum of the lengths of the sides of a polygon (perimeter)

    5. What number has as many digits as there are letters in its spelling? (one hundred)

    6. fraction less than one (correct)

    7. GCD mutually prime numbers (1)

    8. Sum of opposite numbers (0)

    9. What angle will the minute hand describe in 5 minutes (30)

    10. What is the name of the equality, true for any valid values ​​of the variable (identity)

    11. Zero modulus (0)

    12. How many corners will the rhombus have if one is cut off (5)

    13. A ray dividing an angle in half (bisector)

    14. How many sides does a hexagonal pencil have (8)

    15. Non-intersecting lines in the plane (parallel)

    16. Smallest seven digit number (1000000)

    17. How many vertices does a cube have (8)

    18. The log was cut into 8 pieces. How many cuts were made (7)

    19. Triangle with sides 3,4,5 (Egyptian)

    20. Angle at which a soldier turns on command "circle" (180)

Questions for the other team:

  1. how many kg in half a ton (500)

  2. shortest distance from a point to a line (perpendicular)

  3. a segment connecting 2 points of a circle and passing through its center (diameter)

  4. The value of the variable when solving the equation (root)

  5. Dividing the numerator and denominator by the same non-zero number (reduction)

  6. Two numbers whose product is equal to 1 (reciprocals)

  7. Triangle with right angle (rectangular)

  8. Smallest prime number (2)

  9. Number to be divided by (divisor)

  10. The result of adding numbers (sum)

  11. IN common fraction the number written above the bar (numerator)

  12. The three were playing chess. A total of three games were played. How many games did each play? (2)

  13. Part of a straight line bounded by two points (segment)

  14. What number is translated from Latin means "nothing" (0)

  15. Tool for measuring angles on a plane (protractor)

  16. Two numbers that differ from each other only in signs (opposite)

  17. Equality of two ratios (proportion)

  18. Product of three dimensions of a cuboid (volume)

  19. Modulus of number 5 (5)

  20. thousandth of a kilogram (gram)

Teacher. While the jury is counting the points, we have several interesting messages with hints.

2 leader. Who doesn't notice

He doesn't study anything.

Who does not study anything -

He is always whining and bored.

For all.

Question. This theorem is studied in high school and is called the "bride theorem". Formulate it.


  1. The theorem is proved in the course of geometry and is considered one of the most important theorems of the course.

  2. The theorem is used at every step in the study of geometric questions.

  3. The scientist who formulated this theorem was born on the island of Samos. In his youth, he traveled around Egypt, lived in Babylon, where he had the opportunity for 12 years to study astronomy and astrology from the Chaldean priests.

  4. This scientist, in addition to this theorem, is credited with a number of remarkable discoveries, including the theorem on the sum of the interior angles of a triangle.

  5. Particular cases of this theorem were known to some other nations even before its discovery.

  6. In construction practice, the Egyptians used the so-called "Egyptian triangle" - a triangle with sides 3, 4, 5. (The Egyptians knew that the indicated triangle is rectangular and the ratio 3 2 + 4 2 \u003d 5 2 is fulfilled for it, i.e. just what the Pythagorean theorem states).

- Homework (music competition)
Teacher. And we have the last competition "Homework" (musical). Each team needs to sing a song and show a skit.
First part of homework.

1 leader.

The fairy tale is not simple, but mathematical

You will now be shown without embellishment.

Maybe there will be something fantastic.

Well, we begin to listen to their story.

One team shows a dramatization of the fairy tale "The Legend of Chess".
The characters are the leader, shah, vizier, sage, accountant.
There is twilight on the stage, the shah lies on the carpet, on the pillows. He's bored. The Shah's guard fans him with fans. From behind the curtain, the voice of the presenter is heard.

Leading. A wise man invented the game we now call "chess". He explained the rules of the game to the shah, and he liked the game very much. Shah decided to generously reward the sage.

Shah. (screams loudly). Vizier! Vizier!

Vizier (runs in and falls to his knees). I hear and obey, my lord.

Shah. Reward the Sage, give him whatever he wants. I am rich enough to be generous.

Vizier (shouting) Call the Wise Man! (Sage appears, looking like an astrologer) What do you want, Sage, for your game?

Sage. Oh Great Shah! I will not ask for gold and jewels. I want one grain to be placed on the first square of the chessboard, two grains on the second, four grains on the third, and so on up to 64 squares, constantly doubling the number of grains of the previous square.

Shah (laughs). Do I look like a beggar? What, I can't give you what you deserve? Ask for something else.

Sage. Oh mighty lord! Don't be angry, but I don't need anything else.

Shah (displeasedly waving his hand). Vizier, give him what he asks.

Leading. Several days have passed. Shah played chess all day and thought about the Wise Man.

Shah. Vizier! Vizier!

Vizier (runs in and falls to his knees). I am here my lord!

Shah. Awarded the Sage?

Vizier. Oh no, Great Shah! All state accountants count grain.

Shah. How could you disobey? Call the accountant here! (Accountant crawls on his knees, bowing incessantly) Why hasn't the sage been rewarded yet?

Accountant. Oh, great and bright sovereign! In your entire state there are not so many grains, on the whole Earth there does not grow such a quantity of grain that the Sage wants to receive.

Shah. How much should he give?

Accountant. Here is the number: 18446744073709551615. If 10 grains weigh one gram, then you must give him 184 billion 467 million 440 thousand 737 tons 95 kilograms and 516 grams of wheat, my lord! If on the whole Earth 2 billion tons are grown per year, then in order to give it all the grain, it needs to be grown for 92 years. But the Earth has never grown 2 billion tons of wheat, oh lord!

Shah. A wise man is always a wise man!

Leading. The Hindu king Sheram (Indian prince Siren) learned to play chess and admired the wit and variety of positions in this game.

18 quintillions 446 quadrillions 744 trillion 073 billion 709 million 551 thousand 615. if the king could sow wheat on the entire surface of the Earth, counting the seas, and oceans, and mountains, and the desert, and the Arctic and Antarctic, and get a satisfactory harvest, then, perhaps in 5 years he could pay off.

Another team shows a staging of the fairy tale "The Man and the Merchant".
The characters are the host, the merchant, the wife, the man.
There is a table on the stage, a samovar, a bench on the table, a merchant's wife and her daughter are sitting at the window, a merchant enters.
Merchant. Listen, wife, I met a stupid man in the market and made a good deal with him.

Wife. What?

Merchant. Every day he will bring me 100,000 rubles, and on the first day I will give him a penny. Do you hear, a penny for 100,000 rubles! In the second - 4 kopecks and so on whole month will wear every day for 100,000 rubles.

Wife. How does this fool get so much money?

Merchant. It's none of our business. One thing I regret is that I signed a contract for only one month. I'm afraid that this eccentric will realize that he is being deceived, and will not bring his money.

There is a knock. The wife looks out the window.

Wife. There someone came.

Merchant (looks out the window) It's him!

A man enters.

Man. Get your money, merchant, and give me a kopeck!

Taking his penny, he leaves.

Merchant. How I was afraid that he would not come. What if he doesn't come tomorrow? Or will he come and take his money?

Wife. Calm down! If he didn’t understand today that he was being deceived, I don’t think he will understand it tomorrow. They say: "If you're a fool, then for a long time."

Merchant. So it is, but it's still scary.

Leading. Every day a man brought 100,000 rubles and took his pennies. At first, the merchant was happy and did not think about how much he was giving to the peasant. On the 24th day he gave 83,000, and on the 25th - 166,000, and on the 27th day - 671,000 rubles.

Merchant. Woe to me, woe! The man was not so stupid. After all, he gave me only 3 million, and received 10 million rubles from me! What a fool I am! Was it possible to make deals in the market!

Leading. See how unexpected results can be when you don't know math. Probably, neither the shah nor the merchant would have found themselves in a hopeless situation if they knew at least a little bit of mathematics.

The second part of the homework.

1 leader.

And stands in a wonderful land

New city with a palace

And in the golden-domed palace

Signs live there together,

The signs guard the towers,

They sing a song together.
The first team performs to the motive of the song "My Bunny".
You are my plus, I am your minus,

Cosine you, - I am your sine,

You are an axiom, I am a theorem,

You are the consequence, and I am the lemma.

Ma-te-ma-ti-ka my ...

Chorus: I don't sleep well at night

I love math so much

I have loved math for a long, long time.

I don't sleep during the day,

I don't sleep at night

I'm learning, learning, learning, learning, learning.

Knowledge is you, I am a cheat sheet,

If you are zero, then I am a stick.

You are the ordinate, then I am the abscissa,

You are a corner, I am a bisector.

Ma-te-ma-ti-ka my ...

Private you, I am a divider,

You are the denominator, I am the numerator.

You are my circle, I am your sector,

You are my module, I am your vector.

Ma-te-ma-ti-ka my ...

The sum is mine, and I am the difference,

Dolny you, and I - multiplicity,

You are the hypotenuse, I am your leg,

Enough terms for you and me.

Ma-te-ma-ti-ka my ...

2 leader.

Beyond the high mountains

Beyond the blue seas

In the thirtieth state

A beautiful country lives


The second team performs a song to the tune of the song "Communal Apartment".
Oh, my native country

Land of mysteries and wonders!

Where else is happiness

Where else is this progress?

Under one huge roof

More spacious and lighter.

We don't need a separate house,

Together will be more fun.

It's mathematicians, mathematicians flat,

This is mathematicians, mathematicians country.

Rustling sheets in the morning,

The people are gathering

Pythagoras washes his pants

Euler takes the integral,

Gauss extracts the roots,

Newton makes a binomial.

Someone sets axes

Archimedes sits with a number.

By the evening they all can not sleep,

Brig looks at logarithms,

Bradys is fiddling with the table,

Euclid measures the world.

Bezu himself is there without a trace

Divides a complex polynomial.

We don't need a separate house,

Together will be more fun.

1 leader.

And from now on every day

We will definitely be together

glorify math

And honor her.
Both teams sing the anthem for mathematics (to the motive of the song "What do they teach at school?")

Hymn to Mathematics

Solve equations, calculate radicals -

Algebra has an interesting problem!

Extract integrals,

Fraction divide and multiply

Try hard and good luck will come to you! (3 lines 2 times)

Geometry is needed, but it's so complicated!

Now the figure, then the body - you can’t figure it out.

Axioms are needed

Theorems are so important

Learn them - and you will achieve results!
All sciences are good

For the development of the soul.

You all know them yourself, of course,

For the development of the mind, mathematics is needed,

It was, it will be, it is forever.
- Summing up the results of games, KVN competitions.

  1. Final word from the teacher.

Mathematics is a tool with which a person learns and conquers himself the world. To make a discovery in mathematics, one must love it as each of the great mathematicians loved it, as dozens and hundreds of other people loved and love it. Do at least a small part of what each of them did, and the world will forever remain grateful to you. Love math!

Rewarding teams for victory and participation.

leading. At this time, we offer fans to answer questions) To reduce the fraction, do you need to find GCD or NOC?

Math fight

Tournament of nerds

Business card commands

  • Greetings
  • Motto

I I round


  • What branch of mathematics deals with operations with numbers?
  • What is variable equality called?
  • What is the graph of a quadratic function?
  • The result of what action is called the sum?
  • What is a linear function?
  • What is the smallest prime number?
  • What is the name of a fraction whose numerator is less than the denominator?

  • What is the smallest natural number?
  • What is the name of a function of the form y = ax² + bx + c?
  • What is the sum of the numbers from -200 to 200?
  • What three identical numbers must be added together to get 18?
  • What are numbers called when multiplied?
  • What is the arithmetic Square root out of 169.
  • Name the number that "separates" positive and negative numbers.
  • How many roots does quadratic equation if the discriminant is greater than zero?
  • Which is more or 2 ?

I I I tour

"Who is faster?"

  • x 2 − 2x − 3 = 0
  • -=0
  • sin(-x) = sin(-)
  • 1,2(3 b +5)=2(2,4 b – 3,6)

I V round

"Audience Contest"

  • What can't mathematicians, drummers and hunters do without?
  • What part of an hour is 15 minutes?
  • What is the result of addition called?
  • How many months in a year have 28 days?
  • Which is lighter: one kilogram of cotton wool or one kilogram of iron?
  • A goose weighs 1 kg, how much will it weigh standing on two legs?

I V round

"Audience Contest"

  • How many times do you have to measure to cut once?
  • How many nuts are in an empty glass?
  • There are 6 daughters in the family. Each has a brother. How many children are in the family?
  • What are lines that never intersect called?
  • What sign should be put between the numbers 2 and 3 to get a number greater than two, but less than three?
  • What is the name of a ray that bisects an angle?

I V round

"Audience Contest"

  • What is the inverse operation of division called?
  • How many people are not waiting for one?
  • Name three days in a row, without using the names of the days of the week and numbers.
  • 90 apples grew on a birch. blew strong wind, and 10 apples fell. How much is left?
  • Which wheel does not spin when turning right?
  • What is the correct way to say "9 plus 7 equals 15" or "9 plus 7 equals 15"?
  • The wheel has 10 spokes. How many spaces between the spokes?

V round

"Solve the puzzle"




Drawings Savchenko E.M.



CA b

VI round


Find names

three mathematicians



Here the game is over It's time to know the result. Who worked the best Did you excel in the tournament?

Learn to think, explain Learn to think, reason. After all, in mathematics, friends, It's impossible without logic.

"Joke Tasks"

The table top has 4 corners. One was cut off. How many corners does the table have?

5 corners

"Joke Tasks"

What more work all digits or their sum?


"Joke Tasks"

Add 5 to 7. How to write correctly: “ eleven " or " eleven »?


Thank our great members per game

Thanks EVERYONE!!!

Math Tournament

“The road will be mastered by the one who walks, and the thinker of mathematics”

7-8 grades

Goals: inculcation of interest in mathematics, development of creative abilities, rallying children's team, fostering a culture of communication.

Motto : "The road will be mastered by the walking one, and mathematics by the thinking one"


1. Greeting teams.

2. Warm up.

3. Homework.

4. Competition of captains.

5. "Guess"

6. Summing up


Why solemnly around?

Do you hear how quickly the speech fell silent?

It's about the queen of all sciences

Let's talk to you today.

It is no coincidence that she is so honored,

It is given to her to give advice,

How to make a good calculation

To build a building, a rocket.

There is a rumor about mathematics

That she puts her mind in order,

Because good words

People often talk about her.

So we start our tournament.

Jury presentation.

Determination of the order of performance of teams. (2 cards: "1" and "2")

  1. Team greeting: (5 points)

So that we do not disturb the order in the tournament,

We are glad to hear your greetings.

Teams greet each other:

  • Team name
  • Motto
  • Emblem
  • Newspaper

2. Warm up

So that everything in the tournament goes without a hitch, We will start it ...

Well, from the warm-up, of course!

Team captains take turns pulling out questions, leading them to read them. The thinking time is 30 seconds, if the team answered incorrectly, then the 2nd team can earn an extra point by giving the correct answer.For a correct answer - 1 point.

Questions for the teams:

1. List 5 days of the week in a row without mentioning the numbers and names of the days.

2. What 3 numbers, when multiplied and added, give the same result?

3. Two fathers and two sons ate 3 eggs. How much did each one eat?

4. Who is: the son of my father, but not my brother?

5. There are 10 fingers on the hands. How many fingers are on 10 hands?

6. How many cuts must be made to cut a log into 3 parts?

7. How to divide 188 into two equal parts so that each of them turns out to be one hundred?

8. What sign should be placed between two twos to get a number greater than two, but less than three?

9. 4 birches grew. Each birch has 4 large branches. Each large one has 4 small branches. Each small branch has 4 apples. How many apples grew on branches?

10. Can it rain 2 days in a row?

11. What is the name of the second coordinate of the point?

12. A triangle has 3 corners, if one is cut off, how many will remain?

13. What is the largest negative number?

14. The area of ​​the triangle is 49 m 2 . What is its perimeter?

The jury announces the scores

3. Homework (5 points)

Scene "Math Lesson 2070"

The jury announces the points scored and the subtotal

4. Captains competition: (correct answer 1 point)

  • Each captain has 4 puzzles. Time - 5 min.
  • Game with the audience "Proverbs"

The jury announces the scores

5. "Guess"

From each team, 2 people take out a card with a term that must be shown to their own team with gestures, actions, but without words. For the guessed termon the 1st attempt - 2 points, on the second - 1 point.If the 1st team does not guess correctly, then the 2nd team can get 1 point for the guessed term.

  • Compass
  • Fraction
  • Square
  • Corner
  • Coordinate plane
  • Time
  • Speed

Before the jury announces the results of our today's tournament, we would like to wish you:

Learn to face adversity without crying

A bitter moment is not a sight for everyone

Know! the soul grows with failures

And weakens if success is soon.

Wisdom is gained in a difficult dispute

destined the path is not easy is yours

Sinusoid of joy and sorrow,

And not upward soaring curve.

6. Summing up

The jury announces the scores and awards the winners.

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