The city in which I do not have content. Review of the anime Boku dake ga Inai Machi ("Erased", "The City Where I Am Not", "The City Where Only I Was Missing", "The Town Where Only I am Missing")


Almost. Almost a masterpiece. There was not enough of the smallest thing - to finish with dignity. But this is not the fault of the studio - the ending repeats the manga, all claims are against the author. The first two-thirds were drawn to a solid ten, then it became weaker, but still good. The plot is a rather peculiar mixture of The Butterfly Effect, Donnie Darko, Steins;Gate and Colorful. This is where the perception of the series will come from: either you like such stories, or you will be bored and point your finger at jambs - as elsewhere, there are enough of them here.

As for me, the work only benefited from the film adaptation: good drawing, animation and soundtrack perfectly create the right atmosphere. Viscous, heavy atmosphere of trouble; the inevitable approaching danger, invisible, but felt somewhere under the skin even in moments of calm. The director did a great job, he definitely succeeds in suspense. As a thriller/drama, the series deserves all the praise. The detective component, though simple, but in combination with a dramatic and tense mood works perfectly.

Why is the theme of going back in time in stories so well received by the viewer? Is it only from the eternal human desire to replay some events, to correct mistakes? Don't think. This is a fight. The struggle with circumstances, with predestination, with fate itself. When the lives of loved ones are at stake, this struggle is felt especially acutely. It is difficult not to empathize with the hero, desperately trying to break the fatal chain of events. Especially when the success achieved turns into a mirage, a short delay before an inevitable fate. And all this the authors managed to convey to the viewer.

What else I liked: again I will note excellent musical accompaniment; very successful seiyuu work; interestingly selected angles; wonderful opening and ending that look like an integral part of overall picture. I really liked Kayo as a character. Pretty funny double lines of the protagonist. Suddenly a clever antagonist who managed to calculate y, being at a deliberately disadvantageous position.

A little disappointed predictability of the detective part and logical inconsistencies. The intrigue about the identity of the killer is also quite banal, but here is the case when it is much more interesting not “who”, but “how”.

Towards the end, the story gets a bit sloppy. One gets the impression that the authors did not know how best to furnish the ending. It didn't turn out very convincing. If you draw parallels, in the same Steins;Gate Okarin suffered his happy ending. And here it happened, well, not just for free, but obviously stretched. Although it seems so more due to the fact that the story itself set quite high bar and the ending didn't make it.

Extremely high quality, piece work. These don't come out every day. The whole first half I could not tear myself away, so I will not be greedy - 10/10. Maybe it's overkill, but I really liked it.

"I'm afraid. I'm afraid to deal with my own thoughts" , - this is how the most popular and controversial anime of the winter season of 2016 meets us. Just finished watching it, and just like main character I can't sort out my thoughts. On the one hand, it is a masterpiece, moreover, it is a representative of a rare Lately psychological genre. On the other hand, it has several conspicuous jambs, because of which I could not fully enjoy watching. For the advantages of anime, biasedly highly praised, for shortcomings, biasedly strongly criticized. Here is such an ambiguous picture emerges around the anime Boku dake ga Inai Machi ("Erased", "The Town Where I'm Not", "The Town Where Only I Was Missing", "The Town Where Only I am Missing").

Brief information

"The city where I'm not" - anime aired as part of the block noitaminA, regularly presenting good things, such as:,, and others. The anime was broadcast in the winter of 2016, and consists of 12 episodes. It is based on manga, which ended just a month before the final episode of the anime aired. The anime was produced by the studio A-1 Pictures, to which you just want to take your hat off: these people simultaneously released three (!) top-level anime ( , Erased), which previously seemed impossible to me. However, they succeeded.

The twenty-nine-year-old mangaka lives a boring and gray life. At work, he does not stick, he lives alone, he has no friends. It would seem that this is enough to call Satoru an ordinary, boring loser. However, he has one ability that certainly cannot be called ordinary. "This phenomenon I call rebirth" , — this is how Satoru himself describes it. The fact is that he knows how to go back in time to a period of one to five minutes before what happened, and all the time appears where something happens. He finds himself in places like this, as if someone is leading him there to prevent misfortune. For example, noticing that the driver of the truck has lost consciousness, Satoru turns the steering wheel, thereby saving a child crossing the road.

But one day, a murder occurs, which Satoru is accused of committing. At the very moment when the police almost captured him, the ability to "rebirth" again made itself felt, but this time in an unusual way: he returned to eighteen years ago, and found himself in the body of an eleven-year-old schoolboy - his younger self. Now he must prevent a series of mysterious murders in order to protect his friends and change the future. Not everyone gets a second chance...


Let's start with the characters. This time I won't bring detailed list all the characters, because in this case you can’t do without spoilers, and there’s no point in it. I will just share my impressions and comments.

IN "The city where I'm not" there is a strange feature that I consider one of the most serious shortcomings: children in anime act like adults, and adults act like children. This primarily applies to the main character. Just imagine: you are twenty-nine years old, and you suddenly find yourself in the body of an eleven-year-old yourself. Your task is to prevent the murder and save your classmate. Kayo Hinazuki. Do you have a mother Sachiko Fujinuma, who will believe your every word, and there are friends ready to help, one of whom, moreover, has a rare insight. Who would you turn to for help? What would you do if you were the hero?

Here is Satoru, for example, for unknown reasons, decides to do all alone. Not only that, he also behaves like an eleven-year-old schoolboy, and not a twenty-nine-year-old man: he goes to school, tries to be friendly with everyone (which is amazing, because in the future he became an unsociable loner), even participates in a skating race, in general - enjoys life, instead of solving their main problems. What prevented him from establishing surveillance of the murder scene in order to immediately find out who the culprit was? What prevented him from telling his mother about his suspicions? Questions to which I have not been able to find an answer.

Now a few words about children behaving like adults. Think back to being eleven years old. Remembered? For example, I studied in the fifth grade, played football with friends on the street, and watched cartoons after school with joy. But in Erased there is an eleven year old boy named Kenya Kobayashi, reading Shakespeare, and possessing some kind of supernatural insight. “Satoru, you have changed. Who are you?" - these are the questions an eleven-year-old schoolboy can ask his school friend. Is this normal? Especially when you consider that Satoru tried to act the same as always.

Okay, let's put aside such phenomena, and return to strengths Boku dake ga Inai Machi. Best get away female characters: Hinazuki Kayo, Sachiko Fujinuma, and in particular - They are all different, but at the same time they have interesting and unusual characters that develop as the story progresses. It's a pity that Katagiri wasn't given much time, because she turned out to be the most likable and thoughtful character. “If you repeat something often, it will certainly come true!” — lovely dreamy girl phrase.


The plot of the anime is amazing. I got goosebumps when the hero was in the past. The realization of how high the potential of such a story makes us turn on series after series. Yes, the topic, in general, is not new: constant time travel for the sake of saving their loved ones has already been filmed more than once (the same one, for example). Not new, but it always arouses my interest. Especially if the trip has such an important purpose. Therefore, the first series Erased instantly drag you into their nets. It's a pity that in reality they are not as strong as we would like.

I do not want to brag, but already closer to the middle "City where I'm not" I figured out who the killer is. There are moments in the anime that give too obvious clues, while the evidence against the rest of the characters collapses a couple of times. logical reasoning. Personally, I expected a much more confusing and non-obvious detective part, especially given the atmosphere of mystery that is built up throughout the series. Nevertheless, even knowing who the killer was, I was interested in watching what was happening, up to the tenth series.

The last part Boku dake ga Inai Machi turns into an obscene farce, driven by a series of accidents, which is unacceptable in relation to a mystical, detective anime. The last two episodes are especially ridiculous. I do not know what is going on in the minds of murderers and maniacs, but what is happening in recent episodes looks like crap. Yes, someone can call this nonsense a brilliant psychological moves that reveal the ins and outs of criminals, but it will be nothing more than an attempt to find meaning where it simply does not exist.

For those who do not understand why the anime is called so in a strange way, I explain. There are two meanings behind the name. Firstly, this refers to Hinazuki - that's how she called her school essay, in which she said that as soon as she becomes an adult, she will go to a distant desert island, where she will live alone. And the city left by her will continue to lead its unhurried measured life. Hinazuki was brought to such a state that she began to think that those around her would be better off without her, and she would be better off without those around her. Second meaning is revealed closer to the ending, and is directly related to Satoru, but, alas, I will not explain it, since this is the worst spoiler I could make.


As usual, the art in the creations of A-1 Pictures is beautiful. Both music and art Boku dake ga Inai Machi are designed to create a certain atmosphere that competently conveys such human feelings like loneliness, fear and joy. Used pleasant color palette The backgrounds are drawn neatly and in detail. I also have no questions about character design (except, perhaps, strangely drawn female lips). I especially want to note the effect of a cropped screen when we are shown the events of the past - this gives the image some kind of pleasant charm and lamp-likeness.


Excellent music that perfectly conveys the anime atmosphere and enhances the effect of drawing. I'm actually starting to think that A-1 Pictures sold their soul to the devil, because in all three of their creations of the winter season 2016 musical arrangement is at the highest level. IN "The city where only I was lost" mostly used classical music, written with the help of piano, violins and other melodic instruments, which was entirely the right decision. Both the opening and ending are catchy and enjoyable.

Other disadvantages

Drama. Yes, sometimes dramatic moments shown in Erased, hit the target, and make the heart beat faster. But most of them look so strained and artificial that I can't call them otherwise than attempts to squeeze a tear out of the viewer. Most a prime example- A moment with Hinazuki's mother and grandmother. Or a moment last conversation between Satoru and Airi in the middle of the series. As they say - "I do not believe."

Explanation of certain points. In some cases, the writers overdid it with explanations and hints, and some moments were simply left uncovered. We are never explained the nature of the ability that Satoru possesses. Why he is able to move in time, who awarded him this ability, remained a mystery. What really happened in episode 11? Another riddle. You can live without answers to these questions, but the picture is incomplete.


Characters - 8.0. There are both interesting and predictable characters. The behavior of some of them is extremely illogical.

The plot is 8.0. A great plot, a good middle and a rather stupid ending, built on a series of accidents.

Music - 10.0. A-1 Pictures sold their soul to the devil, I tell you for sure.

Drawing - 9.0. Very nice, good atmosphere Erased panache.

Detective - 7.0. One could have expected a much more complex development of events, but with due care it is very easy to determine who the killer is.

Drama - 7.5. Dramatic moments look forced and insincere. However, there are also good scenes.


So, it's time to sum up. Even despite some jambs and illogicalities, "The City Where Only I Was Lost" still sits above 95% of other anime. It does not feel stamped, stereotyped, there is no attempt to please everyone in a row. This is the case when the sum is greater than the terms. I am giving such a high final score precisely for trying (quite successfully) to do something special. It is clear that the creators Erased treated the matter with all possible seriousness, and put their whole soul into the creation. Unfortunately, this did not save them from a number of small, but accumulating like a snowball of errors, because of which I can not call this anime a masterpiece. It's good, it's excellent, sometimes it's even excellent, but it's not perfect. And therefore, I do not see the point in excessive praise, and even more so in the huge amount of criticism that is subjected to Erased. It is definitely worth watching, because infrequently a psychological anime appears so high level however be prepared for a certain degree of disappointment.

"The city where I'm not in" - one title immediately caught my attention when I was just thinking about watching this anime.
I first watched this anime back in 2016 and was under strong impression. After the first viewing, I reviewed this title a week later and my "man's rain" was still pouring over the edge. In total, I reviewed this anime 4 times and each time this anime still impressed me a lot.
To be honest, in last time I reviewed this title about a year ago and during this time, as it happens with people, a lot has changed in my life and in the perception of that very life, therefore I was afraid to review the anime again.
I reviewed it.
Throughout the anime, I felt nostalgic and delighted with what is happening on the screen. Each scene evoked a storm of emotions and provided food for thought. Title raises some social topics, be it upbringing, friendship, or even the perception of life as such.
If we move on to the specifics of the merits, then we can safely note the design, musical accompaniment and plot.
I can substantiate each of the above points for half an hour, but I'm simply too lazy, and if anyone decides to look, he will immediately understand what I mean.
It should be noted that my opinion about the plot is extremely ambiguous. As I said earlier, it is good, but it has its drawbacks:
-Firstly, it seems to me that at times the authors overly often try to put pressure on the pity of the viewer. Yes, the anime is touching and with a message, but at times they want to shove too much grief where it is already full and there is too much a desire to squeeze out at least some tear from the viewer;
-Secondly, this time I noticed that the plot is developing too rapidly. I can’t say that it looks crumpled, but it seems that the persons guided by the adaptation were beaten with a whip so that they fit into the framework of the 12th serial;
-thirdly, the author of this anime does not know how to show children as they are (those who followed other works of the author should have noticed such a problem). Speaking of the clumsy portrayal of children, I mean that they are too smart (of course, I individuals). For a second, remember yourself in primary school and compare. Fill fucking difference.
In principle, these were the main problems of this anime. For me personally, they are insignificant, but if you think rationally and analyze, then the anime is not as amazing as it could be.
In general, everyone who has not watched - look and feel, because this anime must be experienced for yourself in order to better understand the characters and the message.
P.S. Everyone sees their individual interpretation, even if there is none.

This is the first case in my memory when the cool anime I watched during its rental on TV. Usually I waited until the anime came out completely and watched it in one gulp. But this time I decided to watch the first episode of the ongoing, and it seemed to mesmerize me to watch it. Waiting for the exit new series was incredibly long, and watching the new series is just a holiday. But in order not to go into emotions, I'll just sign all the pros and cons this work.

Panache. Extreme detail of the environment and characters. Moderately juicy colors, amazing work with light and shadow. Different interesting tricks like a cinematic camera. "The City I'm Not In" doesn't create an anime setting, it creates the whole world with truly living characters, all thanks to amazing art. One of the best in recent times, in such cases they say "made with love."

Sound and music. The low-frequency sound of time rewinding gives goosebumps, and the songs from the opening and ending songs make you want to listen to every episode. And in general, all music fits perfectly into a particular situation. Great job.

Main characters. We will consider the main characters of those who are given more attention. Satoru, of course, it turned out very alive. A wonderfully crafted character who has a very interesting ability rewind time. Throughout the anime, you are very worried about his investigation. All his motives are rather banal, but you do this indulgence for their nobility. Most a common person who became a real superhero. Satoru's mother. Just a monster (as Satoru himself says), and there are reasons for that, which reveal Satoru's mother as very interesting character. Airi. A sweet girl who has great values. Cayo. Almost a broken little girl, due to circumstances, but able to overcome any difficulties. Each of the main characters has its own history, its own inner world and external charm. So it's impossible not to fall in love with them.

Secondary heroes. They were not revealed very well, perhaps due to the small number of episodes and the maximum concentration on the main characters. Therefore, they basically play the role of a lifesaver, do not have their own history, but even with their small role they manage to arouse sympathy, or vice versa.

Plot. I chose this anime simply because interesting name without reading any information about it. The very beginning struck me to the core, the spectacular life-saving thanks to the rewinding of time. About a young man with such abilities, I was ready to watch with great pleasure. But in the very first episode, Satoru is transferred to 18 years ago, which gives me a slap in the face in the form of "Now you will watch anime about shkolota." But further development script destroyed all my bad prejudices. It turned out to be a very unusual detective story, because the 28-year-old hero was in the body of a child and could only rely on his mind and cunning. Also not without interesting plot twists which repeatedly increased interest in what was happening.

Director's find. The voice-over that voices Satoru's thoughts creates a great sense of presence. The stream of consciousness of the hero, sounding in your ears, involuntarily makes you delve into what is happening, analyze, and come to conclusions. It turns out a kind of interactive, investigations are conducted not only by Satoru, but also by you along with him. Brilliant!

Eventually, "The city where I'm not" as whole work almost no cons. This is very unusual story about the beautiful and the terrible. There is an adult thriller with murders, and children's carefree friendship, and real love. A must-see for all fans of the genre, this anime will not leave you indifferent.

The life of a mangaka is not easy. Hard and painstaking work is worthily rewarded in rare cases. The author's works, in which the soul and moralizing message were invested, do not always reach the hearts of readers. One day to understand that you are an empty and boring person, not capable of more - the biggest fear in the life of the author.

Satoru Fujinuma is a not-so-successful 28-year-old manga artist who worked part-time in a delivery service. It also happens that he is transported a few minutes into the past so that he can prevent any tragedy. For example, the death of a child under the wheels of a car. If Satoru fails, he will be transported to the past again until he finishes his job. Satoru cannot control this ability of his own, and who needs to be saved and from what has to be found out empirically. Therefore, he tries to avoid places where something might happen that activates his abilities.
One day, with the help of his abilities, Satoru prevents the kidnapping of a child. This leads to Satoru's mother realizing who was behind similar kidnappings that took place eighteen years ago. Soon after, she is killed. Now the mangaka has to find the killer and perhaps change history so that the kidnappings of eighteen years ago do not happen.

City where I am not / Erased / The Town Where Only I am Missing / Boku dake ga Inai Machi watch all series online or download for free

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