Grebenshchikov told why he refused to speak in support of Pussy Riot. Choi - talent or luck? Future rock musician refused to go to school


The reason for the demarche was participation in the festival of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The media reports that the exhibitions military equipment the festival will not be held, but the air show, which has been held during the "Invasion" since 2009, will take place. In addition, the military is going to carry out some more militaristic actions.

The Elysium group was the first to announce the refusal.

Friends, this is not good news.

We are forced to inform you that the previously announced performance of the Elysium group at the Invasion will not take place.

The main condition for our participation was the absence of propaganda of militarism on the territory of the festival - a festival "without cannon tanks, without recruiting stations and other expositions of the Ministry of Defense."

In early June, the organizers confirmed this absence to us, and we confirmed our participation ..

Today, along with an apology from the organizers, other information came - the Ministry of Defense is still in business, with a zone of equipment and a selection point for the army ...

In this situation, refusal to participate is the only possible variant for the Elysium group. Pacifism and anti-militarism are not empty words for us.

We apologize to all our fans who made plans for the Invasion because of our participation. See you at other festivals and solo concerts!”

Your Elysium. Rock! Peace! Love!

“Friends, we inform you that we will not be at the Invasion.

Today we received information from the organizers - the cooperation between the festival and the Ministry of Defense will continue, although 2 months ago, when we agreed to participate, the information was the opposite. No propaganda of militarism - this was our main condition for participation in the Invasion festival.

Well, in this situation, we have no choice but to refuse to perform. We want to apologize to the people who have planned a trip to this festival because of our name on the poster ... "

Similar letters were written by punks from the Yorsh group, the Ukrainian vulgar molly and the Distemper team, who explained their position as follows:

As a sign of solidarity with punk bands and according to our own convictions, we decided to refuse to participate in the Invasion 2018 festival. For this reason, we will write a few words on the topic that we wanted to bring up from the stage.

To fight against our own apathy, we are helped by music and, of course, a party, completely built on the principles of Brutal positive. In this subculture there is no place for hatred and prejudice, there is no division along national and gender lines. For many years, step by step, we have formed our positive worldview, a worthy experience that helps people not to become part of the "system" - the social unconscious that destroys the individual. We were influenced by various events, but today we want to remember only one aspect.

Once on the streets of our cities there was a complete hegemony of the ultra-right, they attacked concerts, beat people. You could walk around Moscow and see crowds of ultra-right fans.

The KBT group firmly linked racism and near-football, began to express respect for the Nazis and exploit the sudden hype. The ban on the swastika and Nazi salute forced the band to keep their racism secret by pushing the trendy theme of becoming a regular band for ordinary people) Such a dirty game and we admit that the ignorance of the representatives of the festival allowed KVT to get to Invasion-2018. But it turned out that Our Radio and Invasion gives the green light to the Nazis! Maybe the new slogan of the festival will be: "Here they love whites and hate khachis!" (phrase from the KVT song) ... It would even be fun, but the invisible street war took real lives guys who died in peacetime for their beliefs!

The memory of them cannot be deleted, like photos and information about KBT on the Internet, we will always remember them!

We decided not to immediately refuse to participate in the festival in order to reveal this topic from the stage, but the return of militarism propaganda to the rock festival was the last straw.

It is also noted that the group "Cockroaches!", Which does not perform at this year's rock festival, published a post called "Cockroaches!" jumped off the Invasion, when it was not yet mainstream "., recalling also the performance on main stage"Invasion-2015" songs "Solar circle".

Meanwhile, the Invasion festival has been held for several years under the auspices of the Ministry of Defense, but only legendary band“Time Machine” with Andrei Makarevich has refused to participate in it since 2015 for this reason.

But would the star of Viktor Tsoi light up so brightly if it were not for the amazing luck that accompanied him all his life?

Didn't eat whites

Victor was born in 1962 in Leningrad in an intelligent family of an engineer and a teacher. They gave the child maximum freedom, allowed him to independently decide what he wants from life.

Judge for yourself: Vitya studied poorly, but he never received a hat from his father. Was not an angel. Childhood friend Maxim Pashkov recalls: “... when the adults went to work, we skipped school and were left alone. Went for beer, strummed the guitar, made fun. Once the parents left for the south, left Tsoi 90 rubles at the rate of three per day. And Tsoi had a dream, like everyone else, - a twelve-string guitar. He immediately bought it. It cost 87 rubles. And for the change, because he was hungry, he bought sixteen kopeck whites from the Victory Park. And screwed them on an empty stomach. I remembered this for a long time. He spoke, lay green, alone in the apartment, vomited, died. There was no way to get to the toilet. Since then, I have not eaten belyashi.

With a sin in half, Tsoi graduated from the eight-year school and entered art school named after Serov. It should be noted that Victor drew great. Like many other things, painting was easy young man. But a year later he was expelled for poor performance. Scandal? No! Parents, instead of giving their son a fool for the first number, allow him to do ... self-education! Tsoi calmly lounges, reads books, strums the guitar, drinks beer with friends. How many of these "bloomers", dreaming of themselves as superstars, disappeared, drank themselves into alcohol, became drug addicts? Hundreds of thousands. But not Viktor Tsoi. Fate itself favors him, directs him to the only right direction. One of the friends invites the guy to write a song.

I went out into the corridor, with an effort, I sprinkled something there, I even remember there was a phrase about metal structures there, - recalls friend Andrei Panov. - We looked - really, well written.

Tsoi succeeded in writing poetry immediately, without the unbearable pangs of creativity. Talent, luck? Or both together?

Imitating Boyarsky

The image of the "last romantic", a mysterious hero in dark clothes also came to Tsoi easily and immediately. Since childhood, he loved black, was modest and mysterious. And this image immediately hit the bull's-eye! Even the famous Beatles were looking for a unique image, exclusive sound for several years, they suffered and made mistakes. Victor found his style on a whim, or it was another gift of fate. This image became calling card of our hero, his behavior on and off the stage fascinated all admirers. He just said:

Black is my color, it's my style.

And he clearly followed it, although the vast majority of informal youth then chose the image of punk: pins, chains, specific hairstyles. By the way, few people know that Choi "licked" this great style from Mikhail Boyarsky. He was his great admirer and perfectly copied the voice of the main d'Artagnan of the country.


Another fact from the biography that fans do not like to remember is being in a psychiatric hospital. The goal is to get away from the army. In the early 80s, it was not yet customary to do this, and even a month and a half in a psychiatric hospital could easily be made out of Tsoi " indoor plant". However - lucky again, Victor leaves the hospital in his right mind. Moreover, there he found several themes for his songs.

And the last thing mysterious event in the life of the last romantic - his creative union with producer Yuri Aizenshpis. What could I find humble guy in yesterday's prison? After all, Aizenshpis had just “leaned back” after 18 years in the zone. Nevertheless, these two instantly imbued with warm feelings for each other. Tsoi for Aizenshpis is an excellent source of money. Aizenshpis for Tsoi is a reliable "roof" in those difficult times.

Soon begins a grandiose "chess" in the cities and villages. Kinchev recalls:

In general, Choi loved pathos. He felt like a star and tried to live up to it. I only drove a car with tinted windows. He proudly told me: “We have now charged eighty concerts!” - “Well,” I say, “do you want to earn all the money?” - "And what? While you can earn - you have to earn!

And Viktor Robertovich earned as best he could. In 1990, the Kino group traveled around the country on a joint tour with " Tender May"! Isn't it true that for many young fans of Tsoi this may come as a shock? The musician publicly admitted that his fans and fans of "Tender May" are in many ways similar.

... Now it is difficult to imagine what would have happened if Tsoi had remained alive. But for sure: death made him great. In the inexplicable magic of the stars, he caught up with John Lennon, Vladimir Vysotsky, Elvis Presley. One of the philosophers said: "To die on time is a great success." She did not betray our hero here either.

"Between the homeless and Pussy Riot there is one very significant difference: the homeless, against their will, got into difficult situation. With the girls, everything is simple: they had to be given a suspended sentence so that they could live in peace, not touch anyone and not meddle in their own business anymore. Because the girls have become a pawn in some very unpleasant game. And the people who get involved in the discussion of this scandal also become pawns in the same game. Misha Borzykin [ leader of the rock band TV - ed.] very misquoted me. For some reason, he decided to replace one of my words with another. I don't play any games with the state. And I'm not going to play these games either," Boris Grebenshchikov explained.

Recall that Boris Grebenshchikov is invited to perform at a concert in support of Pussy Riot, scheduled in St. Petersburg on September 9th.

Later rock band leader TV Mikhail Borzykin said that many musicians refuse to perform at a concert in support of Pussy Riot because they are afraid of losing their privileges.

So, for example, in his opinion, Ilya Lagutenko, Garik Sukachev and the group of Voply Vidoplyasov, who do not want to lose invitations to corporate parties, were among those “lured by London trips with the Olympic Committee”. Although some musicians refuse for completely different reasons.

"Boris Grebenshchikov wrote to me in response to an invitation to perform at a concert that political games does not play," Borzykin explained.

At the same time, according to the director of the club where the concert is planned to be held, Igor Tonkikh, three days before the event in support of Pussy Riot, Grebenshchikov will perform on their stage at another charity event held by Nochlezhka, a homeless relief organization.

Recall that the Khamovnichesky Court of Moscow of all three participants scandalous group to two years in prison for February hooliganism in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Two more participants remained at large, hiding from criminal prosecution.

Image copyright Ruman Alexander/TASS Image caption Paratroopers have been putting on a show at the "Invasion" for six years

Three Russian rock bands announced that they were refusing to participate in the largest Russian rock festival "Invasion" because of his cooperation with the Ministry of Defense. The organizers, according to them, promised to remove tanks and recruiting stations from the festival field this year, but on July 23 it became known that the agreement with Russian army still in effect.

After posting itth articleother musicians also announced the cancellation of performances at the "Invasion": on the evening of July 24, such a decision was made by the "Vulgar Molly" groupAnd Distemper,and on July 25, the singer Monetochka announced the cancellation of her set.

"Invasion" has been cooperating with the Ministry of Defense since 2013: security forces bring military weapons to the festival field, allowing spectators to climb on them, and nearby, in mobile recruiting stations, anyone can sign up for contract service.

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Neighborhood with the military traditionally causes displeasure of some musicians.

“We have the Ministry of Defense connected with rock music, congratulations! Take care of yourself, do not allow yourself to sell all sorts of things,” said Boris Grebenshchikov, leader of the Aquarium group, from the stage of Invasion in 2014.

"If those who brought the tanks to this field wanted peace, they would have hung bloody bandages next to them, guts, brains, mothers' tears, they would have dug up mass graves. So that we can more accurately understand what weapons do," Dmitry Spirin, the leader of the Cockroaches group, also said from the stage of the festival a year later.

The BBC Russian service spoke to several musicians whose performance was expected at this year's "Invasion" but will not take place. And also with those who are ready to perform at the festival.

Dmitry Kuznetsov, leader of the group "Elysium"

Group"Elysium"did not perform at the "Invasion" for many years, last years refusedcampingfrom invitations precisely because of participationmforeign defenses.

If a significant part of the musicians - at least a fifth - refused to perform, this would be a reason for the festival to explain to the Ministry of Defense or the directors of the Nashe Radio holding that this is not possible Dmitry Kuznetsov, leader of the Elysium group

Our views do not allow us to play at the festival, where there is propaganda of militarism. Rock music and any propaganda of war, blood, murder - these are incompatible things.

Initially, rock music was protest music, it was against the war all over the world. And what's at the festival in Once again an exposition of tanks is exhibited, recruiting stations are not to blame for this festival, but for those 150 groups that perform there and who do not care about these things.

The point is the general jingoistic frenzy that has been going on for many years in this country. It would seem that rock musicians should be the first to move away from this. But the entire rock community, with rare exceptions, participates in this patriotism.

If a significant part of the musicians - at least a fifth - refused to perform, this would be a reason for the festival to explain to the Ministry of Defense or the directors of the Nashe Radio holding that this is not possible. And so everyone agrees, and the public welcomes it. And no one will notice that two or three groups will not participate.

Image copyright RUMIN ALEXANDR/TASS Image caption The Ministry of Defense arranges an exposition of old and new military equipment on the Invasion field

But we are a group with principles. We are close to pacifism. Our band didn't get screwed over with any of the performances at the event they participated in" United Russia". True, no one is interested, but our conscience and honor remain with us.

Go out there and play a pacifist song there, some bands have done that before. I'm sure it doesn't work. You actually climbed on a tank and said you don't like war. But you yourself are standing on a tank! This is hypocrisy, I think.

Rustem Bulatov, leader of the Lumen group

Lumen is famousApacifist songs. On " invasion" this year the group will not perform, but for reasons unrelated to the boycott.

This position is the choice of musicians, this is an important position, I support it. But you can do it quietly, understanding how everything works in our country Rustem Bulatov, leader of the Lumen group

At "Invasion", where it is very interesting and pleasant for us to play anti-war songs, we explain from the stage that you can love your homeland in another way, and not with a "Kalash" in your hand. This is also a way to somehow counteract.

I understand that it is possible and necessary to be principled, but at a time when the federal radio station that plays Russian-language rock is left exactly alone, I don’t think it’s right to arrange internal discord and showdowns. There is no need to spread rot on the festival and lower the radio station, it is our last one.

This position is the choice of musicians, this is an important position, I support it. But you can do it quietly, understanding how everything is arranged in our country.

There are offers you can't refuse. In our country, they are done quite often, including for rock musicians. Well, how to refuse the Ministry of Defense - no, guys, we will not let you into our rock festival ... How do people imagine this?

Dmitry Sokolov, leader of the Yorsh group

Group" Yorsh"refused to participate in the "Invasion" due to the cooperation of the festival with the Ministry of Defense.

We saw that our colleagues showed an honest open position and canceled their performances, and decided that it would be most effective to support them Dmitry Sokolov, leader of the Yorsh group

We don't take our guitars into the Department of Defense, and we don't want them to take our gigs.

Our team adheres to a clear anti-war position and also opposes any form of discrimination. We have a huge number of songs for all kinds of social topics, including the need to build bridges, not barricades, learn to hear each other and live in peace. Militarism and demonstration concept military power, as well as agitation to join the armed forces are somewhat far from our views.

Image copyright RUMIN ALEXANDR/TASS Image caption Some visitors of the festival are happy to pose against the backdrop of military equipment...

You can come up with many metaphors, but if you put all the lyrics aside, then military equipment has one specific purpose - to kill and destroy. Punk rock is not just loud music, and songs are not just a collection of beautiful (or not so) words. Sometimes these things need to be turned into actions.

We saw that our colleagues showed an honest open position and canceled their performances, and decided that it would be most effective to support them, well, and once again remind everyone of solidarity in the punk movement.

Very few in Lately someone did such high-profile things, but to abandon the cult the largest festival, where almost every rock musician dreams of performing - a weighty argument.

Lusine Gevorkyan, vocalist of Louna

Louna has no plans to cancel theirledgeleniyaon "Invasion" this year.

I want to play songs for people who understand the essence of rock and roll. I think many [festival visitors] also don’t know where on the field this storehouse of militarism is Lusine Gevorkyan, vocalist of Louna

We have been performing on the main stage of "Invasion" every year since 2011. We did this both before the Ministry of Defense appeared and after, so it would be strange to change our position right now, adjusting to the choice of groups that we respect and are friends with, but who have no experience of their own performances at this festival, in order to have opportunity to judge real position things and, moreover, to compare before and after.

I try not to pay attention to this - for the simple reason that I have never met all these elements of the Ministry of Defense on the field in all the years of our performances at the festival and have not seen with my own eyes.

I want to play songs for people who understand the essence of rock and roll. I think many [festival visitors] also do not know where this storehouse of militarism is located on the field. They go there for energy, go to listen and sing songs. And we are going to play songs for people. It would be strange now to refuse and let down people who go thousands of kilometers to listen to our songs.

Volodya Kotlyarov, soloist of the group "Pornofilmy"

The group refused to perform at the "Invasion" at the same time as "Elysium"due to the cooperation of the festival with the Ministry of Defense.

We don't want to perform against the backdrop of machines for killing people. They would have hung pieces of meat there: here are the tanks, and here are the corpses Volodya Kotlyarov, soloist of the group "Pornofilmy"

For several years in a row we were invited to participate in the "Invasion", but we have a clear anti-war position.

World rock music has always been against the war: we can even remember the Woodstock festival, which took place at the height of the Vietnam War - the festival was a record number of visitors. There were anti-war slogans, and all the musicians said from the stage that the war should be stopped.

Image copyright RUMIN ALEXANDR/TASS Image caption ...and others allow their children to climb the exhibits.

We did it for ourselves first of all. It is very important for us to keep our convictions before ourselves. If we agreed, then we would participate in the mass manipulation of the population, which is carried out by the Ministry of Defense.

We don't want to perform against the backdrop of machines for killing people. They would have hung pieces of meat there: here are the tanks, and here are the corpses. Even if we sing songs with the opposite meaning - many people do not think about the meaning of the songs, but they see that the group "Pornofilmy" is playing at a festival that has tanks.

If other musicians expressed a similar position, this would be the main argument to refuse cooperation from the Ministry of Defense: after all, people will start giving tickets to a festival where no one will perform. But in rock music there is no trade union, and one by one everyone is afraid - for money, for reputation, because they will not be played on Nashe Radio.

And they are trying to cover it up with the fact that, they say, we will come and play anti-war songs, express a position against. But the Department of Defense propaganda machine is much bigger than if they play one of their anti-war songs there.

I would like to apologize to the audience - after all, we will disappoint someone. But we ask you to understand our position. We are waiting for everyone at other festivals.

In the section on the question Why do they practically not show concerts, clips of rock musicians and rock bands on TV?) asked by the author Millet the best answer is, well, that's how it happened ..then more than every rock musician considers it necessary to shoot a video ... And it is not profitable for channels to show rockers except for the first alternative. After all, pop always comes first.

Answer from rush[guru]

Answer from I'm defending the Motherland, damn it ....[guru]

Answer from flush[guru]

Answer from User deleted[newbie]

Answer from Vol "ha[expert]
I think rockers play MUSIC, not make MONEY through music videos. Here we see them less. They create their own music, not producers.

Answer from Yrida Nesytova[guru]
there is no censorship but there is format

Answer from Alsou[guru]
Not everyone's nerves can handle this...

Answer from I'm defending the Motherland, damn it ....[guru]
Rap is not music - it's bullshit. And all rock groups have long been old men.

Answer from Vladimir Sukhar[guru]
See culture. There's been something there every week for two months now. Pink Floyd was shown, Dark Side of the Moon, there was something else

Answer from User deleted[newbie]
take a closer look at MTV, sometimes on music TV. And they don’t show it because it’s probably less popular,

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