Thunderstorm as a beautiful and dangerous phenomenon. The most amazing photos of a thunderstorm


In the legends and mythological tales of all the peoples of the world, there is such a mysterious and majestic natural phenomenon as a thunderstorm. The fury of nature has always frightened and delighted man with its colossal strength and wild uncontrollable beauty.

This mixture of moisture, wind power and electricity was also sung in literary works brilliant poets, writers and artists. But what is this amazing event?

Scientific substantiation of thunderstorms

By modern meteorologists, a thunderstorm is understood as a natural activity in which electrical discharges, called lightning, occur, and sound peals are also observed.

Bad weather is accompanied by significant wind force, most often precipitation falls.

Scientists have found that such phenomena are most common over the continents, but the world's oceans are exposed to this weather miracle ten times less often.

Thunderstorms form in cumulus clouds having relatively small height. The base of such clouds looks like a dark lead sheet. Sometimes a cloud can combine different shades, up to yellowish, which is explained by scientists as a manifestation of the different density of the cloud layer. At the edges, such clouds have a bright white, even brilliant reflection.

The causes of thunderstorms, according to meteorologists, are different atmospheric pressure and the level of absolute and relative humidity, as well as air vortex flows. Downdrafts can manifest themselves on the ground as gusts of heavy wind, which can be of various strengths.

The increased danger of a thunderstorm lies in the frequent manifestation of electrical discharges, often connected to the surface of the earth and high objects. The force of such discharges can ignite or melt even the most non-combustible materials, as well as disable equipment.

Lightning can be represented by the usual form and its spherical variety. The least studied are ball lightning, the formation of which is difficult to reproduce, and it is almost impossible to follow the development of the situation. The behavior of such lightning is unpredictable, and the period of its existence in space is much longer than the lifetime of a linear discharge.

Mythological display of thunderstorms

The ancient peoples of the whole world deified such a majestic and frightening phenomenon as. In all stages of paganism, peoples meet their thunder gods and patrons of winds and thunder. As a rule, these are ferocious and strong gods, reflecting the nature of the elemental phenomenon.

For example, the Slavs, who preferred to be afraid rather than admire their gods like the Greeks, had several patrons at once: Perun, Stribog, Svarozhich and others. Their images were truly frightening and characterized panic fear people of the past before the forces of nature.

The Greek incarnation of a thunderstorm was the great Zeus, whose weapon was lightning. The recognition of the Thunderer as the greatest among the Olympic inhabitants indicates the fact that thunderstorms were the most dangerous and unpredictable phenomenon for Ancient Greece. The Greeks considered a thunderstorm an expression of God and worshiped its beauty and strength. The blacksmith god Hephaestus was also attached to the fury of the elements.

The Thunderer Jupiter was also highly respected by the ancient Romans. They also revered and trembled in the face of a terrifying thunderstorm, giving it the place of the most powerful and terrible among inexplicable phenomena.

The Scandinavian peoples also had a special respect for Thor, who controlled thunder and lightning.

The peoples of the whole world endowed their powerful patrons with the power to control thunderstorms, as they considered this natural phenomenon the most dangerous. Not understanding it true reasons, people experienced a panic fear of an unpredictable, punishing element. The Aztecs made sacrifices to appease the raging gods. However, not only the inhabitants “sinned” with the sacrifice South America, this rite, to one degree or another, was present among all the peoples of the world.

Thunderstorm in art

The unbridled element was also reflected in works of art.

Artists not only worshiped the power and strength of a thunderstorm, but also sang of its wild beauty. N. Krymov, S. Sukhovo-Kobylina, Vasiliev and others depicted the revelry of raging nature on their canvases.

There are descriptions of the fury of the elements in such well-known literary works as Nabokov's creation of the same name. The topic of thunderstorms is touched upon in the poems of Tyutchev, Fet, Lermontov and Pushkin.

No less spectacular and powerful was the display of indescribable awe of the majestic elements in music. B. Asafiev's opera conquers and fascinates with its sound. Not inferior in the mastery of sound combinations and depth of subject matter operas of the same name Dzerzhinsky, Kashperov and, of course, Trumbitsky.

Contemporary art reflects the storm in film adaptations of classic creations famous writers and poets. In addition, directors today present their viewers with fantastic films that vividly describe natural indignation. Children's superheroes are endowed with the ability to reflect or control lightning and thunder peals, as well as cause tornadoes and hurricanes.

Thus, today people also admire the power and majesty weather events, despite the fact that they have long studied their nature.

thunderstorm danger

The outbreak of bad weather has not surprised anyone for a long time, we perceive what happened as a fact and try to hide from the weather. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in this, so every year statistics cite sad information about the victims of a thunderstorm.

The mad and uncontrollable force of the natural elements is one of the most dangerous factors for a person, therefore, while admiring the bewitching beauty and praising power, one should not forget about the cruelty of thunder, lightning and wind.

An amazing phenomenon is dangerous, first of all, because it is unpredictable. If weather forecasters with a certain degree of probability can predict the occurrence of a thunderstorm front, then determine even approximately where the lightning strike will occur on present stage impossible. Nor can scientists protect us from ball lightning either.

The only salvation for a person is lightning rods and grounded objects, as well as simple rules of conduct in bad weather.

Lightning speed can reach 60 thousand km per second. And the discharge itself lasts only a few tenths of a second.

Lightning has an average temperature of 50,000°F, which is 5 times the surface temperature of the Sun.

The average lightning length is 2.5 km, and the maximum length reaches 20 km.

According to statistics, the risk of being struck by lightning is 1 in 1,000,000. But it is believed that only 5 to 30% of victims are affected by a discharge.

The belief that lightning doesn't strike the same place twice is just a myth. Lightning can strike the same place multiple times.

Surprisingly, in Egypt, you can see a thunderstorm only once every 200 years. A largest number thunderstorm days are observed near the city of Bogor in Indonesia. Lightning sparkles here on average 322 days a year, that is, almost not a single day is complete without a thunderstorm.

In the southern part of Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela, a rare accumulation of thunderclouds is observed. A feature of the phenomenon called Catatumbo lightning is the continuity of multiple discharges for about 10 hours a day. Here, thunderstorms can not stop up to 200 days a year and are called "Eternal Lightning".

One of the most common atmospheric phenomena. Storm. It appears as a result of electrical discharges - lightning - between the earth's surface and clouds. And, as a rule, it is accompanied by thunder, heavy rains, wind or hail. The most heavy thunderstorm met in the life of every person. Therefore, many have an idea what it is.

One way or another, a thunderstorm is a beautiful and at the same time very frightening sight. And almost everyone knows that this is also one of the most dangerous natural phenomena for humans. The number of recorded deaths speaks for itself: only floods can lead to large losses.

The most beautiful thunderstorm in the world

A unique natural phenomenon that will shock everyone without exception with its beauty can be found in Catatumbo. It is located above the mouth of the river of the same name, which flows into Lake Maracaibo in northwestern Venezuela. In this place, the so-called Catatumbo lightning occurs. This natural phenomenon is characterized by bright and frequent flashes of lightning over a fairly small area. Such a miracle of nature is observed for 140 days a year.

The doomsday usually lasts at least ten hours. During this period of time, lightning illuminates the heavens at least fifteen thousand times. And sometimes the frequency of outbreaks can reach up to 2800 per hour. Therefore, we can say that this is exactly the place where the most powerful thunderstorm in the world occurs.

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However, Catatumbo lightning is nothing more than an ordinary thunderstorm. The only difference is that flashes light up the sky almost every second. And the current strength of each lightning can range from one hundred to four hundred thousand amperes. Therefore, one can call them part of the most powerful thunderstorm in the world.

Some mistakenly assume that the Catatumbo phenomenon cannot cause thunder, but in fact lightning is so frequent and bright that they can be observed tens of kilometers from their place of origin. That is why the sound often simply does not have time to reach the eyewitness. Almost always, Catatumbo lightning is observed by the inhabitants of the island of Aruba. And it is located five hundred kilometers from the epicenter of the strongest thunderstorm in the world. The actual strength of a thunderstorm can be summarized as follows: Catatumbo lightning is the largest single ozone generator, capable of producing about ten percent of the world's tropospheric ozone.

View of the strongest thunderstorm in the world

Most strong impression about thunderstorms in Catatumbo can be obtained, of course, in dark time days. In the night sky, flashes look quite impressive. It is worth noting that nature seems to know when it is best to watch the spectacle, so the strongest thunderstorm often begins immediately after sunset. Often a lot of lightning is brought by a cloud that descends from nearby mountains, while the rest of the sky is usually clear. In this case, the flashes are bright and clear.

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Electric discharges not only cut through the sky, but can also hit the surface of the lake. And because of special substances in the air, they turn red and Orange color. In a word, the spectacle is so amazing that tens of thousands of tourists from different parts of the world come to Lake Maracaibo every year. And all in order to have at least one eye to look at the most powerful thunderstorm in the world.

By the way, scientists still cannot answer the question: when did Catatumbo lightning appear. But it is known that the peoples who lived in Venezuela from ancient times knew about the phenomenon. So, the Wari Indians had a legend in which we are talking about a huge number of heavenly fireflies. They allegedly gathered over Lake Maracaibo in order to pay tribute to the memory and respect of the parents of creation. Well, the first written mention of the Catatumbo thunderstorms is in the epic poem "La Dragontea" by Lope de Vega.

By the way, Catatumbo lightning has played a huge role in the history of the state. Since the phenomenon works like a natural beacon, it helped the locals during fights and battles. So, it is known that in 1595, lightning warned the Spaniards about the upcoming attack of an English pirate named Francis Drake. And he hoped that his fleet would not be noticed and that he would be able to approach almost the shore. And in 1823 fireworks of lightning helped again. The discharges illuminated the ships of José Padilla Prudencio, who commanded the Spanish fleet during the Venezuelan War of Independence. Therefore, the attack was not unexpected and the Spanish admiral was defeated. By the way, the outcome of this particular battle also influenced the course of the war. The people from the state of Zulia still remember the role of a natural lighthouse, so its image is on the flag and coat of arms of the district, and lightning is mentioned in the anthem.

Interestingly, in the middle of the last century, lightning illuminated the sky of Catatumbo almost every night. Now the frequency has decreased, why is unknown. Today, the natural phenomenon can be observed from June to October every day. In the rest of the year, it is unlikely that you will be able to admire the most powerful thunderstorm in the world.

It's not just thunderstorms that are scary. Nature has prepared many other terrible weather phenomena for earthlings. You can read about how terrible hurricanes can be.

The strongest thunderstorm in the world

Lightning can be seen literally everywhere. They are born in almost all corners of the planet. But, as observations show, they have their favorite places. Researchers, based on data from meteorological satellites, say that lightning most often appears over land. And this despite the fact that it occupies only a quarter of the Earth's surface. The strongest thunderstorm can be observed in several places. The champions in terms of the number of lightning are the tropics. However, a large number of lightning discharges can be encountered during mid-latitude storms.

The most thunderous place on the planet is called Bagor. It is an Indonesian city on the island of Java South-East Asia. There are thunderstorms almost every day, namely 322 days a year. The strongest thunderstorm in the world is not excluded in the city of Tororo in Uganda, here there are 251 thunderstorm days a year. Places where thunderstorms and lightning are not uncommon are also found in Russia, in particular, the most thunderous place in the country is the Medveditskaya ridge in the Volga region. This area has long been considered an anomalous zone.

However, it is impossible to say for certain where the most powerful thunderstorms were recorded. Everyone has his own case when it seemed to him that the heavens opened up and the most powerful thunderstorm struck. But you can say for sure where the most beautiful thunderstorms in the world are.
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Hello dear readers!

I bring to your attention new lesson oil painting « Spring Thunder» . If where you live, like here, there are heavy rains and thunderstorms now, and this story is close to you, I invite you to paint a picture with me.

Today we will use a new, somewhat "secret" technique. But do not be afraid, it is simple and affordable to use, besides, the results will surely please you.

We will write a bright and expressive picture. In addition to juicy expressive colors, no less “fleshy” pasty strokes will help us. The picture will turn out to be very embossed, as if woven from many glossy shreds of oil paint.

Composition, sketch

Spring thunderstorm landscape sketch

By the way, a few more words about the idea of ​​the picture. Last week, I drove past a field of flowering rapeseed. At that moment, just blowing strong wind and it was raining heavily, and the sky rumbled. Because of the huge black overhanging cloud, either a white gap or a white cloud was visible.

Abstract painting acrylic paints: draw a city in the rays of sunset

While I was driving past this picture, I tried to capture in my memory every piece of it. She arrived as a lady and quickly sketched on the tablet what she had seen recently. A few more days passed, and I shot a video painting lesson, I hope you like it.

Materials and tools

We need a canvas, I used cotton fine-grained 30x40 cm.

Oil paints:

  • white;
  • sky blue;
  • blue prussian;
  • ultramarine;
  • cobalt blue-green (turquoise);
  • kraplak red durable;
  • cadmium yellow medium;
  • cadmium lemon;
  • golden ocher;
  • mars brown dark;
  • olive greens;
  • soot gas;

Also, for work you will need:

  • linseed oil;
  • rag;
  • palette knife.

Getting Started

Painting oil paints"Spring Storm"

The basis

Oiling the canvas with linseed oil , after squeezing it out on a dry, clean cloth. (I poured linseed oil from an ordinary jar into a clean tube of PVA glue, it is very convenient to dose the amount of oil poured into the paint).

We wipe the canvas so that it is practically dry, only a little slippery from the applied oil, but the oil should not shine on the surface of the canvas, and even more so drain from it.


After we moistened the canvas, we do sketch , since it is almost impossible to do this with a pencil, we do this fine brush, dipping it into some kind of neutral paint for this plot.

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special white

Now comes the interesting important point- follows a special recipe knead the white .

We add a little linseed oil to the mass of white that is already on our palette (and already slightly stirred with a palette knife), carefully mix the white and oil with a palette knife so that this mass becomes softer and a little more liquid. Subsequently, we will knead all the paints with these “special” whites. And if the white runs out, it's worth kneading a little more.

For work measuring 30x40 cm, I squeezed a strip of white about 10-15 cm long from the tube.

Sky, horizon

Further Pwe rise to the sky . We mix our white with all the shades of blue present on the palette, in different gradations (both darker and lighter). We focus on those shades that we need in our work.

How to make a copy of Vincent van Gogh's "Sunflowers"

Applying paint to canvas with a palette knife (I have a small number 61), directly on the canvas, we do not use thinner at all. We impose precise pasty strokes.

After we fill skyline, trees , which are visible on it in the distance. To do this, mix white + Prussian blue + olive. We “rub” the paint into the canvas with a palette knife with a thin sharp edge, vertical wavy movements.

House away

Let's outline a house . Since the house is located very far away, and it is very small, we do this with a thin round brush.

  • That wall of the house that faces the light is almost white,
  • the one in the shade - white + blue,
  • roof - red durable kraplak,
  • hint at the window, more dark paint, and on the chimney.

Still life with daisies in a glass vase on a blue background

rapeseed field

Mixing different shades of yellow for rapeseed field:

  • cadmium yellow medium + white;
  • cadmium lemon + white;
  • cadmium lemon + white + olive;
  • cadmium lemon + white + golden ocher;
  • cadmium lemon + white + mars brown;
  • cadmium yellow medium + white + mars brown + olive;
  • and so on.

With these shades we will write a bright field of rapeseed under a stormy sky. We will use the most a mixture of white and lemon cadmium, since this color is most consonant with the color of these flowers.

We impose strokes by stroking the surface of the field with a palette knife, applying them practically horizontally.


We write the road dark shades of mars brown, olive and Prussian blue.

rapeseed flowers

rapeseed flowers

Prescribe foreground - with a palette knife we ​​dip into the greens and draw curved in the direction of the wind rapeseed flower stems , then we dip it in some shade of yellow and put small dots around it - flowers. We write them rather pasty, so that they stand out against the general background of the field and its smoother texture. (Perhaps someone does not know what the plant and rapeseed flowers look like, and I will attach a photo to make it clear.)

We melt what we want to fix. Modeling the shape thunder cloud, the direction of strokes on the field, etc.

The picture is ready.

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Video lesson of painting

If you are intrigued, please watch the video, read the text below and start creating your own "field under a stormy sky".

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