If the man did not respond to the message. Your question: Why does a man avoid questions


Stop torturing the phone! He is already tired of showing you with silence and beeps that your boyfriend is not answering. My God, how much excitement I see in your eyes. Just don't cry so that the mascara doesn't spread. Before you panic, you need to think about the fact that there are reasons that your beloved is not texting you back and not answering your calls right now. And you keep calling and texting, hoping that a sudden miracle will happen.

Why is the guy not answering calls and texts?

How many thoughts are running through your beautiful head right now? How about getting it all right? You and I will arrange good "showdowns", without assault. Why do we need sacrifices if we can do without them? Reasons why your boyfriend is silent, not responding to messages and "ignoring" your endless calls:

He works. You understand yourself: there are moments when, to answer, it’s easy no possibility. Maybe the boss is wandering around, or, in the moments of your “anxiety”, he is sitting at a meeting.

He lost his mobile. He is looking for him, connecting everyone to this case. Doesn't take someone's phone to warn you because he wants to find his own.

He is in the soul. And I didn’t take my mobile phone with me, so as not to accidentally bathe her. Otherwise, she, for sure, will never be able to earn money.

He turned on silent mode. Sometimes, a regime of this kind is very necessary. It was invented so that the phone does not distract when the owner of this phone is very busy.

He drinks beer, with friends, at the bar. He does not answer because he is afraid. That learning about his whereabouts will make you angry. We all know how girls feel about the fact that their guys spend time holding a glass or a bottle filled with an alcoholic drink.

He's in the toilet. Well, you understand that he will not always want to take the phone there. Not the most pleasant and convenient place for telephone conversations.

He is in the realm of dreams. Even if his phone is not in vibration mode, he can sleep very soundly.

He is driving a car. Do you know that for talking on a mobile phone, while driving, you are fined very seriously? For example, in Lithuania, in this moment, penalty for using mobile phone behind the wheel, is almost ninety euros.

Doesn't call, doesn't write. The guy does not answer calls and texts. Why? What does it mean?

Now I will tell you what is in your thoughts without leaving you for a minute. You think that he got mad at you. Such thoughts don't just happen. How could you offend him? If this is true, write him a long text message with apologies. He will definitely read it. And he will answer if he considers that it should be done. If he doesn't answer, don't push.

Doesn't pick up the phone or answer text messages.

Do you think that now your loved one is with another girl? And this is possible. No one ruled this out. In any case, if this is so, wish him happiness and let him go. Let him stay with the one for which he made you worry for so long.

He broke-up with me. And such thoughts allow themselves to finish off your brain. You are tired of him, he decided to leave without a trace, in English. And you, without knowing for sure, it is - you keep beating yourself up.

He decided that you were cheating on him, someone told him about it. You didn't do it! So what are you worried about? If he loves you, he will believe only your words, and not some “leftist” ones.

The guy does not answer calls and texts? - There is a way out

Go home to him. It is unlikely that he would have kicked you out, no matter what happened there. Here, and you will find out, at the same time, what and why, so as not to torment yourself with assumptions. I forgot to buy a travel card - take the money, jump in a taxi, and rush to him. If he, at this time, is not at home - wait for him an hour - another. And dress warmly if it's cold outside. Don't be proud, get dressed and go to him. And there - be what will be! But imagine how it will be easier for you after your frank conversation.

He didn't answer for only a few hours! Then it's funny. Well, you are impatient! Wait a little. I thought he didn't let me know for weeks. Don't panic, babe. Psychologists are generally of the opinion that thoughts materialize sooner or later. So, set yourself up only for the good, bright and positive, so that this will come true. And dry your tears. Eyes from them, then, will hurt and itch. And you can’t put on makeup: everything will blur. Don't create such problems for yourself. Watch TV, drink coffee or tea, listen to music. He will answer, appear, call back if he needs you. Have no doubt: men, when they are bored, become very annoying and intrusive. There are cases when guys generally forget about the phone and their girls. Perhaps your boyfriend is hanging out with his buddies and discussing how you lost, unfairly, their love football team. He is indignant there, worries about football, and you think, who knows what! No need to spoil the mood with your thoughts.

If a loved one does not answer calls and SMS.

You freak out, write insulting messages to him, turn off your mobile phone. Maybe you shouldn't worry so much? You can't wait. Like many. Waiting is hard and frustrating. They also anger the clock, which, as if on purpose, stops and slows down, for some reason, the time on the dials and on the scoreboard.

Get on your home phone. Look - do not crush! I'm trying to joke so that you don't get so sour. Your taste is sweet, and you, now, are sourer than any cucumber! AND salty taste you add with your tears. Friends are not a panacea. You will talk to them, and in an hour your "loss" will appear. And as a result, she distracted her friends, and she herself was all upset.

Alarmist, Christmas trees - sticks! How do you look at walking with sad eyes? But you will walk with your feet! So - go ahead! Without laziness and without longing! Better without an elevator. You can count the steps so that it is not boring. If you meet someone along the way - talk, do not ignore. Together, twice as much fun. And triple if you meet anyone else. Here already - as lucky.

If that's the case, don't quit. appearance. Get your hair done, make up. And then, you see, there is no one to preen for! But what about, at the expense, for yourself, your beloved? You also need to like it.

If a man does not answer: how to behave?

If a man does not answer you, then you immediately begin to build a whole logical chain in your head. Koshechka.ru will not be surprised if it leads to resentment, negative emotions and their splashing out not only on this person, but on everyone in a row.

I would like to say this right now. There will be no “sweet” dreams here that he did not answer, because, for example, he was forced to save a kitten from imminent death or transferred his grandmother across the road, and then it turned out that a plate with aliens had landed right at the crossroads. Hands are busy - where can I answer!

Now, no matter how trite it may sound, the century digital technologies. Phone, smartphone - always with you. Or a person is constantly at the computer and is able to check social networks, or even does not get out of them, sometimes because the work is connected precisely with this. And yes, let's make a reservation, there are unforeseen circumstances under which he really could not answer for objective reasons. But this exception only confirms the rule. And sooner or later he will show up, even if you do nothing (and this is best).

So, after such a "cold shower", let's figure out how to behave if a man does not answer. After all, we must agree, this is a strong blow to conceit, self-esteem, and in general everything with the prefix "self-". It is necessary to get out of this situation (introspection and finding out the reasons why such an ignore) into a situation of maximum self-love.

It is believed that only those who are not busy can “worry” on this topic. But it also happens that a mountain of deeds, work, projects has accumulated, namely the message that HIM sent, and hangs in the mind, like a kind of "stopper". And you think, what if I wrote something wrong, so he is silent. First, take him off his pedestal - what did he do to become the Man of Dreams? Ignores, why so attractive? Inaccessible and thus attractive?

Can you write messages?

Not in terms of typing them, putting words from letters and adding emoticons, but building messages correctly?

After all, sometimes your message is really faced with a wall of silence, because there is simply nothing to answer to it. Men are such "creatures" who (their best representatives, of course) do not waste words in vain. And if the message does not contain a specific question, then they do not see the point in coming up with something in response. This situation is just a prime example moreover, if the man does not answer immediately. He's just thinking about what to write to you. Of course, if he is very passionate about you, then he will write more often and come up with ways to contact you.

And it's not about whether you're good or bad. But in your behaviour. In order not to think about how to behave if a man does not answer, and simply not to face such a problem, ko6e4ka.ru wants to give you some practical recommendations.

If a man does not answer - do not wait tensely by the phone, get down to business!

What to do if the man does not answer?

  1. Forget it exists. It's really like it doesn't exist on this planet. It will be great to do other things, work, finally visit relatives, meet girlfriends, and finally answer some other guy and meet him. There will be nothing like this in a banal meeting, but in some incomprehensible way they “feel” that an opponent appears. Checked!
  2. Let's analyze what you wrote to him. If your message literally shows dependence, adoration and all that, then it is repulsive. He's also a hunter. But if there is something in life that he cannot get, he literally blows his mind. And, perhaps, by the way, this is precisely the reason why he does not answer you, because he is thinking about how to impress another girl. Who looks down on him, is mysterious, or simply does not pay attention to him, because she is busy with her own business. That's right at the moment.
  3. What to write to a man if he does not answer? Well, if you are not afraid to worry and worry even more, then the message should contain a question. And not in the spirit: “Why are you ignoring me, you are not a good person?” And something banal, to which it is simply impossible not to answer. Believe me, even if he is very busy or tired, he will answer if you are dear to him.
  4. If a man does not respond to messages and SMS, call him. Again, if you are not afraid to come across a cold tone. Or long beeps, after which the person will not call back.
  5. It is not necessary, in the case of even a minute of waiting after writing and sending a message, to think that he will definitely not answer, and reproach yourself, self-flagellate. Remember, a man treats you exactly the same as you treat yourself. And if you start looking for reasons in yourself, thinking that you are ugly or uninteresting, or he has better options and write menacing messages saturated with jealousy, he will not be interested in such a person.

In general, try to be inaccessible and do not agree to meetings immediately so that he does not think that after the first or second date you are completely his. Then, no matter how fabulous it may sound, you will become for him the girl of his dreams. And ideally, you need to make sure that he thinks why she does not answer, and where she spends time and with whom. Especially if we are now discussing not family relationships, but just the relationship between people looking for their soul mate.

If the man does not answer, do not try to artificially reduce the distance between you. On the contrary, "run away" from him yourself.

Based on personal experience! Tested and approved for use! With love and Best wishes, Eva Raduga - especially for Koshechka.ru - a site for lovers ... into yourself!

Got another question from you: Why does a man avoid the questions I ask him?

Well, let's figure it out.

1. A matter of trust.
If your man ALWAYS does not communicate with you very much, and you do not often manage to get him to straight Talk, - then here, most likely, the question trust. Apparently, a certain reliable bridge has not been established between you, along which joint issues can be resolved.

You need to work on the level of trust in your relationship! Become more open, start trusting your partner more, and over time, he will also start to trust you more. In general, in this situation, you need to start with yourself.

2. Freedom of a man.
If you show excessive perseverance or importunity with your questions, your man may simply begin to close up and, as it were, run away from you into his cave.

This can be regarded as an infringement on his freedom. That is, he, instead of going about his business or discussing things that are interesting to HIM, he is forced to defend himself and justify himself to you.

In general, in this situation, a man regards your questions as harassment or an attack on his freedom and independence.

3. He has something to hide.
This is a sadder and more neglected version. It seems to you that you have a normal, high-quality, warm relationship, but for some reason your man simply does not answer your questions. And you expect things to get better soon.

Most likely, the man does not share your point of view on your relationship. Either he doesn't love you, or he has something to hide from you.

In this case, you need to take the most decisive measures to bring the situation to clean water. You don't want to live long years in deceit?

4. In any case, this is an unhealthy situation.
You should remember that if your questions remain unanswered, it means in any case that something is wrong in your relationship. In principle, it does not matter which scenario you have out of the three listed, or you have some other, fourth scenario.

It is important to remember that communication is the foundation of any normal relationship. And if healthy communication is gone (or never appeared) - this is an alarm!

You need to sit down and talk. You can calmly and amicably explain to him how you feel about the lack of trusting communication in your relationship, and then give him the floor and listen to him carefully.

In some cases, a man is not even aware of the existence of such a problem, and he will gladly meet you halfway, just to please you.

But if a man in this case does not enter into a dialogue, I recommend that you think carefully - but in FIG you have such a relationship? Why are you next to a person who is not interested in making you feel good and calm?

Here your task is to have a desire to get to the bottom of things, and not bury your head in the sand, thinking that "everything is fine with you, I just don't understand something." If you want to make your life better with your man, go straight to this life and ask direct questions.

Always remains a mystery to many girls. And it often happens that it seems to us that some guy likes us, while he remembers our existence. It happens quite the opposite: we are sure that we are only irritating a young person, but it turns out that he is crazy about us.

That is why women's magazines and websites for women constantly write about the relationship between a man and a woman, and all the fair sex flood the editorial offices of women's magazines with questions like why he does not call, although he promised to do it a week ago, and also why the guy does not answer SMS . However, do not worry, sooner or later you will understand which seem to you the most suitable for building relationships, and everything will go on as usual - dates, flowers, ... But still, some behavior of young people will remain incomprehensible to us.

For example, why the guy does not respond to SMS. This question is asked by both girls who have already established a permanent relationship with a young man, and those who are not yet sure how he treats them.

In order to once and for all save them from tormenting doubts, our electronic women's magazine "Virgoklab" decided to ask the young people themselves directly why they still do not respond to messages.

Dima, 23 years old, actively searching:

- If I like some girl, I myself will gladly take the initiative and invite her somewhere. However, I do not mind if the girl herself starts to communicate with me, for example, at a party or in a general get-together. But I can't stand all these stupid text messages, when it's completely incomprehensible what a girl you barely know wants from you. Well, if she misses me so much, then why not call me and ask how I'm doing? Why all these emoticons and rhymes that come to my mobile phone?

Sergey, 25 years old, 2 years in a civil marriage:

- The simplest and most obvious answer to the question of why a guy texts back is that he doesn't want to. I am a rather sociable young man and I enjoy spending time not only with my beloved, but also with friends, among whom there are both boys and girls. However, when one of them tries to get my attention with all sorts of text messages, I just get pissed off. First, because it often occurs to them to send them to me in work time when I'm busy and I'm not going to waste time on various nonsense, and secondly, it's not clear to me: what they want to achieve with this if they know that I already have a girlfriend.

Maxim, 24 years old, married 6 months:

- I love my wife very much, but I don’t understand at all what pleasure she can find in SMS- correspondence. It is much more pleasant for me to hear her gentle voice, and not to read the text on the small screen of a mobile phone. Is she also wondering why the guy does not answer texts? Well, I'll have to write her something affectionate so that she doesn't get upset.

Eugene, 19 years old:

- At the moment I do not have a permanent girlfriend, as I am quite satisfied with a free, non-binding relationship. I do not mind at all if one of the nice ladies wants to express their sympathy to me through SMS, however, when this is repeated with regular persistence and the demand for mandatory answers, it will cause me nothing but annoyance. Why is the guy not texting back? Because it's already been taken!

As you can see, young people do not see in SMS- Correspondence nothing romantic and pleasant. Probably, we ourselves should learn to find romance not in the new ways of communication that have been provided to us. information Technology, and in more familiar and natural ways to take care of your young man. Of course, to communicate with SMS much easier - the guy does not see the embarrassment of the girl, and she can afford to be more courageous. However, SMS correspondence rarely allows you to truly fall in love with a guy, because the most important weapon of a woman - a well-groomed appearance, a friendly smile, charm, a sly look and much more - remains "behind the scenes".

Some girls have found a great way to get a guy to answer SMS, using for this the ability to interest, easy manipulation and intrigue. How to do it? Read the thread on the forum:-

Calm down! Maybe he just died...

What to do if a man does not respond to messages? Let's take as a condition of the problem that you do not send him an SMS in the style of “Music! The goose is ready!” during working hours, do not write to him 10 times a day and do not spam him with kittens and hearts. But you are in love and still want to receive periodic confirmation that the object of love is also interested in you. What could be the reason for his silence?

Are you kidding? Are you not schoolchildren? Even if we assume that the money really ran out, then when he sees an SMS from his beloved woman, he can, for example:

  • top up your account via Internet banking or go to the nearest terminal;
  • order services on credit from a mobile operator;
  • use the phone of a friend or colleague;
  • call a landline phone;
  • send the so-called "homeless" (then they would laugh together).

If a man is not currently on a desert island, has not gone hiking high in the mountains, has not gone on a polar expedition, then he CAN call you back or send a short message. And the only explanation for his silence is that he doesn't want to.

Banal employment can be the reason that a man does not respond to SMS. How to behave in this case depends on how long he does not call or write to you. You are lucky if your boyfriend is passionate about his work. Believe me, he really has no time to exchange emoticons with you. He may be at an important meeting or meeting. Maybe he's driving. Or the office is noisy and he just didn't hear the beep. For men, romantic relationships are not in the first place in life priorities. Maybe you should learn from them?

Another thing is if your chosen one has been silent for a couple of days. Then do not build illusions - employment has nothing to do with it. No matter how important the project is, there is always a minute for a smoke break, at lunch or before bedtime to write a few words: “Hi! I remember you...” If your place in his heart is somewhere between Counter-Strike and a Friday beer, then don't waste your precious time on him - he just doesn't like you.

If I really like you, I will never forget about you.

Greg Behrendt, Liz Tuccillo "He Just Doesn't Like You: The Truth About Men"

Sometimes, in the event of some cooling, it makes sense to think about whether you went too far. Remember if you fantasized about the future? About a house, kids, or even just a vacation together next summer? There are men who are very, very afraid. Serious relationships. There are some of the most striking types:

  1. Indecisive. He often has a domineering mother. He himself is unable to make a choice. He cannot decide to change jobs or apartments. He is afraid of any news, even good, does not like surprises. Such a man is not able to fight back a boor. With such a man next to you, you will always be forced to make strategic decisions that are important for your family. It is you who will plan romantic trips. You will advise, guide and support what your loved one does good career. If such a family model is close to you, then a timid, indecisive man is what you need. Therefore, take the initiative in your own hands right now, do not wait for a response to a message, but simply call and make an appointment.
  2. He is in love and this feeling is new to him. This is the most "favorite" reason for a guy's silence for romantic young ladies. Rarely, but it does happen. He feels that he ceases to be the master of his thoughts and feelings, no longer manages his time on his own. This scares him a little, since his life before meeting you was simple, predictable and pleasant. In this case, just wait. Do not insist on frequent meetings, do not stay overnight, do not leave any items in his apartment. He will calm down, get used to it, and then - hook it up.
  3. He is influenced from outside. Often their friends have a huge influence on our men. Which is much worse - mom. It's not curable. All you can do is just genuinely try to please. If his company accepts you, and your mother becomes yours in good sense accomplice - everything, he is in our pocket.

Although the most common reason for not calling or responding to a message is unfortunately still the same - he just doesn't like you.

Waiting for a call

Yesterday I spent the night with a guy, today he does not call me. Option one: he died. Option two: he did not like me in bed. It would be better if he, the bastard, died.

It would seem that the date went well, but for some reason after it the guy disappeared from the horizon, does not call, and does not answer your SMS. There may be many reasons for this.

  1. You seemed too complicated, "stuffy" to him. He probably just wanted to eat a good steak in good company, and you started a song about marriage, children, responsibility, a scoundrel ex-husband, or an apartment with a mortgage.
  2. He got what he wanted and has no plans to repeat it. Well, you understand ... Perhaps you will be interested in the article.
  3. He re-read Pushkin and really believes that "than less woman we love, the easier she likes us.” In this case, we have a vulgar manipulator. Read more about them in the article.
  4. He doesn't remember who you are. You will laugh, but this often happens. Have you ever met in nightclubs? Do you often go there not “in the hop”? So he forgot what your name is and under what circumstances he got new contact in phone.
  5. He just doesn't know yet when he'll have time to see you again. rare man likes to call or write just like that. They call to exchange information, to set up a meeting for a specific time. In the meantime, he has nothing to say on the merits, he does not call.

And, whatever one may say, it all comes down to the fact that he doesn’t really like you. You deserve to be looked after, to be sought, to sincerely want to call you theirs. Stop hypnotizing your phone and go to a new meeting!

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