Flawless Taylor Swift: how to make a career as an excellent student in show business. Top Songs By Taylor Swift


When Russian performer Olga Buzova released her first English-language song Not Enough For Me, a post appeared on her personal Instagram page in which the girl proudly admitted to her subscribers that one of the American publications compared her work with the career of American singer Taylor Swift. Well, let's leave the question of how correct it was to compare my performances with the work of the ten-time Grammy award winner and the youngest lady on the Forbes list. Simply - in fairness - we will tell the story of Swift's 15-year ascent to the Musical Olympus and show why this young woman has long been not only the heroine of youth publications and the idol of teenage girls, but also an example of a good business strategist, who is also gifted with remarkable talent musician.

American Music Award 2018 winner Taylor Swift and her 4 awards: Artist of the Year, Favorite Female Singer of the Year, Album of the Year and Tour of the Year. Taylor has won 19 AMA awards in the past, so she now has 23 figurines from different years in her collection.

American (and what is there - world) publications love the story of Taylor Swift. A classic: an outsider in school and invisible in the classroom, little Taylor, inspired by her grandmother's successful opera career, writes poetry about her experiences, learns a few guitar chords and gradually becomes a star first in the country and then in the pop scene. At the global level. And if we ignore the irony, then this girl really has something to brag about: her live performances leave no doubt about the exclusivity of her vocal abilities, dedication while working on clips does not give anyone the right to accuse the singer of negligence, and her diligence during the tour can only be admired .

And yet there is an element in the history of Miss Swift beautiful fairy tale, the romantic veil of which the world press in some surprising way is not yet ready to dispel.

Taylor at a concert in Houston, February 4, 2017

legend taylor

“I hope that I can help people whose voices also need to be heard. Therefore, I will donate money to various organizations that help victims of sexual violence, ”American performer Taylor Swift made this statement in August 2017, when she won a sensational harassment case against her by Colorado DJ David Mueller, which allegedly took place in 2013. The singer sued the poor fellow a little: only one dollar is a symbolic compensation for inspiring thousands of victims of sexual violence around the world with her example. Here, as Taylor considered, justice was dearer to her.

An unfortunate dollar and millions of sympathetic and admiring reviews, the star of the world pop scene received for not being afraid to admit that many years ago she was felt on the buttock. True, to her credit, it must be said that at first the offended star did not want to take everything to public court - as her mother later tells in tears under oath, the Swift family was afraid of unnecessary publicity in the press. Therefore, then the performer, who wanted to defend her dignity, decided to close the issue quietly and peacefully: she simply called the radio station where Muller worked and demanded that the DJ be fired, whose hands were far from being on the mixing console.

A message from Taylor Swift fans to their idol on the day of the Mueller harassment trial, August 9, 2017

And the incident would have been forgotten if the furious and unemployed Muller himself had not gone to court, accusing Swift of libel. The singer had to get out of the situation: in 2015, Taylor filed a reciprocal and very noble lawsuit (after all, even for an unemployed person, one dollar of compensation is quite a feasible amount) about harassment. And finally, two years later, she won it. Because good always wins - at least in Swift's universe.

On guard of the excellent reputation of the 27-year-old Taylor is more than a dozen people. For example, the company TAS Rights Management (named after the capital letters of the name of the singer - Taylor Alison Swift) vigilantly ensures that the name of the girl is mentioned only in the most favorable contexts. The company does not ignore even once popular network Periscope, where fans posted fragments of the concert performances of their favorite. This is how Taylor Swift manages to maintain record sales of her records year after year - her "dogs" do everything not to miss a single illegal distribution of the artist's products. Swift herself is also not a blunder: her songs are almost non-existent on streaming platforms. Appear - only when there is a strategic benefit in it. For example, the last triumphant return of all Taylor's compositions to one of the most popular Spotify services occurred in early June 2017 - just before the release of a new album by Katy Perry, with whom, as reported, the girl has not been getting along very well lately.

Taylor at the Billboard Music Awards on May 17, 2015

The singer at the 58th Grammy Awards, February 16, 2016

But TAS Rights Management has tasks even more serious than catching violators copyright– monitor compliance with Taylor's "legend". Every day, the gendarmes of the pop idol sniff the entire Network for unauthorized use of her name, but not everyone gets to the chopping block, but only those who defame the singer's reputation. Two years ago, for example, the so-called TASs stumbled upon the site of guitarist Ronnie Kremer, who billed himself as Taylor's first guitar teacher (the site's name is ITaughtTaylorSwift.com). In those years, he worked part-time as an ordinary computer master, and, according to his version, it was he who then taught the girl how to select accompaniment to her songs.

By the way, Taylor herself never denied that it was a certain “computer master” who inspired her to pick up the guitar. But according to her (read - common) legend, it was a demonstration of just a few chords. Everything else is young talent mastered on their own.

But Ronnie says otherwise. Taylor's father called him to give lessons to his daughter for six hours a week - moreover, it was on the playing technique for country music. They studied long and hard. But the story that the future pop idol was trained by a "36-year-old balding fat man," according to the guitarist, does not sell well. And no, he's not mad at the Swift family for being left in the shadows. He just wants justice. But justice in the understanding of TAS Rights Management is somewhat different: now it is impossible to get to the ITaughtTaylorSwift.com site.

Mr and Mrs Swift

Although Ronnie Kremer, unlike his student, did not take place in show business, he understands the rules of the game quite sensibly. Of course, the story of the girl who told the pages of the diary and guitar strings all her innermost thoughts will bring her a Grammy many times faster than the story that she was being prepared for the big stage since childhood. Yes, Taylor, no doubt, grew up a talented child, but talent in our time is only half the battle. The second half is competent management. And it may even be a good thing that Mr. and Mrs. Swift understood this well.

Taylor Swift with her father and brother on their farm in Pennsylvania

Childhood photo of Taylor

“I had a magical childhood,” recalls Taylor Swift in an interview with Rolling Stone, “I could walk wherever I wanted.” She really had a place to roam: the Swift family in her youth Taylor and her brother Austin lived on a spruce farm in Pennsylvania. You can’t imagine a better background for a country singer: after all, it was American farms that at one time nurtured the best voices of the industry for the world.

Taylor is no exception. It just shouldn't have been.

Her parents - Scott and Andrea - knew perfectly well what success is and how it is built. Successful financiers (Taylor's mother soon quit her job as a broker and devoted herself to children), they predicted for their children dizzying career on Wall Street. The androgynous name Taylor is a confirmation of this: at one time, parents made a bet that the gender of their daughter should interfere with the conquest of financial heights as little as possible. The performer herself confirms this: “Mom thought it would be cool if “Taylor” was written on my passes and other corporate documents, and people would guess whether I was a man or a woman. Yes, she wanted me to do business.”

Taylor Swift as a child

But the world of finance did not seduce Taylor for long. She wanted to become a star - first of all, to take revenge on her classmates who considered her, as she herself said more than once, an outsider. Material for poems and songs has accumulated decent - unhappy love, ridicule of peers, teenage experiences. Surprisingly, now Taylor is 27 years old, and although she herself and her songs have already grown up, the singer still continues to work mainly for a teenage audience.

Seeing that the daughter had no more interests besides music (it was impossible not to notice: Taylor constantly strove to grab the microphone and sing something wherever she was), the parents almost immediately realized that their daughter was not a she-wolf from Wall Street will become (“disappoint”, by the way, the youngest son Austin, who today is trying to realize himself in photography and cinema). I had to urgently rewrite my business plan - fortunately, Taylor really had excellent musical data. So the family said goodbye to their beloved spruce farm and moved to the country mecca of all America - the city of Nashville, where almost every street has its own record company.

At that time, Taylor was 14. She moved to high school, and, as her overly talkative acquaintances say, she didn’t go to classes on foot, but drove a Lexus convertible - almost the same as the popular beauty rival of the main character from Taylor’s video You Belong With Me.

On the other hand, having moved to Nashville, Taylor no longer worried about her success or failure in school. She had a goal - to become a singer, and the girl began to fulfill her dream: she sang on the streets, in bars, at karaoke competitions, at sports competitions. All in order to catch the eye of some producer who would believe in her talent. But after all, the parents did not just follow the lead of their ambitious daughter, moving from their beloved farm in Pennsylvania to stuffy Tennessee. My father transferred to the local office of the largest American bank Merrill Lynch (here he worked as a financial consultant), and at the same time bought 3% of the capital of the newly created independent record company Big Machine Records, the head of which offered young Taylor her first contract.

The fact that Swift's father actually controls a portion of the company's shares is no secret. However, the legend says: the purchase took place after the young singer was "noted" in one of the bars (allegedly the father simply tried to protect the interests of his daughter). And, alas, this is the very case where a lot changes from a change in the places of the terms.

Taylor Swift performing in Kansas City, May 11, 2007

Teen Queen

One way or another, young Taylor began to take her first successful steps in the world of country music. The image of a young girl in short dresses, with angelic curls and with a guitar at the ready immediately fell in love with the general public - largely due to the fact that Swift favorably differed from typical representatives of the genre. It was a great triumph - and most importantly, to maintain it, the young performer needed very little: to compose songs, sing and maintain the image of a kind of girl-next-door.

If you believe the revelations of Ronnie Kremer, then while the father was in charge of the girl's finances, her mother Andrea took care of her daughter's image. Ex-teacher Taylor recalls how her mother did not allow the singer to eat high-calorie foods for breakfast (unlike her brother, by the way), arguing that "the world does not need fat stars."

Taylor plays the US anthem before a baseball game in Los Angeles on April 9, 2007.

At the CMA Music Festival Fan Fair, June 9, 2007

On the other hand, true or not, Taylor herself did not need to be told twice how to behave. In the end, her stellar ascent came at precisely the time when one unsuccessful party or loss of control over oneself could cross out all past successes in a moment. Before her eyes, Lindsay Lohan, Nicole Richie, and Britney Spears lost their national recognition because of their love for drunken brawls. So the girl, without thinking twice, immediately entered herself into the generation of new healthy American youth, jogging in the morning and drinking vegetable smoothies instead of coffee. No alcohol - the singer still does not tire of emphasizing that she first tried alcohol at her legal 21. No dubious parties. No inappropriate acquaintances.

With Taylor Lautner in the movie "Valentine's Day"

Taylor's former young people are extremely silent: they almost do not communicate with the press about romance with the performer (the exception, however, was Calvin Harris, who once uttered that he felt deceived by his ex-lover). A very atypical behavior for Hollywood heroes, largely thanks to which Miss Swift comes out of all this mess with her boyfriends relatively dry, continuing to declare in her incomplete thirty that she falls in love every time, like the first.

And most often they really believe her - perhaps because she herself is convinced of the sincerity of her words. Taylor is hard to catch in hypocrisy: her behavior during the incident with Kanye West in 2009 and after is a very eloquent example of the performer's strategy in any awkward situations, which she sometimes happens to fall into (the case with the harassment of a DJ proves the same). Naivety, sacrifice and nobility from time to time perfectly play into the hands of Swift, forcing millions of hearts around the world to fall in love with her (even Barack Obama supported the singer in a quarrel with Kanye West). And, perhaps, this is the case when a celebrity is not a hostage to his image, but with pleasure remains his most devoted fan.

That famous incident with Kanye West at the MTV Video Music Awards, during which the artist took the microphone from Swift and said that Beyoncé should have received the Taylor award, September 13, 2009

Grievances Forgotten: Taylor and Kanye at the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards

For many years in a row, Taylor has remained the unspoken queen of not only country music, but also the pop scene: she buys multi-room mansions for herself and her parents (the singer's fortune is $ 280 million, according to Forbes), shines on the red carpet, breaks sold out concerts and shoots clips blowing up You Tube (her work Ready For It? is proof of that). Of course, like any person, she has her skeletons in the closet, but her great talent, hard work, as well as the support of parents influential in the industry (who, it seems, have their own leverage on the press) leave no chance for anyone to destroy the dream, to which Taylor has been going since childhood.

Photo: Getty Images, Legion-Media, Instagram, press archives

What can you achieve in the world of music if you start your career at a very young age? The answer to this question is given by the biography of Taylor Swift, which the American public has submitted to. At the age of 14, she signed her first contract, and at 16 she had already released a successful debut disc. The owner of a pleasant timbre surprises fans with new singles, and makes ill-wishers tormented by guesses about her success. We invite you to learn more about this singer and evaluate her work.

short biography

The story of Taylor Alison Swift is the story of a simple American girl who lives next door and wishes you every morning good day. She was born December 13, 1989 in Pennsylvania in the family of a financier and marketer. After the birth of her daughter Andrei, the mother of the future star, she changed her strict office style to home and devoted her life to raising children - Taylor has a younger brother, Austin.

Swift spent her childhood on a spruce farm, where she and her brother enjoyed freedom and natural idyll. But not everything was so rosy. The girl admits that she was an outsider at school and kept aloof. This did not interfere with the realization of her creative ambitions. At first there was a theater, then endless auditions and music competitions, where luck did not always favor the young talent. Taylor didn't give up. The nature and endless support of parents did not allow.

At the age of 12, a blond girl picked up guitar. A computer repairman showed her how to play a couple of chords - it was enough to inspire Taylor to write own song"Lucky You". Two years after this event, the Swift family moves to Nashville, Tennessee. Here, the demo recordings of the young singer attract the attention of the record label RCA Records. The contract was signed, but Taylor's talent was used for other purposes. She was offered to become a full-time studio writer and write lyrics for various artists. According to the conditions, the girl could release her own album only after the onset of her 18th birthday.

Swift felt that she was ready to appear before the public as a solo artist, so she ended her relationship with RCA Records. She understood that the end of the contract could threaten unfulfilled dreams, but her courage paid off.

The girl began to perform her songs near the cafe to make herself known. It was here that Scott Barchetta, the future manager of the singer, noticed her. Preparations began for the recording of the debut album, which was called "Taylor Swift". It went on sale in 2006 when Tay was only 16 years old. How did the critics rate it? Positively. Five singles from this disc have been certified platinum in the US - that says a lot.

The logical continuation of the success was the tours and performances at concerts of other artists in support of own album. A charming girl with blond curls could be seen as the opening act for Brad Paisley, George Strait or Tim McGraw - famous American country singers. On the tour, Tey did not forget about the next album, writing down all her thoughts and feelings on paper. It took two years to write new compilation hits, which surpassed the debut disc.

The end of 2008 was marked by the release of Fearless. The album literally immediately appeared on the first line of the hit parade and was sold in the amount of more than half a million copies. The commercial success exceeded all expectations. It is noteworthy that Taylor herself wrote about half of the songs presented on the disc. All of them are dedicated to the theme of love, which the singer loves to talk about in her compositions.

Subsequent albums were released two years apart. Everyone expected success and popularity among the audience. No sooner had the disc appeared on sale than it immediately took the honorable first place in the hit parade. But success in musical career went against the personal life of a young star. Each subsequent novel ended in a quick break and the appearance of headlines in the press "Taylor Swift had a relationship with ...". Despite personal failures, the singer always has in stock emotional and sincere material for writing songs.

Currently, Tei continues to occupy a leading position and delight fans with new compositions. The girl invests the money she earns in real estate, buying houses for herself and her family all over America, which brought her fame and popularity.

Interesting Facts

  • The name Taylor was chosen for the girl for a reason. The singer's mother, a former marketing specialist, wanted her daughter to follow in her father's footsteps and make a dizzying career on Wall Street. An overly "girly" name would have prevented this, so a variant of Taylor has appeared that makes you wonder: is this a man or a woman? The second part of the name - Alison - the girl inherited from her aunt.
  • The famous American does not like to talk about her personal life. For every question regarding the second half, she answers the same way: “I express all my experiences in songs.” Excessive secrecy is associated with the unwillingness to see articles in the press about own relations turned upside down.
  • At the age of 9, Taylor was passionate about the theater and participated in various productions.
  • The shocked, astonished expression on the singer's face during the awards periodically becomes a reason for laughter and mockery. Colleagues on stage do not mind grimacing to the delight of the public, portraying Swift's surprise.
  • Taylor is rightly called the most-most. Her collection has numerous awards, her albums are sold in millions of copies, and in 2017 Forbes magazine honored the singer with the 3rd place in the ranking of the highest paid stars under 30 years old.
  • The new year 2015 turned into a real magic for Rebeca, one of Taylor's fans. The singer sent her not only a letter of wishes, but also sent a check for almost $ 2,000 to pay for her studies. Why was Rebeca chosen? For the devotion and support that she provided to her idol.
  • Talking about "what would you be if it weren't for music," Taylor replies that she would connect her life with advertising or writing novels.
  • Taylor's letter regarding Apple policy received wide publicity. The point is that the well-known American company in 2015 planned to launch a new service for listening to music. The conditions for users said that they could enjoy the work of their favorite artists for free for 3 months. The authors of "free content" were not entitled to any dividends during this period. This angered Taylor. She was supported by other artists - Apple revised the terms in their favor. Ordinary users were not affected.
  • The most memorable gift for Taylor was an olive tree on Christmas Eve. He was planted by her young man, which made a huge impression on the singer.

  • The girl loves to start the morning with coffee. However, she does not mind enjoying the taste of roasted coffee beans throughout the day. If there was no need to keep a figure in shape, then Taylor would gladly eat chicken fillet, cheeseburgers and french fries.
  • In 2007, Tei became the youngest female artist to receive the Composer/Performer of the Year award from the National Association of Musicians in Nashville. In 2013, she received it for the sixth time in a row, setting a new record.
  • In 2009, an incident occurred at the MTV Musuc Awards ceremony, which, according to fans and critics of the pop star, finds echoes in the present. The judges recognized Taylor's "You Belong with Me" as the best female video and invited her to the stage to receive an award and deliver a speech. But rapper Kanye West did not let the girl finish. He stated that Beyoncé should have received the award, not Taylor. Of course, Kanye had to apologize, but the resentment remained. In the 2017 album Reputation, fans heard that the events of past years still haunt the singer.
  • Taylor is involved in charity events. She donated $50,000 to New York schools, helped a Red Cross chapter, and a girl who couldn't attend her concert because of her leukemia treatment.
  • During her performance at the Grammys in 2010, Taylor sang unsuccessfully due to severe stress and unrest. The audience instantly doubted her vocal abilities, which made the singer take up vocals again.

How has Taylor Swift changed?

Celebrities who started their Star Trek from a young age, sooner or later undergo metamorphosis. Following the maturing artist, the image and Musical direction. This also affected the heroine of our article.

If initially Tey was the embodiment of the American idyll, ordinary girl from the farm, then her last album "Reputation" and the clips introduce us to the other side of the singer. Before us appears a daring, bold and sexy woman who is not afraid to provoke criticism from others. The musical style at the same time bears little resemblance to country music. This is real pop music, which uses trendy techniques. In some compositions, Taylor switches to recitative, which adds novelty to her work.

Best songs

Taylor Swift has 6 studio albums and over 80 tracks total. We offer you to get acquainted with the most striking tracks of this singer.

  • Love story. This beautiful and romantic song was born in 2008. Tay wrote it entirely herself, entrusting the production to Nathan Chapman, a well-known country musician. The lyrics and video sequence in the clip send us to Romeo and Juliet, which is in the spirit of the performer. It was with this single that she discovered the top of the Canadian chart.

"Love Story" (listen)

  • Blank Space. The track helped to become its owner the first singer whose hits replace each other at the first position of the American chart. What else is he remembered for? clear rhythm, beautiful vocals and the text, in which Swift appears to the public as a liberated and jealous person. In the same spirit, a clip was shot, sustained in an atmosphere of luxury and glamour.

"Blank Space" (listen)

  • Shake It Off. dance rhythm this single is energizing and positive, however, as is the video clip, where Taylor is not afraid to look funny. But accusations of plagiarism overshadow the good points. After the presentation of the song, Swift and the authors of the composition were sued - according to Sean Hall and Nathan Butler, about 20% of the text was borrowed from the single "Playas Gon" Play, written by them in the early 2000s. But the singer's representatives only laughed at the lawsuit.

"Shake It Off" (listen)

  • We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together. This is the first single of the singer, who was able to reach the first line of the American chart. It was written under the influence of rumors. An acquaintance told Tey that everyone was talking about her reunion with ex-boyfriend. So it turned out a song about two lovers who either converge or part.
  • "Look What You Make Me Do" - Taylor's bold experiment with change musical genre. The single anticipated the release of the new album "Reputation" and received mixed reviews from critics. Electronic sound, the theme of retribution in the lyrics, a liberated image are little associated with the gentle and touching Swift - this caused a wave of misunderstanding. But this did not prevent the song from taking a leading position in the American, British and Canadian charts.

Films about Taylor Swift and with her participation

A young and talented American woman managed to star in several feature films of different genres. We offer to evaluate her acting game on the following films:

  • "Dedicated" (2014). In this fantastic story, Taylor got the role of Rosemary, who, according to the script, did not manage to become the Keeper of Memory. The singer owes her appearance on the screen to one of the top managers of the film company, busy filming the film. He was very impressed with the performance of the artist, which influenced her acting career. At the same time, directors and producers note: Swift organically fit into her role, although the image of Rosemary was prescribed long before the girl appeared in the project.
  • "Valentine's Day" (2010). In a light comedy about the most romantic day of the year, Taylor got the role of a school player's girl. sports team. Did she cope with the task? Some will say yes, some will say no.

The list of projects where the popular country singer starred also includes serials. She can be seen in one of the episodes of C.S.I. Crime Scene ”and“ New Girl ”, where the girl got a 40-second role. Also in 2012, Taylor voiced main character animated film "Lorax" - Audrey.

Taylor Swift music in films

She writes the lyrics herself, composes the music herself, which is liked by millions of fans and directors. Creativity Swift has become part of more than a dozen different films.



Fifty Shades Darker (2017)

"I Don't Wanna Live Forever"

"The Secret Life of Pets" (2016)

"Welcome to New York"

"Sing" (2016)

"Shake It Off"

"In active search" (2016)

"Welcome to New York"

"San Andreas Fault" (2015)


"Dreams Come True!" (2013)

"Sweeter Than Fiction"

The Hunger Games (2012)

"Safe & Sound"

"Letters to Juliet" (2010)

"Love Story"

"Valentine's Day" (2010)

"Today Was A Fairytale", "Jump Then Fall"

"Hannah Montana" (2009)


A separate list can be compiled if we take into account television series and TV shows. ER, Grey's Anatomy, C.S.I. Crime scene" - the talented Taylor's lyric soprano also sounds here.

Taylor Swift's secret to success

The popularity of this American singer is really amazing. Her albums debut at the top of the charts, her singles are sold in the millions, she tours around the world and wins numerous awards. Tei's list of achievements includes more than 200 awards, including the Grammy, American Music Awards, BRIT Awards, etc. The performer's condition also does not stand aside and is constantly counted - she is no stranger to wearing the title of the highest paid star. How did she manage to achieve this?

Some critics believe that she appeared on stage at the right time in and right place. Nashville, where young Tay moved with her parents, is the center of country music in the United States. Here at every step are recording studios, which makes it easier for new stars. It is not surprising that Swift chose the country direction for herself and began to actively develop in it.

The second moment of popularity is associated with the absence of a singer on stage, whose image will seem familiar and recognizable to Americans. Britney Spears, who in the early 2000s was strongly associated with the US pop industry, began to lose her reputation due to indecent behavior and divorce proceedings. This is the time to appear new star: pure, innocent and sincere. She became Taylor Swift.

A charming girl with long blond hair conquered America with her songs. Her image is fully consistent with the chosen direction. Tey invariably performed with a guitar in her hands and in cowboy boots, which looked spectacular against the background of light dresses in a rustic style. The artist's work was filled with personal experiences and feelings, which again resonated with fans.

It is noteworthy that Swift predominantly writes both music and words for her songs. At the same time, she does not refuse to cooperate with other poets and musicians. So, the poetess Liz Rose helped to create many of Tay's compositions.

But music critics and detractors aren't convinced that Taylor's success is based solely on her talent. They see no less talented marketing in the release of singles, albums and in the supported innocent image of the singer. It consists of fueling interest in songs that are waiting for release, various promotions aimed at increasing sales, and refusing streaming services. In any case, Swift does not want to give up and is ready to conquer new heights.

Country pop singer Taylor Swift is one of the brightest music stars"new generation". She is sweet, beautiful and talented, films with her participation are very popular among young people, and the singer's records are sold in millions of copies, becoming many times platinum.

Childhood Taylor Swift

The future country pop star was born in the small town of Reading, Pennsylvania, but moved to another city at an early age. country town- Wyomissing. Her father was a well-known financial consultant, and her mother was a housewife. From childhood, little Taylor knew that she wanted to become a singer, and her parents contributed in every possible way to the realization creative plans girls. She began taking vocal lessons at an early age.

Video from family archive Taylor Swift

As Taylor Swift herself admitted, the real idols of her childhood were country singers Lee Ann Rimes and Shania Twain, as well as her own grandmother, from whom, apparently, the baby got a beautiful clear voice. At the age of 10, Taylor Swift began playing the guitar, and then songs of her own composition appeared in the repertoire of the young singer.

The girl was always drawn to the stage and was never afraid of public speaking. Already at the age of ten, her innate artistry and stage charm made the singer a real star in her hometown - not a single festival, fair or public competition held in Wyomissing could do without her performances. At age 12, she received a standing ovation by singing the US national anthem at the opening ceremony of the 76th Philadelphia Games.

How Taylor Swift became famous

As a teenager, Taylor Swift moved to one of the suburbs of a large and vibrant Nashville - a city that is rightfully called the capital of country music. Here she began taking private lessons from songwriter Lil Rose, as well as singing along with the guitar on the streets, standing in the windows of one of the local cafes. It was there that producer Scott Borchette noticed her. The master of the music industry at that time was just starting to promote his own label "Big Machine Records", and therefore the acquaintance with the young talented singer turned out to be just in time.

In 2006, with the support of Borchetta, Taylor Swift recorded her first studio single, "Tim McGraw", dedicated to her favorite country artist. Two months later, the debut album of the aspiring singer saw the light of day. Taylor Swift's namesake record became very popular, in particular, received the status of a five-times platinum album, and also “hung” on the Billboard 200 chart for 234 weeks, breaking a decade record. The audience appreciated the songs, the themes of which, at first glance, were rather superficial - first love, teenage experiences, the transformation from a girl into a woman. But, at the same time, the lyrics did not seem banal, but on the contrary, made us think about the difficulties of an emotionally difficult period of growing up.

Soon, Taylor Swift was talked about as a rising star of country style. In the same period, the first awards appeared in her collection: the well-known International Songwriters Association of Nashville named the girl the best author and performer of the year - and this is in the "country city"! Moreover, Taylor Swift became the youngest recipient of this award.

Impressing everyone with her amazing performance, in November 2008, Swift Taylor introduced the world to the second studio album, "Fearless" ("Fearless"). The record immediately reached number one on the Billboard 200 chart, and also broke the record of the previous one, receiving the status of a six-time platinum album.

The new record brought Taylor Swift and new awards. Young Hollywood Awards (“Future Superstar” category), MTV Video Music Awards (“Best Video”), People Choice Awards (“Singer of the Year”), American Music Awards (“Best Performer of the Year”) - awards rained down on the singer one after another .

By this time, Taylor Swift had gone from a promising young performer to one of the most popular stars on the world stage. Her position on the stage was strengthened by two new albums - "Speak Now" (2010) and "Red" (2012), each of which became four times platinum in the USA, and also brought her phenomenal popularity already in Europe. The geography of the young singer's tours stretched from the USA to Japan. The girl spent many months away from home, returning to the States only for another award.

Taylor Swift & Ed Sheeran - Everything Has Changed

In 2014, Taylor Swift's fifth studio album, 1989, saw the light of day, which, according to the singer, was to be her "first documented official pop album" with a completely new style. The novelty was received with a bang: in the first week, US residents bought 1.2 million copies of the disc, while the total circulation of the album approached the mark of 9 million copies sold.

Taylor Swift in movies

Taylor's acting career began with an episode of C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation. A few months later, in the fall of 2009, she appeared in a feature film about Hannah Montana with a cameo. Her appearance in the frame was short, but during the filming, Taylor began to get along well with the performer. leading role, singer Miley Cyrus .

Hannah Montana: Taylor Swift appeared in the film with a cameo

Somewhat more noticeable was the appearance of the singer in the romantic comedy "Valentine's Day", which was released in 2010. Subsequently, the American singer was also noted in little known movie"Todd vs. high school”, as well as in one of the episodes of the comedy television series“ New Girl ”.

Singing career and film debuts marked a new stage in the singer's work, and also attracted even more attention to her person. For example, in 2011 Maxim magazine put Taylor Swift in 20th place in the ranking of the most desirable women in the world.

Conflict between Taylor Swift and Kanye West

In 2009, Taylor Swift had a conflict with rapper Kanye West. The girl won the MTV award in the Best Female Video nomination. She went up on stage and began to say thanks, when suddenly the rapper snatched the microphone from her and declared that the Beyoncé video, presented in the same nomination, was the best video he had ever seen in his entire life. His words certainly made an impression on Beyoncé, who was sitting in the hall, but Taylor drooped right in front of her eyes.

Kanye West and Taylor Swift at the 2009 MTV VMAs

Seven years later, the conflict continued: Kanye West released the single "Famous", which included the following line: "I guess I could fuck Taylor, because I made that bitch famous." Of course, the singer sued West, but the rapper's wife, socialite Kim Kardashian, said that Taylor gave her consent to these lines during telephone conversation with Kanye, who, it turns out, was recorded.

During a telephone conversation, Swift did agree to such a provocative lyric, adding that it sounds like a compliment to her. “I could not even think that you would mention my name in your songs. By the way, thanks for the bouquet you sent me. I posted it on Instagram, and this photo got incredible a large number of Likes!

In April 2016, Taylor Swift released new clip for the song "New Romantics", which, in fact, was a live video.

Taylor Swift – New Romantics

In November of the same year, the girl took first place in the ranking of the highest paid singers in the world, compiled by the Forbes business publication.

Taylor Swift's personal life

Taylor Swift's love interests have always been at the epicenter of the Western press. In 2008, the artist began an affair with musician Joe Jonas, one of the members of the Jonas Brothers. However, the relationship with the windy handsome man lasted only three and a half months.

In 2009, Taylor met for several months with the famous werewolf from "Twilight" - Taylor Lautner, with whom she played together in the film "Valentine's Day". There is an opinion that popular composition Taylor Swift "Back to December" tells exactly about the relationship with this actor.

After breaking up with Lautner, the singer's life was Connor Kennedy (grandson of John F. Kennedy), a member of the One Direction band Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris were a great couple

Literally three weeks later, Taylor appeared in public ... with British actor Tom Hiddleston, the star of Thor and The Avengers. Many fans on both sides were convinced that the affair was nothing more than a PR stunt, since Taylor was just recording her sixth studio album, and Hiddleston was filming one of her new videos, and all the joint photos of the couple looked too staged. The public was especially outraged by Tom Hiddleston's T-shirt with the inscription "I Love T.S" (T.S. - Taylor Swift).

Already in August 2016, rumors appeared in the press that the romance between Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston was coming to naught. According to the media, the cause of the quarrel was the desire of the singer to get married, while the actor was not going to give up his bachelor status. Rumors of a breakup were finally confirmed on the eve of September, when Taylor Swift removed Tom Hiddleston from her Facebook friends. On the same day, the girl was seen in the company of an unknown young man.

Taylor Swift now

Taylor Swift released her sixth studio album Reputation in November 2017. The disc consisted of 15 tracks with the title track "Look What You Made Me Do" ("Look What You Made Me Do"). In the first week of sales in the US alone, 1.216 million copies of the album were purchased.

Taylor Swift - Look What You Made Me Do

More recently, it seemed that the young American singer Taylor Swift could only interest country music lovers. Today, however, she is by far the most dazzling pop star. How did this rise to success happen? On this page you can read a short biography of the singer, see her photos, videos with her participation, as well as listen to her songs online and learn something about the personal life of this popular performer. So who is she?

Taylor Swift: Early Career

Everything starts from childhood. Always. Taylor Swift showed a love for music at an early age. The Taylor family strongly encouraged the girl's craving for performances. Future singer from the age of 10 she performed at various city holidays in the city of Wyomissing, where the singer spent her childhood. The girl was never afraid to go out and speak in front of people, and this is not surprising, because publicity is in her genes. Taylor's grandmother, Marjorie Finlay was an opera singer.

Swift made her first serious debut in front of a large audience at the opening of the 76th Philadelphia Games. There she sang the national anthem, making a big impression on the American public. At that time she was only 12 years old!

It was opened to the world by Scott Borchette, whom the girl met in one of the suburbs of Nashville during her street performances. The owner of the independent label Big Machine Records helped her take her first steps in the music industry.

In mid-2006, Taylor presented her first debut single"Tim MacGrow", named after the famous country music artist. penetrating voice, beautiful story love, which, by the way, the girl wrote herself, guitar picks in country style - all this made a strong impression on the audience. Like the entire first album "Taylor Swift", which was released in October of the same year. This is how her fame begins.

The album's second single "Teardrops on My Guitar" was the most successful in the ratings. Immediately after the release of the album, Taylor Swift was named the young rising star of country music. The young singer did not rest on her laurels, continuing to actively perform at open areas, as well as opening for famous bands and performers, in particular, the same Tim McGraw.

The activity and energy of Taylor Swift brought her a worthy reward. A year after the release of her first album, the International Songwriters Association of Nashville named her the best performer and songwriter of the year.

It is worth noting that Nashville is the capital of country music. For Taylor, this assessment of her talents has become milestone event and the next step of the ascent. The inspired singer continues to work on her second album. And almost a year later, the world saw her second studio album “Fearless”.

"Fearless": Important second album

Taylor Swift: promotional photo for the album "Fearless"

The second album was even more resounding success. The title's magic may have worked (Fearless), but the album peaked at number one on the Billboard 200 in record time. In the same year, Taylor received the Young Hollywood Awards in the Future Superstar nomination. The album received high acclaim in the UK, New Zealand, Australia and Japan.

The video clips for the singles “You Belong With Me” and “Love Story” are leading in all world ratings, captivating the audience with their clean presentation of the plot and energy. The “knightly” plot of “Love Story” catches with its fabulous atmosphere, lightness and romance. The video sequence “You Belong With Me” takes the viewer to a small town, to the story of a “simple neighbor girl” who is in love with her classmate. And it was for this simple but sincere clip, with a theme close to every schoolchild, that Taylor received the MTV Video Music Awards in 2009.

During 2009, the award follows one after another. Authoritative music magazines award first places, declaring her the most leading singer, the most popular author. At the Grammy ceremony, she is declared the "Best Country Artist".

Meanwhile, the younger generation of her fans is growing every day.

Despite the dense tour schedule, the singer tries herself in the cinema. Appears in episodic role detective series C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation, as well as herself in the teen comedy Hannah Montana.

2009 MTV awards incident

All world-class celebrities sooner or later become the heroes of scandals. Rising star Taylor is no exception. In 2009, a noisy episode involving Swift and Kanye West hit all the news bulletins. During the award ceremony at the MTV Video Music Awards for the best female video when the performer has already spoken classic words gratitude from the stage and held the treasured statuette in her hands, suddenly her speech was interrupted ...

Kanye West took the stage and told the whole audience that Beyoncé should have taken the first place for her “Single Ladies” video, and not Taylor Swift at all with “You Belong With Me”. Of course, Beyoncé was flattered by such an act and did not hide her emotions. As for the upset Taylor, the sight was extremely sad. Without finishing her speech, the girl left the stage.

Beyoncé smoothed out the conflict when she called Taylor on stage again. The R&B star, who has won first place in other categories, graciously gave Taylor time to finish her speech.

Whether it was a planned PR campaign, or an emotional Kanye West just couldn't contain the feeling, no one knows. But in 2016, this unpleasant story surfaced in a new version. In the lyrics of the song “Famous”, the singer mentions the name of the singer in a rather rude manner. The literal translation is: "I guess I could *** Taylor, because I made this *** famous." Hearing this, the singer immediately filed a lawsuit.

The news of this made a lot of noise, but the truth, oddly enough, was on the side of West. His wife, Kim Kardashian, intervened in the scandal, providing a recording of her husband's telephone conversation with Taylor Swift. On the recording, it was clearly audible that Kanye initially asked the singer for permission to use such words in the song. There was also a clear “yes” response. And what's more, the girl took it as a compliment.

Album "Speak Now" and the first "Grammys"

Taylor Swift on the cover of the album "Speak Now"

The third album "Speak Now" was released in 2010. The romantic album opens with the first song "Mine", for which Taylor later released a beautiful video. The young singer appears in the gentle image of her lover. Nature, simple plots and the eternal theme of love, quarrels and reconciliations again create a high-quality video sequence. And in addition to fans in America, Taylor is gaining more and more fans in other countries. Throughout 2010, the songs from the third album of the vocalist are in the lead in the charts of Canada, Australia, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway.

Former 41st US President George W. Bush arrives for the premiere of the "Mine" video in Kennebunkport.

It is worth noting that the singer wrote all the songs for the third album herself, reflecting even in the texts her many autobiographical moments. For example, "Back to December" she shone to her former lover - Taylor Lautner. The peppy track “The Story of Us”, based on which a bright clip was filmed in the library, also reflects her next experiences.

For the life-affirming "Mean", Taylor received a Grammy Award for Best Country Performance and Best Country Song. Taylor managed to modernize classic style country, mixing it with light pop-rock. Among other things, she added her own, personal unique charm. The young singer managed to bring freshness and relevance to the style, which by this time was considered conservative and somewhat old-fashioned.

Combining classic country instruments that Taylor plays freely (banjo and ukulele), adding drums from rock music, she creates her own, new and bright sound every time. In addition to the banjo and ukulele, the singer plays the piano and guitar beautifully.

At her live concerts, Taylor Swift constantly accompanies herself on one of these instruments. She plays at almost every concert.

Tour “Speak Now”

Taylor Swift during the "Speak Now" World Tour

The incredible performance of Taylor Swift is manifested in everything. Her tour in support of the third album was very intense and even more extensive than the very first, devoted to "Fearless". If in the first tour the singer visited mainly North America, Canada, Great Britain, Japan and Australia, which, of course, is also a very large territorial coverage, then on the “Speak Now” world tour she performed in many other countries.

The new tour covered countries such as Singapore, China, South Korea and a number of European countries.

Between constant rehearsals before concerts and writing the next album in 2010, Taylor Swift appeared again in the movie in the movie "Valentine's Day", this time not in the episode, but with a full-fledged role.

Album "RED": the beginning of change

Taylor Swift Supports 'Red' Album

The daring and bright fourth studio album by Taylor Swift differs from its predecessors in a more aggressive sound - rocker moods are felt in almost every song. The singer herself said that in the album she reflected her turning points in relationships.

Having poured out her moods, changes, doubts, disappointments in poetry and music, Taylor Swift created an album that is emotional and loud, just like its name.

The first single from this disc sounded in October 2012. It was “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together”. The rhythmic and danceable single took the lead in the charts and was downloaded tens of thousands of times from iTunes. Following him, the song "Begin Again" was presented, which lingered in the top ten leaders in the Billboard Hot 100.

What has changed in Taylor Swift's style? Of course, the inimitable energy of the “new country” remained, but even in the image of the singer, in all the videos, her more adult self-presentation began to be reflected. In her image of a "simple girl", Taylor began to add more style and brilliance.

In some clips, she throws funny and crazy parties, as we see in “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” or in “22”. In “I Knew You Were Trouble”, Taylor boldly experiments with electronic inclusions and a more dramatic style. In the “Begin Again” video, she again turns into a romantic person walking in a luxurious way around Paris.

In general, the album "Red" marked Taylor as an adult and versatile singer who is not afraid to experiment. During this period, she collaborated in duets with Ed Sheeran, Tim McGraw, Jennifer Lopez, the Rolling Stones, Carly Simon, Tegan and Sara, Luke Bryan, Ellie Goulding, Nelly, Sarah Barellis, Train, Neon Trees, Flatts, Hunter Hayes, Emeli Sande and many other famous performers.

In 2013, Taylor again receives the MTV Video Music Awards and MTV Europe Music Awards.

At the same time, the singer does not leave her interest in cinema, having recorded the composition “Sweeter Than Fiction” for the film “Dreams Come True”. The composition took first place in the nomination " Best Song at the Golden Globes in the same year.

Fifth album: "1989"

The album, named after the date of birth of the singer, was released in 2014. This is a heavily modified style of performance, but still high-quality music. This time, Taylor, as part of her revamped team of musicians, took a different approach to the entire recording process. In almost all compositions, there is a lot of electronic sound. At the same time, the singer even brought in some trends of the 80s. It turned out to be a danceable, light and at the same time energetically filled album of 13 tracks.

Her “Shake It Off” reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100. Thus, with the release of “1989”, Taylor Swift had 22 singles that hit the first place in the ratings.

This album clearly shows that the singer is moving forward, developing further, not wanting to freeze in one style. Each time she masters more and more "distant lands" of musical directions.

Video clips of her songs have become larger, more voluminous and spectacular. One clip of only "Bad Blood" shows us how far the fantasy and scope of the creators of the fifth album has unfolded. We see elements of at least a dozen fantastic blockbusters with many celebrities involved: Selena Gomez, Zendaya, Cindy Crawford, and Kendrick Lamar, and about 10 other singers and actors are involved.

Taylor knows how to surprise, while maintaining balance. She doesn't go headlong into synth-pop alone or throw herself into rap entirely.

The album also contains slow compositions, close to the ballad style. For example, the luxurious composition “Wildest Dreams”. With an absolutely luxurious clip in the genre of old Hollywood. Beauty Taylor and the unfolding love story against the backdrop of African landscapes. For him, Taylor received awards in four categories at the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards.

Or, for example, the video for “Blank Space”, with elements of comedy, ironic, but very beautiful. Taylor loves to laugh and have fun, which is periodically reflected in her work. In any case, her singles are never boring.

And the result - the Grammy Award in 2016 in the nominations " Best Album of the Year", "Best Music Video" for "Bad Blood" and "Best Pop Vocal Album". The singer's great achievement was that she was presented with a special personal award - the Taylor Swift Award at the BMI Pop Awards. This was the second time in the history of the award after Michael Jackson (the King of Pop received it in 1990).

At the end of 2016, Taylor Swift gives her fans a New Year's gift. She is recording for the sequel to the erotic film 50 Shades of Grey. She performs a new track for the film "Fifty Shades Darker" in a duet with a popular British artist Zayn Malik from pop One group direction. It turned out to be a very beautiful duet with a perfect combination of voices. Fans were raving about "I Don't Wanna Live Forever".

The video clip for this song made no less impression. During the filming of the video, Swift and Malik went on a rampage and vandalized a hotel room overnight, causing over $3,000 in damage. Malek smashed furniture and threw a lamp at the wall, while Swift set fire to the curtain. It is reported that the smoke detectors in the room were prudently turned off.

Album "Reputation": On the crest of success and scandal

Taylor Swift's sixth album was released in November 2017 reputation. Tracks from the new record began to sound even earlier. Track “Look What You Made Me Do” came out at the end of August digital format. Once again, Taylor Swift hit the mark. The composition again leads again in all the charts in America, again enchants Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Europe. Moderately aggressive clip with a change of the most controversial images.

Taylor appears as the queen of burlesque, as the heroine of fantasy comics, and even as a zombie.

In the clip “…Ready for It?” she also goes to experiments with fantastic images. The performer acts as an android, the role of a superhero. The singer keeps up with current trends in stories. Subject computer games, abundance computer graphics dominates, and in some lyric videos like “Gorgeous” or “Call It What You Want” there are no heroes at all in the video. In the center are the scrolling lines of chats, letters and scraps of newspapers.

For the entire album, we can say that in it Taylor completely abandoned the image of a “girl with a guitar” and plunged into urban landscapes. Taylor is constant in one thing - she is a professional, and if she uses electro-pop, she still retains her own handwriting, only inherent in her.

This is especially reflected in "End Game", on which she shot a video with the participation Ed Sheeran and rapper Future. A bright and very stylish clip with a video sequence of beautiful cities. London, Tokyo, Miami and, of course, the theme of love and relationships.

Will her compositions and video clips take the next Grammy and MTV Awards? This is still unknown, but in any case, the album was enthusiastically received and appreciated. And these are not only music critics, but also millions of fans of Taylor Swift.

Taylor Swift's personal life

The young singer has not only talent, but also a bright appearance. Therefore, it is not surprising that Taylor Swift charms men with ease. Her list of novels includes such famous names as the singer Joe Jonas, the star of the vampire saga Taylor Lautner, the actor Jake Gyllenhall and even one of America's most eligible suitors, the handsome Connor Kenedy.

Taylor not only enchants her countrymen, her charms spread across the ocean. At first there was a short romance with British singer and actor Harry Styles, and in 2015 began a relationship with the famous Scottish musician Calvin Harris. Surrounding admired the beautiful famous couple. But, alas, the relationship lasted a little over a year. In the summer of 2016, the couple broke up.

The last strong hobby of the singer was also a native of Europe. Tom Hiddleston is a popular Hollywood actor of British origin. Having started a stormy romance in July 2016, the couple broke up in the fall.

To date, it is not known whether the singer's heart is free or not. What romance is she hiding from the ubiquitous journalists? In any case, only one thing is known that a bright and talented celebrity does not like to be alone for a long time.

Top Songs By Taylor Swift

On this page you can listen for free best taylor swift songs online.

One of the most colorful country singers of all time considers the number 13, her date of birth, her lucky number, often drawing it on her arms during performances. Her father, Scott, worked as a financial consultant, and her mother, Andrea, devoted most of her life to housekeeping, stopping working quite early. Taylor has a younger brother, Austin.

The Swift family had several horses, so as a child, Taylor was involved in horse riding. She also attended musical theater classes and often traveled to Broadway to study vocals and acting. T

Taylor Swift began writing songs at the age of 10, learning to play the guitar, and also performed at fairs and festivals in the city of Wyomissing, where she grew up.

star trek singer

At the age of 14, young Taylor Swift moved to Nashville with the firm intention of becoming a star and being heard. She sang and played the guitar right on the street, near the cafe, until she was noticed by the founder of the music label Big Machine Records, Scott Borchette.

The debut single of the singer Tim McGraw was released in 2006 and brought her fame, as well as the Nashville Songwriters Association Award. At the end of the same year, the first album called Taylor Swift was released, well received by music critics. The next two years, the performer works on two mini-albums, as a result of which she becomes a Grammy nominee, but in the end she loses to Amy Winehouse. The next album, Fearless, was released on November 11, 2008 and became a real explosion in the US music industry. It peaked at number one on the Billboard Music Albums Chart and was certified 6x platinum in the US and 5x platinum in Australia.

In October 2010, Taylor Swift released the album Speak Now, which cemented her success. It went multi-platinum again in many countries, including the US, Australia and Canada. In support of it, Taylor staged a 111-day world tour.

In early 2012, the singer worked on songs for the Hunger Games soundtrack. The song Safe & Sound from this album was nominated for a Golden Globe Award, but lost out to Adele's Skyfall, the theme to the film 007: Skyfall.

Taylor Swift's fourth full length album was released in October 2012. In the songs from the RED disc, the influence of not only country music is noticeable, but also other styles: dubstep and pop dance. The people who helped the singer in the work on the fourth album believe that this is a big step towards the glory of a pop star and world recognition. A world tour is organized in support of RED.

Now Taylor Swift lives in Nashville, but the girl also has a house in Los Angeles. Her fortune is estimated at about $57 million.

Personal life

by the most famous novel Taylor Swift began a relationship with Twilight star Taylor Lautner. The namesake starred together in the film Valentine's Day in 2010, and after breaking up, the singer dedicated the song Back to December to her boyfriend. By the way, Taylor's habit of writing songs in honor of past guys is already being talked about jokes.

The rest of Taylor's novels were rather short: in 2008, she spent four months with singer Joe Johnson, several months in 2009, the artist met with John Mayer, three months in 2010 with actor Jake Gyllenhaal, and quite a bit with Cory Monteith (and before that with his Glee co-star Chord Overstreet), three months in mid-2012 with Connor Kennedy, and four months in late 2012 with One Direction band member Harry Styles. But these are the names of only famous guys!

One of Taylor's first singles Tim McGraw was dedicated to parting with a guy named Brandon Borello, the song Picture to Burn tells about an affair with a certain Jordan Alford, Should "ve Said No was written after a guy named Sam Armstrong cheated on the singer.

Now 26-year-old Taylor is going to marry DJ Calvin Harris.

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