Game "Polite words". Reading the poem "If you are polite"


KOU "Poltava boarding school VIII kind"

extracurricular activity

"Journey to the Land of Courtesy"

Polygalova Galina Valentinovna - music teacher

Tarabunova Alena Anatolyevna - primary school teacher


Target: Teaching children the needs cultural behavior.


1.Promote development cognitive activity, acting skills;

2. Contribute to the development of higher mental functions;

3. To develop the artistic and musical speech of students, to instill an interest in reading;

4. Teach children to use polite words in their speech in different situations.

Equipment: multimedia installation, presentation, piano, laptop.

The course of extracurricular activities:

1. Leading . Good afternoon, dear children and adults!(Slide 1)

2. Lead . Hello!

1. Leading . Guys, you got invitation cards.

These tickets are magical, each envelope contains a polite word.

See what polite words you have in your envelopes?

2. Lead . We invite you on a journey through magical land Politeness. We will travel in a basket of balloons.I think that on the way we will be interested.

Guys, before our trip, watch the cartoon "Ignorant" and think about whether you can take the cartoon characters with you?(Slide 2)

( Watching the cartoon "Ignorant").

Guys, which cartoon characters were ignorant?

Have they changed? Should we take them on our trip?

So, today we will visit the City of Greetings, the Sea of ​​Politeness, the Castle of Knightly Manners, and also look into the country of Rudeness.(Slide 3)

1. Leading . Our journey begins. Attention! We are waitingCity of Cheers . (Slide 4)

1 student.

- Good afternoon! - you were told.

- Good afternoon! – you answered.

How two strings are tied

Warmth and kindness.

2 student.

- Hello! - you tell the person

- Hello! he smiles back.

And probably won't go to the pharmacy

And will be healthy for many years.

3 student.

- We want"Bon Voyage!"

- It will be easier to go and go.

Will lead, of course, a good way

Only for something good.

- Thanks guys. What is today's date? Do you know what date November 21st is? No, sorry! November 21 is the international day of greetings!(Slide 5)

Yes, yes, hello.

The idea of ​​this holiday belongs to two American youths, the McCormick brothers, who proposed in 1973 to celebrate a day of friendship and understanding between the peoples of all countries of the world.

And may on this day every person wish good and happiness to relatives and strangers, and, of course, give them his radiant smile. Hello children! Hello people, we love you!

2. Lead . The word "hello" is a very interesting word.(Slide 6) Think about its meaning: "hello" - we wish each other health (health). Therefore, people are pleased to hear this word. People different nationalities greet each in their own language. Let's listen to how Germans, Kazakhs, Tatars, Ukrainians greet each other.

(Children's answers are heard). -Well done!

1. Leading . So what are the people of the world celebrating today?

What does the word "hello" mean?

2. Lead . And now we have a sea in front of us, which we must cross -"Sea of ​​Courtesy" . (Slide 7)

Guys, what kind of person can be called polite? (Answers of children).(Slide 8) Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way that others would be pleased with you. good manners possessed by one who does not put people in an awkward position. Polite person always attentive to people. He tries not to harm them, trouble, not to offend others in word or deed. In the speech of a cultured person who knows how to communicate, there must be words of politeness.

1 student.

Gets expensive

Happiness difficult roads.

What good have you done?

How did you help people?

This measure measures

All earthly works.

Maybe grow a tree

Ile cleared the ponds?

Are you building a rocket?

Hydro station? House?

warming up the planet

By your peaceful labor?

Ile under snow powder

Whose life will you save?

Doing good things for people

Be nice yourself.

1. Leading . Many glorious deeds await us, but first of all, we must grow up to be real people - kind, courageous, sympathetic, polite. This must be learned from childhood. The song “If you are polite” will tell you about this.

(Performance of the song "If you are polite").

1. If you are polite and not deaf to conscience,

Give that place to the old woman without protest.

And if you are polite, then sitting in the lesson,

You will not crackle with a friend like two magpies.

2. If you are polite in your soul, and not out of sight,

You will help a disabled person get on the bus.

And if you are polite, then in a conversation with your aunt,

And with grandfather and grandmother, you will not kill them.

3. If you are polite, then in the library

Nekrasov and Gogol will not take forever. And if you are polite to someone who is weaker,

You will be a protector, not shy before the strong.

1. Leading . Let's playgame "Continue the phrase." (Slide 9)

I begin, you continue in unison. Shall we try?

The boy is polite and developed

He speaks at a meeting ... (hello)

Even ice blocks melt

From the word warm ... (thank you)

The old stump will turn green,

When he hears ... (good afternoon)

When our elders scold us for pranks,

We say... (please excuse me)

Both France and Denmark

Saying goodbye to everyone, they say ... (goodbye).

- Okay, you've completed this task.

Guys, do you like how cooks cook at school? What is the magic word you say to them? (Answers of children).

2. Lead . From the history of the word "Thank you" (Slide 10)

Do you know where this word came from? In ancient times, when they wanted to thank a person for a good deed, they said to him: “God save you!”

The combination "God save you" turned into a short "thank you." So there was a word familiar to all of us from childhood. Never forget this word. There is even a proverb: “Do not regret your thanks!”

1 student.

If by word or deed

Has anyone helped you

Don't be shy loud, bold

Say: "Thank you!"

1. Leading . So , what magic words met us in the sea of ​​Politeness?

2. Leading. We continue our journey. We are going toCastle of knightly manners. (Slide 11)

Knights are brave and courageous people who lived in the Middle Ages. To become a knight, one had to pass special training. From the age of 7, the parents assigned the boy to an experienced warrior. He was taught to ride, shoot a bow, throw a spear, wield a sword, dance, know the rules of etiquette. But the knight was not only obliged to master the military sciences, but also to act nobly, to protect weak people and humiliated, to be polite, to treat women nobly.

1 leader. In our time, a knight is called a person who is ready for a feat and self-sacrifice in the name of another. This is a polite, benevolent person, hurrying to the rescue of the weak. He will no doubt stand up for the offended, rush into the burning house, saving the baby. Another custom has come down to our days: take off your gloves when saying hello. Baring his hands, taking off his gloves, the knight thereby demonstrated that he was unarmed. By observing the rules of etiquette today, we show that we respect the interlocutor.

2. Lead . And now I suggest you check who we can be a knight, who is the most polite.

So, the tasks are not for addition, but for the rules of respect.(Slide 12)

Situation 1 . Birthday situation: give a gift in a package. How to take it? (According to etiquette: it is necessary to unpack the package, thank for the gift. SCH If these are sweets, treat all guests).SCH

Situation 2. The two boys collided at the door and couldn't part. Which of them should give way if one is 10 and the other is 9 years old? (who is more polite). SCH

Situation 3 .Petya and Yura hurried to the dining room and ran down two steps. The teacher stood up. The boys ran past, and somewhere from the bottom floor they heard: “Hello, Lidia Ivanovna!” What the teacher answered them, the boys did not hear and were the first to burst into the dining room. (The boys made three mistakes: they don’t run around the school, when they met the teacher, the guys had to stop, they had to greet politely).

Situation 4 . Teachers are talking in the school corridor. Among them, Ivan saw his class teacher and, passing by, he politely said: "Hello, Tamara Alekseevna!" What mistake did Ivan make? (He should say hello to everyone).

Guys, you handled the situation well. Listen to poems about polite words.

(Staging of the poem "Polite deed")

It was summer, the birds were singing, Pavlik was riding in the train.

Suddenly, at the Fili station, two girls entered the door.

Modestly stood in a corner and talk on the sidelines

In English.

Pavlik understood: “Foreigners”, this can be seen from the posture,

Maybe they are tourists? For the first time in our country?

And with difficulty he said in English: "Let me

Invite you to the bench, but I myself will stand!

It was summer, the birds sang, two girls in the train

Sat near the window.

“By the way, we are Muscovites,” one smiles.

Pavlik shouted: - How so! So I'm in trouble?

And now he does not drink, he does not eat! Let's sympathize with him:

I gave way to the girls for no reason.

(Yusupov's poem "Forgive me!")

Papa broke the precious vase

Grandmother and mother frowned at once.

But dad was found: he looked into their eyes

And timidly and quietly, “I'm sorry,” he said.

And mom is silent, even smiling.

- We will buy another, there are better ones on sale ...

Sorry!" - it would seem that in it such a thing?

But what a wonderful word!

1. Leading .- Guys, do you know why dad was forgiven so easily? How do you ask for forgiveness?

So what kind of person do we call a knight these days?

We think that brave noble people will never disappear - real knights!

2. Lead.- Guys, now let's rest.

(Physical minute.The game "Polite - impolite" ).

- If I read about a polite act - you clap your hands, when I read about an impolite act - you stomp your feet:

- Say hello at the meeting;

- push and do not apologize;

- whistle, shout, make noise at school;

- to give way to the elders;

- do not get up on the appeal of the teacher;

- help climb the stairs;

- say goodbye, leaving.

1. Leading. We continue our journey. What is politeness, we know, and what is ignorance? What do you think? (Answers of children).

Ignorance is rudeness, rudeness, bad manners. The person who does not observe the rules of decency is an impolite person.

And now we will look in the neighborhood in the country of Rudeness.(Slide 13)

Premiere of the mini-musical "Country of Rudeness"

(music by V. Yudina, lyrics by I. Syrovatkina)


(A room with a large window. For a hundred crowbar sits girl Nastya. Grandmother set the table for breakfast, but Nastya does not eat anything. Half times thrown toys. Near the sofa worth the TV.)


Today is a bad day

Nastya got up very gloomy.

It's hard to brush your teeth!

Mom has to go to work soon

Nastya pouts, grumbles

and yelling at grandma.


I won't eat eggs!

And I won't wash the dishes

And I won't say thank you

I'll lie on the couch!

LEADING(continues to sing):

Ate sticky candy

Messed up the newspaper

She crushed the cat's paw,

did not turn off the water in the bathroom,

Scattered all the toys

And sat down on the pillows.


I won't eat eggs!

And I won't wash the dishes

AndThanksI will not say,

I'll lie on the couch!

(Sits down on the sofa, putting under herpillow.)

LEADING (sings):

The TV lit up.

appeared on the screen

suddenly some old man,

Jumped to the floor, bowed,

I took a hook from somewhere

And this huge crochet

He caught Nastya, as if in a net,

And dragged somewhere.

Wow, breathtaking!

And then on the ground - boom!

(At this time, from the TV zaet Dwarf with a gray beard, net covers Nastya and drags her away to the other side of the stage.)


(Street. Fence and bench with broken rails, on the wall of the house there are posters with torn edges. Tele background booth and phone without a tube, lilac bush With broken wind kami. in big letters inscription "COUNTRY OF RUDE".)

NASTYA (looking around):

Oh howit immediately became scary

And where did I get to?

Everything around is completely different

Such an unfamiliar

Dwarf with a gray beard.

DWARF (sings):

Girl,Hi Hi,

I have been waiting for you for six years.

Before you would not have come:

Well behaved.

It's time for me to leave.


You live now in the country



What kind of freak is that?

there's another one coming.

Sharp teeth stick out

The arms are long to the heels.

The eyes are small, evil,

confess, who are they?

(The brutes come out one by one nomu, surround Nastya, looking at they eat it and sing it.)


They are called rude

We live here all the time.

In our fairyland

People are quite happy.

You don't have to be kind here.

And say "thank you".

You can stomp and spit


They are called rude

we live here all the time.

And you are like thattrifle! -

let's beatsimplySo!


Well, I do not! After all, I'm Nastya!

I'll try notabyssI,

to live ignorantlyI can

I want andrun away!

Whatfor stupidcountry?

She is very strange:

The lanterns are broken


Dirty puddles flow

And the trees don't grow!

Wow some citizen

slippeddirectlyinto the dirt.

Hey rude citizen

I will help you not to fall!

Watch out, the puddle is here!


Leave!Co.don't bother me!

Hey nasty girl

Step aside!


How are you, auntie, are not ashamed!

It hurts me to hear this!


Here the child is standingroar,

Nastya to the boygoes.


What happened dearmy?

I'll take you home!


And the child turned.

cunningsmiled a lot

With all the strength of a child

In Nastya with a stonelaunched.


Ay! What a bully you are!



Very ugly boys

Threw books into a pile

And break the withered bush -

Heard onlycrunchy branches.


Hey! After all, this is lilac -

will bloomon a spring day!


Not lilac at all, butsticks,

Useful in a skirmish

in a quarrel, quarrel,fight

in vainare we bullies?

Yes andyou awaystop,

Instantlylet's deal with you!

NASTYA (sings) :

Here nowI understood:

I behaved badly


I'm very on themsimilar.

I don't want to be rude anymore

I don't want those teeth

I don't want to live with them

to meanother on the shoulder.

To peoplesmiled

be goodtried

I'll be good to them

herewhat a secretfriends!

(Dances, spins, gets to sofa and lies down on it, warehouses waving palms, as during sleep).


Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, everything is mixed up

Spinning awayrushed

ATeverything has moved around

Nastya found herself at home!

NASTYA (waking up, no):

Well, a miracle! That's the dream!

Better than any fairy tale!

Of course I fell asleep.

Adventure anywhere!


And behind the windows flashed

Suddenly gray-hairedbeard…

(Performance of the song "Polite Waltz").

1. There will come, friends, a happy time, wonderful days will come.

The guys will be friendly with everyone, they will stop being rude.

There will be no bad children, golden years will come.

And they will never enter the room in galoshes.

2. Let rudeness disappear forever, albeit according to doctors' prescriptions

Medicines for rude children will appear in every pharmacy.

The child spun in his chair, made noise and pestered everyone.

He was prescribed pills. He drank and became polite.

Children will not be rude, they will not bite their nails,

And everyone in the world will love such children.

A fresh wind will blow, violets will bloom.

All the ignorant will disappear, they will disappear forever.

(Artists bow).

1. Leading. Guys, would you like to live in which country - Rudeness or Politeness? Why?

Then let's take an oath of courtesy:(Slide 14)

We swear to be polite.

Always say thank you.

We swear to be kind

And forget laziness and rudeness.

We swear to be polite

Do good deeds!

Summary of the event:

Guys, where have we been today?

- What interesting things did you find out?

Why are polite words in our speech?

-What do you remember most?

2. Lead.- “Becoming polite, tactful and delicate is not so difficult, you just have to want to.”(Slide 15)

So let each of you have a desire to become the most polite guys in school.


1. Lead.- Clap all those who were interested!

Raise your hand if you know something new!

Cover your face with your hands, who was bored!

2. Lead .- Thank you for your attention and activity during our trip! See you soon!

Resources used:


Magazine "Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka", 2009. #7

Handbook of the class teacher grades 1-4

Internet sites: Dreamland

One of the greats said that parable carries a lesson, comprehending which, we will become closer to God.

The young family bought a house outside the city. They looked through a lot of options, traveled almost all the neighborhoods and finally saw what they had been dreaming about for so many years.

The move didn't take long. Happy spouses enjoyed pleasant worries. And there were many. It was necessary to disassemble things, put things in order, get acquainted with the neighbors.

The first morning in the new house was sunny. We decided to have breakfast in the garden. While the young wife was preparing breakfast, her husband decided to look at the garden. And suddenly he stumbled upon a pile of garbage, poured out just on a flower bed. The man frowned, who only had the mind to do such a thing.

“It didn’t happen yesterday,” he thought.

And then his eyes caught some movement from the side. He turned and saw his neighbor walking into his house with a wry grin. A guess flashed through the man's head, but he shook his head.

- Yes, it can not be. How bad I am about people, - he took a dustpan, a broom and collected garbage in a bucket. I decided that the young wife did not need to know about this unpleasant story.

History repeated itself the next morning. The man was so upset that he could not hide it even from his wife.

Maybe we offended him in some way? Although what, we are not even familiar with him yet, - the man languidly picked at his plate with a fork.

- Calm down, - said the wife, - now we'll figure it out a bit and I'll go to the neighbors on a return visit. Everything will be fine, - the woman affectionately hugged her husband. People sometimes really need lessons in politeness.

The time was drawing near for dinner. The young wife took the largest bucket available in the house and collected the largest and most beautiful apples in the garden. I washed the apples and put them in a bucket. Then she cut a few roses and with these gifts went to a neighbor.

The neighbor opened the door immediately, the woman did not even have time to knock.

“Good afternoon,” the young woman said, “we are your neighbors.

The man's eyes rolled wildly.

“This is for you,” the woman put the bucket in front of her neighbor, “and this is for you too.”

She handed him the roses. The neighbor eyed the bouquet suspiciously.

“You understand what it is. We have been here for the second day, but we got to know each other only today. And we always take kind people to share what he himself is rich. So this is your home from ours. Goodbye.

And she went to the gate. The neighbor looked after her. A flush of shame slowly flooded his face. The lesson has been learned.

Did you like parable? If you don't like the young woman's answer, feel free to find your own.

Class: 1

Theme: Journey to the land of courtesy.


Tutorials: to promote polite communication of children with others;

Developing: promote the development of memory, attention, imagination;

ability to compare, analyze, draw conclusions;

Educators: strive to teach children to use polite words in their speech in various situations.

Equipment: literary series: poems by S. Ya. Marshak “If you are polite”, “ impolite courtesy» I. Kulskaya, visual aids

Event progress

Organizing time.

The words are hung on the board: thank you, sorry, hello, please, be kind ...

Good afternoon, dear guys! I'm glad to see you!

Guys, what do you think these words are? What unites these words? Decide on a class topic. Please state the purpose of the lesson (What should we learn)

We dedicate our holiday today to courtesy.

Do you know what politeness is? (Student answers)

How often do you use polite words in your speech? Which? In what situations?

I invite you on a journey through the land of polite words. We will visit: the Sea of ​​Politeness, the alley of Greetings, the poetic mountain, the island of Joy.

You are ready?

The sea we must cross "Sea of ​​Courtesy"

Now I will read the poem, and you listen carefully!

Reading by the teacher of the poem "If you are polite" S. Ya. Marshak.

If you are polite

And not deaf to conscience

You are the place without protest

Give in to the old woman.

And if you are polite

That, sitting in the classroom,

You won't be with a friend

crackle like two magpies

And if you are polite

Then in a conversation with my aunt

Both with grandfather and grandmother

You won't beat them.

And if you are polite

For those who are weaker

You will be the protector

Do not be shy before the strong

If you are polite.

In the soul, not for the mind

In the trolleybus you will help

Climb the disabled.

And if you are polite

Help you mom

And offer her help

Without asking - that is, on their own

And if you are polite

So thank you all

And the little balls

Do not take without asking!

What kind helpful tips did you know? (Children respond) Cheers guys, we just sailed across the sea of ​​politeness. Let's continue our journey and go to "Welcome Alley"

Please listen to the story about the "polite" boy Petya.

"Impolite politeness" I. Kulskaya

I promised my father Petrus….

I'll take the courtesy.

I will thank everyone

Say hello first!

Here is a boy with diligence

Keeps the promise

Sees - in the morning at the gatehouse

The watchman is dozing on the threshold.

He did not sleep at night,

Just dozed off.

And Petrus yells:

FROM Good morning grandfather Fedot!

Grandfather scolded him awake:

Get out, shooter!

Here Petrus caught up with Yarinka,

Yes, how he pulls for a scarf;

Where are you, Yarina, stop,

I greet you! -

She stepped aside...

What a rude girl!

The counselor carried a pile of books,

And Petro from the fence - jump!

Almost sat on his shoulders.

Sorry, good evening!

You, - the counselor shouted, -

And rude and impudent!

Petya is very surprised:

Was he impolite?

Guys, have you carefully listened to the story about the boy Petya? Then tell me, what polite words did Petrus utter?

Can a boy be called polite? Why?

What would you advise him?

Guys, do you always greet each other?

When you hear the word "kindness", what do you think of?

Kindness is the desire of a person to make others happy. She does not require rewards, if you did good - forget it, and if you received it from others, then remember.

The game "Polite - impolite".

Rules. If I read about a polite act, you clap your hands. When I read about an impolite act, you stamp your feet. Let's start.

Say hello when you meet

Push and don't apologize

Whistle, shout, make noise at school.

Give way to elders.

Don't stand up to the teacher.

Help climb the stairs.

Say goodbye leaving.

« poetic mountain»

Let's play a game, continue the phrase. I begin, you continue in unison. Shall we try? Then I start

Even an ice block will melt from a warm word……… (thank you)

The old stump will turn green when it hears……………. (Good afternoon)

When our elders scold us for pranks. We say ... (please forgive us)

And in France and Denmark, everyone, saying goodbye, they say ... ... ... ... (goodbye)

Okay, you've done this job.

Telegram! SOS from the island of Joy "Think about it"

Text of the telegram: "Help! Please! Our island has been taken over by evil, it has turned all good polite words and deeds into evil servants. Please, please spare us these words!” (Students should remove impolite words from the list)










Well done, a kind word will always help in Hard time, will scatter Bad mood and turn evil into good.

Let's make the rules good deeds. (Children's answers are heard)

Say hello when you meet.

Don't be rude, even if you're angry.

Show kindness.

Be polite and educated.


- What was the theme of our class hour? What did you take away from our trip that was useful for you?

Guys, thanks to your resourcefulness, your knowledge, we overcame all the obstacles in our journey. Be always polite, attentive to others, caring.

"Is it necessary to kiss the hand of a woman carrying a suitcase?" (With)

Ellochka the cannibal had thirty words in reserve. In order to be considered polite, in France seven are enough: "Hello!", "Excuse me", "Thank you", "I'm sorry!" ("Désolé(-e)") and " Have a good day/ evenings!".

Last week, my boss, typing another polite-angry email, suddenly asked: "Don't you think, Irina, that there are big problems with politeness in France?" Irina, who grew up in the railway station district, does not seem so. When I want to doubt the chivalry of the inhabitants of the Hexagon, I remember how once, after living a year and a half in France, I returned to Arkhangelsk for a vacation and went to visit my grandmother. A neighbor, an intelligent man of about forty-five, was just coming out of the entrance - I knew him for at least twenty years, but we never greeted each other. In surprise, I exclaimed: "Hello!" The neighbor looked at me, blew his nose and moved on.

France teaches you to say "Bonjour!" from the first minutes: almost from the very beginning, I began to greet bus drivers, cashiers, scavengers, neighbors - even those nasty ones from the fifth floor who constantly complained about me to the concierge. "Hello, madam! Forgive me for disturbing you, but do you have any coins?" ask the beggars in the subway on a dreary morning. Life, of course, does not get better from this, but even an indifferent "Bonjour" is better than nothing. In fact, one word "hello" business should not be limited. "Bonjour qui? - strict mothers drilled the kids in the sixteenth arrondissement. - You must definitely add "Bonjour Madame" or "Bonjour Monsieur", otherwise it's not comme il faut! You don't want to be considered impolite, Pierre-Antoine?" Four-year-old Pierre-Antoine did not care, but after three corrections, the classic childish "okay, just get off" worked, and later the imposed politeness grew into a habit. By the way, Madame and Monsieur are all here: no "Girl, are you leaving?" and "Woman, you blocked the view" will not be in France, even to the untidy man sleeping on the mattress at the Chanel boutique, it is customary to address you with "You" and call him "Monsieur".

In popularity with "Bonjour!" can only be compared with "Thank you!" From the course of oral speech for the third year of study at the Arkhangelsk infak, I remembered two things: instead of "I want" in any situation, you need to use a soft "I would like", and you should always thank plentifully. Our teacher, an incredibly strict woman, after several trips to France, realized that in this country you need to say "thank you" as often as possible, which she tried to get us to do all the time left before graduation. I did not give in and always laughed at this habit, until a few months ago, a recently visited French Republic Russian-speaking friend did not tell next story: she was presented with a beautiful gift, and the donor, an elderly lady, could not come herself, and the girl conveyed words of gratitude through her friend. Madame was offended and hinted that it would be nice to say "thank you" in person. My friend was indignant that she should not bow a hundred and fifty times: "I once said" thank you "- how much can you?" But I was horrified: over the years, in addition to my love for croissants, I have developed the ability (at least externally) to gratitude - I will say "Thank you" both once and twice, and I will catch up and say it again.

Another vital word in France is "Sorry!" With “sorry”, the main thing is to choose the right intonation, from angry to playfully affectionate, then it will help you get out of a crowded tram, harmlessly interrupt a colleague who has been talking about his unforgettable trip to Brittany for the second hour, or avoid conflict after you stepped on someone on foot. Aerobatics- say "Sorry?" when they step on your foot.

"I'm sorry" is another catchphrase, this time for an advanced level. "Je suis désolé (-e)" or, in a shortened version of the French who are always striving for language economy, simply "Désolé (-e)" added at the end of a phrase proves that you not only do not know or do not know how, and regret (albeit often only verbally) about it. Once a familiar Neapolitan came to Paris and was looking for a way. In French, he knew only a basic set of phrases, so he got up with an address written on a piece of paper at the metro station and stopped everyone in a row. In ten minutes, he counted five phrases "I'm sorry, I don't know, I'm sorry!"

The classic "Au revoir", which is taught in all French textbooks from the school "Blue Bird" to the eternal burgundy Popova-Kazakova-Kovalchuk, in pure form almost never happens. Instead of "Goodbye" in France, you will hear "Have a nice day / evening / end of the day." On Friday, they are replaced by an almost obligatory version of "Have a nice weekend!" In general, the final phrase is an occasion to be creative: they will wish you a good trip to the volcano, a delicious kebab, and excellent karaoke.

The politeness of the French somewhere is rapidly lost when it comes to public transport. To feel the secret side of politeness, you need to go down the subway during the morning rush hour, around eight-thirty. "Skip!" - shout those who get out of the subway cars, while the crowds storm the train from the platform. Pregnant women, women with small children, elderly people may stand for a long time until someone compassionate rises or yells: "Madame, would you like to give up your seat?" Men in suits and with newspapers sitting in public transport are a great illustration of freedom, equality and something else. My colleague Zh. once said: “Sometimes you go down to the first floor and see that your neighbor is standing below the wall, a happy mother with two children, a stroller and a bunch of packages. And your apartment is on the third floor without an elevator, and you know - damn it, you need to run!" Apparently, such thoughts appear in many men in cashmere scarves at the sight of women with strollers and endlessly long stairs in the metro - they immediately become interested in a wall map or miraculously made their way through the Paris metro messages on the phone. I recently saw an African woman in elegant dress and a turban - and a Russian-speaking girl who, swearing through her teeth, helped her drag the stroller down while the men kept a careful distance.

But the French still have no equal in written courtesy: an abundance of ornate addresses and intricate designs can confuse anyone. "Ladies and gentlemen! Your well-known company has lost my suitcase. I am deeply upset by this situation! Could you please take action?" one writes in an email to Lufthansa. “Madame, we regret to inform you that we cannot provide you with social assistance until you meet all the criteria. Let me assure you of our sincere regret,” the second is not far behind. "Dear ladies and gentlemen! We have the honor to inform you that on September 27th, work will be carried out in your house to destroy potential cockroaches," shouts an announcement with flirtatious red insects posted in the elevator by gray-haired Madeleine, chairman of the housing committee of our house. This country is truly unbeatable.

Purpose of the lesson : instilling in children the need for cultural behavior.


  • Development of cultural behavior skills in in public places.
  • Formation of positive moral qualities.
  • Formation of the ability to give self- and mutual assessment of actions, to express their opinion on the topic.
  • Development creativity children.
  • To form the ability to listen to the opinion of comrades and make decisions together.

Lesson progress

Classroom hour let's start now
And let's have a conversation
O important words,
Dear, brave.
Good, wonderful
Humble and powerful.

You have a piece of paper with a poem on your desk. Underline those words that you consider important, dear, kind, wonderful, humble, influential.

1 group

The elephant gives way to the ant;
- Good morning! Are we in a hurry?
And the ant: - Oh, thank you, I'm in a hurry.
How kind you are! I beg your pardon.

2 group

Skylark in the sky
So said the eagle:
You are an eagle, tired, sit on a rock.
And the eagle answered: - That's right, son,
I have been living for many years, and I fell ill.
And I wish you to live long, like me, -
May your courtesy help you.

3 group

A beautiful sunset was burning in the sky,
The gentle wind played with the grass,
Gopher said: - Dear mole,
The day fades and the night rises
Soon the golden moon will rise...
Good night to you. Good sleep.

List them. How can these words be called?

Good afternoon! Hello! Greetings! Each of us has experienced the effect of these amazing words, spoken with a kind smile. How do we address a person? How do we welcome? It is very important to learn how to do this in a way that does not offend anyone.
Have you already guessed what we will talk about in our lesson?

Today we will talk about polite words, politeness, kindness. This is a culture of behavior in which respect for people lies.

You are growing, you have many interesting things ahead of you. Time will pass, you will finish school, you will become builders, agronomists, doctors, teachers. But whoever you become, first of all, you must grow up to be truly good, cultured people, kind, sympathetic, courageous, polite, merciful. This must be learned from childhood.

Politeness, honesty, kindness make people happy and make them persistent, people's relationships are better, more understandable.

2. So, let's go to the country of Politeness.

And the amazing “Box of Sensations” meets us. (On the one hand in the box is a soft fluffy object, on the other - pungent)

Guys, what is in this box.

How can you find out?

What did you feel, tell me your feelings?

Soft like what? (Like a cloud soft toy, ball.)

  • What did you feel when you stroked it?
  • Who has other feelings?
  • What did you feel?

Guys, this is how good and evil words are, you can not only hear and feel them, kind, polite words are pleasant for every person, but rude, evil words offend a person, hurt him.

Folk wisdom says "The word is not a sparrow, you will not catch a flight." How do you understand this proverb?

3. And now let's check if you know the rules of cultural behavior.

The students will present several situations. Be careful.


1. Imagine that you are on a bus! All places are occupied.

Stop (a girl and an “old woman” in glasses with a wand enter). Guys, what should I do? (Children give way to those who enter.)

2. One girl complained indignantly to her mother: “In the yard, the boy is so impolite - he calls me Tanya.” “And what do you call him?” Mom asked. “I don’t call him at all. I just shout to him: “Hey, you!” Tanya answered.

Is Tanya right? What do you guys think? (Not.)

What did mom say?

4. (Several schoolchildren walk around the stage, pretending to be passers-by)

Kolya comes out. He joyfully and loudly addresses his comrade.

TO. Mouse, great!

M. Hello.

TO. Do you know if there will be club classes today? And then Petka told me yes, but Vitka says no.

(Passers-by make their way past the guys who have stopped in the middle of the road, bypassing them. Friends are clearly interfering with them.) (They leave, continuing the conversation, now passers-by are walking freely along the sidewalk.)

Four girls enter the stage. They walk arm in arm, talking merrily, laughing loudly, again the sidewalk is busy. Again, you have to go around the guys.

- What mistakes did you notice in the behavior of the guys?

Conclusion: If you are walking with comrades, do not occupy the entire sidewalk. I met a friend and stopped to talk to him - step aside. You have to be polite to each other. Talk quietly, calmly.

5. Two boys collided at the entrance door and could not disperse in any way. Which of them should give way if the boys are 8 and 11 years old. (Usually the one who is more polite is the first to give way.)

6. Two passers-by were walking along the street: one is 62 years old, the other is 8 years old. The first one had 5 items in his hands: a briefcase, 3 books and a large bundle. One book fell. “Your book has fallen,” the boy shouted, catching up with a passerby. “Is it?” - he was surprised. "Of course. You had 5 items: 3 books, a briefcase and a bundle, and now there are 4 items left,” the boy explained.

“I see that you know mathematics well,” said the passer-by, lifting the book with difficulty. “But, however, there are rules that you have not learned yet.”

What was the boy supposed to do?

7. The boy shouted to a passerby: “Tell me, what time is it now?” Turning to a passerby, the boy made four mistakes. Which? Your opinion.

(Ask: “Tell me, please, what time is it?” Not “hours”, but “what time is it?” After the answer, you should say: “Thank you!” Do not shout)

8. A group of guys in the yard (some play ball, others jump rope, others play hopscotch).

Zoya does not know how to get to the required address, she turns to the ball players: “Tell me, please, how to get to Svoboda Street”
Guys in disarray:

Left! First across the bridge, then right. No! No need to cross the bridge. Near the tram stop.

Zoya shrugged her shoulders sadly and in bewilderment and leaves.

Each of you knows own experience how unpleasant it is when a polite question is answered carelessly, indifferently, stupidly.

What if you don't know the address? Or hard to explain.

Conclusion: Always come to the aid of those who need it.

9. Dramatization of a poem (heroes: a reader and a “slob”):

He doesn't need a sidewalk
unbuttoning the collar,
Through ditches and puddles
He walks straight ahead!
He does not want to carry a briefcase,
It drags him along the ground.
Peel off the strap on the left side.
A tuft was torn out of the trousers.
I confess, it is unpleasant -
What did he do?
Where was he?
How spots appeared on the forehead
Purple ink?
Why is there clay on the trousers?
Why is the cap pancake
And the collar is open?
Who is this student?

Guys, what is the name of such a student? (Answers of children).

A cultured person, above all, is neat in clothes. He knows how to dress in different occasions, which cannot be said about the hero of V. Livshits's poem "Sloppy".

And now your classmates will remind you of what clothes to wear to school and to physical education classes.

4. Prepared children demonstrate school and sportswear to the music.

5. But not only clothes make a person beautiful, but also his ... (actions).

Look at the pictures "Cases from school life". Discuss with a neighbor which of the children is doing the right thing and which is not. Check the boxes in red and green.

Describe the situations in which the guys made mistakes and formulate the rule of correct behavior.

6. Game "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends"

I suggest you relax and solve funny riddles. These riddles are special. If they teach kindness and politeness, then in response you need to stand up and say in unison: “It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!”

Be careful, listen, do not be distracted, say the right words in time, and for a harmful riddle - be silent and do not get up.

Which of you, waking up cheerfully,
"Good morning!" say firmly?

Who are you okay with
Bag, books and notebooks?

Which one of you is silent like a fish
Instead of a good "thank you"?

Which one of you, tell me, brothers,
Forgetting to wash?

Which one of you is in the cramped tram
Giving way to seniors?

Who wants to be polite
Doesn't hurt kids?

7. It's good that you are willing to be polite! After all, magic words help us out when we communicate with friends and with strangers. The importance of choosing Right words!

Finish the sentence with words that make sense.

8. At home, you made out cards with words you should know well-mannered person. Let's make up « Dictionary of Polite Words!

I ask you to finish the phrases I started in chorus:

Even ice blocks melt
From the word warm ( Thanks).

The old stump will turn green,
When he hears Good afternoon).

The boy is polite and developed
Speaks when meeting hello).

When we are scolded for pranks,
We speak ( forgive me please)

Both France and Denmark
say goodbye ( goodbye)

(Children on the board hang polite words written and decorated at home. There is also the heading “If you are polite ...”)

There are many more kind words. Let's add them to our vocabulary. Don't forget to use them in your speech.

9. And in conclusion, our guys will read the poems of S.Ya. MARSHAK "IF YOU ARE POLITE"

If you are polite
And not deaf to conscience
You are the place without protest
Give in to the old woman.

If you are polite
That, sitting in the classroom,
You won't be with a friend
To crackle like two magpies.

And if you are polite
Help you mom
And offer her help
Without asking - that is, on their own.

And if you are polite
Then in a conversation with my aunt
And with grandpa and grandma
You won't beat them.

And if you are polite -
For those who are weaker
You will be the protector
Do not be shy before the strong.

No, if you are polite,
Then you thank
But the boy has the ball
Do not take without asking.

10. Our lesson is coming to an end. Thank you all for your performance.

Tell me, please, did you hear completely new rules of conduct in public places today? Which?

Do you think these rules are important in our life? What are they needed for? What does it mean to be cultured person?

Did you enjoy today's event? And what exactly?

Thank you for your attention!!! Have a nice day and be polite to others and always remember the rules of behavior in public places.


  • Scenarios of school holidays: Toolkit/ N.B. Troitskaya, G. A. Koroleva. - 2nd ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, 2004.
  • Scenarios of school-wide and club events: grades 1–4. – M.: VAKO, 2006.


  • record player;
  • audio recordings of the song “Kindness”, musical fragments for showing clothing models;
  • signs with polite words;
  • costumes of “sloven”, “old woman”;

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