What do foreigners think about Russians? Foreigners about life in Russia


Stereotypes are a contradictory but very tenacious thing, especially when it comes to people from other countries. Many firmly believe that all Italians are expressive and emotional, all Germans are stingy and pedantic, the British are all snobs, and the Japanese are perverts ... There is probably some truth in these judgments, but every person is unique, and you can’t judge everyone the same.

By March 8, the editors of Reedus had collected for you the opinions of foreigners about Russian women. And among them there are both pleasant and surprising and absolutely outrageous.

France, Frederic, 45 years old

“In my country, there is an opinion that Russian women, like all other representatives of Eastern Europe, a bit of a slave. They obey their husband in everything, do not argue, do not contradict, jump up to clear the table and serve the next dish. I don’t know how it is in other countries, but ladies from Russia are definitely not like that - proud, self-willed, with character.

Russian girls are much better than French women in understanding high technologies. They skillfully use numerous gadgets and applications, are always in touch and skillfully search for information. It's a paradox, but very often it is these modern beauties who have completely archaic views on some things. I heard with my own ears how young Russian women (25-27 years old) discussed “female” and “non-female” professions, and they also said that the main thing in life is to successfully marry, be a good wife and follow a man everywhere. With all this, they came to France on their own, booked the route themselves and rebooked the train tickets with a cup of coffee. They were superbly educated, smart, well-read, traveled half the world ... But these thoughts and judgments of theirs are the last century.

Girls from Russia are incredibly worried about appearance. Very much! They increase eyelashes and hair, maniacally monitor the combination of colors in clothes. There are such ladies in France, but there are much fewer of them. The dissonance is that from people who are so preoccupied with their image, you expect narcissism, coldness, selfishness. But in the case of the Russians, every time you understand that you were mistaken again: they turn out to be sincere, open, warm. At the same time, it seems to me that Russian women are more anxious and less self-confident than French women. Otherwise, it wouldn't be so important for you to make a good impression.

With Russians, everything is not the same as with others, and you need to keep your eyes open, because you never know what to expect from them. You are unpredictable. You seem to have “know limits”. Are you sure that “everything is possible”, and it doesn’t really matter in what area: go swimming in the lake at night, get ready for a trip in two hours, open a restaurant, get a job not in your specialty and do brilliant career write a book, make a movie. You are constantly at a low start and always ready to wave through the barrier. But this quality has back side. In my opinion, Russian women are less prudent than French women. If they like food, they will eat more than they need; if they come to a party, they can go overboard with alcohol. I don't understand what makes them do it.

Slavs are often attributed to melancholy, but here I agree only partially. Yes, Russian women are more worried about “where is he, what’s wrong with him, why doesn’t he call, and suddenly something happened.” French women are calmer and will not spoil their mood with something that has not yet happened. But on the other hand, Russian girls sincerely show emotions, know how to have fun from the heart and look at the world with optimism.”

Australia, Robert, 37

“Women in Russia are insanely beautiful! When I first arrived, I fell in love two or three times for every subway ride. You know exactly how to look stunning everywhere and always, but this habit has a downside. And I'm not talking about money, although I understand that beauty is expensive. I teach English and once during the lesson the word “narcissism” was discussed. I explained that this concept is negative, and "narcissist" is a person who cannot calmly pass by a single mirror and constantly checks how he looks. The student looked at me puzzled and asked: "What's wrong with that?" I was just stunned, looked at the others and saw the same question in their eyes.

I had a Russian girlfriend who was constantly fixing her hair or makeup, she lost sight of everything that was going on around her because she posted selfies on Instagram. It upset me terribly.

In sex, Russian women strive to fulfill the desires of their partner. I had to come up with new fantasies, because almost every girl asked what I dream about in order to immediately realize it. Russian women are most often confident in themselves and their physical attractiveness, because they spend a lot of time maintaining it. Sex with them is beautiful and full of enthusiasm. But, unfortunately, you can’t build relationships on sex alone.

For some reason, in Russia it is customary for a woman to clear the table. When I tried to help with the dishes at one party, I was looked at in amazement. But in Australia, absolutely everyone, regardless of gender, is engaged in household chores, just to get rid of them faster.

One day in my class, the conversation turned to gender roles. Surprisingly, most of the students vehemently defended the traditional patriarchal system. It was the girls who spoke loudest of all, and the men willingly supported them. A few brave egalitarians were quickly silenced by ladies who wanted to keep the status quo from the 1950s. I met in Russia and independent beautiful feminists with a wild, untamed, free soul. But in general, most Russian girls are subject to stereotypes that are imposed on them from early childhood.

Russian women are frank and directly say what they think - not even the most pleasant things. But they are also surprisingly generous and caring. I like that they are always ready to support you and help with advice, and in this they turn out to be amazingly insightful. I have many female friends in Russia and I hope to keep in touch when I leave.”

USA, Jeff, 29

"Russian women are magnificent - this is pure truth. One morning on the banks of the Neva in St. Petersburg, my American friend and I met two very beautiful girls- short bright dresses, stilettos, chic makeup. They looked like aliens! My companion, following them with her eyes, said: “They dressed up as if they were going to night club, but it's just a morning walk!“. Russians are much more likely than Americans to dress beautifully. On the one hand, it takes so long that I sympathize with them. On the other hand, it is obvious that they enjoy it, so ... respect!

What struck me was the absolute indifference of your women to feminism. Many smart, educated, strong-willed Russian women consider feminism to be some kind of stupidity. I, like most Americans, consider the feminist system of views and values ​​normal and obvious, so I have a hard time in Russia.

Russian girls are very modern and at the same time very conservative. You are capable of running companies and solving a bunch of issues at the same time, but when my friend says something like “I typical woman: I drive like an idiot" or "I'm just a stupid girl", I want to take her by the shoulders, shake her and say: "Never say that, you're smart!".

It's hard not to fall in love with Russian women for their generosity, kindness and attention to others. Whether it's a grandmother, scolding you for the lack of a hat in the cold; or an official making an effort to help with your problem; or girlfriends who manually make gifts for you and beautiful postcards. I tell them that they don't have to take the time to make all these beautiful things, but my heart melts every time. All Russian women with whom I communicate at work, at home, in stores, make me happier. They are not only sweet and caring, but also heartbreakingly good-looking. Sometimes I even feel like an energy vampire.

In many ways, Russians are more straightforward than Americans, and that's usually great. But when it comes to sex and relationships, most begin to speak in riddles and expect miracles of deduction from a man. Sometimes I get the impression that I was inside a Russian drama, where asking a young lady to dance or help with English suddenly means that I am in love with her and want a family and children, although I just wanted to be kind. I made a lot of stupid mistakes, not understanding what the girl really wants from me.

Russian women are very generous in sex. But their conservatism shows up here too. Blowjob is included in the mandatory sexual program of the night, but at the same time, half of the girls are extremely surprised, and sometimes scared, if I suggest doing cunnilingus. I always try to be attentive to my partner and take care of her pleasure. But with some sex turns into a show for me alone. Once I asked a girl in bed: “Do you want me to help you achieve an orgasm?” - this is after I finished myself, but she obviously did not, because she was too carried away by incredible acrobatics. And she answered me: "Stupid question." OK. I took it as 'No, but thanks'. It was a fiasco."

Italy, Cataldo, 39 years old

“Russian girls are too addicted intimate haircuts. They shave everything clean. For what? It's completely unnatural."

United Kingdom, Jason, 31

“Russian girls worry too much about little things. I understand that the 90s were difficult in Russia, but not at all in England, we had different childhoods, hence the problems. I am a spender, and my Russian wife is extremely frugal, and sometimes we argue about this. But that time has passed, and I think it's time for you to stop worrying about it."

Switzerland, Lucas, 31

“The average Russian woman is more savvy in matters of fashion - both women's and men's. In sex, Russian girls are more passionate. And I also heard that there are two categories of Russian women. The first are rich, spoiled sex dolls who have not worked a day and are burning their parents' money. The second - unprincipled, cold as a stone, ready to sweep away everything on the way to their goal. I have not met the first, but I really believe in the existence of the second.

Everyone who lives in Russia will agree that this is an amazing country, with its own traditions, national dishes and rules of conduct. TV channel "My Planet" has launched a wonderful photo project, in which its authors walk the streets different countries asking local residents about what they think about Russia and Russians. This time, the channel's correspondents went to Stockholm to continue their photo project "Foreigners about Russia". According to the already established tradition, the authors of the project approached the inhabitants of the country with the only question: “What do you think about Russia and Russians?”. The answers to these questions can be found in the photo captions.

Johanna, flirting consultant, 32

Caviar, luxury, cold and lots of snow! People who walk in the city in furs and hats that look like crowns. Wealthy people living luxurious lives.

Doña, schoolgirl, 14 years old

Figure skating, cold, Moscow. Your country is large, but not densely populated at all. Especially in some areas. Although in cities such as St. Petersburg and Moscow, as in Stockholm, there are more people, of course.

Sandra, specialist in working with people with FEV, did not indicate age

My associations are probably traditional. Big country, vodka, Putin! And, of course, the World Cup. Generally, I don't football fan but I like the players. They are cute, right? As for the rest... I'm not sure if this is a Russian dish, is it? Borsch?

Eric, retired, 70

I speak Russian! I studied at a military school, and we learned the language there. But even in high school, I studied Russian in order to become a translator or a diplomatic officer. I like Russia, its beauty, and I have visited you many times.

Larika, student, 18 years old

Borsch. THE USSR. And a church that looks like an onion (St. Basil's Cathedral. - Approx. Aut.). Red Square and the Kremlin. I remember the revolution of 1917 and the Bolsheviks, Lenin. And about the period cold war. We studied this at school. But I started my memories from the kitchen because I cooked borscht myself. I don’t know if I picked all the ingredients correctly, but I liked its taste. I think that it is much more interesting if you add sour cream to it. Or in extreme cases - natural yogurt.

Robert, economist and financial analyst, 27

I bought real estate in Russia. I think about Siberia and its frosts. And I also know about a Russian fish whose name I don't remember. And about bears. They catch this fish in lakes. By the way, I have a friend from Russia. She told me something. From Russian words, I know this: beautiful eyes". Also “hello”, “to your health”, “come on”, “Kalashnikov” is a basic set of Russian words, in my opinion. And I also think that you are very proud of your nation. Not like the Swedes. Our people are very modest, even too much.

Ahu, writer and traveler, 61

Gorgeous lovers beautiful women and cold. I have never been to Russia in reality, only in my imagination. But I think that your country is even more beautiful than I imagine it to be. When I was little, we were sometimes told: “Get ready, the Russians are coming!” But then I grew up, got myself Russian love and Russian friends. By the way, I heard your folk music and Russian rap. I like it. How do I imagine Russia? I see her ascetic, somewhere severe. But! Everything works there. Everything is possible.

Emre, salesperson, 30

Soccer World Cup. Russian cinema. In my store, unfortunately, you will not find Russian goods, although I know about your chocolate. About caviar. About vodka. I don't know if there is a difference between Swedish and Russian vodka, but when I see Russians, I notice that you can drink more.

Boel, retired, 72

Putin. He knows what he wants. And of course, I know about communism, Stalin, Lenin, the Gulag... Beautiful Russian cities: St. Petersburg, Moscow and others. Your country is huge. Different climate. It would be interesting to see her. I would particularly like to visit Winter Palace. My mother was in Petersburg a few years ago, so I know about some things.

Freya, administrator and graphic designer, 22

Architecture, multinationality, pines. Huge spaces. Stalin. I have, of course, heard of him. Was he a dictator? I think yes. Caps of Russian churches. When I was in Helsinki, I saw a lot architectural structures Russian style. I also remember fur hats when I think about Russia. Earflaps. And speaking of people, I see Russians as direct, honest and fast. I sometimes think about getting a visa and coming to your place for the weekend.

Sam, student and artist, 28

Vodka, strong interpersonal bonds. Brotherhood. You support each other unconditionally. But if you are not a citizen of the country, it may take longer to become your own. To be honest, I don't know much about Russia because we simply don't have enough up-to-date information. But I remember your wrestling and hockey. Macho culture. Your man is alpha and dominant. A woman is a woman in every sense. If we compare it with Sweden, it’s not quite like that here, and even at home, for example, we equally share household duties. You may be a guy, but you wash the dishes and wipe the dust.

Christopher, musician, 35

big, strong, beautiful country! And people worthy of respect and admiration. Siberia... I don't think we have anything similar in Sweden. I believe that those people who live in such conditions are special. Russian composers - Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, Rachmaninov. On our radio, unfortunately, you will not hear modern pop music From Russia. And it would be interesting to meet her. From Russian cuisine, I have definitely heard something about borscht. But I heard more about Smirnov vodka.

Gabriel, massage therapist and skater, 24

IN gym I heard a lot of stories about Stalin from my Russian partner. I also know that Russian architecture is beautiful. I have seen many photos and I will say one thing: it is stunning. What you have in St. Petersburg. I also have a couple of Chilean friends, and they made their way along the Trans-Siberian Railway. They told me that it was best experience in their lives. And they are like me. They like Australia New Zealand, but they really didn't expect Russia to be so amazing. It blew their minds. They now want to go back. So you guys just have to tell the whole world about yourself.

Jovan, owner of a natural cosmetics brand, 43

Russian music. I am a Russian fan classical composers. Rich culture. The third thought is about people gay, in Russia they have a different attitude than we have. If we talk about vodka, which many people probably remember when talking about Russia, then I will notice that we have a well-known Absolut brand and we are actively exporting it. I have only tried this Swedish vodka so far, but not Russian yet. I also know that the organic cosmetics sector is becoming more and more popular in your country. If we talk about beauty, I know that two trends are currently relevant in Russia: complete naturalness and a minimum of make-up and, conversely, baked powder on the face and bright lips. The latter is more in demand among young people. I think that's the way things are now in you and around the world. When a woman looks like a delicious cupcake.

Perhaps no nation in the world causes such close attention from those around you. Moreover, Russians, like no one else, are clearly divided into Russian men and Russian women. Russian men are melancholic and lazy. Russian women are charismatic and purposeful. As two halves of one whole, they are only in a single bundle an indestructible force.

Russian woman

There is a divine power in a Russian woman:
Not remembering evil, not knowing boasting,
No matter how vile life sometimes beats,
Do not fall under the blows of fate.

And survive, and be invincible,
And still be a woman
In Russian, kind, affectionate, beloved.
Keep the hearth. Keep the house in order.

From nothing to arrange a dinner party,
From an ax handle - a festive dinner.
Hug the children and calm the husband,
Like, it does not matter that there is no money in the house.

They say, we will live, we will endure, - everything passes,
This too will pass. Spring ahead...
Spring! And again a miracle happens -
Nature wakes up from sleep.

Spring! And people will cheer up again.
The sun will rise and the ice will melt.
And in every house Holy holiday will.
And the stork will bring the baby.

@Lyubov Stepanova

Personal: inside view

Having arrived in Los Angeles for a year with my then fiancé, I felt in my own skin that foreigners really think about us Russians. In general, let's talk about stereotypes about Russians abroad...

The attitude of Russians to alcohol

Foreigners believe that Russians spend the whole day hugging a bottle. Knowing this, I could not imagine that this opinion would affect me too. But in vain. On my first trip to the supermarket, I noticed that my chosen one imperceptibly, but rather persistently, takes me away from the shelves with any alcohol. To my astonishment, he didn't react at all. Some time passed, and I almost forgot about this incident, but as soon as we went with his friends to a restaurant, and I ordered a glass of wine, I again caught the same condemning look on myself. In the evening, an unpleasant conversation took place, from which I understood this: american men believe that all Russians alcohol addiction. At milestones, without exception! And as it turned out, sometimes it is not possible to explain that the nationality “Russian” indicated in the passport does not mean that you are an alcoholic.


Another opinion - all Russian girls cook very tasty. While the newly-made American wife is unable to cook anything but purchased canned food. I could be wrong, but it sincerely seems to me that many Americans, precisely in the hope of dense and delicious lunches and suppers marry Slavs, but, alas, ah ... In principle, this desire of men is quite understandable, in America most of Women really don't know how to cook. At all. The whole cooking process begins and ends with removing the film from the finished dinner and putting the tray in the microwave. After watching Russian films, my fiancé brought home the most various products, the prevailing part of which was flour, butter and cabbage. As my Russian ingenuity suggested to me, this “set” was supposed to be pies with cabbage. I felt a little sorry for the American machos, who were hungry for love and satiety. They had to do their best, because they can get ready meals from their missis.

All Russians want to go to America

Some time after arriving in America, I began to notice that among my husband’s acquaintances and friends there is an opinion that all Russian girls are sleeping and seeing when they will be able to enter the New Earth. And all such marriages are nothing but arranged. Personally, I never dreamed of moving to the USA, on the contrary, it was difficult for me. Many times I caught myself thinking that with great pleasure I would return to my native, albeit dirty, noisy Moscow. In one conversation with an American my age, I told her about my suspicions, to which I received the following answer: “Well, yes, if you were an American, you could express dissatisfaction, but be glad that you managed to settle in the USA.” Although it was said with a smile, I understood that, in their opinion, the Russians have no right to be dissatisfied, since their husbands provided them with a unique opportunity.

Russians are illiterate and ill-mannered

This stereotype has solid ground. Remember how some of our compatriots behave on vacation abroad. Naturally, Americans (and Europeans too) have the opinion that we simply do not know how to adequately behave in public. Unfortunately, everything is so. Outside the home, and especially on vacation, a Russian person sometimes behaves much worse than in his native land. It is normal here to catch surprised looks at yourself with the correct use of a fork and knife. It offends and even in a sense offends the opinion about the illiteracy of Russians, especially when it is said by a person who does not really know who won the Second World War.

All Russian girls are stunningly beautiful!

A stereotype that flatters my ego. Foreigners are sure that the streets of Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Perm, Sochi, etc. only go sports girls model appearance. Our beauty and femininity in understanding foreign men personified by Anna Kournikova and Maria Sharapova. It's nice! But there is also the other side of the coin: they say about Russian women that we do not know how to choose the right outfit for the time and place, i.e. and here the adequacy of our taste is questionable. If you believe the Americans, in Russia all women, without exception, go to a nearby store for milk in full dress: hair, makeup, an abundance of jewelry, expensive clothes, thereby losing precious time, and most importantly, recklessly spending their husband's money. And that is exactly what they think is unacceptable.

Opinions: foreigners about Russian women

Some of them have never met Russian women, others are well acquainted with them. Thirteen users social network Interpals talked about how they imagine our compatriots

John Friedrichs, USA:“Acquaintance and communication with Russian women left only a positive impression. They are one of the nicest and most friendly people I have ever met. They always amaze me with their sensitivity and responsiveness! I have never been ignored or disrespected. In general, I find Russian women to be sweet and energetic in terms of communication. Appearance? Yes, I have never seen so many beauties in my life!”

Konstantin Sorin, Romania:“How do I imagine a Russian woman? To be honest, I've never met them. real life, but I communicate with two Russian girls on the Internet. I present the image of a Russian woman through the eyes of Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky. These are women who have a huge impact on the lives of men. I would say femme fatale who change fates. They seem to me more practical than Russian men. They have a strong character and ambition to go to the very end, despite the obstacles. A Russian woman is beautiful, educated and respected. She is a symbol of the Russian nation.”

Ivan Pintor, Mexico:“There are a lot of stereotypes about Russian women that are spread through TV: tall, beautiful blond girls that you can meet in a marriage agency to take one of them away from dank Russia as a bride. And about Russians in general - that they drink a lot. From my personal experience I can say that I had a Russian teacher - a tall, slender blonde. To be honest, all Russians wrap me in some kind of charm. Perhaps that is why I began to study this language. It's great that in Russia, as in Mexico, for many people, mother is above all. By the way, I also have an image of a 70-year-old grandmother in long skirt, sweater and Pavloposad shawl.

James Langevin, Netherlands:“Correct or not, but this is my opinion about Russian women, created by the national media and my communication with them during my travels. Very wise. I would say that your women are pretty, strong in their mentality and surprisingly open to tourists from those countries that are not too friendly towards Russia. Russian girls have a stronger and stronger character than men. In terms of appearance, they are among the most beautiful women in the world, very feminine!”

William Millier, France:“How do I see Russian women? Hmm... good question! The first thing I think about is that they are very attractive. In general, some stereotypical image pops up: a blonde in sunglasses and a fur coat. Sometimes they can be or look somewhat superficial. When they want something, they will do anything to get it. They like luxury and beautiful things, so they are kept by those who have money, but in return they look after the house and take care of their husband and children.

Craig Graham, UK:“I think Slavic facial features are the most feminine in the world. The German ones seem a little rough to me, which is not particularly suitable for women. I would call Russian women the most beautiful. And the Russian accent! He is very attractive. The Russian language has a hypnotic effect and I love that it is so different from English. Russians have a stronger sense of unity and community, which is why women are more virtuous than in the West. And also, it seems to me, many Russian women like to dominate and lead.

Burak Topcu, Türkiye:“Russian women are the most beautiful women in the world. They have some kind of ideal beauty: some can be gentle and sweet, others can be sexy and sensual. Russian girls wear seductive clothes and pose freely for photos. It is also true that they drink a lot and love to party. But on the other hand, I have friends who took a Russian as their wife. And everyone says: “Thank you, Lord, for the fact that we met! She is the most best wife that can only be imagined." In general, I have only a positive opinion about Russians.”

Michael Jenner, Germany:“Most Russian women are wonderfully educated (there are female engineers, female doctors, scientists or economists, etc.). Russian women with whom I communicate virtually and whom I have met in real life have completely different values ​​than German women. For example, prestige and appearance seem to mean a lot to them (possibly due to remnants of the Soviet past). Some Russian girls are rather cold than warm in terms of behavior and their views. By the way, I want to note that they are very patriotic!”

Ale Sanroman, Spain:“From the experience of communicating with Russian girls, I realized that they have a practical and rational outlook on life. But at the same time, they are very romantic people, so they often have such thoughts: “Yes, life is sometimes unfair, but an amazing life will definitely happen to me.” romantic story because I deserve it." They combine depth of thought, ambition and sensitivity."

Juha Graaf, Finland:“Russian girls played in my life very important role. But I can only talk about girls from northern capital. We often come to St. Petersburg: we perform in local clubs, we drink, we party. Russian girls are absolutely reckless, if they go into the gap, then this is for a long time and to the fullest. They do not know the measure in anything - neither in alcohol, nor in love. Very feminine, passionate, very beautiful, very vulnerable.” Juha was twice married and divorced, the second wife is from St. Petersburg. From his beloved girl from St. Petersburg, he has a two-year-old son, the couple does not live together.

Heinz Schulze, Germany:“Russian girls know their worth, in any case, Muscovites. (Heinz has been living and working in Moscow for more than 8 years - ed.) Of course, money plays a paramount role for them. And they are looking for a husband with an apartment, a car and a bank account. Russians dream of going abroad because they think it's better there than here. And men are richer, and the air is cleaner, and everyone has houses with a picturesque garden. Russian wives are wonderful housewives, they cook well and tasty, hospitable, but uneconomical. But after all, when choosing a wife, we are not looking for a housekeeper, and differences in mentality interfere with relationships. Russians are too extravagant, too unpredictable, they like everything to go according to their scenario, they like to command men, they bring up children very strictly, they are not punctual, optional, capricious.

Peter Kaulitz, 21, student, Rostock:“I know many students from Russia. They are all very, very similar: both externally, and in the manner of talking about the future, and in what kind of men they choose for themselves. They look down on their peers unless it turns out they have respectable parents. Men are chosen for themselves 7-10-15-20 years older, it is clear that everything here is explained by finances. Russian girls are beautiful, but cold, and very calculating, at least the ones I know.”

Jonas Lindström, Sweden:“Russian girls are very interesting and educated interlocutors, they are ready to support just any topic of conversation, much more interesting than Swedes, who already have an outlook. Russians love themselves very much, so they are always smartly and beautifully dressed, with makeup.

Martinas Polch, Switzerland:“Russians are smart and beautiful, they know how to emphasize their strengths and hide their flaws. Russian women are strong in spirit, ready to do a lot for the sake of love and family, ready to forgive a lot, vulnerable, sensitive. Real women, the standard of femininity.

Justine D'Ore, France:“Russian women are very feminine and luxurious. You want to carry such women in your arms, dress in furs and fulfill their any desires. Unlike French women, they are more relaxed in relationships, often take the first steps themselves, touchy, but quick-witted, it's fun and easy with them, every day is like a holiday. True, this holiday does not last long, Russians are fickle.

Anders Hendriksson, Cyprus:“I had to communicate a little with Russian girls. I received impressions from a trip to Moscow in 2004. Russian girls, painted like nesting dolls. Very bright, elegant, plump, ruddy. It’s immediately obvious that they are healthy and happy, they probably eat pancakes with honey and caviar and drink vodka, that’s how beautiful they are. A friend of mine told one about a Russian girl whom he fell in love with, and she turned out to be a swindler. Now he says that all Russians are very prudent, dangerous, treacherous, they think everything over carefully, but I don’t believe it, Russians are very easy to communicate and cheerful, they like to have fun, Russian booze is something!

How many people, so many opinions, and foreign men judge us mainly by Russian girls whom they knew personally, whom they met on vacation or worked with.

In any case, everyone agrees that Russian girls are very beautiful and feminine, cheerful and stylish, good housewives and passionate mistresses, and the demand for Russian wives abroad is increasing every year.

Versions of news channels are generally predictable, but what do they think ordinary people about our ordinary life? A selection of wonderful confessions entangled in the World Wide Web.

About work

“What immediately catches the eye is, probably, punctuality, which does not exist in Russia.” Top manager from Germany.

“It was wild for me that Russians work a lot. They may stay up late. They may arrive ahead of time. They can come out on the weekend." Lead engineer from North Africa.

About language

“You can’t understand a word, you don’t even have an idea of ​​when a sentence begins and ends. I can’t separate the words from each other: one big chaos.” Meeri, Finland.

“Russian is very similar to Chinese. That is probably why you are here. What I hear is more like the sounds of a sick bird. It sounds like this: cherek shchik chik th th th chtrbyg. USA girl.

"Russian is almost the same as the language of the minions." Young man from Germany.

About a broad soul

“Russians do not know how or do not like to make superficial acquaintances. For them, people are divided into “strangers”, with whom it is not customary to talk, and into “friends”, whom you can wake up in the middle of the night and dump all your problems on them. John, Ireland.

“It's funny that on the streets the smile of a passerby for no reason is alarming for Russians, but in Internet communication they abuse emoticons. Not a single Irishman, for example, after a simple phrase like "I'm at work" will put three smileys in a row. And the Russian will deliver. And the girl will also stick a heart. John, Ireland.

“Russian men are real gentlemen. They open the door, help take off the jacket. It's amazing". Ploychanok, Thailand.

“Russia is an inhospitable society. Russians are generally very aggressive by nature.” US banker.

About girls

“Your girls are very beautiful, but it seems to me that they don’t know their worth! With us, such a beauty would sit at home and wait for the prince to woo her!” Behruz, Iran

“Amazed by the abundance of pure women's companies in expensive karaoke clubs: smart girls come in groups, order a table, a minimum of food and sing. Daisel, South Africa

“I came to Russia eight years ago, and the first impression was that there was a competition to win men.” Patricia, Germany

About food

“In Russian cuisine, the main thing is meat. Russia is generally like a big piece of meat. Tough weather, serious people." Pedro, Chile

“I fell in love with buckwheat so much that even when I go home, I take it with me.” Sulma, Colombia

"Your borscht is somewhat similar to undercooked gazpacho, I like it that way." Daniel, Ecuador

“I like your dairy products the most. Also milk soup - very unusual dish". Francis, Australia

“I hope that in Germany they will learn how to make jubilee cookies. And you don't need chocolates." Dennis, Germany

We call Olivier "Russian salad": this is a disgusting dish, but here it is very tasty. Probably the Greeks are copying something wrong. Stratos, Greece

“Absolutely barbaric custom to drink strong alcohol with soda or juice!” John, Ireland

About cinema

"The Diamond Arm": « Does anyone know where you can find the lyrics of the song that Nikulin sang in the restaurant when he got drunk? Alienbychoice, New Zealand

"The Adventures of Pinocchio": « I was not ready for how idiotic and at the same time serious he turned out to be. Bobs-9, USA

“Station for two”: “You know, this must be just an incredible movie! Because five people who do not know a word of Russian (of which one hates this language at all) watched this film without subtitles, and not once, but three times!” Ajigasawa, Japan

"Morozko": "Some kind of silly fantasy about a boastful guy who turns into a bear, an 11-year-old autistic girl he wants to seduce, an idiotic house with legs, a dysfunctional family of ugly Russian Finns, a killer kitten, a long-bearded ugly grandfather who freezes trees and kills birds, sleds in the form of a pig, a mushroom-shaped gnome ... ". US viewer

"Viy": "A very interesting, strange and meaningless story. The special effects for 1967 are simply amazing. I dare say the whole story is a bit crazy. Probably, the Russians understand it somehow in their own way - after all, it is based on their folklore. But I think true horror fans will be pleased." Claudio, Brazil

“The Moscow Metro is the best in the world. Trains every 1.5 minutes at rush hour! Inexpensive tickets and no division into zones! At the same time, there is a whole class of Muscovites who, on principle, will never take the metro, even if they are late for an important business meeting". From the BBC blog "Strana Russia".

“One day I caught myself looking at the shoes of passers-by and thinking: “Clean, clean, clean, cool shoes, clean.” It's impressive." Nacho, Spain

“I have always said that Ecuador and Russia are very similar. The only difference is that the poor steal from us, and vice versa in Russia.” Louis, Ecuador

“People here are not as dependent on political correctness as they are in Europe. They say what they really think, they are interested in what you say and what you think. This is wonderful". James, Scotland

“We, for example, if everyone drinks, then there is some reason. Here it is optional." Chris, Cameroon

“A pleasant shock was the silence in the subway. You descend into the subway, you are surrounded by thousands of people, but it is quiet there. Bruno, Israel

“Here people continue to use things even if they are broken. The bombs have a completely crazy system for opening and closing doors. If the table staggers, then, most likely, a piece of paper will be slipped under the leg, and not repaired. James, UK

“When for the first time in a minibus some person put money into my hand, I looked at him with surprise and returned this money to him. He started yelling at me: “What are you doing? What are you, a fool? Money passes over people's hands, change comes back - for a Spaniard it's incredible. Sergio, Spain

“When the weekend comes in St. Petersburg, people discuss which performance or ballet to go to and which opera to listen to. Russians are very smart people". Ellen, Brazil

“In Russia, you can be a bit of a bully, walking down the street drunk and making mistakes. You can't do that in Europe: if you take risks, then you're crazy. And it's just fun here." Leo, France

“Here people constantly live in tension, you get used to it, and then it’s hard to get out of the habit.” Charles, USA

“I have been to 54 countries, and nowhere is there such a nightlife, like here. People act like it's the last night of their lives." Thomas, USA

“With Russian girls, everything is different than with others: you never know what to expect from them. You are unpredictable, always at a low start and always ready to wave through the barrier.

Stereotypes are a contradictory but very tenacious thing, especially when it comes to people from other countries. Many firmly believe that all Italians are expressive and emotional, all Germans are stingy and pedantic, the British are all snobs, and the Japanese are perverts ... There is probably some truth in these judgments, but every person is unique, and you can’t judge everyone the same. By March 8, the editors of Reedus had collected the opinions of foreigners about Russian women. And among them there are both pleasant and surprising and absolutely outrageous.

France, Frederic, 45 years old

“In my country, there is an opinion that Russian women, like all other representatives of Eastern Europe, are a little bit of a slave. They obey their husband in everything, do not argue, do not contradict, jump up to clear the table and serve the next dish. I don’t know how it is in other countries, but ladies from Russia are definitely not like that - proud, self-willed, with character.

Russian girls are much better versed in high technology than French women. They skillfully use numerous gadgets and applications, are always in touch and skillfully search for information. It's a paradox, but very often it is these modern beauties who have completely archaic views on some things. I heard with my own ears how young Russian women (25-27 years old) discussed “female” and “non-female” professions, and they also said that the main thing in life is to successfully marry, be a good wife and follow a man everywhere. With all this, they came to France on their own, booked the route themselves and rebooked the train tickets with a cup of coffee. They were superbly educated, smart, well-read, traveled half the world ... But these thoughts and judgments of theirs are the last century.

Girls from Russia are incredibly worried about their appearance. Very much! They increase eyelashes and hair, maniacally monitor the combination of colors in clothes. There are such ladies in France, but there are much fewer of them. The dissonance is that from people who are so preoccupied with their image, you expect narcissism, coldness, selfishness. But in the case of the Russians, every time you understand that you were mistaken again: they turn out to be sincere, open, warm. At the same time, it seems to me that Russian women are more anxious and less self-confident than French women. Otherwise, it wouldn't be so important for you to make a good impression.

With Russians, everything is not the same as with others, and you need to keep your eyes open, because you never know what to expect from them. You are unpredictable. You seem to have “know limits”. You are sure that “everything is possible”, and it doesn’t really matter in what area: go swimming in the lake at night, get ready for a trip in two hours, open a restaurant, get a job outside your specialty and make a brilliant career, write a book, make a film. You are constantly at a low start and always ready to wave through the barrier. But this quality has a downside. In my opinion, Russian women are less prudent than French women. If they like food, they will eat more than they need; if they come to a party, they can go overboard with alcohol. I don't understand what makes them do it.

Slavs are often attributed to melancholy, but here I agree only partially. Yes, Russian women are more worried about “where is he, what’s wrong with him, why doesn’t he call, and suddenly something happened.” French women are calmer and will not spoil their mood with something that has not yet happened. But on the other hand, Russian girls sincerely show emotions, know how to have fun from the heart and look at the world with optimism.”

Australia, Robert, 37

“Women in Russia are insanely beautiful! When I first arrived, I fell in love two or three times for every subway ride. You know exactly how to look stunning everywhere and always, but this habit has a downside. And I'm not talking about money, although I understand that beauty is expensive. I teach English and once during the lesson the word “narcissism” was discussed. I explained that this concept is negative, and "narcissist" is a person who cannot calmly pass by a single mirror and constantly checks how he looks. The student looked at me puzzled and asked: "What's wrong with that?" I was just stunned, looked at the others and saw the same question in their eyes.

I had a Russian girlfriend who was constantly fixing her hair or makeup, she lost sight of everything that was going on around her because she posted selfies on Instagram. It upset me terribly.

In sex, Russian women strive to fulfill the desires of their partner. I had to come up with new fantasies, because almost every girl asked what I dream about in order to immediately realize it. Russian women are most often confident in themselves and their physical attractiveness, because they spend a lot of time maintaining it. Sex with them is beautiful and full of enthusiasm. But, unfortunately, you can’t build relationships on sex alone.

For some reason, in Russia it is customary for a woman to clear the table. When I tried to help with the dishes at one party, I was looked at in amazement. But in Australia, absolutely everyone, regardless of gender, is engaged in household chores, just to get rid of them faster.

One day in my class, the conversation turned to gender roles. Surprisingly, most of the students vehemently defended the traditional patriarchal system. It was the girls who spoke loudest of all, and the men willingly supported them. A few brave egalitarians were quickly silenced by ladies who wanted to keep the status quo from the 1950s. I met in Russia and independent beautiful feminists with a wild, untamed, free soul. But in general, most Russian girls are subject to stereotypes that are imposed on them from early childhood.

Russian women are frank and directly say what they think - not even the most pleasant things. But they are also surprisingly generous and caring. I like that they are always ready to support you and help with advice, and in this they turn out to be amazingly insightful. I have many female friends in Russia and I hope to keep in touch when I leave.”

USA, Jeff, 29

“Russian women are magnificent - this is pure truth. One morning on the banks of the Neva in St. Petersburg, my American friend and I met two very beautiful girls - short bright dresses, high heels, chic makeup. They looked like aliens! My companion, following them with her eyes, said: “They dressed up as if they were going to a nightclub, but this is just a morning walk!” Russians are much more likely than Americans to dress beautifully. On the one hand, it takes so long that I sympathize with them. On the other hand, it is obvious that they enjoy it, so ... respect!

What struck me was the absolute indifference of your women to feminism. Many smart, educated, strong-willed Russian women consider feminism to be some kind of stupidity. I, like most Americans, consider the feminist system of views and values ​​normal and obvious, so I have a hard time in Russia.

Russian girls are very modern and at the same time very conservative. You are able to run companies and solve a lot of issues at the same time, but when my friend says something like “I’m a typical woman: I drive like an idiot” or “I’m just a stupid girl”, I want to take her by the shoulders, shake her and say: “Never don’t say that, you’re smart!“.

It's hard not to fall in love with Russian women for their generosity, kindness and attention to others. Whether it's a grandmother, scolding you for the lack of a hat in the cold; or an official making an effort to help with your problem; or girlfriends who manually make gifts and beautiful cards for you. I tell them that they don't have to take the time to make all these beautiful things, but my heart melts every time. All Russian women with whom I communicate at work, at home, in stores, make me happier. They are not only sweet and caring, but also heartbreakingly good-looking. Sometimes I even feel like an energy vampire.

In many ways, Russians are more straightforward than Americans, and that's usually great. But when it comes to sex and relationships, most begin to speak in riddles and expect miracles of deduction from a man. Sometimes I get the impression that I was inside a Russian drama, where asking a young lady to dance or help with English suddenly means that I am in love with her and want a family and children, although I just wanted to be kind. I made a lot of stupid mistakes, not understanding what the girl really wants from me.

Russian women are very generous in sex. But their conservatism shows up here too. Blowjob is included in the mandatory sexual program of the night, but at the same time, half of the girls are extremely surprised, and sometimes scared, if I suggest doing cunnilingus. I always try to be attentive to my partner and take care of her pleasure. But with some sex turns into a show for me alone. Once I asked a girl in bed: “Do you want me to help you achieve an orgasm?” - this is after I finished myself, but she obviously did not, because she was too carried away by incredible acrobatics. And she answered me: "Stupid question." OK. I took it as 'No, but thanks'. It was a fiasco."

Italy, Cataldo, 39 years old

“Russian girls are too fond of intimate haircuts. They shave everything clean. For what? It's completely unnatural."

United Kingdom, Jason, 31

“Russian girls worry too much about little things. I understand that the 90s were difficult in Russia, but not at all in England, we had different childhoods, hence the problems. I am a spender, and my Russian wife is extremely frugal, and sometimes we argue about this. But that time has passed, and I think it's time for you to stop worrying about it."

Switzerland, Lucas, 31

“The average Russian woman is more savvy in matters of fashion - both women's and men's. In sex, Russian girls are more passionate. And I also heard that there are two categories of Russian women. The first are rich, spoiled sex dolls who have not worked a day and are burning their parents' money. The second - unprincipled, cold as a stone, ready to sweep away everything on the way to their goal. I have not met the first, but I really believe in the existence of the second.

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