Iranian princess Anis Al Dolyakh: biography, historical facts, details from life, photos. Princess Anis al Dolyah: biography, photo, who is it


The Shah of Iran, who ruled the country for 47 years, was the most educated person in Iran, who knew several languages, loved geography, drawing, poetry, and the author of books about his travels. At the age of seventeen, he inherited the throne, but he could only take power with the help of weapons. It was extraordinary person, who managed to carry out small, from the point of view of our time, but significant for his time, reforms in the country.

As a literate person, he understood that only an educated and developed Iran would be able to exist on an equal footing with other countries in this world. He was a fan European culture, but he realized that the religious fanaticism that raged in the country would not allow him to turn his dreams into reality.

Nevertheless, much was accomplished during his lifetime. The telegraph appeared in Iran, schools began to open, the army was reformed, french school, a prototype of the future university, where they studied medicine, chemistry, geography.

Nasser Qajar Theater

Nasser Qajar knew perfectly well French, was familiar with French culture, in particular with the theater, but he was first of all the Shah of Iran, a Muslim. Therefore, his dream of a full-fledged theater could not come true. But he, together with Mirza Ali Akbar Khan Naggashbashi, creates a state theater, the troupe of which consisted of men. In the photos of the actors, you can see the famous "Iranian princess Anis al Dolyah." Yes, this is a princess, but not a real one, but performed by a male actor.

The Iranian theater did not play productions from the life of the people. His satirical repertoire consisted entirely of plays describing the court and social life. All roles were played by men. This is not an isolated case. Think of Japanese kabuki theater where only men play. True, the Japanese actors played in masks, and it was hardly possible to see their fused eyebrows and mustaches. By the way, thick, fused eyebrows among the inhabitants of Arab and Central Asian countries have always been considered a sign of beauty, both for women and men.

Founder of Iranian theater

Head of the first state theater was a well-known person in Iran Mirza Ali Akbar Khan Naggashbashi, who is considered the founder of the Iranian theater. All roles were played by men, only after 1917 were women allowed to be actresses and participate in performances.

Old photos

Nasser ad-Din was fond of photography from his youth. He had his own laboratory, where he personally printed pictures. He photographed himself, he had a French photographer who took pictures of him. In the late sixties of the XIX century, the Sevryugins brothers open their studio in Tehran, one of them - Anton - becomes a court photographer.

He removed everything, Sevryugin helped him in this. He kept photos of his wives, close associates, theater artists, his trips, solemn meetings, military operations in the palace safe. After the Iranian revolution, all his archives were declassified, and the pictures fell into the hands of journalists. Who is depicted in these photographs is now difficult to say. Do not rely on the Internet. Signatures for the same photos on different sites differ dramatically. Their reliability is highly questionable.

On one German site, an interesting commentary came across to an article about Nasser al-Din, which was sent by a resident of Iran. He writes that the khan did not like women, therefore, in order to look like men and thereby please the shah, they painted mustaches on themselves. It is difficult to say how true this is, but it partially explains clearly male faces in women's clothes and the fact that an outside man (photographer) takes pictures of the khan in a circle of masculine women.

Who is Iranian Princess Anis

Anis al Dolyakh is most likely the name of the heroine of a play that was played out with some acting characters By different situations(accidents from life). Something like modern series. Each actor played one role for many years.

Shah Nasser Qajar had official wife Munira Al-Khan, who bore him children, including his heir Mozafereddin Shah. She was from a noble and influential family with considerable power. There is no doubt that the Shah had a harem. But who lived in his harem, it is impossible to say for sure now.

Photos of the Shah's concubines

Photos of the Iranian princess al Dolyah and the Shah's concubines, posted on the Internet, are most likely pictures of theater artists or excerpts from plays. Coming to any theater, we see in its foyer the composition of the troupe in photographs, where you can often see actors made up, that is, excerpts from their roles.

Let's not forget that the shah was a supporter of everything European, but remained a Muslim dictator who did not tolerate any dissent. Deviation from the norms of the Koran (in this case, photographing women with open faces) would alienate thousands of his loyal subjects from him. This would not fail to take advantage of his enemies, of whom he had plenty. He was assassinated more than once.

Shah visited many European countries, including Russia. He was fascinated by Russian ballet. He could not stage something like this in his country, so he creates a play about it, dressing the Iranian princess Anis (photo below) and other alleged women in ballet tutus. By the way, the shah wrote books about his travels, which were published in Europe and Russia. Perhaps he also wrote plays for his theatre.

What does the name Anis mean?

Why does an Iranian princess have such strange name Anise? This is no coincidence, it was during the reign of Shah Nasser ad-Din that two religious rebels who dared to recognize the Koran as obsolete were shot. This is the founder new religion, called Babism, Baba Sayyid Ali Muhammad Shirazi, as well as his ardent follower and assistant Mirza Muhammad Ali Zunuzi (Anis). There is a legend that during the execution carried out by a detachment of 750 Christians, Baba in a strange way ended up in his cell, but Anis was not touched by the bullets.

It is the name Anis that the satirical Iranian princess bears. Each time it caused laughter and bullying. By dressing your opponent in women's clothing, which in itself is a shame for a Muslim, the Shah took revenge on those who went against the Koran. We do not know the names of other "inhabitants" of the Shah's harem, maybe they can also tell a lot. Of course, these are only assumptions, what really happened, we will never know.

Recently, an incredible "beauty" struck the Internet. A photo of an Iranian princess, whose name was Anis al Dolyah, appeared on the Web. It is known that the fourth Shah of Iran, Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar, photographed his wives with an open face, and thanks to this, information about the beauty of that time has come down to our days.

Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar ruled for 47 years - from September 17, 1848 and died at the hands of an assassin at the age of 64. He had a huge harem of women, and the best of them was the Iranian princess Anis al Dolyah.

The shah himself loved photography and every time he took pictures of his wives in the harem.

It must be said that in that century Anis al Dolyakh was the ideal of beauty. Then men loved fat women, with fused eyebrows and mustaches. In order for them to gain weight, they were forced to constantly eat and practically not move.

Anis al Dolyah had nearly 150 ardent fans who lusted after her. It is noteworthy that many of them went crazy and committed suicide from the irresistible beauty of the princess.

By the way, Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar has also been to Russia. In St. Petersburg, he saw ballet for the first time. He liked this kind of art very much. The dance impressed the Shah so much that when he returned to his homeland, he ordered to sew skirts similar to tutus for his wives. After a visit to Russia, the wives of the outrageous shah began to wear only such skirts.

All the same, whatever you say, but over the century, ideas about beauty, especially oriental beauty, have changed terribly. The same concubines of shahs a hundred and a little more years ago and now are just heaven and earth. However, no one claims that one is beautiful, and the other is not. Everyone definitely has their own tastes. Perhaps, before, a lady’s mustache was really not a rudiment, but a highlight ...
ARD invites its readers to just look and feel the difference ... As he said on this occasion famous poet, and one famous blogger Russian LiveJournal quoted him: "Night marshmallow streams ether ..."

Here are unique pictures of the harem of Shah Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar, who ruled Iran from 1848 to 1895.

One of the many passions of Shah Qajar was photography. He liked taking pictures as a child, and when he came to power, he decided to create the first official photo studio in his palace. In the 1870s, Russian photographer Anton Sevryugin opened his studio in Tehran, who became the court photographer of the Iranian ruler. Sevryugin created a photographic chronicle of Iran and was awarded an honorary title for his services.

A Russian photographer could shoot the Shah himself, his male relatives, courtiers and servants. And behind him, Qajar, an ardent admirer of photography, left the right to shoot his harem, in which, according to historians, he had about 100 concubines.

Fullness is the main criterion of beauty. It is known that Nasser ed-Din Shah printed photographs himself in the palace laboratory and kept them in satin albums in his Golestan palace, where the museum is currently located.

The incomparable Anis al-Doleh is the beloved wife of the Shah (on the right).

The extraordinary nature of the photographs of his concubines lies in the fact that, according to Shiite laws at that time, it was not permissible to take pictures of the faces of people, and even more so the faces of women. And only the most powerful man in the country could afford to break the law.

Anis al-Doleh or Soul Friend of the State.

Looking at the photos of the ladies from the harem, you understand that they look quite modern for their time. Women confidently hold themselves in front of the camera, are calm, do not be shy and do not flirt.

The incomparable Anis al-Doleh (sitting).

Photographs of women challenge the generally accepted idea of ​​life in a harem - the Shah's wives look quite modern for that time and self-confident, they calmly look into the camera lens, not flirtatious or shy.

The thin inhabitants of the harem did not suffer.

From the photographs, one can judge the tastes of the Iranian monarch - all women in the body, with fused thick eyebrows and well-marked mustaches. It is clearly seen that women did not suffer from hunger and were not burdened physical work. Experts say that there are even nude photos in the Golestan collection, but they are safely hidden.

Harem ladies in tutus.

And these are some modern oriental princesses and style icons.

Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser al-Misned (SheikhaMozahBintNasserAl- Missed)

Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser al-Misned. Photo:

Second wife of the former Emir of Qatar Hamada bin Khalifa al-Thani and mother of the current ruler, Sheikh Moza bint Nasser al-Misned received an excellent education, not stopping it even after marriage. After becoming the first lady of Qatar, Moza continues to do charity work and promote democracy. In addition to large-scale community service, she is also a special envoy of UNESCO, has a number of state and international positions and even the title of Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

Mosa is considered a style icon. Photo:

Moza with enviable regularity gets into the lists of the most stylishly dressed women in the world. She is a true style icon! Her collection of outfits is truly magnificent, which is why she is often criticized by supporters of conservative Islam, they say, it does not befit a woman to dress up in provocative clothes and wear a turban on the head instead of the traditional headscarf. Sheikha Mozah, who recently celebrated her 55th birthday as a mother of seven (!) children, can truly boast perfect figure, all the charms of which she emphasizes with well-chosen clothes. Strict fitted jackets, closed dresses, loose trousers with a high waist.

Sheikha prefers black color. Photo:

Mosa pays increased attention fashion trends. As a co-owner of the Fashion House Valentino, she attends numerous shows, but the sheikh's style is original and inimitable: she even alters clothes from the lines of leading European fashion houses in accordance with traditional Muslim ideas about women's clothing.

Rania Al-Abdullah

Queen Rania al-Abdullah of Jordan. Photo:

Rania one of the most popular women Arab world. King's Wife of Jordan Abdullah ibn al-Hussein al-Hashimi and mother of the heir to the throne, she became queen in 1999. Beyond the Prince Hussein, Rania and Abdullah have three more children - Prince Hashim and two daughters - princesses Iman And Salma.

One of the main activities of Queen Rania is the fight for the rights of women and children, as well as overseeing the Jordanian Foundation, a non-governmental organization that helps women participate in the country's economic life and create new companies.

Rania skillfully combines classic style with ethnic motives. Photo:

The pro-Western values ​​of the queen can be judged by her outfits. Rania's favorite clothes are jeans, shirts and high heels, and at social events the queen appears only in the most elegant outfits from the best European couturiers. Rania's favorite designers - Giorgio Armani And Eli Saab. And this love is mutual: Armani recently called her the main muse of his life.

Lalla Salma (LallaSalma)

Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco. Photo:

With her future husband - the current monarch of Morocco Mohammed VI bin al-Hassan- Salma met when he was still the crown prince. In 2002, after a royal marriage, Salma received the title of Her Royal Highness The Princess Lalla Salma. "Lalla" means high status women, consonant with the British "lady". Unfortunately, according to the laws of Morocco, Lalla Salma will never be able to become queen. Even the fact that she is the only wife of the current ruler and the mother of the heir to the throne does not affect this.

The wardrobe of the first lady has an incredible number of outfits. Photo:

As befits the first lady, Lalla Salma, in addition to attending various social events, is involved in charity work, overseeing funds to combat diseases such as cancer, AIDS and HIV, not only in Morocco, but throughout Africa.

Wedding photograph of Princess Lalla Salma and Sheikh Mohammed VI bin al-Hassan. Photo:

Lalla Salma is famous throughout the Muslim world for her outfits: according to rumors, the wardrobe of the wife of the Moroccan ruler has several hundred dresses embroidered with gold and real precious stones, the cost of which can be comparable to the cost of a quality car. Lalla's style is characterized by a combination of European classics and African ethnics, but in compliance with numerous regulations. Her dresses are distinguished by a loose fit, long hem, loose sleeves that completely cover the arms, and the absence of a deep neckline. Thanks to her unusual style of dress, Princess Lalla Salma has repeatedly found herself in various ratings of the most stylishly dressed women in the Islamic world.

4. Amira al-Taweel (Ameera al-Taweel)

Princess Amira al-Taweel. Photo:

Princess Amira al-Taweel- another Cinderella: a girl from a simple middle-class family who became the wife of a prince, like Ilinka in the series "My Oriental Nights".

Both Amira and her husband have very liberal views. She advocates for the rights of women: for the right to drive a car, get an education and find a job without the necessary permission for this from a male relative - the so-called "guardian".

Amira also refuses to wear an abaya - a long traditional Arab women's dress with sleeves, preferring slightly more closed versions of classic European evening dresses.

Amira knows how to be elegant and is not afraid bright colors in clothes. Photo:

Unlike many Arab nobles, she goes out in dresses of medium length. She has an unsurpassed sense of style, which combines European chic with Islamic tradition. That is why Amira is already called a style icon: her outfit at the wedding of the prince William And Kate Middleton got on the list the best images Events.

Fatima Kulsum Zohar Godabari

Queen Saudi Arabia Fatima Kulthum Zohar Godabari. Photo:

Unlike Amira al-Taweel, Fatima wife of the current king of Saudi Arabia Abdullah ibn Abdul-Aziz al-Saud, so it appearance strictly regulated by Muslim norms. There is very little information about Fatima, it is only known that she is one of the four wives of the head of Saudi Arabia, whom he keeps in own house. To understand how high a privilege this is, one must bear in mind that Abdullah married more than thirty times, but most of the monarch's wives live away from his private chambers.

Arab media calls Fatima the most beautiful woman Muslim world- her huge green eyes and milky skin earned her the fame of the first beauty. Fatima became popular quite recently, the first photos of her face appeared on the Internet on her personal page on Facebook and Twitter in January 2012. It was then that, according to rumors, she became the wife of King Abdullah. After that, journalists failed to get any new pictures of Fatima.

Fatima's style can be guessed even from a few photographs: the Queen of Saudi Arabia certainly wears a traditional national clothes and walks with his head covered. But that doesn't stop her outfits from being interesting! In the collection of the wife of King Abdullah, there are more than a dozen multi-colored silk versions of the veil, decorated with fancy embroidery with various stones.

Photos of the Iranian princess, the wife of Shah Nasser Qajar, continue to excite impressionable and naive Internet users. Hundreds, if not thousands of articles have been devoted to her, discussing the tastes and preferences of the Shah, who lived almost two hundred years ago.

Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar

The Shah of Iran, who ruled the country for 47 years, was the most educated person in Iran, who knew several languages, loved geography, drawing, poetry, and the author of books about his travels. At the age of seventeen, he inherited the throne, but he could only take power with the help of weapons. He was an extraordinary person who managed to carry out small, from the point of view of our time, but significant for his time, reforms in the country.

As a literate person, he understood that only an educated and developed Iran would be able to exist on an equal footing with other countries in this world. He was a fan of European culture, but he realized that the religious fanaticism that raged in the country would not allow him to turn his dreams into reality.

Nevertheless, much was accomplished during his lifetime. A telegraph appeared in Iran, schools began to open, the army was reformed, a French school was opened, a prototype of the future university, where they studied medicine, chemistry, and geography.

Nasser Qajar Theater

Nasser Qajar knew French perfectly, was familiar with French culture, in particular with the theater, but he was, first of all, the Shah of Iran, a Muslim. Therefore, his dream of a full-fledged theater could not come true. But he, together with Mirza Ali Akbar Khan Naggashbashi, creates a state theater, the troupe of which consisted of men. In the photos of the actors, you can see the famous "Iranian princess Anis al Dolyah." Yes, this is a princess, but not a real one, but performed by a male actor.

The Iranian theater did not play productions from the life of the people. His satirical repertoire consisted entirely of plays describing court and social life. All roles were played by men. This is not an isolated case. Remember kabuki, where only men play. True, they played in masks, and it was hardly possible to see their fused eyebrows and mustaches. By the way, thick, fused eyebrows among the inhabitants of Arab and Central Asian countries have always been considered a sign of beauty, both for women and men.

Founder of Iranian theater

Mirza Ali Akbar Khan Naggashbashi, a well-known person in Iran, who is considered the founder of the Iranian theater, was the head of the first state theater. All roles were played by men, only after 1917 were women allowed to be actresses and participate in performances.

Old photos

Nasser ad-Din was fond of photography from his youth. He had his own laboratory, where he personally printed pictures. He photographed himself, he had a French photographer who took pictures of him. In the late sixties of the XIX century, the Sevryugins brothers open their studio in Tehran, one of them - Anton - becomes a court photographer.

He removed everything, Sevryugin helped him in this. He kept photos of his wives, close associates, theater artists, his trips, solemn meetings, military operations in the palace safe. After the Iranian revolution, all his archives were declassified, and the pictures fell into the hands of journalists. Who is depicted in these photographs is now difficult to say. Do not rely on the Internet. Signatures for the same photos on different sites differ dramatically. Their reliability is highly questionable.

On one German site, an interesting commentary came across to an article about Nasser al-Din, which was sent by a resident of Iran. He writes that the khan did not like women, therefore, in order to look like men and thereby please the shah, they painted mustaches on themselves. It is difficult to say how true this is, but it partially explains the clearly male faces in women's clothes and the fact that an outside man (photographer) takes pictures of the khan in a circle

Who is Iranian Princess Anis

Anis al Dolyah is, most likely, the name of the heroine of a play that was played out with the same acting characters in various situations (accidents from life). Something like modern TV series. Each actor played one role for many years.

Shah Nasser Qajar had an official wife, Munir Al-Khan, who bore him children, including his heir, Mozafereddin Shah. She was from a noble and influential family with considerable power. There is no doubt that the Shah had a harem. But who lived in his harem, it is impossible to say for sure now.

Photos of the Shah's concubines

Photos of the Iranian princess al Dolyah and the Shah's concubines, posted on the Internet, are most likely pictures of theater artists or excerpts from plays. Coming to any theater, we see in its foyer the composition of the troupe in photographs, where you can often see actors made up, that is, excerpts from their roles.

Let's not forget that the shah was a supporter of everything European, but remained a Muslim dictator who did not tolerate any dissent. Deviating from the norms of the Koran (in this case, photographing women with open faces) would alienate thousands of his devoted subjects from him. This would not fail to take advantage of his enemies, of whom he had plenty. He was assassinated more than once.

Shah visited many European countries, including Russia. He was fascinated by Russian ballet. He could not stage something like this in his country, so he creates a play about it, dressing the Iranian princess Anis (photo below) and other alleged women in ballet tutus. By the way, the shah wrote books about his travels, which were published in Europe and Russia. Perhaps he also wrote plays for his theatre.

What does the name Anis mean?

Why the Iranian princess has such a strange name is not accidental, it was under Shah Nasser ad-Din that two religious rebels who dared to recognize the Koran as obsolete were shot. This is the founder of a new religion, called Babism, Baba Sayyid Ali Muhammad Shirazi, as well as his ardent follower and assistant Mirza Muhammad Ali Zunuzi (Anis). There is a legend that during the execution, carried out by a detachment of 750 Christians, Baba, in a strange way, ended up in his cell, and Anis was not touched by bullets.

It is the name Anis that the satirical Iranian princess bears. Each time it caused laughter and bullying. By dressing his opponent in women's clothing, which in itself is a shame for a Muslim, the shah took revenge on those who went against the Koran. We do not know the names of other "inhabitants" of the Shah's harem, maybe they can also tell a lot. Of course, these are only assumptions, what really happened, we will never know.

02/06/2017 - 11:28

Anis al-Dolyah, an Iranian princess, captured the public's attention with her photos 150 years after the pictures were taken. Anis was the most beloved wife of the Iranian Shah Nasser Qajar. Anis al-Dolyakh - who is she, Wikipedia and photos from the Shah's harem.

Shah Nasser Qajar ruled Iran in the 70s of the 19th century. He was quite an enlightened person. His passion for photography contributed to the fact that the pictures Sultan's harem, taken by a court photographer originally from Russia, flew around the world.

The harem with the concubines and wives of the Shah turned out to be completely different from what they used to think. All the women were plump, with mustaches over their lips and unibrows. They were specially fed heavily and not allowed to move much so that they would not lose weight. Now it is unlikely that anyone will consider such women the standards of beauty that they were in their time.

Anis al-Dolyah was widely known in her time. Contemporaries noted that she used special attention from the side of the man. According to some reports, she had more than 150 admirers.

After visiting St. Petersburg, Nasser Qajar became seriously interested in ballet. He ordered to sew likenesses for his wives ballet tutus which is shown in the pictures.

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