The true love of the master and margarita. The theme of love in the novel The Master and Margarita essay


Composition Master and Margarita theme of love



2.Love story

3. The intervention of black power


The product "" includes wide circle philosophical problems. The writer did not bypass the theme of love, which is directly reflected in the title of the novel. The love of the Master and Margarita is one of the central threads of the work, around which the main events unfold.

For the first time, the reader learns about tragic love in chapter 13 of the novel. The Master himself tells Ivan Bezdomny about it, visiting the poet in the ward crazy house. The history of the Master is very fantastic, given the time in which the events take place. He wins a huge amount of money, thanks to which he has the opportunity to give everything free time writing your novel. Such a person does not fit into the Soviet life of the 20s at all.

The meeting of the protagonist with Margarita is also unusual. Among thousands of people, they just met eyes, and it changed everything in their lives. In the eyes of Margarita, the Master was struck by "an unprecedented loneliness." A chance meeting of two absolutely lonely people among a faceless crowd was the beginning of a great feeling. The Master had already lived “with this one, like her…”, which he immediately forgot. Margarita had a husband and a prosperous life, which also lost all meaning in her eyes. From now on, they belonged only to each other and the novel that the Master created. Margarita became the real muse of the writer, giving him unprecedented creative power. She was worried about the novel, as for own child. He became their child, born under the influence of great love.

The process of writing the novel was the happiest time in the life of the Master and Margarita. Bulgakov says nothing about some intimate moments of love. This is not necessary for a great feeling. It becomes clear that the Master and Margarita simply could not live without each other. They spent their days in a small cellar, stoked the stove, baked potatoes and were the most happy people in the world. After the completion of the novel and the first attempt to print it, a tragic denouement comes.

The rejection of the novel by Soviet critics gradually drives the Master crazy. Margarita is furious, she consoles her lover with all her might. In another painful fit, the Master destroys his novel, and at that moment Margarita appears. She understands that the salvation of her beloved depends only on her. She decides to break up with her husband and promises the Master to move in with him forever. The power of love is such that Margarita agrees to die with the Master. However, the Master could not stand the night and, in a fit of fear, ran away from home, ending up in crazy house. He loves Margarita with the same force, but does not want to destroy her life, so he does not even try to write to her.

In chapter 19 the reader gets acquainted with Margarita. Her love has not weakened either, she cannot forget the Master, cannot forgive herself for leaving him on that fateful night. She spends her days meaninglessly in luxurious surroundings, constantly thinking about her lover. Attempts to find the Master lead nowhere. But then the day comes when Margarita wakes up with firm conviction that something must happen.

The subsequent meeting with Azazello, a ball at Satan's - all this is carried by a whirlwind in front of Margarita. She gets the opportunity to fulfill her main cherished desire. The return of the beloved is a request exhausted woman at Satan. The Master and Margarita are together again. They experienced a lot, the Master is mentally ill. The lovers return to their cellar. Woland's henchmen provide them with an inconspicuous life. It would seem that happiness has been achieved. However, Azazello reappears in chapter 30. He takes the souls of lovers from the basement so that they can find " eternal shelter". Woland gives the Master and Margarita the last gift - a quiet happy life V " eternal home with a Venetian window.

The story of the Master and Margarita is fantastic and unique. But it serves as an ideal to which people should aspire. If we discard Satan, magical adventures, etc., then the main thing will remain a huge real feeling that cannot be defeated or broken. In the middle of the novel, Bulgakov claims, addressing the reader: "I will show you such love!" And he really succeeds.

Who told you that there is no real one in the world,
true, eternal love? May the liar be cut off
vile language!

The legendary brainchild of Bulgakov, the novel The Master and Margarita, occupies a worthy place in Russian literature. This work has not left the shelves of bookstores for many years due to the relevance of the topics raised by the author in the novel. One of the leading lines of the novel is the love of the Master and Margarita, which will be discussed. Are these people worthy of being together? Here main question. The author introduces readers to the Master in the thirteenth chapter. Already here before us appears the image of a loving man.

He keeps a cap with an embroidered "M". It was "she" who sewed this hat for the Master. Who is this mysterious "she"? This is the one who believed in her Master. The one who lived his novel. The one who made a deal with the devil, just to be with her loved one. This is Margarita. They are both ready for selfless love. On the part of Margarita, these are actions aimed at happiness with the Master. On the part of the Master - the desire that his beloved forget about him. That would have been better for this poor woman.

Their meeting was marked by a bouquet yellow flowers in the hands of Margarita, which symbolized hard way lovers. But true love turned out to be higher and stronger than all obstacles and hardships. The love of the Master and Margarita is a dilemma: can pure and bright love be achieved only by a deal with the devil? I can confidently answer this question in the affirmative: yes, it can. Love is a universal feeling, belonging only to two lovers and no one else. You can often hear the phrase that all means are good to achieve the goal. In the novel, this statement is supported by the actions of the heroine. Her goal was love and happiness with her beloved Master. And will a person in whom the fire of love does not burn, dare to such feats? No. Margarita was driven by the power of love, huge and boundless. It was this strong pure feeling that led the heroes through everything. thorny paths, through times and worlds.

Despite the well-to-do life in the mansion, Margarita is not happy with her fate. She will prefer the Master's basement to luxury, where they sinfully love each other, breathe each other. But together, together. “Forgive me and forget as soon as possible. I'm leaving you forever. Don't look for me, it's useless. I became a witch from the grief and calamity that struck me. I have to go. Farewell, ”Margarita writes to her husband, flying away towards her true happiness. She is guided not only by love, but also by a feeling of anger and resentment for the unaccepted novel by the Master. She destroys everything that comes to her hand, avenging her loved one.

In my opinion, Satan's ball is the main episode of the novel. It is he who makes it clear whether Margarita will be able to go through the whole ritual, whether she is worthy of the happiness of being with the Master. She puts clothes on her naked body that bring pain. She drinks blood from a goblet. She dutifully offers her knee for the kisses of the dead. She shows mercy by forgiving Frida for the infanticide. Despite her chafed feet, Margarita proudly steps and walks around the guests. How else? She is the queen and hostess of the ball! The heroine adequately endures the ball of Satan.

Margarita does not dare to remind Woland of the promise, because she is proud. Even when the devil asks the question directly, she still answers that she doesn't need anything.

“Never ask for anything! Never and nothing, and especially for those who are stronger than you. They will offer and give everything themselves! Sit down, proud woman!" said Woland to Margarita's proud silence.

Margarita's only wish was voiced with a contorted face:

“I want my lover, master, to be returned to me right now, this second!”

This was the desire to which the heroine went throughout the novel. This once again proves the purity of her thoughts and love. The author managed to convey Margarita's emotional change through her remarks, which are full of repetitions, dots and exclamations. There was no limit to her happiness. And to the Master, all this seemed like a hallucination, so he did not believe in the possibility of reuniting with his beloved again. Where did the proud woman go? Tears flowed from her eyes, felts of happiness, felts of grief and pity. But now they are together. They both know it.

Symbolically, the reunion of lovers was accompanied by the resurrected novel of the Master, because "manuscripts do not burn." And if love is a manuscript that was written day and night, in the success of which they believed, which they lived, will it burn? The Master and Margarita, leaving together in the world of happiness through suffering, proved that true love will pass everything: it will burn in flames, but will rise from the ashes.

Love, mercy, forgiveness, creativity are universal human concepts that form the basis of the morality of any person, any world religion. It is these principles that underlie Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. The novel, to some extent autobiographical, since the Master is Bulgakov's double, but not his copy.

Margarita loves the Master, the Master loves Margarita. It would seem that it could be simpler and more ordinary?!

Follow me, reader! Who told you that there is no true, true, eternal love in the world? May the vile liar be cut off!”

But, as it turns out, it's not just about love, the heroes are united by the work of the Master, his writing abilities, which were expressed in one single work that changed their lives. Real love comes to the Master and Margarita in the prime of their lives, settles in the hearts, but subsequent events do not turn out at all in such a way as to save this love.

The world against the fact that the Master and Margarita were happy together, and then Satan-Woland comes. The love between lovers becomes dependent on the book, but at the same time this love nourishes the one that the Master writes.

There comes a moment when the Master needs to put his novel about Pontius Pilate on the table for critics, and he understands that his future will be decided right here. The novel does not go away, and it becomes clear to the Master that the anger of the critics is not caused by the fact that they do not like the novel, but by the fact that they are not saying what they really think. This is the problem not only of those critics, but also of most people of that time, and of our current citizens too. The decision of the "Literary Society" broke the Master. He had a lot of strength, energy for further creativity, but his main and the only work life has not been taken properly. Lost faith in myself...

Margarita feels the confusion and fear of her lover, but he does not admit to her what the matter is. Having learned the problem of the Master, Margarita, loving him with all her heart, makes a deal with the Devil. For the sake of her beloved, a young woman is ready for a lot...

Finally, a terrible night comes when the Master destroys the manuscript. But he, performing his crazy act, does not yet know that "manuscripts do not burn." Woland throws this phrase later when he shows the Master copies of the novel. But even if these copies did not exist, it would not play any role. The master remembers his creation word for word, he cannot throw out of memory what was created by such labor. No matter how the Master worries, no matter how bitter his fate is, one thing is indisputable - the "MASSOLIT Literary Society" fails to kill the talent. The Master's manuscript cannot burn because it contains the truth. The truth that no one wants to see and know.

A creative personality can be cursed, its creations banned, driven to a madhouse, but it is impossible to destroy what it has created. The master is forever bound to his creation. The book dies and the lovers lose each other. Woland returns the manuscript to Margarita - and the Master returns. Everything is interconnected.

The writer shows us, his readers, that earthly love is heavenly love, that appearance, clothes, time change, but love that has overtaken once strikes the very heart forever. And it is unchanged in all the times that we are destined to survive. So it was two thousand years ago, and so it is now.

Fate is a mystery, the solution of which mankind has been trying to find since ancient times. In the life of every person there may come a moment when he wants to know or even predetermine his fate. Sometimes a person may have a choice: either change their life at the risk of paying for it. high price and get closer to happiness, or remain miserable. In the novel "The Master and Margarita" M. A. Bulgakov shows the reader the possible outcome of such events.

Margarita Nikolaevna, main character novel, was faced with a choice: forget her lover, the Master, or wait and hope that they would someday meet. The strength of Margarita's love gives her patience, and she waits for the Master. Every day the wait becomes more and more painful. Once, sitting on a bench under the Kremlin wall, she thought that she would give anything, even her soul, to the devil, just to find out if the Master is alive. At this moment, the fate of Margarita was determined. Azazello, the envoy of Woland (the devil), who sat down on the same bench with her, unexpectedly spoke to her. Feeling unkind, Margarta decided to leave, but Azazello's words made her stay. Margarita realized that she might have the opportunity to learn at least something about the Master.

Margarita faced a difficult choice. Realizing that she is communicating with evil spirit, Margarita nevertheless chooses the path of darkness - so boundless is her love for the Master. "I'm dying for love!" Margaret says.

The choice made by Margarita may seem strange, because Margarita has "a wonderful husband whom she has nothing to reproach for, an excellent house, she has never touched a stove, she did not know the horrors of living in a joint apartment." However, she was not happy for a single moment. Happiness for her was only the Master.

Who is the Master? Master Writer. The meaning of his life was the novel he wrote about Pontius Pilate and Yeshua Ha-Nozri, in which he put his whole soul. But now the novel is over, so what? He is not accepted, criticism rejects him. The master begins to fight for his work, but when he sees an excerpt from the novel in print, he gives up. His nerves, which were at the limit, can not stand it, even love does not help him now. The master makes his choice. He decides to burn the novel former sense his life. The master wants this novel to bring no more suffering to anyone. Having come to hate his work, he goes to a clinic for the mentally ill, submitting to fear, fear of everything (he is now even afraid of the dark). He justifies his act by the fact that he does not want Margarita to suffer because of him. That is, in fact, he runs away from everything. But could he do otherwise? Undoubtedly. The Master could continue his struggle, or, if he himself rejected his romance, he could find another purpose in life. His act only increased the mental suffering of both himself and Margarita. The Master did not have enough faith. Bulgakov does not agree with the choice of the Master and believes that his hero did not deserve the light.

Margarita is given the opportunity to conclude an agreement with Volandom in order to meet her lover. Her intentions are pure, she has no one and nothing to fear - for this Woland and his retinue respect her. It is only for the sake of the Master that she becomes a witch and is present as a hostess at the "ball of a hundred kings" in the gigantic apartment number 50 of house 302-bis on Sadovaya. After the ball, Woland tests her, offering to make another choice. And now, when the moment comes, which she dreamed of, Margarita asks not for herself, but for Frida, who strangled her child with a handkerchief and was responsible for this with torment: she was served the same handkerchief all the time. Margarita turned out to be a human witch, she forgave Frida. Margarita herself also deserved a reward: Yeshua sets the Master free. In the image of Margarita, the author shows us true, eternal love. For the sake of love, Margarita is ready to give up well-being, from everything that she has. And she got what she wanted: the Master was returned to her, the Master found the desired peace, and Margarita stayed with him.

Peace awaits the Master and Margarita. By choosing the path of darkness, they found their love. Their sufferings and misfortunes end where they will "walk under the cherries during the day ... and listen to Schubert's music in the evening." They will be happy, and nothing can disturb their calm, full of love and peace of life. They made their choice.

The novel "The Master and Margarita" is dedicated to the history of the master - creative personality opposing the environment. The history of the master is inextricably linked with the history of his beloved. In the second part of the novel, the author promises to show "true, faithful, eternal love." The love of the master and Margarita was just like that.

What does it mean, according to M. Bulgakov, "true love"? The meeting of the Master and Margarita was accidental, but the feeling that connected them until the end of their days was not accidental. No wonder they recognize each other by the "deep loneliness" in their eyes. This means that even without knowing each other, they felt a great need for each other. That is why a miracle happened - they met.

“Love hit us both at once,” says the master. True love powerfully invades the lives of those who love and transforms it! Everything everyday, ordinary becomes bright and significant. When Margarita appeared in the basement of the master, all the little things of his meager life began to seem to glow from within, and everything faded when she left.

True love is selfless love. Before meeting with the master, Margarita had everything a woman needed to be happy: a handsome, kind husband who adored his wife, a luxurious mansion, and money. “In a word…was she happy? - asks the writer. - Not a single minute! .. What did this woman need ?., she needed him, the master, about not a Gothic mansion at all, and not a separate garden, and not money. All wealth are insignificant compared to the opportunity to be near a loved one. When Margarita did not have love, she was even ready to commit suicide. But at the same time, she does not want to harm her husband and, having made a decision, she acts honestly: she leaves him a farewell note, where she explains everything.

True love, therefore, cannot harm anyone, it will not build its happiness at the expense of the misfortune of another person.

True love is selfless. Margarita is able to accept the interests and aspirations of her lover as her own, lives his life, helps him in everything. The master writes a novel - and this becomes the content of Margarita's life. She rewrites white-washed chapters, tries to keep the master calm and happy, and in this she sees the meaning of her life.

What is " true love"? This definition is revealed in the second part of the novel, when Margarita is left alone and has no news of the master. She is all immersed in waiting, she literally does not find a place for herself. At the same time, she is not only true to her feelings, but also does not lose hope for a meeting. And for her it is completely indifferent in what light this meeting will take place.

"Eternal" love becomes when Margarita passes the test of a meeting with otherworldly forces. Margarita fights for the master. Attending the Great Full Moon Ball, Margarita, with the help of Woland, returns it. Next to her lover, she is not afraid of death, and beyond the death line she remains with him. “I will cherish your sleep,” she says.

But no matter how overwhelmed Margarita is with love and anxiety for the master, when the time comes to ask, she asks not for herself - for Frida. And not only because Woland advises not to ask anything from those in power. Love for the master is organically combined in it with love for people, the severity of one's own suffering - with the desire to save others from the suffering.

Love is associated with creativity. The fate of love is intertwined with the fate of the novel. As love grows stronger, a novel is created, and therefore the work is the fruit of love, and the novel is equally dear to both the master and Margarita. And if the master refuses to fight, then Margarita arranges a rout in the apartment of the critic Latunsky.

But love and creativity exist among people who know neither. Therefore, they are doomed to tragedy. At the end of the novel, the master and Margarita leave a society where there is no place for high spiritual impulses. Death is given to the Master and Margarita as peace and rest, as freedom from earthly ordeals, grief and torment. You can also take it as a reward. Here is the pain of the writer himself, the pain of time, the pain of life.

The novel by M. Bulgakov, having survived decades of oblivion, is still addressed to us today, in our time. "True, true and eternal love" - Here main entity advocated by the novel.

The theme of love in The Master and Margarita is unusual. Even if only because Satan Woland becomes the main assistant of the lovers. The thing is, love is eternal. So, it cannot be divided into white and black.
Margarita fell in love with the Master's talent. She is ready to sell her soul to the devil and does it. True love comes to the Master and Margarita in the prime of their lives, but events do not turn out at all in such a way as to save this love. The surrounding world is against the Master and Margarita being happy together, and then Satan comes - Woland.
The writer shows us that earthly love is heavenly love, love hits the very heart forever. Love between lovers becomes addicted to a book. His story is criticized, which broke the Master and lost his faith in himself. The night comes when the Master destroys the manuscript, but he does not yet know that "manuscripts do not burn." The Master's manuscript cannot burn because it contains the truth. Woland returns the manuscript to Margarita and the Master returns.
In difficult conditions, the Master is supported by love.
Love - all happiness comes from love, love reaches spirituality. Such is the feeling of the Master and Margarita. Margarita completely surrenders to love and for the sake of saving the Master, sells her soul to the devil, taking upon herself a huge sin.
With the power of love, Margarita tries to heal fear, which is difficult to do. Using the example of Margarita, Bulgakov showed that each person should make his own destiny without asking for help from higher powers.

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