Who read Astrid Lindgren's first book. Biography of Astrid Lindgren: bibliography, awards and photos


Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren (1907-2002) was a Swedish writer who wrote mainly stories for children. She is known and loved all over the world thanks to the works of "Pippi long stocking"And" Carlson, who lives on the roof. Readers from countries former USSR were able to enjoy reading these books thanks to the translation of Lilianna Lungina. Astrid Eriksson (surname at birth) was born on November 14, 1907 in the Swedish province of Småland.

Happy childhood

The future writer was born into a family of poor farmers. Her father's name was Samuel August Eriksson, and her mother was Hanna Jonsson. The girl repeatedly heard the romantic story of her parents: they had been friends since childhood and only after many years they realized their feelings for each other. After 17 years of dating, they got married, after the wedding, the newlyweds settled in a pastoral estate on the outskirts of Vimmerby.

Anna Emilia grew up in big family, she had an older brother Gunnar and two little sisters. Their names were Stina and Ingegerd. The writer recalled her childhood with a smile, calling it “the age of the horse and cabriolet”. Parents constantly told their children fascinating tales taught them a love for nature. Astrid started reading at a young age thanks to her friend Kristin.

Many of Lindgren's stories and characters originate from her childhood. The delightful nature of the Nes farm forever left its mark on the girl's worldview. Green hills, lakes with violets, ancient ruins and forest landscapes awakened the worldview, made her believe in a fairy tale even at a relatively adult age. Astrid loved to play with her children, she climbed trees with them, ran around the park, getting incredible pleasure from this.

First works

As soon as she learned to read and write, the girl began to write stories. Her writings were a success, already in elementary grade The first story "Life in our estate" was published. Readers called her the Wimmerbyn Selma Lagerlöf, but Anna did not take such a serious comparison seriously, considered it undeserved.

At the age of 16, after graduating from school, Eriksson got a job as a reporter for a local newspaper. At the same time, she was trained as a stenographer. A year later, the girl cut her hair, then became pregnant, not being married. Inhabitants small town Astrid's impudent behavior was negatively perceived, because of this, she already moved to Stockholm in 1926. The born son had to be given to a foster family, because the writer was too poor and could not bring him up.

After moving to the capital, the girl graduated from secretary courses. She changed several different places work, as a result of settling in the Royal Society of Motorists. It was there that the writer met Sture Lindgren, her future husband. In April 1931 they got married, three years later their daughter Karin was born. After her birth, Astrid left her job, devoting herself to household. She was also able to pick up her son Lars from a foster family.

daughter's gift

Despite her married status, the writer did not want to give up her favorite work. Periodically, she wrote fairy tales for family magazines, published in newspapers and Christmas calendars. Lindgren also edits books at home, acts as a secretary. Because of her lively and restless nature, the woman never thought that she could become a full-fledged writer.

In 1944, Karin fell ill with pneumonia. During the long, cold Stockholm nights, her mother sat beside her bed, telling stories. Once a girl asked me to write a story about Pippi Longstocking. Astrid began to invent it on the go, starting from unusual name heroines. For several months, the woman told her daughter about the exciting adventures of Pippi and her friends.

In March 1944, the writer broke her leg. She lay in bed for weeks, shorthand for stories about a red-haired girl with pigtails. She later gave Karin a book containing these stories for her birthday. The writer also sent a manuscript with illustrations to the Bonniere publishing house, but she was refused printing.

In the same year, Astrid participates in a competition for the best book for girls, held by the publishing house "Raben and Sjogren". Thanks to this, she receives an award for the story "Britt-Marie pours out her soul" and a contract for publication. In 1945, it was this publishing house that published a book about Pippi Longstocking. The writer gets a job there as an editor of children's literature, where she remained until her retirement. In 1952 Sture, the writer's husband, dies. Until the end of her days, she did not marry, being content with the company of her children and grandchildren.

creative activity

In 1940-1950. Lindgren writes several books at once, each of which becomes incredibly popular among readers. In 1946, a story about the detective Kalle Blumkvist appeared, with her help the writer tried to replace thrillers with an abundance of violence. In 1954, the writer addresses the problem of lonely children in the fairy tale "Mio, my Mio."

Karin gave her mother an idea for another piece. She once shared with a writer a story about a little chubby man flying into a room when the girl is left alone. He was cheerful, but hid behind the picture, barely seeing the adults. So there was a book about Carlson, who lives on the roof. In the original version of the story, the man's name was Lil'em Kvarsten.

In 1968, a production about Carlson premiered at the Moscow Theater of Satire. At the same time, cartoons about a funny character appear on television screens. In 1969 Royal Theatre of Drama Stockholm launches its dramatization immortal work Lindgren, although this was atypical for the time. After the huge success of the Swedish performance, theaters around the world began to create their own versions of Carlson.

All over the world, the writer was known thanks to productions based on her books, but in her native Sweden, films and television series were popular. Back in 1947, at Christmas, the premiere of the film adaptation of the story about Kalle Blomkvist took place. Two years later, the first film about Pippi Longstocking could be seen on the screens, subsequently three more films were released. Director Ulle Helbum created 17 films based on Lindgren's books in 30 years.

Social activity

In 1976, Astrid wrote open letter tax authorities. This tale was called "Pomperipossa from Monismania", where the writer revealed the barbaric policy of the ruling party. She always paid taxes regularly, but was not going to put up with injustice when she was required to give 102% of her income. After being published on the front page of the Expressen newspaper, the tale caused a resonance, as a result, the law was changed in favor of payers.

It was thanks to Lindgren that Sweden became the first country to ban violence against children at the legislative level. The woman has always fought for the rights of the weak and defenseless, in the 70s she launched a huge campaign against cruelty to animals. As a result, in 1988, the “Lindgren law” was adopted. The writer was not completely satisfied, because the law contained vague wording, and the penalties were too lenient.

The writer also adhered to her own point of view about education. She sought to perceive each child as a separate person with their own emotions and problems. The woman was fond of psychology, tried to describe all situations from the point of view of children.

It is noteworthy that the writer never planned to make money on her work. First of all, she wrote for herself, "entertaining the inner child." The woman basically refused to compose anything for adults, she wanted to preserve her spontaneity and simplicity of narration. With her work, Astrid dreamed of comforting children, helping them cope with unpleasant and painful situations.

Other achievements of the writer

In 1957, Lindgren received the Literary Achievement Award, becoming the first children's writer to receive this award. After that, she was repeatedly singled out, but most of all the woman valued two medals of G.K. Andersen awarded to her in 1958 and 1986. Astrid was recognized as the most readable author, and in the center of Stockholm there is still a monument in her honor. In the 1950s and 1960s, the woman appeared regularly on talk shows on radio and television.

In 1997, the writer became the man of the year in Sweden, although she was extremely ironic about this award. All her friends died, and in 1986 her son Lars also died. Astrid was left alone, she could not see and hear well, but she tried to lead active image life. Every year, Lindgren traveled abroad with her daughter, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, continued to give interviews, and answered letters from fans. She helped people not only morally, but also financially.

The woman never wanted the usual dull life of pensioners, preferring to enjoy last days allotted to her. On January 28, 2002, the writer died. She was nominated for the world Nobel Prize posthumously.

In total, during her life, Astrid wrote more than 80 works of various genres, her books were translated into 91 languages. She devoted one story to the story of the acquaintance and love of her parents, and autobiographical essays were also released. But most of the stories were addressed to young readers, since the writer considered all people to some extent children.

I have a pain in my leg. She hurts already whole year. And I've been in bed for exactly a year now. That's probably why my mom is so sad. Of course, it's all because of my leg. Once I even heard my mother say to my father:

You know, I don't think Gyoran will ever be able to walk again.

Of course, she did not think that I would hear these words. And so I lie in bed all day long, reading, drawing or building something with the help of my constructor. And when it starts to get dark, mom comes and says:

Shall we light the lamp, or do you want to do the usual twilight?

- No, I can't take it anymore, - completely, unexpectedly, the mother of Gunnar and Gunilla said before the New Year.

Yes, and me too, - confirmed the father.

Gunnar and Gunilla, lying in the nursery, heard everything. They understood well what exactly mom and dad could not stand anymore. After all, Gunnar and Gunilla had been ill for four whole weeks. It cannot be said that they are so dangerously ill. But still, they had to lie in bed and call their mother a little. Four weeks is many days, and many, many hours, and many, many, many minutes. And almost every minute Gunnar and Gunilla called their mother and asked them to have a drink, or read a fairy tale, or change the sheets, because they had put crumbs in them. It seemed to Gunnar and Gunilla that the days dragged on terribly slowly; if there was nothing to bother mother at all, they shouted at the top of their lungs:

A long time ago, at a time of trouble and poverty, each parish had its own almshouse. It was a house where the local poor huddled under one roof: ruined owners, feeble old people, the crippled and the sick, and the fools, and the orphans, whom no one took in for upbringing - they all fell into this mournful haven.

There was also an almshouse in the parish of Nurka, and the girl Malena got there when she was eight years old. Malena's father and mother died of consumption, and although orphaned children were usually given up for upbringing, no one agreed to take Malena for a fee: money with money, but it's scary to bring an infection into the house, so the girl was sent to an almshouse.

It was at the beginning of spring, on a Saturday evening, and all the alms-keepers were looking out of the window at the road, this was their only Saturday entertainment. To be honest, there wasn't much to see there.

So, on the Katthult farm near Lenneberga, in Småland, lived Emil and his little sister Ida. Have you ever heard of them? If you have heard, then you know that Emil played pranks almost every day and for his tricks he had to sit in the carpentry almost every day. His dad believed that thanks to such a punishment, Emil would unlearn playing pranks. At least for the sake of not sitting in the carpentry. But he was wrong. Emil thought the joinery was very comfortable. He quietly sat there and, until he was released into the wild, carved wooden old men.

Carlson who lives on the roof

In the city of Stockholm, on the most ordinary street, in the most ordinary house, lives the most ordinary Swedish family by the name of Svanteson. This family consists of the most ordinary dad, the most ordinary mother and three of the most ordinary guys - Bosse, Betan and the Kid.

I'm not the most ordinary kid at all, - says the Kid.

But this, of course, is not true. After all, there are so many boys in the world who are seven years old, who have Blue eyes, unwashed ears and pants torn at the knees, that there is nothing to doubt: the Kid is the most ordinary boy.

The earth is so huge, and there are so many houses on it! Big and small. Beautiful and ugly. New buildings and ruins. And there is also a very tiny house of Carlson, who lives on the roof. Carlson is sure that this is the best house in the world and that the best Carlson in the world lives in it. The kid is sure of it too. As for the Kid, he lives with his mom and dad, Bosse and Betan in the most ordinary house, on the most ordinary street in the city of Stockholm, but on the roof of this ordinary house, just behind the chimney, there is a tiny house with a sign above the door:

Everyone has the right to be Carlson

Waking up one morning, Baby heard excited voices coming from the kitchen. Mom and dad were obviously upset about something.

Well, wait! - said dad. - You just look at what is written in the newspaper. Well, read it for yourself.

Terrible! Mom exclaimed. - Just some kind of horror!

The little boy immediately jumped out of bed. He couldn't wait to find out what was terrible. And he found out.

On the front page of the newspaper, in huge letters, was the headline:

“What is it: a flying barrel or something else?”

And under the title is the article:

“A strange unidentified object is flying over Stockholm. Eyewitnesses report that Lately have repeatedly seen in the Vazastan region a certain flying object resembling a small beer keg. It makes sounds similar to the hum of a motor.

Bertil looked out the window. It was starting to get dark, it was cold, foggy and uncomfortable outside.

Bertil was waiting for dad and mom. He was waiting for them with such impatience that it was simply amazing why they had not yet shown themselves from one of his expectations over there. street lamp. It was usually near this lantern that Bertil noticed them first of all. Mom came a little earlier than dad, but she could not return until the work in the factory was over.

Dad and mom went to the factory every day, and Bertil sat at home alone all day. Mom left food for him so he could eat when he was hungry. Then, when mother returned, they sat down to have dinner.

It was terribly boring to walk all day long around the apartment alone, when there was no one to have a word with. Of course, Bertil could have gone out into the yard to play, but now, in autumn, the weather was bad and none of the children could be seen on the street.

Now I will tell you about one of the most amazing events that just happened to me in my life. This happened two years ago. Then I was only six years old. Now I am eight.

My name is Britta-Kaisa. Although, in fact, what does this have to do with the case! Mom, dad and I live in a small, very small house surrounded by an equally small garden. Our house is all alone. And no one lives nearby. But in front of the house there is a small and narrow highway, and at the very end of this road - far, far away - the city begins. My dad is a gardener. Every Wednesday and Saturday he goes to the city and sells vegetables and flowers at the market. He gets paid for them. But not so huge. Mom says: it doesn’t happen that there is always enough money.

No robbers in the forest! - Grandma was not in the kitchen.

No robbers in the forest! She wasn't in the living room either.

Works are divided into pages

Astrid Lindgren

"Andersen of modernity", "sorceress from Sweden" - that's what the writer is called Astrid Lindgren in her homeland and abroad. Like a writer from Denmark, fairy tale books Lindgren close to folklore, in them a genuine connection of fantasy with the realities of life is palpable. And the fictional, magical is born in Lindgren's fairy tales from the game, from the head of the child himself. After all, kids, playing, always invent magic stories imagine themselves to be the real heroes of the most funny adventures. And created by children, their dreams always live in fairy tales. Almost all of their Lindgren's fairy tales devoted to children different ages. On our site, you can read Astrid Lindgren's fairy tales and stories online without any restrictions, easily going through the list of her books.

Astrid Lindgren has created many other works for children, and has been the author of several programs on Swedish television, writing scripts for cinema and theatre.

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Important in the work of the writer was her desire to help children overcome their sorrows and difficulties. The tales of Astrid Lindgren recreate various life difficulties children and describe ways to solve them.

Carlson and Peppy: reading order of the stories

Astrid Lindgren

Astrid Lindgren was born in Sweden in 1907. Full name of the writer: Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren. Thanks to the translator Lungina, Lindgren's fairy tales became known to us. The best of them are the stories about Carlson and Pippi Longstocking.

From childhood, Astrid lived with her parents, brother and younger sisters outside the city, since then she has loved nature endlessly and carried this love through all her works. The girl's family was strong, the relationship between parents and children was respectful, they were strongly attached to each other, which also could not but affect Astrid's works in the future. They are all very kind.

After moving to Stockholm after school, Astrid Lindgren went through many obstacles in life. Having given birth to a child very young, she could not feed herself and her son. Astrid had to give the baby to a foster family. However, over time, her life improved. Astrid got married, took her son and gave birth to a second child - daughter Karin.

About fairy tales by Astrid Lindgren

Astrid Lindgren dedicated fairy tales to her daughter, telling them at night, writing on the go the adventures of a red-haired girl, whom Karin herself called Pippi Longstocking. For her daughter's 10th birthday, Astrid compiled a book about Pippi's adventures and even colored it as a gift for a child.

Astrid has always been fascinated by her ability to create non-standard works with non-boring characters. For her story about the detective Kalle Blomkvist in 1946, she received the first prize in her life.

Soon the trilogy Astrid - The Kid and Carlson was published, which became a masterpiece of world literature. The best Carlson in the world helped the Kid forget about all the troubles and worries, he became his friend.

The works of Astrid Lindgren are known to every reader in our country since childhood. First of all - a book about "The Kid and Carlson". In addition to the story translated into Russian by L. Lungina, the Swedish writer created a number of wonderful children's works.

Astrid Lindgren: a brief biographical note

The writer was born in 1907. Her parents had nothing to do with art or literature. They were peasants. The future writer became the second child in the family. She later called her childhood happy. The writer claimed that early years, held in an atmosphere of love and understanding, served as a source for literary creativity. The works of Astrid Lindgren are permeated with kindness and wisdom.

creative way

What works did Astrid Lindgren write? To this question in our country, each reader will name the aforementioned book about the adventures of the Kid and Carlson or "Pippi Longstocking". Most of not so well known outside the homeland. Few people in Russia know how many works Astrid Lindgren wrote.

"Pippi Longstocking" was created in 1945. By the way, during the war years, Lindgren wrote several kind and instructive tales. And in 1945, the writer was offered the position of editor in a children's publishing house. Here she worked until the early seventies. At the same time, the work was combined with literary creativity. The charming character who loves jam the most was created by the writer in 1955. Two years later, Astrid Lindgren's work was translated into Russian.

Theatrical productions and film adaptations

The works of Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren (that's what it sounds like full name writers) have inspired directors many times, and not only in Sweden. In 1969, the premiere of the play Carlson took place at the Stockholm Theater. Since then, dramatizations based on the works of Astrid Lindgren, a list of which is presented below, have been going on in cities in Europe and the USA. In Sweden, the writer is best known for films and television series based on her books.

List of works for children

Astrid Lindgren wrote books whose titles translated into Russian are as follows:

  • « pippi settles down at Villa Hen.
  • "The famous detective Kalle Blomkvist".
  • "We are all from Bullerby."
  • "Brothers Lionheart".
  • "Katy in America".
  • "Mirabel".
  • "About Lotta of the Noisy Street."

This is not a complete list. In total, the Swedish writer has created more than thirty works for young readers. Let's talk about some of them.

Book "Brothers Lionheart"

The book is about two brave brothers, with whom so many unusual things happened that they can’t be told in a fairy tale or described with a pen. Jonathan and Karl, thirteen and nine years old, are ordinary boys, no different from their peers. But still, there is something unique in them, however, as in all Lindgren's characters.

Little Carl is seriously ill, everyone around is sure that Miss Leion will soon lose her son. She lost. Only not Karl, but a healthy, kind, beloved Jonathan, who gave so many hopes. Karl died soon after. What is it like for a poor mother to lose both sons?

In real life this would be the end of the story. But in Astrid Lindgren's fairy tale, things are not so simple. The reader continues to watch Jonathan and Carl. Where? In Nangiyala. Few have heard of this country. However, small Swedish children know everything about it, and are not at all afraid to get there. In Nangiyala, the brothers begin new life full of fun and joy. However, evil does not sleep even in fairyland. Gloomy events interrupt the peaceful existence of all the inhabitants of Nangiyala.

"Super Detective Kalle Blomkvist"

Astrid Lindgren in this book tells the story of how a little boy named Kalle Blomkvist from a little-known Swedish town dreams of becoming famous detective. Like, for example, Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot. Together with his friends, he constantly gets into various troubles. Any difficult questions little detectives manage to solve. After all, Kalle knows all the spy tricks, and his faithful and devoted friends always with him.


This is the work of Astrid Lindgren about a mischievous girl who is impossible not to love. The book consists of two parts:

  1. "Madiken".
  2. "Madiken and Pims of Junibacken".

Each part has nine to ten stories. From the story, the reader learns not only about the girl herself and her family, but also immerses herself in the atmosphere of the Swedish province, gets acquainted with the traditions and customs of this country.

"Katy in Paris"

The book is intended for middle and older children. school age. Despite the fact that in the last part of the trilogy about Katya main character marries and has a child, girls read the story with pleasure twelve-thirteen years. All events are described by the author with childish spontaneity and by no means mature look to what is happening.

There is a lot of educational material in this work by Astrid Lindgren. Young readers will learn about the sights of Paris, about the history of this city. Together with the characters, they take car rides from Sweden through Denmark and Germany to France.

"Little Nils Carlson"

The name of this hero is associated with the name of everyone famous character. However, Nils Carlson does not live on the roof, but in the basement. The writer told in this book the story of little boy Bertile, whose parents work too hard. He sees them only in the morning and evening.

One day the child saw a tiny man under his bed who lived in a rat hole. This was Nils Carlson. He can talk, and he can also make Bertil as small as himself, and then turn him back into ordinary boy. And this is where the amazing adventure begins.

Bertil descends into the rat hole to visit his new friend. They have fun all day cleaning the house and doing other useful things. Even the absorption of food has become an exciting game. Now the boy Bertil is not at all bored, just like the Kid after meeting Carlson.


Astrid Lindgren wrote not only works large forms. There are in her work and little fairy tales. "Mirabelle" refers to those. This work is a kind sweet fairy tale for girls. According to readers, this is an incredibly instructive and kind book.

The story is told in the first person - on behalf of a girl who has an unusual doll named Mirabelle. This is a dynamic tale about the friendship of a child and a doll, about how they had fun.

"We are all from Bullerby"

This work is called good book Astrid Lindgren . Bullerby is a small Swedish village. There are only three houses here. It was in such a small village that the famous writer grew up, the creator of one of the most popular characters in USSR. Her early memories form the basis of this book. The story is told from the perspective of a girl who has two brothers. Her peers live in another house. Ulle, little tenant of the third house, only child in family. He has no brother or sister. Fortunately, there are true friends.


In this book, Astrid Lindgren tells the story of Madiken, a young resident of a small village. The events take place at the beginning of the last century. She lives with her parents, her sister Lizabeth, a servant, and her dog Sassi. The prototypes of some characters from the stories of A. Lindgren are taken from life. Part of this book autobiographical.

Madiken is friends with the neighbor boy Abbe, who is already fifteen years old, and dreams of marrying him. Abbe's family is very poor, he needs to work and have no time to entertain little Madiken. The main character is only eight. The author draws readers' attention to Madiken's relationship with people living below the poverty line. An eight-year-old girl wonders: "Is poverty helpless?" .

"Pippi Longstocking"

The heroine of this work is well known to readers thanks to the Soviet film adaptation. Peppy is the best happy child in the world. She has her own live horse and a real monkey. The girl does not go to school, there are no prohibitions in her world. Pippi is very rich - she has a whole suitcase of money. And she is also very generous - she constantly gives gifts to everyone. Children envy Pippi's life. And adults understand how deeply unhappy a child is, who was left all alone in this life so early, without mom and dad.

Astrid Lindgren has been a member of the Social Democratic Party all her life. She was characterized by a desire for equality, a caring attitude towards others. For many years she worked social activities. In her speeches, Lindgren advocated pacifistic convictions, more than once opposed violent methods in raising children. The writer passed away in 2002.

The writer, whose centenary was celebrated last year, was born on November 14, 1907 in southern Sweden, in the small town of Vimmerby in a farmer's family. “There were four of us,” Astrid wrote about her childhood, “and we lived in Nes happy life, exactly the same as the children in my stories about the Shumny farm. All neighbors and acquaintances were amazed at what it was loving family, parents until the end of their lives retained a deep attachment to each other and to children.

In the Erickson family maiden name Astrid) children were not scolded for numerous pranks, but they did not encourage idleness - from the age of six, Astrid, her sisters and brother were already hard at work - they helped their parents work on the farm.

The girl studied well, especially excelled in languages ​​and literature, once her essay was even published in the local newspaper, after which Astrid began to jokingly call “Selma Lagerlöf from Vimmerby”.

It is noteworthy that, having matured, the whole family lived by a community of interests.

One of her sisters became a translator, the other a journalist, her brother became a politician, a member of the Swedish parliament - to which Astrid's father, who himself was an excellent storyteller, said: “I have amazing children! Everyone works with words ... "
Meanwhile, having matured, a young girl, who from childhood was distinguished by a stubborn and wayward character, decided to get out of parental care, got a job as a journalist, as a real “informal woman” did short haircut, was carried away by jazz and fashionable dances.

And suddenly - a disaster - nineteen-year-old Astrid became pregnant, before that she had parted with the father of the child. In a small Protestant town in the 20s, this seemed an unheard of shame, and Astrid went to Stockholm, where no one knew her.

The new life was full of difficulties, besides, because of the disorder, the newborn son had to be given to a foster family, subsequently both of them experienced it as a difficult drama.

Astrid for a long time she worked in the office as a secretary, until a turning point came in her fate - she met a man whose name later became world famous. In 1931, they got married, and only after that Astrid was able to pick up her son Lars.

Soon, Astrid and her husband Sture have a daughter, Karin, and, probably, from that moment she herself is born as a writer. When the baby got sick, Astrid told her every night before going to bed extraordinary stories, so there was Pippi Longstocking - one of the most famous little heroines of children's literature. “The girl in different stockings was very reminiscent of myself,” Lindgren admitted, maybe that’s why the children always adored the pranks of the red-haired rebel, and experts wrote about the beneficial effects of the heroine on the mental health of children: “Pippi - fictional character, embodying a childhood dream to break all prohibitions, feel your power and do whatever you want, as soon as it comes to mind. The book has become an emergency exit from the everyday and authoritarian regime - this is the secret of the unheard-of success of the book with children.

Lindgren advocated an upbringing that would take into account and respect the thoughts and feelings of the child, this affected all her work. Maybe that's why her manuscript "Pippi" was initially rejected by the publishers, and she received a publishing agreement award only in 1944 for her second book, "Britt-Marie pours out her soul."

Between 1944 and 1950, Astrid Lindgren wrote a trilogy about Pippi Longstocking, two stories about children from Bullerby, three books for girls, a detective story, two collections of fairy tales, a collection of songs, four plays and two picture books. As you can see from this list, Astrid Lindgren was an unusually versatile author, willing to experiment in a wide variety of genres.
In 1945, Astrid Lindgren became the editor of children's literature at the Raben and Sjögren publishing house, where her books were published.

A few years later, the writer published the first of three books about the adventures of the young detective Kalle Blomkvist, which brought her first place in literary competition, and in 1955 the first story about a “moderately well-fed” man living on the roof, named Carlson, was born. Few people know that the mischievous little selfish Carlson had amazing prototypes - a little dwarf - Tiny Nils Karlsson and the flying Mr. Lillonkvast (literally "a broom of lilies") from the fairy tale "The Land between Light and Darkness" ("Land of Twilight"), - one of her most poetic creations, reminiscent of Lewis' Narnia, where sad lonely children are magical heroes taking you to a fantasy land. Mischief and leprosy - it's like back side with which the children, like herself, are trying to fence themselves off from the cruel world.

Mio is in magical land, only when it freezes in the park, the knight Nils from oak grove recovers when his head is cut off in the fairy-tale kingdom, Carlson flies to the Kid because he lacks love, Mr. Lillonkvast flies through the air with the boy, because he is disabled and cannot walk, the future Carlson could only be recognized in him by constant phrase: “It does not matter in the slightest. Not the slightest significance in the Land between Light and Darkness”, in which one can already see the famous “Trifles, a matter of life”.

Throughout Lindgren's life, despite becoming a wealthy writer, she remained humblest man, until her death, she lived in the same house in which her family settled during the war.

Her opinion was very important in the spheres of public life,
In Sweden, under the influence of her speeches, the first law in Europe to protect the rights of the child was adopted.

The eldest son Lars was proud of his mother as a child and, having matured, loved to talk about her hooligan deeds. One day Astrid jumped on a tram on at full speed. Not only did she lose her shoe during the jump, she was also fined by the conductor. They say that the writer, even at a venerable age, retained the habit of climbing trees. “She was not one of those mothers who sit on a bench in the park, watching the children play. She had to participate in all the games herself, and, frankly, I suspect that she liked it as much as I did!” Lars recalled.

Lindgren gives children a fairy tale even after his death. In Stockholm there is a museum of Astrid Lindgren "Junibacken". A fabulous train will take you to the world of the famous Swedish writer: you can visit the house of Carlson, who lives on the roof, attend a holiday at Emil's farm, meet the girl Madiken before she makes a flight from the roof, then you suddenly become very vertically challenged, like little Niels, and meet face to face with ... a huge rat!!! The journey will end with the brothers Lion Heart in the fight with the Dragon.
“We will celebrate her birthday by raising money to create orphanage in the Central African Republic,” says the writer’s daughter, Karen, continuing her social work, - this, without a doubt, would be the best gift for mom.

Prepared by open sources the Internet

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