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Marshall Bruce Mathers III (Marshall Bruce Mathers III) was born on October 17, 1972. He went from an unknown rapper from the crime streets of Detroit, Michigan to the best selling artist in the US in the 2000s. Eminem's success cannot be underestimated. He has sold over 172 million albums worldwide, making him one of the elite artists to do so. Eminem is a dynamic rapper and more a good author songs.

Eminem's career took off after the release of his debut album"Infinite" in 1996. Then came "The Slim Shady LP" in 1999, which was met with a bang by fans, and the rest is history. Now Eminem is playing stadium shows around the world that sell out in seconds. He also collaborated with many other artists, including Dr. Dre (Dr. Dre), 50 Cent (50 Cent), Kid Rock (Kid Rock), Drake (Drake) and other popular and talented rappers and singers. In addition to his talent as a rapper/songwriter, Eminem is also involved in recording music. Talented performer opened the record company "Shady Records" with his manager Paul Rosenberg (Paul Rosenberg).

Despite his talents, Eminem has recently caused a lot of controversy. He even caught the attention of the US government in 2008 with his song We As Americans. Words: "To hell with money! I don't rap for dead presidents, I'd rather see a dead president. This has never been said, but I'm setting precedents", made the security service worried. Inexplicably. Whether you love him or hate him, Eminem is very talented and interesting person and a powerful force in the entertainment industry. Below we will tell you about some little known facts about him.

10 Discovery - Evan "Kidd" Bogart

Many people know that Dr. Dre discovered Eminem and helped launch his career. While this is true and Dre did wonders for Eminem by taking the young rapper under his wing, it was actually an obscure white rapper who discovered him. Evan "Kidd" Bogart, who at the time was an intern at Interscope, was the first to discover Eminem. Bogart (son of the legendary music producer Neil Bogart was at a rap competition where Eminem performed. He went back to Interscope and brought with him an Eminem tape, which eventually ended up in the hands of Dr. Dre. As soon as Dre heard the tape, he asked to find Eminem immediately, and the rest is history.

9. Childhood - Coma

Eminem grew up in a very disadvantaged area. He was a "kid from the streets" who lived in a predominantly black neighborhood. He was constantly beaten for being one of the few single white kids who lived there. When he was 9 years old, one of the bullies was so hard on Eminem at school that he ended up in a coma for a week. The stay in the hospital proved to be a very frightening experience for the poor white child and would not be the last as he was constantly finding adventure.

8. Childhood idols - Comics

When Eminem was a child, his attention was not occupied by music and rap. As a child, he had completely different hobbies. He cherished the dream of drawing comics. Due to the fact that he was constantly surrounded by problems and troubles, Eminem dreamed of living in other worlds. His passion for comics helped him in part to develop his alter ego, Slim Shady, as well as the characters that Eminem comically portrayed in music videos.

7. Opposite sex - marital problems

Eminem is not the only person in a world that had marital problems. Most of them were well covered in the lyrics of his songs. Eminem constantly raps about the hardships of his life and his two marriages to the same woman, Kimberly Anne Scott. He mentions Kim in his songs along with his daughter, Hailie. However the largest number once married was his grandmother Betty, who went down the aisle 5 times. Eminem, who has only been married twice, must marry more than once to keep up with his granny.

6. Oscar Winner - "8 Mile" (8 Mile)

Few people expected Eminem to star in feature film. More less people thought he would do well. The film "8 Mile" is based on the childhood of Eminem. The film turned out resounding success because of the excellent performance of wonderful actors, among whom was Eminem himself. Eminem was just amazingly good in the film, which earned him a lot of positive reviews. In addition, the film was very successful in financial plan. In addition, his hit "Lose Myself" was used in the film and nominated for an Oscar. Despite Eminem not attending the ceremony (not his style), the world was shocked and delighted when he was awarded the Oscar. He got it, starring in just one film, to the envy of Leonardo DiCaprio (Leonardo DiCaprio), Glenn Close (Glenn Close) and Robert Downey Jr.

5. What is "Daddy Warbucks"?

Many people have heard about Eminem's difficult and troubled childhood. But did you know that Eminem's mother, Debbie Nelson (Debbie Nelson) and father Marshall Bruce Mathers Jr. (Marshall Bruce Mathers Jr.) musical group called "Daddy Warbucks"? The music-loving family nearly fell apart when Bruce's father moved to California, leaving Eminem and Debbie behind. Debbie was an avid music fan and took Eminem to gigs with bands such as Talking Heads and Stevie Nicks. However, it was Eminem's uncle named Ronnie who instilled future star love for hip hop. Ronnie played Ice T's "Reckless" to then 12-year-old Eminem in 1984, which started it all, and the rest is history.

4. Shady Records - Would you like to record here? Fight the owner

Eminem opened his record company Shady Records in 1999 with his manager Paul Rosenberg. The company signed a contract with 10 performers, and on this moment there are five groups. Eminem began his career on the streets of Detroit, fighting in "Rap Battles" with other rappers. In order for you to have a chance to sign with Shady Records, you will have to fight the master himself. For beginners music world having to participate in rap battles against Eminem during the signing process. I would like to hear such battles!

3. Charity work - Generous Eminem

Many people who see and hear Eminem for the first time immediately think that he is evil and self-centered. However, despite the fact that Eminem is constantly busy resolving personal problems, he found time to establish foundations and support some charitable organizations. Eight Mile Boulevard Association, Marshall Mathers Foundation, ninemillion.org and Small Steps Project are just a few long list charities assisted by Eminem. The Marshall Mathers Foundation is especially dear to his heart, as it focuses on working with underprivileged teenagers in Michigan.

2. Courts - Your mother

Eminem often uses aggressive and offensive language in his lyrics. Some people love it, while others hate it. Some of his lyrics go too far and can be vulgar and offensive. Eminem's unapologetic style has offended some people close to him, including his mother. A woman who almost died giving birth to Eminem for 70 hours is suing her son over the words of his songs, which she felt portrayed her in a negative light. In 2001, she received $1,600 in damages in a legal battle. Debbie Nelson wrote the biography because of the public's somewhat negative attitude towards her. In her biography, she tried to describe her side and role in Eminem's childhood. Recently, Eminem apologized to his mother through music, so apparently they decided to bury the hatchet.

1. Drugs - The Dark Side

Eminem is a fantastic performer who travels and works tirelessly. Because of this, he is subjected to a very large mental and emotional stress, which can devastate a person. He suffered from prescription addiction

14.06.2014 at 19:25 Blog

Eminem is dead. For a long time.


Unfortunately, we are all being bullied and Eminem is no longer with us. Instead, under his name appears double. The change appears to have taken place when he suddenly disappeared from the scene between 2004 and 2009.

Carefully watch the earlier video of Eminem M first y Name is:


Pay special attention on his eyes (look, eye color), cheekbones (slightly puffy, child's face), the shape of the skull (again, a little oval), and the voice (the intonation is a bit playful).

Then, IMMEDIATELY, open one of the latest videos Feminema (from the word Fake Eminem and watch closely:


Only a completely blind person will not be struck by a completely different shape of the skull, retracted cheekbones, a dead and cold look. Moreover, the eyes of this man when he squints them are somewhat reminiscent of Keanu Reeves. There was nothing left of the former Eminem, perky, playful. The voice is also different. WHO IS THIS MAN??

Pay attention to what these two clips are about. Just get the stupid thoughts out of your head Nice picture a silent accompanying song. I'll get back to this.
Just open your eyes and see what you see in Eminem's videos My Name is and The Real Slim Shady!!

Eminem's first video begins with a scene where ordinary people sit on the couch, chew chips and watch the so-called The Slim Shady Show. Why show? Yes, because this is a subtle allusion to the emerging circus, the performance, the play being played out in front of us, stupid ones.

Have you ever wondered why Slim Shady? I don't know what Eminem himself said about choosing his stage name, but shady person translated from English. - is a cloudy and suspicious person. Why take such a strange stage name and call yourself muddy?

Pay attention to what Eminem sings about.

Hi! My name is… (what?) My name is… (who?)
My name is…
Slim Shady
Hi! My name is… (huh?) My name is… (what?)
My name is…
Slim Shady

Does he not know his name? Can't decide on a name or forgot it??

Why is he in a mental hospital and wearing a straitjacket? Since this is my first blog post, it's completely incomprehensible and doesn't seem to matter. But later, everything will line up in one mosaic. Now I won't explain to you what this means because I will often mention such moments in the analysis of other "celebrities" and what they go through, but for now, just note this fact.

Next, there is another very interesting shot. Eminem plays the doll. See that his face is specially made up as if it were the face of a doll from puppet theater and with his mouth he makes the same movements. Why was Eminem deliberately placed much lower than the man on the left? Do you see that he holds it with his hand, as if controlling it? Now, this seems like nonsense to you, and I understand you. Gradually, everything will develop in your mind, but this will not happen immediately.

In the video, Eminem also tries on different roles. Pay attention to this!!

There are a couple of other things that Eminem sings about in this song that are really annoying:

Well since age twelve, I "ve felt like I" m someone else
Cause I hung my original self from the top bunk with a belt

I "m not ready to leave, it" s too scary to die (Fuck that!)
I "ll have to be carried inside the cemetery and buried alive (Huh yup!)

Eminem, at the beginning of his journey, sings about mental trauma, a difficult childhood, and how he hates his parents. Why is he talking about this to the whole world? Why does Britney Spears hate her father? It turns out that very often record companies they sign contracts with parents who literally sell their children to the show business industry from childhood, where they do whatever their owners want with them.

See also clip The Real Slim Shady. Don't you think it's strange that Eminem is surrounded by a bunch of doppelgangers and no one understands which of them is the real Eminem?

Let's analyze now the clip Not afraid. It was filmed 10 years after the video My name is and again, I wonder where a person with a naturally plump face has such retracted cheekbones ?? You say drugs, hard life? Don't you think that the person who starred in the video My name is 10 years later, he should still look older and rounder, the person we see in the clip N ot afraid??

The clip begins with Faminem contemplating that he wants to commit suicide by throwing himself off a roof. Once again, please look into his eyes, absolutely lifeless, black, evil, as if they have no soul. Where is the drive, energy, rebelliousness with a plus sign that we saw in him before 2004?

A couple more shots… Feminem looks at himself in the reflection of a parked car and as if he can’t recognize himself

No, this is not a coincidence and not a random video sequence. Feminem can't really figure out who this person is looking at him from the mirror.

Is this also a random photo sequence and the director's idea?? And how do you think a person who knows that he is not real and a stupid copy of another will feel and he should participate in this circus ?? It's all simple in your face

Faminem is trying to escape from the hell that is called the music industry, which apparently alludes to in the song.

Hmmm, a very interesting shot and was noticed by me absolutely by accident. It is clear that the buildings are drawn using a computer, and for some reason a couple of letters are specially painted over on the sign. Does this person's real name mean Fred Fis?

So, now let's move on to the most interesting part - this is a comparison of the face. Look closely at these two faces and try to find the differences.

There are a lot of differences. First, these are the ears and their pattern and shape. They are completely different! Human ears do not change throughout life!
Notice how the hair grows around the face. The real Eminem never grew them in these places and suddenly began to grow after 10 years. Hair transplant you say? For what???
And one of the key and most important points- Feminem has absolutely no hint on his ears that he once wore earrings. The holes in the ears never completely close up!!! They can always be seen even if a person has not worn earrings for a very, very long time. Here, of course, his puppeteers blundered.
View the full and meticulous analysis at English you can here:


Do you really still think it's the same person???

What about this? Eminem had nose reduction surgery?? Do you really think that a rapper would do such nonsense as getting his hair transplanted and reducing his nose?

Then watch the analysis of his rapper movements, which is masterfully implemented by another truth seeker in this video. The video proves not only that the Eminem we see on screen today is not real, but even provides solid evidence that there may have been SEVERAL different Eminems during his career.So, the real slim shady please stand up.


It breaks my heart to see the real Eminem in this video at 6:40 minutes into this video. Live real, kind and warm.

Who is this person who exudes a diabolical coldness? Which uses diabolical symbolism?

Do you seriously think that a person who in the past made fun of everyone and everything, including other pop stars, the president, politicians, will descend to the level of participating in theatrical performances Illuminati portraying the devil's eye of Horus? You don't know what I'm talking about? Then you are here:

Where is the real Eminem? According to rumors, he died a long time ago in a car accident in 2000 or 2003, which was very quickly hushed up and many rumors spawned, which is now difficult to understand what could actually be true. Here is one of the few passages that was found on the Internet. It is no longer possible to confirm the news resource.

December 15, 2000
Web posted at 6:12 a.m. EST (0012 GMT)

Rapper „Eminem“ Dies in Car Accident

Multi-platinum artist Marshall Mathers, known by the stage name "Eminem", was killed at 2:30AM EST while driving a rental car on his way to a late-night party.

Mathers, who authorities believe was under the influence of alcohol or drugs, was behind the wheel of a Saturn coupe that witnesses say swerved to avoid a slow moving vehicle, then lost control and slammed into a grove of trees.

The car was crumpled by the impact, making extraction of Mather's body very difficult. He was declared dead on the scene by paramedics who arriced a short time later.

Authorities would not comment on details surrounding the accident other than to confirm the identity of the victim .

Mathers was 26."

Here are pictures of little Eminem:


Discuss for yourself -1

Marshal Bruce Mathers the Third, aka Eminem, aka Slim Shady, aka Ken Caniff - American rapper, 83rd in the list of one hundred the greatest musicians of all time, the King of Hip-Hop and the best-selling artist of the 2000s. Ten of his albums climbed to number one on the Billboard 200, and in total he sold over 100,000,000 copies of albums.

Born October 17, 1972 in Missouri, in the town of St. Joseph. The father left his wife and child early and never saw his son again. The mother of the future Eminem, Debbie Nelson, pretty much traveled around the country before settling in a black suburb of Detroit - no matter what better money not enough.

The white kid had a hard time at the black school. Once the young Marshal was beaten in the toilet so that he fell into a coma for ten days. The beatings were led by DiAngelo Bailey, an absolutely frostbitten thug in the sixth grade. However, life put everything in its place - in 2001, Bailey was a garbage man, and Eminem was a world star. The narrow-minded garbage man decided that the song “Brain Damage”, where Eminem described what was happening in those years, hurt some of his feelings, and sued. However, the judge, after listening to testimony in the spirit of “I did everything right, this white man should have been taught a lesson!”, He dismissed the claim.

Eminem made a firm decision to become a rapper, and, overcoming many attacks, began to participate in battles. He had a lot of support best friend proof. Together with him, Marshall recorded his first amateur release, with the Soul Intent group, followed by his first solo album, Infinite.

However, for Detroit at that time, no one needed another hip-hop album, and even from a white dude. The failure discouraged the novice rapper, but did not stop. In 1997, he released the mini-album "The Slim Shady EP", where his "double" appeared for the first time - Slim Shady, much more evil and aggressive, with a peculiar dark humor, reading texts about violence and drug use. The texts themselves have become much better - complex and original rhymes have appeared, a message has appeared in the songs.

The record was noticed by one of the rapper's idols - who was delighted with her. With his help was published full version album that brought Eminem his first fame. The clip was constantly played on TV channels, sales beat all records.

American society was divided into several polar groups: some were delighted with the humor, accuracy and relevance of the texts new rap star, others, in particular the association of gays and lesbians, were shocked by the rudeness and aggression in Eminem's songs. In the future, American gays and lesbians will sue him more than once, organize protests, and accuse him of homophobia. He will have to speak out more than once on the issue of attitudes towards these population groups, and once even sing a duet with. Briefly, this attitude is conveyed by the phrase from the interview, “Yes, I don’t care!”

Throughout the 2000s, Eminem remained the most popular rapper in the world. Almost everyone new release, for example, songs such as or (a duet with Daido) were almost 100% likely to hit the top of the charts.

In 2002, the film "Eight Mile" was released, which tells about early years musician. For the song for this film, Eminem received an Oscar.

In 1999, Marshall married his high school sweetheart, Kimberly Ann Scott. The marriage turned out to be, if not unhappy, then very difficult. Before the wedding, their relationship lasted ten years, in 1995, four years before marriage, daughter Hayley was born. In 2000, Eminem received a two-year suspended sentence for assaulting a bouncer from a bar his wife kissed in the parking lot. This was followed by a divorce, and in 2006 - new wedding. This time the marriage lasted even less - in the same year they divorced again. 2006 turned out to be a difficult year for Eminem in general - in April, his longtime friend Proof was killed in a shootout. Eminem dedicated two songs to his death: and.

In 2008, he released the biographical book I Am Who I Am.

In total, Eminem's discography includes 9 studio albums, the last one, Shady XV, was released in 2014.

Eminem was born on October 17, 1972 in St. Joseph, Missouri. The father left the family when Marshall was not even a year old. Since then, the boy, along with his mother, moved a lot, lived with relatives. Then the family settled in Detroit, but even there it was not easy for Marshall - he often changed schools, got into fights. Fascinated by rap, Marshall was already writing songs at the age of 13, and at 15 he founded his own band.

After graduating from high school, Eminem tried several low-paying jobs and performed on the radio. And in 1995 he joined the Soul Intent group. The following year, in the biography of Marshall Mathers, the first album "Infinite" was released, which did not become particularly successful. But the rapper continued to work.

Started collaborating with Dr. Dre, Eminem released a disc - "Slim Shady LP". At the same time, he signed a contract with Aftermath Entertainment. In 2001, Eminem's biography received three Grammy awards. The singer also became a member of the D12 group. In 2002, the album "The Eminem Show" was released, in 2004 - "Encore".

Marshall made his acting debut in 2000 in Da hip hop Witch. Then in 2001 he played in the film "The Wash". great success reached the film "8 Mile" in 2002, and for the song "Lose Yourself" Eminem received an Oscar. After some stagnation in creativity, in 2009 Eminem reasserted himself by singing with 50 cent, Dr. Dre.

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Eminem was born to musicians Debbie Nelson and Marshall Bruce Mathers II. The parents named their son the same as his father. From infancy, problems began in the family. First, the father abandoned the family, as a result of which the mother had to leave the baby with relatives. Then the family constantly moved from city to city and finally settled in Detroit. Marshall rarely appeared at school, and when he came to class, he arranged rap freestyles. At the age of 12, the future musician had serious problems. One of the high school students began to pursue him, so Marshal changed several schools. But, despite the frequent change of schools, in early 1983 he was beaten and spent more than a week in a coma. After that, the family moved to Kansas. It was here that Marshal met his Uncle Ronnie, which changed the future forever. young man. Uncle gave his nephew an Ice T cassette, after listening to which the boy understood what he wants to become in the future. Already at school, rap became a matter of life for Marshall. At the age of 15, he founded his first band. Then it appeared creative pseudonym- Eminem. After 2 years, Marshal dropped out of school and began performing in live local radio stations. The rapper's first album was released in 1996, but did not bring success. The reason for this was a lot of competition in the style of hip-hop in Detroit. On top of that, Eminem was accused of plagiarism. The rapper recorded the second album for himself. The musician had to work in order to take care of his one-year-old daughter, and the music did not bring money. Then Eminem decided that if the album "Slim Shady EP" was not successful, then he would leave music forever. The black rapper "Doctor Dre" believed in the young rap artist and did not lose: in 1999, Eminem's music made a splash, and the "My Name Is" video did not leave the television screens. The sharp lyrics of Eminem's compositions caused a lot of controversy in society. Some people believed that they revealed public problems, others saw them as incitement to hatred of same-sex marriage.
The next serious work of the rapper was the album "The Marshall Mathers LP", which caused a lot of talk in society in 2000. by the most popular compositions became "The Real Slim Shady" and "Stan". The second composition was recorded together with the singer Dido. The video of the song was also received ambiguously by the public. However, the song "Stan" made it to the Top 500. best songs according to the prestigious Rolling Stone magazine. Eminem was constantly criticized by the press. So in one of his compositions, he insulted his mother, for which she sued her son. Not only the press took up arms against the rapper, but also public organizations. The Association of Gays and Lesbians boycotted the artist at the Grammy, but despite this, the rapper was awarded this prestigious award three times only in 2001. In the same 2001, Eminem began collaborating with the D12 group. Soon the album "Devil's Night" was released, the singles of which were such tracks as Purple Pills "and Fight Music." A year later, Eminem again made a scandal: in the "Without Me" video, the musician showed his contempt for the group " Limp Bizkit"And the famous musician Moby. Six months later, the rapper's new album "The Eminem Show" was released, which sold around the world with a circulation of 20 million records. The apogee of the musician's work was the released film "Eight Mile", which is largely autobiographical for Eminem. The film was liked by both critics and the public, and the musician himself received an Oscar for the soundtrack "Lose Yourself". In the fall of 2004, the 5th album of the musician was released, which did not have much popularity. At the Grammy Awards ceremony, all the laurels went to the young hip-hop performer Kanye West. In 2005 greatest hits musicians were included in the collection "Curtain Call: The Hits". For the next few years, little was heard about the musician. Only in 2007 did the composition “OuchDown” come out, but then Eminem again disappeared into the shadows. In 2009, together with the best performers hip hop Dre and the song "Crack a bottle" was recorded, which stayed at number one on the Billboard Chart for several weeks. Latest album musician is called "The Marshall Mathers LP 2". It came out in November 2013. In Michigan, Eminem founded The Marshall Mathers Foundation, a charitable foundation that helps children from disadvantaged families. This behavior is probably related to difficult childhood musician.

Eminem's personal life

Eminem was married twice to the same woman - Kimberly Ann, whom he met at school. The lovers began to live together at the age of 15, but got married only after 10 years life together, in 1999. A year later, the couple divorced. In 2006, the couple again signed, but less than a year later they again filed for divorce. Eminem and Kim have a daughter, Haley Jade Scott. You can talk a lot about Eminem's personality, but it is worth noting that he has already left a bright mark on the history of hip-hop music.

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