Bad mood arguments from literature. Ege Russian language


The problem of spirituality spiritual man- one of eternal problems Russian and world literature

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin(1870 -- 1953) - Russian writer and poet, first laureate Nobel Prize on literature

In "The Gentleman from San Francisco" Bunin criticizes bourgeois reality. This story is symbolic in its title. This symbolism is embodied in the image of the protagonist, who is collective image an American bourgeois, a man without a name, called by the author simply a gentleman from San Francisco. The lack of a name for the hero is a symbol of his inner lack of spirituality, emptiness. The idea arises that the hero does not live in the full sense of the word, but only physiologically exists. He understands only the material side of life. This idea is emphasized by the symbolic composition of this story, its symmetry. While “he was quite generous on the way and therefore fully believed in the caring of all those who fed and watered him, served him from morning to evening, preventing his slightest desire, guarding his purity and peace ...”.

And after the sudden death dead body the old man from San Francisco was returning home, to his grave, on the shores of the New World. Having experienced many humiliations, a lot of human inattention for a week, after wandering from one port shed to another, it finally landed again on the same famous ship, on which so recently, with such honor, they carried him to the Old World. The ship "Atlantis" sails in the opposite direction, only carrying the rich man already in a soda box, "but now hiding him from the living - they lowered him deep into the black hold." And on the ship all the same luxury, well-being, balls, music, a fake couple playing at love.

It turns out that everything he has accumulated has no meaning in the face of that eternal law to which everyone is subject without exception. Obviously, the meaning of life is not in the acquisition of wealth, but in something that cannot be valued in money, - worldly wisdom, kindness, spirituality.

Spirituality is not equal to education and intelligence and does not depend on it.

Alexander Isaevich (Isaakievich) Solzhenitsyn(1918-- 2008) - Soviet and Russian writer, playwright, publicist, poet, public and political figure, who lived and worked in the USSR, Switzerland, the USA and Russia. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature (1970). A dissident who for several decades (1960s - 1980s) actively opposed communist ideas, the political system of the USSR and the policies of its authorities.

A. Solzhenitsyn showed this well in the story "Matryonin Dvor". Everyone mercilessly used Matryona's kindness and innocence - and unanimously condemned her for this. Matrena, besides her kindness and conscience, did not accumulate other wealth. She is used to living by the laws of humanity, respect and honesty. And only death revealed to people the majestic and tragic image Matryona. The narrator bows his head to a man of great disinterested soul, but absolutely unrequited, defenseless. With the departure of Matryona, something valuable and important passes away ...

Of course, the germs of spirituality are embedded in every person. And its development depends on education, and on the circumstances in which a person lives, on his environment. However, self-education, our work on ourselves, plays a decisive role. Our ability to peer into ourselves, ask our conscience and not dissemble in front of ourselves.

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov(1891--- 1940) - Russian writer, playwright, theater director and actor. Written in 1925, first published in 1968. The story was first published in the USSR in 1987.

The problem of lack of spirituality in the story M. A. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog"

Mikhail Afanasyevich shows in the story that humanity is powerless in the fight against the lack of spirituality that arises in people. In the center of it - incredible case transformation of a dog into a human. fantasy story based on the image of the experiment of the brilliant medical scientist Preobrazhensky. Having transplanted the spermatic glands and the pituitary gland of the brain of the thief and drunkard Klim Chugunkin into a dog, Preobrazhensky, to everyone's amazement, gets a man out of a dog.

Homeless Sharik turns into Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov. However, he retains the dog habits and bad habits of Klim Chugunkin. The professor, along with Dr. Bormental, is trying to educate him, but all efforts are in vain. Therefore, the professor again returns the dog to its original state. The fantastic case ends idyllically: Preobrazhensky goes about his direct business, and the subdued dog lies on the carpet and indulges in sweet reflections.

Bulgakov expands Sharikov's biography to the level of social generalization. The writer gives a picture of modern reality, revealing its imperfect structure. This is not only the history of Sharikov's transformations, but, above all, the history of a society that develops according to absurd, irrational laws. If the fantastic plan of the story is completed in terms of plot, then the moral and philosophical one remains open: the Sharkovs continue to multiply, multiply and assert themselves in life, which means that the “monstrous history” of society continues. It is these people who know no pity, no sorrow, no sympathy. They are uncivilized and stupid. They have canine hearts from birth, although not all dogs have the same hearts.
Outwardly, the balls are no different from people, but they are always among us. Their inhuman nature is just waiting to be revealed. And then the judge, in the interests of his career and the fulfillment of the plan for solving crimes, condemns the innocent, the doctor turns away from the patient, the mother abandons her child, various officials, for whom bribes have already become the order of things, drop the mask and show their true essence. Everything that is most lofty and holy turns into its opposite, because in these people the non-human has awakened. When they come to power, they try to dehumanize everyone around, because nonhumans are easier to control, they have everything human feelings replaces the instinct of self-preservation.
In our country, after the revolution, all conditions were created for the appearance of a huge number of ball dog hearts. The totalitarian system is very conducive to this. Probably, due to the fact that these monsters have penetrated into all areas of life, Russia is still experiencing Hard times

The story of Boris Vasiliev "Do not shoot the white swans"

Boris Vasilyev tells us about the lack of spirituality, indifference and cruelty of people in the story “Do not shoot at white swans”. Tourists burned a huge anthill, so as not to experience inconvenience from it, "watched how the gigantic structure, the patient work of millions of tiny creatures, was melting before our eyes." They looked with admiration at the fireworks and exclaimed: “Victory salute! Man is the king of nature.

Winter evening. Highway. Comfortable car. It is warm, cozy, music sounds, occasionally interrupted by the voice of the announcer. Two happy intelligent couples are going to the theater - a meeting with the beautiful is ahead. Do not frighten away this wonderful moment of life! And suddenly the headlights snatch out in the dark, right on the road, the figure of a woman "with a child wrapped in a blanket." "Abnormal!" the driver screams. And everything is dark! There is no former feeling of happiness from the fact that a loved one is sitting next to you, that very soon you will find yourself in an easy chair of the stalls and you will be spellbound to watch the performance.

It would seem a banal situation: they refused to give a ride to a woman with a child. Where? What for? And there is no space in the car. However, the evening is hopelessly ruined. The situation of "déjà vu", as if it had already happened, - a thought flashes through the heroine of the story A. Mass. Of course, it was - and more than once. Indifference to someone else's misfortune, detachment, isolation from everyone and everything - phenomena are not so rare in our society. It is this problem that the writer Anna Mass raises in one of her stories in the Vakhtangov Children cycle. In this situation, she is an eyewitness to what happened on the road. After all, that woman needed help, otherwise she would not have thrown herself under the wheels of a car. Most likely, she has a sick child, he had to be taken to the nearest hospital. But self-interest was higher than the manifestation of mercy. And how disgusting it is to feel powerless in such a situation, one can only imagine oneself in the place of this woman, when "people pleased with themselves in comfortable cars are rushing past." Pangs of conscience, I think, will torment the soul of the heroine of this story for a long time: "I was silent and hated myself for this silence."

"Satisfied people", accustomed to comfort, people with small property interests - the same Chekhov's heroes, "people in cases". This is Dr. Startsev in Ionych, and teacher Belikov in The Man in a Case. Let us recall how Dmitry Ionych Startsev rides "on a troika with bells, plump, red", and his coachman Panteleimon, "also plump and red," shouts: "Prrrava hold!" "Prrrava hold" - this is, after all, detachment from human troubles and problems. On their prosperous path of life there should be no obstacles. And in Belikovsky's "No matter what happened," we still hear the sharp exclamation of Lyudmila Mikhailovna, the character of the same story by A. Mass: "What if this child is contagious? We also, by the way, have children!" The spiritual impoverishment of these heroes is obvious. And they are not intellectuals at all, but simply - petty bourgeois, townsfolk who imagine themselves to be "masters of life."

Essay requirements for the exam last years changed repeatedly, but one thing remained unchanged - the need to prove the correctness of their judgments. And for this you need to choose the right arguments.

The problem of repentance will interest us in the first place. In this article, we will present several options for arguments selected from the school bibliography. From it you can choose those that are best suited for your work.

What are the arguments for?

When writing an essay for part C, you need to express your opinion on a given topic. But your thesis needs proof. That is, it is necessary not only to express your position, but also to confirm it.

Very often, the problem of repentance comes across in exams, it is quite easy to find arguments for it if the student is well acquainted with the school language. literary program. However, not everyone can immediately remember desired work, so it is better to pick up a few arguments in advance on the most common topics.

What are the arguments

In order to fully reveal the problem of repentance, the arguments must be selected based on the basic requirements of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. According to them, all evidence is divided into three types:

  • Personal experience, that is, facts taken from your life. They do not have to be reliable, because no one will check whether this actually happened.
  • Information that was obtained by the student from the school curriculum. For example, from the lessons of geography, history, etc.
  • Literary arguments which will be of primary interest to us. This is the reading experience that the examinee must acquire during the course of study.

Arguments from literature

So, we are interested in the problem of repentance. Arguments from the literature will be needed if you want to get high score for the essay. At the same time, when choosing arguments, it is necessary to give priority to those works that are included in school curriculum or are considered classics. Do not take texts from little-known authors or popular literature(fantasy, detective stories, etc.), as they may be unfamiliar to the inspectors. Therefore, it is necessary to refresh in advance the main works that were studied in school years. Usually in one novel or story you can find examples on almost all topics found in the exam. The best option would be to immediately select several works that are familiar to you. So let's take a look at a classic that raises the issue of remorse.

The Captain's Daughter (Pushkin)

In Russian literature, the problem of repentance is very common. Arguments are therefore quite easy to pick up. Let's start with our most famous writer A. S. Pushkin and his novel The Captain's Daughter.

In the center of the work is the love of the protagonist Peter Grinev. This feeling is wide and comprehensive, like life. What interests us in this feeling is that it was thanks to him that the hero realized the evil that he had caused to his loved ones, realized his mistakes and was able to repent. Thanks to the fact that Grinev revised his views on life and attitude towards others, he was able to change the future for himself and his beloved.

Thanks to repentance, his best qualities appeared in Peter - generosity, honesty, disinterestedness, courage, etc. We can say that it changed him and made him a different person.

"Sotnik" (Bulls)

Now let's talk about Bykov's work, which presents a completely different side of the problem of repentance. Arguments from the literature can be different, and you need to choose them depending on your statement, so it is worth stocking up on a variety of examples.

Thus, the theme of repentance in "The Centurion" is not at all similar to Pushkin's. First of all, because the characters themselves are different. Partisan Rybak is captured, in order to survive, he needs to hand over a comrade to the Germans. And he does this. But years pass, and the thought of betrayal does not leave him. Remorse overtakes him too late, this feeling can no longer fix anything. Moreover, it does not allow Rybak to live in peace.

In this work, repentance did not become an opportunity for the hero to get out of vicious circle and get rid of suffering. Bykov did not consider Rybak worthy of forgiveness. On the other hand, a person must answer for such crimes all his life, since he betrayed not only his friend, but also his own and those close to him.

"Dark alleys" (Bunin)

The problem of remorse can also be seen in another light. Arguments for writing on the exam should be varied, so let's take Bunin's story "Dark Alleys" as an example. In this work, the hero did not have enough strength to admit his mistakes and repent, but retribution overtook him. Once in his youth, Nikolai seduced and abandoned a girl who sincerely loved him. Time passed, but she was never able to forget her first love, so she refused the courtship of other men and preferred solitude. But Nikolai did not find happiness either. Life severely punished him for his misdeed. The hero's wife is constantly cheating on him, and the son has become a real scoundrel. However, all this does not lead him to thoughts of repentance. Here, repentance appears before the reader as an act that requires incredible spiritual efforts and courage, which not everyone can find in themselves. It is for indecision and lack of will that Nikolai pays.

As an argument, an example from " dark alleys” is suitable only for those who, in their thesis, turned to the problem of retribution and retribution for those who did not repent of their atrocities. Only then will the mention of this work be appropriate.

"Boris Godunov" (Pushkin)

Now let's talk about the problem of belated remorse. The arguments for this topic will be slightly different, since we will be interested in only one of the aspects of repentance. So, this problem is perfectly revealed in Pushkin's tragedy "Boris Godunov". This example is not only literary, but also partly historical, as the writer refers to the description of the epoch-making events that took place in our country.

In "Boris Godunov" the problem of late repentance is very clearly presented. Arguments for written work on this topic must be selected taking into account the Pushkin tragedy. In the center of the work is the story of Godunov, who ascended the royal throne. However, he had to pay a terrible price for power - to kill the baby, the real heir, Tsarevich Dmitry. Several years have passed, and now it is time to repent. The hero is no longer able to correct what he has done, he can only suffer and suffer. His conscience does not give him rest, bloody boys begin to seem to Godunov everywhere. Those close to the king understand that he is weakening and going crazy. The boyars decide to overthrow the illegal lord and kill him. Thus, Godunov dies for the same reason as Dmitry. Such is the retribution of the hero for a bloody crime, repentance for which overtook him only after a few years.

The problem of human repentance. Arguments from Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment"

The theme of repentance has become the basis for another great work, which has gained considerable popularity and love among readers.

The protagonist commits a crime to prove his inhuman theory of inferior and higher people. Raskolnikov commits a murder and begins to suffer, but tries in every possible way to drown out the voice of his conscience. He doesn't want to admit he's wrong. Remorse becomes turning point in the life and fate of Raskolnikov. It opens the way for him to faith and true values, makes you reconsider your views and realize what is truly expensive in this world.

Dostoevsky throughout the whole novel led his hero precisely to repentance, to the admission of his guilt. This feeling made the most best features Raskolnikov's character and made him much more attractive. Although the hero nevertheless suffered punishment for his crime, and it turned out to be very severe.

The problem of repentance: arguments from life

Now let's talk about another type of arguments. Such examples are very easy to find. Even if nothing like this has happened in your life, you can invent it. However, such arguments are rated lower than literary ones. Yes, for a good book example you will get 2 points, but for life - only one.

Arguments based on personal experience rely on observations of one's own life, the lives of parents, relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Need to remember

There are several general requirements for any essays, including those that reveal the problem of guilt and repentance. Arguments must necessarily confirm the thesis expressed by you and in no case contradict it. It is also necessary to take into account the following points:

  • Checkers take into account and evaluate only the first two arguments, so it makes no sense to quote more examples. It is better to pay attention not to quantity, but to quality.
  • Remember that literary arguments are ranked higher, so try to include at least one such example.
  • Do not forget about examples taken from folklore or folk tales. Similar arguments are also taken into account, but are evaluated with only one point.
  • Remember that for all arguments you can score 3 points. So it's best to follow following scheme: one example from folklore or personal experience, the second - from the literature.

Now a few words about how to write a literary argument correctly:

  • Be sure to include the last name and initials of the author and the full title of the work.
  • It is not enough to name the writer and the title, you need to describe the main characters, their words, actions, thoughts, but only those that are related to the topic of the essay and your thesis.
  • The approximate amount of text per argument is one or two sentences. But these figures ultimately depend on the specific topic.
  • Start giving examples only after you have expressed your position.

Summing up

Thus, the problem of repentance is widely represented in the literature. Arguments for the exam in the Russian language, therefore, it will not be difficult to pick up. The main thing is that all your examples confirm the thesis and look concise and harmonious. Often the main problem of the examinees is not the choice of the work, but the description of it. Expressing an idea in a few sentences is not always easy. In order to avoid such a problem, you need to practice in advance. Take a piece of paper and try to concisely and clearly describe your judgments, without breaking out of the declared volumes.

The main thing is not to lose confidence and prepare as best as possible, then it will not be difficult to get.

We have collected the best literary arguments for you from many sources in one place. All arguments are divided into topics, which allows you to quickly select the ones you need for your essay. Most of the arguments are written specifically for the site, so you can be sure that you will write a unique essay.

How to write an essay using arguments from our database, you can read in our article.

Select a topic to get ready-made essay arguments:

Indifference, callousness and indifference towards a person
Power and society
Human education
Life values: true and false
historical memory
Scientific progress and morality
Responsibility of a person for his actions and the lives of others
Man's relation to nature
Fathers and Sons
Patriotism, love of country
The Problem of Mass Literature
Self-sacrifice, love of neighbor, heroism
Compassion, sensitivity and mercy
The desire for knowledge
The theme of teachers in Russian literature
Man and art. The impact of art on people
Man and history. The role of personality in history
Honor and dishonor
Reverence, humiliation before superiors

What are the arguments for?

In the third part of the exam, you need to write short essay based on the proposed text. For a correctly completed task, you get 23 points, which is a significant part of total points. It is these points that may not be enough for you to enter the desired university. For the task of part "C", unlike the tasks of block "A" and "B", you can prepare in advance, armed with everything you need to write an essay on the topic you have been given. Previous experience fulfillment of the exam shows that the greatest difficulty in completing the task of part "C" for schoolchildren is the argumentation of their position on a given problem. The success of writing an essay depends on what arguments you choose. Maximum amount points are awarded for reader arguments, i.e. taken from fiction. As a rule, the texts presented in the tasks of part "C" contain problems of moral and ethical character. Knowing all this, we can arm ourselves with ready-made literary arguments, making the process of writing an essay as easy as possible. Having the arguments we have proposed in your arsenal, you will not have to convulsively fish out all the works you read from your memory during the exam itself, looking for something suitable in terms of topics and issues. Please note that the allotted time for the completion of all the work for schoolchildren, as a rule, is not enough. Thus, we will make every effort to get 23 points for essay on the exam.

Perhaps, for any student, the most hard part in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, this is an essay of part C. And the paragraph, which, presumably, should contain arguments, is completely capable of leading to hysteria. What to write? How to write? And most importantly, what literary works choose? Everything is not so scary! On our site you will find arguments for composing part C on almost all topics! What's more, this page is constantly being updated as we post more and more arguments! Come to us more often, and you will feel quite calm and confident at the Unified State Examination in Russian. For ease of understanding, we group the arguments into tables by topic. Save the tables you need or just learn them, and then you will not need to re-read a bunch of literary works in order to write an essay in part C well. So, the arguments!


1) The problem of the “superfluous person” has been reflected in Russian literature more than once. “An extra person” is a special concrete historical socio-psychological variety of a more general type “ strange person“. “Superfluous person“ we can also call the main character of the work Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" Pechorin. The personality of Pechorin in the novel is wider than his time, environment, specific circumstances offered to him by society social roles. Awareness of oneself as a spiritually free holistic person, responsible not only for individual actions, but also for choices life position, for the fulfillment of his "appointment high", and at the same time, the tragic misunderstanding of his destiny makes Pechorin "an extra person".

2) Another hero who can be called "Extra Man" is the hero of the same name novel in verse by Eugene Onegin. Onegin lives according to the principles of the surrounding society, but at the same time he is far from it. Belonging to the light, he despises it. Onegin does not find his true purpose and place in life, he is burdened by his loneliness. It is Eugene Onegin who opens a whole "gallery extra people» in Russian literature.


1) We will find many works of Russian classical literature that reflect this problem. Let us recall, for example, the little twelve-year-old Vaska from Kuprin's works "In the depths of the Earth", who is forced to work in a mine, which seems to him a strange and incomprehensible monster. Vaska is also a child with a stolen childhood. He is forced to go to work in the mine, although he does not understand the morals that prevail among the workers, and the work itself is too hard for a boy of twelve years.

2) Not only literary works teach us to appreciate what we have. Real stories about children participating in the military battles of the Great Patriotic War known to almost every child. We remember the names of Leni Golikov, Vali Kotik, Zina Portnova, Nadia Bogdanova. All of them lost their childhood in the war, and some of their lives.


1) Recall the work N.V. Gogol's "Inspector". Having learned about the arrival of the auditor, officials are terribly frightened and try to “prepare” for his arrival. For example, the trustee of charitable institutions is advised to dress the sick in clean caps, and in general, to make sure that there are fewer sick people. As a result, all officials decide to give Khlestakov, who is taken for an auditor, a bribe “supposedly in debt”. All this shows that already in the time of Nikolai Vasilyevich, bribery and lawlessness of officials were a rather big problem.

2) B Divine Comedy” Dante in one of the circles of hell into a moat filled with boiling tar, devils throw bribe-takers. The devils also make sure that the bribe-takers do not stick out of the boiling tar, and those who stick out, they hit with hooks.


1)“Fathers and Sons” I. S. Turgenev. The protagonist of the novel, Yevgeny Bazarov, denies all kinds of feelings, friendship, love. He never shows his warm attitude to parents who madly love their son and admire him. The hero has little contact with his parents, after a long separation he leaves, having stayed only a few days .... Only before his death does Bazarov realize how much he really loves them.

2) Stationmaster” A. S. Pushkin. The author tells us the story of a poor stationmaster whose only joy was his beloved daughter. But the girl leaves her father. He tries to find her, even just to see her, but he is kicked out of his daughter's house. And only after his death, when the girl comes to visit her father, she realizes what she has done.


1) Ballad Zhukovsky "Lyudmila". The main idea of ​​Zhukovsky's ballad, written in imitation of Burger's Lenore, was the conviction that it is a sin to complain about fate. Lyudmila, who has lost her fiancé, is exactly grumbling at fate, so her prayer becomes heard by heaven. A dead fiance comes for Lyudmila, who takes her to the grave.

2) “A Hero of Our Time” by M. Yu. Lermontov. In the chapter “The Fatalist” of the novel by M. Yu. Leromontov, we also encounter questions of fate. The officers start an argument about whether a person's fate is written in heaven. Lieutenant Vulich is called in to resolve the dispute, who randomly takes a weapon from the wall, decides to shoot himself in the head and ... misfires! But Pechorin is sure that he saw the seal of death on his face. And indeed, Vulich dies on the same evening at the hands of a drunken Cossack.


1) "Overcoat" N. V. Gogol. Problem " little man” has been reflected in Russian literature more than once. Let us recall the main character of the story “The Overcoat” by N.V. Gogol. Akaki Akakievich - typical image“little man”: a humiliated and powerless official who worked all his life in the department, rewriting papers. The tragedy for this hero is theft new overcoat. Akaki Akakievich tries to seek help from higher officials, but does not find a response in society. And everyone to whom he addresses considers his problem insignificant and not worthy of attention.

2) "The Stationmaster" by A. S. Pushkin. Another example of reflecting the problem of the “little man” is the work of A. S. Pushkin “The Stationmaster”. In this work, the author tells us the story of Samson Vyrin, whose only daughter leaves with a hussar and leaves her poor father. Vyrin can't even see his daughter! He feels a huge gulf between him, his life and the new position in the society of his Dunya. And not reconciled to the betrayal of his daughter, he dies.


1)"Master and Margarita" M.A. Bulgakov. This problem has been reflected more than once in Russian classical literature. Let us recall Mikhail Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita, in which Woland and his retinue tempt the Muscovites, who over and over again do not right choice for which they receive their punishment. Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy takes a bribe, the barman cheats, Styopa Likhodeev debauches ... And, of course, speaking of moral choice, one cannot but recall Pontius Pilate, who could not make the right choice. After all, he realizes too late that “this afternoon he has irretrievably missed something.”

2) "Eugene Onegin" A.S. Pushkin. Other literary hero who also could not make a choice in good conscience is Eugene Onegin. The hero understands that his duel with Lensky is absolutely meaningless, but he accepts the challenge anyway. Why? A.S. Pushkin gives a quite unambiguous answer: “And this is public opinion! Spring of honor, our idol! And this is what the world revolves on! That is, for Onegin public opinion was more important than the life of a friend. But if the hero tried to make a choice based on his conscience, then everything would end well.


1)A word about Igor's regiment. nature reflects state of mind heroes, indicates danger, warns princes.

2)"War and Peace" L. N. Tolstoy. Natasha Rostova admires the beauty of the night landscape in Otradnoye, he inspires him. And the changes that occur in the soul of Andrei Bolkonsky are reflected in appearance oak, which he sees, going to Otradnoye and back. Oak here is a symbol of change and a new, better life.

3) "Grandfather Mazai and Hares" N. A. Nekrasov. The hero of the poem during the spring flood saves drowning hares, collecting them in a boat, cures two sick animals. The forest is his native element, and he worries about all its inhabitants.

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