How old is Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru. Sofia Rotaru: biography, personal life, new husband


Despite the unquenchable fire in her eyes, grace and beating energy, Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru celebrated her 65th birthday in 2012. But to leave the stage and end his stunning creative career legendary singer not yet going.

Childhood of the future star

The official biography of Sofia Rotaru contains some inaccuracies. The future legend of the Soviet stage was born in the small village of Marshintsy, Chernivtsi region. According to Sofia Rotaru, the date of birth in her certificate is incorrect. Sofya Mikhailovna Rotar, born on August 9, 1947, is registered in the village council. The real date of birth of the singer is August 7 of the same year.

In heavy post-war years children from working-class families worked with early years hands down. This is exactly the kind of childhood that the nugget from Marshynets had.

The controversial question: "Sofia Rotaru who is by nationality?"

An interesting fact: between the two countries - Ukraine and Moldova - there was even a tacit dispute for the right to call the singer her native. The artist herself proudly says that both countries are native to her. What ethnic group does Sofia Rotaru herself refer to? What is the nationality of this great singer? Her father is Moldovan, and according to her passport she is Ukrainian.

The world changed dramatically after World War II. The borders of the USSR, as one of the victorious countries, have seriously expanded. This is exactly the story that happened to the native village of the singer. Until 1940, Bukovina was a territory of Romania, then passed to the Ukrainian SSR. But be that as it may, a girl from the Bukovina village in her childhood could not even think what an incredible life path fate had in store for her.

By the way, the name Rotaru - real name singer's father. After the transition of this territory to the "soviets", many residents were forced to change their surnames to Russians. This is how the surname Rotar appeared.

Parents and family of the singer

Sophia's father - Mikhail Fedorovich Rotar - was a machine gunner during the Second World War, went through the entire war to Berlin. Later he returned to his native village and worked as a viticultural foreman. Mikhail Fedorovich was an excellent accordion player, had good voice and hearing. Probably, thanks to the gift of the head of the family, all the offspring of Rotar were talented - they sang, danced, played musical instruments.

The mother of the future artist - Alexandra Ivanovna - was from a worker-peasant family.

Sophia was the second child in the Rotar family. Subsequently, she had two more brothers and the same number of sisters. In total, the family had six children. Her older sister Zinaida was the support of her mother, and Sonya, in turn, was constantly in the wings of Zinochka.

When Zina was four years old, she fell ill with typhus and lost her sight in one day. Sofia Mikhailovna is grateful to her elder sister Rotaru to this day. After all, my mother constantly worked, and Zina, despite her illness, looked after the kids.

Childhood years were very difficult for Sonya. I constantly had to work, help my parents with the housework. The family was engaged in the cultivation of vegetables and fruits. After the harvest, Alexandra Ivanovna and Sonya got up before sunrise and went to the market, selling the grown crop.

From the early childhood Sonya had a great voice and ear for music. Her father believed in her future and said that his daughter would be a great singer. And the little girl herself really wanted everyone to hear her singing.

But while they were enjoyed only at home - younger sisters Lida, Aurika and brothers Tolik and Zhenya. By the way, the Rotar family was famous for its hospitality, and when guests came to their parents, the head of the family immediately organized a choir.

Youth years. Carier start

Sofia Rotaru, whose date of birth falls on the post-war years, admits that in many ways those Hard times tempered her character. After all, she had to constantly help her parents, and there was also studying at school and circles. The girl learned to play the dombra and button accordion, mastered singing, went to dance club. On weekends she sang in the church choir.

In 1962, Rotaru Sofia Mikhailovna participated in the district amateur performance review for the first time and, of course, received her first prize. Already next year young artist participated in the regional competition, where she also received first place. Already in 1964, she participated in the festival of young talents in Kyiv, where she became the winner.

Photo of the new sprocket domestic stage appeared on the cover of the all-Union magazine "Ukraine". A recognized master Ukrainian stage Dmitry Gnatyuk prophesied a great future for the girl.

After such success, she was sent to study at the Chernivtsi Musical College at the conductor-choir department.

Husband of Sofia Rotaru. Love story

It is not surprising that, having seen such a beauty on TV screens and on the cover of a magazine, many enviable grooms lined up. But Sonya decided that she would only marry simple guy from Chernivtsi.

Your first and only love future husband Sofia Rotaru Anatoly Evdokimenko saw it on the cover of the magazine "Ukraine". At this time, Evdokimov served in Nizhny Tagil. It turned out that the talented beauty is his countrywoman. The cover girl sunk into the heart of the young soldier so much that, having served the due date, he returned to his native Chernivtsi and found her.

At this time, Sofia Rotaru studied at a music school and performed at various song competitions.

After graduating from college, the artist traveled to Bulgaria, where she took part in the VIII World Song Festival, which was held in Sofia. The young star conquered this city, publications about her immediately appeared on the front pages of newspapers.

In the meantime, Anatoly entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Chernivtsi University, additionally played the trumpet in the student orchestra. This team constantly accompanied Rotaru's performances. That's how they met. It was love at first sight. In 1968, they got married and began their journey together not only in their personal lives, but also on the stage.

Children of Sofia Rotaru

The biography of Sofia Rotaru is complete interesting facts. Some publications write that the girl, in order to firmly bind the guy she liked, told him about the pregnancy a few months earlier. In the end, passing in position eleven instead of nine prescribed months Sonya gave birth to a son. The singer herself claims that she simply cast a bait and looked at her husband's reaction.

For the first few years after her marriage, the singer performed rarely. She even had to postpone admission to the Institute of Arts in connection with the family's move to Novosibirsk. Anatoly was doing pre-graduation practice at the plant. In 1970, the singer became a mother. Sofia Rotaru calls the year of birth of her son Ruslan one of the happiest in her life. After all, it was during this period that their young family was constantly together.

A year later, the care of Ruslan had to be shifted onto the shoulders of her husband's parents. After all, the tandem Evdokimenko - Rotaru began to tour throughout the country and abroad.

In those rare days when the family got together, Sophia spent all the time with her son, took him from school for a few days to enjoy communication with the whole family. After all, these moments were so rare and precious.

Nevertheless, Ruslan grew up as a serious, purposeful young man. Today he is a successful architect and a mainstay for his famous mother.

The creative path and recognition of Sofia Rotaru

Already in 1971, the career of a young singer began to rapidly gain momentum. It all started with an invitation to participate in the filming of the film "Chervona Ruta", where the young singer showed herself and how good actress. By the way, this is not her only role. Repeatedly Sofia Rotaru performed songs in films, playing, as a rule, the main characters. Such films as "The Song Will Be Among Us", "Monologue about Love", "Heart of Gold", "Where are you, love?", and many others will forever be remembered by the audience for the soulful play of the artist.

After filming the debut picture, Rotaru, together with her husband, organizes a vocal and instrumental ensemble with by the same name"Chervona Ruta". Anatoly Evdokimenko takes over the leadership of the team.

In 1973, the singer performs in Bulgaria at the Golden Orpheus competition and brings an award for first place from there. In 1974, she performed at the Sopot festival and won second place.

Each festival and competition in which the young singer took part became a prize for her. This is not surprising, because Sofia Mikhailovna always had a special, soulful manner of performing not only folk, but also pop songs. And already at that time, cooperation with many talented authors provided her with an excellent repertoire.

Eternal hits of the Russian pop star

The hit that brought all-Union popularity to the young artist was "Chervona Ruta". The biography of Sofia Rotaru is generally inextricably linked with these two words. Both the ensemble and the song - it was they who became calling card singers. The singer's collaboration with Vladimir Ivasyuk continued with the composition "Ballad of Two Violins" and many others.

In 1974, the singer began to collaborate with Evgeny Doga and Evgeny Martynov. Song " swan fidelity"performed by Rotaru became a hit of the past years.

Sofia Rotaru calls songs and collaboration with composer Vladimir Matetsky another gift of fate. “Lavender”, “Moon, Moon”, “It was, but it has passed”, “Farmer”, “Wild Swans” and many other compositions are known to everyone today.

Every new song Sofia Mikhailovna herself calls it a small short story with her own world of feelings and main characters.

Strike of fate

Unfortunately, the biography of Sofia Rotaru consists not only of ups and downs. It has tragic moments. In 1997, the artist's mother, Alexandra Ivanovna, died. And in 2002, the beloved husband of the singer, Anatoly, passed away. They lived together for 35 years.

The blow was so strong that the singer left the stage and did not perform for about a year. New stage creative life Sofia Rotaru began with the song "White Dance".

Creativity in the new millennium

Released in 2003 new album singer "The Only", dedicated to her husband. Starting this year, Rotaru has been actively working, recording new compositions, and touring all over the world. Only loving family and creativity helped to look into the future, Sofia Rotaru admits. The love songs performed by her are dedicated to Anatoly.

In 2004, she gave her first concert in the USA in 4 years.

In 2007, the biography of Sofia Rotaru was replenished with another event - the sixtieth anniversary. From all over the world, thousands of fans gathered in Yalta to congratulate their beloved artist. In the same year, she became the owner of the State Order of the II degree "For Merit". Of course, the artist celebrated this date with her anniversary concerts in the Kremlin, which indescribably pleased her fans.

Today, the singer sometimes tours in Ukraine, Russia and neighboring countries, takes part in some music shows and competitions as a member of the jury.

The family of Sofia Rotaru is increasingly enjoying her presence in the family nest in the Crimean Yalta.

Future plans

Speaking of future plans, Rotaru does not look far ahead. Today, the world famous singer is a loving mother and grandmother of two wonderful grandchildren, Tolik and Sonya. Sofia Rotaru considers the birth year of her grandchildren to be one of the most magical in her life, but, as the singer herself admits, she is not yet ready to become a great-grandmother.

Today Sofia Mikhailovna is as cheerful and energetic as at the beginning of her career. Who would have thought that in a few years this charming woman is going to celebrate her seventieth birthday.

Rotaru Sofia Mikhailovna was born in a large family on August 9, 1947. Parents were seriously engaged in viticulture. Sophia Rotaru's nationality is Ukrainian with Moldovan roots. Still, being quite a child, a passion for sports came to the girl.

The childhood of the singer

Singing talent began to manifest itself in the girl quite early. Sofia Rotaru in her youth (at the age of 7) regularly sings in the choir at the school, and also performs in the local choir of the parish church. Except singing future celebrity begins to engage in theater productions and attends drama club who regularly worked in the school building.
By own will the girl begins to sing the folk songs of her region, while simultaneously accompanying herself on the button accordion. On the work of Sofia Rotaru positive influence her father, who himself sang well and had an excellent ear, as well as a well-trained voice, provided her. At the insistence of her father, Sofia begins to play the dombra.

The beginning of the artistic career of Sofia Rotaru

The biography of Sofia Rotaru changes dramatically in 1962, when she wins the competition, and this performance allowed the singer to believe in own forces and affirmed in his desire to become professional singer. Here the first admirers of her talent appear, who, for charming voice and a beautiful smile is called the Bukovinian nightingale.
The victory allows Sofia Rotaru to go to Kyiv and try her hand at the republican festival, at which a folk song sounded. Here, the artist also manages to surpass her rivals with her talent, take first place and even get on the front page of a popular magazine.
After completing his studies at school, Rotaru studies at a music school located in the capital of the regional center.

Recognition of the talent of the singer

After graduating from a music school, Rotaru goes to district festival. Masterfully performing a folk song, the artist receives the gratitude of the audience, as well as a gold medal. Sophia even works as a teacher for several months. In the same year, Sofia Rotaru got married.
In 1971, work on the film "Chervona Ruta" was completed, where Rotaru played the main role. The audience liked this film quite a lot, and the singer decides to form an ensemble with just that name.

Vladimir Ivasyuk writes several songs for this group, and the ensemble begins its tour, first in the republics of the USSR, and then in foreign countries. Their sparkling and lyrical songs have always been liked by the listeners, and the number of fans has only increased.

The ascent of the singer to world fame

The year 1974 was not easy for the family of Sofia Mikhailovna, because for the celebration of the Old New Year she had a serious misunderstanding with the leadership of the Communist Party of the Ukrainian SSR. Her father is expelled from the members of the party, and her brother from among the students of the institute. This situation prompted Rotaru to move with his ensemble to Yalta. Having settled in a new place, the ensemble continues to work and collect entire halls.

In 1968, Sofia Rotaru marries him, and they have been married for 34 years. Over the years, the couple worked together on many songs, spent their free time together. Some high-profile scandals not even the most importunate journalist could find anything related to this family. Many acquaintances and friends called them simply - the perfect couple.

In 2002, a severe and at the same time terrible illness of her husband separates them. It was a terrible blow for the artist, but Sofia Rotaru steadfastly withstood it, keeping a good memory of her husband for life. Many journalists and fans of the artist's talent are wondering who is the new husband of Sofia Rotaru? Yellow press journalists attributed various novels to Sofia Mikhailovna. But, according to the singer's friends, she remained faithful to her only husband for life.

Children of Sofia Rotaru

The son of Sofia Rotaru Ruslan Evdokimenko is both pride and the main support his mother. He grew up purposeful person and on this moment works as an architect. Thanks to his talent, he is a sought-after specialist, and many construction projects have been developed with his participation. He married and Sofia Mikhailovna has an excellent relationship with her daughter-in-law, who gave Rotar beautiful and smart grandchildren. By inheritance from his mother, the son received an amazing ear for music, and he often helps her in the recording studio.

Grandchildren of Sofia Rotaru

Sofia Mikhailovna has two grandchildren Sonya and Anatoly. The granddaughter of Sofia Rotaru chose the profession of a model. Grandson Anatoly now lives in the UK and is seriously involved in music. Grandmother supports the constant and most warm relationship with their grandchildren. They regularly correspond, call up and, when possible, meet to chat and discuss pressing problems. Thankfully the current scientific progress, allows you to constantly communicate with relatives, being in the most distant places on the planet.

In their marriage, a son is born who gave his mother two beautiful and talented grandchildren. It seemed to many that everything was normal and cloudless in the Rotaru family. But in 2002, her husband suddenly died, and for the singer it was a serious shock. whole year she did not stop mourning and even stopped going on stage. Never again did Sofia Rotaru marry, remaining faithful to her late husband. From time to time, journalists tried to find out if she had a lover, but always their assumptions remained unsubstantiated.

The most intriguing story is the assumptions of some journalists who tried to study the period of Sophia Mikhailovna's life before her marriage to Anatoly Evdokimenko. They claim that five years before the wedding, the artist had a lover, Vladimir Ivasyuk, whom she married. He was a poet, author and composer famous band"Chervona Ruta". Close relatives of Sofia Rotaru claim that the artist gave birth to a daughter from this love. In the early 70s, Ivasyuk was found hanged in his own apartment. Official version- suicide. But there is an opinion that the deceased had criminal ties, and his death was not accidental. Rotaru does not comment on these speculations, promising to tell about the secrets of his personal life only after leaving the stage.

Where does Sofia Rotaru live?

The singer is the full owner of a four-room apartment located in Kyiv in close proximity to St. Sophia's Cathedral. The apartment is furnished in classical style with a spacious dressing room, a comfortable kitchen and a beautiful living room. The pride of the artist is a chandelier placed in the living room, made of Swarovski crystals.
Sofia Rotaru does not like the accelerated pace of city life and therefore she purchased a wooden frame located in the village of Pyatikhatki (Koncha-Zaspa district). This building is located in pine forest and assembled from logs delivered from Finland.
In the city of Yalta, the singer has a beautiful mansion, where she is officially registered. This house is made in romantic style and very cozy. Here the singer spends a lot of time enjoying the silence.

Sofia Rotaru now

Sofia Rotaru today looks pretty young for her age. The singer continues to be active musical activity, performs on stage, shoots new clips.
Sofia Rotaru sometimes spreads the news of her life to journalists. Thanks to this, fans of the star can learn the secret of youth and see what the singer looks like in the photo now. Many admire all the same Beautiful face Sofia Rotaru without makeup and make-up.

In 2018, the singer gave an interview in which she told what she does, with whom she lives and how diet affects her health. Last news they say about Rotaru that she went for plastic surgery so that her age does not prevent her from sparkling and beautifully shining on stage in front of the enthusiastic looks of her talent fans.

Sofia Rotaru - famous singer a talented actress People's Artist The USSR, the darling of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, who became one of the legendary personalities of the Soviet stage, was born in a difficult postwar period 07.08.1947.


The future celebrity was born with a small village in the Chernivtsi region in the family, Moldovan winegrower Mikhail Rotar, in which she became the second daughter. But in total there were six children in this family, so little Sophia was constantly in a noisy environment of many brothers and sisters.

The older sister Zina was left blind as a child after suffering from typhus. However, it was she who taught the rest of the children a lot.

All turned to the ear, Zina adored music and folk songs and sat for hours at the small radio, listening and memorizing the words and melody. Her hearing was impeccable and the rest of the children picked up Russian and Ukrainian songs, not yet knowing the language itself - after all, in a large family they spoke only Moldavian.

Little Sonya had to work hard - she had to raise the younger children to their feet. One of her duties was to help her mother trade in the market, and she had to get up around six in the morning. Therefore, for a long time, the girl's dream was just to get enough sleep.

But on the other hand, Sophia loved these trips, because it was possible to meet new people there, especially since her kind and smiling mother was loved by customers and was looking forward to her.

But in free time, which was quite a bit, Sofia was very fond of singing, and later playing in the school theater. Later, recalling her childhood, she will say that she does not remember herself without music. And she also began to learn to play musical instruments very early.

But the girl also grew up a big fidget and was actively involved in sports. She even became the school champion in all-around.

Way to success

It is not surprising that the future legend from childhood dreamed of big stage. Even her father constantly said that a talented daughter would become a great artist. And although everyone in the Rotaru family sang, it was little Sonya who persistently strove for the very heights of the pop Olympus.

The first step on the way to his conquest was the usual regional competition amateur performances, the victory on which Sophia got with ease. And in 1962 she got to the regional review, where she won her first prize "Bukovina Nightingale". This success inspires the girl, and she herself begins to believe that her dream will come true.

In 1964, for the first time, she entered the big Kyiv stage as a participant in the republican festival, where she again confidently won. There, the already become popular singer Nikolai Gnatyuk. And in the photo on the cover of the magazine with her first interview, Anatoly Evdokimenko, who later became her husband and faithful partner for life, falls in love.

With Anatoly Evdokimenko

Sofia by this time can no longer imagine her life without a price, so she goes to study music professionally at the Chernivtsi Music College. There were practically no vocal departments at that time, and after graduation, the girl receives a diploma as a choir conductor.

While studying at the school, Sofia still gets to know Anatoly Evdokimenko personally, who at that time played in a pop ensemble and dreamed of creating his own team. It was he who introduced the young singer into the world of pop songs, which she would later be able to conquer. Since that time, folk songs in modern pop arrangements have appeared in her repertoire.


In 1968, Sophia sets out on her first foreign trip to the song festival in Bulgaria. Her flying beautiful voice and a special sincere and simple manner of performing songs threw thousands of fans at the feet of the young singer. Her debut was accompanied by a complete triumph. From this competition, she brought the first prize and audience recognition.

After graduating from college, Sofia remained in it as a teacher, and she realized her desire to perform in an ordinary factory club. But this did not last long, because such talent could not go unnoticed.

And in 1971, she was again remembered when Ukrtelefilm was preparing to shoot the musical film Chervona Ruta, in which Sofia was offered the main role and many songs. In order to popularize Ukrainian folk songs talented composers reworked them, and they sounded in a new way in a modern pop arrangement.

It was exactly the style that the singer always liked and she worked on the film with great pleasure.

The release of the film brought her fame and popular love of Ukrainians. It was he who made her popular and recognizable. But it was still a long way to the top. The next step was the creation of her own ensemble with the same name, which for many years will become the hallmark of the singer. First concert new group took place in Star City, where they were received with great love by the astronauts.


In 1973, already with her own team and a completely new full-fledged repertoire, Sofia again went to Bulgaria to the popular song contest Golden Orpheus. Sufficiently experienced and confident in herself and her talent, the performer again brings the first prize from Bulgaria. And in the same year she becomes the Honored Artist of Ukraine.

A year later, the singer becomes a laureate of the popular and prestigious song festival in Sopot, where she receives second place. And since this year she has been constantly receiving invitations to annual festivals Song of the Year, which bring her increasing popularity and audience recognition.


Speaking a lot and carefully working on the repertoire, Sofia Rotaru, who has already become famous, finds time to participate in the filming of several films in which she also performs her favorite songs.

Her most striking acting work was the dramatic musical film "Soul", which was largely autobiographical. The point is that dense tour schedule undermined the health of the artist, and she was on the verge of losing her voice. At first, the film was conceived as a story about the life and rise of a famous singer. It featured popular actors and fashion group"Time Machine".

Shot from the film "Soul"

After reading the script, Sofia refused to shoot, because she considered it banal. But having learned about the dramatic situation in the life of the artist, the authors of the film rewrote the script for her, revealing the subtleties of the soul of the singer. Sofia Rotaru accepted the offer and the film brought her even more popularity.

Sofia Rotaru now

The legend of the Soviet, in later and Russian stage Sofia Mikhailovna remained for many years. Today she practically does not perform, being engaged in raising her grandchildren. Having lost her beloved husband, Anatoly Evdokimenko, with whom she lived happily all her life and raised her son, Sofia Rotaru was never able to fully recover from the blow and devoted herself to her family.

And popularly loved songs performed by her are still heard from TV screens and computers, giving listeners the love and talent of a great performer.

Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru has many awards for her services in the world of music - People's Artist of the USSR, Cavalier of the Order of the Moldavian Republic, Hero of Ukraine. She performs songs in many languages ​​of the world - Russian, Moldovan, Ukrainian, Spanish, English, Italian, French, Serbian and others.

Thanks to this, she received an international vocation, and her records were sold in millions of copies in different countries. Until now, Rotaru takes part in corporate events.

Sofia Rotaru has the title of People's Artist of the USSR, and Hero of Ukraine. Recently, the singer and actress Sofia Rotaru celebrated her 70th birthday, and her musical career remains at its highest peak, the performer is everywhere expected to attend concerts and is loved.


Sofia Rotaru was born in Ukraine (former Ukrainian SSR) near Chernivtsi, in a village called Marshintsy. It happened happy event August 7, 1947. Moldovan family in which appeared future singer, was very large and large. In addition to her, her parents had five more children. Sophia was the second in seniority. The girl's father worked as a winegrower.

By nature, he had the ideal ear for music and voice, and therefore became the first teacher who instilled in Sofia a love of music. The girl, already during her studies, began to actively participate in musical life schools. She sang in the choir and performed at amateur performances. Also at home they arranged with the whole family musical evenings with performances that Sofia loved so much. All six children sang in chorus harmoniously and beautifully. Sophia's older sister named Zinaida taught her Russian folk songs, which she studied by listening to the radio.

In the life of Sofia Rotaru, music appeared almost from birth. According to her, music was everywhere and everywhere - and on wedding celebrations, and at evening gatherings, and at dances. In addition to singing, young Sofia Rotaru went to theater Club dreaming of the stage. She also played the button accordion.

It should be noted that in her youth Sofia Rotaru was a talented athlete. She devoted many hours to athletics, and also won the school all-around championship. Once, having gone to participate in the sports contest, which was held in Chernivtsi, it was Sofia who took first place, running the distances of 100 and 800 meters the fastest. Thanks to her athletic childhood, Sofia Rotaru, being an actress, performed complex episodes that required the involvement of stuntmen on her own. For example, she overcame a narrow embankment on a motorcycle in the film “Where are you, love?”, And also rode a surfboard on the waves in a film called “Love Monologue”.

Start musical career Sofia Rotaru can be attributed to 1962. At her young age - 15 years old - she became the winner of one of the regional amateur art competitions. The winner was sent to Chernivtsi - to the next stage of the competition, where she also won.

This was followed by a trip to the capital of Ukraine - here, at the republican festival of folk talents, the talented singer was able to loudly declare herself and again took first place. Thereby, young talent hit the cover of a magazine called "Ukraine". All these victories in her youth gave Sofia Rotaru faith in her strength and determined her life choice- become a singer. Therefore, after graduating from school, she became a student at the music school in Chernivtsi, enrolling in the conductor-choir department.

After graduating from the School of Music of the School of Sofia, Rotaru was lucky enough to leave with musical ensemble to Bulgaria, where the World Youth Festival was held. Here she performed several songs, among which was a composition in Ukrainian. She also sang a Moldavian song about spring and a composition dedicated to the first woman to fly into space. The performance of the young artist was highly appreciated by the jury of the festival and gave her the first place.

Returning to Chernivtsi, the singer began to teach theory and solfeggio at her music school. A few years later, in 1971, Sofia Rotaru played the main role in the musical Chervona Ruta. The picture became popular and made the singer a real star. As a result, she was invited to become a member of the Chernivtsi Philharmonic. Here Rotaru performed with her own ensemble "Chervona Ruta". She performed songs in the style of pop-folk, which only added to her popularity. A feature in the work of Sofia Rotaru and her ensemble was that in their songs they harmoniously combined folklore works with contemporary rhythmic music.

Gradually, popularity brought Sofia Rotaru to the stage of the central concert hall"Russia", and then to the Kremlin Palace. The author of the songs of Sofia Rotaru was Vladimir Ivasyuk, famous composer. With the Chervona Ruta program, Sofia Rotaru became a frequent guest in Germany, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, where the public loved her very much.

The work of Sofia Rotaru was promoted and Soviet authorities, presenting her as an example of a singer who popularizes international Soviet culture. Millions of people fell in love with Rotaru, her concerts were very popular. Also, the performances of Sofia Mikhailovna were shown on television, her songs were played on the radio.

1973 became a landmark for Sofia Mikhailovna. The young singer took part in the Golden Orpheus! in Bulgaria, where she became the winner, after which she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. Of course, the honored artist was expected and called everywhere. She regularly participated in the concerts "Song of the Year", her hits became laureates of music awards.

Being a popular artist since her youth, Sofia Rotaru, however, did not quit her studies and studied at the State Institute of Arts named after G. Muzicescu in Chisinau, specializing in choir conductor.

The legendary songs of Sofia Rotaru were "Swan Fidelity" and "Mother's Ballad", written by greatest composer Evgeny Martynov. In addition to amazing songs, which often have a dramatic plot, the presence of heroes, the development of their relationship, as well as morality, the singer was known for her ability to establish contact with the public at concerts. It was Sofia Rotaru who went out into the hall during the concert and sang among the audience. According to her, the most important thing for an artist is the recognition of the public, and not prizes and awards.

In 1974, the singer's first disc was released under the simple and capacious title "Sofia Rotaru". The singer also starred in musical film The song is always with us. This was followed by a move to Yalta, where Rotaru got a job singing at the city philharmonic. A year later, the singer already had the title of People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. The reason for the artist's move to Yalta was considered to be that Sofia Mikhailovna's family had problems with the Communist Party.

On the other hand, there were rumors that the singer had asthma or was suffering from tuberculosis. She was too thin and it happened that she had a cold in her voice and could not sing. Therefore, she allegedly needed sea air and she lives on the coast. Since 1976, Sofia Rotaru began to regularly take part in the filming of the New Year's Blue Lights.

In 1976, Sofia Mikhailovna was invited to Germany to record German songs, and then tours around Europe followed. With her concerts, Sofia Rotaru traveled to Romania, Germany, Yugoslavia. Later, she was offered to release a CD with songs in Italian and French. The 80th year in the biography of Sofia Rotaru was remembered by the victory at international competition in Tokyo. The singer even received an award in the form of the Order of the Badge of Honor.

Sofia Rotaru also became the first Soviet actress to take the stage in trousers. Having fulfilled her dream of acting, Sofia Rotaru starred in the film "Where are you, love?". She performed a song there and did a stunt on a motorcycle. The film became very popular - more than 20 million people watched it, which ensured the growth of the artist's popularity as an actress. A disc was also released, which today would be called the soundtrack to the film. It was a recording of songs from the movie.

In the eighties, rock and metal became popular, which also affected the work of Sofia Rotaru. She took part in the filming of the film "Soul" with the group "Time Machine", although it was at that moment that the singer lost her voice and rumors about tuberculosis began to spread again. In 1983, Sofia Rotaru made a tour of Canada and released a CD dedicated to this tour. And a year later, the singer's lyrical album called "Gentle Melody" was released.

At the end of the eighties, the singer turned to the Euro-pop style, in which her famous songs "Moon", "Only this is not enough", "It was, but passed" are released.

In the 88th year, Sofia Rotaru became the People's Artist of the USSR. Since then, mainly Russian-language compositions began to appear in her repertoire. Her discography has been replenished with two new albums - "Golden Heart" and "Caravan of Love".

After the collapse of the USSR, the singer was able to stay on the wave of success and took her place in the new generation of show business. She released collections of the best compositions and sang the song along with the super popular at that time group " Ivanushki International". In the late nineties, a CD by Sofia Rotaru called "Love Me" was released. The singer again receives awards and becomes the owner of the Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Now the singer Sofia Rotaru is still famous, popular and in demand.

Personal life

The love of all life of Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru was her only husband Anatoly Evdokomenko. He also studied music. It was Anatoly who first organized for Sofia variety orchestra and created the Chervona Ruta group, and then was the director of Rotaru concerts. The couple married in 1968. Two years later, their son, Ruslan, was born.

Sophia and Anatoly have been married for 30 years. In 2002, the wife of Sofia Rotaru died, after which she temporarily canceled all concerts and tours. Until now, the singer, who celebrated her 70th birthday, lives alone. Now she spends her free time with her son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren.

Once Sofia Rotaru said: “In my repertoire there are songs of different genres, but almost always there is a dramatic plot, a dramatic melody. The song for me is a small novella with its own world of feelings, dramatic structure, heroes. For this we love Rotaru - for a real, genuine drama that only a singer with a great voice, real talent can play, strong character and a huge reserve of love. And many of her musical novels eventually created a legend out of her.

Sofia Mikhailovna was born in the outback of the vast empire of the USSR shortly after the Great patriotic war in 1947. Her father went through the whole war as a machine gunner, and returned alive. In the working and musical family there were six children, and they all sang and worked from early childhood. In her memoirs, Sofia Mikhailovna repeatedly talked about how her mother woke her up at six in the morning to go to work at the market (remembering the difficult experience of her childhood, even at a venerable age, Sofia Mikhailovna never bargained in the markets and forbade her husband). However, her parents were always sure that her daughter would become an artist, because from a very young age she had an unusually strong and beautiful voice, for which she was nicknamed “nightingale” in her native village. Moreover, little Sophia could sing in any circumstances: either at work, or closing at night in a shed with an accordion. Mom said so about her: "You have one music in your head." And the father (singing talent from Sofia Rotaru from him) was always sure: “Sonya will be an artist”

Little Sonya herself made the decision to become an artist from early childhood. Therefore, she actively participated in school amateur performances. And thus got to the regional review. At these regional reviews in Chernivtsi in 1962 and 1963, Sofia Rotaru received not only a diploma of the first degree, but also fame at the regional level. After the competitions, the singer with a pronounced contralto was already nicknamed "Bukovina Nightingale".

The next step towards success is the result of those very regional competitions- as a winner, in 1964, Rotaru was sent to Kyiv to participate in the republican festival of young talents. She again becomes the first. And this time he receives not only the recognition of the public, but an unexpected bonus from fate itself. After winning the festival, the portrait of Sofia Rotaru is printed on the cover of the magazine "Ukraine" No. 27 for 1965. At the same time, in the Urals, in Nizhny Tagil, a recruit Anatoly Evdokimenko was serving in the army. When he sees a magazine, he falls in love with the girl on the cover. So much so that after the service he goes to Ukraine and finds it. In 1968, Sofia and Anatoly got married and lived together all their lives (Anatoly died in 2002).

Meanwhile, back in the same distant 1964, Sofia Rotaru is becoming more and more famous. She is already performing on the stage of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. Her work attracts attention also because, in addition to a strong voice and her own unique style of performance, the singer boldly goes to musical experiments, boldly mixing folk songs with modern arrangements. At that distant and difficult time, when everyone in the songs mainly glorifies the party and the Komsomol, Sofia Rotaru sings about love in Russian, Ukrainian, Moldovan and even Spanish, adding elements of jazz, instrumental arrangement and recitative to her music, which is before her on Soviet stage no one did.

Nevertheless, after all the victories, Sofia Rotaru returns to Chernivtsi, so that, since she decided to devote her life to music, she will receive musical education. And he enters the Chernivtsi Musical College at the conductor-choir department (since there was no vocal department there).

The following contests and festivals - only after graduation. And the first place Rotaru goes to is the Ninth World Festival in Bulgaria. There, the singer not only takes the first prize and a gold medal for the performance of Ukrainian and Moldovan folk songs, but also receives a start in life from the head of the jury, Lyudmila Zykina. “This is a singer with a great future,” said Zykina about Rotaru.

And again, after the resounding success, Rotaru is in no hurry to become a mega-star. From 1968 to 1971, not much is heard about her. The singer herself at this time works as a music teacher, then gets married, gives birth to a son, Ruslan. It is interesting that at this time Anatoly Evdokimenko worked at the plant. Lenin, so that the young family spent Honeymoon in the hostel of the 105th military plant. In the meantime, her husband was building socialism, Sofia Rotaru cooked food for everyone, and in the evenings she sang in the Otdykh club.

Well, in 1971 Sofia Rotaru goes into battle again. “It’s good that I managed to give birth to a son,” she will say later. “Until this never-ending tour began.” And they really started in the 70s. First there were filming in the movie, in the musical film "Chervona Ruta", where Rotaru starred in the title role, and after filming in the film she created group of the same name. With the Chervona Ruta group, Rotaru will be inseparable for many years, and will achieve great success, having consolidated his image as a singer of folklore material in modern arrangements - a representative of a whole trend of Soviet pop art. And her first performance with the Chervona Ruta group is the concert they give for astronauts in Star City.

This scene is followed by ever larger ones - "Russia", the Variety Theater, the Kremlin Palace. The year 1971 becomes the year from which Sofia Rotaru officially counts her creative activity. And already in the same year, the singer begins to collect full houses, and not only in the USSR, but also in the countries of the socialist camp - Poland and Bulgaria. In the mid-70s, Rotaru further increases his popularity by collaborating with talented and popular composers and poets. At this time, many hits appear that will go with her all her life, becoming her hallmark. Such as "Stork on the Roof" by David Tukhmanov, "Drum Dance" by Raimonds Pauls and "Swan Fidelity" by Evgeny Martynov are complex, dramatic songs that require the performer not only to have an excellent command of the voice, but also, of course, acting skills. The fact that all of them are still associated with Sofia Rotaru by any person speaks only of one thing - no one sang them better than her.

Already at this time, Rotaru received full recognition from the entire Soviet public. Well, in 1976 it became official - she was awarded the title of People's Artist of Ukraine. True, in one place you will lose - in another you will find, and vice versa. At the same time, the West began to be very interested in Sofia Rotaru, the German recording company was ready to record a large studio disc with her. However, Rotaru was not allowed to go to the West. It got ridiculous: when Western producers called the State Concert, they answered like this: “Rotaru? This doesn't work here."

In the 80s, Rotaru also actively gives concerts, and at the same time acts in films, moreover, not only sings on the screen, but also performs all the tricks on his own. At this time, she is very sick, but does not stop touring. Because of the strong thinness of the singer, terrible rumors begin to circulate about her that she allegedly has asthma and will die soon. Instead, don't wait! - Rotaru is doing what he has been dreaming of for a long time. Many dream of this, but in the Soviet Union it is impossible - the singer releases music album west in Canada. For this she was punished - for five years she and her group "Chervona Ruta" became restricted to travel abroad. But after a while they were awarded. In 1983, Rotaru became the People's Artist of Moldova.

In the second half of the 80s, Sofia Rotaru tries herself in a new image - she begins cooperation with the composer Vladimir Matetsky, and elements of rock are added to her music. Since then, she has several new solid super hits, such as "Moon, Moon", "Farmer", "Heart of Gold", "That's Not Enough" and others. Her popularity skyrockets. In 1988 Sofia Rotaru became People's Artist of the USSR. She seemed to be at the top. However, it was at this time that something happened to the singer that later in an interview she would call "the biggest betrayal in her life." From her to in full force the Chervona Ruta group leaves. In one of the interviews, Sofia Rotaru asked a journalist: “Have you ever been really scared?” answered: “When I was betrayed. This was connected with the Chervona Ruta team, which Tolik (A. Evdokimenko) once organized. It was the peak of popularity when we were carried in our arms, when cars were lifted at concerts. It seemed to the guys that they could count on success even without me, that I treated them incorrectly, that the repertoire was not the same, that they received little money ... They got together and decided that they did not need us. They left with a scandal and with the name "Chervona Ruta".

At the same time, unpleasant events awaited the singer in Ukraine. Local musical figures were increasingly annoyed by the fact that the singer was collaborating with Russia, singing in Russian. As a result, some production structures and concert associations that lost control over financial side concert activities of Rotaru, riots were organized at her concerts in Lviv. The singer, who went on stage to sing, was booed, shaking posters: “Sofia, punishment awaits you!”.

However, this did not stop the singer, she continued to give concerts, and sing Ukrainian, Moldovan, and Russian songs in them, without separating herself from any culture to which she considers herself to belong.

As before, and then, at the turn of the century, Sofia Rotaru remained unshakable, like a rock. The only time in her life she allowed herself to cancel concerts when her husband, Anatoly Evdokimenko, died of a stroke in October 2002, with whom the singer lived her life.

That's what she's all about great singer Sofia Rotaru, which today belongs to three states - Ukraine, Moldova and Russia. Iron character and unconditional talent - a unique formula that created a legend. And even now, at 65, she never ceases to arouse admiration, maintaining not only an excellent professional shape, but also remaining amazing beautiful woman who in her life decided everything, managed and did the right thing. Another proof of this is her son Ruslan, who gave her two grandchildren - Anatoly and Sofia Rotaru.


  • There are peculiar discrepancies in the spelling of the singer's surname. In the credits of some films where she starred, the surname is written as Rotar. The fact is that the village of Marshintsy, where the singer was born, was part of Romania until 1940, so such a pronunciation of the singer's surname is simply the same, only in the Romanian manner. Edita Pieha advised Sofia to write her last name in the Moldovan way with the letter “u” at the end.
  • AT feature film"Where are you, love?" there is an episode where Sofia Rotaru milks a cow. In the same film there is an episode where Sofia Rotaru rides a motorcycle. And in another film "Monologue of Love", where the singer was filmed, she is windsurfing on the high seas. And she did all this herself.
  • As a child, Sofia Rotaru sang in the church choir, for which they wanted to exclude her from the pioneers.
  • Sofia Rotaru is Moldovan by nationality, but has Ukrainian citizenship. Since both national themes are strongly intertwined in her work, both states consider her their singer. And during the collapse of the USSR in 1991, there was even a joke that at the talks in Belovezhskaya Pushcha the question “How will we divide Rotaru?” was raised.
  • After counting all the songs of Rotaru performed in the finals of the Song of the Year festival, it turned out that Rotaru holds the absolute record among all participants in the entire history - 83 songs performed at 38 festivals.


1978 - Lenin Komsomol Prize - for high performing skills and active promotion of Soviet songs

1980 - Order of the Badge of Honor

1985 - Order of Friendship of Peoples


1996 - Honorary badge of the President of Ukraine

1999 - Order of Princess Olga III degree - for outstanding personal merits in the development of songwriting, many years of fruitful concert activity, high performance

2002 - Order of Princess Olga I degree - for significant labor achievements, high professionalism and on the occasion international day women's rights and peace

2002 - Hero of Ukraine - for outstanding services to the Ukrainian state in the development of art, selfless work in the field of preserving national cultural traditions and multiplying the song heritage of the peoples of Ukraine

2002 - Order of the State

2007 - Order of Merit, II degree - for a significant personal contribution to the development of Ukrainian musical art, high performing skills and many years of fruitful activity


2002 - Order of Honor - for his great contribution to the development of pop art and the strengthening of Russian-Ukrainian cultural ties


1997 - Order of the Republic of Moldova


1973 - Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR

1975 - People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR

1983 - People's Artist of the Moldavian SSR

1988 - People's Artist of the USSR

1997 - Honorary citizen of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

1998 - Honorary citizen of Chernivtsi

Honorary Citizen of Yalta

Prizes and awards:

1962 - Winner of the regional amateur art competition

1963 - Diploma of the first degree at the regional amateur art show

1964 - Laureate of the Republican Festival of Folk Talents,

1968 - Gold medal and first prize at the IX World Festival of Youth and Students

1973 - First prize at the Golden Orpheus festival

1974 - Second prize at the International Song Festival in Sopot

1977 - Laureate of the Ukrainian Republican Komsomol Prize. N. Ostrovsky

1981 - 1978 - Laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize

1981 - Hood. film "Where are you love?" receives a prize at the VKF in Vilnius

1996 - Laureate of the Ovation Prize, the laying of a nominal star in Yalta

1996 - Laureate of the Prize. Claudia Shulzhenko "Best pop singer 1996"

1997 - Honorary Prize of the President of Ukraine for an outstanding contribution to the development of pop art "Song Vernissage"

1999 - Laureate of the All-Ukrainian Prize in the field of music and mass spectacles "Golden Firebird - 99" in the nomination "Traditional Stage"

1999 - "Person of the Year" according to the "Russian Biographical Institute", "Woman of the Year", Kyiv

2000 - Laureate of the "Ovation" award, "For a special contribution to the development of the Russian stage", Moscow

2000 - "Man of the XX century", "The best Ukrainian pop singer of the XX century", Kyiv

2000 - Laureate of the Prometheus - Prestige Award

2003 - Laureate National Prize public recognition achievements of women "Olympia" Russian Academy business and entrepreneurship

2002 - "Star of Ukraine" laying a nominal star in the center of Kyiv, an honorary diploma and a commemorative badge "Star of the Ukrainian stage"

2008 - Laureate of the "Ovation" award, "Pop Music - Masters", Moscow

Music TV movies

1966 - Nightingale from the village of Marchintsy

1971 - "Chervona Ruta"

1975 - "The song is always with us"

1978 - "Sofia Rotaru sings"

1979 - "Musical Detective"

1981 - "Chervona Ruta, 10 years later"

1985 - "Sofia Rotaru invites you"

1986 - "Monologue about love"

1989 - Heart of Gold

1990 - Caravan of Love

1991 - "One Day by the Sea"

1996 - "Old songs about the main thing"

1997 - "10 songs about Moscow"

2003 - Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro

2005 - "The Snow Queen"

2005 - "Sorochinsky Fair"

2006 - "Metro"

2007 - "Star Holidays"

2007 - Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors

2009 - "Goldfish"

Art films

1980 - Where are you, love?

1981 - Soul

1972 Sofia Rotaru

1972 Sofia Rotaru sings

1972 Chervona Ruta

1973 Sofia Rotaru sings

1973 Ballad of Violins

1974 Sofia Rotaru

1975 Sofia Rotaru sings songs by Vladimir Ivasyuk

1977 Sofia Rotaru

1978 Sofia Rotaru

1980 Only for you

1981 Sofia Rotaru

1981 Songs from the film "Where are you, love?"

1981 Sofia Rotaru and Chervona Ruta

1982 Sofia Rotaru

1985 Tender Melody

1987 Monologue about love

1988 Heart of Gold

1990 Sofia Rotaru

1991 Caravan of Love

1991 Romance

1993 Caravan of Love

1993 Lavender

1995 Golden Songs

1995 Farmer

1996 Night of love

1996 Chervona Ruta

1998 Love me

2002 I still love you

2002 Snow Queen

2003 to the One

2004 Water flows

2004 Sky is me

2005 I loved him

2007 What is the weather on the heart

2007 Fog

2007 You are my heart

2008 I am your love!

2010 I won't look back

2012 And my shower flies

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