From the history of Russian culture, Western influences. Development of culture in modern Russia



The use of modern technologies in the conduct of the land cadastre

Application of GIS technologies for the purposes of state cadastral registration of land plots




The processes of land management in the country are inextricably linked with the processes of efficient use. This requires reliable and up-to-date information on the state of the land fund and the dynamics of its development.

The modern system of land use in the country is characterized by large amounts of information due to a significant number of objects and subjects of land relations. Therefore, the storage, processing and provision of this complex, multidimensional information can only be provided by automated systems.

These systems are divided into two large groups: geographic information systems (GIS) and land information systems (LIS), which differ in legal support, objectives, principles, content and classification features.

The State Land Cadastre (SLC) is a complex land information system that solves various problems in the field of land relations at all administrative and territorial levels (country, region, region, region, municipality). Processing huge amounts of information about each land cadastral plot, contour of land, economic and administrative unit, their dynamics can only be done by modern computer systems and information technologies.

. gis

Every year, the information needs of a person affect all new areas of his activity. Practically in all modern branches of knowledge a wealth of experience has been accumulated in the use of information learned from numerous sources.

Over time, a significant part of the information changes rapidly, and therefore it becomes increasingly difficult to use it in traditional paper form for making management decisions, including the areas of the State Land Cadastre and land management. The speed of obtaining information and its relevance can only be guaranteed by an automated system. Therefore, it became necessary to create an automated system that has a large number of graphic and thematic databases and is connected with model calculation functions for converting data into spatial information and subsequent management decisions.

Such systems include a multifunctional information system designed for collecting, processing, modeling spatial data, displaying and using them in solving computational problems, preparing and making decisions. Thus, the main task of GIS is the formation of knowledge about the globe, its individual territories, as well as providing spatial data to various users. Therefore, the subject of GIS is the study of regularities information support users, including the principles of building a system for collecting, accumulating, processing, modeling and analyzing spatial data, displaying and using them, bringing them to the attention of users, forming technical software tools, developing technology for manufacturing electronic and digital maps, and forming appropriate organizational structures.

The ability to analyze the geographical location of a large number of real estate objects, their quantitative and qualitative characteristics on the basis of cartographic material allows the governing structures to make informed decisions on the management of the territory. Cartographic data is also needed by specialists who assess and predict the state of any area of ​​human activity, such as product markets, pollution of territories, etc.

In most cases, cartographic materials make it possible to identify critical areas and facilitate quick decision-making to eliminate the prerequisites for the development of negative processes.

Potential consumers of geoinformation include: structures of administrative and executive authorities;

planning authorities;

tax inspections;

bodies of Rosnedvizhimost;

legal and law enforcement agencies;

architectural and planning services;

operating organizations (communication, transport, buildings and structures);

research and design institutes;

construction organizations;

trade organizations, exchanges of all purposes;

inspections and control bodies of socio-economic and technical supervision;

foreign partners and investors;

commercial formations.


private persons.

GIS is a digital model of a real spatial object of the area in vector, raster and other forms.

GIS functions are in the collection, system processing, modeling and analysis of spatial data, their display and use in the preparation and decision of management decisions.

GIS are designed to create maps based on the information received at a specific point in time.

As defined by the Institute for Systems Research environment(the developer of GIS ARC/INFO) is an organized set of equipment, software, geographical data and personnel. designed for efficient input of storage, updating, processing, analysis and visualization of all kinds of geo-referenced information.

2. The use of modern technologies in the conduct of the land cadastre

land registry geographic information

The development of new software for the land cadastre is costly and time consuming. The software will necessarily carry elements of duplication of already existing GIS. The analysis of modern GIS systems showed that the systems used in Russia and abroad can be divided into three groups:

The most common geographic information systems that form the bulk of the software tools existing in the world (Arcinfo, Inicrgraf Mapinfo SPANS CIS, etc.);

Systems using the latest achievements of information and computer technologies (SmallWorlu, SICAD,Open, etc.);

Domestic GIS, which by most parameters lag behind not only the leading Western systems, and not all of them can be characterized as complete software products. The exceptions are the Panorama, Fotomod and GeoDraw/GeoGraph systems, which have already become widespread not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Analysis general condition GIS software tools made it possible to draw the following conclusions.

On the domestic market to a greater extent, foreign GIS software tools dominate, which do not actually take into account the Russian specifics of digital spatial data.

Russian GIS products that are competitive with foreign GIS are created both by conceptual copying of foreign systems, and partly by their own development, which is fundamentally different from foreign ones.

The most common foreign GIS on the Russian market have a large number of shortcomings and errors (although they have a wide range of user functions), and are also laborious to learn. In addition, the most advanced and advanced systems are expensive (an order of magnitude more expensive than traditional ones) - Thus, foreign raster GIS that are currently in circulation in Russia are quite developed (the level of “seamless” integration) - multifunctional, but too expensive from the point of view of a Russian user.

Raster domestic GIS are gaining a high pace of development and are already entering the Russian and foreign markets as world-class products at a much lower cost.

The systems under consideration can be linked within the structure of an integrated GIS, but there are problems of geodata transfer, technology and interface unity, etc.

Part of the Russian GIS was not created on a modular basis, and, therefore, their customization for specific user needs is unlikely or will require significant time and financial costs.

In GIS, the proportion of tasks associated with the operational processing of spatial information based on remote sensing and thematic mapping systems is increasing. Availability of modules for processing vector information, support for relational databases of factual data leads to a gradual increase in the market share of semi-functional software.

The use of fast raster data processing algorithms has enabled some raster GIS vendors to create real-time 3D spatial data visualization modules. In practice, this means the beginning of the real use of the capabilities of multimedia systems in GIS technologies.

With the advent of computer technology, attempts have also begun to automate the process of land registration by creating automated cadastre systems based on relational DBMS, which have become quite widespread. In such systems, data is stored as a set of relational databases with information about real estate and its owners, and sometimes about the location of the property. All information is stored, as a rule, without spatial reference to objects.

The next step in the development of land cadastre systems was the use of geoinformation technologies. Which provided the possibility of creating and maintaining a cadastre at a qualitatively new level, creating maps directly in digital form according to the coordinates obtained as a result of measurements on the ground or during the processing of remote sensing materials. Storage of cadastral information in in electronic format made it possible to move to a paperless workflow and a more advanced system of land accounting.

In most cases, an automated system for maintaining a land cadastre is built on the basis of local network. The system creates automated workstations that specialize in various stages of information processing, for example; APM registration of applications; APM maintenance of duty cadastral map; APMsweeps of the land user base; APM processing of cadastral survey results, etc.

The implementation of land cadastral systems, as well as other specialized systems, can be based on various technical solutions. You can start creating your system from scratch, you can use ready-made developed programs or develop on the basis of one of the universal or specialized CAD systems.

Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The implementation of the system from "scratch" allows you to fully satisfy all the needs of end users, since often third-party products cannot ensure compliance with established standards, such as cartographic standards for the preparation of technical documentation. in addition, such systems are expensive products. In some regions, decisions were made to develop the GIS of the land cadastre on their own.

An example of such a solution is the Albeya system. Created and used in Ufa; the land cadastre system LasGraph, developed by the Omsk company Hit-Soft in 1993; the software package for maintaining the land cadastre "Earth", created by the NPF "Karina", etc.

Another way to create your own specialized system is to use OLE (Object Linking and Embending) technology, which is implemented with varying degrees of detail in many packages, including many CAD systems. You can also use Active x-components designed to manipulate vector (including cartographic) data. This approach allows you to create the necessary land information system in a short time.

To create a GIS, the following universal CAD systems are used:

Microcialion has its own internal C-like and BASIC-like programming languages, OLE support, as well as the ability to create applications in JAVA;

CADdy has an internal C-like programming language based on

CADdy has also been created both by Ziegler Informatics itself and by Russian developers, a lot of modules that implement cartographic functions and modules for cadastre;

AutoCAD and GIS extension AutoCAD MAP has a complete set of functions for creating your own specialized geographic information system. Moreover, AutoCAD and its GIS - the AutoCAD MAP extension also support OLE technology and contain a dense set of functions, including cartographic ones, for creating an OLE application.

The systems listed above (AutoCAD, Microcialion, CADdy) have one drawback that complicates the creation of a GIS based on them. These systems were originally designed to create technical drawings, and therefore they have many functions that are unnecessary in cartography, for example, to create editing three-dimensional objects, and work with topological data is not supported. For example, CADdy lacks polyline and polygon objects, which makes subsequent analysis of spatial objects difficult.

The focus on creating technical drawings in these systems also affects the concept of layers, for example, they do not implement basic level functions of differentiation of access to layers, the systems of coordinates accepted in cartography are not supported. This technical focus affects the data formats used to store drawings.

. Application of GIS technologies for the purposes of state cadastral registration of land plots

For the purposes of registration of rights to land plots, land management, state cadastral registration in the Russian Federation, several software products are used, the main of which will be discussed below.

To maintain cartographic databases of land information systems in most territorial bodies of Rosnedvizhimost use GIS Mapinfo. This system allows displaying various spatially referenced data and belongs to the class of desktop GIS.

The system features are as follows:

data analysis in a relational database:

search for geographical objects;

thematic coloring of maps;

creating and editing map legends;

support for a wide range of data formats;

access to remote databases and distributed data processing.

MapInfo allows you to get location information by address or name, find the intersection of streets, boundaries, perform automatic and interactive geocoding, map objects from the database. The form of presentation of information in the system can be in the form of tables, maps, diagrams, text references.

The system makes it possible to carry out special geographical analysis and graphic editing, while the system of commands and messages is presented both in Russian and in other languages. System modules include geodetic measurement data processing, vectorization and archiving of maps, charts, drawings, transformation of cartographic projections, spatial data alignment.

Possibility computer design and preparation for publication of various cartographic documents allows obtaining various technological solutions for territorial and sectoral information systems. The MapInfo system includes a specialized programming language, MapBasic, that allows you to change and extend the user interface of the system. The system lasts the ability to directly use spreadsheet data such as Excel, lotus1-2-3, dBase formats, etc.

About 150 map projections are supported by the MapInfo system through the ability to convert map projections and create custom projections, integrate raster to vector and vector over raster, support input from a digitizer, scanner, and GPS systems.

.The main window of the DCC module when using GIS MapInfo

GIS MapInfo is used to maintain the duty cadastral map (DCC) module in the software package of the Unified state register lands (PK USRZ).

The window contains the following panels (from top to bottom): window title panel; menu bar; toolbar; selectable layer selection field; information panel.

GIS MapInfo allows you to embed a map window into an arbitrary system window, which was used when implementing the DCC module for MapInfo. To display accounting objects with different statuses on DCC, you must use different display attributes. The best way to do this is by using MapInfo Thematic Layers.

GIS MapInfo supports geometric functions on objects, but the accuracy of the results does not always allow them to be used in the DCC mole. Therefore, some geometric functions, such as the intersection of polygons, the separation of objects, are implemented in a separate geometry calculation block.

The toolbar contains image control buttons (in order): selection, selection in a rectangular area, move, zoom in, zoom out map window export, show labels, hide labels.

GIS MapInfo is installed in most USRZ PCs to maintain the duty cadastral map module, which is mainly due to the wide distribution of this GIS in Russia.

GIS ObjectLand, developed by YURKI "Earth", also formed the basis of the implemented software products for the land cadastre. GIS for ObjectLand for Widows is a universal software product running under 32-bit operating systems of the Windows family and is intended for use in areas related to the joint processing of spatial and tabular information.

GIS ObjectLand processes data organized as a geoinformation database (GDB). The main components of GVD are maps, themes, tables, selections, layouts, a list of users, and a style library. Each of these components has a rather complex structure.

The map is a GDB component designed to store spatial information in vector form. A unit of spatial information is a graphic object (point, polyline, polygon, polygon with internal areas, text, raster image). GIS ObjccilLand uses two map coordinate systems: a rectangular mathematical coordinate system and a rectangular geodetic coordinate system.

GIS helps to organize the levels of structuring the spatial information of the map. The top level of map structuring is a layer. The number of layers in a map is practically unlimited. Maximum amount graphic objects in one layer about 2.1 billion. The layer is logically structured according to the types of graphical objects, which are characterized by a geometric characteristic (point, line, areal, text or aster); a set of related information tables; display style.

Benefits of GIS ObjectLand

· Open system architecture;

· High degree of integration of both spatial and tabular information;

· No restrictions on the number and size of maps, themes, tables, selections and styles in the geoinformation database;

· High performance characteristics when working with geoinformation databases with a large volume of both spatial and tabular information;

· The presence of a built-in context-sensitive help system;

· Possibility of creating and maintaining automated land cadastral systems on personal computers with a large volume of both graphic and tabular information, while maintaining high operational characteristics during operation;

· Ability to import / export data from other geographic information systems, digitization packages and DBMS (MapInfo, Arcinfo, AutoCad, dBaseb, etc.)

· Ability to generalize the map when changing the scale;

· Availability of geometric functions for constructing buffer zones;

· Lower cost compared to foreign analogues and does not require additional localization efforts.

The window for maintaining the duty cadastral map is the main window of the DCC and is intended for setting up the logical map for physical map.

Customization is done by mapping logical layers and types (left panel) to physical layers and types (right panel). You can configure not all layers and types, but only those with which you are supposed to work.

The "cadastral map editor" window is designed to display the GDB theme used as a physical cadastral map.

An example of using GIS ObjcciLand is an automated system for maintaining a land cadastre of the city of Rostov-on-Don, which contains a continuous vector electronic map of the city. Stitched from 360 sheets M 1:2000, graphic and tabular information on more than 60 thousand land plots.

ArcView is a powerful, easy-to-use geographic information access tool that enables you to display, explore, query, and analyze spatial data. ArcView is developed by the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI, USA), maker of ARC/INFO, the leading geographic information systems (GIS) software.

Using ArcView tools, they perform:

Creation of maps from existing sources of spatial data;

Import, tabular data and their georeferencing;

Using the SQL query language to retrieve records from a database and then work with them in a geographic environment;

Create your own spatial data to represent geographic features that you want to display and analyze in ArcView ArcView.

Working with tabular data in ArcView tables is organized through controls. ArcView tables provide a complete set of options for summary statistics, sorting, and querying.

Image data includes satellite and aerial photographs, remote sensing data and scanned data. Charts in ArcView provide full business graphics and data visualization capabilities that are fully integrated with the ArcView environment. ArcView allows you to create tabular views simultaneously with the geographical one, as well as present them in the form of diagrams.

GIS "Novaya Zemlya" was developed by the Nizhny Novgorod SPF "Karina" and is intended for maintaining a land cadastre based on aerial photography data and topographic maps M 1:2000 and M 1:5000. Information and software complex GIS "Earth" allows you to input, systematize, store, search, process, display and output data for information support of land management processes in the region.

Objects and subjects of land use are represented by the name and a set of parametric (operational and descriptive) indicators. Planning and cartographic documents use coordinates, identification data, etc.) to obtain basic cadastral data and display them in graphical form on the screen using symbols.The composition of objects and subjects of land use and their indicators are determined by the classifier (dictionary). The latter contains about 2000 terms and concepts on land use and land management and can be updated during operation.

The complex uses a scanner technology for input of planning and cartographic documents, supported by an automatic vectorizer.

GIS "Novaya Zemlya" allows you to solve the following tasks:

Input and storage of data on the subject of land relations, subjects of land rights, land relations;

Graphic and sematic control of information;

Display of cartographic and parametric information on hierarchical levels (district, city, tablet, separate section);

Definition of cost and tax data;

Operational updating of the structure of land use and land management;

Solving geodetic problems in the inventory of land and the allocation of new sites;

Obtaining certificates and reporting documents of established forms;

Preparation and printing of documents.

Novaya Zemlya works with digital graphic information, formed into a format file with the LIN extension.

Such files are generated by the system in the process of collecting digital information from enlarged aerial photographs, photographic plans, topographic maps, topoplans and other graphic information carriers.

Graphic images are formed on the screen using the following input devices: digitizers of various types, scanners. In addition, the system accepts and converts graphic files created in other systems (ACAD, MapInfo, etc.) into its working format.

The "new earth" system allows for digitization (vectorization) from a raster (scanned) image. During the digitization process, it is possible to access all operating modes of the Novaya Zemlya system, while the digitizer coordinate system is preserved.

At the end of digitization or in the process of work, it is recommended to ensure that the digitizer's coordinate system does not change. To do this, it is necessary to repeat measurements of the coordinates of the same points, which must be at least three and they must be located at the edges of the base (image). If the discrepancies between the coordinates obtained at the beginning and at the end of the work are more than 0.5 mm. it is necessary to suspend digitization, check the digitizer, and digitize the materials again.

To move from the digitizer coordinate system to the terrain coordinate system (or to the state geodetic coordinate system), the coordinates (transformation) of the file with the UN extension obtained as a result of graphic imaging operations are performed.

Using reference points, you can recalculate the coordinates of a digital information file into a given coordinate system. Number reference points for a reliable solution of the problem, there should be at least 5 ... 6 on an aerial photograph or 8 ... 10 on a fragment of the image. GCP coordinates discrepancy as a result of adjustment should not be more than 0.25 mm on the scale of the created plan.

Due to the fact that the objects for which the graphic database is created have a large area and are most often located on several aerial photographs, the problem arises of combining graphic images of these images into a single graphic database. In this case, after the formation of the coordinates of each graphic image there are residual errors due to the influence of various factors, therefore, when combining such images, errors are possible - double lines, lack of intersections, tails, etc.

The same mistakes can be made in the process of digitizing aerial photographs. In this regard, to create a graphical database, it is necessary to perform the following operations: editing graphic images obtained after digitization, aerial photographs; training (type assignment) of land boundaries; combining individual graphic images into a single database.

In the process of forming a semantic database, a connection between a graphic image and their semantic content is carried out. Semantic information is data about the owner of the land, type of land, location of the land, etc.

The Novaya Zemlya system allows you to obtain output documentation, both in graphical and tabular form.

In the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region, the MetaX software is used as the main tool for the operation of the land cadastre system. With this project:

A spatial database has been created, which made it possible to switch to paper technology for maintaining the land cadastre of the region;

A graphical database has been developed with a cadastral digital map of the area at a scale of 1:10000, where information on land ownership and land use of the area is entered, which makes it possible to more accurately determine the location of the land.

MetaX includes:

The program for the primary registration of land owners (Kadastr);

Search system (search);

Graphical part of the system (geodesy);

System administrator program (Admin).

The Kadastr program allows you to register the initial provision of a land plot in the ownership of individuals and legal entities and conduct transactions on them.

The search program works in a multifunctional mode, it stores a database on the administrative division of the Odintsovo region. It is possible to search by administration, locality, quarter, legal entities. For each quarter search works in the browsing system. From this form, you can print the entire database of the administrative division or page by page. Search searches for individuals by last name or by document (passport, identity card, birth certificate, death certificate, foreign passport). By selecting the desired owner, you can view the entire history of the site that he owns, i.e. previous owners, their documents of title, data of documents proving their identity, registration record and number of the certificate of ownership of the land.

The Deal program reflects all stages of various land transactions:

The first stage - registration of applications of owners of land plots for sale, donation, etc. - the owner of the plot is entered into the database.

The second - the appointment of the performer (surveyor) - the name of the surveyor;

Third - documents are issued to customers for registration of ownership of a land plot (4 cadastral plans and an act on the standard value of a land plot) - the name of the registrar, the date of signing the case;

Fourth - the conclusion of a transaction with a land plot is reflected - the type, number of the contract, the date of its conclusion, the bodies conducting state registration.

Fifth - the register of the new owner of the land.

The graphic part of the system (geodes) is provided with means for entering, storing and analyzing information about database objects that have a cartographic image (such as land plots, bases and reference points, traverse schemes), and is designed to implement the following actions:

Maintaining and processing geodetic measurements (including according to GPS data);

Formation of plans for sections of quarters with strict control of compliance with the adjacency of the boundaries of neighboring sections;

Formation and printing of output documents (plans of land plots, schemes of theodolite traverses, extracts of geodata, sheets for calculating coordinates, etc.)

In various formats with the possibility of making changes to the cartographic image of the output document.

All objects placed on the cadastral map have a geodetic reference, i.e. their position is determined in one or another coordinate system.

The Geodesy application uses the coordinate system of 1963. The peculiarity of this application is that the Odintsovo district falls into two coordinate zones (2 and 3) and objects from different parts districts exist in different coordinate zones. In this variant, a single processing of the coordinates of objects from different zones is impossible, and even more so the reflection of objects of the entire region on single map. Therefore, additional computational functions have been implemented, with the help of which the coordinates of the objects of the entire region on a single map. Therefore, additional computational functions have been implemented, with the help of which the coordinates of objects from different zones are recalculated into a single "internal" system and vice versa. The input forms can receive coordinates of objects of any zone, however, all lengths, angles and areas of objects (sites and geohods) are calculated using the coordinates of a particular zone in which the object is actually located, which ensures the correctness of calculations within this coordinate system. Calculation according to the Gauss - Kruger formula ensures the accuracy of calculations.

For an automated land cadastre information system based on the application of this program, a digital cadastral map is of interest. To link database objects on land plots with their representations on the cadastral map, cadastral numbers are used. The digital cadastral map of the area is a collection of graphic and semantic data linked by a single identifier, which allows you to create a set of graphic and semantic data linked by a single identifier, which allows you to create an information basis for maintaining a land cadastre.

The graphical part of the program works with the following objects: quarters, sections, bases, measurements, points, arrays of points. The formation of plans is carried out only for registered objects and is not intended for the registration of new land plots and owners. To enter a plot on the map, it is necessary that the database already has information about the plot (it must be assigned a cadastral number and the owner must be determined). Thus, a connection is made between the databases that are formed in the program for the primary registration of owners and land plots (Kadastr) and the program (Deal), which reflects all stages of various transactions with the land.

Objects are formed in several stages: input of measurements creation of an object on the map; work with objects; document printing.

All map objects supported in the system are formed from pre-created node points that define their configuration. The measurements themselves in this program can be entered manually from the keyboard, from GPS files, and there is also an input and processing of traverse measurements. After creating the necessary points on the map, objects (land plots) are formed. the graphical part of the system provides the ability to control and record the data of each individual object.

The Admin program allows you to add new quarters to the database, register legal entities. Upon request, Admin generates primary and secondary lists of owners by printing them in a form developed by tax authorities, as well as lists of legal entities.

GIS "scanner-map" (developer) is designed to maintain a land cadastre and allows you to:

Create and maintain an on-duty map of the city in raster and vector forms;

Form accounting objects (land plots, cadastral zones), determine their area and perimeter.

Information about the characteristics of the land plot, data on the land user and legal documents for the land is entered into the text bases. Reference books contain standard formulations for legislative documents. This information is associated with objects, which allows you to quickly search for the necessary data in the database.

The capabilities of the GIS "scanner map" are as follows: input 1 earlier objects, including land plots, agricultural land, etc., on a raster substrate, measurements of theodolite traverse, calculated coordinates; editing objects; measurement of lengths, distances, areas of objects; entering textual information into registration tables; linking objects with an entry in the registration table; archiving information with the preservation of history; search and selection of information according to various criteria; printing of a list of taxpayers, certificates of ownership of land, lease agreements and forms of state accounting; printing of graphic attachments to documents; printing of the cadastral map.


The use of GIS in the cadastral flow in many cases is necessary, as it contributes to the behavior of spatial data analysis, forecasting phenomena and processes, tracking dynamic changes in the boundaries of accounting objects, etc. All this presupposes inseparable bond between the maintenance of cadastres (registries) of various directions through geographic information systems.


1. Glebova N. GIS for the management of cities and territories // ArcReview, 2006. - No. 3(38).

2. Koltsov A.S. Geoinformation systems: textbook. allowance / A.S. Koltsov, E.D. Fedorkov. Voronezh: GOUVPO "Voronezh State Technical University”, 2006. 203 p.

3. Kapralov E.G., Koshkarev A.V., Tikunov V.S. etc. Fundamentals of geoinformatics. Book 2. Tutorial/ M: Academy, 2004 (pp. 372-380).

Mazurkin P.M. Geoecology: Patterns of modern natural science: scientific ed. / P.M. Mazurkin Yoshkar Ola: MarGTU, 2006.-336 p.

Mazurkin P.M. Forest-agrarian Russia and the world dynamics of forest management: Scientific publication / P.M. Mazurkin Yoshkar Ola: MarGTU, 2007.-334p.

Skvortsov A.V. Geoinformatics: textbook 2006.

Turlapov V.E. Geoinformation systems in economics: Educational and methodical allowance. - Nizhny Novgorod: NF SU-HSE, 2007.

Trifonova T.A., Mishchenko N.V., Krasnoshchekov A.N. Geoinformation systems and remote sensing in environmental research: Textbook for universities. - M.: Academic project, 2005. 352 p.

Fadeev A.N. Application of GIS "map 2003" in forestry / A.N. Fadeev, O.A. Zimina // Geoprofi. 2006. No. 6 S.2526

Fadeev A.N. Actualization of natural objects in GIS / A.N. Fadeev, O.A. Zimina // Penza: 2006. S. 236-238.

Natural GIS

Natural resources are the main wealth of our country. Their effective use is the key to our well-being. The territory of the country is huge, so the spatial aspect plays a key role in the management of natural resources. And the environment itself is nothing but the spatial distribution of various phenomena and objects. These common and already "hackneyed" phrases explain why GIS is the most suitable look information systems in the field of nature management and environmental protection.

Historically, the natural resource complex was the first customer for the creation of geographic information systems. It is generally accepted that the first GIS was a system created for the management of Canada's forests. Then even the concept of GIS did not yet exist, however, the need to combine (geo)graphic and semantic (descriptive) representations for a full description natural resources has already been realized. And it is quite natural that the US Geological Survey and the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources have become the oldest and largest users of ESRI and Leica Geosystems GIS products in these two countries.

At the end of the last century, experts predicted the merging of database technologies, GIS and image processing. Although this never happened, the integration and interpenetration of these technologies has reached a very high degree. It is thanks to this fact that GIS allows you to automate all the functions of working with data on natural resources. There are several large blocks that are present in almost any such GIS:

1. inventory and accounting,

2. monitoring,

3. analytical block,

4. preparation of maps and reporting documentation.

Any information system is based on some data array. The first question she must answer is "what and where is it?" Therefore, work begins with an inventory. Initial data can come from various sources: from paper maps, from records, as a result of field surveys, from other information systems. The diversity of the spectrum of initial data - distinguishing feature geoinformation systems.

The study of natural resources today is unthinkable without the involvement of remote sensing data. The range of available remote sensing data is now wider than ever, the prices for archival images are affordable even for individuals, many data can be obtained free of charge. Film companies provide discounts for non-profit and environmental projects.

Information extracted from remote sensing data and obtained from other sources is most in demand in monitoring and solving analytical problems.

The task of monitoring is the detection and analysis of changes occurring in the observed territory or with observed objects.

Analytical tasks in the field of nature management, environmental protection and ecology are solved on computational models real phenomena. In other areas, GIS analysis plays an auxiliary role or is not in demand at all (for example, tasks of accounting, cartography, presentation, etc.). Here it is the most significant component of the GIS software functionality.

The results of a monitoring or research project are not valuable in and of themselves. They bring real benefit when the right decisions are made on their basis. In most cases, leaders and managers are not specialists in the natural sciences, they have other tasks. Therefore, a visual, effective and efficient presentation of research results is an important function of decision support systems and situational centers.

A competent cartographic image, a three-dimensional representation, real photographs and simulated videos allow you to quickly convey information about fairly complex phenomena. Changes in the natural environment and large-scale natural phenomena are well illustrated by three-dimensional animation on the globe. And printed-quality cards have much more "weight" than simple screen prints.

Land Registry

In the early 1990s, Roskomzem began to develop the idea and set about creating systems for land mapping and land registration (the LARIS project). At that time, it seemed that the capabilities offered in GIS for managing multiple layers of data and advanced tools for their analysis (geoprocessing) were redundant for simple systems land holding mapping. At that time, it seemed that even simple desktop software products for cartography could provide support for the creation of cadastral maps, and more difficult questions, focused on analysis and modeling were not set.

Around the same time, the city of Taganrog embarked on its plans to modernize the administration of the territory, which was based on the development of a modern cartographic system. They started with ESRI's GIS software, mapped all the land parcels, and re-registered the land. Then they created many other applications for municipal government, researched the results of elections by districts, produced a very popular atlas of the city, using data obtained from the mapping of districts. As a result, the GIS team from the Taganrog Cadastre Bureau clearly showed the benefits of using a multi-purpose cadastre based on the capabilities of GIS technology.

The introduction of GIS into the land cadastre system of Russia did not provide sufficient efficiency, because:

· Initially, the importance of spatial data and GIS functions for solving cadastre problems was underestimated. Spatial data was secondary to technical and legal specifications. In this regard, there was an underestimation of the requirements for positioning accuracy and the relative position (topology) of the sections. These requirements were regarded as excessive, increasing the cost of cadastral registration;

· for the full-fledged work of the cadastral authorities, in addition to cadastral data on land plots, it is necessary to use various data on surrounding objects that are not directly related to the cadastre - topographic maps, city plans, information about zones. It is clear that the cadastral authorities could not independently ensure the full creation and updating of maps, and the existing infrastructure of spatial data (Roskartografiya and other departments) could not meet the needs of the cadastral service for up-to-date maps;

· the process of development, implementation and maintenance of GIS on a national scale is a very resource-intensive task that requires serious funding and staffing, which were not available right time;

As a result, GIS in the GZK system began to play the role of an auxiliary information and reference system, in which the unique capabilities of GIS are practically not used.

However, any increase in requirements for the quality of cadastral data and procedures for their processing inevitably leads to an increase in the role and importance of GIS in the real estate cadastre system.

Currently, GIS technologies are widely used in the system of the State Real Estate Cadastre of Russia, which replaced the land cadastre. Currently, work using GIS is being carried out within the framework of the Subprogram "Creating a Real Estate Cadastre System (2006-2011)" ( of the federal target program "Creating an automated system for maintaining State Land Cadastre and State Registration of Real Estate (2002-2007)". The subprogram is aimed at creating a system of state cadastral registration of real estate objects, which ensures the implementation public policy effective and rational use and management of land resources and other real estate in the interests of:

strengthening the national economy,

improving the well-being of citizens,

ensuring state guarantees of property rights and other real rights to real estate,

formation of a complete and reliable source of information about real estate objects,

· as well as the improvement of public services provided to organizations and citizens, public authorities and local governments.

GIS and transport

The territorial distribution of transport systems makes them an ideal object for automation through geographic information systems. GIS is the optimal platform for integrated solutions in the field of transport, because the spatial component is a natural basis for the integration of transport infrastructure management tasks, computational tasks, operational management tasks, navigation, etc. However, there are no truly comprehensive solutions in Russia yet. This may be due to the inertia of the thinking of managers, and a large number of participants who are not co-organized, each of whom is only interested in his own task. Therefore, the introduction of GIS technology in our country takes place on separate target areas, and not across the entire “front” of transport and related tasks, which would provide the most effective solutions and the greatest return on their implementation.

Geographic information systems can be used to draw up plans / models of terminal complexes, territories adjacent to roads and railways. The right of way also requires constant monitoring of its use, both in terms of compliance with safety standards and for the effective management of property, including land for service enterprises. GIS technology allows integrating airborne laser scanning data, aerial photography, three-dimensional object models, information about functional areas and technical means of traffic control into a single geographic information system of the road master plan. Performing measurements with modern surveying tools allows you to create a complex model of the road in real life. geographic coordinates and further link the models of individual roads and sections into a common system.

The analysis tools available in the GIS allow not only to lay routes along the existing street and road network (SDN), but also to evaluate the effectiveness of the network itself, calculate bottlenecks, and plan development. In almost any city, you can find examples where the length of even the most optimal route along the existing road network (SRN) is many times greater than the geometrically shortest distance between points of departure and destination. The reasons for this are the low connectivity of the network due to obstacles (railroads, rivers and, paradoxically, highways of continuous traffic with our chronic insufficiency of interchanges), as well as the unsuccessful organization of traffic. The result is a significant overmileage for all road users: public transport, commercial and personal. Well, the consequences are known - traffic jams, noise, gas pollution, accelerated wear of the roadway. In our country, millions and billions are spent on road construction projects that give a penny result only because when they are substantiated and selected, an analysis of changes in the properties of the road network as a whole and traffic flows on it is not carried out. Tools for such analysis already exist, but are not being used.

Monitoring the state of the roadway and planning repairs. This is one of the most popular applications of GIS in road administrations. Often, just color coding of road sections by repair time is enough to significantly optimize the process and improve the quality of the road surface as a whole. If, however, GIS is used to integrate diverse information on the road network (types/quality of pavement, traffic load, dates of repairs), it can be used to build a dynamic wear model and automate repair planning (the West has been doing this for a long time). The database can also store information about road signs, and other "roadside" information tied to geographic or linear coordinates.

Coverage monitoring is needed not only for roads, but also for airports. A similar task in relation to the railroad is facing railways. In all of these areas of transportation, GIS can significantly increase the cost-effectiveness of maintaining a pavement or track in good condition.

We all need information about roads, routes, schedules. The tools for its cartographic representation on the Internet have existed for 10 years. And at the same time, a paradoxical situation has arisen of the practical absence of information services for the mass consumer.

Lecture 10 Use of GIS in cadastral systems

The cadastral system, regardless of its purpose, contains data about the accounting object ordered in a certain way, indicating the unique code of the accounting object, i.e. the cadastral system is based on a computer database with a unique field (code).

But since most of the objects of cadastral registration are spatial in nature, most cadastral systems use GIS - this is the most efficient way.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine and other regulatory documents land Registry is the basis for maintaining other thematic cadastres (water, forest, cadastral landslides, real estate, etc.), because land Registry serves other cadastre systems, it is multi-purpose.

The GIS of the land cadastre contains information about the spatial position of the site, which is accompanied by attributive data containing information about the individual code of the land plot, the quantitative characteristics of the site, the qualitative characteristics of the land (APG, natural soil properties, physical and chemical properties, productivity, cost, legal efficiency, additional environmental characteristics etc.).

The GIS of the land cadastre includes a technological chain consisting of links:

1. Compilation of digital cartographic models of land plots based on the digitization of outgoing analog materials and the use of the results of field geodetic measurements.

2. Formation of data attributes:

2.1.development of the database structure (formation of the directory),

2.2. filling in the attributes of the database,

2.3.creation of the topology of areal linear and point objects,

2.4.organization and construction of thematic layers that provide the possibility of spatial analysis and the implementation of typical requests of system users.

3. Correction of spatial and attributive data to ensure the operational functioning of the land cadastre.

The main procedures that provide GIS in land cadastral systems:

1.Implementation of queries to the database of different hierarchical levels.

2. Visualization of query results.

3. Spatial analysis to ensure the tasks of the land cadastre and land management design.

4.Evaluation of land plots.

GIS provides automation of assessment processes in the cadastral system in the whole variety of assessment forms from soil appraisal to assessment of the investment attractiveness of a land plot.

5. Cartographic representation of the assessment results.

6. Automated creation of buffer zones for the allocation of lands with restrictions and encumbrances in use.

7. Creation of new topics and optimization of the database to improve the land cadastre system.

The main provisions that ensure the effective functioning of the GIS in the land cadastre system:

1. Creation of a detailed (topographic) digital body base, made in a single projection, in a single coordinate system based on the E-GGS.

2.Unification of outgoing data supplied to the cadastral system from different sources of information.

3.Unification of the coding system for different types of information.

4. The use of a single software for maintaining a variety of cadastral systems.

5. Organization of information exchange (free) between all sections of the cadastral process.

Municipal GIS

A special place in the system of land management is occupied by the urbanization of the territory, which contain groups of problems associated with the complexity of the organization of this territory.

1. The problem of territorial (spatial) resources.

2. The problem of building planning.

3. The problem of infrastructure formation.

4.Social problems (organization of labor, leisure).

5. Ecological problems.

The management of such a complex organizational system is only based on high-quality information support.

These requirements put forward the need to create universal municipalities or urban GIS, which lists the problems provided in the form of GIS subsystems, each management area can be represented in the form of thematic maps of one type in accordance with attributive information.

The themes of this type are the corresponding classes of control objects. All types are combined into a single system that allows you to quickly receive information for making specific management decisions.

The main types of maps in municipal GIS:

1. Inventory and land map. Includes:

Maps of GIS points;

Topographic base M 1:200 - 1:25000;

Cadastral plan of land plots and real estate;

Ownership information;

Tax data (may not be).

2. Inventory-resource map of natural conditions:




Map of soil conditions;

Map of hazardous processes;



3. Urban planning and inventory map:

Functional zoning of the territory;

Historical and architectural potential;

Building morphotypes map;

4.Urban planning and assessment map:

Map of comfort of living conditions;

Map of transport accessibility of territories;

Map for assessing the degree of development of urban infrastructure;

Real estate value map.

5. Demographic and medical-ecological map:

Density and population map;

Map of the sex and age structure of the population;

Map of the distribution of types of morbidity.

6. Estimated synthetic map:

Land assessment zoning map;

Map of ecological zoning;

Map of localization of geopathogenic zones.

Map of land reserves;

Building reserves map;

Map of reserves of recreational conditions and objects;

Map of promising landscaping and development areas;

Maps-scenarios of the development of the situation for various aspects of the management of urban areas.

Use of GIS in cadastral systems - 4.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote



For the purposes of registration of rights to land plots, land management, state cadastral registration in the Russian Federation, several software products are used, the main of which will be discussed below.

To maintain cartographic databases of land information systems, most of the territorial bodies of Roe-real estate use the GIS MaplInfo. This system allows displaying various spatially referenced data and belongs to the class of desktop GIS.

A distinctive feature of MaplInfo is its versatility in the use and support of almost all existing software and hardware platforms and low hardware requirements. In practice, MapInfo can run on any computer running one of the following operating systems: Windows 95, Windows NT, Mac-System 7, UNIX (OS Solaris 2.4, HP/UX 9.x). The system capabilities are as follows; data analysis in a relational database; search for geographical objects; thematic coloring of maps; creating and editing map legends; support for a wide range of data formats; access to remote databases and distributed data processing. MaplInfo allows you to get location information by address or name, find intersections of streets, borders, perform automatic and interactive geocoding, map objects from the database. The form of presentation of information in the system can be in the form of tables, maps, diagrams, text references.

The system makes it possible to carry out special geographical analysis and graphic editing. At the same time, the system of commands and messages is presented both in Russian and in other languages. System modules include geodetic measurement data processing, vectorization and archiving of maps, charts, drawings, transformation of cartographic projections, spatial data alignment.

The possibility of computer design and preparation for publication of various cartographic documents makes it possible to obtain various technological solutions for territorial and sectoral information systems. The MapInfo system includes a specialized programming language, MapBasic, that allows you to change and extend the user interface of the system. The system makes it possible to directly use spreadsheet data such as Excel, Loius 1-2-3, dBase formats, etc.

About 150 map projections are supported by the MaplInfo system due to the ability to convert map projections and create custom projections, integrate raster to vector and vector over raster, support input from a digitizer, scanner and from GPS systems.

GIS MapInfo is used to maintain the duty cadastral map (DCC) module in the software package of the Unified State Register of Lands (PC USRZ). The appearance of the main DCC module is shown in Figure 7.6.

The window contains the following panels (from top to bottom): window title panel; menu bar; toolbar; selectable layer selection field; information panel.

GIS MapInfo allows you to embed a map window into an arbitrary system window, which was used when implementing the DCC module for MapInfo. To display accounting objects with different statuses on DCC, you must use different display attributes. The best way to do this is to use MapInfo thematic layers,

GIS MapInfo supports geometric functions on objects, but the accuracy of the results does not always allow them to be used in the DCC module. Therefore, some geometric functions, such as the intersection of polygons, the separation of objects, are implemented in a separate geometry calculation block.

The view of the map view window is shown in Figure 7.7.

The toolbar contains image control buttons (in order): selection, selection in a rectangular area, move, increase, decrease, map window export, show labels, hide labels.

GIS MaplInfo is installed in most PCs of the USRZ to maintain the duty cadastral map module, which is mainly due to the wide distribution of this GIS in Russia.

The GIS ObjectLand, developed by the URCC "Earth", also formed the basis of the implemented software products for the land cadastre. Geographic information system ObjectLand for Windows is a universal software product running under 32-bit operating systems of the Windows family and intended for use in areas related to the joint processing of spatial and tabular information.

GIS ObjectLand processes data organized as a geoinformation database (GDB). The main components of the GDB are maps, themes, tables, selections, layouts, a list of users, and a style library. Each of these components has a rather complex structure.

A map is a GDB component designed to store spatial information in vector form. A unit of spatial information is a graphic object (a point, a polyline, a polygon, a polygon with internal regions, a text, a raster image). The GIS ObjectLand uses two map coordinate systems: a rectangular mathematical coordinate system and a rectangular geodetic coordinate system.

GIS allows you to organize the levels of structuring the spatial information of the map. The top level of map structuring is a layer. The number of layers in a map is practically unlimited. The maximum number of graphic objects in one layer is about 2.1 billion. The layer is logically structured according to the types of graphic objects that are characterized by a geometric characteristic (point, line, area, text or

raster); a set of related information tables; display style.

Benefits of GIS ObjectLand:

open system architecture;

high degree integration of spatial and tabular information;

flexible mechanism for visualization and manipulation of spatial and tabular information;

no restrictions on the number and size of maps, themes, tables, selections and styles in the geoinformation database;

high performance characteristics when working with geoinformation databases with a large volume of both spatial and tabular information;

the presence of a built-in context-sensitive help subsystem;

the ability to set names of arbitrary length for the components of the geoinformation database (maps, themes, tables, selections, fields, styles);

the possibility of creating and maintaining on personal computers automated systems for maintaining land cadastres with a large amount of both graphic and tabular information, while maintaining high operational characteristics during operation;

the ability to import / export data from other geographic information systems, digitization packages and DBMS (Maplnfo, Arc Info, AutoCad, dBase, etc.);

the ability to generalize the map when changing the scale;

availability of geometric functions for constructing buffer zones; ,

lower cost compared to foreign analogues and does not require additional localization efforts.

The duty cadastral map maintenance window is the main window of the DCC and is intended for setting up a logical map for a physical map (Fig. 7.8).

Customization is done by mapping the logical layers and types (left panel) to the physical layers and types (right panel). You can configure not all layers and types, but only those with which you are supposed to work.

The Cadastral Map Editor window is designed to display the GDB theme used as a physical cadastral map. The view of the window is shown in Figure 7.9

An example of using the GIS ObjectLand is an automated system for maintaining the land cadastre of the city of Rostov-on-Don, which contains a continuous vector electronic map of the city, stitched from 360 sheets M! :2000, graphical and tabular information on more than 60 thousand land plots.


GIS and municipal management

Despite the fact that in modern conditions the need for powerful information support for decisions made by city administrations has sharply increased, in our country the situation has developed in such a way that computer science has always been provided with resources on a residual basis. Hence a paradox arises: the acute need for<|юрмационных услугах есть, но оплачивать их не на что, поэтому администрации и ставят задачи по созданию слож­ных информационных систем без вкладывания в их разработку адекватных ресурсов.

In this state, many major theoretical provisions for the development, implementation and maintenance of geoinformation System turn out to be inactive. In most Russian cities, budgets are in a catastrophic state, there is a catastrophic lack of time and resources for the implementation of basic programs (housing and communal reform, transition to the Tax Code, work with urban real estate, etc.), and without information support, these programs are almost impossible to implement, therefore and one has to look for non-traditional solutions, which sometimes may not correspond to the paths determined by the modern theory of creating geoinformation systems. As a result of the analysis of the possibility of introducing geoinformation technologies into the management structures of the city, a methodological approach can be adopted, which consists in the phased development and commissioning of automated workplaces, located and urban services, for the collection, accumulation and primary processing of urban information. In order for informatization to bring Effect in management of the city, the creation of large automated databases of city-wide value is not enough. A change is needed in the requests and evaluation of the activities of city services, which entails a restructuring of relations within the city administration. This restructuring is especially pronounced at the moment when a geo-informational component appears in the information system (municipal GIS- MGIS). At consciousness MGIS key element of management is the land plot of the city, which is serviced ZhEKs, district doctors, police officers, schools, municipal organizations, trade, consumer services and public catering enterprises, and other organizations. Allocation of a plot of territory as the main object management involves a restructuring of the reporting system and a change in responsibility in city services. In particular, the reporting must reflect the mandatory breakdown by relevant sections and control by areas served by the above organizations. A geographic information system that implements just such a territorial approach cannot be used by city authorities until this approach is first implemented in a paper document management system, which, generally speaking, is relatively easily solved by introducing current control over the situation in microdistricts at the level of deputy heads of the city administration (district or prefecture, if the city has an additional territorial division). On the other hand, the change in accountability is secondary to the change in the system of responsibility.

The software package for maintaining the Unified State Register of Lands (PC USRZ) was developed as part of the federal target program "Creation of an automated system for maintaining the State Land Cadastre of the Russian Federation" and is intended for maintaining the Unified State Register of Lands (USRZ) of the cadastral region. PC EGRZ-T (SRC "Earth", Taganrog) is accepted by Roszem Cadastre as a basic module for building an automated system of the State Land Cadastre of Russia. More than 1,500 installations of the USRZ-T PC have been made in land cadastral chambers, which is more than 70% of the total number of cadastral chambers.

The USRZ software package is designed to maintain the State Land Cadastre at the level of the cadastral region. The complex allows you to perform the formation and accounting of accounting objects - land plots, as well as information about territorial zones. In addition to general information about the accounting object, its legal status, economic characteristics, real estate objects strongly associated with land plots, as well as other special information are taken into account. This complex provides storage of the history of the accounting object and its legal status.

The SQL server is used to store semantic information.

To store cartographic information and work with the on-duty cadastral map of the USRZ PC, it is planned to use geographic information systems (GIS). There are several versions of USRZ PC: USRZ PC / InterBase / MapInfo for Windows; USRZ PC / InterBase / ObjectLand for Windows; USRZ PC / Oracle / MapInfo for Windows; USRZ PC / Oracle / ObjectLand for Windows.

The database (DB) of the USRZ PC serves to store data from the State Land Cadastre of the cadastral region (SLC KR), and, therefore, its structure and content correspond to the structure and content of the SLC forms.

In the USRZ PC, the main information objects of the SLC KR are identified: cadastral districts; cadastral districts; cadastral blocks; cadastral arrays; cadastral quarters (QC); land plots (PL); parts of land plots (PZU); real estate objects (ON); territorial zones (TZ),

In addition to the main information objects, to ensure the integrity, uniformity and convenience of maintaining the USRZ, the following are also highlighted:

subjects of law - legal entities and individuals who have (have) rights to accounting objects; authorities that act as subjects of law for lands that are in state and municipal ownership; banks - serve to indicate the relevant attributes of legal entities;

documents confirming transactions with accounting objects (establishment and change of rights, encumbrances, etc.);

documents used to organize technological procedures for keeping records (case on application, cadastral case, etc.);

address system - a set of tables that make it possible to build the address characteristics of information objects and ensure the unambiguity and non-redundancy of address information;

classifiers - characteristics of the use of memory, OH, etc.;

description of the state geodetic and boundary network.

Each information object of the USRZ PC corresponds to a record in one or more tables, each of which stores information about information objects of the same type. In many cases, composite attributes are stored in their own tables.

An enlarged model of the database of the USRZ PC, containing a list of the main information objects, their attributes and relationships, is shown in Figure 8.1.

The structure of the information object of the USRZ PC is designed in such a way as to provide the representation of information links of any complexity.

Information object - description of a real estate object (for example, a land plot), a document (for example, a title document), an individual (for example, a copyright holder) stored in the database of the complex. An information object is characterized by attributes.

Object attributes PC USRZ serve to represent in the database the characteristics of accounting objects (land plots, etc.), subjects of law (individuals and legal entities, authorities), concepts of the legal sphere (right, encumbrance, registration), title and other documents, elements classifiers and directories, as well as to reflect information links between objects.

The USRZ PC uses: simple ltriouts; composite attributes, i.e. consisting of separate parts; multiple attributes, i.e., consisting of several entries.

To meet the requirements for the integrity and security of the USRZ PC database, each information object has a current status (state), which determines the set of operations allowed for the object.

There are three main statuses of information objects:

"New" is the newly created object. This status for a land plot corresponds to the cadastral file being filed, in which any corrections are allowed, up to the removal of all information;

"Registered" ("Actual") - the information object contains verified and approved data. Deletion of such an information object or its modification is prohibited. For example, for land plots, this status corresponds to a land plot, the rights to which are registered with the registration chamber;

"Archival" - corresponds to the subsection of the GRZ of the Kyrgyz Republic for the accounting object that has ceased to exist.

In addition, there are several intermediate statuses that increase the convenience of working with the USRZ PC:

"Previously recorded" - corresponds to land plots recorded in the cadastral quarter at the time of the transition to the automated technology of maintaining the SLC and included in the State Registration Register of the Kyrgyz Republic in accordance with the Protocol for the formation of a cadastral quarter;

“Recorded” - an intermediate state between “New” and “Registered”, for example, for land plots it corresponds to the state when information about the land plot is approved by the cadastral inspector and an extract from the Registration Chamber on registration of rights to the plot is expected.

To work with graphical representations of accounting objects, the statuses "Reference" and "Formed" are used, which correspond to the graphical representation of the information object on the duty cadastral map (DCC), obtained by entering by coordinates, digitizing, importing from another system.

The USRZ software package has a modular architecture and provides storage of SLC KR data within a common database. The USRZ PC database is a combination of a semantic database (SDB) and a geoinformation database (GDB). SDB is administered using SQL-server tools, and GDB - using GIS tools.

An enlarged diagram of the interaction of modules that are part of the USRZ PC, SQL server and GIS is shown in Figure 8.2. The software shown in the diagram can operate both on one (local) computer and be installed on different computers of the local area network.

The server software of the complex (USRZ PC server) ensures the connection of the client software with the SQL server.

The client software of the complex (software modules of the USRZ PC) ensures the functioning of workplaces for maintaining the land cadastre,

The composition of the USRZ PC includes the following software modules: "Cadastral division"; "Administrative-territorial division" and "Address prefixes"; "Classifiers"; "Territorial zones"; "Land"; "Subjects of law"; "The documents"; "Cadastral registration"; "Duty cadastral map"; "Library of requests"; "Administrator".

The "Cadastral division" module is used to view, enter and modify information about the units of the cadastral division: cadastral districts, districts, blocks, arrays, quarters. ,

The main window of the module (Fig. 8.3) has many features in common with the windows of other software modules that are part of the USRZ PC.

The information objects with which this software module operates are: cadastral districts, cadastral districts, cadastral blocks, cadastral arrays, cadastral quarters, boundary points and boundaries in quarters, and the attributes of information objects are number, name, graphic identifier, occurrence, liquidation.

The Cadastral Division software module provides the following commands to be executed on cadastral districts, districts and cadastral quarters: add, delete, change, change current information, approve, liquidate, roll back a change in status. Commands over cadastral districts are available by default only to users who are members of the Administrators user group.

The modules "Administrative-territorial division" and "Address prefixes" allow you to create lists

elements of the address system [subjects of the Russian Federation, administrative-territorial units (ATE), geonyms] and form address prefixes from the existing elements of the address system. The elements of the address system are: elements of the administrative-territorial division (subject of the Russian Federation, administrative district, ATE in the administrative in a rural district) and geonyms (street, lane, avenue, etc.)

"Address prefix" is used in other modules of the complex to form the address characteristics of accounting objects and other objects, for example, in the "Subjects of Law" module - to form the address of registration and residence of an individual.

The address system allows to form the address characteristics of information objects.

The "Territorial zones*" module is designed to record information about the territorial zones established on the territory of the municipality. The main window of the module is shown in Figure 8.5.

In this module, it is possible to enter information about zones of special regime of land use (ZORIZ) (on encumbrances of land plots, including easements), zones of land categories, cadastral appraisal zones; zones of administrative-territorial units (ATE).

The "Land Plots" module is designed to keep records of land plots (Fig. 8.6).

The information objects with which this module operates are: land plots, parts of a land plot, real estate objects. The attributes of these objects, their interconnections between themselves and other information objects are determined by the content of the GZK forms.

A land plot has the following multiple attributes: rights to a land plot, land encumbrances, land categories, economic characteristics, special information, lands.

The "Land plots" software module provides the following commands for land plots: add, delete, change, change current information, take into account,

register, liquidate, open the USRZ subsection for the previously recorded site, roll back the status change, update the boundary information.

The USRZ PC provides for the possibility of maintaining various reference information (lists of subjects of legal relations, title documents).

The * Cadastral Registration module is designed to organize automated office workflow in the cadastral registration authorities (Fig. 8.7).

The information objects with which this module operates are: accounting books, application files, technological procedures, technological operations, cadastral files.

The following documents are required to maintain the GZK:

basic: forms of the Unified State Register of Lands (EGRZ), duty cadastral map (DCC), register of cadastral numbers of land plots, cadastral files;

auxiliary: accounting books for incoming and outgoing documents;

derivatives: extracts from the USRZ, summaries, reports.

When conducting workflow, documents are divided into incoming, internal, outgoing.

Document attributes - type, title, number and series, signing date, validity period, internal number and registration date.

To meet the requirements for the integrity and security of the USRZ PC database, each document has a current state (status). The status of an object determines the set of operations allowed for it.

Three document statuses can be distinguished: “New” - a newly created document in which any corrections are allowed, up to deletion;

"Actual" - corresponds to the document, information about which was checked by the operator and confirmed by him as relevant, i.e. corresponding to the presented document;

“Archived* - corresponds to a document whose validity period has expired.

The module "Duty cadastral map" is a module for interaction with the GIS MapInfo or ObjectLand for maintaining a duty cadastral map. With the help of this module, the connection of graphic and tabular information, the search for graphic objects according to the data in tables and, conversely, the search for tabular information for the selected graphic object, the input and editing of graphic data are carried out.

The DCC module allows:

work with DCC only in the composition established by regulatory documents;

use the terminology established by regulatory documents when working with DCC;

perform on DCC objects only those operations that are necessary for maintaining SCL (formation of accounting objects,

carrying out their graphical representation or DCC, linking semantic data with them, printing SLC documents containing plans for accounting objects); use semantic data associated with objects DCC, to determine the possibility of performing operations on these objects; to search for DCC graphic objects using data in the SDB and, conversely, search in the SDB for information on the selected DCC graphic object.

When maintaining the DCC module, the concept of “logical DCC” is used, which means a virtual card that is not associated with any specific medium (hard, electronic, etc.) that meets the set of requirements established by the regulations for the composition of information displayed on the DCC during the process its creation and use in a regulated manner.

The logical map contains objects of various types - quarters, plots, buildings, etc. A set of logical layers forms a logical DCC.

The objects of a logical map are characterized by a status. Status is a characteristic of an object that defines its state and the set of operations allowed for the object. For example, a land plot being formed, accounted for, registered, etc. Therefore, logical layers whose objects differ in status contain as many logical types as they can have statuses. Logical layers whose objects do not differ in status contain objects of the only logical type that matches the given logical layer.

A logical map can be implemented as an electronic map in various ways in different GIS (physical electronic DCC).

The DCC module works only with the logical cadastral map. However, since the logical map is an ideal, imaginary map, it must be compared with some physical card, i.e. the DCC module needs to be configured. An arbitrary map of the GIS ObjectLand is configured to be used as a DCC by specifying the correspondence between the logical layers and types of physical ones present on the real map. There can be an arbitrary number of physical types in the physical layer, but the correspondence is established according to the scheme one logical type - one physical.

The module provides the user with its capabilities through two main windows; the main window of the DCC module (the "Maintain DCC") and the map view window (Window "Cadastral map editor"),

VPK EGRZ provides for a multi-user mode of operation, additional protection of the database of the PC EGRZ from destruction during power failures.

The module allows you to carry out cadastral registration in accordance with the type of application according to standard schemes prescribed by the system administrator.

When creating an application, you must specify the technological procedure that corresponds to the case on the application. The technological procedure contains technological operations - the stages of the execution of the case on the application. After specifying the compliance of the case for the application with the technological procedure, the multiple attribute of the application "Technological operations" contains all the actual operations of the selected technological procedure.

In each technological operation of the execution of a case on an application, it is possible:

transitions (results, completion codes) indicating the next operation;

actions and checks (operations, calling the modules of the complex to perform certain actions) that can and / or must be performed within the framework of this technological operation. individuals (citizens), legal entities (enterprises and organizations) and authorities (Fig. 8.9).

The layout of the USRZ PC components is shown in Figure 8.8. On the server (or administrator workstation - A workstation) the USRZ PC database is installed - a semantic database and a general GDB (About GDB). In the GDB, for each user of the LARM, topics should be built, including independent non-overlapping sections of the territory.

The recommended scheme for placing the components of the DB of the USRZ PC in the AWP network in terms of its use ensures the simultaneous introduction of graphics into the SDB; Simultaneous entry According to the purpose, the following groups of documents are distinguished: title, title, identity, confirming authority (for example, powers of attorney), applications, extracts from the USRZ, USRR, internal orders of the head of the enterprise, divisions, boundary cases, cadastral zoning materials, maps of the reference boundary network .

The "Classifier" module ensures the unambiguity and non-redundancy of reference information in the database of the USRZ PC (Fig. 8.11), the basis of which is the Classifier System for the purposes of maintaining the state land cadastre, approved by order of the State Land Committee of the Russian Federation of November 22, 1999

The information objects with which this module operates are: individuals, legal entities, authorities, banks. To meet the requirements for the integrity and security of the USRZ SC database, the subject of law has a current state (status), which determines the set of operations allowed for this subject of law.

The statuses of individuals and legal entities, authorities can have three meanings: "New", "Actual" and "Archive".

Subjects of law have numerous attributes: name, address, TIN, certifying documents, address, telephone, current accounts, etc.

The "Documents" module is used to view, enter and modify data on documents that serve as the basis for the emergence, liquidation and change of ownership rights and other attributes of the objects of registration of the GRZ KR. For example, in the program module "Land Plots" title documents are the basis for the emergence and elimination of a record about a land plot, changing property rights, establishing a category of land and permitted use.

The main window of the module (Fig. 8.10) has many features in common with the windows of other modules that are part of the USRZ PC.

According to the composition, simple documents and composite documents are distinguished, that is, containing other documents (for example, boundary case, cadastral case, cadastral zoning case).

The "Query Library" module is designed to build and execute SQL queries to the USRZ PC database (Fig. 8.12). The module provides the ability to view the results of data selection in a screen form, as well as export the query result to external formats (MS Word, MS Excel).

Information on requests executed in the module is given in Table 8.2.

The "Administrator" module is designed to generate a list of USRZ PC users, as well as assign user rights for access to data and operations of each USRZ PC module. The USRZ PC is protected from unauthorized access. The administration module makes it possible to assign different rights to users to perform actions within the complex. Information about user actions is logged in the system log.

The user interface of the complex. To launch the application PEKGRZ, select the item PEKGRZ in the program group of the same name in the Windows Start menu. The windows of those PKEGRZ program modules that were active at the moment of closing the complex are opened on the screen. For example, if the program module "Land plots" was launched at the moment of closing the complex, then the window of this particular module opens at the next launch (see Fig. 8.6).

The windows of the software modules that are part of the USRZ PC have much in common. In each such window, several parts can be distinguished.

Window Title is used to move, minimize, maximize, and close the window.

Menu serves to provide access to module commands.

Command bar is designed to launch the software modules that are part of the USRZ PC, as well as for quick access to the most commonly used module commands and, as a rule, contains three groups of buttons (panels): the launch panel, the operation panel and the toolbar. This panel only displays buttons that correspond to operations that the current user has permission to perform.

Object panel contains a list of information object types available in this module and unique information object identifiers. For example, for cadastral quarters, land plots or real estate objects, this will be their cadastral numbers. The appearance of the panel resembles the Windows Explorer program with a hierarchical representation of the objects displayed in the window.

attribute panel, usually consists of several pages X) tabbed. The panel pages display the attribute values ​​of the object selected in the object panel. If an infoobject type is selected in the object panel, this panel is empty. Status bar contains information about the status of the information object selected in the object panel.

It is also possible that the object has a multiple attribute value, for example, a land plot has a list of encumbrances (restrictions) that a land plot has as the value of the Encumbrances attribute.

In each object panel, one of the entries is current. The unelia string corresponding to current record, highlighted in color. Launchpad(Fig. 8.13) is used to launch the software modules that are part of the USRZ PC (in order): “Administrative-territorial division *; "Address prefixes"; "Subjects of law"; "The documents"; "Cadastral division"; "Land plots"; "Administrator"; "Cadastral registration"; "Territorial zones"; "DCC Module"; "Library of requests"; "classifiers".

Access to these modules from this panel is possible only if the user has the right to open the corresponding module for the current user. If the user does not have the right to launch a particular module, then the panel does not contain the corresponding button.

Buttons toolbar(Fig. 8.14) are used to execute the following commands (in order): select; cancel; update; seal; change area.

Buttons action bar(Fig. 8.15) are designed to perform the following operations (in order): add; delete; change; change current information; register (approve); liquidate; rollback status change; update boundary information; take into account; open a subsection for a previously recorded land plot.

Since the listed commands are not applicable to all information objects, some information objects may not have some of these commands.

Most operations are performed using wizards - a window containing several pages, each of which corresponds to the next execution of certain actions necessary to complete the operation as a whole. Buttons are available on each page of the wizard: "Back", "Forward", "OK", "Cancel*", "Help".

The wizard pages contain input fields, some of which are required. The names of the required fields are marked on the wizard page with the highlight color set in the complex settings. When a required field is filled, the highlighting is removed.

The selection window is designed to select an element from classifiers or user directories with the possibility of subsequent transfer of a link to this element or its value.

The selection window is opened by pressing the button «Select* th| from the wizard for performing a particular cadastral operation.

The appearance of the window practically does not differ from the main window of the corresponding module (for example, the “Classifiers” program module). This window provides the ability to perform various operations on information objects (for example, adding, changing, deleting), to which the current user has rights (see Fig. 8.5),

After selecting the required object in the object panel of the window, double-click the left mouse button on this object or the toolbar button [D. If you need to close the window without selecting an object, then you should use the BR button on the toolbar or one of the standard ways to close the window.

The EGRZ PC provides the ability to perform a quick search in the object panel for all software modules of the EGRZ PC. To do this, a sequence of characters is entered from the keyboard. If the entered sequence matches the initial characters of any of the lines in the information object panel, this line becomes the current one. The entered search value is displayed in the status bar of the POU window. The quick search value is reinitialized by any movement in the information objects panel. Queries are another way to organize a search.

Question50 GIS and ecology

Under the conditions of increasing anthropogenic impact on the environment, the task of analyzing and assessing the state of the components of the environment is particularly acute. The situation is aggravated by the inadequate response of various ecosystems and landscapes to the inflow of products of human activity. The existing traditional methods for analyzing the ecological situation (statistical, simulation modeling) under the conditions of synergy of numerous environmental factors often do not give the desired effect or cause great technical difficulties in their implementation.

The use of an information approach based on new information technologies (geoinformation and expert systems) allows not only to quantitatively describe the processes occurring in complex ecosystems and geosystems, but also, by modeling the mechanisms of these processes, to scientifically substantiate methods for assessing the state of various components of the natural environment.

The most urgent tasks in this area include, first of all, the task of creating a new and/or adapting

software existing in other areas of knowledge (geoinformation, information-advising and expert systems), which allows processing huge information flows, assessing the real state of ecosystems and, on this basis, calculating the best options for acceptable anthropogenic impact on the environment for the purpose of rational nature management.

Analysis of environmental information includes | Yu.A. Israel, 1984]:

Analysis of the effects of the impact of various factors on the environment (identification of critical impact factors and the most sensitive elements of the biosphere);

Determination of permissible environmental impacts and loads on the components of the environment, taking into account the complex and combined impact on the ecosystem;

Determination of permissible loads on the region from ecological and economic positions.

Stages of informational analysis of environmental information include the following stages:

1) collection of information on the state of the environment: expeditionary research; stationary studies;

aerovisual observations; remote sensing; space and aerial photography; thematic mapping; hydrometeorological observations; monitoring system; literary, fund and archival data;

2) primary processing and structuring:

information encoding; conversion to machine form; digitization of cartographic material; image processing; data structuring; bringing data to a standard format;

3) database filling and statistical analysis: choice of logical data organization; database filling and editing; interpolation and extrapolation of missing data; statistical data processing; analysis of patterns in data behavior, identification of trends and confidence intervals;

4) modeling the behavior of ecosystems;

the use of increasingly complex models; variation in boundary conditions; imitation of the behavior of ecosystems under single impacts; cartographic modeling; study of response ranges under various influences;

5) expert evaluation:

assessment of ranges of changes in impacts on ecosystems; assessment of the behavior of ecosystems under various impacts according to the “weak link” principle;

6) uncertainty analysis:

input data; model parameters; simulation results; values ​​of expert assessments;

7) identification of patterns and forecasting of environmental consequences:

development of possible scenarios for the behavior of ecosystems; predicting the behavior of ecosystems; evaluation of the results of various scenarios;

8) making decisions to limit the impact on the environment:

development of "sparing" (saving) strategies for reducing environmental impacts; substantiation of the chosen decisions (environmental and socio-economic).

Expert modeling geoinformation system (EM GIS) is a combination of a common user interface of a conventional GIS with an expert system shell and a block of mathematical modeling.

kriti h heavy loads (CL) on ecosystems is “the maximum deposition of acidifying compounds that does not cause adverse effects on the structure and functions of these ecosystems over a long period.” Critical loads are an indicator of the sustainability of ecosystems. They provide the value of the maximum "permissible" load of the pollutant, at which practically does not destroy the biogeochemical structure of the ecosystem. The susceptibility of an ecosystem to, for example, acid deposition can be determined by measuring or evaluating certain physical or chemical parameters of the ecosystem; in this way the level of acid deposition can be identified which has no or very little effect on this sensitivity.

Currently, environmental GIS are complex information systems, including a powerful operating system, user interface, database management systems and display of environmental information. The requirements for an ecological GIS are consonant with the requirements for an ideal GIS proposed in the work

1) the possibility of processing arrays of component-by-component heterogeneous spatially coordinated information;

2) the ability to maintain databases for a wide class of geographical objects;

3) the possibility of an interactive mode of operation of the user;

4) flexible system configuration, the ability to quickly configure the system to solve a variety of tasks;

5) the ability to "perceive" and process the spatial features of geoecological situations. Of great importance is the ability of modern GIS to transform the available environmental information using various models (the ability to synthesize).

The fundamental difference between GIS and ecological databases lies in their spatial ™ due to the use of a cartographic basis [VKh.Davydchuk et al., 1988]. Therefore, in the tasks of assessing the state of the natural environment, it is necessary to transfer using GIS from the biogeoienotic level of consideration of the problem to the landscape one. At the same time, as basics GIS uses a landscape map, according to which a series of partial maps is built in an automated mode, characterizing the main components of the landscape. It should be emphasized that ecological mapping is not limited to component-by-component mapping of the natural organization of the region and the distribution of anthropogenic load. It should also not be thought that ecological mapping is a set of maps on the values ​​of LDK of various pollutants. Ecological mapping is primarily understood as a way to visualize the results of environmental expertise, performed on qualitatively new approaches. Therefore, the synthesizing role of this way of presenting information is very important.

The use of GIS technologies in ecology implies the widespread use of various types of models (primarily those with an ecological focus). Since ecological mapping of the natural environment is based on the idea of ​​the biogeochemical foundations of the migration of pollutants in natural environments, when creating a GIS for these purposes, along with ecological models, it is necessary to build models based on the principles and approaches of geographical sciences (hydrology, meteorology, landscape geochemistry, etc.). ). Thus, the modeling part of GIS is developing in two directions:

1) mathematical models of the dynamics of the processes of matter migration;

2) algorithms for automated presentation of model results in the form of thematic maps. As an example of models of the first group, we note models of surface runoff and runoff, infiltration recharge of groundwater, channel processes, etc. Typical representatives of the second group are algorithms for constructing contours, calculating areas and determining distances.

Using the described methodology, we developed the concept of ecological GIS, which was tested at two scale levels: local and regional. The first was used to process and visualize information stored in the environmental monitoring data bank for the Moscow region. It served BASIC DEVELOPER*

then a secret expert modeling GIS to determine the parameters of an environmentally acceptable impact on the agricultural landscapes of the Moscow Region.

The work of ecological GIS at the regional level was demonstrated at mapping critical loads of sulfur and nitrogen on the ecosystems of the European part of Russia and assessing the resistance of ecosystems and landscapes in Thailand to acid deposition.

The task of quantitative assessment of environmental factors in the analysis of environmental monitoring materials has the following features:

1) Preferably information that is areal in nature (polygons and related attributes). Information associated with point features is used as a guide;

2) it is necessary to evaluate the errors of the stored data. Along with relatively accurate cartographic data, there are results of measurements at various points (often on a ners-gular grid), the values ​​of which are not accurate;

3) both exact mathematical models are applicable, which make it possible to make predictions based on the solution of grid equations, as well as fuzzy expert rules built on a probabilistic basis;

4) it is not known how many thematic attributes a specialist expert will need to perform factor assessments. You may not need all the information stored in the database, but instead, it is preferable increase query execution speed;

5) database queries in mainly of two types (give a list of attributes that characterize a given point on the map; highlight areas on the map that have the necessary properties).

Based on these features, a modular system was developed, the core of which was a cartographic database. An interface was provided that allows both a specialist user and an expert modeling superstructure to work with the system. The latter is necessary for two reasons. Firstly, in order to use spatial information to model the processes of pollutant transfer (pollutants) using models that are not directly included in the developed system. Secondly, to use expert assessments that compensate for the incompleteness, inaccuracy and inconsistency of the results of environmental monitoring. The device of the developed logical model for the cartographic database is characterized by the following features,

1. Any map can be represented as a package of transparent sheets, each of which has the same grid reference. Each of these sheets is divided according to one of the mapped features. One sheet shows, for example, only soil types, another only rivers, and so on. Each of these sheets in the database corresponds to a class of data aggregates, where each object of this class describes one specific area with an attribute assigned to it. So the way the database at the top level is a tree whose top nodes represent classes and the bottom nodes represent specific class objects. At any time, one or more data aggregate classes can be added to or removed from the database. From the point of view of the model - to insert or pull out of the package one or more sheets.

2. The database responds to both types of required queries. The request types are easy to visualize using the transparent sheet package illustration. Point attribute query matches "piercing" package in the required place and considering where each sheet is pierced. The interpretation of the second type of request is also obvious. The peculiarity is that the result of executing the request to find regions is a full class, i.e. another transparent sheet of a package of sheets forming a map. it mine* The property allows expert add-ons to process Kapi layers obtained after the execution of a query, in the same way as simple layers.

3. Information about spot measurements is stored in the database in the form of relations "coordinates -attribute", but when used in a specific application is converted to a polygonal form by interpolation, for example, based on on the Voronoi mosaics.

4. Information about strictly point objects - triangulation signs, wells, etc. stored in data aggregates with a fixed number of possible thematic attributes.

5. Line objects are stored as a network with a description of the network topology.

Thus, the database is focused primarily on the economical storage and efficient processing of data of the nature polygons(areas). Since each leaf is mapped by only one attribute, it is divided into rather large sections, which speeds up the execution of queries of the first type, which are typical for numerical simulation on a grid.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the input of cards. Digitization of maps with a digitizer gives very high accuracy and is the most common method in environmental research to date. However, this method requires significant time and money costs. Recent practice convinces us that it is more convenient to use a scanner for digitization purposes. Pictures received from the scanner are digitized using the mouse cursor on the computer screen. This method allows:

Allow the end user to determine the required accuracy of digitizing images, since a high-resolution scanner allows you to display a highly enlarged image of a digitized image on the screen, which makes it possible to provide almost the same accuracy as when making a card; - reduce the complexity of entering an image associated with the need to remember , how much of the image has already been digitized.

Environmental information should be structured like this. to make it convenient to use both for the analysis of the current ecological situation, and for making decisions and issuing recommendations on the implementation of these decisions for the purpose of rational nature management. Structured information forms the basis of information support, which is integrative and consists of the following blocks:

Data block of the natural organization of the territory, containing information on the soil-geological, hydrochemical, hydrogeological, and plant characteristics of the territory, local climate, as well as an assessment of the factors of landscape self-purification;

Data block on technogenic flows in the region, their sources and kah, the nature of interaction with transit and depositing media;

A block of regulatory information containing a set of environmental, environmental and technical, sanitary and hygienic standards, and as well as standards for the placement of polluting industries in natural systems.

These blocks form the framework of the regional data bank necessary for making environmentally sound decisions for the rational use of natural resources.

The described blocks of information support, as noted, include dozens and even hundreds of parameters. Therefore, when forming regional GIS, where the number of ecosystem types is hundreds and even thousands, the dimension of information arrays increases dramatically. However, simply increasing the volume of stored data does not create the same difficulties as expanding the thematic content of the data. Because the information in a GIS is stored in a single information environment that implies a commonality of data search and sampling processes, then any inclusion of new thematic data involves restructuring of information, including classification, determination of interdependence, hierarchy, spatio-temporal scale of parameters of various components of ecosystems.

It was noted earlier that ecological databases form the basis of modern GIS, and such databases contain both spatial and thematic information. The multi-purpose purpose of GIS imposes a number of requirements on the methods of building databases. and database management systems. The leading role in the formation of databases is assigned to thematic

cards. Due to the specifics of the tasks being solved and the requirements for the detail of the issues being worked out, the databases are based on medium- and large-scale maps, as well as their thematic content.

The need to solve various problems of environmental regulation and soil-ecological forecasting, including the study of the migration of pollutants in all natural environments, requires the collection and entry into the data bank of information on all components of the natural environment. This is the traditional way of building modern GIS, where all information is stored in separate layers (each layer represents a separate component of the environment or its element). The basis of such GIS is, for example, a relief map [V, V. Bugrovsky et al., 19861, over which a system of maps of individual components (soil, vegetation, etc.) is built on top. At the same time, individual components cannot give a complete picture of the nature of the region. In particular, a simple combination of various component maps does not provide knowledge about the landscape structure of the region. Attempts to build maps of geosystems or landscape maps by combining individual parts of the maps inevitably face the difficulty of interconnecting and coordinating the contour and content parts of individual maps, made, as a rule, on different principles. Naturally, the automation of such a procedure faces a lot of difficulties. Therefore, in order to form databanks in the GIS structure, where the diversity of ecosystems and landscapes plays a decisive role in studying the dynamics of natural processes and phenomena, it is advisable to choose as the basis for the formation of a GIS landscape a territory model that includes blocks for individual components of ecosystems and landscapes (soil, vegetation, etc.).

This approach was used to create a GIS in the Kiev region [V.S. Davydchuk, V.T. Linnik, 1989]. In this case, the GIS landscape block is given the leading role in the GIS organization.

The landscape map complements a number of component maps (lithology, vegetation, etc.). As a result, there is no need to reduce component-by-component maps to a single contour and content basis, and instead of a number of component-by-component maps, only one landscape map is sometimes entered into the data bank, which significantly saves preparatory work on entering the map into a computer and the size of disk memory for digitized data.

A landscape map gives only a general idea of ​​the structure of geosystems and its components. Therefore, depending on the nature of the tasks to be solved, other thematic maps are also used, for example, hydrological, soil. Landscape GIS block in such

cal structure, i.e. all incoming new cartographic information should be "packed" into the structure of the selected contours of ecosystems. This ensures that different exploded maps can be used uniformly.

A special place in the GIS is given to the digital terrain model (CMM). She is basis not only for geodetic control, but also for adjusting the content of the maps used, taking into account the landscape structure of the region. Purpose landscape block consists not only in displaying the component and spatial structure of geosystems, but also in playing the role of an independent source of interconnected information about various natural processes. Thus, on the basis of a landscape map, it is possible to construct various oss night maps for individual components (for example, maps of the influence of vegetation cover on aeolian transport) and integral maps characterizing certain properties of geosystems as a whole (for example, the migration ability of radionuclides in various types landscapes).

The proposed principles for organizing information support made it possible to develop a methodology for assessing critical loads based on the use of expert modeling geowindows systems (EM GIS) for the specific conditions of Russia, where huge spatial patterns are characterized by an insufficient degree of information saturation. Attracting EM GIS, implemented on modern computers, allowed quantitatively implement the methodology in practice. EM GIS can operate with databases and knowledge bases related to areas with a high degree of spatial heterogeneity and uncertainty of information provision. As a rule, such systems include the quantitative assessment of various parameters of the migration flows of the studied elements in selected representative key areas, the development and adaptation of an algorithm that describes these flows and cycles, and the transfer of the patterns obtained to other regions that have similar characteristic features with key areas. Such an approach, of course, requires sufficient cartographic support, for example, maps of soil cover, geochemical and hydrogeochemical zoning, maps and maps of various scales to assess the bioproductivity of ecosystems, their stability, self-cleaning ability, etc. are needed. On the basis of these and other maps, as well as databases formed in key areas, and using expert modeling gsoinformation systems, a correct interpretation is possible for other less studied regions. This approach is most realistic for the specific conditions of Russia, where detailed ecosystem studies have been carried out, as a rule, in key areas, and huge spatial sections are characterized by an insufficient degree of information saturation.

The information contained on the Internet makes it possible to fairly objectively assess the current state of GIS applications in the field of ecology. Many examples are presented on the websites of the Russian GIS Association, DATA+, and numerous websites of Western universities. The main areas of using GIS technologies for solving environmental problems are listed below.

Habitat degradation. GIS is successfully used to create maps of the main parameters of the environment. In the future, when new data are obtained, these maps are used to identify the scale and rate of degradation of flora and fauna. When entering data from remote, in particular satellite, and conventional field observations, they can be used to monitor local and large-scale anthropogenic impacts. It is advisable to overlay data on anthropogenic loads on zoning maps of the territory with selected areas of special interest from the environmental point of view, for example, parks, nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries. An assessment of the state and rate of degradation of the natural environment can also be carried out using test areas identified on all layers of the map.

Pollution. Using GIS, it is convenient to model the impact and spread of pollution from point and non-point (spatial) sources on the ground, in the atmosphere and along the hydrological network. The results of model calculations can be superimposed on natural maps, such as maps of vegetation, or on maps of residential areas and the area. As a result, it is possible to quickly assess the immediate and future consequences of such extreme situations as oil spills and other harmful substances, as well as the impact of permanent point and area pollutants.

Protected areas. Another common area of ​​application for GIS is the collection and management of data on protected areas such as sanctuaries, nature reserves and national parks. Within protected areas, it is possible to carry out full-fledged spatial monitoring of plant communities of valuable and rare species of animals, determine the impact of anthropogenic interventions, such as tourism, laying roads or power lines, and plan and bring to implementation environmental protection measures. It is also possible to perform multi-user tasks - regulation of livestock grazing and forecasting the productivity of land. These GIS tasks are solved on a scientific basis, i.e. solutions are selected that provide the minimum

the level of impact on nature, maintaining the required level of cleanliness of air, water bodies and soils, especially in areas frequently visited by tourists.

unprotected territories. Regional and local government structures widely use the capabilities of GIS to obtain optimal solutions to problems associated with the distribution and controlled use of land resources, resolving conflict situations between the stadelpem and land tenants. It is useful and often necessary to compare the current boundaries of land use areas with land zoning and future plans for their use. GIS also provides the ability to compare land use boundaries with nature's requirements. For example, in some cases it may be necessary to reserve corridors for the migration of wild animals through developed territories between reserves or national parks. Constant collection and updating of data on land use boundaries can be of great help in the development of environmental, including administrative and legislative, measures, monitor their implementation, make timely changes and additions to existing laws and regulations based on basic scientific environmental principles and concepts.

Habitat restoration. YEW is an effective tool for studying the habitat as a whole, individual species of flora and fauna in spatial and temporal aspects. If specific environmental parameters are established that are necessary, for example, for the existence of any type of animal, including the availability of pastures and breeding grounds, the appropriate types and stocks of food resources, water sources, requirements for the cleanliness of the natural environment, then GIS will help you quickly find areas with a suitable combination of parameters, within which the conditions for the existence or restoration of the abundance of this species will be close to optimal. At the stage of adaptation of a relocated species to a new area, GIS is effective for monitoring the immediate and long-term consequences of the measures taken, assessing their success, identifying problems and finding ways to overcome them.

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