The name of the theatrical activity project. Information support of the project




Project on theatrical activities in the preschool educational institution

Relevance: The most popular and exciting direction in preschool education is theatrical activity. From the point of view of pedagogical attractiveness, we can talk about the universality, playful nature and social orientation, as well as the correctional possibilities of the theater.

Exactly theatrical activityallows you to solve many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of the child's speech, intellectual and artistic and aesthetic education. By participating in theatrical games, children become participants in various events from the life of people, animals, plants, which gives them the opportunity to learn more deeply the world. Simultaneouslytheatrical play instills in the child a steady interest in native culture, literature, theater.

The educational value of theatrical games is also enormous. Children develop respect for each other. They learn the joy associated with overcoming the difficulties of communication, self-doubt. Children's enthusiasm for theatrical play, their inner comfort, looseness, easy, non-authoritarian communication between an adult and a child, the “I can’t” complex that disappears almost immediately - all this surprises and attracts.

Project relevancedue to the fact that insufficient attention of parents and children to the theater; children's skills in "acting skills" are poorly formed; not enough theatrical costumes and masks in the group.

Objective of the project: Formation in children and parents of interest in the theater and joint theatrical activities; replenishment of the theater with inventory and props with the help of parents (costumes, masks, screen); enrichment of the developing environment.


1. Awaken the interest of children and parents in the theater;

2. To instill in children primary skills in the field of theatrical art (use of facial expressions, gestures, voices, puppetry);

3. To interest parents in enrichment, making different types of theater with their own hands and give information about how to play at home and by children;

4. Develop the ability to improvise, speech activity of children.

Project participants:

Employees of the preschool educational institution (educators)

Children preschool age


Implementation timeline: October - March 2016/17 academic year.

Project Implementation Plan:

Preparatory stage

1) Poll of parents “Do you play theater with your child at home?”

Implementation period: October

Responsible: Educators

Result: Visual information for parents: folder "Theater for all".

2) Study of children "Independent theatrical activities of children in kindergarten."

Implementation period: October - November

Responsible: Educators

Result: Definition of goals and objectives.

3) Project development in a group.

Implementation period: October

Responsible: Educators

Result: The Theater for All project.

4) Individual conversations consultations with parentsto identify their interest in replenishing the theater corner, their abilities in a particular area of ​​needlework and opportunities.

Implementation period: in tech. of the year

Responsible: Educators

Result: Competition of theatrical corners (January 2017)

main stage

1) Distribution of tasks between parents(sew costumes, knit masks, fill up the corner with various theaters: table, finger, puppet).

Implementation period: in tech. of the year

Result: Schemes, sketches. Master class on manufacturing.

2) Viewing musical puppet shows (1 time per quarter).

3) Watching performances of the Ivanovo Puppet Theater(1 time per quarter).

Implementation period: in tech. of the year

Result: Encouragement of children's interest in theatrical activities.

4) Active use in joint activities with children of various types of theater.

5) Playing out sketches, nursery rhymes, fairy tales in individual and collective work.

Implementation period: February - in tech. of the year

Responsible: Educators.

6) Creation of a play environment for independent theatrical activities of children in kindergarten.

Implementation period: in tech. of the year

Responsible: Educators, senior teacher.

Result: Acquisition of skills by children in the use of theatrical attributes (tickets, masks, equipment)

7) Rehearsals of performanceswith children for further display in music hall for real viewers: children, parents, teachers.

Implementation period: March

Responsible: Educators, music director.

Result: The acquisition of primary skills in the field of theatrical art by children.

8) Conducting an excursion to the Ivanovo Puppet Theater with a visit to the artist's dressing room, stage, hall, dressing room, lobby, warehouse, workshop, museum, etc.

Implementation period: in tech. of the year

Responsible: Educators, parents.

Result: Encouragement of children's interest in theatrical art through visualization and experiment.

The final stage

1) Showing the play "Zayushkina hut".

Implementation period: March

Responsible: Educators.

Result: Development of the ability to improvise, speech activity of children.

3) Updating the subject-developing environment, theatrical corner.

Implementation period: March

Responsible: Educators, parents.

Result: Acquisition of a screen, corner "Russian hut", folk costumes, various types theaters and masks.

Expected Result:

1. Participation in the project of 80% of the families of the group;

2. Acquaintance of parents and children with the history of the theater, its types, methods of making and playing;

3. Acquisition and production of theaters by parents for further use;

4. Passionate use theater center children in a group in independent activities and good indicators of "acting skills" for children;

5. Development of the emotional background and speech of PRESCHOOL CHILDREN.

"Magic World of Theater"


In the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, in the context of building the educational process in the preschool educational institution mainly on the principles of individualization, the question arises of the need to use various types of activities for the development of a preschooler in all five educational areas. Theatrical activity presents huge opportunities for solving these problems. It can be seen from practice that the most popular and fascinating direction in preschool education is theatrical activity, which is based on game etiology. From the point of view of pedagogical attractiveness, we can talk about the universality, playful nature and social orientation of the theater.

It is theatrical activity that allows solving many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of the child's speech, intellectual and artistic and aesthetic education. By participating in theatrical games, children become participants in various events from the life of people, animals, plants, allowing the child to get to know the world around him more deeply, introducing him to his native culture, literature, theater.

The educational value of theatrical games is also enormous. Children develop respect for each other. They learn the joy associated with overcoming difficulties in communication, self-doubt. The passion of preschoolers for theatrical play, their inner comfort, looseness, easy, non-authoritarian communication between an adult and a child - all this surprises and attracts.

The relevance of the project is due to the insufficient attention of teachers and parents to the art of the theater, the poorly formed playing skills of preschoolers, the desire to make the educational process in a preschool institution multifaceted, interesting and exciting, contributing to the solution of all pedagogical tasks presented in modern regulatory documents.

The purpose of the project: to promote the formation of the necessary personal qualities in a child of preschool age by introducing him to theatrical activities.


To expand the ideas of pupils about the theater, its types, attributes, costumes, scenery;

Create conditions for organizing joint theatrical activities of children and adults, contributing to the convergence of all participants in the educational process;

Contribute to the development of communication skills of pupils;

To develop emotionality and expressiveness of speech in preschoolers;

To form pupils' primary skills in the field of theatrical art (use of facial expressions, gestures, voice);

Contribute to the formation of aesthetic taste for preschoolers;

Contribute to the creation of a unified educational space "Kindergarten - family".


The principle of organizing personality-oriented interaction, taking into account individual capabilities - acceptance and support of the individuality, interests and needs of pupils, development of their creative abilities, care for emotional well-being;

The principle of integration - the content of theatrical games are interconnected with other sections of the main educational program;

The principle of coordination of the activities of teachers;

The principle of age targeting - the content of the activity is built taking into account the age of the pupils;

The principle of continuity of interaction with the child in the conditions of kindergarten and family.

Project participants: pupils of all age groups, teachers, parents, social environment.

Project type - creative

Implementation period - February-March 2015.

Project stages:

  1. Preparatory stage
  2. main stage
  3. The final stage.

Project Implementation Plan

  1. Preparatory stage:

Questioning of parents, teachers;

Conducting pedagogical diagnostics of the formation of skills in theatrical activities;

Planning of major events.

2. Main stage.

Work with pupils



Time spending


"Theatrical alphabet"

Conversation about the theater, about the professions of theater workers

Reading fairy tales, fiction

Examination of illustrations about the theater





Conversation with the presentation "Theater etiquette"




Art. educator, educators, musicians supervisor

Quiz "Theatrical Professions"



Quiz "Heroes of fairy tales"




Visiting an exhibition of books in the children's library



during the project

Art. educator, educators

"Theatrical Kaleidoscope"

Joint activities in the production of scenery, attributes, props for performances and dramatizations

Educational activity "Make a fairy tale" for the manufacture of toys from paper, cardboard, clay, etc.

Preparation for dramatization: learning roles, selection and preparation of costumes and scenery (making theater posters and tickets).

Individual work with children in preparation for the dramatization of fairy tales, the development of intonational expressiveness, pantomime.

Showing the theater by each group to younger pupils

all groups

during the project

Educators, parents

Sketches with table dolls "Geese", "Grandfather in the morning", "Goat", "Hare";

Exercise for attention and memory "Consider and tell", "compose a fairy tale";

Studies on the expressiveness of the gesture “Bayu-bai”, “Magpie-magpie”, “We are walking through the snowdrifts”, “Guests”, “A horned goat is walking”;

Cone Theater "Three Bears", "Wolf and Seven Kids", "Masha and the Bear", "Cat Rooster and Fox"

A set of games for the development of speech "Our ducks in the morning ..."


During the project


Exercises for attention and memory: "Check yourself", "Who came?", "Remember the toy";

Exercises for the development of imagination: “Suppose that ...”, “Flying carpet”, “Walk in the forest”;

Studies on the expressiveness of the gesture: “The planes roared”, “Oh, oh, what a thunder”;

Puppet shows: theater of spoons "Gingerbread Man", riding puppets on gapit "Teremok", "Like a dog was looking for a friend", "Goat - dereza", "Two greedy bear cubs"

A complex of folk games for the development of speech "Geese-geese ..."


during the project


Puppet Theatre: “A cockerel is coming”, “Our goat is a dragonfly”, “Hare is a brag”;

Theater with a "live hand";

Exercise in managing puppets;

Exercises for the development of attention: "We will not be bored", "Be attentive", "Compose a fairy tale";

Memory development exercise "Artist";

Etudes for the expression of basic emotions: “Egorushka-Egor”, “Hare, Hare, what are you doing?”

A complex of games for the development of correct speech "Fairytaleland"


during the project

Educators, speech therapist

Sketches with reed puppets: “The wind blows in our face”, “Grandma has a goat”, “Alenushka and the fox”;

Etude exercise on the imagination "Listen to the sounds";

Etude training for thinking: “A friend fell ill”, “Our orchestra”;

Performances with the participation of dolls with a "live hand": "Matryoshka doll", "Masha and Pasha"

Complex of games "Developing speech by playing"

preparatory group

during the project

Educator, teacher-speech therapist

Theatrical performance "Maslenitsa"

February March

music director, teachers

Competition of works "Theatrical palette" (children, educators and parents)


during the project

Educators, St. educator

"Week of theater"

Showing theatrical performances with the participation of children of all age groups and parents (final event)



Music director, educators

Working with teachers


Time spending


Experience exchange "Folk outdoor game in the cognitive and motor development of preschoolers


Art. educator

Thematic control "Organization of theatrical activities in kindergarten"

in tech. project

Art. educator, musician supervisor

Review-competition of theatrical corners


Art. educator, musician, leader

Training for teachers"The Art of Understanding"


Art. educator

Theater visit

during the project


Construction of snow figures according to fairy tales

during the project


Working with parents



Time spending


Questionnaire "Theater and children"



Group parent meetings


during the project


Visual information "The development of mental processes in children early age through theatrical activities"


during the project

teacher-psychologist, musician supervisor

Competition "Theatrical palette"


during the project


Placing material on the DOW website


during the project

Art. educator

Organization of the photo gallery "To the theater with the whole family"


during the project


Visual information "Children and theater"


during the project


3. The final stage.


Publication of reports on the work on the DOW website

Theater for children is Wonderland where fantasies become reality, objects come to life, and good always triumphs over evil. All this is a kind of game that is an integral part of the life of a preschooler. Theatrical activity has a huge impact on the child. emotional impact, awaken his imagination, activity. Middle preschool age is a wonderful time for developing creative talents. Kids of the fifth year of life are happy to try on various roles, imbued with the experiences of fictional characters, while liberating themselves and comprehending the nature of human relationships.

Methodology and organization of theatrical activities in the middle group of kindergarten

Theatrical activity remains important component pedagogical process in the middle preschool level. Such classes are most often held as part of the subject "development of speech" (for example, once every three to four weeks) or taken out in circle work.

Tasks and methods of theatricalization in preschool educational institutions

Theatrical classes solve many problems, contributing, above all, to the harmonious development of the child.

Educational tasks:

  1. The basic foundations of theatrical culture. The children get acquainted with theatrical terminology, varieties of theatrical art, learn how to behave correctly while in the theater.
  2. Theatrical game. Preschoolers improve their ability to navigate stage space, move around the site, build a dialogue with a partner in staging on a specific topic and memorize the words of the characters of a theatrical sketch.
  3. Work on the play. The children develop the skills of manipulating imaginary objects. The children learn to embody specific feelings, experiences in the game, to create a certain image through intonation, facial expressions and pantomime.
  4. Rhythmoplasty. Preschoolers learn to respond to a musical signal or command, while acting in concert, memorizing various poses and conveying them figuratively.
  5. Speech culture. Children develop speech breathing, correct articulation, clear diction, develop the ability to change intonation, compose short stories and fairy tales, and find elementary rhymes.

Development tasks:

  1. Theatrical activity instills in the children the skills of public speaking.
  2. In children, the dictionary is activated, the vocabulary is enriched, the intonation structure is improved, and dialogic speech develops.

Educational tasks:

  1. rises common culture child, there is an introduction to spiritual values.
  2. Theatrical activity brings up independence, artistry, creativity ability to communicate with peers and adults.

Organizing theatrical activities in middle preschool age, the teacher relies on certain techniques:

  1. Verbal: reading short stories and stories (which are then transformed into the script of the play), conversations with kids, appeal to their personal experience, competition of readers.
  2. Visual: joint examination of costumes, scenery for specific performances, watching theatrical performances in kindergarten (they are organized by teachers or professional actors are invited).
  3. Practical: this includes dramatization games, playing short sketches, drawing episodes from specific fairy tales and stories, making decorations, attributes, masks and other costume elements with your own hands.

Photo gallery: methods of work in the middle group for teaching theatrical activities

Watching theatrical performances makes kids want to play their own performance The initial stage is to get acquainted with the scenario of the future performance Preschoolers themselves play a small performance

Types of theatrical activities in the middle preschool level

Theatrical activities in the middle preschool level can be divided into two key groups: dramatization games (drama theater) and director's games. In the first case, preschoolers themselves become the actors of the performance: they put on costumes, play the roles of characters, conveying their movements and experiences with the help of intonation, facial expressions and pantomime.

Variety drama theater is the theater of masks, which also takes place in the middle group. According to the size of the child's head, the teacher makes hats-masks. They can be sewn or knitted, you can also use a cardboard image, which is fixed around the head with an elastic band.

With the help of costumes, masks or hats, kids transform into fairy-tale characters

During the director's game, the child only creates a scene by controlling a toy hero - three-dimensional or flat. In this regard, there are the following types theatre:

  1. Desktop. These are manipulations with the most common toys (matryoshka dolls, animal figurines, etc.), while the stage platform is a children's table. The content of such performances is usually chosen to be extremely simple, there are no intricate movements and actions. The teacher may well come up with a small plot himself.
  2. conical. It is a kind of desktop. The characters are made from paper cones.
  3. Theater on flannelgraph (or magnetic board). Kids are usually carried away by the very process of the game action: after all, the pictures do not fall, but seem to be glued to the board, as if magical. The teacher can easily make many characters for such performances: the image can be drawn or cut out of postcards, magazines, old books. The picture is pasted on thin cardboard, on the reverse side of which a flannel is pasted. If the sketch is played out on a magnetic board, then the teacher uses small magnets that are invisible in color to attach the heroes.
  4. Shadow. This is great fun for kids who enjoy watching human and animal figures move across a brightly lit screen. The teacher wraps a wooden frame-screen with a thin white cloth, cuts out the figures of characters from loose cardboard and paints them black (while parts of the body can be movable, for example, the head, arms and legs) by using threads or wire. When showing a performance, the figures are tightly pressed against the material, and a light source is located behind. It is desirable that the audience does not see the hand of the puppeteer: for this, each figure is equipped with an additional element, for which it is convenient to hold it.
  5. Bibabo (or Petrushki Theatre). It is a set of dolls that are put on hands like a glove. Such characters are sold in children's stores, if desired, they can be made independently. The simplest doll consists of a body-shirt, head and handles. The head can be borrowed from an old doll, rubber toy or make it from plasticine, papier-mâché, a plastic ball, indicating the appropriate details. The body-shirt is sewn according to the size of the child's hand. During the demonstration of the etude, the head is mounted on forefinger, and the hands (or paws of the animal) - on large and medium. At the same time, the stage of the bibabo theater is a screen on which the scenery is placed. Little puppeteers are behind the screen and control the pupae. Such a theater usually causes delight and a sea of ​​vivid emotions in kids.
  6. Finger. These are small dolls sewn from material, knitted from yarn or glued from paper. The face is made out with the help of buttons, beads, beads, threads, etc. Children put toys on their fingers and show a play with the help of a screen.
  7. Mittens Theatre. It is based on the use of unnecessary children's mittens, to which eyes, ears, mouth, hair and other details are sewn. Alternatively, a mitten can be cut out of paper and then glued. Children are very fond of making such dolls, coloring them with pencils, gouache, felt-tip pens, decorating with appliqué. Such mittens, by the way, may include part of the scenery, for example, grass or trees.

Photo gallery: varieties of puppet theater in the middle group

The characters of the bibabo theater are put on their hands like a glove. An ordinary mitten can be transformed into fairy tale character In the cone theater, the characters are paper cones. For the tabletop theater, the stage is an ordinary table. Small puppets are put on the fingers and a game action is played with the help of a screen. To create a shadow theater, black figures and a white screen are needed. Flat characters are attached to flannelgraph.

The performances staged by the kids turn out to be brighter and more interesting if they are accompanied by musical accompaniment. The music director can play along with the children on the piano, or the teacher selects suitable audio recordings. Thus, theatrical activity in the preschool educational institution is closely connected with the musical one.

Theatrical corner in the group room

In the developing environment of the middle group, a theatrical corner must certainly be designed, where a variety of types of theater, scenery and costumes, caps-masks and various theatrical props (tickets, box office, posters, etc.) are presented. With all these paraphernalia, free time Toddlers can develop their acting skills by acting out small performances, imagining themselves as different characters.

In the theatrical corner, children can independently act out performances using various puppets, scenery, costumes.

Conducting classes in theatricalization in the middle group

In order for the work on the development of the creative abilities of children by means of theatrical activities to be effective, it is necessary to conduct it systematically and systematically, taking into account the age, psychological and individual characteristics of the kids.

Individual approach in class

In the theatrical activity special meaning acquires individual approach. The teacher must create such conditions that each preschooler has the opportunity to reveal their abilities. For these purposes, the following methods are used:

  1. Choice of a role at will (according to character of the child).
  2. Assigning timid and shy kids to key roles (this will allow them to overcome their fears, become more confident in themselves and increase self-esteem).
  3. Playing dialogues in pairs.
  4. If a child has problems with speech (many children of the fifth year of life still speak poorly, especially boys), then you need to choose a role for him, where the main effect is based on facial expressions and pantomime.
  5. If a preschooler remembers well large volume text, then you need to give him roles with a lot of words.
  6. Some children need to be given time to manipulate the toy before acting out the play (perhaps the baby will want to talk to it).

Some children in the dramatization class need to pay special attention

Motivating beginning of theatrical activity

Theatrical activity in the middle group is in itself a very exciting activity for children, especially if the teacher comes up with an intriguing motivation for it.

For example, the teacher shows the kids a beautiful chest - she found it on the way to kindergarten. There are characters from the fairy tale (it can be "Teremok" or "Gingerbread Man", "Ryaba Hen" or "Zayushkina's hut", etc.). To open the chest, the children must solve riddles.

In a beautiful chest are the heroes of a fairy tale

Another option for starting a lesson is for the teacher to hold a ball of thread in his hands. It is not simple, but magical, it can lead to a fairy tale. The ball rolls and leads the children to the toy Luntik. He tells the children that they really found themselves in a fairy tale where animals and birds talk, and good always triumphs over evil.

Favorite cartoon character Luntik invites kids to a fairy tale

To interest children in theatrical activities, the teacher can dress up as a storyteller grandmother (Malanya or Arina) and invite the children to play with her. It's good to stylize a little. group room under a Russian hut - put a stove, painted wooden utensils, etc.

The teacher dresses up as a grandmother-storyteller

Another option for a motivating start to a class that is sure to inspire children is an offer to turn into actors. Preschoolers are very fond of reincarnating as representatives of a particular profession. And being an actor is very interesting, because you can feel like anyone: a beautiful princess, a little puppy, a cowardly bunny.

The acting out of the performance can be preceded by a short conversation about the theatre. The guys remember if they have theaters in the city, which ones (dramatic, puppet), what are the names of the people who work there. Thus, the lesson acquires a patriotic focus - the kids replenish knowledge about their hometown.

Topic options for classes in the middle group

The very first classes in theatricalization should be of an introductory nature (“What is the theater”, “The World of the Theater”, “Journey to the Theater”, etc.). The teacher introduces the children to the theater, explains its internal structure, shows photographs of beautiful buildings. Preschoolers learn that there are drama and puppet theaters, get acquainted with the profession of an actor.

The children will learn that all the buildings of the theater are very beautiful and majestic.

In subsequent lessons, the kids play short scenes in which they learn to express certain emotions through intonation, facial expressions and gestures (for example, “Change your voice”, “Guess who I will show”, “Mimic studies at the mirror”), expressively read poems (for example, "What I can do" B. Zakhoder).

The subject of the main block of classes in theatricalization in the middle group is connected with Russian folk and literary tales. The teacher plays performances with the children on the following works: “Gingerbread Man”, “Teremok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Zayushkina Hut”, “Three Bears”, “Gingerbread Man - Prickly Side” by V. Bianchi, “Who Said “Meow”, “ Under the Mushroom" by V. Suteev, "My phone rang" by K. Chukovsky.

According to the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom”, both puppet and dramatic performances can be staged

Also, classes can have a patriotic focus (“Theaters in my city”) or teach politeness to preschoolers (various scenes from life are played out, where children must use polite words).

Children of the fifth year of life can also practice the profession of a screenwriter and director: invent their own scenes from the life of toys (for example, “Where do the toys live”, “Toys came to visit the doll Katya”, etc.).

Table: fragments of abstracts of classes on theatrical activities in the middle group

Author and title of the lesson Lesson progress
Khlebnikova N.A.
"Playing theater"
The teacher enters in the form of a storyteller and talks with the children about where you can see fairy tales. The children are invited to transform into artists - to learn to convey feelings through facial expressions and gestures.
Warm-up game "Transmitters".
  • On the instructions of the teacher, children must convey specific emotions to each other: a smile, “angry”, “fright”, “horror story”.
  • The next task is to pass a certain number of claps around the circle.
  • Convey a mood with your voice. It is necessary to say the phrase "Let's go, let's go to the forest for nuts" sadly and cheerfully.

The storyteller informs the preschoolers that a kitten has come to visit them. Children remember cartoons and fairy tales in which this hero is present, and then they pass a toy kitten to each other, stroke it, and say affectionate words.
The teacher reads a poem by B. Zakhoder "Kiskino grief"

  • Crying pussy in the hallway
    She is in great grief.
    Evil people poor pussy
    Do not let them steal sausages.
  • Kitty, kitty, kitty! -
    Yulia called the kitten.-
    Don't rush, wait! -
    And stroked her hand.

The children are invited to imagine how they stroke the cat with their hands.
It's time for the storyteller to go home. She asks the guys what they liked most about the lesson, what interesting things they learned.

Kamenskaya N.K.
Fairy tale "Teremok"
The teacher tells the children that on the way to kindergarten she found a beautiful box. To open it, you need to guess riddles (toys are shown in the course of guessing):
  • Lives in a mink, gnaws crusts.
    Short legs, afraid of cats. (Mouse).
  • I'm green like grass
    My song "qua-qua". (Frog)
  • He jumps across the field - he hides his ears.
    Will stand up as a column - ears upright. (Bunny).
  • Who walks in the cold cold winter, angry, hungry? (Wolf)
  • The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden.
    Lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village. (Fox).
  • Sleeps in winter, stirs hives in summer. (Bear)

The guys guess that the animals are the heroes of the fairy tale "Teremok". The teacher offers to play this fairy tale, pronounces magic words, and the guys turn into forest dwellers - they put on hats-masks. One of the guys plays the role of the sun and Christmas trees (corresponding masks).
The teacher in the role of the author tells a fairy tale, and the children play the roles of characters.
A physical training session “We are building a house” is being held.

  • Knock-knock with a hammer,
    (Imitation of a hammer).
  • We build, we build new house.
    (Walking in place).
  • You, drank, drank faster,
    (Saw imitation).
  • We are building a house for the animals.
    (Jumping in place).
  • worked together,
    the house was quickly built -
    each in a room.
  • The animals lived together, did not grieve,
    fired up the stove in the house.
  • Here is the end of the story
    and who listened well done!

And now we must again turn from forest animals into guys!
(the teacher takes off the masks from the children).
Children are invited to sit at the tables and lay out the towers from counting sticks.
Lesson analysis. The teacher finds out from preschoolers what they liked the most and what was difficult.

Lagutina A.V.
"Marfusha visiting the guys"
Marfusha (an adult in disguise) appears before the children. She says that when she put things in order, she found a sock, a handkerchief, a glove, a mitten and slippers. And now Marfusha does not know what to do with all this. She decides to put things in a magic chest and cast a spell.
Finger gymnastics is carried out:
  • We put it in a big bag
    (stroke on the left and right palms).
  • One of each item
    (we bend the fingers of the left hand in turn):
  • Slipper, mitten, sock
    (connect fingers big with big),
  • And a glove and a handkerchief
    (index with index, etc.)
  • You are our bag, grow
    (palms and fingers are pressed to each other, open, make a “ball”).
  • What happened, show
    (palms up, down, up, down).

Marfusha leaves the bag and leaves.
The teacher takes out objects one by one and is surprised.
Slipper turned into a mouse. Children imitate her thin voice.
The teacher takes out a toy ant. The game "Ant and a bird" is being played: when the teacher says "ant", the children should run in small checkers, and you need to sit down on the "bird" signal.
The next character from the bag is a glove bunny. The kids turn into rabbits - they press their heads to their shoulders, pick up their “paws” under themselves and tremble.
The teacher takes out a butterfly, turns on two melodies in turn.
The children must guess under which one the butterfly can flutter. Girls perform dance moves to the music.
The last hero is a sparrow. Children guess a riddle about him. Children, with the help of a teacher, guess that all these characters are the heroes of V. Suteev's fairy tale "Under the Mushroom". At first they were sad, but friendship helped them, and the characters became cheerful (the conversation is accompanied by a demonstration of pictograms with a cheerful and sad face).
The guys take turns playing the role of a character and asking for a fungus.
The game "Recognize friends by voice" is being played: children pass the wand. Whoever has it in her hands calls the leader by name, and he must determine by voice who called him.
The game "Transfers": you need to pass a large ball to your neighbor in your palms.
Breathing exercises"Wind": on the exhale, preschoolers pronounce "fu-u-u".
Preschoolers share their experiences. The teacher takes out a treat from the bag.

Table: fairy tale script for dramatization

Name of the fairy tale Content
"Masha's birthday" Once upon a time there was a girl Masha. She was a very cheerful and kind girl. She was loved not only by her friends, but by all the animals!
And then one day, when Masha's birthday came, the animals decided to congratulate her on the holiday. They prepared gifts and congratulations for the birthday girl.
First, a cat came to Mashenka! (the cat gradually appears on the screen). He went up to her and said: “Mashenka, I congratulate you on your birthday! And accept a gift from me!” (the cat sways slightly, and Masha stands motionless).
The girl was very happy about the arrival of Kotik and his gift and said: “Thank you, kitty, I am very glad that you came! Come on, please."
The cat walked over and sat on the chair.
And at this time, Bunny was running hopping along the path. He saw Mashenka and joyfully said: “Hello, Mashenka! I congratulate you on your birthday! And I give you…”
The girl thanked Bunny: “Thank you, Bunny! Come in, please!”
Bunny happily agreed, walked over and sat down next to the cat.
As soon as Bunny sat down, everyone heard the song. It was sung by Little Fox, who was also in a hurry with congratulations to Mashenka. The little fox ran up to the girl and happily said: “I congratulate you on your birthday! Here's a present for you! “I gave Mashenka a gift and was just about to leave, when Masha said: “Thank you, little fox, stay for the holiday!”
The little fox thanked the girl, went and sat on a chair next to the Bunny.
And then everyone saw that Mishutka was waddling. Mishutka was very timid and shy. He came up and said quietly: “Happy birthday!” Gave Masha a gift and quietly went home.
And Masha followed him and said: “Thank you, Mishutka, stay at the holiday!” Mishutka even quietly growled with pleasure, went and sat down next to Kotik.
And then everyone saw that the Little Wolf and the Cockerel were coming to Masha with congratulations. The Cockerel walked ahead and crowed loudly, and the Wolf Cub followed him and kept thinking how he would congratulate Masha.
They approached the birthday girl and said: “Happy birthday to you! We wish ... Here are the gifts from us!”
Masha said: “Thank you, please come in!”
The Wolf Cub went and sat down next to Mishutka, and the Cockerel next to Fox, because they were friends and always played together.
When the guests sat down, Masha saw that the Goat was hurrying towards her. She was smart and cheerful. The goat also brought Masha a gift.
She approached the girl and said: “Happy birthday to you! And accept a gift from me!”
Mashenka said: “Thank you very much, please come in!” The goat gladly passed and sat down next to the Cockerel.
Masha was very happy with the guests, but she was looking forward to her friend Dashenka. And then she saw that Dashenka was hurrying along the path, and the Mouse was with her. When Dashenka and Mouse approached, Masha said: “I'm glad you came, look how many guests I have!”
Dasha and Mouse congratulated the birthday girl on her birthday and offered to dance “Loaf” for Mashenka. All the animals agreed, stood in a circle, and Masha in the middle of the circle, and they began to dance!

Theatrical activity project

Theatricalization is a great material for project activities in the middle group. These can be short term or long term projects. The duration of the short-term - from one day to two weeks, long-term - from two weeks to six months and even a year.

An example of a long-term project is “The Theater next to us” by the Educator I. G. Gimaeva. It involves children, teachers and parents. At the same time, parents are involved in the manufacture of characters from fairy tales, the exhibition of drawings "We are from a fairy tale", the organization of the photo exhibition "To the puppet theater with the whole family."

The problem to be solved during the implementation of the project: the inability to convey the emotional nature of the characters, insufficient vocabulary, difficulties in coherent speech.

Developed by educator detailed plan project, including scenarios open events, expected results of activity are thought over. During the preparatory stage, the teacher creates various types of theater in the group (parents and preschoolers themselves are involved in this process), reads fairy tales and stories to preschoolers - future scenarios of performances.

Table: Theatrical tales used in the project

Month Name of the fairy tale Theater type
September Belarusian fairy tale "Puff" puppet show
October Russian folk tale "Turnip" cardboard theater
November "Teremok" puppet show
December "Zayushkina's hut" finger theater
January "Winter hut of animals" finger theater
February "Kolobok" finger theater
March Tale of L. N. Tolstoy
"Three Bears"
cardboard theater
April T. Karamanenko's story
"Hedgehog and mushroom"
finger theater
May "Masha and the Bear" dramatization,
The final stage

During the implementation of the project, theatrical activities are closely intertwined with artistic creativity (children are offered coloring books on the theme of fairy tales, drawing their favorite characters), physical education (physical education sessions on fairy tale themes).

Analysis and diagnostics of theatrical activities in the middle group

All classes in theatrical activities in the middle group are built according to a similar scheme. At first, the teacher immerses preschoolers in the topic, creates the necessary emotional mood. Then a specific sketch or performance is played out, where the kids demonstrate their Creative skills.

An obligatory stage of each lesson is an emotional conclusion. The teacher, together with the children, analyzes theatrical activities. The teacher gives preschoolers the opportunity to express their opinion, to note that each of them liked the lesson the most. The guys remember what fairy tale they played out, which tasks were easy and which ones seemed difficult. Thus, in the course of the analysis, the educator notes the points that need to be worked on in the future, including in individual activities.

Theatrical activity in the middle group includes diagnostics, which is carried out twice a year (as a rule, this is October and May). The teacher indicates the skills that children should acquire by the end of the school year, notes how each child possesses them at the beginning of training (October), and then at the end of the year (May). Based on the data obtained, the teacher draws conclusions about the success of training.

To assess the level of child development, a three-point scale is used: good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory (some use a five-point system). Characteristics of a high level of development for diagnosis:

  1. Through intonation, facial expressions and gestures conveys the character and characteristics of the hero of the work.
  2. Knows how to transform into a character, improvise during the game.
  3. Pronounces the character's words clearly.
  4. Oriented in different types of theater, owns toys, finger puppets, bibabo puppets, etc.
  5. Willingly participates in children's performances in the preschool educational institution.

Related videos

Video recordings of children's performances are a very interesting sight for teachers, preschoolers and their parents.

Video: dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip" in the middle group Video can’t be loaded: Theater activities part 2 (

Video: theatrical activity in the middle group "Kurochka Ryaba" Video can't be loaded: Theatrical activity. Fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen" (

Video: theatrical event with the participation of children and parents (middle group) "Cat's House" Video can’t be loaded: “CAT HOUSE”Theatrical event of parents for children of the middle group on fire safety (

Theatrical activity is close and accessible to children. After all, it is inherent in their very nature: the baby seeks to transform any fiction and impression from the environment into a living image. Pupils of the middle group take part in performances with pleasure, like to dress in bright costumes, control puppets, and speak on their behalf. Such actions help the comprehensive development of the child, help the overly mobile and emotional to become more collected, purposeful, and timid - on the contrary, to overcome shyness and self-doubt.

MADOU "TsRR-D / S No. 87", Syktyvkar

Project on theatrical activities in the senior group

"The Theater and Us"


Mikhailova M.A.

Syktyvkar, 2016


Now children know much more than their peers 10-15 years ago, they decide faster logical tasks, but much less often admired and surprised, indignant and worried.

Increasingly, children show indifference and callousness, their interests are usually limited, and games are monotonous. Many preschoolers are addicted to computers, and adults often go along with children, purchasing computer games-wars with monsters, vampires, without thinking about the harm it does to the child's personal development.

As a rule, such children do not know how to occupy themselves in their free time and look at the world around them without surprise and special interest, as consumers, not creators.

Intensive change in the surrounding life, active penetration scientific and technological progress in all its areas dictate to the teacher the need to choose more effective means training and education based on modern methods and new integrated technologies. We conducted a survey of parents, which showed that: · 64% of preschool children by the age of 5-6 have no interest in theatrical art and activities. Since the theater reflects the phenomena surrounding reality, then the lack of knowledge on such an interesting and exciting activity caused a need to work in more detail with both children and their parents. So, we decided to learn everything we can about the theater.

Target: To form the development of creative abilities through theatrical activities, the development of artistic abilities in children.


Type of: Creative, medium term.

Members: Educators of the senior group, children, parents, music director.

Expected Result:

Parents and children get acquainted with the history of the theater, its types, ways of making and playing. There is a growing desire to visit theaters with children. Relationships between parents and caregivers are strengthened. Artistic abilities of children develop.

Implementation stages:

    Preparatory stage

Collection of literature

Conversations with children

Consultations with parents

Drawing up a work plan

Making attributes

Selection of visual information and folders - movers

    main stage


Conversation: "What is theater?"

View slides from different types theatre: opera, ballet, drama, puppetry

Production of theater tickets

Viewing children's visiting performances in the preschool educational institution

Role-playing games with children "Theater", "Family"

Finger theater

Mobile games with heroes

Reading Russian folk tales

Games for the development of facial expressions

Theater Bi-Ba-Bo: "Gingerbread Man", "Three Little Pigs", "Teremok"

View slides about the history of the theater and theatrical costume

Rehearsals of matinees

Staging fairy tales

Learning poems

Design of the album "The Theater and Us"

Breathing exercises

Articulation gymnastics

Finger gymnastics

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills (with plasticine, with rings, with napkins, with pencils)

Showing theatrical performances

Making different types of puppet theater


Visiting the theater with a child

Preparation for showing a fairy tale for children (selection of a work and script, learning the script, rehearsals)

Making attributes

    The final stage

Showing the fairy tale of older children "Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf" younger preschoolers

Participation of children in the festival "Fairy chest"

Create an album


Questionnaire for parents

1. How old is your child?

2. How long does he attend preschool?

3. In what forms does the child show creativity?

4. Does he share his impressions about theatrical performances, classes, holidays held in kindergarten?

5. Does it evoke an emotional response in him? puppet shows?

6. Are there children's cassettes, discs with fairy tales in the house?

7. Do you arrange theatrical performances at home?

8. Have you been to the theater with your child?

9. Your wishes and suggestions for theatrical activities in our garden.

Thanks a lot!

After completing the questionnaire, we set the following tasks:

    Awaken interest in the theater in children and parents;

    To instill in children primary skills in the field of theatrical art (use of facial expressions, gestures, voice, puppetry) through playing fairy tales;

    Develop memory, expressive literate speech, vocabulary, form the correct sound pronunciation;

    To interest parents in acquiring, making different types of theater and give information about how to play at home with children and in a group;

    Involve parents in creating joint activities;

    Develop the emotional sphere of the child through theatrical activities (games, sketches);

    Conduct final events (card file of theatrical games, staging a fairy tale, creating an album);








Conversation with children about mood, rules of conduct, their observance. Viewing presentations

"Theater", "Professions in the theater"

Reading thin. works,

word games, viewing slides about the history of the theater and theatrical costume.

Reading thin. works

Preparation for the participation of children in the festival "Fairy chest"

Participation of children in the festival "Fairy chest"

Showing the fairy tale of older children "Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf" to younger preschoolers


Consultation for parents "Theater at home"

Involving parents in the production of attributes.

Drama theater visit

Preparing to show a fairy tale for children


The selection of a card file is theatrical

Drama theater visit

Exhibition of books "Visiting a fairy tale"

Equipment of the pedagogical process

Selection of presentations to enrich the plots and game actions.

Production and acquisition of didactic material for theatrical games.

Album art

Articulation gymnastics

open mouth wide - "hot"
close your mouth - "cold"
"Clean your teeth"
smile, open your mouth
with the tip of the tongue from the inside, "clean" alternately the lower and upper teeth
"Knead the Dough"
slap your tongue between your lips - "pya-pya-pya-pya-pya ..."
bite the tip of the tongue with teeth (alternate these two movements)
wide open mouth
stick out a wide tongue and give it the shape of a "cup" (i.e. slightly raise the tip of the tongue)
pull lips forward with tension (teeth closed)
smile, exposing clenched teeth with tension
lips in a smile
open your mouth
stroke the palate with the tip of the tongue
click your tongue like you're riding a horse
touch the wide tongue to the palate
lips in a smile, mouth open
the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth
bend the tongue with a slide resting the tip of the tongue on the lower teeth
"Catch a mouse"
lips in a smile
open your mouth
say "ah" and bite the wide end of the tongue (caught the mouse by the tail)
draw out the lips
open your mouth
clatter with a "narrow" tongue (like horses clatter their hooves)
"Steamboat hums"
lips in a smile
open your mouth
pronounce a long "s-s-s ..." with tension
"Elephant drinks"
stretching the lips forward with a tube, form an "elephant's trunk"
"gather some water", while smacking lightly
"Turkeys talk"
quickly move the tongue along the upper lip - "ba-ba-ba-ba ..."
mouth closed
the tip of the tongue with tension alternately rests on the cheeks
hard balls are formed on the cheeks - "nuts"
open your mouth
tip of tongue behind upper teeth
tip of tongue behind lower teeth
smile, open your mouth
move the tip of the tongue (like a clock hand) from one corner of the mouth to the other
open your mouth
put a wide tongue on the lower lip
"Delicious jam"
open your mouth
lick the upper lip with a wide tongue in the shape of a "cup"
puff out your cheeks
blow your cheeks
make a "mushroom" (i.e. stick a spherical tongue to the palate)
without lifting your tongue, open and close your mouth (do not close your teeth)
open your mouth
tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth - "de-de-de ..."
put cotton on the tip of the nose
with a wide tongue in the shape of a "cup", pressed to the upper lip, blow off the cotton wool from the nose up
"Kick the ball into the goal"
“Push out” a wide tongue between your lips (as if you are driving a ball into a goal) blow with your tongue between your lips (do not puff out your cheeks)
It is necessary to carry out articulation gymnastics in a playful way.

Breathing exercises.

Exercise 1.

"Hamster". The child portrays a hamster - puffs out his cheeks and so goes a few steps. Then he turns around, slaps his cheeks, letting the air out.

Exercise 2.

"Rose and Dandelion" The child is standing straight. A deep breath in through the nose - “sniffing the rose”, exhalation - releasing air as much as possible, “blowing on a dandelion”.

Exercise 3.

"Crow". The kid stands with his arms down and his legs slightly apart. Inhale - arms spread wide to the sides (wings), exhale - hands slowly lower, the child says: "Karrrr."

Exercise 4.

"Hen". The child sits on a chair with his hands down. Quick breath - hands rise palms up to the armpits (wings). Exhale - lower your arms, turning your palms down.

Exercise 5.

« Balloon". The child lies on his back, hands on his stomach. On inhalation slowly inflates the tummy-ball, on exhalation - the tummy-ball slowly blows away. Exercise 6. "Wave". The child lies on his back, arms along the body, legs together. Inhale - hands rise up and back, touch the floor. Exhale - hands return to the starting position, while the child says: "Come-and-and-s."

Exercise 6

"Watch". The child is standing, arms lowered, feet shoulder-width apart. Depicting a clock, the child swings his straight arms back and forth, saying: "Tick-tock." Exercise 8. "Diver". The child must imagine that he is going down into the sea. A deep breath is taken, the breath is held for as long as possible.

Theatrical activity project
"We play theater"
(preparatory group)

Annotation for the project:

This project "We play theater" is intended for children of senior preschool age 6-7 years old.
The project includes different types of theaters: a cone theatre, a puppet theatre, a table theatre, a theater with disguise and masks, a flannel graph theater.
The project used technologies, bright modern visibility, complex - thematic planning, various types of theaters for children of senior preschool age.
This project will help children make an exciting journey into the magical world of theater. Overcome shyness, self-doubt, shyness. Thus, the theater helps the child to develop comprehensively.

The passport
Project participants:
-Children of the preparatory group, educator, parents of pupils
Children's age:
-age of children 6-7 years old
Project type:
-practice-oriented, group
-presentation of the project at the pedagogical council.

Project relevance:

No wonder children love fairy tales.
After all, the fairy tale is good
What is in it a happy ending,
The soul already feels.
And for any test
Agree brave hearts,
In impatient anticipation
Happy ending…”
(Valentin Berestov)

Nowadays, children do not suffer from a lack of information. And the main carriers for preschoolers are kindergarten and family. In kindergarten, the child is in a state of constant discovery in various fields: visual arts, music and much more.
Little pioneers in constant search of the unknown. They are driven by interest and endless curiosity.
Our task is to direct the child's interest in the right direction, to open before him the opportunity to develop spiritually and mentally.

Children's theater, due to its huge emotional impact on the child's soul, is able to take on the tasks of development: feeling - emotions, memory, fantasy, ingenuity and resourcefulness, broadening one's horizons, kindness and pity, courage.
Theater is always a holiday for a child, bright unforgettable impressions.
Expression " fairy world childhood" are not empty words. In the life of a child from his very birth there is a fairy tale with its kind heroes.
Does an adult believe that a chicken can lay a golden egg, or will he dream of a magic wand that will solve all problems? Of course not.
And the child is convinced that it is worth waving magic wand and a miracle will happen.
Children believe in miracles and that somewhere on earth there is an extraordinary fairy-tale land in which birds and animals can talk to each other and live in friendship. And this country exists, and it is called Theatre!!!
The fabulous world of theater is a country of real fantasies and good fairy tale, a game of fiction and reality, colors and light, words, music and mysterious sounds.
The theater is a fertile ground for creativity, everyone who wants to take part in this action will find something to their liking.

It is impossible to play in the theater without emotions. That is why one and the same poem at one time will be told by a child expressively and artistically, and another - languidly and monotonously.
"Emotions energize and organize perception, thinking and action"
When memorizing the role, the child tries to convey the mood of the hero of the fairy tale with facial expressions, expressive speech and movements.
This is where the child gets acquainted with various emotions:
Interest, surprise, fear, grief, anger, shame.
Theatrical creativity has an emotional development on children when he plays a role, communicating with peers, or sits in auditorium.
Each time, leaving the theater, any child takes with him a discovery, albeit small.
The words spoken by K.S. Stanislavsky about creativity in the theater can also be attributed to the children's theater, since they contain the essence of the basis and success of any theater:
“Creative work on the role and on the transformation of the literary work of the playwright into a stage reality, everything from beginning to end, proceeds with the participation of the imagination”
Theater is an inexhaustible source for the development of real feelings and fantasies for a child.

The child constantly plays, comprehending the world and himself in the game. In the theater, the child involuntarily finds himself in such situations, the way out of which requires some ingenuity. Such moments occur infrequently and only in that case if adults and children take part on equal terms in a game called theater.
In the children's theater against the backdrop of active emotional development Two more directions in education exist and harmoniously complement each other: the development of the child's intellect and the instillation of social and moral qualities in him.
A variety of children come to the theater. The behavior of some of them can be characterized as constrained, shy, timid, indecisive.
Some children remain so for a short time, their stiffness is associated with the new environment in which they find themselves: new faces, unfamiliar objects.
Speaking in front of the audience, and even more so, in front of friends, will not be a psychological barrier for them.
The relationship that exists in children's theatrical activities forces children to turn to each other more often with requests and questions.
Children become more sociable, they make new friends, which in turn makes them liberated.

Theater for a child becomes an amazing, special world. Where any desire will surely come true, and no matter what happens, everything will certainly end well.

Expected Result:
- Awakening children's interest in theatrical activities
- Children need to master some types of theatrical activities
(cone theatre, puppet theatre, table theatre, disguise and mask theatre, flannelograph theatre) according to their age
- To form the ability to convey the character of the character and intonation expressiveness of speech, facial expressions, gestures
- Learn theater design skills
Involving parents in the manufacture of various types of theater, the creation of costumes
- Communicate all theatrical activities to parents through questionnaires, consultations and conversations.

Objective of the project:
- Introduce children to theatrical art, to theatrical activities

-Create conditions for organizing joint theatrical activities
-Expand children's understanding of the theater, its types, attributes, costumes, scenery
-To form in the group an artistic and aesthetic developing subject environment
- Create conditions for joint theatrical activities of children and adults, aimed at bringing children, parents and teachers closer together (staging joint performances with the participation of children, parents, employees, organizing performances by older children in front of younger ones).
- To develop emotionality and expressiveness of speech in children
- Contribute to the self-realization of each child and the creation of a favorable microclimate, respect for the individual little man
- Ensure the relationship with other activities:
music, fiction, design, drawing.

Working with parents:
-Issue of consultations "We play theater with children at home"
-Conversations with parents
-Assist in the production of theater props

Forms of work:

1. Joint activities with children:
- theatrical games
-outdoor games
- speech games
- fairy tales - retellings
- rhythmoplasty
-use of different types of theaters
- screenings of theatrical works
- role-playing games
- visiting theaters
- theater screenings
2. Independent activity of children in the theater corner
3.Integration with others educational areas:
- artistic creativity
- design
-reading fiction
- music
- speech development
4.Interaction with family
- joint theatrical and leisure activities
- preparation of recommendations for parents on the organization of theatrical activities
-Visiting parents with children theaters and performances
5. Interaction with the deputy. head of educational and methodological work
- music director advice
All works allow you to increase theatrical activity.

Thematic plan:

September. Conversation with children:
"Introduction to the theater"

"Curtain and stage for the theater"
Lesson summary
"What is theater"

Russian folk tales
October. Conversation with children:
“How to invent your own theater, what is needed for this”
Psychogymnastics "Imagine yourself different"
Visit to the doll exhibition
Hood. - aesthetic development(Drawing)
"Zayushkina's hut"
November. Introduce children to several types of theater
"Cone Theater"
Finger gymnastics:
A selection of board games about animals
December. Conversation with children:
"My favorite fairy tales", "Favorite fairy tale characters"
Hood. - aesthetic development (Drawing)
"Create Your Own Theatre"
A selection of fairy tales and heroes of the finger theater
"Fox and Crane", "Rocked Hen", "Turnip", "Gingerbread Man"

Reading fiction:
"Tales - retellings"
January. Visit to the puppet theater:
"Friendship of Friends"
Conversation with children:
"The name of the theaters, the heroes of these theaters"
Screenings of theatrical works
Story - role-playing games
February. Reading fiction:
"Masha and the Bear"
Joint activities with parents
Organization of visits to the library
Hood. - aesthetic development (Lepka)
"Fairy tale hero of any fairy tale"
Introduction to puppet theater
March. Participation of children in the performance
"Looking for Cinderella"
Plot - role-playing games in the theater corner
Hood. - aesthetic development (Application)
D / and "Collect a fairy tale"
April. Visit to the puppet theater
« funny friends»
Reading fiction:
"The Ant and the Dragonfly"
Puppet show for kids
May. Working with parents:
Questionnaire "Theatre and children"
Table theater screening:
Stand design for parents
D / and "Guess the fairy tale by description"

Types of theaters:

table theater
The name of this type of theater speaks for itself - gaming activities are carried out on the table. Its peculiarity is that the scenery and characters should be small in order to be able to place all the necessary attributes of the game on the surface.

Theater on flannelgraph
(board covered with fabric)
To organize this type of activity, you will need a self-made flannelograph and figurines-characters of the selected artwork, on which you need to attach Velcro or velvet paper on the back.
Thus, as the plot develops, the child is invited to attach the necessary figures to the flannelgraph.

Theater with disguises and masks
This is a theater where children take on the role of a chosen character. Children, with the help of an adult or on their own, act out small fairy tales.
For better visibility, children need costumes. You can buy them in the store or sew them yourself. In kindergarten, in each group or at home, it is desirable to have a dressing room, where the costumes are sewn by the hands of parents and children.
Masks are made - caps according to the size of the performer's head. These can be knitted hats or characters drawn on cardboard that are fastened with an elastic band around the head.

Puppet show
Children really like this type of theatrical art, as it allows each child to open up individually in the process of learning to work with a puppet and in the rehearsal process, overcome complexes of constraint and insecurity, learn to play with the help of a puppet, enliven it with your actions and manner of moving and speaking.

cone theater
Helps to learn to coordinate the movements of hands and eyes, to accompany the movements of the fingers with speech. Express your emotions through facial expressions and speech.

Project conclusions:

Children have an interest in theatrical activities. Children got acquainted with different types of theaters. Thanks to joint activities during the implementation of the project, the relationship between children and adults was strengthened.
Children have become more sociable among themselves, liberated, confident in themselves and in their abilities, they are not afraid to speak to the public.
In the face of my parents, I found support not only preparatory work(making scenery, costumes, toys), but I saw in them talented educators of my children.
I showed my parents that only in joint activities you can get to know your child better, his temperament, friendly relations between children and adults.
Created an atmosphere of creativity. My project made it possible to show the creative activity of children, parents and educators, to fully reveal the emotional possibilities of children.
Thus, we can conclude that the project "We play theater" has created favorable conditions for the disclosure of children's abilities in theatrical activities.

List of used literature:

Artemova L. V. "Theatrical games for preschoolers."
Antipina A. E. "Theatrical activity in kindergarten."
Baryaeva L. I., Vechkanova I. I., Zagrebaeva E. A., Zarin A. A. "Theatrical games with children"
Ivanova G.P. "Theatre of Moods".
Makhaneva M. Theatrical activity of preschoolers
Migunova E.V. Organization of theatrical activities in kindergarten: Teaching aid.
Petrova T.I., Sergeeva E.L., Petrova E.S. Theatrical games in kindergarten.
Internet resources

The project of organizing a theatrical game as a means of forming dialogue speech among older preschoolers.
Pedagogical project "Theater Thursday".

Planning theatrical classes for older preschoolers.

Melnikova Valentina Nikolaevna, educator of the first qualification category, Moscow, CJSC, GBOU School No. 1238 with in-depth study English, preschool department.
Description: This material will be useful for teachers, music workers, parents in order to involve children and adults in theatrical games, as well as in organizing events with children of senior preschool age.
Project relevance: To date, the concept preschool education is aimed at the development of the child's personality, taking into account his individual characteristics in the mental, emotional and physical sphere. Every year the number of children who have problems with speech, pronunciation, pronunciation of sounds is growing. In this regard, the problem of finding effective ways to eliminate shortcomings in the development of speech, improve the health of pupils, prevent diseases and increase motor activity, as a strong factor in the intellectual and emotional development of children, becomes relevant. Educational:
to teach students dialogue speech (prepared and unprepared);
to form knowledge about the theater, theatrical culture, theatrical professions, the organization of the theater (auditorium, foyer, wardrobe);
introduce the following concepts into the children's active vocabulary: actor, make-up artist, costume designer, director, sound engineer, decorator, lighter, prompter, etc.
develop creative imagination, memory, thinking, communication skills of preschoolers through various types of theatrical activities;
develop the artistic skills of children;
develop the cognitive abilities of children;
promote the development of plastic expressiveness and correct articulation, diction.
awaken in the soul of every child a sense of beauty and instill a love for theatrical art;
to form the need for children to be spiritually enriched through theatrical activities;
to encourage in children the ability to vividly imagine what is happening, to ardently sympathize, empathize with the heroes.
Project participants: pupils of senior preschool age, educators, music director, parents.
Project type: cognitive and creative.
Project duration: long-term (9 months).
Resource support: multimedia equipment, music center, audio and video library, Russian folk and classical children's musical instruments; books with fairy tales, books - panoramas, fairy-tale coloring; didactic games; puzzles - on the theme of the theater and the heroes of fairy tales, art albums with illustrations of fairy tales; various types of theaters; masks, costumes.
Props: costumes, masks, decorations; photo - gallery "Our little artists", guest book, posters, invitation cards, theater programs, photo album archive.

Project hypothesis:

The study was based on the assumption that the design of a theatrical game as a means of forming the dialogue speech of older preschoolers can be effective. under the following conditions:
in preschool education, the creation of a communicative and interactive basis for the relationship of preschoolers with adults and peers;
creation of a single center for cooperation between teachers and parents of pupils based on an understanding of the essence of the problem, forms and methods for the effective formation of dialogue speech of preschoolers through a theatrical game;
organization of a developing object-spatial environment acting as a stimulator, a driving force in the holistic process of personality formation.

For the organization of theatrical activities, and the design of a developing subject-spatial environment with older preschoolers, the following principles:
the principle of psychological comfort, freedom and independence - the creation of conditions in which pupils feel "at home", an independent choice "to their liking";
the principle of flexible zoning and creativity (creativity) - the construction of non-overlapping areas of activity, which will allow children, in accordance with their desires, to freely engage in, without interfering with each other; acquisition own experience creative activity,
the principle of a holistic view of the world - the formation complete picture peace and personal attitude of the pupil to the acquired knowledge, as well as the ability to use them in their practical activities;
the principle of variability and novelty is the development of variative thinking among pupils, i.e. understanding of the possibility various options problem solving, the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation, overcoming the stereotype and monotony of the environment;
the principle of taking into account the individual characteristics of pupils and ensuring their progress, the teacher taking into account the individual characteristics of each pupil: their character, temperament, etc.

Expected Result:

development of dialogue speech;
development of creative potential, active, independent, emotionally responsive, socially competent and developing personality;
the formation of skills to express their understanding of the plot of the game and the nature of the character (in motion, game);
education of moral and communicative and volitional qualities(sociality, politeness, kindness);
development in children of initiative, ingenuity, independence;
the formation of a spiritually rich personality of the child, as an active participant in the project;
the formation of skills to come up with a plot of your story, to be able to tell a fairy tale, a fable; compose a dance, etc.
organization of pedagogical search through the implementation of innovative programs;
promotion theoretical level professionalism of teachers;
introduction of innovative technologies, modern forms and new methods of work;
self-education and self-realization of educators.
getting the opportunity to observe their children, which makes it possible to better understand the development of the child;
the formation of a higher appreciation of the achievements of their children and pride in them;
developing a deeper understanding of the learning process of preschool children;
the emergence of trust in kindergarten teachers and educators.
The project was implemented in several stages (preparatory, main, final)

Preparatory stage:

Dates: September
The activity of the teacher:
study, analysis and generalization of methodological and fiction literature on the theme of the project "Theater Thursday";
diagnosing the levels of speech development of older preschoolers;
determination of the content of the activities of all project participants;
creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of dialogue speech among pupils on the basis of motor-game joint activity;
selection of literature for conversations with pupils, and music for compiling dance compositions;
creation educational situation and gaming environment;
development of consultations and conversations for parents on the topic: "Theatrical activity - as a means of expressiveness of speech."

Main stage:

Dates: October - April
Joint activities of children and the teacher:

conducting a thematic conversation with children using visual material;
participation of pupils and teachers in city theater competitions;
organizing and conducting excursions to the school museum "Puppet Theater";
reading fiction to children and looking at illustrations with Russian folk tales, listening to music;
dramatization of fairy tales "Turnip", "Fox with a rolling pin" for children of early, younger and middle preschool age;
winter entertainment for children of senior preschool age “Visiting grandmother Nastasya. Children walk in the winter Christmas time.
folklore entertainment: “Winter sports competitions. How Winter and Spring were measured against each other ”;
final entertainment for senior preschool age for Children's Day "Visiting the Mistress of the Copper Mountain";
organization of thematic exhibitions, stands, folder screens, albums about various theaters; selection musical accompaniment;
preparing children for the final theatrical entertainment (memorizing poems, songs, dances, their roles, etc.);
making puppets to show Russian folk tales;
conducting thematic conversations using visual material;
keeping a "Diary of achievements" of each pupil;
organization of direct educational activities using theatrical paraphernalia;
holding the final theatrical game entertainment.
Joint activities of children and parents:
joint participation in regional theater competitions;
joint production of costumes and attributes to create images game characters;
participation of parents and children in the exhibition of drawings based on Russian folk tales “Visiting a fairy tale”;
assistance in decorating the hall for a game lesson;
competition for best name project;
watching various children's performances;
participation in the final theatrical entertainment.
Independent activities of children:
organization of theatrical games: toy theater, finger theater, on gapits, "Mitten", on magnets, theater of wooden figures, table theater, puppet theater, theater on cones and cylinders, on spoons, etc.;
fairy tales, poems, songs self-staging;
independent choice of the necessary attributes and scenery for the future performance, the ability to distribute duties and roles among themselves;
in independent activities, use outdoor games of various content, with the use of masks, caps, etc .; as well as lotto, mosaic, dominoes, etc., the ability to independently organize games, play the role of a leader, coordinate their actions with the actions of the leader and other participants in the game; solve tasks independently.

The final stage:

Dates: May
"Parents' living room" awards, certificates, photo archive;
video clip (cut interesting moments speeches);
conducting final pedagogical diagnostics to identify speech skills and abilities;
multimedia presentation of the theatrical entertainment "Visiting the Mistress of the Copper Mountain", summing up the results of the pedagogical project.

The following tools were used in working with children:

Playing out poems, songs, nursery rhymes, mini-sketches, fairy tales, fables;
possession of a doll, a toy and all available types of theater;
work with a toy or a picture, role-playing game;
sound recording, video materials.

When designing a subject-spatial environment that provides theatrical activities for children, the following were taken into account:
individual socio-psychological characteristics of the child;
features of his emotional and personal development;
individual interests, inclinations, preferences and needs;
curiosity, research interest and creativity;
age and sex-role features.

In our work, we relied on the following principles:
a unified approach of teachers and parents to the process of raising a child;
mutual trust in the relationship between teachers and parents;
differentiated approach to each family;
respect and goodwill towards each other;
openness preschool for parents;
equality and responsibility of parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions.
In addition to traditional forms of work with the family, actively innovative forms and methods of work were used:
« Round table»;
thematic exhibitions;
questioning of parents, diagnostics, tests, survey on any topic;
family creative meetings;
open classes for parents to view;
"Parent's living room";
competition "Family Talents";
a portfolio of "Family Success" and keeping a "Diary of Achievements" of each pupil;
"Day open doors»;
group newspaper "Doshkolnik";
Internet group "Solnyshko";
website GBOU School No. 1238;

When organizing and designing a developing subject-spatial environment for theatrical activities, we relied on the following principles:
the principle of ensuring the right to play, a fundamental principle that allowed pupils to exercise their right to a theatrical game, to choose the theme, plot, place and time of theatrical games;
the principle of systematicity, the assimilation of the material was given to pupils in a certain order, system;
the principle of integration and flexible zoning, the living space of the group made it possible to build non-overlapping spheres of activity, this allowed the pupils to engage in theatrical activities, in accordance with their desires and interests, without interfering with each other;
principle of activity that stimulated activity and cognitive activity children, allowed them freedom of choice and action;
the principle of freedom and independence, which allowed pupils to independently determine their attitude to the environment: to perceive, imitate, create; independently choose what he likes;
the principle of novelty, which made it possible to overcome the stereotype and monotony of the environment;
the principle of universality, which allowed changing the gaming environment, transforming it, simulating the development of the game, making it rich and mobile, etc.

To organize and equip the theatrical corner of the senior group, theatrical and gaming equipment was needed:
large and small screens, fences, simple decorations made by parents and children;
suit rack,
costumes, masks, wigs, attributes for staging fairy tales.
In theatrical activities, we used various types of puppet theater: picture theater, finger, glove, table, shadow theater of figures and masks, puppets, etc.
For theatrical and gaming activities were used technical means: audio recordings musical works, sound and noise effects recordings, video music libraries literary works, interactive board.

The structure of the Theater Thursday project includes the following sections:

1. "Culture and technique of speech";
2. "Fundamentals of theatrical culture";
3. "Fundamentals of puppetry";
4. "Fundamentals of Acting"

Additional sections:

5. "Conducting thematic theatrical holidays";
6. "Conducting thematic leisure and entertainment";
7. "Productive activities: modeling, applique, drawing, design"
The pedagogical project "Theatrical Thursday" ends with an entertainment dedicated to Children's Day, called "Visiting the Mistress of the Copper Mountain."
(see attachment+photo)

Forms of work:

Theatrical games.
Music lessons.
The educator's stories about the theater.
Organization of performances open classes for viewing by parents, showing performances for kids.
Production and repair of attributes and manuals for performances.
Reading children's literature.
Making an album about the theater.
Forms of the parent meeting "Round table", "Family creative meetings", "Parents' living room".
Thematic exhibitions, competitions.
Questioning, diagnostics, tests, survey on any topic.
Portfolio "Family success".
"Open Day".
Group newspaper "Doshkolyonok".

At the end of the theatrical project, pupils of the senior preschool group are able to:
interact in a coordinated manner, engaging in action simultaneously and sequentially;
remember the given poses;
remember and describe appearance any child;
pronounce tongue twisters at different tempos, in a whisper and with different intonation and diction;
expressively read the dialogue poetic text, correctly and clearly pronouncing the words with the necessary intonations;
make sentences with given words;
compose etudes based on fairy tales; build a dialogue.
Thus, we came to the conclusion that the implemented project contributes to the formation of dialogue speech of pupils by means of theatrical activities; contributes to the improvement of relationships between parents, educators and children; educates children's interest in conducting joint theatrical and gaming activities, forms a desire to jointly participate in performances, productions, theatrical entertainment and leisure activities, improve children's health through exercises and gymnastics; we have achieved our goal, with the help of experimental work, namely, pedagogical project proved that the design of a theatrical game as a means of forming dialogue speech in older preschoolers is effective in:
creating a communicative and interactive basis for the relationship of preschoolers with adults and peers;
uniting teachers and parents based on understanding the essence of the problem, forms and methods of effective formation of the dialogue speech of preschoolers through a theatrical game;
organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in a preschool educational institution, acting as a stimulator, a driving force in the holistic process of becoming a pupil's personality.

Application + photo 1. Section "Culture and technique of speech":
Topic 1. “Warming massage. Articulation gymnastics for lips. Exercise for the pronunciation of the vowels "I", "E", "A", "O".
Topic 2. “Warming massage. Exercise for the pronunciation of vowels and consonants "U", "Y", "P", "B".
Topic 3. “Warming massage. Articulatory gymnastics for lips and tongue. Exercise for the pronunciation of the vowels "K", "G", "T", "D".
Topic 4. “Warming massage. Articulatory gymnastics for lips and tongue. Exercise for the pronunciation of the vowels "T", "D".
Topic 5. “Warming massage. Articulatory gymnastics for lips and tongue. Exercise for the pronunciation of the vowels "L", "R", "N", "M".
Topic 6. “Warming massage. Articulatory gymnastics for lips and tongue. Exercise for the pronunciation of the vowels "C", "Z", "Sh", "Sch".
Topic 7. “Warming massage. Articulatory gymnastics for lips and tongue. Repetition of tongue twisters, tongue twisters. speech game with the Petrushka movement.
Topic 8. “Warming massage. Articulatory gymnastics for lips and tongue. "Playing the Conductor"
2. Section "Fundamentals of theatrical culture":
Topic 1. "What is theater?". Types of theaters: desktop, magnetic, theater on gapits, cone theater, on cylinders, theater "Mitten", finger, etc.
Topic 2. "Theatre - the magical realm of the game." Acquaintance with various types of art: literature, painting, music, choreography.
Topic 3. "Tales from the grandmother's chest." concept theatrical professions: make-up artist, costume designer, actor.
Topic 4. “Quiet! The show is on!" Familiarization of children with the rules of conduct in the theater: in the auditorium, foyer, cloakroom, buffet.
Topic 5. "All about the theater." Examination of illustrations about the theater. Production of theater tickets.
3. Section "Fundamentals of puppetry":
Topic 1. « amazing world dolls!" Types of dolls: desktop, dolls with a "live hand". Demonstration of actions with puppets.
Topic 2. "A fairy tale on the table." Features of the table theater. Learning how to act.
Topic 3. "Puppets on the stage." The purpose and convenience of the theater screen. Screen possibilities.
Topic 4. "These funny little animals!". Acquaintance with the elements of acting: imitation and imitation of the movements of the heroes of a fairy tale.
Topic 5. "That's how I can do it!". Studies on the development of facial expressions and gestures. Articulation gymnastics.
Topic 6. "Theatrical warm-up." Training of the speech apparatus, various muscle groups, breathing.
Topic 7. « Young actors". Dramatization of the fairy tale "Who said:" Meow?
4.Section "Fundamentals of Acting":
Topic 1. "Dreamers". The concepts of "gesture", "facial expressions", "intonation", "dialogue".
Topic 2. "At the zoo." Musical and figurative characteristics of animals, birds, plasticity of gestures.
Topic 3. "Journey to the world of animals." Imitation of animal habits. Figurative characteristic.
Topic 4. "Guess the mood." Acquaintance of children with pictograms: joy, sadness, resentment, fear, anger, surprise, etc.
Topic 5. “What we did, we won’t say, but what we did, we’ll show!”. Concept: stage costume. Intonation expressiveness of speech.
Topic 6. "Mini - scenes from a familiar book." Concept: director, decorator. Playing small scenes.
5. Section "Holding thematic theatrical holidays":
"Knowledge Day";
"Gold autumn";
"New Year's fireworks";
"March 8 - Mother's Day";
"Victory Day".
6. Section "Conducting thematic leisure and entertainment":
"The Tale of the Droplet";
"Wooden Spoon Festival";
"Road alphabet";
“Visiting grandmother Nastasya. Christmas Carols";
"Profession - postman";
“Winter sports competitions. How Spring and Winter were compared with a silushka ”;
The final theatrical entertainment "Visiting the Mistress of the Copper Mountain", dedicated to Children's Day.
7. Section "Productive activities: drawing, modeling, application, design
Decor art exhibitions: "Knowledge Day"; "Golden Autumn", "Winter Fireworks", "Visiting a Fairy Tale", etc.
Attributes for leisure according to the traffic rules "Road alphabet"; "Immersion in a fabulous situation", "Christmas festivities"; Pancake week".
Design of exhibitions: "Ata-bats were soldiers!", "March 8", "April Day", "Victory Day".

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