How to make a reader's diary in literature. Material (grade 1) on the topic: Why do we need a reader's diary


If you read regularly, then reader's diary may be great idea. Like a regular diary, a literary diary will chronicle your book adventures. Create a separate note for each book you read, write down your thoughts and reasoning. This approach will help you become a thoughtful reader as well as improve your writing skills. In addition, if you start to get confused in the plot, then written down thoughts will help you remember the details. Most importantly, after a while, you can open the diary and reflect on the books you have read.


Part 1

How to create a reading diary

    Appreciate the benefits of a diary. The usefulness of a reading diary depends on how much and how often you read. If you read almost every day, then in a year there are probably so many books accumulated that it’s impossible to remember in all the details. Can't remember important points from those books that you read just a few months ago? Keep a literary diary, as the process of writing thoughts helps to remember information better.

    • If you read only a few books a year, then a literary diary will be of less use to you. Such a diary is appropriate only for very active readers.
  1. Choose a method. There are two main options: writing in a regular paper notebook or blogging on the Internet. Someone likes to feel in the hands of a real notebook, others prefer the convenience and accessibility of publishing online.

    • Consider both options and make an informed decision, even if you already have some preferences.
    • In some cases, it is convenient to combine paper and electronic records. The computer is not always at hand, and the final conclusions can be saved in in electronic format when you finish reading the book.
  2. Buy a quality notepad. If you decide to write by hand, don't use a cheap spring notebook. It is quite convenient for recording, but wears out quickly. It is better to choose a high-quality and durable notebook with a secure binding (leather).

    • In addition to reliability, you should like the notebook, because it will serve you as a diary for more than one month. It's not uncommon for writers to become emotionally attached to a diary, so buy a quality notebook that suits your taste.
  3. Create a blog. Blog is a free online diary. In this case, you do not have to think that the free space in the diary may run out. A blog makes it easier to organize and find content. In addition, the blog may have a readership.

    Sign up for LiveLib. If you want to keep track of books read on the Internet, then LiveLib is a better choice than a simple blog. LiveLib is a site that allows people to keep track of their reading habits and post thoughts about the books they read. A nice addition will be an extensive database of materials and an active community of book lovers.

    Part 2

    How to keep a diary
    1. Specify important information about the book. Each individual article should include basic information: the name of the author and the title of the book. Highlight such data in bold or in other external features so that they stand out on the page or on the screen. This will make it easier for you to see key information in large amounts of text.

      Write down facts that are easy to forget. Our memory is unreliable. Even if you are delighted with the book, it is not certain that in a year you will be able to remember the details of the plot. The more you read, the more often this problem arises. Of course, it is not necessary to write down every little thing, but indicate at least those ideas that interested or surprised you.

      • Such bits of information will become a clue that will help you remember other details.
    2. Write down your favorite quotes in your diary. IN good books there are always lines that will touch the strings of your soul. You don't need to write everything, but choose a few quotes from the book that are worth capturing verbatim. An excellent choice would be quotes that encapsulate the entire essence of the book.

      Comment on the author's style and techniques. In some diaries they write only about the content of the books, but it is no less interesting to evaluate the form of the work and the author's techniques. Analyze the author's perspective (from the first or third person), the volume of the book, images and artistic means that are used in the work.

      • Complete the entry with your assessment of the effectiveness and appropriateness of the author's techniques. Your diary entry may be an informal review. Carefully explore different technical aspects to learn to distinguish good text from bad.
    3. Specify the time and place of creation of each entry. A literary diary is not just a list of books read. Like any diary, it will contain indirect judgments about the events of your life. Life experiences influence the books you read, and books, in turn, can represent life stages and time spans. Keep this in mind and indicate the place and time when you read this book and created the note.

      • Write down the facts that connect the book with the events of your life so that you can better remember both aspects. Strengthen and expand the associations between the book and life circumstances.
    4. Relate the book to your life. Over time, it will be easier for you to understand the emotions when reading a book if you indicate your thoughts and events that you had to deal with at that moment. General information(where you lived, with whom you were in a relationship) will help you remember many details of this time period.

      • Background information will make it easier to remember the mood and mindset with which you read the book. This will help explain the focus on specific quotes or some thoughts.
      • Naturally, deeply personal details should be indicated only in a personal literary diary which cannot be read by outsiders.
    5. Think about how the book has affected you. Books are an option for leisure and entertainment, but they also help us develop. Many of the books you read will not leave a lasting impression, but some will definitely affect your life. If a book has changed your worldview forever, state that fact at the end of your note.

      • Such moments can also be highlighted in bold, so that years later, when you look at the record, it will be easier to find thoughts that were especially meaningful to you.

      Part 3

      How to form good habits
      1. Set reading goals for yourself. Reading books is fun, but active reading requires a little more motivation than watching TV or playing video games. Some people set goals to motivate themselves. For example, if you want to read more, but write: "I will read three books this month."

Literature lessons at school are among the most interesting and exciting. Many modern children enjoy reading epics and fairy tales, express their opinion about the plot and characters, and are not afraid to ask questions. But often this is not enough to get an excellent mark in this subject. We offer you to get acquainted with several recommendations that will help you figure out how to design a reader's diary.

What it is

A reader's diary for a student is a thick notebook in which students write out quotes from the work being studied, retell its plot. The benefits of such work are undeniable: if you need to prepare for a test or writing an essay, you don’t need to reread the text, just open your diary and refresh events or characters in your memory.

Design secrets

How to arrange a reader's diary so that it is convenient to use?

  • First of all, you need to make pagination and content - this will help you quickly find the work you need.
  • Be sure to indicate the sections - "Oral folk art”, “Literature of the 18th century”, “Literature of the 19th century”, etc. The titles of these sections should be written large print, you can use printed capital letters and colored pens. To make the diary look neat, you need to use the same color for headings of the same level.
  • Within each major section, there are subsections. So, "Literature of the 19th century" will necessarily include parts of "Pushkin's Creativity", "Lermontov's Poetry", "Gogol" and so on, depending on the school curriculum. The name of the subsection must also be highlighted in color, underlined.

As a rule, at school, teachers do not put forward clear requirements for how to arrange a reader's diary, because this is primarily a hint for the student. Therefore, you can freely express your imagination.

Form features

A very convenient form is a table that includes the following columns:

  • Full name of the author;
  • title of the work;
  • main characters;
  • place and time of action;
  • key events or quotes.

It is very important to make columns of different widths in the table. The last one should be the widest.

How to design a reader's diary without a table? You can write in solid text, emphasizing or highlighting with color the titles of works, authors and main ideas. Some students, who have a rich imagination, come up with schemes that reflect the relationship of characters. literary work and the events that happened to them. Work on such a presentation of the material will take some time, but remembering the text later will not be difficult.

Content specifics

How to arrange a reader's diary so that it is easy to prepare for writing an essay? First of all, when retelling, it is imperative to indicate the pages of a book or textbook, where we are talking about one event or another. This will allow you to quickly find the necessary place in the text and quote.

An obligatory part of the diary is quotations from the work, which help characterize the hero, understand the author's intention, the idea of ​​the text. They can be abbreviated if necessary, marking the place of reduction with an ellipsis. It would be useful to indicate the genre and year of writing the text, these data can be used in the introduction to the essay. Be sure to write down difficult-to-pronounce character names, especially from ancient or foreign literature. This will save a lot of time, because you don’t have to look for them in the book.

Younger students can decorate their notebooks with illustrations and pictures.


Consider how to design the cover of a reader's diary. There are several ways:

  • The easiest is to buy a suitable notebook, on which the “Reader's Diary” will be written, you just need to indicate your full name and class.
  • You can buy an ordinary notebook with a one-color cover and show your imagination: stick an illustration from your favorite work on it, write a few quotes you like, beautiful letters(for example, in the Old Slavonic style) display the words "Reader's Diary". Then the notebook will become a real treasure for any student.
  • With the help of ordinary braid, you can make a bookmark: a braid is taken, the length of which is about 7 cm longer than the notebook, one end of it is carefully glued on adhesive tape in the upper left corner of the back cover, and the rest is laid on the required page. The cover can also be pasted over with a braid.

We looked at how to beautifully design a reader's diary so that long years he made his owner happy. You should not throw away such notebooks, because in preparation for the final and entrance exams in literature, you will need to recall previously studied texts. And diary owners won't have to go to the library.

December 24, home of the medical adviser Stahlbaum. Everyone is getting ready for Christmas, and the children - Fritz and Marie - are guessing what this time the inventor and craftsman godfather, senior court adviser Drosselmeyer, who often repaired clocks in the Stahlbaum house, will give them as a gift. Marie dreamed of a garden and a lake with swans, and Fritz said that he liked the gifts of his parents that he could play with (the godfather's toys were usually kept away from the children so that they would not break), but to do whole garden godfather can't do it.

In the evening, the children were let in to a beautiful Christmas tree, near and on which there were gifts: new dolls, dresses, hussars, etc. The godfather made a wonderful castle, but the dolls dancing in it performed the same movements, and it was impossible to get inside the castle, so the miracle of technology quickly got tired of the children - only the mother became interested in the complex mechanism. When all the gifts were taken apart, Marie saw the Nutcracker. The ugly outwardly doll seemed very cute to the girl. Fritz quickly broke a couple of Nutcracker's teeth, trying to crack hard nuts, and Marie began to patronize the toy. At night, the children put the toys in a glass cabinet. Marie lingered at the closet, placing her ward with all the conveniences, and became a participant in the battle between the seven-headed mouse king and the army of dolls led by the Nutcracker. The puppets surrendered under the onslaught of mice, and when mouse king already got close to the Nutcracker, Marie threw her shoe at him ... The girl woke up in bed with her elbow cut broken glass closet. No one believed her story about the night incident. The godfather brought the repaired Nutcracker and told a tale about a hard nut: the beautiful princess Pirlipat was born to the king and queen, but Queen Myshilda, avenging her relatives killed by the mousetraps of the court watchmaker Drosselmeyer (they ate the fat intended for royal sausages), turned the beauty into a freak. The only thing that could calm her now was the cracking of nuts. Drosselmeyer in fear death penalty with the help of a court astrologer, he calculated the horoscope of the princess - the Krakatuk nut, split by a young man with a special method, will help restore her beauty. The king sent Drosselmeyer and the astrologer in search of salvation; both the nut and the young man (the watchmaker's nephew) were found with Drosselmeyer's brother in his hometown. Many princes broke their teeth on Krakatuk, and when the king promised to marry his daughter to a savior, a nephew stepped forward. He cracked the nut and the princess, having eaten it, became a beauty, but the young man could not perform the whole ceremony, because Myshilda threw herself at his feet ... The mouse died, but the guy turned into a Nutcracker. The king expelled Drosselmeier, his nephew and astrologer. However, the latter predicted that the Nutcracker would be a prince and the ugliness would disappear if he defeated the mouse king and fell in love with him. beautiful girl. A week later, Marie recovered and began to reproach Drosselmeyer for not helping the Nutcracker. He replied that only she could help, because she rules the kingdom of light. The Mouse King got into the habit of extorting Marie for her sweets in return for the safety of the Nutcracker. Parents were alarmed by the fact that the mice wound up. When he demanded her books and dress, she took the Nutcracker in her arms and sobbed - she is ready to give everything, but when there is nothing left, the mouse king will want to kill her herself. The Nutcracker came to life and promised to take care of everything if he got a saber - Fritz helped with this, having recently dismissed the colonel (and punished the hussars for cowardice during the battle). At night, the Nutcracker came to Marie with a bloody saber, a candle and 7 golden crowns. I will give the trophies to the girl, he led her to his kingdom - the Land of Fairy Tales, where they got through their father's fox coat. Helping the Nutcracker sisters with the housework, offering to crush caramel in a golden mortar, Marie suddenly woke up in her bed. Of course, none of the adults believed her story. About the crowns, Drosselmeier said that this was his gift to Marie for her second birthday and refused to recognize the Nutcracker as his nephew (the toy stood in its place in the closet

At the end school year many teachers give students lists of literature that needs to be studied during the holidays. However, books are not just meant to be read. Teachers require that the studied material be entered in the reader's diary. Unfortunately, many children do not cope with this task, because they do not know how to keep a reading diary and what it is all about.

Who needs a reading diary

Some parents have a negative attitude towards the management of CHD. Very often you can hear the phrase: “How to keep a reader’s diary for a child, even if sometimes I don’t remember the name of the author or heroes of the read work? I liked it - I remembered it, I didn’t like it - why keep it in memory! reads under the sticks. Unfortunately, such statements can be heard quite often. Based on this, we can conclude that we read only for the sake of a moment of entertainment. However, this is not quite true.

In general education school curriculum includes works that teach children kindness, mutual understanding, relationships and other necessary qualities intellectually developed person. In addition, the purpose of the reader's diary is not at all to develop a love of reading in the baby. As a rule, children read any work (even a fairy tale) in order to learn something interesting that they have not heard about before. In addition, many competitions, quizzes or marathons are held, in which children will have to remember what they once read. For example, tell a fairy tale, a riddle, answer a question about some hero. And how will they be able to do this if the material they read has flown out of their memory a long time ago? If the kid knows how to keep a reading diary and use this knowledge, then the information will be available to him at any time.

What is a reading diary for?

The reader's diary is a kind of cheat sheet that will help the child remember all the material they have ever read. In addition, the black hole teaches children to analyze the work, brief conclusions from what you read. After all, this is what the students elementary school given the most difficult. Studying works, writing summary in BH, the child also trains writing skills. Memory is also trained, because writing down the names of the main characters and the author, various dates, the content of the text, the child remembers them better. Among other things, parents, by controlling the maintenance of CHH, can understand which genre is more interesting for the child and what should be paid attention to. Now you should figure out how to keep a reader's diary.

Keeping a reading diary

In principle, a black hole is an ordinary notebook in which the student writes down his thoughts, some quotes from the work, a summary, the names of the author and the main characters. Most simple model- this is when the sheet is divided into two columns, in one of which they write the name of the work, in the other - their conclusions. However, this scheme is more understandable to the older generation; it is not suitable for kids. How to keep a reading diary for children? In principle, there is nothing complicated in this. However, it will be difficult for the child to draw up such a model. It is best to do this with your parents. So, they take a simple student notebook (preferably not very thin) and draw it into several columns:

Doing this regularly, the child consolidates the material read and in the future will be able to easily answer any question about the work.

How to keep a reading diary - sample

A reading diary for a primary school student might look like this.

Reader's diary (sample)

How to use

It is advisable to fill in the CD immediately after reading the work or the next day, having the text at hand in order to remember the most important points. From time to time, you need to look through the completed pages to refresh your memory and consolidate the impression of the work. At the end of the CD, a content page should be made, where the titles of the books read and the page number with their description will be entered. Thus, it will be much easier to navigate the black hole.

Starting from the first grade, children are given a certain list of books that they must read before the start of the new school year. The entries in the diary will help the student remember the contents of the book. The reader's diary contains all the information about the books assigned for reading. It is not difficult to prepare such a diary, the main thing is to make a little effort.

Step 1. Cover page of the diary

At the very beginning, you need to decide on the method of designing the reader's diary. As a basis, you can take an ordinary notebook in a cage. On the title page we place the inscription: "Reader's diary", indicate the name, surname of the author and class. The child can design the cover to their liking.

Step 2. List of books read

The content of the reader's diary is being prepared on the next page. It will list all the books that the child has read over the summer. For maximum comfort pages can be numbered.

Step 3. The order of registration of information about the books read in the reader's diary

When filling out information about a book you have read, you should follow a certain order:

All items are filled in neat and beautiful handwriting. You will have the best reading diary in the class!

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