How to sculpt jungle animals step by step. exotic jungle


Now we will draw little Mowgli from Soviet cartoon"Mowgli", consisting of five parts. This cartoon is based on Kipling's The Jungle Book. Mowgli means frog, he was named so by the she-wolf, where he was later brought up. The first part is called "Raksha" on behalf of the she-wolf who saved Mowgli from the tiger Sher Khan, who wanted to eat the little one. Indian boy. The tiger remains an enemy throughout the series. Only the flock can decide to leave the boy in the family, but the flock is in doubt, then the bear Balu, the panther Bagheera and the very first she-wolf Raksha stand up for his protection. The following episodes are called "Abduction", "Akella's Last Hunt", "Battle" and "Return to the People". Very interesting cartoon it is the Soviet one who did not watch the Soviet Mowgli, I recommend watching it.

Step 1. Draw a circle and curves as an auxiliary element, then move on to drawing the outline of Mowgli's face, then draw the eyes, nose and mouth, as well as one eyebrow.

Step 2. We draw hair at Mowgli and a neck. For the convenience of drawing the body, we will draw a skeleton, draw it with very thin lines, then erase it. Where the circles will be with our hands.

Step 3. Draw the upper body of Mowgli and hands.

Step 4. We draw a bandage on hips and feet at Mowgli.

Step 5. We paint over Mowgli's hair with a pencil.

The greenness level of our larger blue ball is sharply approaching round zero. I didn't say that because I care about flora and fauna. There is simply nowhere for people to live. In addition, human larvae are so lazy that they want to live with all the amenities (preferably not in the yard), and this requires a considerable amount of resources. There are fewer and fewer sources of the latter, and, as British scientists say, in the near future we will contemplate the beauty of nature only in the pictures in these social networks of yours.

Phew, he said what he wanted. Now I can calmly talk about how to draw the jungle so that you can preserve all the beauty of mother nature and pass on memories of her to future generations.

I can already see it ... The son comes to dad and asks: Dad, does the jungle exist? Father: No, son, this is fantastic. People from the future, I am writing this certificate for you! The jungle is the same domestic forest, only it sounds cooler, and it’s not bears in earflaps with balalaikas in their hands that are found here. In the jungle, the strongest survive, or at least the one who bites or stings with poison. The rest is waiting for the inevitable fate of becoming dinner, and at best after death. Adding to the danger is the fact that there you can suddenly meet a creature much larger than your beer-loving neighbor, with a big belly. Moreover, if our forest is an oak tree, then the jungle can please you with flowers that eat flies, and, quite likely, with flies that do not disdain such flowers. From all this food chain a man has carried away his legs for a long time and prefers to live in.

If you want to enjoy the contemplation primitive life, you can go on vacation to places that can be called the jungle, preferably not inhabited by anthropoids. Before that, I strongly recommend watching a survival course in wild environment Beara Grills (I think everyone here knows who this is?). Personally, I have already completed the course of a young fighter twice in absentia, and in the near future I am going to go on a journey to erase white spots from the globe. If suddenly one day you see that I have disappeared and no longer write new lessons on, you can assume that wild hyenas ate me, or my camp was attacked by vicious African termites that can digest even a pack of Rolton in an instant.

But that's all in the future, but for now I'll be here to poison you with my jokes, which just climb:

  • Death in the jungle is more common than in the movie Final Destination;
  • This the only place where plants can be much more dangerous than animals;
  • There grows the well-known cotton tree, which, due to its political and religious beliefs, will not grow until there is room for it in the sun;
  • By the law of the jungle, Mowgli and several other punk artists grew up;
  • If the thought suddenly came to you whether there is an electric catfish, then you can easily find the answer posthumously in the waters of the Amazon;
  • The Amazon is a river, not a jungle, as they say most of population;
  • It was in the jungle that the ancient Maya lived, who wrote this damn calendar and became no less popular than he himself;

After all that has been said above, I just want to add one thing - come on, quickly draw everything!

How to draw a jungle with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's sketch first. These are just strokes indicating the location of the elements of the picture. Study the picture carefully and repeat.
Step two. vertical lines create the effect of high rocks and terrain.
Step three. Let's draw the foreground. There are many pebbles here.
Step four. Do the same with the trees and pebbles in the background.
Step five. Everything is ready, it remains to add some shadows and shading to make everything look realistic. Well, don't forget about the palm tree on the left.
Want more landscape painting tutorials? I recommend trying to draw.

The greenness level of our larger blue ball is sharply approaching round zero. I didn't say that because I care about flora and fauna. There is simply nowhere for people to live. In addition, human larvae are so lazy that they want to live with all the amenities (preferably not in the yard), and this requires a considerable amount of resources. There are fewer and fewer sources of the latter, and, as British scientists say, in the near future we will contemplate the beauty of nature only in the pictures in these social networks of yours.

Phew, he said what he wanted. Now I can calmly talk about how to draw the jungle so that you can preserve all the beauty of mother nature and pass on memories of her to future generations.

I can already see it ... The son comes to dad and asks: Dad, does the jungle exist? Father: No, son, this is fantastic. People from the future, I am writing this certificate for you! The jungle is the same domestic forest, only it sounds cooler, and it’s not bears in earflaps with balalaikas in their hands that are found here. In the jungle, the strongest survive, or at least the one who bites or stings with poison. The rest is waiting for the inevitable fate of becoming dinner, and at best after death. Adding to the danger is the fact that there you can suddenly meet a creature much larger than your beer-loving neighbor, with a big belly. Moreover, if our forest is an oak tree, then the jungle can please you with flowers that eat flies, and, quite likely, with flies that do not disdain such flowers. From this whole food chain, a person has carried away his legs for a long time and prefers to live in urban thickets.

If you want to enjoy the contemplation of primitive life, you can go on vacation to places that can be called the jungle, preferably not inhabited by anthropoids. Before that, I strongly recommend watching the course on survival in the wild by Bear Grills (I think everyone here knows who he is?). Personally, I have already completed the course of a young fighter twice in absentia, and in the near future I am going to go on a journey to erase white spots from the globe. If suddenly one day you see that I have disappeared and no longer write new lessons on DeiFan, you can assume that I was eaten by wild hyenas, or my camp was attacked by vicious African termites that can digest even a pack of Rolton in an instant.

But that's all in the future, but for now I'll be here to poison you with my jokes, which just climb:

  • Death in the jungle is more common than in the movie Final Destination;
  • This is the only place where plants can be much more dangerous than animals;
  • There grows the well-known cotton tree, which, due to its political and religious beliefs, will not grow until there is room for it in the sun;
  • By the law of the jungle, Mowgli and several other punk artists grew up;
  • If the thought suddenly came to you whether there is an electric catfish, then you can easily find the answer posthumously in the waters of the Amazon;
  • The Amazon is a river, not a jungle, as most people think;
  • It was in the jungle that the ancient Maya lived, who wrote this damn calendar and became no less popular than Michael Jackson himself;

After all that has been said above, I just want to add one thing - come on, quickly draw everything!

How to draw a jungle with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's sketch first. These are just strokes indicating the location of the elements of the picture. Study the picture carefully and repeat.
Step two. With vertical lines, create the effect of high rocks and terrain.
Step three. Let's draw the foreground. There are many pebbles here.
Step four. Do the same with the trees and pebbles in the background.
Step five. Everything is ready, it remains to add some shadows and shading to make everything look realistic. Well, don't forget about the palm tree on the left.
Want more landscape painting tutorials? I recommend trying to draw.

Hello! If you just want to wander through the jungle, then you - to Dimochka Krylov. And if you want to learn how to draw the jungle, and not just draw, but also decorate them with cool exotic text, then you have come to the right place! Today we will learn to draw berries, leaves, and creepers. In a word, much of what grows in the real jungle.
From a practical point of view, this lesson is useful in that it shows how to work in several documents at the same time and how to properly use such a nasty tool as the Pen. Well, and one more thing. See for yourself.

Here is what we should get:

Note: all images in the translation correspond to screenshots from the source lesson.

Materials for the lesson:

Step 1. Making the background.
First, open a new document with dimensions 600 by 375, RGB/8 c transparent background. Now you can go two ways: if you want to save time, take my ready-made background, if you want to dream up and create your own background layer, find beautiful view or a landscape with trees, shrubs and lawns and play a little with brushes, curves (curves) and blur. (blurs). In general, achieve something like this:

Step 2. Making the leaves
Now minimize the document with the background layer. We don't need him yet. Don't worry, we'll get back to it a little later. In the meantime, let's take care of the leaves and berries. We'll be up to our necks! First, you need to download a texture that imitates a leaf of a tree.

Step 3 After that, place the texture in a new document with the same dimensions and a transparent background. (name it “Leaves”) Press M to activate RectangularMarqueeTool(rectangular selection tool). Right click and select FreeTransform(free transform), one more right click - now select warpmode(warp mode). Or go to Edit - FreeTransform- Warp(Editing - Free Transform - Warp). Do as you please. Now click and drag the top left corner of our texture down the grid by 1/3. Then pull the bottom left corner in the same way. Refer to my picture:

Step 4 And now try to connect the top and bottom edges, so that you get a kind of leaflet:

By using PolygonalLassoTool(Polygonal lasso) sort of remove all unnecessary (select the area you want to remove and click Delete). Try to make the edges of the leaf as clear and graceful as possible:

Step 5 Go back to FreeTransform(free transform) and select again Warpmode(warp mode). Repeat all steps with the bottom right corner of the texture. Make sure the sides look symmetrical.

Step 6 And once again - with the upper right corner. Like this:

Step 7 Again we return to FreeTransform ( free transform). But this time we choose either mode Distort( distortion) or Perspective(perspective): After a little manipulation, our petal will look much more natural:

Step 8 Now duplicate the Leaves layer and place the copy under the main layer. Deform a little FreeTransform - Warp ( free transformation-deformation). Please note that the leaflet on the copy should be slightly different from the original. Then make a few more copies, play with their sizes and place them like in my drawing:

Step 9 Now add a layer style. Come in layerstyle - Dropshadow(Layer style - drop shadow). Apply this style on all the resulting leaf layers and experiment with settings such as transparency (opacity), distance (distance) and size (size). Remember that the maximum transparency should not exceed 64%. The maximum distance is 23, the size is 51. Your the main task Now, give the leaves more depth. This is where you focus your attention. If you have one leaf directly above the other, greatly reduce the distance and size. This will give the image clarity.

Step 10 Double click on the "Leaves original" layer. Go to layer style-bevelandEmboss(Layer style - Embossed). We set the following parameters:
depth(depth) - 100%
size(size) -65px
soften(easing) -0px
You can also try lowering the transparency.
Repeat the same steps on all copies of the layer.

Step 11 Let's add some more depth to our leaves. Select the bottom copy layer. Right click on this layer. Now you need to choose a team ConverttoSmartObject(convert to smart object). This will give you the opportunity, later on, to easily change the settings of the applied filters. Go to filter > Blur > GaussianBlur(filter -blur -gaussian blur), set the radius to 2.6px. Repeat this step on all other layers. Don't forget to decrease the blur radius as you get closer to the biggest leaf! Now choose SmartObject(smart object) on the main layer “Leaves”. Click D, (now the main color is black), take a brush and paint over only the central part of the sheet. Do not touch the edges of the leaf! You will see that after this, the blur effect will not be preserved throughout the sheet, but only at the edges. Now deform our leaves a little more. Believe me, this is quite an exciting activity. Do not be lazy - and everything will work out! Now merge all layers into a group.

Step 12 Well, the leaves are ready. But these are only leaves, berries are ahead.

Step 13 Making the Berry
Minimize the Leaves document and open a new document at 600 x 450. Now we will start drawing the berries.
You are taking Ellipticalmarqueetool(oval selection tool). Press shift and draw a small circle. Fill it with #ff0000. Name the layer "Berry"

Double click on the layer. Go to layerstyle(layer style) and apply the following settings:
Innershadow(inner shadow): Opacity (transparency) 75%, Distance (offset): 5px - Choke (contraction): 0% - Size (size): 38px. Make sure the option is checked useGloballight(use global illumination)
bevelandEmboss(embossing ): Depth (depth): 32px - Direction (direction): Up, Size (size) 43px, Soften (softening) 16px. The rest of the settings are default.
Gradientoverlay(gradient overlay) : Black-White gradient (black and white gradient), Opacity (transparency): 16, Angle (Angle): 90.
A little later we will duplicate this layer and turn our blank into a berry. For now, hide it by clicking on the eye in the layers palette. At this stage, you should get this:

Step 14 Making the Berry Shape
Create a new layer and choose penTool(feather). Name the layer "Shape" Click in the center close to the top of the window (but not too high!). This will be the first dot (1), press shift and click again at the bottom (second dot). Visually imagine that the upper and lower points are located in the same plane. You should have a straight line.
Now right click on pentool. Select mode Add Anchor Point (add intermediate points). Click once on the top of the line and drag it to the right. You will get intermediate point 3. Now add another point (4) at the bottom and move it to the right too:

Step 15 Because pentool(pen) is still active, click anywhere to deactivate it and select the option MakeSelection(create a selection area). Set the radius to 0 pixels. Click OK. You have a selection. Now invert it (Shift+Ctrl+I).

Step 16 With the selection still pressed, press D and set the default colors to black/white. Fill the resulting selection with black. Deselect.
Duplicate the layer (Ctrl + J). Go to Edit> Transform > FlipHorizontal(editing - transformation - flip horizontally). Click. V, and move the top layer a little to the left, position it so that you have an image that looks like a blackcurrant. If you cannot fit the two halves of the berry to each other, then create a new layer and paint over all your errors with a black brush. Ready? Merge layers with shape and shape copy: click ctrl, click on the desired layers in the layers panel, right click again and select the option Mergelayers(merge layers). Ready? You will need this form in the next step, since we will put our berries on it, like on a “blank”.

Step 17Gathering Berry
Make the Berry layer visible. Now open the Group icon and drag this layer there. You will find this very useful a little later. Arrange Now new group above the “Shape” layer and click ctrl+ T. Look at the boxes that have appeared on the top bar: you need to reduce the 'W' (width) and 'H' (height) to 50%. Then click enter

Step 18 Position the Berry Original layer directly above the “Shape” layer. A little more and we'll be done. And now, focusing on the “Shape” layer, duplicate the “Berry” layer as many times as you wish. But do not forget that in the end, you should end up with something like this: In principle, if at least once in your life you have seen a real berry, it will not be difficult for you.

Step 19 In the same way (duplicating the layer and placing the copies in rows), make the final version:

Step 20 Everything, now the form is completely closed with small cute berries. It turned out something reminiscent of raspberries, right? Raspberries…
Now, unite the group with berries (right click - Mergegroup(combine the group). Now we have all the berries together, on one layer. And you can hide the "Shape" layer. We won't need it anymore.

Step 21 Now activate BurnTool(dimmer) and darken the edges of the berry. After that, click in the center, previously setting the brush size to 180 and setting the hardness to 0%. Settings BurnTool ("Dimmer"): Shadows(shadows) exposure(exposure) -25%

Step 22 Now choose DodgeTool(clarifier), take a brush with a diameter of 168, set the mode Highlights(backlight) and exposure(exposure) 17%, lightly brush over the entire berry, but especially in its central part:

Step 23 Add leaves to the berry
Now open the "Leaves" document. Drag the leaves into the Berry document. Or copy and paste. (CTRL+C, CTRL+V). Fit them to each other in size, open the previously created group and expand each sheet a little. Now duplicate the entire group, and go to Edit > Transform > FlipHorizontal(Edit - Transform - Flip Horizontally). Now open the “Leaves copy” group and place the leaves like this:

Step 24 Select all layers (“Berry” and “Leaves” groups). You need to select both the original groups (1) and their copies (2). Press T, and while holding shift, shrink the finished berry a little. For what? But We still need a place to attach a tail to the berry.

Step 25. Making a flirty ponytail for our berry
Create a new layer, activate pen(feather). Click in the center right on the leaves (point 1), now click literally 2.5 centimeters higher, put the point a little to the left (point 2). Then add an extra point in the center (point 3). Now switch to mode pen -AddAnchorpoint(pen - add an intermediate point). Click and drag the 3rd point slightly to the right. The tail of the berry should turn out to be slightly curved. That's why he's a ponytail. See what it looks like for me:

Step 26 Set the color to #6c8f07. Select a soft brush with a size of no more than 7. Activate again pen(feather). Right click on the path we made, select strokepath(underline the contour) Make sure that the dialog box that appears is set to Brush mode (brush) and unchecked in the Simulate Pressure window (pressure). Click OK, then enter.

Step 27 Place the tail layer above the Berry layer, but below the Leaves layer. Go to layerstyle(layer styles) and select InnerShadow(inner shadow) with settings: Distance(offset): 5 , size(size): 6. Leave the rest of the settings as default.
Now we can merge all layers into a group. Select them, open the group and place all the layers in it. Name the group "Berry". It's time to open the background window (have you forgotten we have a background yet?) and get on with your work. Do not worry, gradually we are approaching the final.

Step 28 Draw Lianas
So, we are back on the background layer with the blurred landscape.
Open a new layer (name it "Liana"). Set the main color to #77aa01, use a soft brush (0%), size 6-7. Activate pen(pen) and put the following points:

Step 29 Now let's go to pen -AddAnchorpoint(pen - add intermediate point) and add a few more points. Gently drag them into different directions to achieve this effect:

Right click, choose strokepath(underline the outline). Put a tick in the window Simulate Pressure (pressure). Press OK, then - enter

Step 30 Open a new layer and repeat all the steps, slightly changing the direction and bends in the second liana:

Step 31 So, we got 2 vines.
Now click on the layer with the first liana. Apply the following layer styles to it:
bevelandEmboss(embossing) : Depth (depth): 100% - Direction (direction): Down - Size: 5 - Soften (softening): 0 - Angle (angle): -137 Altitude (height): 30 Highlight Mode Opacity (backlight): 44% - Shadow Mode Opacity (shadows): 67%.

Step 32. Decorate the creepers with leaves and ...
Now go back to the Leaves window and drag the group into the document with blurred background. So, as you already did with the Yagoda group. Resize it so it looks like this:

Step 33 Duplicate the group until you have enough leaves to decorate both vines. You can resize, hide the leaves you don't need, expand them, etc. In short, work until you are satisfied with the result.

Step 34 Add Bindweed to the Creepers
Set the brush size to 3. Open a new layer (name it "Bindweed" choose color #77aa01 (you already used it) and draw a squiggle like this:

Step 35 Now right click on the layer. Choose a team pastelayerstyle(insert layer style). You need to copy Liana's layer style first - Withopylayerstyle(copy layer style): Then scale down the first bindweed and place it on top of the vine like this:

Duplicate the layer 3 more times and place vines around the edges of each vine. Then select all the vine and spiral layers and put them in one group. Call her "Liana 1"

Step 36 Add Berries to the Creepers
Go to the Berry window. It's time to add berries to the leaves and vines. Click once on the name of the group, press V and drag the Berry group into the document with the background layer (that's where all the other elements of our composition are now). Of course, you need to resize them, place them on the bottom vine and check that the leaves are put on top of the berry, like little hats:

Step 37 Use right click to select a command mergegroup(combine the group). Press Ctrl and select the contents of the group. Create a new layer and place it right below this layer. Return the colors to their original position (press D). Fill the selection with black. Press Ctrl + D and deselect. Go to filter > Blur > GaussianBlur(filter - blur - Gaussian blur) and set the blur radius to 3.5 pixels. Hold Ctrl and click on the Berry layer and duplicate it. Press V and drag the new berry to the top vine:

Step 38 Add Text
Now we will add text. Make the base color white. Press T and choose typetool(font). Use a font TwCenMTCondensedExtraBold or any other at your discretion. Type the word JUNGLE

Step 39 Duplicate the text layer twice (Ctrl + J). Change the color of the original layer (it's at the very bottom) to #0e1a03. Then right-click to select the command from the submenu rasterize(rasterize layer) and rasterize all text layers. Hide 2 copies. Apply a filter on the original text layer filter > Blur > GaussianBlur(filter - blur - Gaussian blur) with a blur radius of 1.7 pixels.

Step 40 Now make the first copy of the text layer visible and go to filter > Blur > MotionBlur(filter - blur - motion blur). Apply these settings: distance (offset) 68, angle (angle) 90.

Step 41 And now let's work with the top (2) copy. First, make it visible. Apply the following layer styles:
DropShadow: Opacity (transparency): 75 - Angle (angle): -90 - Distance (offset): 0 - Spread (range): 0, Size (size): 6
InnerShadow: Opacity (transparency): 75, Angle (angle): 90, Distance (offset): 5, Choke (contraction): 0, Size (size): 9
InnerGlow: Blend Mode (overlay mode): Hard Light (hard light). Opacity (transparency): 75, Color (color): a6c439, Technique (method): Softer (softening), Source (source): Edge (at the edges), Choke (pulling): 0, Size (size): 9
Stroke(stroke) : Size (size): 1, Position (position): Outside (outside), Color (color): 202b0e

Step 42 Now duplicate the Liana 1 group. Merge all the layers in it, press V and drag to the word Jungle:

Step 43 Now be very careful. You are taking erasetool(Eraser), set the brush size to 7. We will need to erase a few pieces of vines in such a way as to create the effect that they wrap around the text and pass through it. See:

Step 44 Now add a style to this layer dropshadow(cast a shadow).
Distance (offset): 6, spread (range): 0.
And now let's add a berry to the bottom vine that wraps around our text:

Step 45 Almost done. Return to the original Yagoda document. Press V and drag the group back into the main document. Change the size (now we need to enlarge our berry quite a lot), expand it a little and place it in the upper left corner:

Step 46 Now do the same (step 45) with the "Leaves" group. Resize and place the leaves in the top right corner. Beauty!

Step 47 Well, and the final chord. We will need a magic brush, which you can download absolutely free at If you do not want to download anything - it does not matter either. Take 2 brushes with sizes of 2-3 pixels, open a new layer under the rest of the layers, draw dots like mine and blur them a little with a filter GaussianBlur(Gaussian blur). At this stage, you can do whatever your heart desires. But, nevertheless, be guided by my picture.

Step 48 Since you painted on a separate layer, you can always take erasetool(eraser) with 0% hardness and size 17 pixels and remove the dots you don't like:

Step 49 The last thing we need to do in this tutorial is: Double click on the layer with dots. Apply a layer style to it OuterGlow(external glow). Let's leave the default settings:

And here's another option.

All we're done. I hope you enjoyed this lesson. You can dream up further by adding your details to the created composition.

Good luck to all of you and see you soon!

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