What is another name for a brothel? Brothel


A brothel, a mess, a house of fuck; obscene house, den, lupanar, lupanarium, boarding house without ancient languages, cheerful house, den of debauchery, boarding house for girls without ancient languages, establishment, Chinese monastery, brothel, brothel, house under the red... ... Synonym dictionary

Brothel- PUBLIC, oh, oh; chen, chna. Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Brothel- An establishment where prostitutes live and receive visitors. We came to a brothel. Zarubin, in the loud voice of a regular, began asking the tall, thin, crooked housekeeper: Is Lida healthy? What about Capa? (M. Gorky. Life unnecessary person) … Phrasebook Russian literary language

Brothel- A brothel, a mess, a house of fuck... Dictionary of the criminal and semi-criminal world

Brothel- Just kidding. 1. Jarg. stud. Dormitory. 2. Jarg. school School. Maksimov, 115 ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

BROTHEL- Former Leningradsky hostel state university(Moika river embankment, 104). Nowadays there are apartments for university staff... Petersburger's Dictionary

brothel- An establishment where prostitutes live and receive visitors... Dictionary of many expressions

WHOLE HOUSE OF EMPEROR NICHOLAS II- So at the beginning of the 20th century. called the People's House of Emperor Nicholas II in Alexander Park. IN Soviet time was converted into the Velikan cinema, which now houses the St. Petersburg Music Hall... Petersburger's Dictionary

Bloody brothel- Bloody brothel Bordello of Blood Genre Horror Film Comedy Director Gilbert Adler Producer Gilbert Adler Alexander Collette Dan Cracciolo Screenwriter William Gaines Bob Gale ... Wikipedia

dating house - BrothelDictionary of many expressions


  • Love joys of bohemians, V. Orion. Brothel, brothel, brothel - whatever it is called - this temple of corrupt women has always occupied a significant place in the history of morals. On the pages of the book, based on evidence... Buy for 500 rubles
  • Yama, Kuprin A.I.. A brothel is a completely common phenomenon for Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. Women end up here various reasons: someone was sold by their own mother, someone lost faith in God and the church, and...

Which, however, does not mean their absence. In a number of countries they have official status.

Brothels have been known in history for many centuries. In 1862, during excavations in Pompeii, an ancient Roman lupanarium (from the Latin. lupa- she-wolf, simple. bitch in meaning harlot). Later it was turned into a museum as part of the general museum complex Pompeii. The Pompeii Lupanarium was reopened to tourists after restoration in the summer of 2006.

Figurative sense

Words brothel And mess often used to mean "clutter" (e.g. "glove compartment" in everyday life it is often called a box in the cockpit passenger car, where it is customary to store all sorts of little things). In addition, all variants of the name are used when talking about a place that has become famous for corruption or moral decline.

Famous brothels

Works of art that deal with the theme of brothels


  • “The Splendor and Poverty of Courtesans” (novel by O. de Balzac)
  • “Resurrection” (novel by L. N. Tolstoy)
  • “The Lady with the Camellias” (novel by A. Dumas (son))
  • “Intergirl” (story by V. V. Kunin)
  • “The Love Story of a Lonely Man” (novel by Ihara Saikaku)
  • “The Kreutzer Sonata” (story by L. N. Tolstoy)
  • “Dangerous neighbor” (poem by V. L. Pushkin)
  • “Les Miserables” (novel by V. Hugo)
  • “Pelagia and the Black Monk” (novel by Boris Akunin)
  • “Crime and Punishment” (novel by F. M. Dostoevsky)
  • "Plum Blossoms in a Golden Vase" (novel by the Lanling Mocker)
  • “Black Obelisk” (novel by E. M. Remarque)
  • “The Pit” (story by A. I. Kuprin)


Classical music

  • La Traviata (opera by Giuseppe Verdi)


  • “Horny House of Horror” (dir. Yu. Tsugita)
  • “The Splendor and Poverty of Courtesans” (dir. M. Kaznev)
  • “Resurrection” (dir. M. A. Schweitzer)
  • "McCabe and Mrs. Miller" (dir. R. Altman)
  • “Moulin Rouge” (dir. B. Luhrmann)
  • “Birdcage Hotel” (dir. Kim Ki-duk)
  • “Paprika” (dir. T. Brass)
  • "Bad Guy" (dir. Kim Ki-duk)
  • “Lovely Child” (dir. Louis Malle)
  • “Crime and Punishment” (several film adaptations of the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky)
  • “Red Light District” (dir. K. Mizoguchi)
  • “The Pit” (dir. S. N. Ilyinskaya)
  • “Lola (film, 1981)” (dir. Rainer Werner Fassbinder)
  • “Sucker Punch” (dir. Zack Snyder)

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  • Martynova E.I. The oldest profession. - Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk University Publishing House, 1992. - 192 p. - 50,000 copies. - ISBN 5-7470-0332-1.

see also


An excerpt characterizing the Brothel

- What, barchuk, you are pushing, you see - everyone is standing. Why climb then!
“So everyone will climb in,” said the footman and, also starting to work with his elbows, he squeezed Petya into the stinking corner of the gate.
Petya wiped the sweat that covered his face with his hands and straightened his sweat-soaked collars, which he had arranged so well at home, like the big ones.
Petya felt that he had an unpresentable appearance, and was afraid that if he presented himself like that to the chamberlains, he would not be allowed to see the sovereign. But there was no way to recover and move to another place due to the cramped conditions. One of the passing generals was an acquaintance of the Rostovs. Petya wanted to ask for his help, but thought that it would be contrary to courage. When all the carriages had passed, the crowd surged and carried Petya out to the square, which was completely occupied by people. Not only in the area, but on the slopes, on the roofs, there were people everywhere. As soon as Petya found himself in the square, he clearly heard the sounds of bells and joyful folk talk filling the entire Kremlin.
At one time the square was more spacious, but suddenly all their heads opened, everything rushed forward somewhere else. Petya was squeezed so that he could not breathe, and everyone shouted: “Hurray! Hurray! hurray! Petya stood on tiptoes, pushed, pinched, but could not see anything except the people around him.
There was one common expression of tenderness and delight on all faces. One merchant's wife, standing next to Petya, was sobbing, and tears flowed from her eyes.
- Father, angel, father! – she said, wiping away tears with her finger.
- Hooray! - they shouted from all sides. For a minute the crowd stood in one place; but then she rushed forward again.
Petya, not remembering himself, clenched his teeth and brutally rolled his eyes, rushed forward, working with his elbows and shouting “Hurray!”, as if he was ready to kill himself and everyone at that moment, but exactly the same brutal faces climbed from his sides with the same shouts of “Hurray!”
“So this is what a sovereign is! - thought Petya. “No, I can’t submit a petition to him myself, it’s too bold!” Despite this, he still desperately made his way forward, and from behind the backs of those in front he glimpsed an empty space with a passage covered with red cloth; but at that time the crowd wavered back (in front the police were pushing away those who were advancing too close to the procession; the sovereign was passing from the palace to the Assumption Cathedral), and Petya unexpectedly received such a blow to the side in the ribs and was so crushed that suddenly everything in his eyes became blurred and he lost consciousness. When he came to his senses, some kind of clergyman, with a bun of graying hair back, in a worn blue cassock, probably a sexton, held him under his arm with one hand, and with the other protected him from the pressing crowd.
- The youngster was run over! - said the sexton. - Well, that’s it!.. it’s easier... crushed, crushed!
The Emperor went to the Assumption Cathedral. The crowd smoothed out again, and the sexton led Petya, pale and not breathing, to the Tsar’s cannon. Several people took pity on Petya, and suddenly the whole crowd turned to him, and a stampede began around him. Those who stood closer served him, unbuttoned his frock coat, placed a gun on the dais and reproached someone - those who crushed him.
“You can crush him to death this way.” What is this! To do murder! “Look, cordial, he’s become white as a tablecloth,” said the voices.
Petya soon came to his senses, the color returned to his face, the pain went away, and for this temporary trouble he received a place on the cannon, from which he hoped to see the sovereign who was about to return. Petya no longer thought about submitting a petition. If only he could see him, he would consider himself happy!
During the service in the Assumption Cathedral - a combined prayer service on the occasion of the arrival of the sovereign and a prayer of thanks for the conclusion of peace with the Turks - the crowd spread out; Shouting sellers of kvass, gingerbread, and poppy seeds appeared, which Petya was especially keen on, and ordinary conversations could be heard. One merchant's wife showed her torn shawl and said how expensive it was bought; another said that nowadays all silk fabrics have become expensive. The sexton, Petya’s savior, was talking with the official about who and who was serving with the Reverend today. The sexton repeated the word soborne several times, which Petya did not understand. Two young tradesmen joked with the courtyard girls gnawing nuts. All these conversations, especially jokes with girls, which had a special attraction for Petya at his age, all these conversations did not interest Petya now; ou sat on his gun dais, still worried at the thought of the sovereign and his love for him. The coincidence of the feeling of pain and fear when he was squeezed with a feeling of delight further strengthened in him the awareness of the importance of this moment.
Suddenly, cannon shots were heard from the embankment (they were firing to commemorate peace with the Turks), and the crowd quickly rushed to the embankment to watch them shoot. Petya also wanted to run there, but the sexton, who had taken the little bark under his protection, did not let him in. The shots still continued when officers, generals, and chamberlains ran out of the Assumption Cathedral, then others came out not so hastily, the caps were taken off their heads again, and those who had run away to look at the cannons ran back. Finally, four more men in uniforms and ribbons emerged from the cathedral doors. "Hooray! Hooray! – the crowd shouted again.
- Which? Which? - Petya asked around him in a crying voice, but no one answered him; everyone was too carried away, and Petya, choosing one of these four faces, whom he could not clearly see because of the tears that had come into his eyes with joy, concentrated all his delight on him, although it was not the sovereign, shouted “Hurray! in a frantic voice and decided that tomorrow, no matter what it cost him, he would be a military man.

IN modern world The phrase “house of brothel” is not often encountered. This is a term that was once very common throughout Europe and even in Tsarist Russia. But over time, the phrase has completely fallen out of use and is now found only in literature or feature films. So, what is a brothel?

Meaning of the term

If you carefully leaf through dictionaries, you can find a definition that sheds light on the phrase “house of brothel.” This term characterizes the place where women of easy virtue are found. They make a living by selling their own bodies, that is, prostitution.

House of Tolerance: synonyms

Over the entire history of the existence of the oldest profession, which is prostitution, quite a lot of synonyms have been invented for the names of establishments where women sell themselves. The most common and famous of them are the House of Tolerance. However, still in ancient world there were establishments with their own unusual names where men could spend free time with cheerful and beautiful girls.

A little history of the issue

It is unknown when women of easy virtue first appeared, but most likely they are an invariable attribute of the development of human civilization. After all, even in Egypt, Ancient Greece and in Mesopotamia, prostitution was a well-known occupation to which society was very tolerant. For many ancient civilizations, a brothel was an absolutely natural phenomenon, and even kings and emperors did not hesitate to use the services of corrupt women, who were often among the most educated people in the state.

For example, during the excavations of Pompeii, the ruins of a lupanarium were discovered - a brothel where the city's nobility met with beauties. It is worth noting that the name of the establishment comes from Latin word, which can be translated as “harlot.” It is known that the Romans greatly valued women who knew how to not only please men in bed, but also entertain them with conversation. Typically, such ladies were successful and financially wealthy, as they had one or two wealthy patrons. An interesting fact is that in Ancient Rome Absolutely any woman who declared this in a master's program could become a prostitute. She received special permission to operate and had to wear yellow clothes with red shoes. History knows of cases when even the wives of emperors worked at night as priestesses of love.

In the Middle Ages, the concept of a “cheap brothel” became more widespread, where girls who had no other way to earn a living worked for pennies. The priests actively tried to eliminate prostitution as a phenomenon and sought to completely cleanse the cities of harlots, but they failed to eradicate brothels. They especially flourished in the land of love - France.

French brothels

I would like to clarify that not so long ago the phrase “house of tolerance” appeared in Europe. Definition (though it has a slightly different sound with an identical semantic load) arose during the Great french revolution, when the worldview of society and its attitude to moral standards were actively changing. In the eighteenth century, due to revolutionary ideas The French decided that the country should have a more tolerant attitude towards priestesses of love. Therefore, their activities were legalized, and French residents were obliged at the legislative level to treat them with respect. Brothels were renamed houses of tolerance, which by its name alone characterized how the French should perceive corrupt women.

Houses of tolerance were very common in the land of love and romance; in the eighteenth century, priestesses of love earned fortunes for themselves by working for two or three years. After all, clients often paid them with jewelry looted from the houses of French aristocrats. Many ladies eventually retired and opened their own brothels, as similar establishments were often called in Europe.

What about Russia? How did we come up with the term “battery house”? It's pretty interesting story, deserving special attention. Let's remember her.

Before the war with Napoleon, Russia had its own term that characterized establishments with women lung behavior. They were usually called fornications, that is, places where fornication and debauchery took place. But the War of 1812 slightly changed the attitude of Russians towards such establishments.

It was the French who brought with them the concept of “house of tolerance,” but in Russia it changed a little and acquired a more understandable sound for our compatriots - a house of tolerance. This meant that what was happening outside the walls of the institution was condemned by society, but still took place. We can say that society turned a blind eye to the priestesses of love themselves and their work.

Russia: houses of tolerance

By the way, in Russia, before the 1917 revolution, prostitution was a legal occupation and even gave ladies some advantages and benefits. Of course, each priestess of love had to be officially registered; as confirmation, she received a certificate with a yellow cover. Without him, she could not get a job in any brothel. Thanks to these certificates, the police could easily track corrupt women, and they also had to regularly report to police stations. Medical care in brothels was placed at a very high level, because it was also mandatory for ladies working in brothels.

It is interesting that corrupt women in pre-revolutionary Russia they themselves could choose a brothel in any city. They could not be restricted in their movements. Although some other segments of the population were firmly tied to their places of residence. They could also freely come to places of hostilities and were not subject to the law on vagrancy.

It can be said that brothels at the beginning of the twentieth century were an integral part of Russian society, although talk about it in high society was not accepted. It was also prohibited this topic in the presence of ladies and young girls.

Priestesses of love in literature

The theme of prostitution and brothels was very often exploited by writers of different eras. For example, Honore de Balzac in his work “The Splendor and Poverty of Courtesans” spoke quite openly for his time about the fate of girls who sold their bodies.

L. N. Tolstoy did not ignore this fertile topic in his novel “Resurrection,” as well as A. I. Kuprin in his story “The Pit.” He wrote on the topic of prostitution to A. Dumas, V. Hugo and Boris Akunin. To this day, stories about fallen women are favorites of writers all over the world.

Cinematography about brothel houses

Writers and directors also could not ignore the theme of brothel houses and quite often use it in their work. One of the most interesting films this series was released seven years ago. Film under telling name"House of Tolerance" is the creation of French masters. The story falls into the category of "drama" and tells about the difficult fate of girls working in a brothel in a brothel. A whole series of events will unfold before the audience, which will reveal all the secrets of this closed world, where fun should always reign, and main violin rustling bills play.

It is worth noting that the film caused mixed assessment critics and was even nominated for participation in the Cannes Film Festival. Many viewers admitted that it touches the deepest strings of the soul and is extremely pleasant to watch.

Of course, the topic of brothel houses is extremely sensitive. And even in our enlightened age, when almost all prohibitions are erased, it is not customary to talk about this in society. And this can only mean one thing - the term, once introduced into use, turned out to be extremely correct. After all, society continues to tolerate what it does not want to admit and what it does not want to talk about out loud.

12 floors, 120 rooms and the same number of girls. All this can be found in the largest brothel in Europe.
The brothel is called "Pasha" and is located in Cologne (Germany). An average of 1,000 people pass through each day.

The brothel is very popular, but the owners do not spare money on advertising.

In a brothel you can get a tattoo with the establishment's logo. A man with such a tattoo can get free for life
use the services of girls. By the way, about 40 people have already agreed to this proposal.

Business relations between brothel owners and prostitutes are based on a simple scheme - the girl pays for the room
160-180 euros per day and she decides when she goes to work and what price to set for her services.
Entrance to “Pasha” costs 5 euros.

German brothels have always been famous for their professionalism, practicality and high level hygiene. “Pasha” is no exception,
therefore, many fathers bring their sons here so that they can learn the basics of sex from professional prostitutes.

An hour of love costs no less than 150 euros, but German democracy works here too - you can stop by for half an hour.

For those who want everything at once, but do not have enough finances, group orgies are organized weekly.
Four girls work from 11 am to 7 pm. For 100 euros you can try all four.

Girls are ready to fulfill any man's whims. “Pasha” has several sadomasochistic rooms, as well as one “dark room”.
For just 20 euros, a girl will satisfy a man through a hole in the wall.

Clients are a diverse group of people. Old people and young people, poor and rich, smart and stupid come here. Girls treat everyone
with respect - these are primarily men.

The busiest hours are from 8 pm to 5 am. Therefore, prestigious men often drop into the establishment for lunch and at the same time
have fun with a girl, relieve stress, so to speak.

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