An ambiguous assessment of the work of Konenkov sculptor. The most mysterious blogger in Russia


The artist Sergey Timofeevich Konenkov, a sculptor of mighty and original talent, served for many decades native art, made up his glory and pride. High talent, diligence, strength of character allowed the native of a peasant family to successfully master the secrets of craftsmanship at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture and at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.

The theme of music runs through all of Konenkov's work. He created numerous portraits of singers, musicians, composers: Chaliapin, Rachmaninov, Mikuli, Romashkov, Plevitskaya, Nezhdanova, Bach, Paganini.

01. Paganini

S. T. Konenkov was a direct participant in the first Russian revolution of 1905, and in his works, such as "Stone Fighter", "Nike", "Slav", he realized his lofty dream of free man. At the same time, he created amazingly poetic works inspired by Russian fairy tales, epics, folk legends, heartfelt and full of harmony. female images. S.T.Konenkov made a memorial plaque in memory of the fallen heroes of the revolution, installed on Red Square. At its opening in 1918, V. I. Lenin delivered a speech.

02. Portrait of M.I.Konenkova

03. "Magnolia"

All furniture set Konenkov is primarily fabulous images: an armchair in the form of a swan, gracefully bending its neck; a table with a squirrel sitting on it; a boa constrictor that coiled its flexible body into rings and became an armchair.


05. Armchair S.T.Konenkov


Being outstanding portrait painter, S. T. Konenkov created a gallery of portraits of contemporaries, as well as great representatives of the culture of the past. Such are the deeply psychological, sharp in characterization, beautiful in skill portraits of N. V. Gogol, F. M. Dostoevsky, M. P. Mussorgsky, and other images that captivate with the charm of youth - "Marfinka", "Ninochka", "Russian Beauty" , "Girl in a wreath" and many others. S.T. Konenkov is the author of a number of remarkable works of monumental and decorative sculpture, such as: a figured frieze for the V.I. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Moscow, a pediment drama theater in Petrozavodsk, a figured composition made of wood "Runopevets" in the pavilion of the Karelian ASSR at VDNKh.

07. Portrait of A.S. Pushkin

08. A. Einstein

09. S.V.Rakhmaninov

10. "We will destroy the whole world of violence"

11. Close friendship connected S.T. Konenkov with the writer Mikhail Prishvin. Somehow, in a conversation with his wife, Prishvin, already a seriously ill person, apparently anticipating the imminent end, expressed a desire that Konenkov create a monument on his grave. When the writer died, his widow told Sergei Timofeevich about this conversation. Konenkov took these words as last will the deceased, and soon for the grave of Prishvin he carved in stone a monument "Bird Sirin". “The Sirin bird in ancient Russian mythology is the bird of happiness. When I thought about the monument to the poet of nature, I clearly imagined: after all, every line of Prishvin will forever give people happiness,” Konenkov explained the reason that prompted him to turn to this symbol of creating a grave monument . One of its variants is on display in the museum.


13. Christ

14. Portrait of S.N. Bazalyants

15. Symbolic composition

16. Sketch for the design of the Musical and Drama Theater in Petrozavodsk

17. M.I. Konenkova

18. "Forest old man"

19. N.V. Gogol

20. "Youth"

21. "Ballerina"

22. Christ

23. Albert Einstein

24. Woman in a Russian sundress (Portrait of the singer N.V. Plevitskaya)


The permanent exhibition of S.T. Konenkov takes place in the Memorial Museum-Workshop of S.T. Konenkov

Address: Tverskaya, 17
Price: 40 rubles, photography - 10 rubles. Plus, you will be given an absolutely wonderful brochure on the work of S.T. Konenkov for free

Sculptor S. T. Konenkov was born in the village of Verkhniye Karakovichi, Smolensk Region. For the rest of his life, Konenkov retained his love for working people, for folk poetry. His works affirmed democratic ideals, glorified a man - a fighter for the people's interests.

After graduating from the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, and then the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, Konenkov lives and works in Moscow. When the first Russian revolution broke out in 1905, he took a direct part in it and at the same time created a series of remarkable works dedicated to the heroes of the revolution: “Worker-militant of 1905 Ivan Churkin”, “Atheist”, etc.

In the work of Konenkov, images of Russian fairy tales, epics, and peasant beliefs come to life. "Old man-polevichok", "Lesovik", "Stribog", "Yeruslan Lazarevich", "Firebird" are carved from wood - the original material of Russians folk craftsmen. Konenkov revived the tree in Russian sculpture and revealed its rich decorative possibilities. In addition to these works, he creates sculptures inspired by antiquity, compositions on the theme of music ("Bach", "Paganini"), monumental and decorative panels.

S. T. Konenkov. Self-portrait. 1954. Marble. State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow.

After the October Revolution, Konenkov took an active part in the implementation of Lenin's plan for monumental propaganda. He creates a memorial plaque "To those who fell in the struggle for peace and the brotherhood of peoples" (1918), intended for the Kremlin wall (now in the State Russian Museum). At the opening of this memorial plaque, V. I. Lenin delivered a speech.

In 1924-1945. Konenkov lives and works abroad. At this time, he performs portraits of V. I. Lenin, F. I. Chaliapin, A. M. Gorky, I. P. Pavlov, A. Einstein, as well as F. M. Dostoevsky, A. S. Pushkin, L. N. Tolstoy.

Returning to Moscow, Konenkov inspiredly works on the images of the Soviet people. He performs portraits of scientists (A. N. Nesmeyanov, N. D. Zelinsky), collective farm workers (“The oldest collective farmer of the village of Karakovichi I. V. Zuev”), carries out monumental works in Petrozavodsk (sculptural decoration of the Music and Drama Theater, 1953-1954 ) and Moscow (high reliefs for the facade of the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, 1953). In "Self-portrait" (1954), the sculptor expressed a lofty idea of ​​the Soviet artist - the creator of beauty, bringing his inspiration to the people.

IN last years During his life, Konenkov worked a lot and fruitfully on portraits of V. I. Lenin.

The work of the Hero of Socialist Labor, Lenin Prize laureate, People's Artist of the USSR Konenkov, closely connected with modernity, with the best traditions of Russian art, has won the widest recognition of the people.

Even before the revolution, Konenkov was called the "Russian Rodin."


Konenkov was born on June 28 (July 10), 1874 in the village of Karakovichi (now the Elninsky district of the Smolensk region) in peasant family. Belarusian. Studied at MUZhVZ, and later at the Higher Art School Imperial Academy arts in St. Petersburg with Professor V. A. Beklemishev. Graduate work Konenkov's "Samson Breaking the Bonds" seemed too revolutionary and was destroyed by order of the officials of the Academy of Arts.

In 1897 he visited France, Italy, Germany. IN late XIX century, he made a realistic sculpture "Stonebreaker".

Revolutionary events 1905 found Konenkov in Moscow. Impressed by the events, he creates a cycle of portraits of the participants in the battles on Presnya (“The militant worker of 1905 Ivan Churkin”).

Konenkov decorates the Filippov cafe on Tverskaya (1905), creates a bas-relief "Feast" (1910).

In 1912 he visits Greece and Egypt.

Konenkov is working on a “forest series”, in which he makes extensive use of wood, using various processing techniques. For him, the forest is the embodiment of the elemental forces of nature, a symbol of beauty. He creatively rethinks the images of ancient legends, uses the techniques of folk carving. The series includes such works as "The Old Man" (1909), "The Old Man" (1909), "Stribog" (1910), "The Prophetic Old Woman" (1916), "Uncle Gregory" (1916), "The Beggar Brotherhood" (1918).

The prototype of the face depicted in the sculpture “The Prophetic Old Woman” was Konenkov’s extremely popular in 1915-1916 Russian storyteller of epics and tales M. D. Krivopolenova, a simple Pinega peasant woman who surprised Russia with her natural talent.

In parallel with the "forest cycle" Konenkov is working on the "Greek cycle" (works "Young Man" and "Horus").

Konenkov was one of the first among Russian sculptors of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries who turned to the image of the naked female body. His works are often sustained in the traditions of the Russian folk art, wood carving. ("Winged" (1913), "Firebird" (1915), "Caryatid" (1918).

The sculptor supported October revolution, participated in the implementation of the "monumental propaganda" plan. His desire for monumentality became the prevailing trend in the art of those years. The search for new forms was reflected in the works of 1918-1919: the bas-relief "To the Fallen in the Struggle for Peace and the Brotherhood of Nations" for Kremlin wall and the monument "Stepan Razin" for Red Square. In 1923, he took part in the design of the All-Russian Agricultural and Handicraft-Industrial Exhibition in Moscow.

In 1922, Konenkov married Margarita Ivanovna Vorontsova, and at the end of 1923 they went to the USA to participate in an exhibition of Russian and Soviet art. It was assumed that the trip would last only a few months, but the return home took place only after 22 years. The main place of residence and work during this period was New York.

In 1928-1929, Konenkov made a trip to Italy, where he met with A. M. Gorky and worked on his portrait. His personal exhibition is held in Rome.

TO American period creativity include Konenkov's drawings related to reflections on the themes of the Bible, the Apocalypse. The artist depicts Christ, prophets and apostles, creates sketches for cosmogony.

In 1935, the administration of Princeton University ordered a bust of the scientist A. Einstein from Sergei Konenkov. great physicist respected the work of the Russian sculptor, but with even greater attention - to Konenkov's wife, Margarita. Margarita was also acquainted with Robert Oppenheimer, "the father of the American atomic bomb».

During World War II, Konenkov was a member of the Russian Relief Committee. The letters of a prophetic nature (on behalf of Jehovah's Witnesses), which Konenkov wrote to I.V. Stalin on the eve of the war, gained fame. [non-authoritative source?]

By personal order of I.V. Stalin, in 1945, the Smolny steamship was chartered, on which Konenkov and all his works were transported to the USSR. Many author's gypsums were then transferred to the material.

The sculptor received a workshop on Gorky Street in Moscow.

In 1965, an exhibition of works by Konenkov was held in the building of the Moscow House of Artists on Kuznetsky Most, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of his birth.

The sculptor also fulfilled the promise made to Gorky during their meeting in Italy, and created a portrait of the writer's granddaughter Martha, her daughter Nina and mother - Nadezhda Alekseevna Peshkova, combining them into the "Three Ages" cycle (sculptural portraits "Marfinka" and "Ninochka") .

A special place in the gallery of portraits is occupied by images of composers, including J. S. Bach and N. Paganini.

Of the unrealized works - the project of the monument to Alexander II.

Sergei Konenkov is buried in Moscow on Novodevichy cemetery(section No. 8).

Awards and prizes

  • Hero of Socialist Labor (1964)
  • People's Artist of the RSFSR (1955)
  • People's Artist of the USSR (1958)
  • full member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR (1954)
  • Lenin Prize (1957) - for the sculpture "Self-Portrait"
  • Stalin Prize third degree (1951) - for the sculptural portraits "Marfinka" and "Ninochka"
  • two orders of Lenin (1955, 1964)
  • Honorary citizen of Smolensk (1964)

Works by Sergei Konenkov

  • Bather, 1917

    The Beggar Brotherhood, 1917


  • In 1974, on the centenary of the sculptor, in Moscow, in the house where he lived his last 24 years, a museum was opened, called the Memorial Museum-Workshop of S.T. Konenkov. It includes the workshop itself, where the master worked, his apartment, office, as well as the hall and vestibule. The interior was designed by Konenkov.
  • A memorial plaque-bas-relief is installed on the wall of the museum
  • Streets in Moscow and Roslavl are also named after Konenkov.

    Entrance to the House-Museum in Moscow

    Bas-relief of Konenkov on the wall of the house-museum in Moscow

    Postage Stamp USSR, 1973: portrait of Konenkov, artist P. D. Korin

Private bussiness

Sergei Timofeevich Konenkov (1874-1971) was born in the village of Karakovichi, Smolensk province, into a prosperous peasant family. After his mother's death, he was raised by his uncle. He learned to draw from a visiting icon painter, Konenkov's icons hung in many houses in the village. He graduated with honors from the gymnasium in Roslavl, then entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. For his graduation work, "Stonebreaker" was awarded a small gold medal and a scholarship named after Pavel Tretyakov, which gave the right to a one-year business trip abroad. In France, Konenkov visited the workshop of Auguste Rodin and was captivated by his work. Returning to his homeland, he was admitted to the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.

Konenkov's diploma work "Samson Breaking Bonds" (1902) caused controversy among teachers. In the revolutionary year of 1905, by order of the administration of the Academy, it was destroyed so as not to disturb the students. Despite the criticism of professors, the sculptor received the title freelance artist. His workshop on Presnya became a gathering place for the bohemia of Moscow and St. Petersburg. This, however, did not prevent him from taking part in the street fighting of 1905. By own confession, he bought Brownings and led one of the working squads. Impressed by the events, he created a cycle of portraits of the participants in the battles on Presnya (“The militant worker of 1905 Ivan Churkin”). In 1907 he exhibited a completely different, peaceful "Forest Series" - wooden sculptures pagan gods, - which, before the revolution, was constantly replenished with new works.

After the October Revolution, he participated in the "monumental propaganda" plan. In 1918, he created a bas-relief "To those who fell in the struggle for peace and the brotherhood of peoples", which was opened by Vladimir Lenin. In 1922 he married Margarita Vorontsova, with whom he went to the USA to participate in an exhibition of Russian and Soviet art. The trip, designed for several months, stretched out for 22 years.

In New York, the main genre for Konenkov was a custom-made portrait and architectural design of various buildings. On the initiative of Maxim Gorky, he created a gallery of sculptural portraits of figures of Russian art and science, including Gorky himself. In 1935, the administration of Princeton University commissioned a bust of Albert Einstein from the sculptor. During World War II, Konenkov was a member of the Russian Relief Committee. In 1945, by order of Stalin, the sculptor and his works were taken to the USSR on a specially chartered ship. Konenkov received a workshop on Gorky Street in Moscow (now Tverskaya). Was awarded the title People's Artist USSR, the first of the art workers became the Hero of Socialist Labor. In 1965, the last major lifetime exhibition was held, timed to coincide with the 90th anniversary of the birth of the master and the 70th anniversary of his creative activity. In total, Konenkov lived for 97 years, he was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

What is famous

Sergey Konenkov

Sculptor, popular in pre-revolutionary Russia, both in the Soviet Union and abroad, was called the "Russian Rodin". Back in 1902, Konenkov began searching for a new plastic language that would allow him not to tell the plot, but to express the emotional meaning of the image. Then he presented his "Samson" to the Academy of Arts. The professors were confused by the modernist interpretation of the biblical story, which destroyed the classical proportions of the figure. The young sculptor was supported only by Ilya Repin and Arkhip Kuindzhi, Repin even published his review in the press. The gypsum broken by the order of the administration of the Academy was later restored by the master and received the name "Freed Man".

What you need to know

In the USA, Konenkov became close to the Jehovah's Witnesses. The American period of his work includes drawings-reflections on biblical themes. Konenkov also wrote letters to Stalin with predictions about the outbreak of World War II, the end of the world, and other events. Some of the prophecies have come true. There is a version according to which Konenkov's wife Margarita won Einstein's favor and found out from him secret information about the atomic bomb Soviet intelligence. Margarita was also acquainted with the father of the American atomic bomb, Robert Oppenheimer.

Direct speech

“One day I happened to be with schoolchildren at Konenkov, in his workshop on the corner of Gorky Street and Tverskoy Boulevard. The colorful old man showed the children his miracles he had extracted from the tree: all kinds of foresters, fieldmen, animals, forest evil spirits, told how in childhood he loved to listen to the old beekeeper, depicted how he pulled bees entangled in it from his beard. And at the end of the meeting, Sergei Timofeevich treated us to a rare spectacle. At that time, he was working on a project for a monument to Lenin, which, according to his plan, was supposed to represent a tall figure of the leader installed on the Sparrow Hills, with an outstretched hand, rotating around its axis during the day following the moving sun. “Stepan! Start!” - Suddenly, the loud voice of Sergei Timofeevich rang out, and immediately an uncombed man resembling Oblomov's Zakhar ran out of the door, turned on something in the monument, the unit rumbled, and Vladimir Ilyich slowly moved around its axis, to the delight of the schoolchildren. - recalled the writer Mikhail Lobanov.

5 facts about Sergei Konenkov

  • Konenkov was one of the first among Russian sculptors who turned to the image of a naked female body. Often his works are created in the traditions of folk art ("Winged" (1913), "Firebird" (1915), "Caryatid" (1918) and others).
  • In 1974, on the centenary of the sculptor, a museum was opened, which includes a workshop where he worked, an apartment and an office. Here the master spent the last 24 years of his life.
  • Some critics note that the main period of Konenkov's work was pre-revolutionary; subtle spirituality of their early work the master, in their opinion, could not surpass.
  • Konenkov is an honorary citizen of Smolensk.
  • He died of pneumonia, not having lived only three years before the 100-year milestone he predicted for himself.

Moscow region. Lake Senezh. House of Artists. From time to time, NA father Alexei Alexandrovich Vasiliev visited and worked there.

For many artists, the Senezh base was a place of periodic visits, but for the most famous figures art, permanent rooms were booked there. S. Konenkov belonged to such artists. In the last years of life most Sergei Timofeevich spent his summers in this house of creativity.

Summer 1971. Konenkov is 97 years old. He hardly left the room. He tried to keep communication to a minimum, but he accepted A. Vasiliev - 10-15 years ago they met at some general congress of artists and sympathized with each other.

Alexey Alexandrovich, having previously collected reproductions of his works, wanted, among other things, to find out the opinion of the brilliant sculptor about them.

At sincere desire many years of life, it was clear that the worst could happen at any moment. In this position, every gesture, every word (written or spoken) outstanding person could be the last, their importance and significance increased many times over. During the conversations (there were two of them), a reproduction of one of his best works, signed by Konenkov, remained in Vasiliev's hands, and what he said was recorded immediately after the conversation.

Now we can say that we have not only the last autograph of the great sculptor, but we also know his last words.

The last autograph of the sculptor Sergei Timofeevich Konenkov

Sergey Konenkov - Vasiliev Al. Al.

Senezh(written by Manege)

The last (recorded) words of S. Konenkov

Handwritten NA:

I am a prophet. I am the only prophet on earth and no one knows this...

What is my meaning?

(In your great work)

My meaning is that I am a prophet.

Jesus Christ came to earth twice… He came the second time on my birthday in 1874. And the third time he will come again ...

After you Bolsheviks, anarchy will come and it will destroy you.

Kropotkin and Bunin always spoke about this, but they were not believed then ..

I belong to an organization that no one knows about, it is secret ... Previously, it was headed by Russell an Englishman, then a Pole Dombrovsky (?), and now I ...

Who do I look like (he objects to the fact that I look like Tolstoy) I look like Christ ...

We wrote to Stalin that the war would begin soon, and we told him that "Don't be afraid, your cause is just and you will win"...

I sculpted Samson, but Samson was blind and Lenin and Stalin were his eyes.

... You Bolsheviks do not know anything, but I know and we disciples of Christ know.

... The pyramid of Cheops, after all, who built it? Noah built (names many names). Astronomers built.

Khrushchev said that this is a great but useless construction, but Aswan is a brilliant construction ..

... I am a prophet, - after all, Pushkin and Dostoevsky were no prophets ... Only Blok also knew this .. (quotes a verse ... Jesus Christ is ahead in a white halo of roses ....") and Tsiolkovsky knew this (and Nesmeyanov)

... You will tell later that a prophet lived among us, and no one knew this ...

…Samson destroyed capitalism

... I was in Chisinau when the monument to Kotovsky was erected. I was accepted by this ... like him ... he has two more daughters.

Knows the poet Bukov ...

... He says several times that anarchy will come soon and the end will come; it will last one hour. (inaudible) this hour will last 1 year and 8 months.

What is the memory:

…I am 97 years old, but I am going to live to be 100 years old.

... I am working on the constellation now ... This is a topic about the great, about the Cosmos, about Christ ...

... The philosopher Fedorov opened my eyes ... he died in 1903 ...

... We are all disciples of Christ ... And Tsiolkovsky was a disciple of Christ ..

... I was at the top of the pyramid of Cheops .. You were too, but you do not know who built it. Noah built it. And he lived 300 years after the construction was completed ... (He did not speak so smoothly, but these thoughts are)

... Christ said - follow me ...

- But how can we go - because you have nothing ... I will come and you will believe me and follow me ...

He will resurrect all the dead

(my remark: but it is impossible to resurrect those who have already decayed). Christ will gather all the elements and put them together again...them...

He looked through my works (reproductions) without remarks.

Hand ON again:

The conversation was recorded by A.A. Vasiliev

Honored Act. Is-tv MSSR (1907-1975)

Chisinau, t.22-20-30

4 days ago, on October 9, 2013, it was 42 years since the death of Sergei Timofeevich Konenkov.

Biography of S. Konenkov

Konenkov was born in 1874 into a peasant family. He studied at the Higher Art School in St. Petersburg with Professor V. A. Beklemishev.
In 1897 he visited France, Italy, Germany.
Konenkov decorates the Filippov cafe on Tverskaya (1905).
In the 10s, K. worked a lot “in wood”, rethinking the images of ancient legends, and using folk carving techniques. Works: "Old old man" (1909), "Old man-polevichok" (1909), "Prophetic old woman" (1916), "Uncle Gregory" (1916).
In the same years, Konenkov turned to the image of a naked female body.
The sculptor accepted the October Revolution, participated in the implementation of the "monumental propaganda" plan.
In 1922, Konenkov married Margarita Vorontsova, and at the end of 1923 they went to the USA to participate in an exhibition of Russian and Soviet art. It was assumed that the trip would last only a few months, but the return home took place only after 22 years. The main place of residence and work during this period was New York.
In 1928-1929, Konenkov made a trip to Italy, where he met with A. M. Gorky and worked on his portrait.
The American period of creativity includes Konenkov's drawings related to reflections on the themes of the Bible, the Apocalypse. The artist depicts Christ, prophets and apostles, creates sketches for cosmogony.
In 1935, the administration of Princeton University ordered a bust of the scientist A. Einstein from Sergei Konenkov.
During World War II, Konenkov was a member of the Russian Relief Committee. The letters of a prophetic nature that Konenkov wrote to I.V. Stalin on the eve of the war gained fame.
By personal order of I.V. Stalin, in 1945, the Smolny steamship was chartered, on which Konenkov and all his works were transported to the USSR.
The sculptor received a workshop on Gorky Street in Moscow.
In 1965, an exhibition of works by Konenkov was held in the building of the Moscow House of Artists on Kuznetsky Most, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of his birth. Around this time, together with the artist Plastov, his exhibition was held at the Manege.
Sergei Konenkov is the author of portraits of many prominent representatives of Russia: Turgenev, Mayakovsky, Tsiolkovsky, monuments to A. S. Pushkin, L. N. Tolstoy, V. I. Surikov, tombstones of M. M. Prishvin.
S. T. Konenkov died on December 9, 1971. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery. The famous self-portrait of Konenkov, for which he was awarded the Lenin Prize, is installed on the grave.
It was on a reproduction of his self-portrait that he left his last autograph.

Speaking of Sergei Konenkov, one cannot pass by an interesting episode that took place several years after the meeting of the two artists mentioned above.

In 1965, Alexey Alexandrovich Vasiliev, being the director of the Kishinev art school them. Repin (now the Art College named after Plamadeala), received a letter in which his mother asks to accept her son at the school. The subtlety lies in the fact that their last name is Konenkov, and the patronymic of their son Sergeevich. Director of the Chisinau Art College. Repin Comrade Vasiliev Alexei Alexandrovich from Konenkova Maria Illarionovna


I urge you and teaching staff consider my application and accept my son Eduard Konenkov to study at your school.

boy with early years he is very fond of drawing and modeling (apparently the heredity of Konenkov Sergey Timofeevich's relatives).

In addition, the boy suffered from the disease "osteomyelitis", long time he lay in hospitals and sanatoriums, therefore he lagged behind his studies, and it was also difficult to study in two schools: in mass children's and music.

As a result of illness physical labor is unsuitable.

I, the mother of Edik Konenkov, work as a school teacher in the Kotovsky district. My health is also very poor in view of the fact that I experienced a lot of grief and suffering during the Great Patriotic War- was stolen by the German fascists to Germany, where she stayed for three years.

I want my son to become an artist according to his abilities and desire. Once again, I beg you to accept my son to study at your school. July 12, 1965 Konenkov

Eduard was admitted to the RCU the following year and graduated in 1972. He established himself as an artist. This is evidenced by the page of Eduard Sergeevich Konenkov in the book dedicated to the artists of Moldova.

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