The Life of Remarkable People: Tales and Stories Vyacheslav Pietsukh. He came early in the morning


What only happens to us charmingly beautiful and charmingly radiant away from home. Everything happens, sometimes good and definitely bad. I don't know which category to put it in a holiday romance, here it will be right for each of us to make a decision on our own, for someone a fleeting outburst of feelings is beneficial, and for someone it makes them suffer for many months, and sometimes even years. I want to tell you a story from my life, and what happened to me changed a lot in it. On the one hand, banality is a chance meeting, but on the other hand, this very meeting inspired me and gave me new strength and a desire for life.

To clarify the picture, I’ll tell you a little about myself, I’m 26 years old, a “worn out” lady, I’ve been married for 7 years. My family life in some places not very prosperous, but in general, my husband and I create the impression of a rather happy couple. Friends are jealous, relatives are calm, and we ourselves, it seems, are not at war with our husband, but we don’t feel the same feelings for each other anymore. We live as friends more than as lovers, or to be more precise, lived before my vacation trip.

Resort trip

It happened two years ago, I, being very tired from work and family troubles, decided to make myself a gift - a trip to a resort, to Egypt or Turkey, in general, where it is warm. I didn’t want to go alone, and my husband didn’t really share my initiative, he said that, they say, if you want to go, go, I won’t keep you, but I won’t go myself, it’s up to my throat. Of course, it was embarrassing for me to go like this, to leave him at home alone, and all sorts of suspicions began to torment me, but, nevertheless, I decided that we were both adults and were fully capable of making decisions ourselves.

I decided. I'm going. It remains only to choose with whom. My friends unanimously referred to work, my sister to the fact that there was no one to leave the child with, the candidates for a joint vacation were melting before our eyes, and I was upset, but then, a wonderful idea came to my mind, I seem to know a person who for sure won't refuse me. Well, of course! Why didn't I think of this before? Mother! She will definitely go with me.

Hooray! We go! Finally! My happiness knew no bounds. The four-hour flight passed unnoticed and, now, the airport of Sharm El-Sheikh is already meeting us with its hot embrace. Amazing weather, warm sea and great hotel, everything was top notch. There were two more weeks of unforgettable impressions ahead. My mother and I decided to spend this vacation calmly and relax as much as possible, because one routine was waiting at home. My mother of the old school, although still young, nevertheless advised me to do without adventures and be extremely attentive, not to enter into any contacts.

By the way, I didn’t think at all that this was possible. It seems that I am still young, but I have already begun to doubt that I can like someone. My husband never spoiled me with compliments, my work colleagues also appreciated me exclusively as a specialist. They only said that my eyes are beautiful, deep, you can stare. And I don’t need anything, eyes are like eyes, it seems that everyone has such ...

In the evening in a restaurant

And so, one evening, my mother and I were sitting in a restaurant, slowly sipping some of the local cocktails, and enjoying the view of the setting sun. At that moment, it seemed to me that I was happy, I was able to forget about household chores, I thought only about how I would lie on the beach tomorrow, or maybe book an excursion, or go diving.

There were a lot of plans, but they all collapsed when behind my back I heard the phrase: “Girls, would you mind if I keep you company, so to speak?” I, immersed in my dreams, did not consider it necessary to answer the question, I just pulled my glasses over my eyes. This was still not enough, what impudence, we do not need company! But my mother decided otherwise. She agreed and now, when the stranger sat down at the table, I could clearly see him.

He was handsome, looking about 35 years old, polished, well-groomed, rather large, with purely masculine features and an unusual profile, which for some reason reminded me of an eagle. I could not say that he is handsome, but something, completely incomprehensible, attracted me to him. He was interesting, the whole evening he occupied us with conversations, my mother was interested in him. I paid absolutely no attention to him, which seemed to make him a little angry. I answered his questions with short and caustic phrases, after which he was a little lost. To be honest, at that moment, I was waiting for the evening to end, and we will disperse. To be frank, at first glance I didn’t like him, he was too boring or something ...

When it was time to say goodbye, he decided to take us to the room and, oh, horror, as it turned out, we are also neighbors. He was overjoyed at this and made no secret of his pleasure. Saying goodbye, he told us that tomorrow we should definitely see each other. Mom was not opposed and sincerely did not understand my negative mood. I did not want someone else to interfere with our vacation. No, I wasn't jealous, I just wanted to take a break from people. I fell asleep with thoughts of how to quickly get rid of our new friend.

He came early in the morning

The next morning I was awakened by a sharp knock on the door. It’s strange, usually the room is not cleaned so early… Who could it be… Mom was still sleeping, so I put on a bathrobe and trudged to the door. Our yesterday's stranger stood on the threshold, holding a towel and a mask in his hands.

What did you wake up? Come on, stop already wallowing, pick up your mother and let's go swimming, - he said in a cheerful voice.

To say I was mad at him is an understatement. Not only did he wake me up, he didn't even apologize. Ham! Muttering something dissatisfied under my breath, I promised him that we would come soon, which was completely unexpected for me. Closing the door, I thought about what a fool I am ... why did I agree? Sitting on the bed, I looked at the clock - 6 am ... What a nightmare.

I failed to wake up my mother, she stubbornly refused to go to the beach at such an early hour, tearfully asking for another hour of sleep. Well, fun, now I have to entertain our friend myself. I put on a bathing suit and took a towel, I slowly left and headed towards the beach. Not halfway through, I heard a familiar voice.

Did you come anyway? I already thought I would not wait ... - he said with undisguised regret.

It would be better not to wait, - I quipped again.

He realized that I was out of sorts again and we walked the rest of the way in silence. He still strained me with his presence, but less so. It was a little gratifying. I seem to be getting used to it. And so, I even dared to break the hanging silence.

What are you doing? I asked surprisingly timidly.

And then it began, he, inspired by my interest, began to animatedly tell me about everything, about nuclear physics, about computers, architecture, military aviation. He spoke so much and in such bright colors that my unpleasant feelings for him went away by themselves. As it turned out, he is a designer, working on a new project, and would like to display in it some, at first glance, completely incoherent things.

I listened to him and admired, but, indeed, he seems to have talent. I felt calm with him, calm and interesting, in the evenings I sat with him for a long time at a table near the pool and listened to his stories with a glass of something strong. Then I told him myself and, surprisingly, he listened to me, listened with genuine interest and a charming smile. He gave me all sorts of advice and sometimes I got the impression that I was talking to an older brother or dad. He understood me.

It was amazing

We went swimming together, fooled around, visited excursions and shops. He was the first person who could for such a short time become almost like family to me. I went to visit him, we could lie on the bed for hours and watch movies, I was glad that he did not pester me, did not seduce me. I thought maybe that would continue. But I was wrong. One evening, he timidly knocked on our door and said that he was badly burned and he needed help. I, without ulterior motives, put on a dressing gown and went to his room, grabbing a few burn creams.

Everything that happened afterwards, I remember vaguely, I remember my hands on his hot back, then his hands on the belt of my dressing gown, then his lips whispering something in my ear. We were covered with wild passion, I could not resist, I was drawn to him. I could not even imagine that this could happen to me, with a girl faithful by nature, for whom true value was a family...

With him, I forgot about everything. Every morning he brought me flowers and we went to breakfast together. He took and carried me in his arms when I complained that the sand was hot. He took care of me and looked after me in every possible way. I was pleased with his attention. But I knew for sure that it would not last long. I enjoyed every day with him, but I knew that I would not leave him any contact. We became even closer when we talked heart to heart with him, as it turned out, he is also married. We were very similar to him, but, at the same time, very different.

The time of my departure was approaching inexorably, I decided to spend my last evening with him. He was gentle and rude, very sensual and touching. Almost until morning we sat on his balcony. They talked about everything, about their difficulties, sorrows and thoughts. He told me that there are no unsolvable situations and in everything that happens you need to see only the positive side. We warmly said goodbye to him, wished each other good luck and success. At parting, he paternally kissed my forehead and said: “Take care of yourself, girl, you are the best,” and for some reason tears welled up in his eyes.

Sitting on the plane, I scrolled through everything that happened over and over again. Asked questions “why?”, “Why me and him? ', but could not find an answer. The only thing I know for sure, and for which I am grateful to him, is that he taught me to rejoice, taught me to find a drop of positive in a sea of ​​misunderstanding and unhappiness. He revived my heart and he, it was he who made me feel special. I am very grateful to him for this.

At home, I began to treat my husband differently, more reverently and with greater understanding, surprisingly, and he treats me too. We began to speak the same language, and he began to make compliments. I began to enjoy every day that I spend with him and every success. Our feelings seemed to flare up again.

I didn’t tell him about my betrayal, and I never will. And, even if he ever cheated on me, I would not want to know about it either. Although, now, I began to relate to adultery a little differently. Maybe this is a terrible thing for someone, but it helped me save my marriage. I am still not a supporter of constant walking to the left and I still believe that the family is above all, but if it really happened ... why not?

Today, many congratulate light steam even someone who has just taken a bath. Whereas before this expression was inextricably linked exclusively with bath procedures. What does it really mean? And where did it come from? There are several versions.

The second birthday

In ancient times, when most diseases were treated with folk remedies, a visit to the bath was equated with healing procedures. It was believed that the bath relieves many of the most diverse ailments, including mental ones. Our ancestors believed that only sinners and sick people breathe hard in the steam room. Therefore, they wanted a “light steam” even before entering the steam room.

"Enjoy Your Bath!" they also spoke to those who had already been cleansed from sins and diseases with the help of a bath. After they got rid of their ailments, they began to breathe freely, as if they were born again. They were congratulated on this event.

Magic spell

According to mythology, in the bath everything is run from the heater, but also to make the steam so heavy that it became difficult to breathe in the bath. In order to protect the one who was going to the steam room from the tricks of the bannik, they wanted a “light steam”. Thus, as it were, they persuaded the bathhouse brownie not to be naughty and not to spoil the steam.

Bath in black

For a long time in Russia they washed only in the so-called black baths. In such baths there was no pipe on the roof. The smoke from the stove seeped between the stones and spread along the walls and ceiling of the steam room. From this, the inner surfaces in the bath became black. Hence the name.

The main enemy of a person in such a bath was carbon monoxide, from the impact of which one could at least lose consciousness. Such steam was called heavy. That is why they used to want a “light steam”.

light steam

In the Russian bath, the hottest, and, therefore, the most desirable place was almost under the very ceiling. As you know, steam rises. That's it so that he quickly reaches the top shelf, and wished: "Light steam!"

Down with disappointment!

As you know, the Russian bath differs from the sauna in high humidity. So in the sauna, this value does not exceed 20%, while in the bath steam room it is in the range of 40-60%. Therefore, breathing in a Russian bath is much more difficult than in a sauna: the air seems heavy.

After visiting the bath, many felt tired and disappointed. Therefore, it was at this moment that they were congratulated on a light steam, thereby suggesting that in fact the procedure went well and their health only improved.

Bath in Russian. Torture or pleasure?

Bath is one of the facets of the mysterious Russian soul. Only we can hold business negotiations in the banya, celebrate birthdays and, like the heroes of the cult "Irony of Fate", every year, on December 31, go to the banya with friends. At the same time, a Russian person loves to "turn on a couple", "walk painfully with a broom."

Well, and what a bath, without beer and cold vodka. For a foreigner, this is like death, at best, savagery, but for us it’s good. This is our, if you like, originality, something that falls under the category of “made in Russia”. And this property must be protected, not following fashionable saunas and spas.

For the first time, the Russian bath is mentioned in The Tale of Bygone Years. This is the 10th century. But some historians believe that the bath in Russia appeared much earlier, in V-VI centuries. Since ancient times, it was considered a holy place where four elements “rule the ball”: water, fire, earth and air. They cleanse a person not only physically, but also spiritually.

The Russian banya is fundamentally different from European and Asian ones - high heat and such an integral attribute as a birch broom .. The Russian bathing ritual shocked visiting foreigners, who called the ongoing action torture and self-torture.

When the British came to Russia through the North, they noted that these barbarians stoked huts "in a black way", then they bathe in them with their families, torturing each other with twigs, and then throw themselves into a river or a pond with a whoop.

The first Russian baths were vlazni in a black way. The oven was without a chimney. Smoke and soot came directly into the steam room. The walls and ceiling instantly became smoky, black - which gave the name to such baths.

Steamed in them only after they are well ventilated. All windows and doors were opened to let the smoke out. Later they began to install stoves with a chimney. And such baths were called white. Steamed in Russia and in ordinary home ovens. They had spacious mouths - almost one and a half meters deep and about half a meter high. After cooking, the ashes were removed from the warm oven, the soot was washed off, and the straw was laid. They put a tub with hot water to spray the roof of the stove, climbed inside, lay down and steamed.

In Russia, everyone used the bathhouse: both princes and noble people and common people.

Not a single celebration was complete without a bath. So, after the birth of a child, this event had to be “washed” in a bathhouse. Couldn't do without her wedding ceremony. On the eve of the wedding, the bride and her friends went to the bathhouse. Accordingly, the groom and his friends visited the steam room. The next day after the wedding, the newlyweds also went to the bathhouse.

Foreigners were struck by the fact that Russians prefer the banya as a place of communication. As the Courlander Yakov Reitenfels wrote, “Russians consider it impossible to make friends without inviting them to a bath and then eating at the same table.”

Almost every house in Russia had its own bathhouse, which was heated once a week. Saturday was considered a bathing day. Even government offices did not work. The construction of baths was allowed to anyone who had enough land. A decree of 1649 ordered that 'soap houses be built in vegetable gardens and in hollow places not close to the mansion' in order to avoid fires. In home baths, the whole family washed.

However, the nobles and rich people preferred not home, but large public baths, where people of all ages and sex also steamed and washed together. Many "enlighteners" and "moralists" of that time called the common baths the main center of debauchery. Although in Europe at that time the joint washing of men and women was common.

But the freedom of morals and relations that reigned in Russian baths surprised foreigners. In their opinion, the Russians were completely devoid of false modesty, inherent - as they said - to every civilized (that is, European) person. Families with small children came to the baths. Here, in the common room, walking girls, called rubbing women, worked.

Only after the Decree of Catherine the Great, joint "washing" was prohibited. In 1743, the baths were divided into women's and men's. By the 19th century in major cities expensive, richly furnished baths appeared with good servants and excellent buffets.

But the most famous and luxurious were the Sandunovsky baths in Moscow. The whole color of the Russian nobility visited this bathing palace and where foreigners began to go with pleasure.

In 1992, Sanduny was declared an architectural monument and taken under state protection. Russian steam baths did not take root abroad. But sometimes in Europe you can see a sign with the name of the place bearing the word banya.

Interpretation of the text of M. Zoshchenko's story "Bath"

Mikhail Zoshchenko is a satirist writer. In his stories, he tried through a satirical description of the events and phenomena of public life to help improve the morals of the Soviet society of the time in which he lived. One of these stories is "Bath".
This text belongs to artistic style(written, literary, with elements of colloquial). The genre of the work - satirical story- implies a sharp, decisive condemnation of any reality of public life. In this case, this is a bathhouse and those unbearable conditions in which people visiting it are forced to be.

Analysis of the semantic space of the text.
After reading the text, one can notice that its semantic space is unambiguous in its structure. All language tools(lexical, syntactic, stylistic, etc.) used by the author in the work are intended to reveal the theme of the inconvenience of service in a public institution. This topic can be divided into two sub-topics:
1. the situation in the bath (a gang, lathers, holds, gapes, rubs, twists);
2. the quality of service in the bath (not assigned, demanded, do not give out, wait, do not give).
The basic concept in the text can be called the noun "bath". This word is in the text in a strong position (placed in the title). Even before reading the text, one can assume that it is this institution that will be the subject of description (if not the scene) in the story, and not, for example, a cinema or a cafe. Knowing that Zoshchenko wrote in a satirical manner, one can assume that the text will ridicule certain shortcomings in the device or methods of service in this institution.
The conceptual space of the text is subject-material.
The representation of the concept sphere of the basic concept is given through a grotesque and sarcastic image of the subject of description - the Soviet bath. Masterful use of language tools various levels(this will be discussed later) allows you to easily understand the position of the author.
If you try to create a model of the structure of the concept sphere of the analyzed story, you can see that the core of the structure is the basic concept of "bath".
The nuclear zone will include parts of speech denoting objects and actions directly related to washing in the bath and human body: linen, gang, wash, soap, washing, dirty, splash, wash, naked, belly, legs, beard.
For the immediate periphery, the names of clothing and its characteristics are characteristic: footcloths, washed, ironed, sewn up, patched, pants, coats, holes, buttons, pocket, torn.
The further periphery includes parts of speech, represented by words and phrases that characterize the events in the bath: live, worse, not the royal regime, not in the theater, one sin, priests-lights, devils.

Analysis of the denotative space of the text.
An analysis of the denotative space of the text showed that the global situation in the story is Zoshchenko's bitter irony about human indifference and bad manners.
macrostructure given text– a set of micro-positions and relations connecting them. The textual macro position is expressed in a satirical denunciation of the lack of basic amenities in in public places(in particular, in the bath).
The following micropositions can be distinguished in the story:
1. They say, citizens, in America the baths are very excellent.
2. And we have baths, too, nothing. But worse. Although you can also wash.
3. We only have trouble with numbers. Last Saturday I went to the bathhouse (not to go, I think, to America), - they give two numbers. One for underwear, the other for a coat with a hat.
BUT naked man where do you put the numbers? To put it bluntly, nowhere. There are no pockets. Around - belly and legs. Sin is one with numbers. You can't tie it to a beard.
4. Looking for a gang. I look, one citizen in three gangs washes. In one he stands, in the other he lathers his head, and with the third left hand he holds it so as not to be stolen.
I pulled the third gang, I wanted, by the way, to take it for myself, but the citizen does not release it.
5. An hour later I look, some uncle gaped, let go of the gang. Bent down for soap or dreamed - I don’t know. And I only took that bowl for myself.
Tepericha and the gang is there, but there is nowhere to sit down. And standing to wash - what kind of washing?
6. I go to the dressing room. Linen is given to the room. I look - everything is mine, my pants are not mine.
- Citizens, I say. There was a hole in mine. And on these Avon where.
And the attendant says:
- We, he says, are not assigned to the holes. Not in the theatre, he says.
7. What kind of bath? Ordinary. Which is in a dime.
The text contains mostly colloquial vocabulary (life, I suppose, one sin, now, head, does not let out, gapes, splashes). In addition to the layer of colloquial and everyday vocabulary, there are small inclusions of words of the book-written level (citizen, regime, selfishness). But the vocabulary of this species is not numerous, and its sharp contrast in quantitative terms with colloquial vocabulary leads to a satirical effect.
Analysis of basic text categories.
Analyzing the basic textual categories, one usually speaks of such categories as coherence, completeness, modality, informativeness, space-time continuum.
Let's consider each category in more detail.
I. Connectivity.
This category helps with deep analysis of repetitions. different levels better understand the author's intention and realize the idea that the author tried to convey to the reader with the help of linguistic means proper.
In the story "Bath" there are different types repetitions.
Lexical repetitions are expressed by verbatim repetitions (America, American, underwear, baths, wash, numbers, bind, etc.), repetitions of the same root words (baths - attendant - dressing room, soap - wash - washed off, underpants - pants, worry - restless), repetitions one word thematic group(a. clothes: linen, clean, washed, ironed, footcloths, underpants, sewn up, patched, coat, hat, pockets, pants, wash, hole, torn, buttons; b. bath: wash, number, theft, loss, linen , attendant, naked, gang, washing, soap, rub, dressing room, washed off; v. body: naked, stomach, legs, beard, hand, eyes, backside, wash, dirty), repetitions of synonyms (protected - patched), repetitions of antonyms (upper - lower, remembered - forgot, clean - dirty), repetitions of contextual synonyms (theft - loss, the tsarist regime - selfishness, washes - rubs - twists, theater - baths in America), repetitions of contextual antonyms (in America - we have) , morphological repetitions (a. nouns: citizens, America, baths, linen, box, theft, loss, number, attendant, footcloths, snow, underpants, Saturday, coat, hat, man, pocket, stomach, etc.; b verbs: speak, come, throw off, go, worry, be, take, say, look after, wash, give, go, children, tie, lose, clap, move to walk, to look, to stand, to lather, to hold, to steal, to pull, to want, to release, to steal, to blurt out, to rejoice, to turn around, to gape, to bend over, to daydream, to sit down, to hold, to go, etc.; in. adjectives: excellent, restless, naked, alien, dirty, royal; adverbs: very, on purpose, backwards, good, boring, necessary; d. participles: washed, ironed, sewn up, patched; e. interjection: zhitishko, fathers-sveta; and. particles: well, they say, they say; h. pronouns: there, myself, another, this, us, I, her, he, some, that, where, each, which, them, we, mine, mine, these, all that).
Phrase repetitions are rare and few are present (one sin, not in the theater).
Syntactic repetitions are expressed in different kind offers. The text is full of simple and complex sentences. Simple sentences: one-piece, nominative: Footcloths, I suppose, whiter than snow. The underpants are sewn up, patched. Zhitishko! We only have trouble with numbers; infinitive: Although you can also wash. definitely personal: I went into the bathhouse. I'm looking for a bowl. Went on; vaguely personal: They say, citizens, in America the baths are very excellent; two-part: There, for example, a citizen will come, throw off the linen in a special box and go to wash himself. Numbers are now clapping on the legs. And he turned his back and washes. Complex sentences: complex-composed: Last Saturday I went to the bathhouse (I don’t think I should go to America), - they give two numbers. I pulled the third gang, I wanted, by the way, to take it for myself, but the citizen does not release it. Complicated-subordinates: And there is such a noise from washing - reluctance to wash. As for the buttons, I say that there is an upper one, but the lower ones are not expected.
II. Completeness.
The category of completeness is expressed as clearly as the category of connectedness. In the analyzed text, this category is manifested, firstly, in the title - the title contains the basic concept of the story, the noun "bath". A clear and distinct title immediately sets the reader up to the fact that it will not be about abstract concepts or philosophical reflections, but about such a “mundane” well-known phenomenon of reality as a bath, and, therefore, one should not expect an elevated style from the author. In addition, completeness is also manifested in the strong position of the text. In this story, one can single out the beginning of the text (the first 2-3 paragraphs are a bright contrast between American and Soviet reality), the main conflict (the hero and the characters of the bathhouse, their behavior and actions) and the ending, in which the author concludes that the bathhouse, in which his hero tried to wash himself, is not an exception to the rule, but, on the contrary, this is something typical for Soviet reality.
III. Modality.
In addition to the categories of connectedness and completeness, the category of modality is also important.
This category is expressed in the author's position. Using certain linguistic and non-linguistic means (which will be discussed below), Zoshchenko makes it clear to readers that the situation with baths needs to be changed in better side. Finishing his story, the author specifically emphasizes that the bathhouse visited by his hero is a typical bathhouse in which any person can bathe: “Of course, the reader may be curious: what kind of bathhouse is this? Where's she? Address? What bath? Ordinary. Which is worth a dime”, which means that it is necessary to improve not a single institution, but their entire system.
IV. Informativeness.
If we talk about the manifestation of the category of informativeness in the analyzed story, it should be noted that there is no hidden information in the text. The author openly condemns those social phenomena, the existence of which causes him protest or indignation.
Presupposition is widely represented in the text. It is expressed both by proper linguistic and non-proper linguistic means.
As is known, knowledge of the lexical meaning of words, the correct use of their grammatical forms, etc. can be attributed to proper linguistic means. In the analyzed story, this is manifested in the understanding of the meaning lexical meanings words boring, selfishness, used in the text in an unusual sense. As for the correct use of grammatical forms, this is manifested in the repetition of modified forms of the indeclinable noun coat (palm, polt). By using such non-standard forms of a widespread word, the author expresses his irony in relation to the level of education of bathhouse visitors.
Non-linguistic means of expressing presupposition are, firstly, references to political history that time. According to the phrase “not the tsarist regime”, used in a certain context, one can guess that this phrase has a negative connotation, since the reader knows in what century and after what historical events lived Zoshchenko. Having information about the situation after the 1918 revolution, one can understand why so many people bathe in the bathhouse and why ordinary gangs are such a value that should be fought for (“I pulled the third gang, I wanted, by the way, to take it for myself, but the citizen does not let him out"). Secondly, knowing geography and having an idea of ​​what country the author lived in and what kind of country America is, one can understand why American baths are the ideal for the hero Zoshchenko. In addition, just imagining what items of clothing are called trousers, underpants and footcloths, one can guess the ironic meaning that the author puts, for example, in the phrases: “Footcloths, I suppose, are whiter than snow. The underpants are sewn up, patched.
V. Space-time continuum.
For a clear understanding of the author's intent great importance has a localization of the content of the work in time and space.
Speaking about the category of space, the following characteristics should be noted: firstly, it is anthropocentric - the entire text of the work is focused on the main character, his feelings, actions, emotions: I went to the bathhouse, I tied a number to my feet, I look, I look, I pulled, I say, I think, I took that gang for myself, I stand, I go, I put it on, I give it, I got dressed. Secondly, this is the category of alienation - this category is manifested in the delimitation of the personal space of the hero and the space of other characters in the bath: I see, one citizen in three gangs washes. In one he stands, in the other he lathers his head, and with the third left hand he holds it so as not to be stolen. I pulled the third gang, I wanted, by the way, to take it for myself, but the citizen does not release it. And he turned his back and washes. And all around, fathers-sveta, washing goes on its own. In addition to these two categories, the characteristics of the space of a given text also include the circular form of organization of this work, in the center of which is this hero: And all around, fathers-lights ...; Around - belly and legs. No less important is the category of objectivity. The space of the analyzed text is overflowing with objects (numbers, underwear, coat, hat, gangs, soap, pants, underpants, footcloths, paper, rope ...). This overcrowding is emphasized by the author in various sentences: I look, one citizen in three gangs washes. In one he stands, in the other he lathers his head, and with the third left hand he holds it so as not to be stolen. One washes his pants, the other rubs his underpants, the third is still twisting something. He took off his pants, looking for a number - there is no number. The rope is here, on the leg, but there is no paper. Undoubtedly important is such a category of space as continuity and extension. The reader follows the hero from the entrance to the bathhouse to the exit to the street, without switching his attention to other characters for a second: He entered the bathhouse. I'm looking for a bowl. I pulled the third gang ... I went further. An hour later I look ... I stand, I hold the bowl in my hand, I wash myself. I'm going to the dressing room. I got dressed and went outside.
The space in the text can be conditionally divided into near and far. Far space can be defined with the help of such words and phrases as in America, there, further. The close space has the following lexical markers: with us, all around, here.
The text space can be characterized as both open and closed. A closed space can be considered a bathhouse in which the hero washes. The openness of space is indicated by such words and phrases as in America, to the street.
If we talk about the reality of space, then it should be noted that the space in the text is unreal. His model can be called a point, internally limited space (the observed space of the bathhouse). The author himself emphasizes that the model of space in the analyzed story cannot be close to real geographical space (“Of course, the reader may be curious: what kind of bathhouse is this? Where is it? Address? Which bathhouse? Ordinary. Which is in a dime”). The only real and identifiable geographical object - America - also cannot be considered completely real, since the author describes the ideal baths that do not exist in reality, located in this state.
If we recall such a category of space as the spatial positions of the author and the character, then it should be noted that in the text there is a complete coincidence of the spatial positions of the narrator and the hero. Zoshchenko is constantly next to his hero, watching his actions: Last Saturday I went to the bathhouse (I don’t think I should go to America) ... I went into the bathhouse. I'm looking for a bowl. I pulled the third gang ... I went further. An hour later I look ... I stand, I hold the bowl in my hand, I wash myself. I'm going to the dressing room. I got dressed and went outside.
Time is the same mandatory attribute of the text as space. In the analyzed story, time can be considered close to real, linear. As the main sign of the reality of time, one can name its unidirectionality from the past to the present and the future (Last Saturday I went to the bathhouse (I don’t think I should go to America) ... I went into the bathhouse. I’m looking for a gang. I pulled the third gang ... I went further "An hour later I look... I stand, I hold the bowl in my hand, I wash myself. I go to the dressing room. I got dressed and went out into the street." in addition, we can talk about the length of time (in an hour), its simultaneity (I stand, I hold the bowl in my hand, I wash myself. And all around, fathers-lights, washing goes on my own), one-time (this is evidenced by the frequency of use of perfect tense verbs : went, tied, wash, home, gape ...).

Characteristics of the methods used in the text to update the meaning
In this section, an attempt will be made to analyze the stylistic means that the author uses when creating the text.
In the analyzed text, such stylistic means are the author's hyperbole (the baths in America are very excellent), irony (But our baths are also fine. But worse. Although you can also wash), sarcasm (Last Saturday I went to the bath (I don’t think to America)), grotesque (In an hour I look ...; Now, I think he will wash himself on purpose for three days), inconsistency of stylistic layers - the hero, speaking illiterately and not knowing the meaning of Russian words (It's boring to walk), shows his education in knowing foreign words (Selfishness, I say, what. It is necessary, I say, that others should wash themselves).
In addition to proper linguistic means, non-proper linguistic means are also used. For example, the author's irony is noticeable when Zoshchenko shows that such an elementary, but still necessary thing for washing, like a gang, can become a deficit, a value, for the possession of which a real struggle begins (Because a gang is needed. Without a gang, what kind of washing? a gang. I see one citizen is washing himself in three bowls. He is standing in one, washing his head in the other, and holding the third with his left hand so as not to steal it. ). In addition to the episode with the gang, the author's irony is also visible in the fact that going to the bathhouse is a certain indicator social status hero. He may well wash at home (“Well, I think they are in a swamp. I’ll get home at home”), but this deprives him of his involvement in a certain social circle, to which he so strives to belong.
It is interesting to trace the development of stylistic means in stages, from the beginning of the story to its end.
From the very first lines of the text, the attentive reader notices the author's irony, often turning into sarcasm. “They say, citizens, that baths in America are very excellent,” the hero of the story begins, and this oratory, combined with pleonasm (very excellent), immediately evokes comic effect. This effect only intensifies when, in the next two paragraphs, an illiterate (or completely illiterate) hero mixes Russian and English words belonging to different styles of speech (Gut bye, they say, look after), and inserts a subjective opinion into his story with an emotional “Live!”.
When talking about getting numbers in the bath, the hero uses a logically unreasonable word order when constructing a sentence: One for underwear, the other for a coat with a hat.
The next paragraph is entirely based on pleonasm. The hero repeats the same thought several times: And where should a naked man put his numbers? To put it bluntly, nowhere. There are no pockets. Around - belly and legs. Sin is one with numbers. You can't tie it to a beard. Thanks to this technique, Zoshchenko once again emphasizes the low intellectual level of his hero.
The method of using homogeneous structures in an unusual combination of their members (bent down for soap or daydreamed ...) allows you to imagine a bathhouse as a place where you need to constantly be on the alert, or you will be left without the necessary things (gangs).
Showing all the inconveniences of washing in the Soviet bathhouse of that time, Zoshchenko constantly compares the bathhouse with the theater, as if implying that the uncivilized behavior and soullessness that are observed in the bathhouse are impossible in the theater. This comparison with the theater is also emphasized by the fact that the attendant calls the people washing in the bath the public (Wait, he says, when the public disperses).
Another uncomfortable moment of washing in the bath (Zoshchenko does not show irony here, but sarcasm) is the scene with a paper number (I took off my pants, I’m looking for a number - there is no number. The rope is here, on the leg, but there is no piece of paper. The piece of paper was washed off). The illogicality of creating bath numbers from plain paper is obvious to every reader. This episode makes you think about how indifferent to common man officials (to which bath attendants can conditionally be attributed).

The grotesque and satirical picture of washing in the bath, created by the author, calls for thinking about social policy in the Soviet state of that time and the attitude to the person. Obviously, this story is still relevant today.

"IN THE BATH" (Based on Leo Tolstoy)

The first story, erotic, in which we learn

As was the case in previous years,
When there was no freedom

Erotic story

Tanya quietly entered the bath and stopped in indecision.

Fat as a boar and completely naked, the gentleman was lying on a bench, on his stomach, and two women - Rayka and Lyubasha - also naked, stood on their sides and in turn fiercely whipped him with brooms on his red-hot crimson-pink back, shining with sweat and white as milk , a woman's ass. The master squinted blissfully, grunted approvingly at a particularly strong blow. Finally, he signaled them to stop and, puffing loudly, sat down, placing his widely spread legs on the floor.

- "Kwasu, women!" he called hoarsely.

Quickly dashing into a corner, Raisa handed him a ladle of kvass. Having drunk, the master noticed Tanka standing quietly at the door and beckoned her with his finger.

Stepping over slowly bare feet on the wet floor, bashfully covering her nakedness with her hands, the girl approached and stood in front of him, lowering her eyes. She was ashamed to look at the naked master, ashamed to stand naked in front of him. She was ashamed of being looked at without a shadow of embarrassment, standing next to two young women who are not embarrassed by their nakedness.

New! - exclaimed the master, - Good, girl, do not say anything! The name of? - he said quickly, greedily feeling her stomach, legs and ass.

Tatyana, - she answered quietly and suddenly cried out in surprise and pain: the master firmly pinched his left breast with his fingers. Enjoying her vital resilience, he moved his hand up and down, fingering the surface of her breast, swollen between them, tightly covered with soft and smooth skin. Tanka twitched, jumped back, rubbing her sore chest.

The master laughed out loud and shook his finger at her. Echoing him, Raisa and Lyubka burst into obsequious laughter.

Well, never mind, you'll get used to it, - Lyubasha said, giggling, - and it won't be the same, - and cast mischievous eyes at the master.

And he, grinning rather, put his hand between his legs, scratching all his male accessories, which have a rather impressive appearance.

Your task, girls, - he turned to Raisa and Lyubasha, - to teach her, - he nodded at Tanka, - all your wisdom, - he smiled carnivorously, waving the head of his swollen cock.

In the meantime, - he continued, - let him watch and gain his mind. Ah, well, Raika, stop! - the master suddenly shouted loudly and stretched his heavy body with a crunch.

Raisa stepped out into the middle of the room, free of benches, and, bending over, rested her hands on her knees and froze, looking at the floor.

Anatoly Alexandrovich approached the young woman from behind and with all his strength, loudly, slapped his palm on her wet ass, shimmering with the whiteness of elastic white skin, and, neighing like a foal, sat down and began to thrust his penis, sticking out like a stake, under the steep buttocks of Raika, who was here she grabbed it with her hand, at first habitually crushed it with her fingers, poured heroic strength, trunk, and then inserted his thick head into her slot. The obese man took her stomach with his hands and began to quickly push her with his large belly, like that of a pregnant woman, trying to stick his fleshy prick further into the slippery flesh of the female genital organ. From the gripping lust, his face was filled with blood, his mouth was twisted, his breathing became loud and intermittent, and his half-bent knees trembled. Finally, the elastic head of his penis parted the wet, but tight throat of the young woman's vagina, and the master's huge belly pressed tightly against Raisa's rounded ass. He neighed again, but already victoriously and, fiercely moving the lower body, began to indulge in sexual intercourse with pleasure. The young laundress, you see, was also well dismantled. She voluptuously began to moan at each immersion in her bosom of the male genital organ and, while helping the master, moved her ass white as milk towards the movements of his body.

Lyubasha looked at this picture, completely captured by what was happening. Big eyes her mouth widened even more, her mouth opened, and her quivering body involuntarily twitched in time with the movements of the master and Raisa. She seemed to perceive the master instead of a girlfriend.

And Tanya, at first stunned, gradually began to really perceive her surroundings, although she was very embarrassed by shamelessness naked bodies barina and girls. She knew what it was, but she saw the sexual intercourse of a man and a woman so closely and frankly for the first time.

When the master stuck to Raika's ass, Tanka turned away in embarrassment, but curiosity overpowered, and she, throwing a sidelong glance and seeing that no one was looking at her, grew bolder and began to look at them with all her eyes. Having not experienced the fullness of male affection, she perceived everything calmly at first, but then she began to feel some kind of sweet languor, and hot blood spilled all over her body, her heart began to beat, as after running, her breathing became intermittent. For everyone, time and the environment ceased to exist, everything except for the ongoing sexual intercourse, which captured attention and feelings.

Suddenly the master jerked convulsively, his eyes rolled back, and with a groan he let out the air from his chest. "That's all" - he sighed heavily and with a relaxed gait walked up to the bench, then sank heavily on it.

Raisa straightened up, stretched blissfully, and sat down on another bench.
- Lyubka, vodka! - ordered the barin.

She darted into the dressing room and brought out a bottle of vodka and a bowl of cucumbers on a tray. The master poured himself a glass, drank it in one gulp and crunched the cucumber. Then he poured it again and beckoned Raisa with his finger. She approached and also habitually drained it in one gulp. After her, Lyuba took the same portion.

Go here! - ordered the master to Tanka, pouring her vodka.
She took it and, after taking the first sip, coughed, spilling most of the liquid.
“Nothing,” the master said with a laugh, “He will learn!”
He poured himself another half glass. The girls obsequiously giggled at him, chewing cucumbers.
“Come on, Lyubasha, tear off the lady,” the master gave the command and sang hoarsely, striking in his palms.

Raisa began to echo him, and Lyubka, akimbo with one hand and throwing the other over her head, slowly walked in a circle, wiggling her strong hips and stamping her bare feet in time. Gradually, the pace of singing began to increase, and at the same time, the movements of the girl became faster. Her slender body with a flexible waist writhed in obscene movements with which she gave herself to a man. With her hands, she seemed to be hugging an imaginary partner, and with her lower abdomen she waved his penis.

Give it up! - shouted the master, - Boobs, boobs even frolic!
And quickly led the song. Lyubasha began to bounce on the spot, moving her white shoulders. Her full elastic cups of slightly saggy breasts swayed from side to side, teasingly shaking tight peas of pink nipples.
- Let's get hot! - the master could not stand it and started dancing himself.
The pace of the dance became frantic. Now they danced to the same voice of Raiki. Clapping first on the bottom, then on the top of the stomach, Lyubasha, screeching, suddenly grabbed the male member at the very base and pressed herself against the master, clasping his neck with her other hand. The member of the master suddenly appeared between her legs, and she began to drive his head along the wet lips of her penis. For greater freedom of movement and convenience, throwing one leg to the side, she clasped her master's legs, and he, clasping the girl with both hands on the strong ass and pressing her to him, dug a terrible kiss into her neck and suddenly grabbed her in his arms, carried her to bench and throwing on his back fell on her. Their intercourse was stormy and passionate. Lyubanya gave herself skillfully, selflessly. She threw her legs behind his back and, deftly waving her ass, caught his penis with her vagina to the ground. At the same time, she slightly swayed her hips, creating additional sensations of a living body.

Tanka and Raisa again with all their eyes watched the picture of the most frank intercourse between a man and a woman, usually hidden from prying eyes, and here with such frankness what was happening in front of them. Tanka also wanted to touch the member of the master and feel it in his bosom.

And Raisa approached them from the side and, kneeling at their feet, began to examine point-blank how the male member dives into the vagina. Natashka's legs, raised high and widely spaced at the knees, placed on the lower back of the master, made it possible to fully see the process of copulation, and Raisa used this to her pleasure.

Seized by an irresistible desire, Tanya also joined her. Trembling with excitement, she watched how the male penis moistened with a slippery liquid easily and freely moved back and forth in the rings of the large labia of Lyubasha, which, as if by mouth, seemed to suck it into themselves and immediately throw it back, and the small lips, forked by a corolla, embracing the upper part of the penis, pulled back when it was immersed and protruded after its reverse movement.

The soft skin, tight to the penis, when immersed in the vagina, folded like an accordion, the scrotum, in which large eggs were outlined, swayed from movement male body, softly hitting the girl's buttocks.

Tanya, fascinated by an unprecedented spectacle, could not overcome the desire to feel the member of the master. At the moment when the bellies of the copulating parted, she took hold of the man's cock with her fingers, feeling its moisture, hardness and elasticity. At the same time, she was struck by the mobility and softness of the cover, under which the tight flesh moved.

At that moment, when the bellies pressed tightly against each other, Tanka's fingers were squeezed into the wet and hot flesh of the female genital organ. The master growled angrily and pushed away the excessively curious girl, who uninvitedly intruded into their actions with her hand at the moment when he began to be disassembled before the emission of the seed. Their movements became faster, the jolts were stronger, convulsions went through the bodies of both and they finished at the same time.

The master with difficulty tore himself away from Lyubasha's heated body and, continuing to breathe heavily, sat down on a bench. Lyuba sat down next to the master, leaning her overheated head against his shoulder. Rayka managed to jump aside, and Tanya found herself kneeling between the master's legs. She fearfully awaited punishment for her insolence, and he was in no hurry with the decision.

Relaxed by two just committed acts of sexual intercourse with hot girls, he felt languor and was in a complacent mood.

Come on, here, - he ordered, - warm water and soap. Raisa ran up with a tub, warm water and a piece of scented soap.

Wash, beauty, my sufferer. You see, he was completely sweaty, working - grinning heavily in a smile, he said to Tanka and, holding his penis with his free hand, jokingly poked his head on the nose of the bewildered girl. Everyone laughed, and Tanya blinked her eyes in fright. The master thrust soap into her hands, and Raisa poured water from the tub onto the male member. Tanya began to wash him carefully.
“Be bolder, bolder,” the master encouraged her, spreading his legs wide. Tanya put the soap aside and began to wash off with both hands. soap suds under the stream of water poured by Raisa. The master's member slid and beat as if alive, and the head of his penis, the size of a child's fist, with pinkish skin poked right into the girl's lips. Tanka recoiled, but the master again pulled Tanka's head to him.

Then he ordered her:
- Kiss, yes stronger! - and pressed her lips to the elastic head of his penis. Tanya obediently smacked her lips, and the master repeated this movement several times.

And now - suck! - he gave the command, again moving Froska's face to his stomach.

How do you suck? she stammered in confusion and incomprehension, and looked with fright into the master's face.
- Love, show me! - the master poked the girl with his shoulder, and she, bending down and pushing Tanka away, put the head of the master's penis into her wide open mouth and, closing her lips around the circumference, made several sucking movements with her jaw and tongue.

Tanya, in indecision, took her penis with her hand and also open mouth swallowed his head and neck, and began to suck. The head was soft and elastic, and below it, one could feel the body hardened like a bone with the tongue and lips, and it was felt that it was alive and quivering.

Strange thing, Tanya again felt excited and quickly moved her tongue over the male member.

Enough! - said the master, not wanting to bring the matter to the eruption of the seed. He removed the girl.
- Now let's make a bride to the girl Tanka! - he said and got up from the bench, - Rayka, show me the goods!

Raisa took Tanka and placed her in front of the master. He began to paw her breasts, stomach, hips. And Lyubasha said:
- Here are your boobs, here is your stomach, and under it the scribe lives! - pointing to the named parts of the body.

The master ran his hand over the girl's stomach and ran his fingers between her legs.
- Yes, the scribe is nothing here, to look at him, - he melodiously picked up, continuing to touch the female genital organ with his fingers.

Tanka, who had just experienced sexual arousal, was pleasant and ticklish by the touch of the master. She involuntarily surrendered to his caresses and spread her legs. But the master walked away, gesturing to the bench. Lyubasha led Tanya to the bench and forced her to lie down, saying:
- We are glad to show ourselves, we have no barriers for you!

Raisa and Lyubasha stood on one side and on the other, and, holding one by the left, the other by right leg, sang:
- Here is the cherished beast scribe, whoever catches it, well done! - they lifted her legs at once and spread them apart. An open space appeared before my eyes, always hidden from prying eyes, and even male ones. Okhnuv, Tanya covered her shame with one hand, and with the other - her eyes and twitched her legs, trying to pull them out, but the girls held tight, and she had to give up her attempts. Apparently, all this was provided for by the ritual, since the master, moving the girl’s resisting hand from the lower abdomen, tightened:
- Don't hide your beauty, I'll bring her a friend! - Rayka and Lyubashka dragged Tanka's body along the bench, pushing her back to the edge at which the master stood. He knelt down and his penis was on the same level with the girl's genitals.

Hey, my friend, well done, put an end to the beauty, - the girls sang, and the master slowly parted the labia of the tank's organ and began to drive the head of the penis through all its parts from bottom to top and back. Tanka was no longer ashamed of her nakedness, but on the contrary, there was a desire to feel the male member in her womb. She moved the bottom of her belly and buttocks, catching the head of the master's elda with her vagina, which had become wet from the impatience that had gripped Tanya.

Finally, the master himself could not stand this voluptuous torture and drowned the prick of his fleshy organ in the mouth of the vagina, and then with force drove him into the tightly resounding virgin depth. A sharp instantaneous pain suddenly pierced the girl, causing her to scream involuntarily, and then an inexplicable bliss spread through her body, and she lost her sense of time perception...

Later I learned that my father refused to mention me in his will, which amounted to something like eighty thousand rubles, not counting real estate. I think I can guess what's going on here.
Sometimes I wonder if he gave me a test then to see how I would feel about it. Alas, I could not stand this test then, to my great regret ...

Good hot bath

Good hot bath


Good hot bath

Introduction to this interesting married couple I told in the story "On the shore of the reservoir." Last weekend, my wife and I were invited to our old friends' dacha. On Friday I worked at night, so both days off were completely mine. On Friday evening, my Alenka left Nastenka with her grandmother and, having sent me a text message so that I would not sleep after the shift, but would go straight to the dacha, drove away with Alexander to the hacienda to Irinka's parents.

By ten o'clock in the evening, a shift worker came to my work in frustrated feelings and said that he had a "war" at home over a wedding anniversary he had forgotten, etc. I left him on duty for myself, and I went after my wife. I arrived at the dacha at about eleven o'clock, I found Irinka in the house, putting Alexander to bed well taken on her chest.

Irinka asked me to take kvass from the cellar on the street and bring it to the bathhouse for my Alenka, where her stepfather soars, and she will follow. Uncle Fyodor, Irinka's stepfather, is a big lover of the bath, or rather, he just gets sick of it, in his youth he even worked somewhere in the bath complex. He has already steamed our girls with Irinka's mother several times in a bath with massage and foam washing. With delight, my little wife was just in tenth heaven. He himself, in his fifties, was tall and fit, a little thin, but wiry, his athletic past affected.

Approaching the bathhouse in the dark, I involuntarily looked into the window of the dressing room, but there was no one there. I entered the dressing room, turned to the left to hang myself and froze. Further to the left, the sink door opened in my direction and I remained standing in the shadow outside the door. Irinka's mother entered the dressing room, went to a table by the opposite wall and poured herself some kvass.

I was just mesmerized. How do daughters look like their mothers. Aunt Natasha stood with her gorgeous white ass turned to me, and I couldn't take my eyes off her. The chest was also snow-white, but unlike Irinka, the nipples were not so large and tender. Pink colour. Before, I had never seen her without clothes, or rather, I had not seen her so openly and accessible, I had a glimpse of her when someone entered or left the sink. While I looked at the delights of an adult female body, Irinka entered the waiting room and stared at me and her mother in bewilderment.

It was only then that Aunt Natasha noticed me and hastily threw on a dressing gown. Then everyone burst out laughing. I began to slowly undress, Irinka, having taken some things, said that she had gone to bed and that she had made a bed for Alyonka and me on the second floor. Aunt Natasha, looking into the steam room, said something to her husband and, bowing with a smile, proceeded into the house. I threw firewood into the stove and, under their crackling, began to listen to the sounds in the steam room, opening the door to the washing room. The broom claps soon ended, and water splashed in the sink. Fyodor Ivanovich poured cool water on Alenka.

I waited a bit, but no one came out. I looked into the sink through the ajar door and saw my beauty lying naked upside down on the bench. Our bath attendant stood with his back to me, wrapped as usual at the waist in a towel and rubbing some oils into Alenka's steamed body. It was only now that I realized that my wife and Uncle Fyodor did not yet know about my presence in the bathhouse. Nothing interesting happened for five minutes, and I was about to go inside and warm up when my little wife rolled onto her back. The process of rubbing her breasts was more interesting. The massage of the back, buttocks and legs was not in vain, and Alenka's excitement was noticeable in the manner of the cat's movements. Alenka's body shuddered slightly and slowly wriggled under strong skillful hands.
Good hot bath
Further, these hands went down to the stomach, smoothly along the hips to the feet, then crawled up again. Alenka herself was already crumpling her breasts and simply surrendered to the passion that had come over her. When Fyodor Ivanovich's hands reached the knees of his beloved, she spontaneously lowered her legs on both sides of the bench. Male hands drove Alenka to a frenzy, stroking the inside of the thigh, lightly touching her shaved pussy.

She lifted her pelvis, tearing her ass off the bench and trying to bring those tender and strong fingers closer to her pussy, but Uncle Fyodor did not allow her to do this. I could see how much the sexual lips of my beloved were swollen and how much they shone with juices flowing out, the clitoris swelled and, bare, just stuck up. Alenka mumbled something inarticulately. My penis stood like a stake, and I took it out and slowly massaged it. At this time, Fedor Ivanovich turned Alenka on her stomach, bringing her legs together again. Alenka was lying with eyes closed and caressed herself, putting her hands between her legs. Her body was shaking man's hands again lay on her buttocks and began to skillfully stretch the halves to the sides.

Then Uncle Fyodor stepped over the bench and slightly sat down on his wife's calves, while he no longer crushed his buttocks, but simply shook them with his palms from both sides. The pace increased. The towel slid down and hung on my beauty's ankles behind Uncle Fyodor's back. A half-excited member appeared to my eyes, which resembled a yoke and disappeared between Alyonich's legs not far from her knees. Fedor Ivanovich got up and moved closer to my wife's ass, let go of his buttocks and inserted the fingers of his left hand into both of her thirsty holes, and right hand began to massage his swelling penis. Alenka began to cover the strongest orgasm, from the outside it looked like an attack of epilepsy. Fyodor Ivanovich's member took full combat readiness and rushed to replace his fingers. My vision blurred and I finished myself in several long jets.

When I came to my senses, I already saw how Uncle Fedya was pouring his sperm on the back and ass of my beauty. Alenka was already lying unconscious, both hands on the floor. I went to the door to the dressing room and, slamming it, walked slowly to the door of the sink, and then looked inside. I was calmly greeted by the attendant, dressed in his towel, and said that he had finished the massage of my beauty and was waiting for me in the steam room. Alenka was only able to raise her head and kiss me in my direction, while Uncle Fyodor poured warm water over her on the bench. Soon my beloved entered the dressing room and, kissing me, said that today's massage session had driven her crazy.

I agreed with her, and confirmed that what I saw was really good. To which he received a smile and a slap on the ass: “you were peeping on a worthless boy”? I refused to take a steam bath and just went to hide it on a shelf, Fedor Ivanovich and my beloved stayed to drink kvass. When I left the steam room to rinse, I found our escaped Irinka washing the female pussy: “Hi again.” Irinka only mumbled softly in response, from which I could only make out that men have a bad nature to torture their wives with sex while drunk, when they themselves can no longer finish. Rinse with cool water.

I doused some more grumbling and jumped out into the dressing room. My beloved lay on her back and purred covered with a towel on the couch, and the attendant gently massaged her toes and some points on her feet. Everyone finally drank moonshine together and Uncle Fyodor left us. After the fifth glass, Irinka cheered up, took off her T-shirt and pulled Alenka into the sink, allegedly for women's secrets. I stayed to watch them through the half-open door of the sink, where two nymphs were pouring water over themselves and whispering conspiratorially about something.
Soon Irinka returned and, wet with a playful smile, sat down on my knees. I leaned back a little and her awesome breasts just crushed me. This bastard bit into me passionate kiss and didn't let go. I felt like my cock got into a strong captivity of my Alenka's mouth and, startled, was immediately sent to Irina's pussy. Through the partition, I felt how my wife's fingers were wielding in Irinka's ass. Irinka jumped on me with such frenzy and gluttony as if it was the last sex in her life.

Then she froze for a few seconds at the top point, only her lower abdomen and the pussy itself throbbed, with a deep exhalation she sank onto the penis and went limp. My Alenka freed me from a pleasant captivity and took her place, but soon she turned her back on me and sent my penis to her cool ass. I could hardly restrain myself from pouring myself into my wife before her sweet convulsions. Soon Alenka thrashed in ecstasy and slid off my penis to the floor. I was pulled by the hand by Irinka, who was lying on her back with her legs high and stroking her wet pussy.

From me it only remained to choose a hole, which I did with great pleasure in favor of the ass and almost immediately finished, so much so that everything swam before my eyes. After sitting a little more and finishing the moonshine, we rinsed together and cheerfully and went to bed.

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