The theme of the work is a basket with fir cones. Why did Grieg write music specifically for a girl?


Topic: K. Paustovsky "Basket with fir cones».

Goals: 1. Continue work to improve the skill of meaningful expressive reading.

2. To show that a person becomes truly happy only by discovering the beauty of the world around him.

Tasks: 1. Contribute to the expansion of the horizons of children, familiarization with art, spiritual culture.

2. Contribute to the development of musical and artistic taste.

3. To develop students' speech and the ability to formulate the idea of ​​​​a work.

4. Contribute to the formation creative imagination through words, music, visual activity; substantiate your point of view.

5. Cultivate love and careful attitude to nature, to the feelings of people, the ability to empathize.

Equipment: 1. Multimedia presentation.

2. E. Grieg. Peer Gynt: Morning. In the cave of the mountain king. Solveig song.

E. Grieg. Symphony Concert No. 1, part 1.

During the classes.

    Organizational moment.

    1. slide 1.

Work with text before reading. Predicting the content of a story based on the title and illustrations.

What did you imagine when you read the title, looking at the illustration?

2. Slides 2, 3, 4. Information about the life of K. Paustovsky.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky was born in Moscow, in the family of a railway statistician, on May 31, 1892. The writer recalled that his father was an incorrigible dreamer, so he often changed jobs. After a series of moves, the Paustovsky family settled in Kyiv. Konstantin Paustovsky in Kyiv studied at the First Kyiv Classical Gymnasium. When he was in the 6th grade, his father left the family, and young Kostya began to earn a living and study on his own, doing tutoring

What do you see at the grave of the writer? Is it by chance?

- Why do you think there was a basket of fir cones there?

We will try to answer this question during the lesson.

3. In his works, K. Paustovsky reveals himself to us. We feel a cordial, sincerely generous and unusually benevolent person. His stories are filled with a surprisingly warm, bright and reverent feeling of love for nature. native land. However, this story is about something else. The fact is that Paustovsky wrote not only about nature, but also about composers, artists, writers - that is, about people who subtly feel the beauty of the world around them and tried to introduce everyone to the world of beauty with their creativity. The story that we will get acquainted with today will introduce us to an extraordinary world. musical creativity Norwegian composer and pianist Edvard Hagerup Grieg.

4.Slides 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Information about the life of E. Grieg. 1843 - 1907 (64)

“In Bergen, everything was the same. Everything that could muffle sounds - carpets, curtains and upholstered furniture - Grieg removed from the house long ago. Only the old sofa remained. It could accommodate up to a dozen guests, and Grieg did not dare to throw it away. Friends said that the composer's house looked like a lumberjack's house. Only the piano adorned him.”

III . Slide 10 Basket with fir cones.

1. Slide 11 Vocabulary work.*- search by explanatory dictionary

Bergen is a city in Norway.

A tiny part is a small part.

Forged - upholstered in iron.

curtains* - dense heavy curtains for windows or doors.

Treads* - Wellingtons.

Fragrance - aroma, nice smell.

Brocade, silk, velvet, felt - types of fabrics.

Spurs* - a metal shackle with a wheel at the end, attached to the rider's boot and serving to prod the horse.

Sword* - piercing weapon with a straight long blade.

2. Reading part 1. Identification of the primary perception of the text

- The teacher reads the beginning of the story.

Dramatization by trained students p. 47-50. Slides 12, 13, 14, 15.

- Why does Grieg have a desire to give Dagny music?

Let's try to find the answer to this question in the second part.

3. slide 16 Reading part 2 by the teacher and students.

How did you understand what Grieg wrote music about? Why?

Which listeners did he value the most? Why

- Why did Grieg write music specifically for a girl7

4. Slide 17- What words of the second part are the most important?

Do all the people around you think the same way as Grieg? Is it better to give than to take? And what is your position?

5. Reading 3 and 4 parts.Slides 18, 19, 20, 21.

Try to live this time with Dagny. Listen to your feelings.

What did Dagny feel and experience? And you?

What pictures did Dagny represent? Why did she cry while listening to music?

Find in the text and read the thoughts of Grieg, who wrote the music.

Now find and read the thoughts of Dagny, who heard the music.

What did you notice? (Resemblance: They thought the same thing.)

The music conquered distance and time, managed to convey the feelings of the composer and Dagny, and reminded me of the pictures of nature in my native Norway.

    slide 22. 1. What do you think is the main idea of ​​this story?

What does a person live for? Dagny figured it out, did you?

A person becomes truly happy only by discovering the beauty of the world around him.

What do you think makes people write music, poetry, stories, paintings?

2. slide 23. Why Paustovsky calls Grieg a magician?

Paustovsky calls Grieg a magician because, thanks to music, Dagny remembered her childhood. Childhood is that beautiful moment which cannot be returned. They need to have time to enjoy, not to miss the time in which you can do a lot of things and learn a lot. When a person remembers his childhood, he understands how much nature has given him. When Dagny heard the melody, she immediately remembered all the most beautiful moments of life and the person who did so much for her, expressing her childhood years in music. Have time to enjoy your childhood, and you will understand that living in peace is the best gift from nature!

3. slide 24. The writer K. Paustovsky and the composer E. Grieg are great masters: one with words, the other with music awaken in us pure and good feelings. K. Paustovsky believed that to give people a "fairy tale of life" - the ability to discover the beautiful and romantic in the most ordinary - this is the main task of a person on earth.

    slide 25. Summary of the lesson.

Reflection: What do you especially remember about the work? At the lesson?

VII. Homework p.47-54 expressive reading, drawing by Dagny.

- In our textbook, the story is not printed to the end. You have the ending on your desks. Read at home and Prepare an answer to the question: Why did Uncle Niels know that her life would not be in vain?

Dagny walked through the deserted streets. She did not notice that behind her, trying not to catch her eye, was Nils, sent by Magda. He swayed like a drunk and mumbled something about a miracle that had happened in their little life.

The darkness of the night still lay over the city. But in the windows, the northern dawn was already taking on a faint gilding. Dagny went to the sea. It lay in deep sleep without a single splash.

Dagny clenched her hands and groaned from a sense of the beauty of this world that was still not clear to her, but engulfing her whole being.

Listen, life, - Dagny said quietly, - I love you. And she laughed, looking wide open eyes to the lights of the ships. They rocked slowly in the clear gray water.

Niels, who was standing at a distance, heard her laugh and went home. Now he was calm for Dagny. Now he knew that her life would not be in vain.

Draw how you imagine Dagny.

VIII. slide 26. A fragment of a slide-film to the music of E. Grieg "Solveig's Song".

The story of Konstantin Paustovsky "Basket with fir cones" was written in 1954. It tells about the famous Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg, as well as about the amazing country of Norway: about its seas and forests, impregnable rocks, folk legends, songs that inspired the composer in his work.

Edvard Grieg was born in the city of Bergen and returned here already in adulthood, being a famous and universally recognized composer. Not far from the city he built a villa and lived there for a long time among ordinary people- fishermen, lumberjacks, peasants. The nature of Norway is incomparable to anything: the cold sea with narrow bays, the sound of the surf and the mountain forests, through which the composer liked to wander for hours.

And then one autumn he met in the forest a little girl Dagny, the daughter of a forester, with a basket of fir cones.

The girl's eyes were green, and golden foliage reflected in them. Grieg was touched by her childish prudence and seriousness, and he wanted to give something to the girl. No, not a toy (“he didn’t have dolls, ribbons and velvet hares”), and then Grieg decided to write music for her with a dedication: “Dagny Pedersen - the daughter of the forester Hagerup Pedersen when she turns eighteen.”

For about a month he composed music for Dagny, composed and imagined a young girl running towards him to thank him for the gift. What will he say to her then? "You are beautiful! You are like the sun and the wind, you are a delicate flower and the brilliance of dawn, you are happiness. The beauty of life is you." And Grieg saw all this already then, at the meeting, when she was still a little girl, and he carried her basket of cones, and now he expressed it in music.

But did this meeting really take place, because Grieg subsequently never once remembered this? AND piece of music with such a dedication, too.

So, this is a story invented by the author, or maybe there was something similar in the life of the composer? Here we can remember Nina Hagerup, his cousin and wife. They grew up together in Bergen, but at the age of 8, Nina and her family left for Denmark, and the young people met as adults. And the play, most likely, also exists, only it is called "Morning" and is part of the very famous suite "Peer Gynt", and another play from the same suite sounded at their wedding.

Therefore, the image of Dagny is collective, fictional and real at the same time. Couldn't it have happened that the forester's daughter really once met Grieg. And then he wanted to tell her with the help of music: “I saw life. Whatever you are told about her, always believe that she is amazing. I gave everything to life ... "

The beauty of life is the person himself and everything that surrounds him, that pleases and excites him. Art helps people to see beauty in life.

Effective preparation for the exam (all subjects) -

Goals: reveal the meaning of the spiritual beauty of a person, true happiness, the meaning of life; develop the ability to analyze the emotional state of the characters; develop a love for music.

Equipment : portraits of K. Paustovsky, E. Grieg; recording of a fragment of a musical work by E. Grieg.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment. Creating an emotional state.

Calm music sounds. On the board are portraits of K. Paustovsky and E. Grieg.

II. Setting the goal of the lesson.

Why did we start the Alone with a Book lesson by listening to classical music? (Children's answers.)

What questions does Paustovsky answer in his story "Basket with fir cones"? (What is the meaning of life, what is it; a happy person, true beauty - what is it?)

Let's analyze. (Philosophical reasoning of the author about life and death, about happiness, the meaning of life; deep thoughts about eternal problems being.)

What did you learn about the writer? (Students' stories, the teacher completes.)

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky was born in 1892 in Moscow in the family of a railway worker. Already at school, he began to earn a living.

I started writing early. From the writer's memoirs: “My writing life began with a desire to know everything, see everything and travel. In every story, in every story, traces of wanderings are visible.

Conclusionabout the work of Paustovsky: the main content of the stories is the search for beauty in the ordinary and modest.

Both adults and children read his stories with pleasure.

IV. Content work.

1. Characteristics of the scene.

The events in the story take place in the northern country - Norway, with its gloomy grandeur of coniferous forests and the harsh beauty of lakes.

Listen to a piece of music by Edvard Grieg.

A snippet is playing.

What did you feel while listening to Grieg's music? (Children's statements.)

Conclusion.The breath of harsh and majestic nature, colorful pictures of folk life, revived Norwegian legends and fairy tales - this is the soul of the music of the composer Grieg.

2. Characteristics of the main character.

Describe Dagny. (She is eight years old; hardworking - carries a heavy basket of cones; gullible - talks to a stranger; sweet and beautiful - big eyes, like a doll, with green pupils, voice quiet from embarrassment; sensitive - thinks about the old grandfather and sympathizes with him; she has kind heart able to think and grieve for others.)

3. Work on the artistic features of the text.

Read the dialogue between the composer and the girl.

Do you think Grieg was happy man? What filled him with happiness? (Children's answers can be confirmed with the words of the text.)

Reread Grieg's words about life. (“I saw life. No matter what they tell you about it, always believe that it is amazing and beautiful, I am an old man, but I gave my life, work, talent to youth. I gave everything without return. Therefore, I may be even happier than you , Dagny...")

How many main ideas are included here? Which? Formulate them in your own words. (Life is amazing and beautiful. Happy because I gave everything.)

Who agrees with Grieg's opinion? Explain why? (Children's statements.)

Physical education minute

Relaxation exercises with soothing music.

Teacher. The impact of classical music on the soul: the soul takes off and soars in the air, and when the music subsides, the heart stops, and it takes some time to come to your senses, to feel yourself on earth again.

4. Generalization.

Reading and analysis the fourth part of the story - "Dagny in the theater, at a concert."

1) word drawing.

Describe the portrait of the grown-up Dagny. (A slender girl with heavy blond long braids of the color of old gold, beautiful, with shining big green eyes, is dressed in a long theatrical black dress from mysterious velvet.)

What was the unusual setting in which the concert took place? (Reading a passage of text where Dagny goes with her aunt and uncle to a concert.)

Why did Dagny cry while listening to Grieg's music? (These are tears of gratitude. People cry not only from grief, but also from great good feelings; in addition, Dagny is sorry that Grieg has already died and she will not thank him for a wonderful gift.)

Edvard Grieg is buried in his homeland, in a rock above the ever-wavering sea.

Is it possible to consider him irrevocably gone from us, now living, or is he invisibly present in our lives? (Grig lives in his works. His soul speaks to us through music, conveys his experience, feeling and knowledge of life.)

Think about what is the main thing in the story: music or a person and the spiritual foundations of his life? (Children's answers.)

Read how the story ends. what are we being asked to think about? (About the meaning of life.)

What beauty did you discover for yourself in the story of K. Paustovsky? (The beauty of nature and wonderful people. They have a cute appearance and noble deeds, i.e. we are talking about both external and internal beauty of a person. About a truly good life, wonderful gifts - spiritual.)

2) Questions for scholars.

In what Russian city does the same tradition exist: to notify residents about the time of day with a shot from a cannon?

What musical works by Grieg do you know? (Lyric plays, songs, romances, suites, sonatas.)

How to roughly calculate the year in which Grieg and Dagny met?

V. Summary of the lesson.

Why is Dagny grateful to Grieg? Read. (“For your generosity. For having opened before me that beautiful thing that a person should live by ...”)

Read the writing on the board.

On the board: “A poem, a fairy tale, music are miracles ... And people with a good heart can do miracles.”

How should a person live? (Children's statements.)

In his work, Konstantin Paustovsky often raises philosophical questions about the meaning of life, about the search for one's place in this world, about the difficulty of choosing. The story "Basket with fir cones" is no exception. Reading this light life-affirming work, you understand that the best things in life are given to a person for free.

The main characters of this work, the composer Edvard Grieg and the little girl Dagny, the daughter of a forester, meet in the forest. The composer just walks, admiring the unique autumn landscape and the girl collects fir cones. Ordinary conversation, ordinary autumn. However, everything around seems to be saturated with a fairy tale: surprisingly thin and susceptible to every rustle aspen leaves, spruce cones smelling of heavy odorous resin, a fragile and extraordinarily beautiful glass boat ...

Grieg is so impressed by the communication with the little stranger that he decides to devote musical composition. Of course, a child is not able to deeply appreciate the power and beauty of classical music, so Grieg says that Dagny will receive a gift in ten years, when she turns eighteen. The girl is at a loss, she wants to receive a gift now, but she can only accept it.

Creating a work dedicated to Dagny, the composer thinks tenderly of his little muse. He knows that ahead of her is so exciting, so bright and wonderful Life full of discovery and love. Grieg wishes the girl great and real happiness, and puts all his experiences into music.

Years pass, Dagny turns into a slender beauty with long braids. On the occasion of graduation, the girl goes to visit her uncle and aunt, and they decide to take her to a concert. What is the general surprise when indescribably beautiful music dedicated to her, the forester's daughter, sounds from the stage.

In Dagny's soul everything turns upside down, she remembered everything: and the beautiful autumn forest and a man with laughing eyes who promised to give her unusual gift. This gift is truly the best you could wish for, because it is more than music, it is the gift of the love of life.

Life consists of many large and small events, every minute a person is surrounded by hundreds of things, and how important it is to remember that all this is beautiful, and to love life in all its manifestations. "Basket of Fir Cones" is a small but impressive story that makes the reader think about true values.

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  • "Basket with fir cones": the main characters, the main idea, what to write?

      The short story Basket with fir cones was written by Konstantin Paustovsky.

      Main characters:

      Dagny Pedersen, forester's daughter

      Edvard Grieg, composer

      Magda, Aunt Dagny

      Nils, Uncle Dagny.

      the main idea of this story is that you always have to believe in a miracle and it will definitely happen, and then meaning will appear in your life, as it appeared in the life of the girl Dagny, when she heard Grieg's music dedicated to herself.


      In the forest, the old composer Grieg met the forester's daughter Dagny, who was 8 years old and helped her bring a basket of fir cones. Grieg liked the girl so much that he promised to give her a gift, not now, but in 10 years, when Dagny turns 18.

      Grieg left and spent several months writing the promised music.

      10 years have passed, Dagny graduated from high school and went to Christiania, to her uncle and aunt. Aunt constantly took Dagny to the theaters, and Dagny was very worried about what was gone. Once Aunt Magda decided to take Dagny to a concert, and there the girl suddenly heard her name. The back rows were asked to repeat and she was convinced that this was exactly the gift that he had promised her. an old man ten years ago.

      Magical music reminded Dagny of her native forest and herself, a little girl. She realized that life is worth living for the sake of beauty and that she loves this life.

      An unexpected meeting in the forest of the composer Grieg and the Norwegian girl Dagny, who was collecting fir cones, ended with an agreement - Grig will give the girl an unusual gift for her 18th birthday. To the girl’s question why wait so long, the composer replied that the gift would be unusual and such gifts are not given to children. He decided to write a musical composition for her.

      Bergen. Composer Grieg's house. Memories of the meeting with Dagny are a source of inspiration for the composer. The girl becomes a muse for him, a guide to the world of dreams, to that world of forever gone youth, when he was young and happy:

      Many years later. Dagny turned into a slim beautiful girl, her father sent her to his sister, a theater dressmaker. Dagny had the opportunity to visit theatrical performances. Once she got to the first concert in her life symphonic music. During the concert, the master of ceremonies suddenly announced:

      During the performance of music, Dagny was overwhelmed with feelings: she remembered her house, forest, mountains, sea ... For a long time she wandered through the deserted streets until she came out completely devastated to sea ​​shore and did not whisper:

      The uncle Niels, who was watching the girl, uttered a phrase that, in my opinion, is the main idea of ​​this story:

      A story called Basket with fir cones was written by Konstantin Paustovsky. The main characters of the story are: Dagny Pedersen ( main character, daughter of the forester Hagerup Pedersen), Edvard Grieg (composer), Magda (tty Dagny), Niels (uncle Dagny, husband of Magda). Fairy tale environment, little girl Dagny walks in an unusual beautiful forest and meets the composer Edward. They have a good-natured conversation, in the end, the composer Edward has only good impressions from communicating with an unfamiliar girl. Further, in a fit of emotion, composer Edward dedicates a beautiful piece of music to Dagny. Of course, the little girl does not appreciate this properly, to which Edvard Grieg replies that this is a gift, and she will appreciate it only ten years later, that is, when she turns eighteen. Years pass, the girl grows up, finishes school. In honor of finishing school on the same day, Dagny goes to her aunt Magda and uncle Nils, and they, in turn, go with her to a concert. At the concert sounds just the same piece of music dedicated to her. Dagny is very surprised and remembers those wonderful moments and understands that this is the best gift. main idea this story in my opinion is that classical music conveys the feelings, emotions and thoughts in general of one person to another, it makes you think about the smallest values ​​in life.

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