To whom in Rus' to live well is an argument. Theme and problems of the poem “Who in Rus' should live well


Many questions arise before the debaters in the work of N.A. Nekrasov. The main one is who lives happily?

The problem of happiness in the poem "To whom it is good to live in Rus'" goes beyond the usual understanding of the philosophical concept of "happiness". But this is understandable. The men of the lowest class are trying to solve the problem. It seems to them that the free, and the rich, and cheerful can be happy.

Components of happiness

Literary critics try to explain to the reader who the author wanted to present as a result of truly happy. Their opinions differ. This confirms the genius of the poet. He managed to make people think, search, think. The text leaves no one indifferent. There is no exact answer in the poem. The reader has the right to remain in his opinion. He, as one of the wanderers, is looking for an answer, going far beyond the scope of the poem.

The views of individual studies are interesting. They propose to consider happy men who are looking for an answer to a question. Wanderers are representatives of the peasantry. They are from different villages, but with "talking" names that characterize the life of the country's population. Bare-footed, hungry, in clothes with holes, after lean years, survivors of diseases, fires, walkers receive a self-assembly tablecloth as a gift. Her image is expanded in the poem. Here she not only feeds and waters. The tablecloth keeps shoes, clothes. Walk a man around the country, all the problems of everyday life remain aside. Wanderers get to know different people, listen to stories, sympathize and empathize. Such a journey during the harvest and the usual labor affairs is a real happiness. To be away from a distressed family, a poor village. It is clear that not all of them realize how happy they were in their search. The peasant became free, but this did not bring him prosperity and the opportunity to live according to his desires. Happiness stands opposite serfdom. Slavery becomes the antonym of the desired concept. It is impossible to collect all the components of national happiness into a single whole.

Each class has its own goals:

  • Men are a good harvest;
  • The priests are a rich and large parish;
  • Soldier - maintaining health;
  • Women are kind relatives and healthy children;
  • Landlords - a large number of servants.
A man and a gentleman cannot be happy at the same time. The abolition of slavery led to the loss of the foundations of both estates. Truth-seekers have traveled many roads, conducted a survey of the population. From the stories of happiness some want to roar in full voice. People become happy from vodka. That is why there are so many drinkers in Rus'. Both the peasant, and the priest, and the gentleman want to pour grief.

Ingredients of True Happiness

In the poem, the characters try to imagine good life. The author tells the reader that everyone's perception of the environment is different. What does not please some, for others - supreme pleasure. The beauty of Russian landscapes captivates the reader. Remained in Rus' people with feelings of nobility. They are not changed by poverty, rudeness, illness and hardships of fate. There are few of them in the poem, but they are in every village.

Yakim Nagoi. Hunger and the hard life of a peasant did not kill the desire for beauty in his soul. During a fire, he saves paintings. Yakim's wife saves the icons. This means that in the soul of a woman lives faith in the spiritual transformation of people. Money remains in the background. But they hoarded them long years. The amount is amazing - 35 rubles. So impoverished is our Motherland in the past! Love for the beautiful distinguishes a man, instills faith: wine will not flood the “bloody rain” of the soul of a peasant.

Ermil Girin. The disinterested peasant managed to win the lawsuit against the merchant with the help of the people. They lent him their last pennies without fear of being deceived. Honesty has not found its own happy ending in the fate of the hero. He gets into prison. Ermil experiences mental anguish when he replaces his brother in recruitment. The author believes in the peasant, but understands that a sense of justice does not always lead to the desired result.

Grigory Dobrosklonov. The protector of the people is the prototype of the revolutionary-minded part of the inhabitants, a new emerging movement in Rus'. They try to change their native corner, refuse their own well-being, do not seek peace for themselves. The poet warns that the hero will become famous and glorious in Rus', the author sees them walking ahead and singing hymns.

Nekrasov believes: wrestlers will be happy. But who will know and believe in their happiness? History tells the opposite: hard labor, exile, consumption, death - this is not all that awaits them in the future. Not everyone will be able to convey their ideas to the people, many will remain outcasts, unrecognized geniuses.

The answer to the question "Who is living well in Rus'?" may not be found. Doubts penetrate the souls of readers. Happiness is a strange category. It can come for a moment from the joy of ordinary life, leads to a state of bliss from wine, barely perceptible in moments of love and affection. What needs to be done to make everyone happy in understanding common man? Changes must affect the structure and way of the country. Who is capable of carrying out such reforms? Will the will give this feeling to a person? There are even more questions than at the beginning of the reading of the poem. This is the task of literature: to make you think, evaluate, plan actions.

The problem of people's happiness in Nekrasov's poem "Who should live well in Rus'".

Well, it will be with you!

Hey, happiness man!

Leaky with patches

Humpback with calluses

N. A. Nekrasov

"Who should live well in Rus'" was supposed to be the crown of Nekrasov's work, the crown,

dedicated to the people. This truly folk book"extraordinarily broad depicts life

of the Russian people, surveys its problems of development from a great height, expresses its aspirations and

dreams, thoughts and feelings. This is epic. This exceptional nation, however, is very

characteristic of Nekrasov, from all possible points, sides, angles reflects the life of a Russian

peasantry. Indeed, to cite single facts, to look at everything from only one

the angle is not fraught with anything complicated. It is much more problematic to try to combine

seemingly unrelated, disparate elements to create a single, not

losing at the same time its versatility and universality of the structure. This is N. A. Nekrasov

already managed to do in even an unfinished poem. He presents to the reader everything that

constitutes the life of each individual Citizen: victories and defeats, joys and hardships,

daily work and short-term rest, the pursuit of happiness, freedom and methods for their

achievements. Completeness and truthfulness, complexity of form and ease of understanding are pivotal

canons of the poem by Nekrasov the singer. He wanted with maximum accuracy to show the peasants in

compared with priests, landowners, boyars, the king. The second part of the plan known reasons

did not have time to be recorded. But even without her, Nikolai Alekseevich confirmed his

commitment to folk theme, proved that he writes about the people and for them. Capture his pain

compassion, longing, contrition, and at the same time pride, faith, will: he real singer people.

"In what year - calculate, in what land - guess" ... Calculations and checking your

we will not deal with luck: everything, without a doubt, is clear. Let's go better. Seven Wanderers

from Terpigorev district, Pustoporozhnaya volost, from the villages of Gorelova, Dyryavin, Zaplatova,

Znobishina, Neyolova, Razutova, tormented by the question "Who is it good to live in Rus'?", argue and decide

do not return home until such time as they find the answer to such serious question. "Mine

brother peasant-bast worker, artisans, beggars, soldiers, coachmen "-" small people ", they have

restless truth-seekers do not ask in search of the truth that has not yet appeared on the horizon:

"Soldiers shave with an awl, soldiers warm themselves with smoke, what happiness is there?" Peasant reform from

ruined, exhausted by hunger and unbearable physical labor, bullying from

peasant landlords; should lead to a qualitative improvement in their lives. Must

was, but did not; hope has not been transformed into a desired fact. who did not have land

the peasants were doomed to even greater "slavery", they had to come to terms with their

the hardest lot (land or unfortunate share?). Partially changed only the existing

faces: "now instead of the master, the volost will fight." Poet without hints and omissions openly

declares village poverty, general drunkenness among the embittered and tired of work

peasants, their illiteracy and clumsiness, meanness of views ("When a peasant is not Blucher and not

milord stupid - will Belinsky and Gogol be carried from the market?").

"talking" geographical names; the people themselves, frankly expressing their life

hopelessness (“The world is sick, there is no bread, there is no shelter, there is no death”):

The hills are coming

With fields, with hayfields,

And more often with inconvenience,

abandoned land;

stand old villages,

stand new villages,

By the rivers, by the ponds...

"Hey, is there somewhere happy?" A skinny, dismissed deacon responds to the call of the wanderers,

a one-eyed old woman, a soldier with medals, a stonemason from Olonchan, a courtyard man,

Belarusian peasant, "cloudy" peasant. To drink wine for free, they sin

true human qualities, not shunning their trivial and extremely low,

truthful for them and essentially false statements about happiness. Do you feel the fullness

happiness, "heating the scythe in the sun"? Does life's happiness lie in turnips, huge

physical strength, satiety? And finally, the "yard man" happily shouts: "At the first boyar I

was a favorite slave. With the best French truffle I licked the plates, "- such is the lowered to

"absolute zero", a simplified happiness that does not have a hint of it. But is there still

among the peasants, people who, in spite of everything, preserved their original human dignity, honor,

kindness, generosity? Optimism: loading... Answer: "Yes!"

In the part "Peasant Woman" Nekrasov introduces us to the first by and large in a feminine way,

associated with ideas about the mother, the Motherland. Matryona Timofeevna - generous, sincere,

strong-willed, loving, persistent, hardworking woman. Her whole being, despite the lack of bread,

recruitment, the death of his son, his peasant share, he sings with boundless faith in the bright, great

the future of the people. “I was lucky in the girls: we had a good, non-drinking family,” begins

happiness." And here is what she says about probably the very happy day in her life when she

returned home with her husband saved from service and son Lioduroshka:

ok light

In the world of God!

Okay, easy

Clear to the heart.

We go, we go

Let's stop

To forests, meadows,

Let's admire.

It was in Matryona Timofeevna that the potential power of the people became widespread.

His simplicity, spiritual purity, conviction in his own victory. "The keys to female happiness,

abandoned by our free will, lost to God himself"...

What place does happiness occupy in the life of a villager of Bosoy Yakim Nagogo?

Immediacy, self-righteousness, dignity; willfulness, exceptional

the purity, sincerity of this peasant cannot but arouse sympathy among readers. That's just…

"We drink a lot on time, and we work more," he immediately interrupts us, with a half-glance

labor; in the pleasure derived from looking at pictures; and, of course, in wine (in vino veritas,

isn't it?), from the charm of which "the kind peasant soul laughed."

One of the fighters for people's happiness is "just a man" Ermil Girin. The court decided

sell his mill. During the auction with the merchant Altynnikov, as a pledge, he received

1000 rubles are needed, which (what is surprising here?) He did not have. He went to

market square and asked people to help him out. Help the already poor peasants to their

speaks to a comrade about their love and respect for Yermila for his literacy, intelligence, justice and

kindness. While still working as a clerk of the estate manager, "he will advise and inquire; where

enough strength - help out, do not ask for gratitude. "When the prince died, each patrimony had to

elect your elder. Yermil was unanimously chosen by him. Working as a headman, he is for deliverance

from recruiting younger brother Mitriya out of turn appointed Vlasyevna's son instead of him. This

an oversight, combined with his conscience, almost led Girin to commit suicide. "He had everything

what is needed for happiness: and calmness, and money, and honor, enviable honor, true, not

bought neither by money nor fear: by strict truth, intelligence and kindness! "- exclaims the pop. But not

this is happiness for Yermila Ilyich. It is for him in something else: following oneself; readiness for

struggle, rebellion for the freedom, happiness of the Russian people.

Savely the hero - grandfather Matryona Timofeevna, huge, overgrown, like a bear

man. In the face of this bold and rebellious hero, Nekrasov testifies to the birth

a new rebellious force, ready to actually fight against slavery; about the awakening of self-consciousness

peasants. For the spontaneously organized death penalty of his manager Khristyan

Khristyanovich Vogel, he spent twenty years in hard labor, twenty years in a settlement. His

happiness is resistance to serf society, rejection of humility and patience,

heroic exit to the struggle for the peasant destiny.

"There are two ways for a free heart in the midst of the worldly world." The choice is one of the hardest

life moments. An error in selection will lead to failure to achieve completeness. human being -

happiness, disappointment, defeat. The correct choice ensures the acquisition of oneself, success -

The main thing is not to turn off the chosen path. Path with least resistance chooses

the majority is a silent, nameless, weak-willed crowd. This path is wide, it captivates

wanderers with their lightness, there is a place for every ... slave. This road does not ask travelers

questions about "a sincere life, about a lofty goal." Those on this path need more

space: they are passionate about momentary values: wealth, rank, respect from

colleagues. This road attracts with its initial brightness, which then changes to ordinary

dullness and death.

"Weigh the proud strength, weigh the strong will"! By the age of fifteen, Grisha Dobrosklonov,

the son of a laborer and sexton, firmly determined his path. "Grisha was seduced by a narrow, winding

trail." He chose an honest one, and therefore thorny path backed by faith in life

motherland, the steadfastness of their moral convictions. Gregory is sure that

popular happiness can only be achieved through an all-encompassing active expression

disagreement, struggle.

In each character, action, image, word, Nekrasov emphasizes the imminent disappearance

the existing building. All landowners and "tidy" gentlemen are the last ones. Here is their hour.

They end centuries of oppression common people, many of

who is considered hopeless peasant fate. But still a significant advantage

have those who, winged "in the work of a saved free heart," are ready for effective

protest. It seemed that the endless tolerance of the peasants came to an end, the end came and

serfdom. It's only begining…

The question of happiness is the main problem of N. A. Nekrasov’s poem “Who should live well in Rus'” and determines its plot and composition.
Nekrasov began work on the poem shortly after the peasant reform, so it reflected the consequences of the abolition of serfdom, the general crisis, during which "the great chain broke." Thus, the central issue in the poem is the question of "post-reform" happiness, closely related to the socio-political problems of the work.
The very title of the poem speaks of the stated problem, sets one on the search for someone who "has a fun, free life in Rus'." Seekers of happiness become peasants - "seven temporarily liable", whose collective image runs through the whole poem. It is significant that the peasants converge "on the pole path": their path, "a controversial matter" becomes the compositional core of the poem.
Starting work on his work, Nekrasov wrote: “This will be the epic of modern peasant life". The epic breadth of the idea explains the variety of types, characters, as well as various ideas about happiness reflected in the poem.
A pop met by men who, in their opinion, “lives happily”:
Bell Nobles -
Priests live in a princely way, -
dissuades the peasants, telling in detail, "what is the ass ... peace, wealth, honor."
The landowner Obolt-Obolduev, with whom the "seekers of the happy" talk, complains:
I smoked the sky of God
He wore the livery of the king,
Littered the people's treasury
And I thought to live like this for a century ...
And suddenly...
On the contrary, in the chapter "Happy" to tell the peasants about their happiness, those come among whom the wanderers would never have thought to look for a happy one. A soldier with medals is happy because he is mercilessly beaten with sticks, "at least feel it, he's alive", overstrained Tryphon, who "carried away at least fourteen pounds", that he "went home". In contrast to their "muzhik's happiness", the happiness of "servant" is depicted - to be a "beloved slave", to stand behind a chair "at the brightest // At Prince Peremetyev."
Thus, the poem raises the theme of a false, “servile” and true idea of ​​​​happiness associated with Nekrasov’s reverent attitude towards the people: recognizing conscientiousness and striving for truth among the people, the author did not tolerate passivity, the people’s “habit of slavery”. The author's contempt for the serf of Prince Peremetyev is also manifested in plot twist: footman, drunk, "caught in theft."
The chapter "Last Child" also, it would seem, presents the "false happiness" of the peasants, who voluntarily play the serfs of Prince Utyatin. Not all men immediately agree to such a "performance", the steward Vlas says:
And so I am forever
Standing at the lintel
Worried before the master
However, the peasants have a goal - to get "rented meadows", so the "spectacle" becomes a way to achieve happiness. The principle of contrast in the depiction of the people is also preserved in the “Last Man”: two stewards differ from each other (Vlas is “gloomy”, and Klim has “a clay conscience, Minin's beard”). There is an even more striking contrast between Ipat, "the serf of the Utyatin princes," and Agap Petrovich, who could not bear the pretense and died because "the head is unbowed."
In addition to the question of "false" and "true" ideas about happiness, the poem raises the question of women's happiness. Wanderers decide:
Not everything is between men
Find a happy
Let's touch the grandmother!
The image of Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina, whom the peasants are advised to ask, is devoted to a separate chapter, “a poem in a poem” - “Peasant Woman”. This chapter shows almost the whole life of Matryona Timofeevna, the development of her character. element of folklore, folk songs, rituals (“And the volushka rolled // From the girl’s head”) allows us to speak of the image of the “peasant woman” as a symbol of the entire Russian nation: the question of women’s happiness turns out to be closely connected with the question of Russia’s happiness in general.
Happiness Matryona Timofeevna finds in motherhood:
All the power given by God
I believe in work
All in children love!
At the same time, this happiness turns into a huge misfortune: Dyomushka dies, for Fedot she herself "lies under the rods." The help of the governor's wife, because of which Matryona Timofeevna was "denounced as a lucky woman," was perhaps the only miracle in her life.
Thus, this peasant woman does not call herself happy and believes that:
Keys to women's happiness
abandoned, lost
God himself!
In the chapter “Peasant Woman”, in addition to the image of Matryona Timofeevna, another important image appears - the image of Savely, the “hero of the Holy Russian”. Savely embodies the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe strength of the Russian people, is a rebel peasant (the murder of Vogel expresses his spontaneous protest). "Branded, but not a slave!" he says about himself.
According to contemporaries, at first Nekrasov believed the question: "who lives happily, freely in Rus'" - to answer: "drunk." While working on the poem, the theme of the happy gradually changed, faded into the background (for example, in the chapter “A Feast for the Whole World”, the question of happiness is indirectly touched upon). The image of Grisha Dobroeklonov can be considered one of the options for solving the problem of happiness: happiness for everyone, not for yourself, love for "mysterious Rus'". Nevertheless, the poem “Who should live well in Rus'” does not give an answer to this question, and the global philosophical problem O people's happiness remains unresolved.

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