Summary is a common thing for a reader's diary. Vasily Ivanovich Belov


V. I. Belov




Parmen? Where is my Parmenko? And here he is, Parmenko. Frozen? Freeze, boy, freeze. You are a fool, Parmeno. My Parmenko is silent. Here, let's go home. Do you want to go home? Parmen you, Parmen ...

Ivan Afrikanovich barely untied the frozen reins.

Are you standing here? Stood. Waiting for Ivan Afrikanovich?

Waiting, tell me. And what did Ivan Afrikanovich do? And I, Parmesha, drank a little, drank, my friend, don't judge me. Yes, don't judge me. And what, is it impossible for a Russian person to drink? No, you tell me, can a Russian person have a drink? Especially if at first he was frozen to the guts in the wind, then he got hungry to the very bones? Well, we, therefore, drank on the scoundrel. Yes. And Mishka says to me: “What, Ivan Afrikanovich, from just one nostril corroded. Come on, - he says, - second. All of us, Parmenushko, walk under the herb, don't scold me. Yes, honey, don't scold me. But where did it all start from? Let's go, Parmesha, s this morning when you and I took empty dishes to hand over. Loaded and shipped.

The saleswoman gritted me: “Bring, Ivan Afrikanovich, the dishes, and you will bring back the goods. Only, - grit, - do not lose the invoice. And when did Drynov lose the invoice? Ivan Afrikanovich did not lose the invoice. “Out,” I say, Parmen won’t let me lie, he didn’t lose the invoice. Have we brought the dishes with you? They brought it! Did we give it up, whore? Passed!

Dropped off and received all items! So why can't you and I have a drink? We can have a drink, by God, we can. You, then, are standing at the selp, at the high porch, and Mishka and I. Bear. This Bear is for all Bears Bear. I tell you. It's business as usual. “Come on,” he says, “Ivan Afrikanovich, on a bet, I won’t,” grit, “if I don’t sip all the wine from the dish with bread.” I say: “What are you, Mishka, a rogue. You are, - I say, - a rogue! Well, who slurps wine with bread with a spoon? After all, this, - I say, - do not sew any, not soup with chicken, so that it, wine, with a spoon, like a prison, sip. - "Here," he says, "let's argue." - "Let's!" Me, Parmesha, this secret has dismantled. “What,” Mishka asks me, “what,” he asks, “are you going to argue?” I say that if you drink slowly, then I put another white-eyed one, and if you lose, duck with you. Well, he took a dish from the watchman. Bread crumbled from half a dish.

"Lei," he says. - A big dish, malirovannoe. Well, I ate the whole bottle of white in this dish. The bosses, how they got it right here, these purveyors and the chairman of the selp, Vasily Trifonovich himself, look, calmed down, that means. And what would you say, Parmenushko, if this dog, this Mishka, sipped all this crumble with a spoon? Slurps yes quacks, slurps yes. quacks. He drank, the devil, and even licked the spoon dry. Well, it’s true, he just wanted to light a cigarette, he tore off the newspaper from me, I gave him a face and it took him away; it is clear that he was pressed here. He jumped out from behind the table and out into the street.

They kicked him, the rogue, out of the hut. The selp has a high porch, how it will burp from the porch! Well, yes, you were standing here at the porch, you saw him, mazurika. He comes back, there is no blood in his face, but he laughed! We have a conflict with him. All opinions were divided in half: who says that I lost a bet, and who says that Mishka could not stand the word. And Vasily Trifonovich, the chairman of the selpa, took my side and said:

“Your took, Ivan Afrikanovich. Because, of course, he drank something, but he didn’t keep it in the gut. ” I say to Mishka: “Okay, the fool is with you! Let's buy half. So that no one is offended." What? What are you, Parmen? Why did you get up? Ah, come on, come on. I'll sprinkle with you too for company. For the company, then it is, Parmesha, always ... Whoa!

Parmen? Who are they talking to? Whoa! So you didn't wait for me, did you go? I'm the reins of you now. Whoa!

You will know Ivan Afrikanovich! Look you! Well, stand like a human, where do I have these ... buttons, something ... Yes, kh, hmm.

We do not have long to walk, But only until the ninth.

Stay, dear, make rich.

Now let's go, go with nuts, gallop with hats ...

Ivan Afrikanovich put on his mittens and again sat down on the logs loaded with Selpov goods. The gelding, without prodding to the side, pulled off the runners that were sticking to the snow, he sporadically dragged the heavy cart, occasionally snorted and twitched his ears, listening to the owner.

Yes, brother Parmenko. Look how things turned out for Mishka and me. After all, they got drunk. We got drunk.

He went to the club to the girls, there are more girls here at the village, some in the bakery, some at the post office, so he went to the girls. And the girls are all fat-footed, good, not like in our village, we all parted. The entire first grade for marriages was sorted out, only one second and third remained. It's business as usual. I say: "Let's go, Misha, go home" - no, I went to the girls. Well, it’s understandable, we, too, Parmesha, were young, it’s now that all the deadlines have expired for us and the juices have flowed out, it’s a familiar thing, yes ... And what do you think, Parmenko, will we get from a woman? It will, by golly, it will, that's for sure! Well, her woman's business is like that, she also needs to make a discount, a woman, a discount, Parmenko. After all, how many robes does she have? And she has them, these clients, beware, she also has no honey, a woman, after all, there are eight of them ... Ali is nine? No, Parmen, it's like eight... And with this one, which... Well, this one, what... which in its belly is... Nine? Al eight? Hmm ... So, like this: Anatoshka is my second, Tanya is the first. Vaska was after Anatoshka, on the first of May she gave birth, as I remember now, after Vaska Katyushka, after Katyushka Mishka. After, that is.

Bear. P-p-wait, where is Grishka? I forgot Grishka, who is he after? Vaska after Anatoshka, was born on the first of May, after Vaska Grishka, after Grishka ... Well, take away the goblin, how much you have accumulated! Mishka, then, followed Katyushka, Volodya followed Mishka, and Marusya, this smaller one, was born in the middle of a turmoil ... And who was in front of Katyushka? So, so, Antoshka is my second, Tanka is the first. Vaska was born on the first of May, Grishka ... Oh, fool with him, everyone will grow up!

We don’t have long to walk ... But only until the ninth ...

Wait, Parmenko, here we need to slowly, so as not to tumble.

Ivan Afrikanovich got down on the road. He supported the cart and pulled the reins with such seriousness that the gelding somehow even condescendingly, deliberately for Ivan Afrikanovich, slowed down. Someone, but Parmen, was well aware of this whole road ... - Well, like this, come on, it seems like we passed a bridge, - the driver kept saying. - We would only with you not to swindle the bill of lading, the bill of lading ... But I still remember you, Parmenko. After all, you were still sucking a tit at the uterus, that's how I remember you. And I remember your uterus, they called Buttons, it was so small and round, they drove the deceased little head onto a sausage, a uterus. I used to go on it for hay at Shrove Tuesday, on old haystacks, the road was all through a stump-deck, so she, your uterus, is like a lizard with a cart, somewhere crawling, where lope, so obedient was in the shafts. Not like you are now. After all, you, a fool, did not plow, and in a cart you did not go further than a selpa, after all, you only carry wine and bosses, you have a life like that of Christ in your bosom. How do I still remember you? Well, sure thing, you got it too. Do you remember how seed peas were transported, and you twisted out of the shaft! But how did we put you, scoundrel, with the whole world out of the ditch on your feet? But I still remember you in a smart way - it used to be that you ran across the bridge, all festive, and your hooves rattled and rattled, and you didn’t have any worries then. Now what? Well, you carry plenty of wine, well, they feed you, give you water, and then what? Here they will hand you over for sausage, too, at any moment they can, but what about you? It's okay, you'll go like a little one. That's what you say, grandma. Baba, she, of course, is a woman. Only my woman is not like that, she will give a duster to anyone you like. And to me, neither with a drunk. She won't lay a finger on me when she's drunk, because she knows Ivan Afrikanovich, they've lived a century. Here, if I have drunk, don’t say a word to me and don’t fall under my arm, my hand will catch up with soot to anyone. Am I right, Parmen? That's it, that's for sure I'm saying, it's like in a pharmacy, I'll catch up with soot. What?

Belov V I

business as usual



Chapter one 1. Direct move 2. Matchmakers 3. Union of Earth and Water 4. Hot love

Chapter Two

1. Children 2. Babkin's fairy tales 3. Morning of Ivan Afrikanovich 4. Wife Katerina

Chapter Three

on logs

Chapter Four

1. And hay came 2. Figures 3. What happened next 4. Mitka acts 5. To the fullest

Chapter Five

1. Free Cossack 2. Last swath 3. Three hours deadline

Chapter Six

Rogulin's life

Chapter Seven

1. Windy. It's so windy... 2. Usual business 3. Sorochiny



Parmen? Where is my Parmenko? And here he is, Parmenko. Frozen? Freeze, boy, freeze. You are a fool, Parmeno. My Parmenko is silent. Here, let's go home. Do you want to go home? You are Parmen, Parmen...

Ivan Afrikanovich barely untied the frozen reins.

Are you standing here? Stood. Waiting for Ivan Afrikanovich?

Waiting, tell me. And what did Ivan Afrikanovich do? And I, Parmesha, drank a little, drank, my friend, don't judge me. Yes, don't judge me. And what, is it impossible for a Russian person to drink? No, you tell me, can a Russian person have a drink? Especially if at first he was frozen to the guts in the wind, then he got hungry to the very bones? Well, we, therefore, drank on the scoundrel. Yes. And Mishka says to me: "Why, Ivan Afrikanovich, from just one nostril corroded. Come on," he says, "another one." All of us, Parmenushko, walk under the herb, don't scold me. Yes, honey, don't scold me. But where did it all start from? And let's go, Parmesha, from this morning, when you and I took the empty dishes to hand over. Loaded and shipped.

The saleswoman gritted me: "Bring, Ivan Afrikanovich, the dishes, and you will bring back the goods. Only, grit, do not lose the invoice." And when did Drynov lose the invoice? Ivan Afrikanovich did not lose the invoice. "Out," I say, "Parmen won't let me lie, he didn't lose the invoice." Have we brought the dishes with you? They brought it! Did we give it up, whore? Passed!

Dropped off and received all items! So why can't you and I have a drink? We can have a drink, by God, we can. You, then, are standing at the selp, at the high porch, and Mishka and I. Bear. This Bear is for all Bears Bear. I tell you. It's business as usual. “Come on,” he says, “Ivan Afrikanovich, on a bet, I won’t,” grit, “if I don’t sip all the wine from the dish with bread.” I say: “What are you, Mishka, a rogue. You, after all,” I say, “a rogue! Well, who slurps wine with bread with a spoon? - something, with a spoon, like a prison, slurp. - "And here, - he says, - let's argue." - "Come on!" Me, Parmesha, this secret has dismantled. "What," Mishka asks me, "what," he asks, "are you going to argue?" I say that if you drink slowly, then I put another white-eyed one, and if you lose, duck with you. Well, he took a dish from the watchman. Bread crumbled from half a dish.

"Lei, - he says. - A big dish, malirovannoe." Well, I ate the whole bottle of white in this dish. The bosses, how they got it right here, these purveyors and the chairman of the selp, Vasily Trifonovich himself, look, calmed down, that means. And what would you say, Parmenushko, if this dog, this Mishka, sipped all this crumble with a spoon? Slurps yes quacks, slurps yes. quacks. He drank, the devil, and even licked the spoon dry. Well, it’s true, he just wanted to light a cigarette, he tore off the newspaper from me, I gave him a face and it took him away; it is clear that he was pressed here. He jumped out from behind the table and out into the street.

They kicked him, the rogue, out of the hut. The selp has a high porch, how it will burp from the porch! Well, yes, you were standing here at the porch, you saw him, mazurika. He comes back, there is no blood in his face, but he laughed! We have a conflict with him. All opinions are divided in half:

who says that I lost a bet, and who says that Mishka could not stand the word. And Vasily Trifonovich, the chairman of the selpa, took my side and said:

"Your took it, Ivan Afrikanovich. Because, of course, he drank it, but he couldn't keep it in his gut." I say to Mishka: "Okay, the fool is with you! Let's buy in half. So that no one would be offended." What? What are you, Parmen? Why did you get up? Ah, come on, come on. I'll sprinkle with you too for company. For the company, then it is, Parmesha, always ... Whoa!

Parmen? Who are they talking to? Whoa! So you didn't wait for me, did you go? I'm the reins of you now. Whoa!

You will know Ivan Afrikanovich! Look you! Well, stand like a human, where do I have these ... buttons, something ... Yes, kh, hmm.

We do not have long to walk, But only until the ninth.

Stay, dear, make rich.

Now let's go, go with nuts, gallop with hats ...

Ivan Afrikanovich put on his mittens and again sat down on the logs loaded with Selpov goods. The gelding, without prodding to the side, pulled off the runners that were sticking to the snow, he sporadically dragged the heavy cart, occasionally snorted and twitched his ears, listening to the owner.

Yes, brother Parmenko. Look how things turned out for Mishka and me. After all, they got drunk. We got drunk.

He went to the club to the girls, there are more girls here at the village, some in the bakery, some at the post office, so he went to the girls. And the girls are all fat-footed, good, not like in our village, we all parted. The entire first grade for marriages was sorted out, only one second and third remained. It's business as usual. I say: "Let's go, Misha, go home" - no, I went to the girls. Well, it's understandable, we, too, Parmesha, were young, it's now that all the deadlines have passed for us and the juices have flowed out, it's a familiar thing, yes ... But what do you think, Parmenko, will we get from a woman? It will, by golly, it will, that's for sure! Well, her woman's business is like that, she also needs to make a discount, a woman, a discount, Parmenko. After all, how many robes does she have? And she has them, these clients, beware, she also has no honey, a woman, after all, there are eight of them ... Ali is nine? No, Parmen, it's like eight... And with this one, which... Well, this one, what... which has something in its belly... Nine? Al eight? Hmm... So, like this:

Anatoshka is my second, Tanya is the first. Vaska was after Anatoshka, on the first of May she gave birth, as I remember now, after Vaska Katyushka, after Katyushka Mishka. After, that is.

Bear. P-p-wait, where is Grishka? I forgot Grishka, who is he after? Vaska after Anatoshka, was born on the first of May, after Vaska Grishka, after Grishka ... Well, take away the goblin, how much you have accumulated! Mishka, then, followed Katyushka, Volodya also followed Mishka, and Marusya, this smaller one, was born in the midst of turmoil ... And who was in front of Katyushka? So, so, Antoshka is my second, Tanka is the first. Vaska was born on the first of May, Grishka ... Oh, fool with him, everyone will grow up!

We won't have long to walk ... But only until nine ...

Wait, Parmenko, here we need to slowly, so as not to tumble.

Ivan Afrikanovich got down on the road. He supported the cart and pulled the reins with such seriousness that the gelding somehow even condescendingly, deliberately for Ivan Afrikanovich, slowed down. Someone, but Parmen, was well aware of this whole road ... - Well, like that, come on, it seems like we passed a bridge, - the driver would say. .. But I still remember you, Parmenko. After all, you were still sucking a tit at the uterus, that's how I remember you. And I remember your uterus, they called Buttons, it was so small and round, they drove the deceased little head onto a sausage, a uterus. I used to go on it for hay at Shrove Tuesday, on old haystacks, the road was all through a stump-deck, so she, your uterus, is like a lizard with a cart, somewhere crawling, where lope, so obedient was in the shafts. Not like you are now. After all, you, a fool, did not plow, and in a cart you did not go further than a selpa, after all, you only carry wine and bosses, you have a life like that of Christ in your bosom. How do I still remember you? Well, sure thing, you got it too. Do you remember how seed peas were transported, and you twisted out of the shaft! But how did we put you, scoundrel, with the whole world out of the ditch on your feet? But I still remember you in a very small way - it used to be that you ran across the bridge, all festive, and your hooves kept rattling and rattling, and you didn’t have any worries then. Now what? Well, you carry plenty of wine, well, they feed you, give you water, and then what? Here they will hand you over for sausage, too, at any moment they can, but what about you? It's okay, you'll go like a little one. That's what you say, grandma. Baba, she, of course, is a woman. Only my woman is not like that, she will give a duster to anyone you like. And to me, neither with a drunk. She won't lay a finger on me when she's drunk, because she knows Ivan Afrikanovich, they've lived a century. Here, if I have drunk, don’t say a word to me and don’t fall under my arm, my hand will catch up with soot to anyone. Am I right, Parmen? That's it, that's for sure I'm saying, it's like in a pharmacy, I'll catch up with soot. What?

We don't have long to walk, But only until de...

I say that Drinova who will squeeze? Nobody will squeeze Drynov. Drynov himself will pinch anyone he likes. Where? Where are you going, you old fool, are you turning back? After all, you are not turning back on that road! After all, you and I have lived a century, and you understand where you are going? This is your way home, isn't it? This is your road not home, but to the clearing. I've been here a hundred times, I'll...

What? I trust you, I trust you! Do you know the road better than me? You, scoundrel, wanted the reins? N-on!

In the prose of V. Belov, filial love for the world of the village, a thorough knowledge of its life and people were vividly expressed. At the same time, bitter regret and pain for the disorder of life, not only personal, but more often social, for underestimating a person as a person, clearly sounded in it.

The story "The Usual Business" reveals the world of the village large family of Ivan Afrikanovich Drynov, a happily surviving participant in the war, and his wife Katerina. The heroes of Belov love each other, they love their numerous children, with whom grandmother Yevstolya copes like a commander.

A "non-event" plot helps to create bright pictures everyday life. With love, gentle humor, the artist unfolds the panorama of everyday worries, colorfully, in detail, recreates the calm course of peasant life. The world of a peasant hut rests on love and dedication. In the depiction of everyday everyday life, the author clearly reveals not only her spiritual meaning but also an unsightly social underside. The writer truthfully, without embellishment, depicts the village of his day, which, two decades after the war, has yet to break out of poverty. The hard work of Katerina and her husband on the collective farm does not save them from want. If it were not for the cow Rogul, there would be nothing to feed the children, which is why she is perceived as a member of the family. After a working day, Ivan Afrikanovich is forced to mow hay at abandoned hayfields at night in order to feed the cow in winter. The story of how this “illegal” hay was found and confiscated, how they threatened to prosecute the owner, and what came of it, amounted to plot outline works. The injustice of what had happened, the irreparable misfortune that overtook the family, pushed Ivan Afrikanovich, a former front-line soldier who then did not have any benefits, to an act that was contrary to his nature: to leave the village, to leave with a relative to work in distant Murmansk. The retribution for the forced flight was cruel. power of the earth and native nature, longing for his wife and children bring him back. Ivan Afrikanovich meets the news of the death of his wife Katerina.

The specific details of the life of the then village horrify today's urban reader. At three o'clock in the morning, Katerina, who has not yet recovered from the birth, is already running to the well, fetching water, then goes to the collective farm to work. On the farm where she works, Katerina needs to bring thirty buckets of water for the calves every shift.

The problems of the story and the character of the protagonist

The richness and fullness of feelings and attitudes to the world reveal Ivan Afrikanovich as outstanding personality with his faith in the justice of the laws of life, in their unwavering strength. Hence the philosophical calmness of Ivan Afrikanovich, it helps to maintain peace and order in the family. He is gentle, kind, conscientious person, a creator by nature. A house has been built, a family has been created, children are growing up. The hero of V. Belov is a "natural person", embodying those universal values, those moral principles, which have been developed by the people over centuries of labor on earth and which for a long time will serve as true guidelines for a person who has departed from the earth.

Ivan Afrikanovich likes to repeat the words "usual business", which expresses the need to accept life as it falls to the lot of himself and his family. The usual thing is hard work, the usual thing is a beggarly life, the constant lack of money, lack of rights, which he never complains about. His philosophical view grows out of the perception of the specifics of the surrounding life. Poetic vision of nature, feeling of poetry peasant labor on earth determine state of mind this person, and in them the writer sees the origins of the spiritual beauty of such characters.

Katerina is an active, active, energetic nature, like her mother Evstolya. Their hard work and dedication save the family. The cares of both women are surrounded by children. Katerina is talented, she has a beautiful sonorous voice, she sings and dances well.

The high spirituality of the heroes of V. Belov with most persuasive manifested in their relationship to each other. Genuine anthem human love, her creative power resonates with those pages of the story, where the depth and strength of the affection of Ivan Afrikanovich and Katerina, who have united their lives forever, are revealed. His feeling for his wife is full of tenderness, purity, bitter regret about his personal imperfection.

The story is full of drama, sometimes - tragic intensity. The heroes of the writer's story, simple-hearted, gullible, do not yet understand that they live below the line of mercy. They do not know how to feel sorry for themselves, they do not know their human rights. For them, sacred is what saves in life, what you can hope for. This is its own hut with a cradle hanging in the middle for a baby, its own household.

The story of V. Belov is dramatic and sad, but it is also bright with that special light that comes from his heroes - bright folk characters written with love. The philosophy of Ivan Afrikanovich, embodied in the repeated saying “the usual thing”, behind which lies the usual passivity of the peasant, is painfully experienced by the author. The story sharply raises the question of the fate of the village - the custodian of the traditional spiritual way of life, the fate of the beauty and poetry of nature in modern age universal technology.

V. I. Belov




Parmen? Where is my Parmenko? And here he is, Parmenko. Frozen? Freeze, boy, freeze. You are a fool, Parmeno. My Parmenko is silent. Here, let's go home. Do you want to go home? Parmen you, Parmen ...

Ivan Afrikanovich barely untied the frozen reins.

Are you standing here? Stood. Waiting for Ivan Afrikanovich?

Waiting, tell me. And what did Ivan Afrikanovich do? And I, Parmesha, drank a little, drank, my friend, don't judge me. Yes, don't judge me. And what, is it impossible for a Russian person to drink? No, you tell me, can a Russian person have a drink? Especially if at first he was frozen to the guts in the wind, then he got hungry to the very bones? Well, we, therefore, drank on the scoundrel. Yes. And Mishka says to me: “What, Ivan Afrikanovich, from just one nostril corroded. Come on, - he says, - second. All of us, Parmenushko, walk under the herb, don't scold me. Yes, honey, don't scold me. But where did it all start from? And let's go, Parmesha, from this morning, when you and I took the empty dishes to hand over. Loaded and shipped.

The saleswoman gritted me: “Bring, Ivan Afrikanovich, the dishes, and you will bring back the goods. Only, - grit, - do not lose the invoice. And when did Drynov lose the invoice? Ivan Afrikanovich did not lose the invoice. “Out,” I say, Parmen won’t let me lie, he didn’t lose the invoice. Have we brought the dishes with you? They brought it! Did we give it up, whore? Passed!

Dropped off and received all items! So why can't you and I have a drink? We can have a drink, by God, we can. You, then, are standing at the selp, at the high porch, and Mishka and I. Bear. This Bear is for all Bears Bear. I tell you. It's business as usual. “Come on,” he says, “Ivan Afrikanovich, on a bet, I won’t,” grit, “if I don’t sip all the wine from the dish with bread.” I say: “What are you, Mishka, a rogue. You are, - I say, - a rogue! Well, who slurps wine with bread with a spoon? After all, this, - I say, - do not sew any, not soup with chicken, so that it, wine, with a spoon, like a prison, sip. - "Here," he says, "let's argue." - "Let's!" Me, Parmesha, this secret has dismantled. “What,” Mishka asks me, “what,” he asks, “are you going to argue?” I say that if you drink slowly, then I put another white-eyed one, and if you lose, duck with you. Well, he took a dish from the watchman. Bread crumbled from half a dish.

"Lei," he says. - A big dish, malirovannoe. Well, I ate the whole bottle of white in this dish. The bosses, how they got it right here, these purveyors and the chairman of the selp, Vasily Trifonovich himself, look, calmed down, that means. And what would you say, Parmenushko, if this dog, this Mishka, sipped all this crumble with a spoon? Slurps yes quacks, slurps yes. quacks. He drank, the devil, and even licked the spoon dry. Well, it’s true, he just wanted to light a cigarette, he tore off the newspaper from me, I gave him a face and it took him away; it is clear that he was pressed here. He jumped out from behind the table and out into the street.

They kicked him, the rogue, out of the hut. The selp has a high porch, how it will burp from the porch! Well, yes, you were standing here at the porch, you saw him, mazurika. He comes back, there is no blood in his face, but he laughed! We have a conflict with him. All opinions were divided in half: who says that I lost a bet, and who says that Mishka could not stand the word. And Vasily Trifonovich, the chairman of the selpa, took my side and said:

“Your took, Ivan Afrikanovich. Because, of course, he drank something, but he didn’t keep it in the gut. ” I say to Mishka: “Okay, the fool is with you! Let's buy half. So that no one is offended." What? What are you, Parmen? Why did you get up? Ah, come on, come on. I'll sprinkle with you too for company. For the company, then it is, Parmesha, always ... Whoa!

Parmen? Who are they talking to? Whoa! So you didn't wait for me, did you go? I'm the reins of you now. Whoa!

You will know Ivan Afrikanovich! Look you! Well, stand like a human, where do I have these ... buttons, something ... Yes, kh, hmm.

We do not have long to walk, But only until the ninth.

Stay, dear, make rich.

Now let's go, go with nuts, gallop with hats ...

Ivan Afrikanovich put on his mittens and again sat down on the logs loaded with Selpov goods. The gelding, without prodding to the side, pulled off the runners that were sticking to the snow, he sporadically dragged the heavy cart, occasionally snorted and twitched his ears, listening to the owner.

Yes, brother Parmenko. Look how things turned out for Mishka and me. After all, they got drunk. We got drunk.

He went to the club to the girls, there are more girls here at the village, some in the bakery, some at the post office, so he went to the girls. And the girls are all fat-footed, good, not like in our village, we all parted. The entire first grade for marriages was sorted out, only one second and third remained. It's business as usual. I say: "Let's go, Misha, go home" - no, I went to the girls. Well, it’s understandable, we, too, Parmesha, were young, it’s now that all the deadlines have expired for us and the juices have flowed out, it’s a familiar thing, yes ... And what do you think, Parmenko, will we get from a woman? It will, by golly, it will, that's for sure! Well, her woman's business is like that, she also needs to make a discount, a woman, a discount, Parmenko. After all, how many robes does she have? And she has them, these clients, beware, she also has no honey, a woman, after all, there are eight of them ... Ali is nine? No, Parmen, it's like eight... And with this one, which... Well, this one, what... which in its belly is... Nine? Al eight? Hmm ... So, like this: Anatoshka is my second, Tanya is the first. Vaska was after Anatoshka, on the first of May she gave birth, as I remember now, after Vaska Katyushka, after Katyushka Mishka. After, that is.

Bear. P-p-wait, where is Grishka? I forgot Grishka, who is he after? Vaska after Anatoshka, was born on the first of May, after Vaska Grishka, after Grishka ... Well, take away the goblin, how much you have accumulated! Mishka, then, followed Katyushka, Volodya followed Mishka, and Marusya, this smaller one, was born in the middle of a turmoil ... And who was in front of Katyushka? So, so, Antoshka is my second, Tanka is the first. Vaska was born on the first of May, Grishka ... Oh, fool with him, everyone will grow up!

We don’t have long to walk ... But only until the ninth ...

Wait, Parmenko, here we need to slowly, so as not to tumble.

Ivan Afrikanovich got down on the road. He supported the cart and pulled the reins with such seriousness that the gelding somehow even condescendingly, deliberately for Ivan Afrikanovich, slowed down. Someone, but Parmen, was well aware of this whole road ... - Well, like this, come on, it seems like we passed a bridge, - the driver kept saying. - We would only with you not to swindle the bill of lading, the bill of lading ... But I still remember you, Parmenko. After all, you were still sucking a tit at the uterus, that's how I remember you. And I remember your uterus, they called Buttons, it was so small and round, they drove the deceased little head onto a sausage, a uterus. I used to go on it for hay at Shrove Tuesday, on old haystacks, the road was all through a stump-deck, so she, your uterus, is like a lizard with a cart, somewhere crawling, where lope, so obedient was in the shafts. Not like you are now. After all, you, a fool, did not plow, and in a cart you did not go further than a selpa, after all, you only carry wine and bosses, you have a life like that of Christ in your bosom. How do I still remember you? Well, sure thing, you got it too. Do you remember how seed peas were transported, and you twisted out of the shaft! But how did we put you, scoundrel, with the whole world out of the ditch on your feet? But I still remember you in a smart way - it used to be that you ran across the bridge, all festive, and your hooves rattled and rattled, and you didn’t have any worries then. Now what? Well, you carry plenty of wine, well, they feed you, give you water, and then what? Here they will hand you over for sausage, too, at any moment they can, but what about you? It's okay, you'll go like a little one. That's what you say, grandma. Baba, she, of course, is a woman. Only my woman is not like that, she will give a duster to anyone you like. And to me, neither with a drunk. She won't lay a finger on me when she's drunk, because she knows Ivan Afrikanovich, they've lived a century. Here, if I have drunk, don’t say a word to me and don’t fall under my arm, my hand will catch up with soot to anyone. Am I right, Parmen? That's it, that's for sure I'm saying, it's like in a pharmacy, I'll catch up with soot. What?

We don’t have long to walk, But only until de…

I say that Drinova who will squeeze? Nobody will squeeze Drynov. Drynov himself will pinch anyone he likes. Where? Where are you going, you old fool, are you turning back? After all, you are not turning back on that road! After all, you and I have lived a century, and you understand where you are going? This is your way home, isn't it? This is your road not home, but to the clearing. I've been here a hundred times, I'll tell you...

What? I trust you, I trust you! Do you know the road better than me? You, scoundrel, wanted the reins? N-on!

N-na, here you are, if so! Go where they tell you, don't defend your pryntsyp! What were you looking at? Well? That's it, fool, go where you know!

We don’t have long to walk, Yh, only until ...

Ivan Afrikanovich whipped the gelding and yawned conciliatoryly:

Look, Parmenko, how I've been exhausted. You and I will roll home now, we will hand over the goods, we will put the samovar. I'll unharness you or tell the woman, and you, fool, will go home to the stable. Are you a fool, Parmenko?

The story of Vasily Ivanovich Belov "The Usual Business" refers to the main works of his work. The plot takes the reader to the time when the crisis began in the village. This story can be safely attributed to village prose».

Analysis of the work

The work "The usual business", summary which is in this article, was written in 1966. The focus of the writer is peasant life. For people who live like this, it is a common thing. Already in the title itself, the author uses this means of expression like a metaphor. And in this there is a certain context, and a tragic one.

What can be a common thing for peasants? Analysis of the work showed that this is the ability of these people to idolize and love their small peasant hut. And the meaning of existence for these people lies only in creating a family, doing everything for its good and for it to constantly grow, because it is children who are the continuation of the family. It is also common for the peasants to work all day, they do not think about rest at all. These people are accustomed to having nothing in this life, but to vegetate in poverty.

In the work “The Habitual Business” by Belov, a summary of which is given in this article, the life of the peasants is shown: they work constantly, sleep only two hours a day and at night they are forced to mow the grass for their cow, which is the breadwinner for the whole family. If suddenly something happens to the animal, then the whole family can die of hunger. And this hay, which was mowed and harvested with such labor and effort, will then also be confiscated. And then the men have to go to work, otherwise everyone will die.

And now, as the author Belov V.I. shows, a sick and dying wife goes to mow and dies right on the mow. And the family brings up nine children who, after the death of their mother, remain orphans. And then some distant relative, as, for example, in the story - the second cousin of the owner of the family, takes these children to her to take care of them.

Belov's "habitual business": a summary of the first chapter

The author placed four parts in the first chapter: “Directly”, “Matchmakers”, “Union of Earth and Water” and “Hot Love”. Main character- Ivan Afrikantovich Drynov - tried to deliver goods that needed to be handed over to the general store. Having loaded the goods, he drank a little, so at first he talked for a long time with his gelding on the way. He knew Parmenko as a colt, so he always felt sorry for him.

When the hero no longer wanted to speak, he fell silent and indifferently watched the road. But already halfway he met Mishka. After drinking another bottle, they drove to Sosnovka to the second cousin of the hero to woo Mishka. But Nyushka deftly and quickly pushed them out. And in the morning everyone in the village already knew about the unsuccessful matchmaking of Mishka Petrova. But no one saw Ivan Drynov himself, and he had already fled to neighboring village where his wife Katerina gave birth to their ninth child.

Together with his wife, they begged the doctor to let the woman go home with her newborn son, since Ivan could not live without her.

The second chapter of his story "The Usual Business" Belov (a summary will be interesting to fans literary creativity author) divided into four parts: "Children", "Babkin's Tales", "Morning of Ivan Afrikanovich" and "Katerina's Wife". First, the author tells a little about each child in the family of Ivan and Katerina. He also introduces the mother-in-law who takes care of these children. She also takes care of the household. And the last chapter is devoted to Katerina, who gets up at three in the morning to manage the house, helping her mother, and then runs to the farm. But only yesterday she gave birth, and she needs to lie down. This is where the attack happened.

The main content of the third chapter

The third chapter of the story "The Usual Business" consists of one part - "On Logs". After a heart attack that happened to Katerina on the farm, she spent two weeks in the hospital. And Ivan during this time was completely exhausted, since this house seemed cold to him.

But when Katerina returned, Ivan again sat on the logs, where the whole life of the village passed, with Kurov and Mishka Petrov, discussing the allies and telling about what stories happened to him in the war.

Main events of the fourth chapter

Belov V.I. in the fourth chapter of his work he included the following parts: “And haymaking came”, “Figures”, “What happened next”, “Mitka acts” and “To the fullest”. The cow was the most valuable in the Drynov family. But the collective farm allocated little hay, Ivan had to mow at night in order to stock up three piles for the winter. Once he took Grishka with him to mowing, and the boy fell asleep. But while Ivan was at work, and the chairman came to their house on business, he himself laid out everything about the hay.

Then Grishka also showed the way so that the authorized people could take away this hay. They scolded Ivan for a long time for the hay, made a warning that if this happens again, they will imprison him. Then Ivan agreed with the neighbor's chairman to mow. For four nights, he and his wife went to the mowing so that his chairman would not see. And when the brother-in-law Mitka arrived, he and Mishka transported this hay in one night. Soon they took Mitka and Mishka to the police for hay and gave them work for fifteen days.

The main actions of the fifth chapter

The fifth chapter of Belov's work, which refers to rural prose, includes several parts: "Free Cossack", "The Last Swath" and "Three Hours to the Term". He persuaded Mitka to leave Ivan for Murmansk in order to earn money. He did not agree for a long time, but the cunning guy gave too many arguments. And now Ivan himself began to think about life and about what kind of future he could give his children. I went to the chairman, did all the paperwork, and went with Mitka, although Katerina was against such a decision.

As soon as he left, the villagers were allowed not to go out for mowing on the day off, but to go about their business. Katerina went with Katyushka and Grishka. The boy followed the fire, climbed the villages. And the girl, along with her mother, learned to mow. And then Katerina became ill, fell to the ground. Grishka noticed her, began to cry, and this attracted the attention of people. When Katerina was brought home, a doctor was called, it turned out that she had an attack again. But now it was impossible to take her to the hospital.

And soon Ivan returned, who managed to get into the police because of Mitka, and even take part in the accident. But he was drawn to home.

Belov's "usual business": a summary of the sixth chapter

In the sixth chapter, the author placed only one part - "Rogulin's Life". The cow for the family in the village was main value. The life of Rogulin, the breadwinner of the family, is described by Belov in this chapter. He talks about her birth, how she grew up, how she first met a bull, and what a bitter loss she experienced when her calf was carried away, which she gave birth to and licked at night while everyone was sleeping. The fight with the bear and the caress of the hostess is described in this chapter.

But scary last scenes, since Ivan himself could not score Rogulin. He even went into the house so as not to see it. And the cow wondered what had been done to her. And even after the first blow was dealt to her. She did not know that the mistress had died and there was no one else to go after her.

The plot of the seventh chapter

In the seventh chapter, the reader can get acquainted with three parts: “It's windy. It's so windy", "The usual business" and "Sorochina". Katerina's mother and Stepanovna decided that Ivan should get along with Nyushka. But how to tell him about it, has not yet been figured out. And Ivan, having decided to build a new boat, went to the Black River and got lost. He spent two days in the forest, and when he was already completely exhausted, hungry, he heard Mishka Petrov's tractor, crawled onto the road and he almost crushed him.

For forty days he went to the cemetery to his wife, where he had never gone before. He told about the children, about the cow, asked his wife's forgiveness for not taking care of her. And he cried, trying to pour out all his pain from the loss.

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