Examples of strong will in human life. An example of recovery and amazing willpower


Essay on the text.

(1) From time immemorial, the Voronikhin boys have been at enmity with the over-ravines.
(2) Short, sickly Julius flew in especially often.
(3) Once, at the bridge, Yashka Krivonosy met him with his unbridled gang.
(4) - Well, Caesar, let's have a bite, - said Yashka. (b) He bent down and grabbed a handful of earth. (6) - Eat, Ancient Rome!
(7) Two guys twisted Yulia's arms, and Krivonosy pressed a handful of earth to his tightly clenched mouth. (8) Yula twitched, fought back. (9) The earth creaked disgustingly on its teeth, and only a policeman who suddenly appeared saved him ...
(Yu) A few days later, Yula again ran into Yashki-well company.
(11) - Hey! Yashka said. (12) - Disorder! (13) Caesar was red-haired. (14) And Yula is black! (15) Let's fix it now ...
(16) He held Julius tightly while one of the boys ran home, brought a bucket and a brush. (17) Yashka, to the friendly laughter of the boys, boldly slapped paint on Yulia's head, so that his hair stuck together and rose. (18) Both the forehead and ears were smeared with fiery bright paint ...
(19) Yula looked at the tormentor with hatred. (20) If he could, he would wipe Yashka off the face of the earth. (21) But how? (22) Yashka was a head taller than him and, of course, much stronger.
(23) ... Soon a big top circus arrived in the city, and Julius went to the performance.
(24) An uncle in black entered the arena and announced loudly:
(25) - World famous strongman Ali Mahmud!
(26) To a thunder of applause, a real strong man stepped onto the carpet. (27) A horse was brought into the arena, and Ali Mahmud picked it up as simply as if it were a toy horse, then just as easily carried a pole around the arena, at each end of which three men hung.
(28) The small, frail Yula enthusiastically followed every movement of Ali Mahmud.
(29) "I wish I were such a strong man!" Yula dreamed, fading with happiness. (ZO) How wonderful he could have done then! (31) And the very first thing - I would then give Yashka pepper!
(32) After the backstage performance, Yula asked Ali Mahmud:
(33) - Is it difficult to become a strongman?
(34) Ali Mahmud answered almost without hesitation:
(35) - It's very simple, boy. (Zb) Fifteen pull-ups in the morning, fifteen in the evening - that's all. (37) In a year you will become twice as strong.
(38) Summer is over, school has begun. (39) And on the very first day of classes, Yula again ran into Yashka Krivonosy.
(40) - Why don’t you say hello, ancient? - Yashka, out of habit, forcefully held Yulia's palm from chin to forehead, painfully lifting up the raised tip of his nose.
(41) - Stop! - Angered Yula ordered furiously. (42) - We are fighting. (43) One on one. (44) But not now, but exactly in a year. (45) Remember: next year, on the first of September, I will certainly beat you. (46) I swear!
(47) - And if you don’t beat? - sarcastically wedged Yashka.
(48) - If I don’t beat you, dye my hair with red lead, and I’ll walk around the city like this for a whole week ...
(49) There was so much anger and truthfulness in Yula's voice that they believed him.
(50) - Okay! - Yashka said with a threat. (51) - Exactly one year later, I take you at your word. (52) Look, Caesar! ..
(53) Yulia had to endure a lot of pain and torment, but two months later he was already doing fifteen pull-ups without a break ...
(54) A year has passed. (55) On September 1, Yula, together with his classmate Kolka Samokhin, went to the river. (56) A whole crowd of Voronikhins had already gathered there.
(57) - Well, - said Yashka, - let's start, weakling?
(58) His hands itched to paint his enemy's head faster, so he jumped up to Yulia and hit him ...
(59) They fought for a long time. (bO) Many thought that Yula was about to fall down, give up, because they were used to defeating him. (61) But the audience did not notice that Yashka was already tired and was poking his fists almost at random, and Yula was still fresh.
(62) He hit Yashka in the chin, as it seemed to him, quite slightly, but suddenly his knees bent, and he gently sank to the ground.
(63) - Hurrah! (64) Knockout! shouted Kolka Samokhin joyfully.
(65) It seems that Yula himself was most surprised. (66) He
I did not expect that his blow would be so powerful. (67) The audience was also numb ...
(68) This story was the beginning of the sports path of the European champion, weightlifter Yuliy Petrovich Starov.
(69) Different paths lead people to sports...
(According to B. Raevsky)

Option 1
Willpower is a quality that allows a person not to deviate from the chosen path, to remain true to his goal.
In the story of B. Raevsky, a hero named Julius demonstrates willpower. He whole year(proposition 54) prepared for a fight with Yashka, despite the pain and torment (proposition 53). It was thanks to this quality that he was able to defeat himself and the enemy.
Another example of a man with a strong will is found in the same story. We are talking about Ali Mahmud, who taught Yulu how to become strong (proposition 36).
Without willpower, it is impossible to achieve a dream. This is a wonderful quality that helps to achieve a lot in life.

Option 2
I think that willpower is the ability to pull yourself together and continue to move towards the intended goal, despite the hardships and inconveniences. Without willpower, you cannot achieve something outstanding, because big goals always require big efforts.
So, the weak boy Julius, the hero of the story of B. Raevsky, it was thanks to his willpower that he was able to train for a year (proposition 53) and eventually defeat the strong Yashka Krivonosy.
Another great example of a man with an iron will is the famous surfer Bethany Hamilton. At the age of 13, a shark bit off her hand, but this did not break the girl: she became the winner of many competitions and teaches children around the world to ride the waves.
Willpower is one of mandatory conditions achieve any, especially difficult goal!

Option 3
I mean by willpower the ability to do everything that depends on you for the time that is necessary to achieve the goal. Willpower is determination and a strong character, it helps not to give up, even when you really want to retreat.
The boy Julius from the story of B. Raevsky hardly wanted to train every day, he admits that the year of preparation for the fight with Yashka was full of torment (proposition 52), but he was able to defeat the enemy (proposition 62).
And in the life around us there are many examples of people with a strong will. My older sister, despite the fact that she is bad at exact sciences, all during the year free time I was preparing for the exam in physics and passed it brilliantly. So she became one step closer to her dream of becoming an engineer.
I believe that willpower is an excellent quality that requires composure, and the reward for strength of character will always be the fulfillment of any conceived desire.

Option 4
Willpower, in my opinion, is the ability to overcome oneself, to accomplish something that seems impossible to achieve one's goal. Without working on yourself, you cannot realize your dreams.
In the story of B. Raevsky, the frail Julius, being bullied by Yashka, at first does not understand how to rebuff him, because he is much weaker than his offender. But a conversation with a visiting strong man changes his life: he sets himself the goal of becoming strong and punishing the fighter (proposition 42-45). The torment and pain of training have borne fruit: Yashka is finally defeated. This victory was won only thanks to Yula's willpower.
The same quality helped the former circus performer Valentin Dikul to start walking again after a serious injury and damage spinal cord. His work on himself is admirable.
Indeed, willpower, aimed at achieving a goal, gives amazing results.

Diary of Vasily, a man who found the strength in his almost 50 years to turn life upside down. What he did to himself in two years, given the initial sick condition, just a miracle. History from life

Diary of Vasily, a man who found the strength in his almost 50 years to turn life upside down. What he did with himself in two years, given the initial sick state, is simply a miracle. The story from the life of Vasily is an amazing example of the human will, and the ability to find strength in oneself when circumstances squeeze like a vise.

Below is a summary of the diary excerpts.

47 years approached imperceptibly. Lived like a jet fighter. He worked 18 hours a day, and sometimes more. Work and physical, and nervous - all together. At first I became like a specialist, then I set up my enterprise and business, everything seemed to work out, but this is what I encountered as soon as everything worked out ... My head and body were already aching for about 10 years. Eternally red eyes, eternal fatigue, constantly invigorating himself with coffee and cigarettes, sometimes alcohol, with a height of 172, weight 98 kg, already having difficulty bending over and putting on shoes. I did not go to the doctors for 25 years, I endured all colds and ailments on my feet.

And after celebrating 45 years, I was literally knocked down. Terrible pains in the head, constant screaming ringing in the ears, bulging eyes. My stomach and lower back aches, food is not digested and does not come out, my leg began to limp. This is the spring of 2000. I had to go to the doctors, they immediately found a bunch of different microbes and nasty things. They gave me antibiotics and immune preparations, which made things worse after 15-20 days. I remembered my youth, when I caught jaundice in the construction team and the liver stopped working, I went twice to the Mineral Waters (water, baths, mud) and everything worked.

Went to Zheleznovodsk. Somehow I drink water, take baths, mud, another week passes and everything is like a dead poultice. Malakhov's books fall into the hands. Bragg, Shelton, Shchadilov, Semyonova, Gogulan, something starts to clear up in my head. I even tried (but it was very scary, I was on my nerves, I could stand it or not) 1 day of a hunger strike and an enema (however, more than 200 grams did not flow in any way, the pain was hellish). It came out, some kind of tar, which I was very surprised at.

I came home, there was no sense in the treatment, only the benefit was that I came across books. Then I tried to starve once a week and put on a vegetable diet for myself (of course, not without meat, etc., how could I do without it, I couldn’t imagine it then), and this began to come out of me, feces in buckets of black color, like fuel oil . And I immediately decided to go on a hunger strike for 10 days, but it turned out 30. But I made 2 mistakes. The first - I still smoked and did not quit, the second I trusted the doctor, who seemed to have experience in cleansing patients, she injected me with all sorts of saline solutions intravenously, supposedly to precipitate toxins. It takes another 25-30 days after the hunger strike, but I still didn’t feel healthy, although the pains were gone, the head brightened, the chromate disappeared, but the intestines and liver did not work as they should, the food was not digested, the feces did not form, there were always pains in the abdomen, nothing couldn't fix the diet. I wanted to immediately rebuild, but the body did not want to for some reason. I lost weight, but in 3 months the weight almost recovered again (95-96 kg). Thus passed the year 2000.

The year 2001 has come. It seems to be better, but not healthy, the intestines and liver do not work, fat as a pig, the mood is filthy, vital energy no at all, one pipe remained from a jet aircraft. And then my arms and neck twist, as well as part of the thoracic region. The pains are hellish. They give narcotic painkillers. I can hardly walk, somehow I lie in bed, there is no painless position. The masseuse and the doctor conjured for two weeks, to no avail. Magnetic resonance imaging showed 12 protrusions and 2 hernias in the neck and upper thoracic region (as they explained to me, osteochondrosis is protrusion of discs up to 1 mm, protrusions up to 4 mm, hernias more than 4 mm). I have not explored the rest of the spine, but the same thing is felt there. X-rays and ultrasound showed neoplasms and tumors in the head, gastrointestinal tract, and liver. Manuals conjured 20 days and 30 days of physiotherapy - all this led to the fact that he could live without drugs, but apparently the pains just dulled, but they always were. Complete ischemia of the muscles of the back, neck and arms, they, poor things, twitched every hour for 1 - 1.5 minutes in convulsions from oxygen starvation. I could not lift the razor with my hand, I saw only the floor under me, a terrible depression. Sobs to scream from 17-00 to 18-00 and the desire to jump from the 7th floor. He ate like a horse, got fat up to 100 kg.

2 months have passed, it is useless for me to do the operation (this should be done not on 1 vertebra, but on all 33. The doctors said that I would only go for myself). I came across Bubnovsky on the Internet - movement treatment, found out there that we also have his supporters in Samara, went to their gym, through screaming and hellish pain began to do exercises, at first I could not even move my arms and legs. 3 times a week I began to do gymnastics in the morning, as best I could, on all fours, and a cold shower. In a month sharp pains passed. Remained position and dull pains. After 3 months, the position pains also began to disappear, stiffness and incompleteness of movements remained, as well as muscle weakness due to their complete atrophy as a result of their oxygen starvation (spasm of the back vessels led to this), and everything seemed to improve, and the mood improved, and depression began to pass, but it turned out not to be so simple ...

I started to sort of enter into a normal rhythm of life, increased the load, and one day, after a light but long load (not in the gym, at work), I felt a pinched in my chest, what a heart is, I still didn’t know. It pinched so that the pain was hellish, it was dark in the eyes, there was no strength, and so for 1.5 hours, until the ambulance came, they stabbed something, waited and left, but did not explain anything. After 3 hours, the same thing, again an ambulance, was again stabbed into intensive care for 3 days - an extensive penetrating heart attack. I spent 20 days in the hospital, then another 21 days in the sanatorium. Barely walked to the 2nd floor, climbed 20 minutes. The doctors said - in 4 months for a bypass operation or something else. Like, it's too early, you need to get stronger (or hoard).

And I finally realized that only I can help myself, no one can help me. Reading hundreds of books different authors(and I still read and re-read them, looking for grains). Getting started on diet and body cleansing. Walking, started with 500 meters and added every day. Leaving the sanatorium, I last days passed 35 km (doctors just moseyed, I went from 7 am to 21 pm, break only for lunch and plus an hour for rest), went to the 4th floor in 2 minutes, starved and did not eat their food. I left the sanatorium, winter began, I walked every day in the cold for 2 hours (I immediately went to work, spit on the sick leave for another 4 months), in the morning I exercise for 1.5 hours, in the morning and in the evening a cold shower, diet, hunger strikes, constant self-control and search the best options in food, hunger and exercise. Thus ended 2001.

2002 began, I continued to work on myself. Refused from VTK (that is, from registration of disability). I got up on skis during the famine, I had no strength either in my arms, or in my back, or in my legs, I could barely move. Grandmas for 60 years bypassed me on the track, walked at a speed of 2 km per hour (harder than walking). The weight dropped, the diet improved. I went to the gym (there the whole administration got scared, they ran after me, did not let me near the shells, it happened that after each approach I took nitroglycerin). The snow melted, I started walking again for 25 km on Sundays on the 2nd day of hunger.

Improved diet. Also every morning charging 1 hour, shower 2 times cold. 2 times the gym for 3 hours and Sunday load on fresh air. In March I bought a bike and started riding 50 km on Sundays (already on the 3rd day of hunger). And in April I bought a kayak and went on a water trip with a partner on May 1-5. He continued to improve his diet and his culinary skills. At first, my bald head stopped peeling, then a pleasant skin appeared, then fluff, then the fluff turned black and became hard, then another fluff appeared, i.e. the 10% bald spot is now densely overgrown (and my bald spot is 70% of the head). Toenails, which darkened, became cloudy and partially fell off that year, began to grow new ones - pink, transparent and flexible, I forgot what it is Bad mood and fatigue, wounds (cuts during cooking) began to heal at a wild speed, what used to (3-5 years ago) healed in 2-3 weeks, and even with painful sensations, now healed in 2 days.

I continued to do everything, in June again on a kayak for 5 days, another trip and a trip to hay, mowed twice for two days, each time it was on the 3rd and 4th day of hunger. Endurance became wild, healthy well-fed guys did not keep pace, and especially the heat, and rested more, giving me the opportunity to improve my health.

The results for 2 years of work on yourself gave amazing results:

Doctors barely found the scar and reported that it is surprisingly thin and flexible, and works together with the heart muscle. Withstood loads of 50J, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, and ischemia was detected only with a pulse of 140 and a pressure of 180 (in winter, a pulse of 90 was not available to me). As the doctors said, not every healthy person can withstand such a load.

Joints began to get sick a long time ago. I just didn't understand it. I'm talking about big joints. These are knees, hips and shoulders. The fact that small joints, fingers, elbows, and feet did not work well was also, but it did not interfere so much. My knees constantly creaked, mobility was 30-40% of the entire range of motion. With increasing loads (jump, something to take on the shoulders and bear) hurt. Hips - dangled and pounded like worn-out pieces of iron, and after small loads they became very inflamed and hurt for weeks, not even letting you sleep, especially if you sit in a car on the highway for even 10 hours, the joints hurt for 3 days, and 1 day and night is very acute. And the shoulders-joints pounded, and did not hold the load, lifting something (not quite heavy, holding 5-8 kg) already caused pain.

On the this moment the knees do not creak, the hips do not dangle, and do not hurt, and endure any load, i.e. I'm not afraid to load to the maximum (limiter - muscle strength). Shoulders. The right shoulder is still a little weaker than the left in terms of withstanding loads, although the loads are already very high, the mobility and flexibility and stretching of all joints has become better than it was at 20 years old (although I didn’t specifically deal with mobility and flexibility for 20 years). The fingers bend in any direction and do not crunch, the feet also endure the load, I jump, run, jump over and do not feel restrictions in mobility. The limitation is only coordination, now you need to train the nervous system to control your body in dynamics. For a very long time (30 years) I did not do this (games, movement), and nervous system I just haven’t learned how to quickly control my body yet - I need to learn all this in a new way.

Eyes. There was an increased intraocular pressure, always reddened, the proteins were also bloodshot, tired, watery. I could not do precise work, there was no sharpness, even the watchmaker's magnifying glass did not help, my eyes got tired very quickly and there was a small range in the distance when it was sharp.

I read books with difficulty. Constantly chose the angle of view and distance. That is, the eyes are sick, and even age-related farsightedness, I needed glasses, but I never bought them.

Now, they don’t hurt, they don’t water, the squirrels are white, they don’t get tired, I don’t need reading glasses, I can do precise work (though with a watchmaker’s magnifying glass), farsightedness, of course, is present, but much less than it was.

I go without glasses. A magnifying glass (glasses) is needed when you study the text on the product packaging, when a small package and a lot of text (composition) are super fine print, and even in blue letters on a blue background. I think it would be even better if I focused on my eyes (exercises, the sun, etc.), but didn’t do it, apparently this is enough for me (like jewelry work not doing).

Yes! Eyes from gray faded became blue again!!!

Skin, hair, nails. It was: the skin was flabby, wrinkled, inflamed in places, it was not pleasant to look at. The nails are dry, hard, brittle, on the legs, in general, two large nails have fallen off, and they grew gray, cloudy and not streaky (burst, break). The hair is limp, soft, there is a large bald spot on the head.

It has become: the skin is even, toned, even on the chin it has become noticeably better, clean, without redness and inflammation, wrinkles have straightened out and smoothed out, which is interesting, even in front of the eyes and in the ear area (from smiles)

The nails are thin, transparent, flexible, easy to cut and grow quickly (beautiful) and on the legs too (new good ones have grown).

The hair became hard, strong, the bald head was covered with fluff, then sparse hair appeared, at the moment 80% of the bald head is covered with fluff and 30% of them are already coarse hair.

Examinations at the time of illness showed the presence of tumors in the liver, in the pancreas, in the head, and also, on the back, on the spine, under the shoulder blades there was a lipoma the size of a pack of cigarettes. So here it is now the size of half a pack of Orbit gum. The rest of the formations have not yet been interested.

Heart, vessels. Was: shortness of breath, burning in the chest, high pulse (90), high blood pressure(140-150 over 90-110), then a massive heart attack. I could not walk, I could not, I went up to the 1st floor (only in 10 minutes). The heart hurts constantly, uncontrollable fear. When I slept, I woke up 5 times and drank nitroglycerin, in general, I was prescribed 5 drugs to drink for the rest of my life, and besides them, I constantly used nitroglycerin for seizures (up to 6-8 times a day).

Now last time drank medication 2.5 years ago, nitroglycerin for an attack 2 years ago. My heart doesn’t hurt, I don’t get tired, I calmly train with a pulse of 130-135 beats, only with a pulse of 155-165 beats for more than 2 minutes there is a slight burning sensation in my chest, but I can already endure it and prolong the training, and with a pulse of 125-130 I can work up to 3-4 hours without a break. Pulse at rest 56-60, blood pressure 110-120 over 60-75, I run on floors, in winter I can easily run 30 km on skis in 3 hours 10 minutes, in summer on a bike 70 km on asphalt roads in 2 hours 20 minutes or on a treadmill 15 km at a ragged pace in 1 hour 40 minutes. And all this on the 2nd or 3rd day of hunger.

It is amazing how the blood supply to the skin and limbs has improved. Now I am not cold in winter and not hot in summer. I myself am surprised.

Well, at the end of the photo of Vasily for two years of his life, given in the diary.

It is difficult to imagine how this person's attitude to life has changed after the second birth. I think we all have a lot to learn from these people.

The essay contains references to the story of B. Raevsky "15 in the morning, 15 in the evening."

Option 1

Willpower is a quality that allows a person not to deviate from the chosen path, to remain true to his goal.

In the story of B. Raevsky, a hero named Julius demonstrates willpower. He had been preparing for a fight with Yashka for a whole year, despite the pain and torment. It was thanks to this quality that he was able to defeat himself and the enemy.

Another example of a man with a strong will is found in the same story. We are talking about Ali Mahmud, who taught Yulu how to become strong.

Without willpower, it is impossible to achieve a dream. This is a wonderful quality that helps to achieve a lot in life.

Option 2

I think that willpower is the ability to pull yourself together and continue to go towards the intended goal, despite the hardships and inconveniences. Without willpower, you cannot achieve something outstanding, because big goals always require big efforts.

So, the weak boy Julius, the hero of the story of B. Raevsky, it was thanks to his willpower that he was able to train for a year and eventually defeat the strong Yashka Krivonosy.

Another great example of a person with an iron will is the famous surfer Bethany Hamilton. At the age of 13, a shark bit off her hand, but this did not break the girl: she became the winner of many competitions and teaches children around the world to ride the waves.

Willpower is one of the prerequisites for achieving any, especially difficult, goal!

Option 3

I mean by willpower the ability to do everything that depends on you for the time that is necessary to achieve the goal. Willpower is determination and a strong character, it helps not to give up, even when you really want to retreat.

The boy Yuliy from the story of B. Raevsky hardly wanted to train every day, he admits that the year of preparation for the fight with Yashka was full of torment, but he was able to defeat the enemy.

And in the life around us there are many examples of people with a strong will. My older sister, despite the fact that she is not good at exact sciences, during the year spent all her free time preparing for the exam in physics and passed it brilliantly. So she became one step closer to her dream of becoming an engineer.

I believe that willpower is an excellent quality that requires composure, and the reward for strength of character will always be the fulfillment of any conceived desire.

Option 4

Willpower, in my opinion, is the ability to overcome oneself, to accomplish something that seems impossible to achieve one's goal. Without working on yourself, you cannot realize your dreams. material from the site

In the story of B. Raevsky, the frail Julius, being bullied by Yashka, at first does not understand how to rebuff him, because he is much weaker than his offender. But a conversation with a visiting strongman changes his life: he sets himself the goal of becoming strong and punishing the fighter. The torment and pain of training have borne fruit: Yashka is finally defeated. This victory was won only thanks to the strength of Yula's will.

The same quality helped the former circus artist Valentin Dikul to start walking again after a serious injury and damage to the spinal cord. His work on himself is admirable.

Indeed, willpower, aimed at achieving a goal, gives amazing results.

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I don't think you can live without willpower. Without a sense of humor - you can, without imagination - too, you can not even have talent, taste, some basic instincts, without material assets it is difficult to live, but it is possible - without giving, cars, matches and salt. But without will, without willpower, you simply will not exist. Moreover, for someone, the manifestation of will is to force oneself to jump from a bungee or parachute, and for someone it is elementary to get out of bed on time so as not to be late for school or work.

The most obvious and simple example of the manifestation of will is sports. There are no great athletes without the will, it is impossible. For example, when Irina Rodnina skated the Olympic program on a broken leg, while smiling at the camera, experiencing unreal pain. Just a textbook example. That is why I believe that children should definitely be given to sports. Firstly, because health, and secondly, sports bring up the will.

As a child, I had to walk ten kilometers to get to school. And, nevertheless, I studied with only fives and practiced sambo, at a time when my peers were playing on the street. And I didn’t do this because I was afraid of my parents, my father simply explained to me and gave an example of how to live, and how not to. And he explained correctly - what it means.

But the will cannot be possessed twenty-four hours a day. It's like when you carry heavy bags, from time to time you need to stop to rest. For example, when I am at an object and I am very tired or cold, or both at the same time, but I cannot leave, I use one simple psychological reception- I imagine that I am an android, I disconnect myself from fatigue, from cold, from pain. But I can't do this for a long time, only for a short time. I believe that the will is like a starter in a car, it helps to start the mechanism, and it will work for some time, which you may need to understand where you are going and how much effort is required for this. Just as gunpowder does not ignite without fire, so no conscious action, decision or thought is possible without a volitional effort on the part of a person, as the only rational being recognized on Earth.

It is wrong to always go against the current. This will no longer be life, but hard labor. Although some people consciously choose this form - to go only the most difficult path, only through overcoming, only from last strength. Only in this way they think it is possible to achieve a result, to achieve success.

Talent can do without will. talented person can succeed without having a strong will. Rather, he can become famous and famous, but successful is not a fact. When you look at works of art or listen to them, you understand that a person in this case is only a conductor of information or knowledge of a higher order. However, if you look at how many super talented people became successful and rich during their lifetime, you know - no, not much. Unless next to them was a person with willpower - a wife, husband, producer.

The list of professions in which it is impossible to achieve without the will is headed by sports, the army and business. Business is an aggressive environment, competition, constantly changing market conditions that make a person work hard and be strong. There are no weak businessmen, in any case, those who have really achieved success. There can be only one exception - if a person has invented something unique and fundamentally new, and that exception works until competitors appear. Or until the inventor is bought or taken away from his invention.

The percentage of alcoholics and drug addicts among strong-willed people is minimal. Will is a barrier to the way bad habits. Dissatisfied with life, there are also few pronounced pessimists among strong-willed ones - they have no time, they are always busy going towards the goal.

For me, an example, even a standard strong-willed person- my father. Looking at it, I understand that the will does not grow old along with the body, and in some cases it becomes stronger. I remember as a child, when my father was a captain, he sometimes took me on a flight. Naturally, I followed him everywhere, and then one day in the engine room, as a result of a small accident, he broke thumb hands in several places at once, literally a minute later the finger became large and purple. But I was struck that not a single muscle twitched on my father's face, he continued to calmly issue commands. Later, he answered my question, the will is like the intellect, like the muscles, it also needs constant training.

All successful people- have will. Because there is no other way to succeed. Only through overcoming, only against the current. And sometimes they don’t even understand what will is, they have it since childhood due to proper upbringing and lifestyle. It is a routine for them to get up at 5 am and work 16 hours a day, they do not understand that they are doing something special, supernatural. And vice versa, when everything is given to a person since childhood, when he is at the peak of a prosperous and carefree life and suddenly he needed to work. He begins to understand that in order to achieve something, you need to overcome something - your laziness, for example.

Crises and others emergencies put everything in its place. It is then that will manifests itself as a quality, it is then that it becomes clear - a strong-willed person is a person, or a rag. And in these moments, a person who has a will, or can remember that he, once upon a time, was strong-willed, will get up, dust himself off and move on. And in fact, he can succeed again, because in addition to the will, he now also has experience. But it can be different, and then the person breaks down, and finds himself on the sidelines of life.

The highest manifestation of will is overcoming the fear of death. Because it's the strongest human fear. And all examples of the absolute manifestation of will are mostly examples from the war. Karbyshev, Matrosov, yes, they died as a result, but they also achieved their goal, and the goal for them was more important than life, their example inspired and then taught several generations. Just do not confuse conscious willpower free man, with the action of a fanatic, intoxicated by someone else's collective will. Rather, on the contrary, the manifestation of fanaticism occurs in people who do not have willpower.

But it is not enough to have the will, it is important to be able to keep it, not to lose it. The will needs constant hardening. And most importantly, it's never too late to start. Even if you are over forty, and you are not up to Garibaldi or Stirlitz, it is still not too late, go for it - educate and develop the will, but remember - the fire needs firewood, and the will needs your physical resource, otherwise you will simply burn out.

The will can help you realize that you have chosen the wrong path. And you will be able to start all over again and direct all your attention to yourself in order to learn to listen to your body, again and again to look for balance, harmony between the need-I want and the really necessary-I can, and only then you can begin to realize your plans.

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If you do not learn to discipline yourself, nothing and no one can help you. And there is only one secret to discipline: do it consistently. I am sure that the problem of laziness is relevant for many people. Worst of all, there are very few who are aware of the presence of this problem in their lives. The Bible has a lot to say about this subject, and most of all the teaching about laziness and lazy people is concentrated in the book of Proverbs of Solomon. In this article, I will limit myself to only those passages that directly answer the question put ...


The value, we cut off its most important part - the spiritual, which underlies any of its manifestations. And vice versa, strength spirit has no direct relationship with the physical force and examples so many. The hardest thing is to strength will was a manifested active agent of a person - it is to be able to establish stable contact with the soul. And perhaps this is under certain conditions, among ...


One day, you can always do. If you can resist a bad habit once, over time you will be able to overcome it completely. Start again and again. Building your strength will not achieved in one day. It takes time to overcome the habits of many years. No matter how many times you fail, start again. Connect with your supporters...


Physicists choose to sit on a soft spot, then they do it according to their inherent will, strength which is no different from strength will applied to useful activities. just alone will recognized, the second - suppressed. Laziness is the tension that occurs when ... unpleasant and forced. The torment in the course of this forcing oneself into unwanted activities is called force will. If you can be spectacularly proud of these torments, the high of complacency can spur further purposefulness. ...


Boiled, Throw up, Take off, Revolt ... It seems that from the provided examples it is completely clear what is the reason and justification for the need to change the corresponding “spelling rules” in the Russian language ... As some addition to the ideas about Strength Woz (silavoz) and justification regarding the concept Strength should pay attention to the following. Word-concept ox and Woz are the names of the same constellation...


Manifestations ( volitional qualities). It is necessary to develop not abstract will and not even abstract force will", and specific components will and specific manifestations strength will"(volitional qualities), and by methods specific to them ... confidence in the performance of the main exercise; - providing insurance at the first steps of learning the exercise; - bringing in example classmates who easily and naturally coped with the exercise; - inclusion of "dangerous" elements in relay races; - exception...


Well motivated to work hard. Self-control and diligence as selfishness Diligence, self-control, strength will, self-discipline are all "capacities" that revolve around the proverbial motivation. All this is a fiction that arises where a person has conflicting desires. To example, one desire makes a person go to work, and another - to rest, and wins ...


You cannot develop it voluntarily - you either have it or you don't. If there is current motivation, do not strength will. Will needed when there is no motivation. Of course, it hurts to feel like losers, underachievers, fat and poor, with all the consequences ... it takes strength will. Haha, can you feel how the plot twists? Therefore, I will not even repeat these exercises here. And so it is clear that if you really wanted something, you would achieve it. History is full of similar examples. The question is...

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