Crossword on the theme of summer games. Crosswords for kids

1. ancient measure length equal to the distance between the stretched thumb and forefinger.
2. A tenth of a meter.
3. A sign denoting a number.
4. They recognize her when they get an apartment. If it's big, then they're happy.
5. A period of time equal to 12 months.
6. Mathematical sign in the form of a rounded line.
7. A line that has neither beginning nor end.

Vertically: 1. Pythagoras.
Horizontally: 1. Span. 2. Decimeter. 3. Number. 4. Square. 5. Year. 6. Parenthesis. 7. Direct.

Musical crossword puzzle for children 6-7-8 years old with answers

Solve the crossword Write in the boxes the names of musical instruments.

Answer: drum, harp, tambourine, trumpet, guitar

Crossword for younger students with answers. Proverbs and sayings

1. Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the USSR during the Second World War. (Stalin)
2. Old warrior. (Veteran)
3. It was made on June 21, 1941 by pilot I. Ivanov. (Ram)
4. A synonym for the word "Fatherland". (homeland)
5. Artillery gun with female name. ("Katyusha")
6. This one Noble act committed by a person risking his life. (Feat)
7. Legendary commander WWII times. (Zhukov)
8. Protective headgear of a warrior. (Helmet) Vertically.
9. Rapid attack. (Attack)
10. Besieged city. (Leningrad)
11. Gathering information about the enemy. (Intelligence service)
12. The armed forces of the country. (Army)

Crossword for younger students. Vegetables

Fill in all the cells horizontally by entering the names of vegetables ...

Crossword with answers for grade 3 on the topic: Trees

1. Powerful, sprawling. (Oak)
2. Tall, resinous. (Pine)
3. White-barreled, Russian. (Birch)
4. Slender, pointed. (Cypress)
5. Flaming, red. (Rowan)
6. Trembling. (Aspen)
7. Weeping. (Willow)

Crossword with answers for grade 3 on the topic: Mushrooms

I grow up in a red cap
Among the roots of aspens.
You will recognize me from a mile away
My name is ... (boletus). While the children - each in a beret.
Grown up - put on hats. (Redheads) I do not argue, not white,
I, brothers, are simpler.
I usually grow in a birch grove. (Boletus)

He stood in the forest
Nobody took him
In a fashionable red hat
Good for nowhere. (Amanita)

Mushroom king on a thick leg
The best of the bow.
He holds his head boldly
Because he is a mushroom ... (white).

He is similar in body to a pear,
Only with very white skin.
Get old - they will say this:
"Grandfather smokes tobacco." (Raincoat)

They wear red berets
Autumn is brought to the forest in summer.
Very friendly sisters
Golden ... (chanterelles).

Along forest paths
Lots of white legs
In colorful hats
Noticeable from afar.
Collect, don't hesitate
This is ... (russula).

Crossword for grade 2 with answers. Uspensky "Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat"

1. Geometric figure. (Triangle.)
2. Part of the plane bounded by a circle. (Circle.)
3. Unit of area measurement. (Hectare.)
4. A segment connecting a point of a circle with its center. (Radius.)
5. Three-digit number. (One hundred.)
6. Part of a line lying between two points. (Line segment.)
7. A rectangle in which all sides are equal. (Square.)
8. A geometric figure that looks like a dining table. (Trapezoid.)
9. English measure of length. (Yard.)
1. The distance between the ends of the segment. (Length)

Musical crossword puzzle for grades 7-8 with answers

1. Russian string plucked instrument with a triangular body and three strings.
2. A large group of musicians playing various instruments and performing together written for this composition works.
3. Simultaneous combination of several sounds various heights perceived by the ear as a sound unity.
4. German composer who wrote " moonlight sonata”, “Kreutzer Sonata”.
5. Type of concert-variety group.
6. String percussion-keyboard musical instrument.
7. Musical group from four performers.
8. High male singing voice.
9. Russian composer, author of the romances "Nightingale", "I loved you."
10. Wooden cane with a stretched bunch of horsehair, used to extract sound.
1 1. Wind musical instrument.
12. Composer, founder of Russian classical music, author of the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila", the romance "I remember a wonderful moment."
13. A person engaged in creativity in any field of art.
If all the words are entered correctly, then the letters in the selected horizontal line form a word that means "musical accompaniment". Answers

1. Balalaika. 2. Orchestra. 3. Accord. 4. Beethoven. 5. Ensemble. b. Piano. 7. Quartet. 8. Tenor. 9. Alyabiev. 10. Bow. 11. Flute. 12. Glinka. 13. Artist.

In the highlighted line, the word: accompaniment.

Literary crossword with answers for grades 7-8 "Guess the author"

2. The story "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer."
4. Historical novel"Ninety-Third Year".
5. Fairy tale "Rikki-Tiki-Tavi".
6. Fairy tale "The Snow Queen".
9. Poems "Girl grimy", "Ryovushka", "We are with Tamara."
13. Fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood".
14. Tale in verse "Humpbacked Horse".
15. The novel "The Gadfly".
21. The novel "Treasure Island".
22. The novel "The Last of the Mohicans".
24. The novel "Hyperboloid engineer Garin".
25. Tale-tale "The wonderful journey of Niels with wild geese."
26. "Notes on Sherlock Holmes".
27. Fairy tale "Fly-Tsokotuha". Vertically:
1. The novel "Three Musketeers".
3. Tale-tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City".
7. The novel "Robinson Crusoe".
8. The story "Dreamers".
9. Ural skaz"Malachite Box".
10. Fairy tale "The Adventures of Cipollino".
11. The novel "Twenty thousand leagues under the sea."
12. "Hunting Tales", "Golden Meadow", "Pantry of the Sun".
16. Novel for children "A fairy tale with details."
17. Tale-tale "Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat."
18. satirical novel"Gulliver's Travels".
19. The story "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka."
20. Poem "Uncle Styopa".
22. The stories "Konduit" and "Shvambrania".
23. "The Tale of a Real Man." Answers

Horizontally: 2. Twain. 4. Hugo. 5. Kipling. 6. Andersen. 9. Barto. 13. Perrault. 14. Ershov. 15. Voynich. 21. Stevenson. 22. Cooper. 24. Tolstoy. 25. Lagerlof. 26. Milked. 27. Chukovsky.
Vertically: 1. Dumas. 3. Volkov. 7. Defoe. 8. Nosov. 9. Bazhov. 10. Rodari. 11. Bern. 12. Prishvin. 16. Oster. 17. Uspensky. 18. Swift. 19. Gogol. 20. Mikhalkov. 22. Kassil. 23. Field.

History crossword with answers for grades 7-8

1. A male statue supporting the roof of a building, a balcony.
2. In the Middle Ages, the military competition of knights in strength and dexterity.
3. A person who is the full property of his master.
4. The phenomenon when part of the workers cannot find a job.
5. The science of predicting the future by the arrangement of stars.
6. Gun projectile for throwing.
7. sacred mountain, the seat of the gods led by Zeus.
8. Monetary fee collected from merchants for the transportation and sale of goods.
9. Security.
10. Annual auctions, in which merchants from different cities and countries took part.
11. Systematic collection of maps with explanatory text.
12. Russian commander, generalissimo.
13. The dwelling of the forest Indians of North America.
14. Paintings made from colored stones or pieces of glass.
15. Minister of the church.
16. Egyptian pharaoh, whose tomb was discovered in 1922 almost unlooted.
17. A plot of land belonging to a separate family of a serf.
18. Great Russian scientist, founder of the first Moscow University.
19. Woman, by folk beliefs, allegedly having supernatural ability harm people and animals.
20. Union, association based on contractual obligations.
21. Leader of the largest slave uprising in ancient Rome.
22. A person who cultivates the land. Answers

1. Atlant. 2. Tournament. 3. Slave. 4. Unemployment. 5. Astrology. 6. Core. 7. Olympus. 8. Duty. 9. Action. 10. Fair. 11. Atlas. 12. Suvorov. 13. Wigwam. 14. Mosaic. 15. Abbot. 16. Tutankhamun. 17. Put on. 18. Lomonosov. 19. Witch. 20. Alliance. 21. Spartacus. 22. Peasant.

Geography crossword with answers for grades 7-8

1. Warm current off the coast of North America.
2. Mineral.
3. Periodically gushing hot spring.
4. "Colored Sea".
5. The hardest mineral.
6. Part of the world.
7. Most high peak Caucasian ridge(5633 m).
8. The longest parallel.
9. State whose capital is the city of Sofia.
10. Russian navigator, author of the book "Journey beyond three seas".
1 1. Deep shell, located between the earth's crust and the core of the Earth; ceremonial attire of kings.
If all the words are entered correctly, then the letters in the highlighted vertical column form the name of the science of earthquakes. Answers

1. Gulf Stream. 2. Iron. 3. Geyser. 4. Red. 5. Diamond. 6. Europe. 7. Elbrus. 8. Equator. 9. Bulgaria. 10. Nikitin. 11. Mantle.

Mathematical crossword puzzle grade 7-8 with answers

2. Point of the plane, equidistant from all points of the circle.
4. A segment connecting the vertices of a triangle.
6. Part of the line.
8. Any set of points, finite or infinite, on a plane or in space.
9. The set of all points of a line lying between two given points on it.
10. Unit of length.
12. The result of the subtraction action.
13. English measure of length.
14. One of the dimensions of the parallelepiped.
15. Polyhedron.
16. An ancient measure of mass.
18. The largest chord of the circle.
20. The figure formed by two rays emanating from one point.
21. Centenary.
22. French mathematician who introduced the rectangular coordinate system.
23. Unit of mass.
24. Unit of time. Vertically:
1. The set of all points of the coordinate plane (x; y), where x is the argument, y is the value of the function.
2. Unit of mass.
3. Face side.
5. The place occupied by a digit in the notation of a number.
7. Subtraction action component.
11. Sign of action.
15. Hundredth of a number.
17. Letter of the Greek alphabet.
18. Distance between the ends of the segment.
19. A segment connecting the center of the circle with any point on it. Answers

Dear friends! Do you love SUMMER? Bright, hot, colorful, lively, fragrant?!. Surely, summer is for you - happy time sun and laughter! But in order for summer to come in full force, you need to “fill in” it by filling in the missing words from the proverbs in the cells. Each number is the beginning of words, which are located from left to right and from top to bottom. Rest is a rest, but charging for the mind has not bothered anyone yet. Moreover, proverbs are a great way to expand erudition, replenish lexicon and make speech richer, more figurative and "more accurate". In addition, proverbs are very moralizing. After all worldly wisdom proverbs are simple and always relevant.

Horizontally: 1. Sees ... far, but the mind is even further.2. ... chop, chips fly. 4. That ... sweet, where the mother gave birth.5. To be afraid of wolves - in ... do not go.6. ... extinguish until it flares up.7. … will not die, but the evil will perish.9. Words for ..., and deeds for vershok.11. ... the fisherman sees from afar.

Vertically: 2. One ... not yet a forest.3. … with water, and May with grass.4. ... they extract from the earth, and knowledge - from the book.8. Every sandpiper praises his own ...9. What is ..., such is the work.10. Choose a rod for fishing, and ... for fish. Answers: Horizontally: 1. Eye. 2. Firewood. 4. Earth. 5. Forest. 6. Fire. 7. Welcome. 9. Bag. 11. Fisherman. Vertical: 2. Tree. 3. April. 4. Gold. 8. Swamp. 9. Master. 10. Hook.

  • "Summer is a treat"
Few people like it when they "teach, teach" ... Especially - children. But they will surely like proverbs and sayings. After all, although they teach, they do it in an easy, accessible and unobtrusive form. And there is so much to learn from them! They contain the centuries-old experience and wisdom of the people. In addition to the fact that proverbs and sayings enrich our speech, they inexhaustible source knowledge to study the Russian language and the living conditions of our ancestors. Remember or guess the missing words of proverbs and sayings and enter them in the cells of the crossword puzzle. Words are written from left to right, starting from the top (first) line. Hint - the letters of the word "SUMMER"

1. In July, the yard is empty, and in ... thick.2. People are happy to fly, but ... to bloom.3. August - ..., suffering sovereign.4. Summer day ... feeds. Answers: 1. elop. 2. Alecp. 3. ratsug. 4. dog.

  • "Summer is on its way!"
Proverbs and sayings are a kind of life lessons, invented and passed on by people from mouth to mouth. These lessons are simple, accessible and unobtrusive. Just what children like! In addition to making our speech more figurative and apt, proverbs and sayings they can tell us about our ancestors and their way of life. For us, summer is, of course, relaxation and fun. For peasants, summer is, first of all, suffering, full of hard work and worries. Our proverbs tell about this. Remember or guess the missing words and write them in the cells of the crossword puzzle. Words are written from left to right, starting from the top (first line). Hint - the letters of the word "SUMMER"

1. For the winter ... August is preparing a pickle.

3. In bloom ... - it's time to mow.

Answers: 1. lots. 2. week 3. avart. 4. ecnlos.

  • "Summer is good!"
Riddles are words or sentences in which an object or phenomenon is described, but not named. From time immemorial, they have served as great entertainment for both children and adults. "Guessing" - a good workout for the mind! Riddles, like proverbs and sayings, embody folk wisdom. They are as old as humans. In riddles, a person and the world around him are simply and colorfully, briefly and expressively described. Many “verbal puzzles” about summer have survived to this day. About the time that “feeds the year” and which so pleased people whose lives were spent in poverty and hardships. Lifestyle modern man, of course, has changed, but for us "summer is a little life"! Full of fun, sun, warmth, serenity and lightness ... In our "summer" riddles there are clues - the first letters of the word "SUMMER". Start guessing from the top, first word.

1. On the street, a shirt, in a hut, sleeves. (chul)

2. The taste of the berry is good, But go ahead and pick it: A bush in thorns, like a hedgehog - That's what it's called ... (akivezhe)

3. From whom, my friends, is it impossible to run away? Persistently on a clear day

Wanders next to us ... (no)

4. The shepherd breeze blew his horn. Sheep gathered at the heavenly river. (akalbo)

  • "Those Funny Animals"

Entertaining crossword for summer camp"Young angler"

Prasolova Marina Valerievna, deputy director for civil and patriotic education, MBOU "Pilyuginskaya secondary school" of the Buguruslan district of the Orenburg region, teacher of the preschool educational institution.

Target: interesting and useful to spend leisure time;

- develop ingenuity, ingenuity;
- create an atmosphere of excitement and goodwill;
- having solved a crossword puzzle, get some kind of bonus for your team, or for yourself.
- form careful attitude to the surrounding world.

Material Description: This crossword can be used by counselors at a summer camp at a themed event, or during inclement weather.

1. Small water stream, small river;
2. A recess in the ground through which a water stream flows;
3. An aquatic animal with claws and a long abdomen;
4. High, knee-length, rubber stockings with galoshes, which are worn over boots;
5. Of all our freshwater fish, the first place in size undoubtedly belongs to this fish ...
6. A person who fishes in natural public water bodies illegally
(prohibited) fishing methods and techniques;
7. A body of water surrounded by land;
8. Hook bend;
9. Fishing device for making holes in the ice;
10. Ship cook;
11. Small live fish used for bait;
12. A species of fish from the perch family;
13. Hook point;
14. This object is used as a reservoir for gear and provisions, as well as a stool;
15. Artificial bait that imitates the movement of fish;
16. Thin flexible branches of this tree, as if exhausted, hang down, with the tips of the leaves touching the water.
Perhaps that is why the epithet "weeping" is firmly entrenched in the name of the tree;
17. A device made of steel wire with a fastener for hooking large fish caught;
18. A method of fishing, in which a special rod with a special braided cord bait without a sinker
thrown to the surface of the water;
19. Mesh device for keeping live fish;
20. This item is used to study the bottom topography, search for fish and foreign objects in the water column,
there are black and white, color, three-dimensional;
21. A small round hole in the ice;
22. Attracting fish with the help of food lowered for several days in the intended place in one and
the same time;

1. One of the oldest dishes of Russian cuisine, under which recent years two hundred means fish soup;
2. Famous freshwater predator, the heroine of a Russian folk tale;
3. One who fishes;
4. Thin ship rope and freshwater fish;
5. Jerk float and fishing line;
6. A narrow channel connecting lakes, bays, channels and river branches among themselves;
7. Duck word;
8. Fish from the carp family or slap;
9. Floating sign installed at anchor to indicate navigational hazards along the route
10. Artificial bait for catching fish;
11. An oscillating plate that shows the bite of a fish;
12. A long stick with a metal multi-prong, fishing of which is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation;
13. Used as bait;
14. River in the European part Russian Federation and an honorary title for clergy and nobles in Italy;
15. The emblem on the uniform cap of sailors (slang).

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