Nationalities living in the territory of the Russian Federation. The national composition of the population of Russia


Great and varied. In its open spaces, nature is beautiful in its versatility, and other wonders created by man. In addition, the territory itself big country The world has been sheltered by dozens of different peoples. Exactly this great wealth amazing hospitable state.

We know that many nationalities live in Russia - Russians, Udmurts, Ukrainians. And what people still live in Russia? Indeed, in the far corners of the country, small and little-known, but interesting peoples with their own unique culture have been living for centuries.

The national composition of the population of Russia

We will stipulate right away that Russians make up approximately 80% of the total population. A full one would be very large. According to some reports, more than 200 different nationalities are registered. This information is current as of 2010.

We will begin our acquaintance with the rest of the national composition of Russia with the most common. large nationalities those that are present on the territory of the state in the amount of more than 1 million are considered.


The ratio of the Tatar nationality among all others in the country is 3.8%. has its own language and regions of the greatest distribution.

In addition, it includes several ethnic groups: Crimean Tatars, Volga-Ural, Siberian and Astrakhan. Most of them live in the Volga region.


Let's continue our short excursion on the topic of what peoples live in Russia, and move on to the Ukrainians. Their number in Russia is 2% of total population. According to some historical references, the name of the nationality comes from the word "outskirts", which served as the basis for the name of the country - Ukraine.

Ukrainians living in Russia continue to honor their traditions, celebrating holidays according to their customs, wearing folk clothes. A feature of Ukrainian clothing is embroidery in a variety of colors. Main symbolic colors in ornaments - red and black.


The ratio of the Bashkirs to the entire population of the country is 1.2%. The territories where most of these people live are Altai, Tyumen, and other regions of Russia (Orenburg, Sverdlovsk, Kurgan and others).

To this day, ethnologists have not agreed on where the name of the nationality came from and what it means. The most common interpretations are " head wolf», « separate people”,“ Ugrian brother-in-law. In total, there are about 40 different assumptions.

The culture of the Bashkirs is significant for their songs, fairy tales, ditties.


Next, let's talk about the Chuvash, answering the question of what peoples live in Russia. The Chuvash people make up 1.1% of the population of Russia. Most of the Chuvash live in Tatarstan, Samara and many other regions of the country, the Krasnoyarsk Territory. And today their main occupation is handicraft, animal husbandry and agriculture.

The Chuvash culture is surprisingly beautiful and interesting. They have their own ancient developed mythology. National clothes extremely diverse, has many dozens of different cuts, color options.


Chechens in Russia are about 0.9% of the total population. This is one of the most severe nationalities in the country. At the same time, they are distinguished by wit, courage and endurance are inherent in them.

A feature of Chechen songs is a deep, incommensurable longing for home. There are many motifs of exile in their poetry and songs. Such poetry is not to be found in any other folklore.

One can notice the similarity of the Chechen people with the Circassian and Lezgin. There is a simple explanation for this: all three nationalities belong to a single Caucasian.

And we continue to uncover most interesting question about what peoples live in Russia.


In the population of Russia, Armenians make up 0.8%. Their culture is very ancient. Its roots can be traced back to Greek culture. The special flavor of this nation is created by their indefatigable cheerfulness and hospitality.

Armenian music appeared before our era. And today we know many world singers from Armenian roots. Among them french singer David Tukhmanov, Jivad Gasparyan and many others.

Armenian clothing is distinguished by luxury and pretentiousness. And children's costumes are simply irresistible, which is not seen in other nations.

We now know what peoples inhabit Russia, but this is far from all. In the far corners huge country there are still peoples who are not so many in number, but their culture is so diverse and interesting that we simply cannot help but remember them.

small nations

Russians know quite a lot about peoples whose number exceeds 1 million. But there are also small peoples of Russia, which you may not even hear about in your entire life.

So, in the Volga-Vyatka region, for many centuries, such nationalities as the Mari, Mordovians have lived. The server region is native to Karelians, Komi, Saami, Nenets. Komi-Permyaks and Udmurts live in the Urals. Kazakhs and Kalmyks have long settled in the Volga region.

Western Siberia is the homeland for the Selkups, Altaians, Mansi, Khanty, Shors, Eastern Siberia is for Tuvans, Buryats, Khakasses, Dolgans, Evenks.

On Far East such nationalities live as the Yakuts, Koryaks, Evens, Udeges, Nanais, Orochs and many other peoples, the number of which is very small.

The peculiarity of small peoples is that they have preserved and to this day revere their ancient pagan beliefs. They are characterized by following animism (animation of natural objects and animals) and shamanism (belief in shamans - people who speak with spirits).

How many peoples live in Russia in total?

In 2002, a pan-European data collection also included information on the ethnic composition of the countries' populations. Then received interesting information about what peoples live in Russia, and about their numbers.

The census figures in Russia showed that representatives of 160 different nationalities. This figure is simply huge in comparison with European countries. On average, people belonging to 9.5 nationalities live in them. On a global scale, Russia's performance is also high.

Interestingly, in 1989, when a similar census was conducted in Russia, a list of 129 nationalities was compiled. The reason for such a difference in indicators, according to experts, is the possibility of self-identification as belonging to one or another nationality. Such an opportunity appeared in 1926. Previously different nations Russia considered itself to be Russian, based on the geopolitical factor.

Dynamics in the ratio of nationalities

According to experts in demographic studies, in last years The number of Ukrainians in Russia has decreased threefold. Belarusians have also become much smaller, as well as Mordovians.

The number of Armenians, Chechens, Azerbaijanis, and Tajiks increased. Some of them even entered the number of those of which there are more than a million on the territory of Russia.

The dynamics in the ratio of nationalities is believed to be influenced by several factors. One of them is the decline in the birth rate, which has affected the entire country. The other is emigration.

Jews left Russia. Russian Germans also emigrated from the country.

Positive dynamics is observed among small indigenous peoples. On the contrary, they recent decades became more. Thus, we see that the question of what peoples inhabit Russia is always relevant for study due to its dynamics.

Do only Russians live somewhere?

We learned that many different nationalities live in Russia, in addition to Russians. Many who have discovered it may wonder if there is an area where only Russians live.

The answer is unequivocal: there is no region with a completely homogeneous composition of the Russian population. Only close to it central District, Central Black Earth, Northwestern. All other territories of the country are full of different nationalities.


In the article, we examined which peoples live on the territory of Russia, learned what they are called and where they are most common. We were once again convinced how rich the country is not only natural resources, but also human, and this is much more important.

In addition, we learned that the national composition of the population of Russia is not something static. It changes over the years under the influence of various factors (migration, the possibility of self-determination, etc.).

We hope that the article was interesting for you: it helped you make a mental journey through the expanses of Russia and introduced you to its so different, but so hospitable and interesting inhabitants. Now we can, without hesitation, tell anyone who wants to, if he becomes interested, what kind of peoples live in Russia.

Russia is a multinational country, more than 180 nationalities inhabit our poor country. What nationalities live in Russia? Let's look at the 2010 census data:

  • The titular nation is Russians. More than 111 million people or 80.9% of all citizens who indicated their nationality called themselves Russians. Russians are slowly dying out, drinking yaga, driving on broken roads, listening to chanson, watching the first channel and not really resisting their tsar with his puppet Duma, oil economy and total plundering of budgets. Which, perhaps, is even good for the Russians themselves. Belarus, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan look at the Russians with understanding.
  • The second largest nationality is the Tatars. There were 5.3 million or 3.7% of them in Russia in 2010. Tatars live not only in Tatarstan, but also in most regions of the country. This people has a long and rich history relations with Russians and for the most part lives in Russia, in peace and harmony with titular nation, despite a hostile past and belonging to Islam. Big rahmat to the Tatars for the fact that for many centuries they have not been at war with the Russians.
  • In third place are the Ukrainians. This brotherly people in Russia almost 2 million (1.4% of the total population). The Ukrainians of Russia have long been Russified (like their fellow tribesmen in the eastern part of Ukraine) and practically do not differ from Russians, with the exception of Gekany, a harmful character and love for fat.
  • In fourth place are the Bashkirs. There are more than one and a half million of them in Russia. They live mainly in Bashkiria, play hockey and pray to Allah. They live relatively friendly with Russians.
  • Chuvash and Chechens share fifth place. There are 1% of them in Russia, that is, about 1.5 million. If everything is in order with the Chuvash, then the Chechens have never loved Russians and are unlikely to love them in the future. Two Russian-Chechen wars at the turn of the century showed how strong the age-old enmity between Russians and Chechens is, and ostentatious “peace” and subsidized “stability” in Chechnya are temporary phenomena and a new massacre is only a matter of time. After Chechen wars there are practically no Russians left in Chechnya, and the local authorities, headed by the savage academician Kadyrov, are known for their inadequacy.
  • The Armenians are in the sixth place, there are more than a million of them. This people has long and amicably lived in the neighborhood with the Russians and gives Russian culture a huge amount of talented people. Petrosyan alone is worth something. By the way, Okudzhava was also half Armenian.
  • More than half a million souls in Russia have the following nationalities: Avars, Mordovians, Kazakhs, Azerbaijanis, Dargins, Udmurts, Mari, Ossetians, Belarusians, Kabardians and Kumyks. These are very different peoples, most of which live compactly in their regions. For some reason, the majority of Azerbaijanis are in Moscow.
  • Of particular note are the Jews, who are almost gone in Russia. And there were over 2 million in the late 1980s! Who went to Israel, who assimilated, and who fled from the gentle clutches of Putin's justice. Azohenway, in 2010 only 157,000 chosen people lived in Russia.

I was also interested in this question. But he never found the time. Seeing that not only I was interested in this, I decided to look for information and tell you everything that I learned.

How many nationalities live in Russia

So what kind of peoples live in Russia? About 200 nationalities live in Russia! I think it’s not worth listing all 200, I’d rather talk about the most basic and memorable ones.

Tatar people(5.3 million live in Russia). Most often they live in villages and villages, and the region most populated by Tatars, oddly enough, is Tatarstan. In a Tatar family, children are always taught to respect their elders. And girls are taught to run a household from an early age.

Bashkir people(1.5 million live in Russia). Most of(1 million) of this people live in Bashkortostan. It is worth talking about their main holiday, it is called Kargatuy - “rook holiday”. It is celebrated during the arrival of the rooks, and its purpose is to connect with the forces of nature.

Armenian people(0.6 million live in Russia). These are very friendly people. Their beautiful music appeared even before our era.

Chuvash people(1.4 million live in Russia). Lives in absolutely different cities, villages and villages of the country. Their main activity is agriculture.

And this (as I said above) is far from all nations. It is worth mentioning the following nationalities:

Why are there so many nationalities in Russia

In such countries as Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus (and many others) there are much fewer nationalities than in our country. But why?

Russia is very big country. Therefore, the Russian people alone will not be able to fill it. Thanks to this, we can live next door to people of other nationalities. For example, Tatars live next door to me. I really like talking to him and getting new experience.

Russia is rich in nationality. I think we can be proud of it.

The abundance of various nations and nationalities living on the territory of Russia largely depends on the history of its formation. Since ancient times, the Scythians lived in this territory. Also occupied part of modern Russia. In the Volga region and North Caucasus the Khazars lived, and in the Kama region - the Bulgars. Old Russian was formed from the tribes of Krivichi, Drevlyans, Slovenes, Vyatichi, Severians. Also, its development was influenced by the Finno-Ugric peoples. Thus, ancient Russian state was multinational from the very beginning of its existence.

The most common, after, are the Tatars. They live in the Volga region and in the Crimea. Mordovians and Mari also live there. Bashkirs live in the central part of Russia. The western part of the country is inhabited by the Chuvashs, Siberia by the Yakuts, Altaians and Khakass, the west of the region by the Buryats, Khanty and Mansi, and the east by the Evenks. On Far North, Chukchi, Aleuts, in the north-west of the country - Karelians. The Caucasus is occupied by Kabardians, Circassians, Lezgins, Chechens, Ingush, Circassians, Ossetians. Kalmyks live in the Caspian region.

The most numerous form autonomous republics and districts. There are 22 of them in total: Udmurtia, Chechnya, Ingushetia, Chuvashia, Tatarstan, Mordovia, Karelia, Yakutia, Khakassia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Dagestan, Komi, Adygea, North Ossetia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Tuva, Buryatia, Mari El, Bashkiria, Altai, Kalmykia, Crimea. Autonomous regions in Russia 5: Khanty-Mansiysk, Chukotka, Nenets, Crimean and Yamal-Nenets. Also, according to the names of nationalities, some settlements and geographical objects of Russia - for example, the city of Khanty-Mansiysk.

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